Article congratulations on the new year in the newspaper. happy new year

Tatyana Alekseeva, Executive Director of Sloboda LLC:

Traditional wishes for the New Year are health, love and happiness. May you have more time and desire in the new year to show your uniqueness, to know the world and yourself, to do something good and important. They say that 2018 will be a difficult year - such a forecast is given by economists and political scientists. Perhaps they are right. Or maybe, on the contrary, they are mistaken in their forecasts. But in any case, do not cheat on yourself, do not substitute others, help those who are worse off than you, be more humane despite the circumstances. Happy New Year!

Alexey Piryazev, photojournalist:

I wish you to continue to study in the new year, to become better, to seek and find new and interesting things, to be needed and give joy, to walk more, smile more often, read good books, believe in yourself and your loved ones. May the Fire be with you!

Sergey Kovalenko, director of Internet projects:

Dear portalers, every year I do not get tired of wishing you peace. In 2017, the wish did not come true, it does not matter, we will succeed in 2018. Listen, understand, love each other and learn to treat yourself with irony. Happiness, health, money. So that in your life there will be an “Ignore” button from mental problems (the other, most likely, will not be). Well, more good news (we are also unlikely to help you with this). Hooray!

Christina Vernigorina, Myslo correspondent:

I wish you all more good and positive emotions. Support each other and stay HUMAN in any situation!

Julia Koroleva, editor-in-chief of Myslo:

Dear and beloved myslovians! I wish you more sun. In Tula, this is a big strain for us ((. And if there are many sunny days, if summer is finally summer, and winter is real winter, perhaps our mood will improve? In general, we make our own mood. Do good deeds, share positive, be surprised by this world and surprise it in return!Believe in miracles, make wishes, and they will surely come true!

Larisa Timofeeva, editor-in-chief of the Sloboda newspaper:

I wish all the inhabitants of our cool Myslo portal (and the fact that it's cool, that's for sure!) more positive. May all adversity bypass you, and cherished dreams and New Year's expectations come true. Be happy, let love fill your hearts! I also wish you magic and miracles. From personal experience I was convinced that they happen when you really, really believe in them.

Tatyana Afanasyeva, Myslo blogger, Sloboda designer:

Happy New Year to everyone for whom Myslo is not just a set of letters on the screen, but a whole world where they love, believe and wait, where it is interesting, joyful and hot. Let there be more good news, smart debates, catchy jokes, cool recipes, bright pictures, heartfelt stories and wonderful people! Let's open the door to 2018 not with a kick, but quietly, with the feeling that miracles are nearby and are about to begin... *)

Yulia Alexandrova, editor of the department of politics and social problems:

In the coming year, I wish everyone stability. Real, which gives confidence in the future. Let all problems and worries be a thing of the past, and incomes will regularly exceed expenses. But the most important thing is the family, big or small - it doesn't matter, but always friendly and loving. Health to you, good luck and fulfillment of desires!

Elena Ryabikova, correspondent:

Friends! I sincerely wish you to meet the New Year and Christmas in good company, sincerely and warmly, at a beautifully laid plentiful table!

May 2018 not bring us, our loved ones and, in general, all the people of the small (by cosmic standards) planet Earth great disappointments and troubles. May there be more reasons for joy for everyone, may our relatives and friends not get sick, may the most cherished dreams and plans come true!

Goodness, peace, prosperity to all of us! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Lyudmila Bernikova, Sloboda and Myslo proofreader:

Our portal is a wonderful invention, because, according to Exupery, it gives “the only real luxury - the luxury of human communication”, becomes a magic wand when you need to instantly resolve something, easily translates virtual communication into real and brings people close in spirit. For this and much, much more, we truly, reverently love him, as it is impossible not to love your child. ;)

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, dear inhabitants of the planet Myslo!

I wish all of us to be a little more cordial, more beautiful in soul, wiser, kinder, “because kindness is more necessary and dearer to everyone, more trusting and stricter in this world”, I wish sincere friendship, true love and the fulfillment of many (but not all - so that there always remains what to dream)) desires. Since 2018!

