Products for eyelash growth in pharmacies. Rating of eyelash growth products Balm MinoX ML Eyelash Growth

Thick and long eyelashes are the real frame of a girl’s face. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can boast of luxurious natural eyelashes. Modern cosmetics that restore structure and have a healing effect will help make them more expressive and voluminous. Let's take a look at the list of popular cosmetics and choose the best product for eyelash growth. But before that, let’s figure out why you need to use additional care products?

Severe eyelash loss and depletion of their structure is an abnormal process and signals negative changes in the body. The main causes of problems with eyelashes are the following:

  • unbalanced diet and, as a result, lack of vitamins;
  • diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes on the eyelids;
  • taking potent medications;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • chemical influence from the outside - extensions, painting;
  • neuroses and susceptibility of the nervous system;
  • allergic reaction of the body to cosmetics.

Products for good eyelash growth nourish eyelashes from the inside, help restore their structure, and accelerate natural renewal processes. Please note that when using cosmetics at first, eyelash loss may occur. This is due to the stimulation of the growth of new bulbs, which push out old eyelashes. Therefore, if there are no inflammatory processes on the eyelid, then eyelash loss in the first week is absolutely normal.

Eyelash growth product - from budget options to luxury ones

Before spending considerable sums on expensive cosmetics, it is recommended to try budget options, which are often no worse than their popular counterparts. As a rule, cosmetics in this category are aimed at strengthening the structure of eyelashes and improving their appearance. The composition of cosmetics includes macro, microelements, vitamins, plant extracts, healing oils.

Top inexpensive products for eyelash growth in pharmacies

American production based on proteins of plant origin (soybean and wheat extract). The product also contains castor oil, which is useful for eyelash growth. The bottle contains a little more than 7 ml. The product is applied once a day, at night. After just a week of use, the eyelashes lengthen, become stronger, and the process of loss stops. The cost of ARDELL BROW & LASH GROWS will be about 500 rubles.

Photo: Inexpensive and best products for eyelash growth in pharmacies


I used the product after pregnancy, when my eyelashes began to fall out along with my hair. I used it for 10 days and noticed results on the 5th day. I buy it periodically, especially in the off-season.

Irina, 32 years old

Eyelash extensions have ruined the condition of natural eyelashes. They became thin and lifeless. ARDELL BROW & LASH GROWS helped a lot.

Oksana, 22 years old

2.Eyes Care

MARKELL COSMETICS / EYES CARE is an unusual product that comes in the form of a roller that is applied to the eyelashes. Cosmetics users noted the ease of use of MARKELL COSMETICS. The bottle contains 12 ml. The cosmetics have a good vitamin composition: glycerin, peptides, B vitamins, silk extract. These components accelerate regeneration processes, activate dormant bulbs, and strengthen the structure of the cilia. The cost of the product will be approximately 250 rubles.

Photo: Eyes Care eyelash growth serum from Markell


An excellent product, especially if you use cosmetics in this category often. It helped me, the loss of eyelashes stopped, new ones began to grow.

Angela, 41 years old

My eyelashes were very “burnt” after a beach holiday, even mascara didn’t pull them out. I used MARKELL COSMETICS. I have pleasant impressions.

Alina, 19 years old

A good product for its price category.

Christina, 28 years old

3. Remedies for Aleran

Alerana is a Russian manufacturer that is famous for its excellent hair growth products. Alerana has two types of cosmetics - for night and day use. Each package contains 6 ml. The daily version contains chestnut extract, nettle extract and ceramides. They prevent fragility and help restore the structure of eyelashes. The product can also be used as a base for mascara, which will only improve daytime makeup.

Photo: Alerana eyelash growth stimulator

The night complex is rich in burdock oil, jojoba extract and almond extract. They nourish the eyelashes at the roots and moisturize them. The product strengthens eyelashes, but lengthening and increasing volume should not be expected. Aleran's cost is 600 rubles.


Strengthens well and copes well with fragility. I use the night series in spring and summer, when vitamin deficiency appears.

Yulia, 29 years old

Alerana allows you to strengthen eyelashes and correct their appearance. It has a pleasant smell and does not cause discomfort when used.

Natalya, 37 years old

4. Vivienne sabo eyelash oil

VIVIENNE SABO is burdock oil produced in Switzerland. Recognized as the most convenient to use. Has a brush similar to mascara. The bottle contains 6 ml. In addition to oil, VIVIENNE SABO contains citric acid and a vitamin complex. The effect of use is visible after a few weeks. Has a beneficial effect on eyelash structure and appearance. The price of the product is 200 rubles.

Photo: Vivienne sabo eyelash oil 6 ml


A very economical product, lasts for several months with rational consumption. Well heals eyelashes and stimulates growth.

Ksenia, 41 years old

Very effective cosmetics for pennies! To really get the effect of the oil, you need to use it for a long time. Nothing much will change in one week. But after 2-3 weeks, qualitative changes are evident.

Lera, 22 years old

VIVIENNE SABO is the only product that really works! I tried different cosmetics, including expensive ones. The effect is plus or minus one. But burdock oil gives results.

Alexandra, 30 years old

The best remedy for eyelash growth is luxury cosmetics

These products are distinguished by the use of innovative developments that actively and quickly improve the condition of eyelashes. They contain complex vitamins and rare and expensive ingredients. Cosmetics are of high quality.

5. Innovative tool Toplash

Toplash serum is designed to grow and strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. Regular use of the product increases the thickness, volume and length of hairs, and slightly darkens them. The product contains safe and effective active ingredients: extracts of ginseng root, thuja orientalis leaves and myristoyl pentapeptide.

Toplash - long eyelashes in 3 weeks
  • Thin, short and brittle eyelashes.
  • Weakened hairs after illness or extensions.
  • Light and sparse eyebrows.
  • Negative consequences of using low-quality cosmetics.
  • Hormonal disorders, postpartum care.
  • Eliminate the consequences of a lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Care after permanent makeup and tattooing.

Features of use

  1. Remove makeup and contact lenses from your eyes.
  2. Using the applicator, apply the product along the eyelash and eyebrow growth line.
  3. Perform the procedure once a day, an hour before bedtime. The effect will be noticeable after 2 months. daily use. After this, the frequency of use can be reduced to 2-3 times a week.

Price – 2290 rub. You can find out more and place an order on the official website.

6. RapidLash Serum

A representative of the expensive category is the “RAPIDLASH” serum. It is made in the USA. The serum will be an ideal option for those who may experience allergic reactions, as well as for those who are afraid of side effects from use.

Photo: Rapidlash Eyelash Growth Serum

The ingredients of the drug prevent eyelash fragility, protect against damage, and stimulate active growth. The serum gives eyelashes a healthy and well-groomed appearance. RAPIDLASH price is 3300 rubles.

What are the reviews for RAPIDLASH for eyelash growth?

I really love this serum, it's not cheap, but it's worth it. One product lasts a long time, is used very sparingly, and has a pleasant aroma.

