How many artificial petals do you need for a wedding? How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands

Rose petals are the oldest, inexpensive and fastest way to bring beauty and romance to any place and any event. And this decor finds its main application, of course, at a wedding celebration. For your inspiration -

12 ways to use rose petals at a wedding:

1 Order a bridal bouquet.

There are many options for a bridal bouquet using pink petals (for example, various types). Usually such a bouquet is very light, unusual and original.

2 Pave the way to the altar.

If the painting takes place outdoors, then there is nothing more beautiful and symbolic than the road of love made of fragrant petals, leading the young to the place of their reunion.

3 Set up an impromptu site.

Multi-colored rose petals can easily be used to create shapes, patterns, words, or simply make a beautiful rug in any space, indoors or outdoors.

4 Shower the new spouses.

Instead of rice and sweets, it is much better to shower the young ones with pink petals immediately after painting. This is a beautiful and quite old tradition for a happy married life.

5 Decorate the car of the bride and groom.

Rose petals also provide a lot of stylish and inexpensive design ideas.

6 Decorate the banquet table.

Instead of bulky floral arrangements, you can scatter fresh pink petals of a suitable color on the table, which will immediately add an atmosphere of romance to the table setting.

7 Create compositions with floating petals.

One of the beautiful properties of rose petals is that they float on water. And this property can be used to create inexpensive eco-style compositions for banquet decoration.

8 Combine with burning candles.

The combination of a flickering candle flame and the velvet texture of petals is one of the most successful for creating a magical atmosphere at a wedding celebration.

9 Decorate the space with garlands of petals.

Pink petals can be used to make floral curtains, chic garlands, and various pendants; they can be used on their own or combined with non-floral decorative elements.

10 Use for a photo shoot.

Of course, a good photographer will approach the matter with skill and imagination, and pink petals are a stunning accessory for wedding photography!

11 Get inspired by a wedding cake idea.

The skill of modern confectioners knows no bounds. A cake strewn with sugar rose petals will become the center of your wedding celebration.

12 And finally, decorate the newlyweds’ bedroom for their wedding night!

A scattering of petals on all horizontal surfaces, in combination with candles, will turn a simple room into a bedroom worthy of royalty!

And may your wedding be the most beautiful, magical and memorable!

Liana Raimanova June 28, 2018, 10:11

There has long been a tradition of showering lovers with candies, coins, wheat or rice. Currently, this ritual has become more spectacular implementation using rose petals. The symbolic meaning of this process is also interesting: rose petals promise the young a long and happy family life. Usually relatives and close friends of the future couple shower the bride and groom, but the spectacle becomes even more amazing and touching if small children do it.

How many rose petals do you need for a wedding?

Initially you need determine the goal for which wedding rose petals will be purchased. To decorate a sweet table, a few buds will be enough, to decorate a bedroom - about 35 roses, and to carry out the tradition and sprinkle the newlyweds upon leaving the registry office and the bride's house, a basket the size of a standard T-shirt bag (about 1000 petals) will be enough. Think about how many people will throw petals into the air and calculate so that everyone gets a handful (approximately 50 petals per person). If you want to make a path for lovers, you will need at least 500 petals.

The more petals there are, the better, because they can always be used for other purposes.

Where can I get rose petals for a wedding? You can find them in any place related to floristry. Choose a large flower shop that has this service in its arsenal. You can also order rose petals for your wedding from an online store of festive goods, which offers a wide range of different shades.

DIY rose petal bags for a wedding

Baskets are a wonderful addition to wedding traditions. Why are they needed? This is wonderful petal storage option. From a beautifully decorated wedding basket, you can serve petals to guests so that they can sprinkle flowers on the young couple. In addition, this attribute fits perfectly into the overall atmosphere and attracts the attention of guests with its style and aesthetics.

Wedding bags, in turn, protect the petals from deformation in the hands of guests. When the invitees receive them in their hands, they will be able to put the petals into these molds. Another variation could be bags in which rose particles are distributed. It can be calculated so that there are several people per bag. Containers for petals are easy to make with your own hands, which we will discuss below.

Basket for rose petals for wedding

Which petals to choose?

Live rose petals are popular, but their price is quite high, and the petals themselves tend to fade. Please note that finding them in the right quantity may also not be so easy. Many experienced experts advise choosing petals made from natural silk. They are in no way inferior to their living counterpart, but are stored longer, are not afraid of environmental conditions, do not have a service life and look more attractive. You can also make it yourself using fabric, scissors or paper.

Alternative uses for petals

Where else can you use petals? Creative decorators offer different ideas for using petals:

Such traditions create a truly festive mood for a special event. In this way, guests express their approval and share the joy of the future spouses, wishing them love, prosperity and good luck.