Leonid Pochekin, evening editor of Myslo:

Friends, let 2018 be bright and memorable! Be strong and honest - above all, with yourself. Love every day, smile at people more often and breathe deeply. Do good and don't ask for anything in return. Discover the new and rethink the old. Let your life be filled with positive emotions, and there will always be faithful and reliable friends nearby. And of course, all of us - great weather! In the shower and outside the window! :)

With the approach of each new year, we all suddenly begin to believe in fairy tales that come true. I wish that in the coming year all our bright and joyful expectations come true to the maximum. So that after the funniest feast we get on the right plane that will take us to unplanned happiness. And when meeting a stranger in a sheepskin coat and with a long beard somewhere in a deserted place, the authors and readers of Myslo found the right words, for which they would later be rewarded a hundredfold. And most importantly, none of us should be afraid of test tubes with our analyzes. For doping is a temporary thing, but our health is eternal. And it will still be very useful to please the world with the most prompt, positive and joyful news.

Yulia Grishina, Myslo correspondent:

I wish you healthy optimism and faith in the best, in any life situations, believe in good and hope for tomorrow! May the coming year be full of health and love, and your wish, made under the chimes, will certainly come true. I wish us all only joyful events, good news, warm meetings and care of loved ones - everything that is called the simple word "happiness".
All the best to you, to us, and to our families! Happy New Year!

Dmitry Dzyubin, photographer:

I wish you light, desired changes, bright emotions in the coming year!

Lev Rychkovsky, Head of IT Department:

In the year of the Dog, I wish to be even kinder. Less sracha in the comments, be more fun! More joy in the soul, better mood! Happy New Year, I wish you good luck and respect.

Brouss Nika, correspondent of the newspaper "Lada"

New Year is the smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines. As in childhood, you want to believe in a New Year's fairy tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true, and wait for a miracle on a magical New Year's Eve. Winter is painted in white colors in order to start life from a white, clean slate. I want to wish you, dear readers, health, snake wisdom and the fulfillment of all your desires. Happy New Year!

Stanislava Kutsay, correspondent of the newspaper "Lada"

Happy New Year, friends!
I sincerely wish that every wish made on New Year's Eve will certainly come true! So that an old dream will come true! So that there are more bright and colorful moments in your life, and love will certainly settle in your heart! Happy holiday!

Svetlana Antonova, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate our readers and users of the site who have been with us throughout the year!
Users of the site are generally a separate category of people whom I would like to note and thank for the fact that they actively participate not only in the discussion of news, but also provide all kinds of assistance both to us, journalists, guiding, scolding, praising, and to people who are support was needed this year. Thanks to their opinions and participation, many city problems in the outgoing year, if not resolved, then at least moved forward.
The kind cat Leopold liked to say: “Guys, let's live together!”, but I want to. To paraphrase a little, say: “People, let's be kinder to each other in the new year! Even if not on a universal scale, but let's start small - with our families, neighbors, friends, colleagues. I wish everyone in 2013 patience, tolerance, mutual assistance, understanding, responsiveness, simple human warmth and kind eyes on the contrary.

Igor Nesterov, correspondent for the Lada newspaper

One calendar date replaces another. It would seem that what's the difference what number is on the calendar, but the transition from December 31 to January 1 for some reason always pleases and worries. Evaluate what was, think about what will be. I hope that you, dear readers, do not have anything bitter in the past, and only the brightest ahead.
The year of the fire-breathing Dragon is leaving, with which I congratulate the firefighters. The year of the Snake is coming, in connection with which I want to say: “Gentlemen, do not be snake-like reptiles! Read the Lada newspaper and you will be happy!”
According to statistics, most children are born in September. So I can guess what you, dear readers, are mainly doing on New Year's holidays. I'm not hinting at anything, but I will note that this is a necessary, useful and enjoyable activity. I wish you success! Happiness to your families, love to spouses, affection to children and grandchildren.
Let the children obey you and behave correctly in the new year, and if anything is in the corner, then let it be a Christmas tree or a pot of flowers. Let the confetti from the holiday cracker shower you with banknotes, and the tinsel will be long, long, like your happy life. Good health to all! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Rashid Ismagilov, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

The outgoing year brought many new events into our lives - some were pleasant and made us happy, while others, perhaps, upset us. In any case, this year is coming to an end. The next - unpredictable and unknown 2013 is coming!
I want him to bring into your life a new range of positive emotions, interesting events, unexpected and pleasant surprises, as well as cheerful, incendiary meetings and many new exciting acquaintances! May the coming year bring you only joy, may every day be filled with bright and bright rays of light in your life! Leave all your anxieties in the outgoing year, let it all remain there, beyond the line, in the past ...
I want to wish you that your wishes come true on the eve of the new year, so that all the plans you have conceived come true. So that you are surrounded on this day by the closest and beloved people. And even if you are in a quarrel with them, do not be too lazy to congratulate each other, do not be too lazy to apologize or forgive them, because sometimes we get hung up on such trifles that are simply not worth it. I wish you a merry and joyful New Year's Eve, in which you so want miracles to happen! Be happy! Happy New Year!