Anastasia, 18 years old

The serum makes eyelashes grow before your eyes. But the stunning effect does not last so long - six months maximum.

Lisa, 27 years old

A good and high-quality product, the only negative is that in the first days of use it causes redness of the eyes. You walk like a vampire.

Irina, 35 years old

7. Strong Glamor

Sil-Glamour is a cosmetic product from a Russian pharmaceutical company for the care of eyebrows and eyelashes. Available in 3ml bottles with a brush. One bottle of the product is enough for 2 months of daily use. It is produced on a water basis, the active ingredient is bimatoprost- a powerful stimulant for increasing the hair growth phase. The growth phase of eyelashes is about 3 months, but when using Sil-Glamour, they do not fall out, continuing to grow further, creating the natural effect of long and thick eyelashes. Price for one bottle: 1600 rubles.

Photo: Product for eyelash and eyebrow growth Sil-Glamour

8. Serum Christian Breton

CHRISTIAN BRETON is a French product that is rightly considered the safest. Does not cause side effects or allergic reactions. The action of cosmetics is aimed at stimulating keratin, which ensures instant eyelash growth. In addition, CHRISTIAN BRETON contains glycerin and a vitamin complex, which ensures nutrition and hydration of eyelashes. Cosmetics volume – 4 ml. Price – about 2000 rubles.

Photo: Serum for eyelash growth - “Endless eyelashes” 4ml. —Christian Breton

The growth and strengthening of eyelashes can be stimulated in a variety of ways, from skincare products to pharmaceutical medications. Let's thoroughly understand this "fluffy" issue.

How quickly eyelashes grow: phases

Each eyelash consists of 4 parts: bulb, core, cortex and cuticle. The bulb, which is a kind of root, is responsible for the growth of eyelashes. It supplies nutrients and stimulates the eyelash. The pith produces and distributes protein along with keratin. The cuticle performs a protective function, and the cortex contains dead cells.

If any part of the eyelash is damaged, characteristic problems may appear: hair loss, slow growth or thinning of the hairs.

How long do eyelashes grow?

Development cycle of eyelash hairs: 1. Anagen, 2. Catagen, 3. Telogen

The hair development cycle is divided into 3 main stages (phases):

  1. Anogenic (growth). Lasts about 1 month. A healthy eyelash can grow by 0.12-0.15 mm per day.
  2. Catagen. Transitional stage, the duration of which is 5-15 days. During this phase, the hair becomes curved as the hair follicle actively contracts.
  3. Telogen. The final phase lasts about 2 months. After this period, the eyelash falls out.

All eyelashes are at different stages of development. For this reason, a person loses about 5-7 hairs every day that have passed the final telogen phase.

How long does it take to treat eyelashes?

A hair can grow completely in 1.5 months. Therefore, the growth agent must be used daily for 30-40 days to achieve the desired effect.

The growth of eyelashes, as well as their number and structure, depend on heredity. For this reason, many people initially have sparse and thin eyelashes that are prone to loss.

Why did your eyelashes fall out?

Why do eyelashes fall out prematurely?

Factors that negatively affect eyelash health:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • incomplete cleansing of makeup;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases (for example, hypotrichosis).

It is worth noting that a person’s age plays an important role in this matter. In older people, eyelashes grow slowly and lose pigmentation and thickness. This is due to a lack of hormones, minerals and vitamins in the body.

Eyelashes can become dull, sparse and lifeless after extensions and coloring. Such cosmetic procedures significantly damage the condition of the hairs. It is strongly recommended to replace chemical dyes with henna and refuse extensions.

Review of cosmetics

Weak, lifeless eyelashes take a very long time to grow, but this process can be accelerated with the help of various means - cosmetic and medicinal. It is best to resort to complex treatment and start taking vitamins for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows growth.

Cosmetic products give a full and relatively long-lasting effect only if they contain the following components:

  • minerals, vitamins and keratin;
  • taurine;
  • ricinoleic acid;
  • glucosamine;
  • bimatoprost or prostaglandin.

All these substances accelerate the growth of hairs, making them thicker and stronger.


Caperost - eyelash growth product

Careprost is a highly advertised product that has received a lot of praise from various well-known bloggers. The product is manufactured in India and comes in the form of a bottle with a dispenser. One package contains 3 ml. Drops can be used for eyelashes and eyebrows. The product contains a growth stimulator – bimatoprost. The solution is contraindicated for use by minors.

Promises from the manufacturer: accelerated growth and thickening of hairs, return of bright pigment. The product can really strengthen eyelashes and stop their loss. But this product does not help everyone: many buyers complain about the lack of visible results. For some people, significant effects only appear after a few months of use.

Toplash - eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

Toplash – eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

Irish product for eyebrows and eyelashes in a convenient package that resembles eyeliner. Among the main components there are extracts of thuja orientalis and ginseng root, as well as myristoyl pentapeptide, but there are no hormonal substances in the composition.

The product is hypoallergenic and suitable for people with sensitive skin. The serum prolongs the hair growth phase, reduces the hair loss phase and prevents fragility. The manufacturer promises ultra-fast results compared to other serums - in just 21 days.
In addition, the price of this serum is 30% lower than that of other high-quality analogues.

Another advantage: if you don’t like how Toplash works or have some kind of reaction, you can return the bottle within three months, which is especially nice considering the rather high cost of the product.

Now about the disadvantages: these include the previously mentioned price (2290 rubles) and the still insufficient number of reviews with dynamic photos on popular resources. You can buy the serum on the Internet; it is more profitable from the distributor, since you can “get in” to the promotion. Serum for eyelashes and eyebrows Toplash

Eyelash growth serum from Almea Xlash

Almea Xlash Eyelash Growth Serum

This serum looks like mascara and comes in the form of a small bottle with a convenient applicator. The manufacturer guarantees an increase in eyelash density by 20% and length by as much as 45%. On the official website you can buy the product and also see before and after photos. The safety of the serum has been proven by clinical studies. It contains 4 plant extracts, the description of which is presented on the website.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • many people mistakenly believe that this product is a medicine, although in fact it is cosmetics;
  • the effect after using the product is visible and impressive, but far from the longest lasting;
  • the price of the serum is quite steep (3000 rubles for 3 ml);
  • The product is prohibited for use by minors, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The product can stimulate hair growth for several months, but then its effect wears off. Roughly speaking, after some time the person is again left without eyelashes.

Platinus Lashes

Gel based on oils Platinus Lashes

An oil-based gel that helps accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The main disadvantage of this product: a lot of fake laudatory reviews on the Internet. Only this product is posted on the manufacturer's official website. The company constantly runs a dubious promotion: “buy now, only 15 packs left, price reduced by 50%.” The product itself costs 2000 rubles (without discount). It comes in the form of a mascara and has a generous volume of 10 ml, but that’s where the advantages end. The product is definitely not recommended for purchase.


Russian product for eyelash growth Alerana

The hair growth activator from Alerana has a double formula and interesting packaging. One side is for daytime use, the other for nighttime use. The product helps to achieve good hair thickness and stimulates their growth. The product consists of several active components. The day version contains taurine, panthenol, nettle extract and cyramide. The night formula consists of vitamins and vegetable oils.

The manufacturer guarantees not only the strengthening of eyelashes, but also the restoration of pigmentation. The hairs actually regenerate and darken along their entire length. Activator cost: from 400 rubles, you can buy it on the Internet and in some cosmetic stores.


Latisse eyelash growth solution

Initially, the manufacturer of the product released eye drops of the same name. Subsequently, another interesting property of the drug was revealed, which was its positive effect on eyelash growth.

Latisse is a solution made from a fatty acid (bimatoprost). The drug provides renewal of eyelashes. The active substances penetrate the bulbs, thereby stimulating hair growth. The product is available in the form of a 5 ml bottle. It must be carefully distributed along the eyelash growth line, avoiding contact with the eyes.

The solution may cause hairs to appear in unwanted places (if used incorrectly).

The cost of the product varies from 2000 to 4000 rubles. It is most profitable to buy on the manufacturer’s website.


Solution from India Carelash

The solution is produced in India and comes in the form of a 4 ml bottle. The kit comes with a special brush to help distribute the product. The solution contains a fatty acid (bimatoprost), sodium chloride, citric acid and water. The product may cause allergic reactions; it is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity.

The composition of Karelash and Careprost is almost identical.

Carelash has a cumulative effect. The drug helps to grow eyelashes in about 2-3 months of regular use. After this, the result must be maintained by using this solution 2-3 times a week.

Cost of the drug: 950 rubles. You can buy it on the official website of the manufacturer.

MD Lash Factor

Eyelash growth product MD Lash Factor

Conditioner containing glucosamine, biotin and panthenol. A good drug that helps achieve a visible effect within 1-1.5 months of use. The product is available in the form of mascara, one package contains 6 ml. The main disadvantage of the product: high cost (the price of an air conditioner varies from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles). At the same time, the product lasts for several months of use.

You can purchase MD Lash Factor online or in premium cosmetics stores. Before making a virtual purchase, you should carefully study the site, since many people counterfeit this air conditioner due to its high cost.

Perfect Eyelash

Complex of products for eyelash growth Perfect Eyelash

Perfect Eyelash is a complex of two products to stimulate eyelash growth. The set consists of 6 ml mascara and 5 ml lotion. Such volumes allow the drugs to be used for a long time (for 2-3 months). The products contain biopeptides, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, taurine. Eyelash booster (serum for eyelash growth) has exactly the same composition. The products do not cause an allergic reaction. The complex helps to significantly increase the growth of eyelashes and strengthen the hairs.

Cost of the set: 1500 rubles. You can purchase it in online stores.

Emulsion Riciniol-V

Emulsion Riciniol Basic

This emulsion is medicinal, so it can be purchased in pharmacies. The drug is available in the form of a 15 ml bottle. Cost of the product: from 200 rubles. Active ingredient: ricinoleic acid. The composition also contains natural grape seed and lavender oils. The medicine strengthens hairs and stimulates hair follicles. The drug prevents eyelash loss and increases their thickness.

Feg Eyelash Enhancer

Feg Eyelash Enhancer Serum

Feg Eyelash Enhancer is a serum produced in the form of a bottle with a convenient brush inside. The packaging states that the composition is 100% natural. The product consists of purified water, citric acid, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. May cause an allergic reaction if you are hypersensitive to the components.

The serum stimulates the growth of eyelashes and thickens them. The only negative: new eyelashes may be white at the ends, so they will have to be trimmed or constantly tinted. Cost of the product: 650-800 rubles. You can buy it in cosmetic stores and online.

Home remedies for eyelashes

What to do if your eyelashes fall out? Eyelash loss in a person can begin for various reasons. The use of cosmetic products is not enough, since most of them give only a temporary effect. In addition, some recipes can be implemented right at home.

Castor oil

Castor oil is known for its nourishing properties

This product is known for its beneficial properties for eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil nourishes hairs and strengthens them along their entire length. This remedy also stimulates the bulbs. The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, the average price for 50 ml is 100 rubles.

The product is best used as a stand-alone product. To do this, just apply it in a thin layer using a cotton swab. Avoid contact of oil with eyes. The product should be used once a day (before bedtime) for 1-2 months.

Burdock oil, cognac and Vaseline

Homemade eyelash mask made from burdock oil, cognac and Vaseline

An effective homemade mask for eyelash growth is made using burdock oil, cognac and petroleum jelly. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The remaining ingredients must be mixed in the following ratio: 1 tablespoon each of Vaseline and cognac and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. The mixture should be applied according to eyelash growth using a cotton swab.

Tinctures based on various herbs should not be used, as they are not effective enough. With the help of medicinal plants you can relieve swelling and get rid of signs of fatigue under the eyes, but they have virtually no effect on eyelashes.

Rose and castor oil

Rose oil

Another folk recipe that is easy to implement at home. You will need to take 1 tablespoon each of castor and rose oil. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and left for about 30 minutes. The solution should be applied before bedtime. The mixture accelerates the growth of eyelashes in about a month of use.

Vitamins also help improve the condition of eyelashes. You should take vitamins E, D, A, B. For your own convenience, you can buy any vitamin complex (for example, Aevit).

A procedure that should definitely be abandoned is eyelash extensions. It is recommended to refrain from heavy eye makeup and use only high-quality cosmetics.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have luxurious eyebrows and eyelashes from childhood. Today it is possible to correct the situation with the help of cosmetics without resorting to drastic decisions. We offer a selection of the best, in our opinion, gels and balms for eyelashes that strengthen their structure, activate growth, add shine and elasticity.

  • characteristics (composition, release form, method of application, etc.) of goods;
  • ratio of product prices to their effectiveness;
  • customer reviews;
  • recommendations of experts (ophthalmologists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, etc.).

The best oil for eyelashes

Eyelash oils are perhaps one of the most traditional remedies. Our grandmothers knew that castor oil makes eyelashes and eyebrows thicker and darker. Even now, oil-based products are distinguished by a more “natural” composition. As always, there are pros and cons to this. Negative aspects: natural products deteriorate faster if a preservative is not added to them. They are more likely to cause allergies. With them you will not get a quick and obvious effect - yes, growing eyelashes will be stronger, stronger, more elastic, and look darker. But it will not be possible to awaken dormant hair follicles. On the other hand, the oil will not cause depletion of the root, as happens with the thoughtless use of stronger drugs, has no side effects and is absolutely non-toxic in case of overdose. Natural oils should be applied from the middle of the eyelashes to the tips, without “painting” at the roots - the required amount will itself be distributed along the shaft of the eyelash to the root. Excess oil can cause swelling of the eyelids. You should use oil products before bed.

4 CC Brow Lash Oil

Excellent growth stimulation
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The domestically produced product appeals to beauties who want to naturally increase the length and volume of their eyelashes. The composition includes argan and burdock oils, which are the leading components. However, they are supplemented with extracts of alma, usma, almond, apricot and macadamia. The unique oil helps strengthen hair and activate growth by providing valuable nutrients. The product allows you to maintain the required level of hydration.