Gulnara Musalimova, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

Dear readers of Lada!

I hasten to say the warmest words in the coming 2013! The end of the world did not take place, which means we will live! We will make Lada, rejoice at your successes.
May your life be bright and harmonious, your home cozy and hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! May our problems be resolved in the new year, we will gain strength, get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for all that is good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!

May the new coming year
Our native Aktau lives in harmony,
People come with news to Lada.
And we will not leave them without a reward.

Let everything be calm on the roads,
Traffic cops behave, yes, with dignity.
Criminals so that everything has sunk into oblivion,
Let their song be sung.

And the coaches, on the contrary, let them be active,
Athletes we are preparing very strong.
For gold to flow here like a river,
And we would applaud standing!

Do not be extremely strict with us,
After all, sometimes we accidentally make mistakes,
Forgive us occasional mistakes.
We are not gods, we are not knights in armor.

The year was not easy, but tragic at the end,
But you were not indifferent to trouble.
Thanks for the support, consolation,
For faith in justice without a doubt!

Let's enjoy life together
Giving smiles to everyone will not be superfluous.
With all my heart I wish you all happiness and health.
Here are all my words that are spoken with love!

Alena Loginova, editor-in-chief of the Lada newspaper

Dear ladies, dear gentlemen, Happy New Year!
What excites us so much in this holiday? I would venture to suggest that the word "New" in its name. With the chimes, for a moment it seems that everything in our life can still be changed. As in childhood, when I wrote the daily routine on a piece of notebook paper, I hung it over my desk and believed that from now on every day you will do exercises and correct all the triples.
I wish you faith that you can correct all mistakes, forgive all offenses and start life from scratch. Like Joseph Brodsky in "A Christmas Romance":

Your New Year in dark blue
wave in the midst of the urban sea
floats in an inexplicable longing,
like life starts again
as if there will be light and glory,
good day and plenty of bread,
as if life will swing to the right,
swinging to the left...

Happiness to you!

Gennady Skraglenko, Director of LadaTV Press LLP

Dear friends!

The most unofficial and most desired holiday since childhood is coming - the New Year! Changing the main numbers on the calendar is an occasion not only to make wishes, but also to remember the past year. Speaking in business terms, we are all making plans for the future this evening and evaluating the past. I also want to sum up the life of our site for 2012.
The most important achievement of the outgoing year was your attention and your trust! We, the people working on the site, and you, our valued users, have realized over the past year how much we can do together. And we have already done a lot together!
Yes, we do not always agree on opinions, disputes often arise in the comments to the materials of our correspondents, and I think that this is correct. Heated discussions on the site show how different we are! But I believe that each of us wants goodness and justice, wants to make our region and country better.
To the spiteful critics, I want to separately wish, first of all, health and patience, and say the traditional "you won't wait." I want to assure skeptics that everyone who needs to read us, right down to the last comma, and there are a lot of examples of this.
I wish you that in the new year all your dreams come true, that peace and harmony always reign in your homes! May the Year of the Snake be rich in bright, joyful events! I wish you happiness, health and good mood and good news!.

A word from the new editor-in-chief.

December trial.

Over the past month, I had my "test of writing" internship on the site of the group of analysts "Point of View", and of course, Dato Gomarteli helped me a lot, instructing, supporting, encouraging and energizing me for serious work ahead. Thank him very much! - an unusual and specific project, and in order to lead it, and even more so to develop it, one desire is not enough.

Who am I? An ordinary person striving for spiritual freedom, not burdened by religious traditions and belonging to organizations that almost always leave their imprints in the form of limits and debt obligations. A man deeply imbued with what Igor Mikhailovich Danilov said in seven programs (in seven, taking into account the first - about geliars).