Users like the product not only for its effectiveness, but also due to the naturalness of the composition. According to the girls in the reviews, the result is noticeable after 3-4 weeks; longer use allows you to get long and thick eyelashes without harming the sensitive eye area. One of the disadvantages is the lack of a brush for application, you will have to get used to it. The product requires removal after 2–3 hours. CC Brow Lash Oil starts our ranking well.

3 Oleos Nutrition

Best price. Hypoallergenic
Country Russia
Average price: 168 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Nourishing product for eyelashes and eyebrows from "Oleos" takes third place in our rating and is awarded the "Best Price" nomination. This brand’s mix of peach, calendula, castor and almond oils is in wide demand among customers. The composition is enriched with vitamins of groups A, E and F. A distinctive characteristic is anti-allergenic, consisting of a complex hypoallergenic extract of chamomile, sea buckthorn, nettle and string.

  • The product prevents hair loss by activating the awakening and growth of “sleeping” hairs.
  • Regular application helps increase thickness and strengthening.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin types, does not cause burning, redness or irritation.

Experts and users emphasize in reviews that the composition carefully cares for the skin in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows. Improvement in condition is achieved by saturating the hair shaft with useful elements, as a result of which activation of “dormant hairs” is observed and their loss is prevented. “The eyelashes have become noticeably thicker and fuller!” – those who have tried this effective oil exclaim joyfully. The cost of a bottle (8 ml) does not break the wallet - you can continue to purchase the product as a preventative measure.

2 Sexy Brow Henna Mix

The best selection of oils for eyelash care
Country Russia
Average price: 315 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This product is designed for the most effective care of eyebrows and eyelashes. It contains a unique composition of oils that have the most beneficial effect on hair growth and quality. All components are obtained by cold pressing to preserve the benefits. Usma, burdock and apricot oils effectively stimulate hair growth and help strengthen them. This is one of the best combinations to achieve the desired result.

As users write in reviews, the product perfectly restores the hairline on the eyebrows. In just 2-3 months you can become the owner of luxurious thick eyebrows and long fluffy eyelashes. The drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is easy to use; the brush applies the oil quickly and evenly along the entire length. Application 2 times a day is recommended, but in practice the most convenient use will be just before bedtime. “Sexy Brow Henna Mix” is worthily included in the rating of the best eyelash products.

1 Elma Eyelash Oil

Most popular. Convenient release form
Country Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Here is the category leader – an effective natural complex of oils for strengthening and caring for eyelashes “Elma”. This popular remedy has been on the lips of fashionistas for the last few years. There is a note on the product packaging that the product consists of 100% organic ingredients - essential oils and plant extracts. The composition includes burdock and castor oils, oil extracts of milk thistle and nettle, vitamins of groups A, E, H and PP, hyaluronic acid.

  • Activation of growth.
  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Adding elasticity and shine.
  • Restoration of natural color.

The reviews positively evaluate the product and also express gratitude to the manufacturer for the clear font on the packaging. The release form is convenient in all respects - the brush is practical, passing through the neck of the bottle the optimal amount of oil remains on it. It is recommended to apply at night, and this is perhaps the only negative, since there is a high probability of staining the pillowcase and hair. At the same time, the product does not get into the eyes, you don’t have to worry about redness and burning. The volume of 10 ml is enough for a long time, the price is reasonable. After a month of use, you will notice that the eyelashes have become darker, there are more of them, they are fuller and stronger.

The Best Eyelash Serums

Eyelash care serums have a positive effect on hair growth and strengthening. The products presented in the category have the largest number of positive reviews from users and experts. The enriched composition is the feature of this product, which, coupled with a pleasant consistency, makes serums very popular for improving the condition of eyelashes in the shortest possible time.

4 Toplash

Perfectly strengthens and stimulates eyelash growth
Country: Ireland
Average price: 2290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Quite expensive, but very effective eyelash serum, which in addition to its strengthening effect stimulates hair growth. As users note in their reviews, after just a month of use, eyelashes become noticeably thicker, longer and look more well-groomed. In addition to good efficiency, the girls also appreciated the design of the packaging. A beautiful and stylish white and pink tube will decorate any cosmetic bag.

The kit includes detailed instructions for use. The serum is great for recovery after frequent eyelash extensions, for brittleness and dullness due to lack of vitamins, for strengthening during the period after childbirth and breastfeeding. Many users confirm the effectiveness of the serum in their reviews. After 4 months of regular use, tangible results are noticeable. The product is applied to the eyelashes using a thin brush. One of the disadvantages is the need to remove contact lenses before use.

3 Rapid Lash Eyelash Enhancing Serum

The safest. Shine and volume of eyelashes
Country: USA
Average price: 3105 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“A unique eyelash growth activator!” - this is what users say about the third line of our rating, which went to the serum of the Rapid Lash brand. An innovative product improves the condition of eyelashes by restoring damaged hairs. The result is fuller, longer and thicker natural eyelashes.

  • The safety and effectiveness of the composition have been confirmed during clinical testing. The serum is approved by ophthalmologists and dermatologists.
  • Guaranteed result after 5 weeks of use - elasticity, shine and volume.
  • Rejuvenating effect, accelerating hair growth and strengthening.

The course recommended by the manufacturer is 8 weeks. The volume of the bottle (3 ml) is just enough for one and a half to two months. One package is definitely enough to test for yourself how the serum works. The reviews emphasize that once you try it, you will be faithful to this product in the future. Buyers definitely recommend the serum and confirm the stated effect.

2 Eveline Cosmetics 8in1 Total Action

Affordable price. High efficiency
Country: Poland
Average price: 239 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most popular firming products with panthenol and argan oil. Women like the serum for its effectiveness and low cost. It is worth noting that this is the most inexpensive product in this category, which is not inferior in quality. The product has a liquid texture and is convenient to apply to eyelashes using a special silicone brush. Serum is used as a base before applying mascara.

As users write in reviews, the product is characterized by low consumption. The tube is enough for 2-3 months of active use. After the product is absorbed into the hairs, they immediately become noticeably denser and a curl appears. Regular use makes eyelashes longer and fuller. The drug does not contain fragrances or other allergens. Excellent for use by people with hypersensitive eyes or who use contact lenses. Eveline Cosmetics 8in1 Total Action Eyelash Serum is worthy of the attention of potential users and continues our rating.

1 Eyelash Booster Stimulator Elixir

Best quality. Stopping hair loss
Country: Germany
Average price: 1387 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The undisputed leader is “Aylash Booster”. This is an effective stimulating serum for preventing hair loss, which can also be used as a care product. German serum is appreciated by users around the world who prefer naturalness. Thanks to this product, eyelashes visually appear longer, and the number of hairs falling out is noticeably reduced.

  • The serum has a comprehensive effect on the roots of the eyelashes, as a result of which the eyelashes grow both in length and width.
  • Hair loss is reduced and growth is activated, so eyelashes become thicker and fluffier.
  • The drug increases the growth stage and the transition phase of eyelash development, slowing down the resting period.

Reviews say that the composition does not cause eye irritation or burning. This is a safe product, the results of which will not take long to arrive. Within a month you can evaluate how the condition of the eyelashes has improved and how they have strengthened. The effectiveness has been confirmed by clinical trials - which also indicates the high quality of the serum. Another feature is the permissibility of applying the product under mascara. The volume (2.7 ml) is enough for six months.

The best serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

Bimatoprost is a medicine against high blood pressure in the eyes. Accelerated growth is nothing more than a side effect from the use of this drug, which cosmetologists noticed and turned it into for the benefit of owners of sparse and weakened eyelashes. The principle of action is irritation of the follicles and stimulation of blood circulation, which in turn ensures an increase in the growth phase of eyelashes. The danger is posed by side effects, including the risk of developing conjunctivitis, the appearance of inflammation of the iris, the likelihood of retinal edema, etc.

4 Bioaqua nourishing liquid eyelashes

Contains natural silk protein
Country: China
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another worthy cosmetic product that will help you get the eyelashes of your dreams. The concentrated gel takes excellent care of hair and activates dormant hair follicles. Thanks to a sharp boost to growth, eyelashes become significantly longer and fuller in a fairly short period of time. In addition, the hairs themselves become stronger, elasticity appears and hair loss decreases. Over time, the eyelash line evens out and volume comes. After 3-4 weeks, users notice noticeable results.

The product has a unique composition, which contains natural silk protein, sea water and a complex of beneficial amino acids. Proteins improve and strengthen short hairs, making them visually longer, adding volume. The remaining components moisturize, add shine and elasticity. The product is applied once a day to the eyelid along the lash line. It is not necessary to use before bed, just wait until the gel dries and you can apply makeup.

3 Dreamlash

Best for damaged eyelashes. Applicator brush
Country: UK
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The active substance of the effective serum from Dreamlash is bimatoprost. The cosmetic product is in wide demand, as it allows you to get the desired result after 3 weeks of use.

  • Increasing the length and volume of eyelashes.
  • Restoring damaged hairs after extension procedures.
  • Convenient bottle (4 ml) with an applicator brush.

Reviews confirm that the use of serum reduced hair loss. The eyelashes acquired shine, and their shade became somewhat darker. In general, there is an improvement in the condition of the eyelashes; no side effects were noticed when applying the product. Contraindications include age under 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, allergies to components and eye diseases.

2 Queen Lash Eyelash Enhancer Serum

Fastest result
Country: USA
Average price: 1100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This is one of the best serums based on bimatoprost, which deservedly took its place in our rating. The drug for activating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows has many advantages. Firstly, it is an improved composition that eliminates irritation and side effects. Secondly, the product shows quick and incredible results, thanks to its positive effect on the active phase of eyelash growth. The serum is easy to use; it is applied to hair using a convenient and economical applicator. The tube is enough for 4 months of active use.

According to user reviews, the first result is noticeable within a couple of weeks, and after 2 months the eyelashes become as long as possible, voluminous and take on a darker shade. Thanks to this, the look becomes more expressive. Experienced users advise using the product at intervals, with short breaks. After complete withdrawal of the serum, the eyelashes return to their original state after 6 weeks. The only disadvantage that can be highlighted is the possibility of individual intolerance to the main active ingredient.

1 Careprost

The most effective. No. 1 among products based on bimatoprost
Country: India
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The basis of Careprost is bimatoprost, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins, which was originally developed for the treatment of glaucoma. But as a side effect of the substance, increased growth and increased thickness of eyelashes were found. It turned out that prostaglandins irritate the eyelash bulbs, including the “dormant” ones, stimulating their activity.

  • After 4 weeks, the first changes are an increase in the length and thickness of the eyelashes.
  • After 14 weeks – eyelashes are dark, fluffy and shiny.
  • Increased volume of the bottle with a built-in applicator – 4 ml.

The product should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Doctors recommend using the composition for a course of 2-3 months daily, then 1-2 times a week to maintain the effect. Reviews are replete with positive examples of how eyelashes have changed. Indeed, growth and strengthening are noticeable. Eyelashes are graceful, curved, healthy and at the same time natural. “You can forget about extensions and even mascara! This is the most effective remedy!” – buyers share their opinions.

The best eyelash gels

Eyelash gels are famous for their healing effect. They can be used during free time during the day, shortly before bed, or just before applying mascara. They effectively envelop the hairs, making them stronger, shinier and more elastic. Gels also help shape eyebrows and carefully separate lashes for a more open look.

4 Mixit Grow Gel

Suitable for all ages
Country: China
Average price: 595 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Mixit Grow Gel eyelash gel has proven effectiveness, which is confirmed by users over and over again. It contains the famous Widelash peptide complex, which provides phenomenal hair growth speed and also increases the thickness of eyelashes after 2-3 weeks of active use. By strengthening the hairs and acting directly on the hair follicles, it is possible to obtain an unsurpassed result. The gel reduces fragility and loss of eyelashes during makeup removal.

The product has a natural composition, which contains extracts of kelp, parsley, and cereal peptides. All this has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hairs, and also reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction. The gel is applied to dry eyebrows and eyelashes once a day. The manufacturer recommends carrying out the procedure before bedtime, after removing makeup. The product is suitable for all ages and all skin types. It is undoubtedly one of the best and starts the ranking well in its category.


Improves metabolism in root tissues
Country Russia
Average price: 210 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A unique balm-gel with the self-explanatory name “Growing Eyelashes” allows you to quickly and inexpensively achieve the desired result. This product will help every woman become the owner of an expressive look and thick eyebrows. This fact, as well as its high efficiency, is confirmed by satisfied girls in their reviews. Gel-balm perfectly nourishes, moisturizes hairs and promotes their growth. In addition, fragility and loss are significantly reduced, and, as a result, the thickness of eyelashes increases.

The composition contains only proven natural ingredients, including the best care oils: castor and burdock. They improve metabolism in root tissues and strengthen hairs. Wheat proteins protect eyelashes from dehydration and give them shine and elasticity. The product is applied to the hairs using a convenient brush. After an hour, you need to rinse it off with warm water and you can start applying makeup. This is one of the best eyelash products that is worth checking out.

2 Ardell Brow & Lash Growth Accelerator

Best for brittle and sparse eyelashes. Noticeable strengthening
Country: USA
Average price: 547 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product from Ardell is intended for eyelashes and eyebrows. The composition based on wheat protein leads to accelerated growth and strengthening of hairs. In the near future you will notice how brittle, sparse and dry ones turn into well-groomed and strong ones.

  • The concentrate nourishes, strengthens and activates the growth of “dormant” ones.
  • Helps restore eyelashes after extensions, and awakens eyebrow growth after excessive plucking.
  • After a month of use, the first results become noticeable.