I take the baton on a difficult section of the path. I accept the condition to write in a simple, accessible and lively form, without journalistic pretentiousness, sectarian refinement and scientific academicism. And I understand that among the millions of existing sites on the Internet, there simply must be those that are aimed not just at popularization, but specifically at studying the Aboriginal Knowledge and related analytics. However, my best motivation is the golden millennium for humanity, and for the sake of this lofty goal, I am easily ready to sacrifice my free time. On the project, I will be listed under the nickname A ..., which means "administrator" for short. In order not to draw undue attention to personalities, I will add that under the "administrator" in time there may well be someone else.


Each of us can!

Good and evil, courage and cowardice, intelligence and stupidity, God and the Devil do not recognize geographical boundaries, state charters and national affiliations, they are in every person. Over the past century, we have built billions of walls and fences to separate us from each other, we have written thousands of laws to protect us from each other, we have created a huge amount of useless things to show each other that we are different, and this is the biggest the evil of division that divides people all over the world.

"The system separates, people unite!" - said Anastasia Novykh in her inspiring article, and I fully support her. Often a person himself, without knowing it, is an active conductor of the System, and then, disappointed, complains about some injustice. And all because he does not have elementary spiritual knowledge or the desire to possess this knowledge. Our modest work, in fact, is aimed at ensuring that the most ordinary person has at least a meager interest in understanding the fundamental question "who is he?", and then already making a personal choice.

Outside the 21st century. We have come close to a fateful milestone, times of severe trials due to the cyclical nature of global cosmic processes (), and it is very important for all of us to remember the main thing, the reasons for what is happening - striving for unity and friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation - so that humanity can survive on this small planet, correcting everything that has been corrupted over the centuries due to a lack of knowledge and disrespect for one's neighbor. Many of us today say: the system is too strong, the world is too distorted, what can I do alone? Surrendering without a fight and wasting our attention on the illusion of three-dimensionality, every second we pass by thousands of opportunities to change this world for the better, straighten out the distorted, because each of us has a huge potential, it is enough just to direct attention to the knowledge of ourselves, God, the development of our spiritual sides.

I believe if I can, anyone can. And one warrior in the field, if he is filled with the strength of the Spirit. But how the world will change when those who are strong in Spirit learn to stretch out their hands to each other!

Thanks and congratulations.

Thanks to everyone who believed in us and continues to believe in us. Thanks to those who supported us. Thanks to those who left us. Thanks also to those who, being in the support group, expected when we would make a mistake. Thanks also to everyone for whom we are like a bone in the throat. Without you and your help, in the light and the dark, we would not have continued our development, albeit through mistakes, but this is the path.

Friends, I want to congratulate you on the New Year 2017 and wish you Peace, Kindness and Love, and also to remind you that all of us, people living on the planet, being in our Spiritual component, that is in a state of wave, being on feelings, we represent - " single living organism", and in order to feel Him, it is enough to learn to live by Love, deep feelings. In each of us there is a piece of the One who created this delightfully diverse world. We must feel it ourselves and try to help others in this ... understand for ourselves and explain to others that a person with a divine Soul inside is a part of the whole and indivisible, whose name in different languages ​​is God ... a person with a divine Soul inside is not a sectarian, not a religious fanatic and not a fantasizing fool, but - each of us living side by side ... independently whether he lives in the north or in the south, in the east or in the west, he is black or white, Orthodox, Muslim or Buddhist We must do everything so that not new discoveries and technologies, not rockets and shells, but the hand of spiritual Knowledge, Help and Friendship has overcome the barriers that separate us, for we are all one.

Let there be more spiritually liberated personalities on the planet in the new year, they will lay the first floors for that very Golden Millennium, in which many of us believed. While the foundation for these floors are you and me.

Happy New Year 2017!

Sincerely, the team of analysts group "Point of view"

Everyone's favorite holidays are approaching - New Year and Christmas.


Another year has gone by. Each of us remembered him for something special: joys and sorrows, successes and doubts. Whatever it is, deep down we all believe that the coming one will be better than the outgoing one, brighter and kinder. With this faith, let's welcome 2012. Together with friendly congratulations, gifts and a generous feast in the circle of a loving family, hope and faith in the best enter our lives. These happy moments give us an understanding of what we are working for, what we have created and why we live.