Reviews say that if you want to achieve a “doll look,” this product is exactly what you need. A concentrated effective gel serum will give you longer eyelashes in a month. “It feels like your eyelashes have become stronger and more elastic, and your eyebrows are thicker! Finally, my eyes have become wide open!” – customers note. When applied, the composition does not spread, there is no feeling of stickiness or grease. A bottle (3 ml) lasts a long time.

1 RefectoCil Longlash Gel

Professional care. Elasticity and shine
Country: Austria
Average price: 1800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The action of the RefectoCil brand intensive eyelash care gel is based on the beneficial properties of vitamins D and E. Experts note that the product retains moisture for a long time, deeply nourishes and protects the hairs. Regular use of the gel prevents eyelash fragility, which has a positive effect on their length.

  • Professional hair care.
  • Strong, healthy and shiny eyelashes.
  • Increasing elasticity and preventing loss.

The reviews mention that the gel belongs to the professional line of products. It can be used to sculpt eyelashes with or without mascara. The result of use is strengthening and active hair growth. This product is the choice of those who strive for natural makeup and at the same time appreciate an expressive curve.

The best eyelash growth stimulators

How to wake up “sleeping eyelashes”? – Seek help from growth stimulants. These are products that contain components that improve blood circulation, beneficial vitamins and microelements. The task of the stimulator is not only to speed up the process of the appearance of new eyelashes, but also to restore the structure of damaged ones. Most of them are representatives of the premium class.

4 Lundenilona hipnosis

Convenient bottle
Country Russia
Average price: 2000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Lundenilona hipnosis has won the hearts of girls who want to make their eyelashes long and thick without resorting to extensions. The growth activator effectively affects the follicles, strengthens existing hairs and prevents their loss. As a result, in 3-4 weeks the look becomes more expressive, eyelashes become longer and thicker. Users in their reviews note that the growth line becomes smoother, denser and more uniform. Areas that were not previously covered with hairs become covered.

Girls also like the composition of the activator; it does not contain artificial components, everything is only natural, which minimizes the risk of allergies and irritation. Suitable for use even for people with sensitive eyelid skin. A convenient applicator in the form of a thin brush allows you to quickly apply the product to the eyelash line. After drying, you can begin applying makeup; as a rule, this does not take more than 5 minutes. Lundenilona hipnosis worthily begins the ranking of the best eyelash products in its category.

3 Christian Breton Paris Eyelash Builder

Premium class. Hydration and nutrition
Country: France
Average price: 2059 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Premium eyelash product from Christian Breton is designed to increase the intensity of growth and strengthening. A formula based on the interaction of polymers and wax is designed to make eyelashes stronger and denser. The composition contains Carolina algae, procapil and other components that are essential for the health of eyelashes. This effective remedy is valuable for damaged and weakened hair, which has become so due to extensions, exhaustion of the body after childbirth, etc.

  • Increasing the length of eyelashes.
  • Restoration of structure.
  • Nutritional impact.
  • Makeup durability.

The active composition demonstrates outstanding nutritional and moisturizing properties. During use, the product does not leak due to its thick, enveloping consistency, and does not hurt or sting the eyes. Reviews advise applying the product before bed as a mask, and in the morning after washing to protect against mascara. By the way, makeup now lasts much longer with the help of this product (thanks to wax and other useful elements). As blood flow increases, “dormant hairs” awaken and damaged ones are restored. After just a couple of weeks, you can see that new eyelashes are growing, and existing ones are falling out less often.

2 Aleran Dual formula

Dual formula for use at different times
Country Russia
Average price: 693 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The unique product for activating hair growth has a dual formula that has an individual effect on eyelashes at different times of the day. The “Day” formula provides hair protection from external influences and is the best base for mascara. The “Night” formula is intended for evening use after removing makeup. It actively moisturizes eyelashes after a long day, nourishes and restores structure, makes natural pigmentation brighter and has a positive effect on hair follicles.

The product does not require daily use on an ongoing basis. The manufacturer recommends using the growth stimulator at intervals, twice a year for 1–3 months. The packaging has two different tubes with convenient individual brushes. The product has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components. It is worthily included in the ranking of the best for eyelashes.

1 Almea Xlash

Best for awakening “dormant hairs”. Thick and dark eyelashes
Country: UK
Average price: 2780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Almea Xlash" is an effective conditioner-stimulator of eyelash growth. The key elements of the composition are soft coral extract, usma juice, arbovi and fo-ti herbs. The number of admirers of the product from the British brand is growing exponentially, and this is not surprising: safety, effectiveness, naturalness, simplicity are its main characteristics.

  • Noticeable increase in length and strengthening of eyelashes after 4 weeks of use.
  • A bottle (3 ml) is designed for three months.
  • European certification.

This unique eyelash product was developed by cosmetologists to activate the body's natural forces aimed at accelerated growth by awakening “sleeping hairs.” In a month you will become the owner of longer, thicker and darker eyelashes. Many reviews write that this conditioner is a real alternative to extensions. A nice bonus to the effectiveness of the product is a well-thought-out bottle with a built-in applicator.

Review of cosmetics

To stimulate the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, cosmetics manufacturers are developing entire hair care lines. They have different composition, price and quality. Which drug to choose?

  • enhances hair and eyebrow growth thanks to the wheat protein content.
    Price: 330–500 rubles.
  • – a German-made drug designed to strengthen hair follicles. It should be used daily on clean eyelashes. Manufacturers recommend using at night. Contraindication (hormonal drug): pregnant women, minors.
    Price: 4 thousand rubles.

  • – stimulator of eyelash and eyebrow growth. The product contains vitamins and extracts that help strengthen roots and improve density. Chestnut activates growth and darkens existing hairs.
    Price: 700–800 rubles.

  • eliminates dry mucous membranes, accelerates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. The manufacturer claims that the drug can be dripped into the eyes. Apply to eyebrows with a brush in several layers. Doctors note side effects from the drug.
  • Cena: from 950 rubles.
  • You can buy the product at a good price.

  • accelerates hair growth and promotes darkening. The first results are visible after a month of use. If you want to speed up the process, use more than once a day. There are no side effects.
    Price: 3 thousand rubles.

Is it worth buying a cheap eyelash and eyebrow care product?

So, Ardell Brow & Lash Growth. The manufacturer claims that the product enhances the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows and protects them from loss. The composition includes components that nourish the skin of the eyelids and hair follicles (panthenol, castor oil, plant extract, water and others). The drug should be used at night after removing makeup for a month. The course must be repeated 2-3 times a year. Among the advantages, users note:

  • accelerating the growth of small eyelashes;
  • no odor;
  • not noticeable on hairs;
  • availability (can be bought at pharmacies and supermarkets);
  • budget;
  • effectiveness (the product has a positive effect as advertised by the manufacturer);
  • economical (enough for 1–2 months).

The product contains components that nourish the skin of the eyelids and hair follicles (panthenol, castor oil, plant extract, water and others)

In turn, Alerana for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows has also established itself in the market as a high-quality product. Its advantages include:

  • efficiency;
  • compliance with advertising;
  • Convenience (the bottle and brush are comfortable to use).

Please note that one tube contains two products: day and night. If you use them correctly, namely, at the right time of day, the effect will occur immediately. Please note that the night treatment should only be applied to the ends. Otherwise, it may drain onto the mucous membrane, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

Advice! Before purchasing a product for eyelash and eyebrow growth, carefully study its composition. It should be rich in vitamins A, B and E. Additions of natural vegetable oil enhance the effectiveness of the drugs.

Traditional recipes for accelerating eyelash growth

If you do not trust cosmetics, believing that they are harmful to the eyes and skin, we suggest that you pay attention to folk remedies. They are easy to prepare at home from available ingredients. They are absolutely safe for you as they do not contain chemical additives. Plus good savings.

Cosmetologists use eyelash oils because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They nourish the skin of the eyelids, thereby accelerating hair growth.

Which oil should you choose?

  • to stimulate eyelash growth, use almond and peach oil;
  • Castor oil is suitable for strengthening hair, and therefore reducing hair loss;
  • to nourish eyelashes, you can use any natural oil, including sunflower;
  • Burdock oil is considered a universal remedy, as it cares for the skin of the eyelids and saturates it with useful substances to accelerate hair growth.

If you choose oil, follow these rules:

  1. To apply oil, use an old, clean brush from a brasmatic;
  2. The oil must be preheated for it to work more effectively;
  3. Apply the product only for an hour, remove with a napkin;
  4. You need to distribute the oil onto your eyelashes only after cleansing them;
  5. It is important to carry out the procedure daily, then you are guaranteed to get the desired result;
  6. The minimum period of use of oil for hair growth is 30 days.

To increase the effectiveness of the oil, cosmetologists recommend applying special handmade masks twice a week:

  • Castor and sea buckthorn oils are mixed in equal proportions with rosehip oil, carrot juice and vitamin A. The mixture stimulates eyelash growth.
  • Black tea with castor oil makes the black color of the hairs richer, thereby visually lengthening the eyelashes.
  • Comprehensive care for the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes is provided by a mask of castor, almond or peach and olive oil. An effective remedy in the fight against fine wrinkles around the eyes.
  • A mixture of vitamins A or E with any natural oil perfectly strengthens eyelashes.
  • Sunflower or olive oil with aloe or parsley juice, left for 15 minutes, will significantly accelerate the growth of eyelashes and give them strength.

In addition to oils, you can use herbal infusions. They tone and nourish the skin, stop inflammatory processes, and remove toxins. This leads to eyelashes renewing and growing faster. An infusion of chamomile, cornflowers, and sage brings benefits. Even regular black tea has a beneficial effect on the tone of the eyelid skin.

Do you know why your eyelashes grow much slower than in childhood and break quickly? Our eyelids are affected by the environment. We are constantly in front of the TV, computer, tablet screen. The eyes get tired quickly, and barely noticeable swelling appears on the eyelids. We also regularly paint our eyelashes, by the way, not always with high-quality mascara. All these factors lead the hairs to a deplorable state. And if you also increase them! Therefore, be sure to give your eyelashes a weekend without makeup, make masks from cucumbers or raw potatoes, and you will immediately get a positive result.

Advice! Nutrition affects the health of the body. To ensure that your eyelashes receive the components they need for growth, diversify your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, E and B.

Home remedies to speed up eyebrow growth

You might ask, why accelerate the growth of eyebrows if you need to constantly remove them? Please note that we pluck only those hairs that break the eyebrow line. Now it's fashionable to dye your eyebrows to make them brighter. Some girls even use permanent makeup to ensure the color lasts a long time. But why give yourself up to dubious cosmetic procedures when you can simply speed up hair growth? Thick eyebrows look darker and do not require additional coloring.

We reviewed cosmetics offered by well-known manufacturers. But even at home, you can help your eyebrows yourself. Let's look at the most effective methods:

  • A tube of lanolin cream should be mixed with 1 tsp. olive, castor oil and liquid vitamin E and A. The fortified oil composition can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • A universal remedy for accelerating hair growth is a mixture of castor and burdock oil.
  • Jojoba oil in combination with juniper or rosemary essential oil nourishes and strengthens hair follicles.
  • A mask made from calendula flowers is effective against hair loss. They need to be poured with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 and left for 8–10 days in the refrigerator. Soak cotton pads in the resulting solution and apply them to your eyebrows for an hour. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.
  • A rum mask helps your hair gain thickness and healthy shine. To prepare it you need to mix tbsp. l. castor oil and flaxseed oil, add 1 tsp. Roma The cocktail should first be heated in a water bath. Leave on eyebrows for half an hour - 40 minutes.

Advice! The easiest way to stimulate eyebrow growth is to comb them daily to the side and against hair growth. The nutrition of the bulbs is also enhanced after normal warming of the skin through massage.

All women dream of having thick eyelashes that add languor and sensuality to the eye. However, this is not always achieved naturally. Some were deprived by nature, others suffered due to care and excessive use of cosmetics, especially low-quality ones.

The state of the frame of the eyes is influenced by the way of life, the quality of nutrition, and the state of health. Extensions using low-quality materials or if an inexperienced technician gets down to business is harmful. Also, deterioration of the hairline occurs due to the use of certain medications, including chemotherapy.

In this article:

How to restore charm to your eyes?

Restore eyelash growth using vegetable oils (,), and various compresses. Vitamins are taken internally. However, now pharmacies have a fairly wide range of skin care cosmetics that are designed to combat the problem in a shorter time than folk remedies and show better results. By the way, it is also used for eyebrows.

Pharmaceutical preparations for restoring eyelash growth come with or without hormones.

Products with natural hormones are no longer produced. Nowadays, drugs containing prostaglandins are considered “hormonal”. These are just hormone-like substances that are not produced by the endocrine glands, but are synthesized enzymatically from some essential fatty acids in many tissues of the body.

Bitamaprost is one of these prostaglandins. The substance improves blood microcirculation in hair follicles, provides them with nutrition, brightens pigmentation, and awakens dormant follicles. Therefore, after the course, women note that the number of hairs has increased several times and they have become darker. Other prostaglandins are latanoprost, travoprost, unoprostone. Such tools work faster - the effect is noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

For those who are wary of hormones or similar components, plant-based products have been created. Their effectiveness is achieved through other active substances, namely:

  • natural oils (castor, shea butter,);
  • vitamins A, C, E, group B - eliminate dryness, irritation, nourish;
  • amino acids - building material for hair matter;
  • minerals - have a beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • bio-peptides - strengthens roots, improves structure;
  • taurine - a source of energy.

The vegetable oils used are almost the same as those used in home remedies - castor, almond, olive, etc.

Products based on Eleutherococcus and Gingko biloba trigger the growth of “dormant” follicles.

Plant-based activators usually have minimal contraindications and are allowed for use even in adolescents and pregnant women. However, effectiveness appears much slower - after 6-8 weeks.