Dear countrymen! We sincerely wish that the holidays illuminate your homes with light, add strength and inspiration to you for good deeds and undertakings. Let relatives and close people be near you, and the warmth of the family hearth will attract welcome guests. I wish you happiness, inexhaustible energy and optimism in achieving your goals, good mood and merry New Year holidays.

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Head of the Motyginsky district,
Chairman of the District Council of Deputies
V. A. Funk Head of Administration of the Motyginsky District
A. Yu. Tereshchenko

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Dear countrymen! Dear residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

The past year has been rich in large-scale events for our region. Several new large facilities were put into operation at once, which we have not built for a long time - a perinatal center, an ice palace, a bridge across the Angara. And besides this - a large number of smaller objects, but no less important for the inhabitants of our cities, villages and towns. These are our common victories, but everyone had their own, personal ones. Therefore, we are sure that the outgoing year should not leave disappointments.

Of course, everyone has their own, very personal attitude to what has already passed and is yet to come, but it is the multitude of personal stories, events, accomplishments, and hopes that create a bright canvas of life for the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory and our beautiful country.

We have no doubt that with your active support we will overcome all difficulties and achieve a lot in the new year 2012.

We sincerely wish good luck in business, health, fulfillment of the best hopes, warmth of heart to you and your loved ones!

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory L. V. Kuznetsov Chairman of the Legislative Assembly A. V. Uss

Dear countrymen!

On the eve of the new year, it is customary to remember the outgoing year. Even though it was not easy and brought new trials to each of us, we were able to live it with dignity. We all expect changes in the life of our country, in the life of each of us, from the New Year, and I would like to wish that these changes are only for the better.

I urge you to look to the future with optimism. I sincerely believe that together we will overcome all difficulties, and when we also look back at the end of next year, there will be only good things.

May only devoted, loving people surround you in the coming year. May all wishes come true, and the new year will bring new horizons and new victories. Success in professional activities and happiness in the family. Health to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

All the best to you, motherfuckers!

Congratulations to the residents of Motygino and Decisive on the upcoming New Year 2012!

I wish you, dear fellow countrymen, that every home has a full cup of health, kindness, prosperity. May the New Year bring you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires. Good luck to you and your children in work, study. May goodwill, smiles and understanding of relatives illuminate your path, and the New Year's mood does not leave on holidays and weekdays. Happiness to you, love, joy!

Head of Motygino P. A. SIPKIN

Success and happiness!

Dear residents of the district, the villages of Kirsantevo, Burnoy, I congratulate you on the New Year!

Leave sorrows to the old year

Forget anxiety, resentment, trouble.

Only health, success and happiness

I wish you a new year!

Head of the Kirsantievsky Village Council V. G. BARYKIN


Congratulations to all residents of Rybny, Belska village, Pashino village, Happy New Year 2012 to all Motygins!

May the New Year enter your home

With hope, with joy, with love.

And bring with him a gift

Great happiness and health!

Head of Administration of the Rybinsk Village Council

Dear residents of the village of Razdolinsk and the region!

We sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year 2012!

We wish you a New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

Both you and your children.

May joy next year

You will be a wonderful gift

And tears, boredom and trouble

Leave it in the old one!

Head of the village of Razdolinsk
N. V. Erimbetova,
village administration

Good New Year!

Dear fellow villagers of the municipality Mashukovsky Village Council! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2012 and Merry Christmas! With all my heart I wish you and all the inhabitants of the region well-being, prosperity, health and happiness in the new year. Let troubles and shocks bypass you, the best medicine is the understanding and love of loved ones.

Head of the Mashukovsky village council

Dear residents of Yuzhno-Yeniseisk and Kirovsky!

I congratulate you on the New Year 2012!

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness with all my heart

To live this year

Without sadness and worries.

So that you work with success,

And have fun on the holiday

And good luck with your business

And smiles on your lips!

Head of the village of Yuzhno-Yeniseisk M. N. Zaitsev

Happy New Year to the residents of Ordzhonikidze district!

We wish that in the new year only joys happen to you, separations, bitterness, sadness go away. Get richer year by year - money, friendship and health again. And let generous love warm you!