Choosing a form

The second question: which form of the drug should I choose? They come in the following types:

  • serum;
  • booster;
  • gel;
  • emulsion;
  • solution;
  • activator;
  • balm;
  • air conditioner.

Also On sale you can also find colored mascara with caring ingredients.

According to their action, these products are:

  • nutritious - used after perm;
  • strengthening and restoring growth - used for normal eyelashes that need to be thicker;
  • therapeutic - prescribed by doctors after chemotherapy and certain diseases.

Most drugs are offered in a tube, like decorative mascara. The included brush may have different shapes. If the product is applied along the edge of eyelash growth, then it is thin, like a liquid eyeliner, or in the form of an applicator. If directly on the eyelashes, then it is the same as with the classic brasmatic. Some pharmaceutical preparations are produced in bottles; they are applied either with a brush or a cotton swab along the hairy edge of the eyelid.

The consistency and thickness of the products differs depending on the manufacturer. There is also a difference in the method of application.

Some drugs are applied before bed, others several times a day.

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions how and how the product should be used.

Effects of use

As a rule, the effect of modern eyelash preparations is aimed at solving several problems at the same time:

  • short hairs;
  • insufficient thickness;
  • thinning;
  • dryness, fragility;
  • getting rid of gray hair;
  • pigment burnout.

Some products care not only for the eyelashes, but also for the skin of the eyelids, giving it elasticity and restoring tone.

Review of popular tools

The market for drugs to stimulate eyelash growth is quite wide and allows you to make the best choice based on your needs, price, and ease of use.

Serum Xeno Laboratory Delashious

This new product belongs to intelligent peptide cosmetics and was created for the darsonvalization procedure and iontophoresis. It contains two prostaglandin molecules - PGE1 and PGF2a, where the first enhances hair growth, and the second activates microcirculation.

The drug helps fight aging, prevents the appearance of gray hair, and prolongs the growth phase. The hairs thicken and their density increases. The serum is used daily for 4 weeks, then 1-2 times a week. It contains zinc sulfate, caffeine, and amino acids.

Price: 5500 rub.

Eyelash Booster Pharmatheiss Cosmetics

The German eyelash growth product provides the following effects:

  • prevents burnout;
  • nourishes and restores;
  • causes growth;
  • increases volume;
  • lengthens and strengthens hairs.

The active ingredients of Eyelash Booster are caffeine, hyaluronic acid, arginine, panthenol. The active booster complex from Germany contains components that stimulate hair growth and strengthen it from the root. The product is used once a day, after removing makeup.

Price: about 1500 rub.

Talika Lipocils Eyelash Treatment Gel

Talika is a French brand of hardware cosmetics that is also suitable for home use. This The gel is one of the best plant-based, truly activating eyelash growth. The composition included: lecithin, extracts of apple, witch hazel, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, as well as lactic acid, allantoin. An increase in the thickness and length of eyelashes can be noticed within 30 days.

Price: about 500 rub.

Emulsion ARGO Riciniol “Clear Eye”

According to the manufacturer, the product is completely natural. The emulsion takes care not only of eyelashes and eyebrows, but also of the skin- smoothes, eliminates flaking, irritation and even swelling. Women who use eyelash care products at night often complain about the latter effect.

One of the main components is castor oil, other active substances are lavender esters, lecithin, an antioxidant component. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Price: about 130 rub.

Platinus Lashes solution

New a preparation based on castor oil, a biocomplex of coniferous extracts and humic acids. It increases the thickness and length of eyelashes, makes them stronger, thicker and stronger, and stops hair loss. Generating gel VOM enhances the effect of the solution and provides an antimicrobial effect. To achieve maximum effect, Platinus Lashes are applied at least 4 times a day. Efficiency in all respects is 40−45%.

Price: about 600 rub.

Growth activator Faberlic Expert

The active substance of the drug is the Capixyl complex - a combination of a bioactive peptide and red clover extract. The complex enhances the synthesis of proteins, in particular collagen, thereby “fixing” the follicles, and also suppresses the formation of the hormone that provokes hair loss. Extracts of silk and St. John's wort are also used here. The minimum course of treatment is 4 weeks with twice daily use.

Price: about 250 rub.

Balm MinoX ML Eyelash Growth

Active ingredients: coral extract, panthenol. The balm is applied before bed along the hairline. The first effect should be expected after two weeks. After four weeks, the volume doubles and the length increases by 40%.

Price: about 1000 rub.

Elma oil

This eyelash growth product is inexpensive and accessible to many. The composition includes traditional hair oils - burdock, castor, as well as fatty extracts of nettle, milk thistle, hyaluronic acid and a vitamin complex. Apply the oil to eyelashes or eyebrows for 15 minutes, excess drug is removed with a napkin.

Price: about 150 rub.

Conditioner Realash

A preparation based on silk and plant extracts of calendula, calamus, horsetail, flax seeds, and saw palmetto accelerates the process of hair growth and strengthens them. Intermediate results are noticeable within two weeks. When conducting studies in the controlled group, no side effects were identified.

Price: about 4000 rub.

Contraindications and side effects

Pharmacy eyelash products always have contraindications, one of which is intolerance to the components. This is especially true for seafood - strong allergens. Pregnant women may be cautioned against using prostaglandin-based serums, which cause smooth muscle contractions and may lead to miscarriages.

Typically, contraindications for such drugs are considered:

  • eye pathologies - blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis;
  • fungal infections of the eyelids or skin in adjacent areas;
  • ophthalmological operations;
  • age under 18 years (if the composition contains hormone-like substances);
  • diabetes;
  • course of chemotherapy.

After applying some products, a burning sensation is felt, but with each subsequent use the discomfort becomes less and less.

If you exceed the prescribed dosage, darkening of the skin in the area of ​​effect of the composition is possible.

Before using the product for the first time, you should always carefully read the instructions.

What do women think?

Do ready-made medications help women? If you take into account the reviews, the drugs, including cheap ones, really work.

« Pharmatheiss cosmetics Eyelash Booster is an effective product that helps grow eyelashes. Their condition worsened after a hormonal imbalance.

I noticed growth and increase in density after three weeks, the bald spots were overgrown. To maintain the results, I continue to use the product 2-3 times a week."

« Platinus Lashes solution saved my beauty. I underwent a long course of treatment, which caused my eyelashes and eyebrows to fall out. I used the drug four times a day, as recommended in the instructions. The solution helped me. Now I look great even without makeup.”

“After the extensions, my eyelashes were in a terrible state. Platinus Lashes helped me restore them. It was enough to use the drug for only two weeks to notice an improvement. After a month, the hairs had grown so much that it seemed as if they were artificial. So the advertising doesn’t lie.”

To enhance the effect of using the drug, it is recommended to simultaneously take vitamins for eyelash growth orally - such complexes are widely available in the pharmacy.

It should also be taken into account that approximately 1-2 months after the end of the course, the eyelashes will return to normal. Therefore, manufacturers recommend using the drug in the future as a preventative measure, but less frequently. The frequency of use is indicated in the instructions.

Useful video

Review of eyelash growth product.

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