Head of Administration
Ordzhonikidzevsky Village Council
Pavel Yasyukevich, chairman of the Ordzhonikidzevsky village council
N. Ya. Kozlova

I sincerely congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Dear residents of the region! Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming New Year!

The outgoing year was truly bright, rich in events, meetings, visits, full of new achievements in the economy, changes for the better in the social sphere. We all worked hard and hard, each in his own place creating conditions for the development of the region, for our life to become more prosperous.

What the coming year will be like depends on you and me. From our determination, initiative, desire to work and make life even better! I am sure that self-confidence, enthusiasm and responsibility will help us to implement our plans.

Dear countrymen-motygins! May all problems pass you by in the New Year, may it bring prosperity and joy to every home! May all your dreams come true with good deeds. I sincerely wish you all good health, good mood, happiness and prosperity!

Sincerely, Head of Administration of the city of Lesosibirsk

Success and good luck!

Dear employees of OOO NOK and JSC GGOK!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

May 2012 justify the best hopes, bring peace, health and prosperity to every family. And may everything that you think of under the chimes in the last minutes of the outgoing year come true!

Ahead of us is a big and hard work, large-scale, responsible tasks.

We are sure that we will successfully solve them, together we will cope with any difficulties, we will implement all plans and ideas for the benefit of our teams.

Let the New Year breathe new strength into you, set you up for fruitful work, rapid accomplishments and bring only positive emotions.

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year 2012! We wish you success and good luck, so that you are surrounded by faithful associates and friends, so that there is peace, happiness, joy and prosperity in every family!

Sincerely yours, General Director of NOC LLC V.V. GURIEV Executive Director of NOK LLC T.P. DZGOEV General Director of OJSC GGOK V.A. MAKAROV

May your cherished dreams come true!

Motyginsky Village Council of Deputies congratulates all residents of the Motyginsky District on the New Year 2012 and a bright holiday - Merry Christmas!

Please accept my best wishes on this wonderful and magical holiday! May your cherished dreams come true in the new year. Long-planned projects are being realized, changes for the better are taking place! We wish you excellent health, fun, joy, kindness. Let all the bad things remain in the past year forever.

May this New Year

Happiness, joy will bring

And success at work

And everything you are waiting for!

Let your children laugh

May the sun always shine on you!

Chairman of the Council of Deputies


medical workers and all residents of the district with the coming New Year 2012 and Merry Christmas!

With all my heart I wish good health to you and your loved ones, cheerfulness, energy, optimism, creative success and professional growth!

May the New Year 2012 open new horizons and become a year of well-being and prosperity!

May true friends and reliable partners always be with you!

May the New Year be full


Joy, love and beauty!

Let him give the best moments

And fulfill all your cherished dreams!

Open your door with hope

Looking forward to happy change!

And he will step out of a snow blizzard

Under the native vaults of your walls!

Happiness, joy and good luck in the New Year!

Chief Physician of MBUZ Motyginskaya CRH A.V. Kudryavtsev

Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!

New Year's Eve rushes to us

on the cart!

And in the cart - goodness and smiles,

Golden keys and magic fish!

May your wishes come true

May friendship eventually

does not spoil!

Happy new year friends,

with new happiness!

A new life wrapped in passion!

Head of the Department of Education S. S. Lysenko


The Motyginsky branch of the Lesosibirsk-Avtodor State Enterprise KK congratulates all residents of the Motyginsky district with the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

Let the New Year be for you a year of good luck and pleasant discoveries, a year of good human relations, prospects and stability.

May your dreams come true in the New Year, and your aspirations become achievements! May all the good things that pleased you in the outgoing year certainly find their continuation in the coming year! Health and happiness to you and all those who are close and dear to you!


The District Council of Veterans sends New Year's greetings and best wishes to every resident of the district!

May only joy fill your life.


Dear comrades!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the bright holiday - New Year!

This holiday is near and dear to everyone. After all, it is in the New Year that we expect wonderful changes, we hope for changes in social and economic realities that will lead to an improvement in the quality of life for each of us. The outgoing year has brought us a serious strengthening of positions in the federal and regional parliaments. And we have established ourselves in the belief that to be a communist, to be a supporter of the party, is an honor and a responsibility. In the coming year, we take care and responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, the future of our children, we will defend our State Development Program in the upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation in March. We sincerely thank you for your loyalty, commitment to the ideals of equality and justice! We wish you, your children, relatives and friends good health, happiness, prosperity!

Bureau of the Motyginsky District Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Dear friends! Happy New Year 2012!

An unpredictable year of the Dragon according to the Eastern calendar and a heavy leap year according to ours. Congratulations everyone! Especially - our Komsomol members and pioneers, their parents and relatives, friends and sponsors, as well as communists, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans, internationalist soldiers, and especially those who cherish our long-suffering mother Russia, her peoples and the cementing the state is the Russian people.

We wish everyone a good mood, happiness, health, prosperity, success in work and in life, to survive the insidious Dragon and the leap year.

Secretary of the Komsomol committee V. I. Lenin
Smagina L.V. Art. pioneer leader of a pioneer organization
them. I. V. Stalin, doctor Kondin B. E.

Dear countrymen!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you good luck, success, prosperity, and most importantly, optimism for the future. Happiness to you and health!

Head of the Partizansky village council A. S. BONDARENKO

Good luck in everything!

Congratulations on the coming year 2012 to the team of OOO Management Company "Complex" and its leader!

We wish you good luck in all matters, health, happiness, prosperity! May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

Pupils of the Motyginsky Youth Sports School
and trainer-teacher Georgy Anikin

Siberian health and long years!

Happy New Year to all teachers of the Kirsantiev School! We wish you all the very best, Siberian health, long life, may your dreams always come true.

I would like to thank you for your hard work, patience and love for us.

Your loving students Kolya Onischuk, Natasha Onischuk,
Andrey Onischuk, Oleg Lebedev,
Diana Kostromina, Tanya Ovchinnikova

Dear countrymen!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year!

A few more years, and the sun of prosperity will rise over the Motyginsky district, if the inhabitants of the district and its leaders successfully use the potential of the territory. Powerful transformations are possible in the region in all spheres of life - in industry, social sphere, culture. New Year is the time for wishes. May all dreams of happiness, love, prosperity come true - about what every person dreams of! Let the life of our small and large Motherland become more prosperous, more arranged!

Happy New Year! With new happiness and good luck, dear countrymen!

M.G. Ishmetov, Leading Researcher
Ph.D. JSC "VNII oil and gas industry" Moscow

New Year and Christmas are long-awaited holidays. This is not only a great occasion to get together in a friendly company with close and dear people, but also to sit at the festive table, make secret wishes that will surely come true, and tell fortunes about the betrothed-mummer. Of course, I would like the calendar winter to please with snowy and a little frosty weather in order to feel the spirit of these slightly magical holidays with might and main. We hope that our new winter issue will bring a bit of a fairy tale.
This issue is unusual: the thirteenth issue is to match the past year, there are twelve articles in the issue, like months in a year, to be honest - it happened by accident, and the issue has a new format. We hope you enjoy our little experiment. Get comfortable and enjoy reading!

I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear TR Review Readers!
On this winter day, not everywhere, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May the New Year bring new moments of happiness, be filled with unforgettable moments and fabulous events. May each fallen star fulfill your most cherished desire, after which another one will appear, and it will also come true!
Let the new year be filled with new discoveries and achievements! And each person will find his muse and discover new talents in himself!
I would like to wish your favorite magazine many more wonderful issues, interesting and unusual headings and intriguing interviews with users and authors of our site!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
May all your dreams come true this year! let the quarrels of the past year be forgotten, relations are getting better and love reigns in life!

Dear TR Review Readers!
I hasten to congratulate you on the most magical week of the year! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas already knocking at the door!
May on these bright days all your most cherished, most secret desires that you make under the chiming clock or just looking at the sky, at the slowly falling snow flakes, come true! May this year be the happiest, best and most memorable for you! With all my heart I wish you all the very best! The most wonderful, the most unusual, the most interesting and the most exciting! I wish you to achieve your goals, find your love and find peace in your soul! May every second of 2014 be filled with joy, may life be only a joy for you!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!

May your most cherished desire come true in 2014, may the brightest event happen that will change a lot in your destiny!

May the new year bring the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Never stop dreaming, because life without dreams is not life. Smile and laugh as much as possible, let there be as many reasons and pleasant surprises as possible for this. May true friends always be near. Just be happy, healthy and loved!