Master class on making a wedding bag for petals

This is a simple but extremely necessary accessory, thanks to which a unique style of celebration is created. Stores offer a huge assortment of different baskets and bags for weddings: any size, color and design - your eyes widen at the number of envelopes. But no one can embody you better the author's unique idea. In addition, this does not require special skills in needlework. And the process itself is simple and entertaining. A little time, imagination and available materials is the magic formula for creating an accessory.

Required materials and tools:

  • thick paper of the desired color, A4 format (cardboard);
  • rhinestones, beads, lace (to your taste);
  • glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • satin ribbon;
  • lace napkin.

On any paper we draw a square measuring 15x15 cm and cut it out along the marked lines. Next, fold the paper into a “ball” shape and secure it with glue. The base is ready. We apply the lace napkin to the cut out template, cut it out and fix it with glue. If desired, decorate the bottom of the structure with a ribbon and wrap it in a bow. Now you can put the petals in the container! This convenient and beautiful little thing will make your wedding even more elegant.

How to make rose petal bags for a wedding

Even packaging for rose petals should look harmonious and seamless. Some tips will help you realize your idea without violating the integrity of the wedding composition:

  1. For a standard little bag, scrapbooking or regular colored paper works well; even sheets of magazines can come in handy. These wedding attributes are also made from fabric. Try looking for ready-made templates and printing them on a printer.
  2. For an interesting top, get scissors with a custom wavy blade. And with their help, walk along the top of the accessory, creating a semblance of waves.
  3. You can attach a label to the bag, on which you can indicate the names of the lovers and the wedding date.

Wedding bags for rose petals

Use our master class to make wedding bags and store them in a closed box. It is better to prepare the rose petals themselves on the wedding day or 1-2 days before it starts. Inspiration and good luck!

The video provides detailed instructions for making a bag for rose petals:

One of the most beautiful wedding traditions is showering the newlyweds with flowers, coins, rice, sweets and other elements symbolizing wealth, love, prosperity. Nowadays, you can see friends or relatives showering the newlyweds, and the most popular material for this tradition is rose petals for the wedding. By bringing such decorations, those present wish the newlyweds to love each other forever, because a rose is a symbol of love and fidelity.

Varieties of rose petals

Rose buds can be either living or artificial. Purchasing a large number of petals is problematic, because you need to negotiate in advance with sellers in flower shops, and it is not a fact that the required number will be collected by the target date. Therefore, wedding planners prefer to buy silk analogues, which are almost identical in quality to natural ones, do not stain clothes, and last indefinitely. Look in the video how beautiful and bright artificial rose petals look at a wedding:

How to use rose petals at a wedding?

There are a large number of options for using natural or artificial rose petals, and we will look at the simplest ones. So, you can decorate with petals:

A banner with hearts or cupids laid out and glued on.
The arch of the house where the bride lives.
Doors to your beloved's apartment.
Lawns on which you can lay out any inscription or ornament with flowers.

Wedding table decoration with rose petals

A wedding table decorated with flowers is elegant and luxurious. The decoration can be very diverse: from decorating dishes with rosebuds to chaotically scattering petals all over the table. The newlyweds' cake, decorated with pink petals, will become the pride of the newlyweds and the main decoration of the banquet table. This is the simplest and most successful solution for decorating a wedding banquet.

Artificial petals for decoration of wedding cars

Decorating a wedding cortege with silk rose petals is an original idea. They fit perfectly with all wedding decor: ribbons, balls, tulle, bride dolls. When decorating a car, it is advisable to adhere to a simple rule: if the car is dark in color, then it is better to choose light petals, and vice versa, when the car is white, then the artificial decorations should be darker. This decor looks gorgeous, especially since the silk rose petals on the car cannot be distinguished from real ones.

Showering the young with rose petals

The ritual of showering newlyweds with flowers at a wedding came to Russia from the West. It quickly and firmly took root in our country thanks to its beauty, simplicity and sophistication. Those present shower the bride and groom with rose petals:

when leaving the registry office;
at the entrance to the banquet hall;
on a wedding walk;
on photoshoot;
when the groom carries the bride out of her parents' house in his arms.

As a rule, friends or relatives of the newlyweds are engaged in showering the newlyweds, but you can entrust the action to small children. This will delight those present and bring pleasure to the kids. The tradition will look stylish if the children are dressed in the same clothes and coins, rice, millet or other attributes are added to the multi-colored petals, symbolizing prosperity, health, and well-being at the wedding.

To decorate the newlyweds' bedroom

Most couples prefer to spend their wedding night in the penthouse of a luxury hotel, where the staff always decorates the newlyweds' bed with rose petals. But if the newlyweds decide to spend the main night of their lives at home, then it’s easy to fill the bedroom with a loving atmosphere of romance on your own with the help of artificial roses, multi-colored petals, unopened buds and aromatic oils.

For a wedding photo shoot

After the wedding, the newlyweds for many years look with excitement at the photographs captured on the day of the celebration. They reflect the magic of loving glances and the magic of the holiday, especially if the photo was taken by a professional photographer. To conduct a wedding photo shoot, masters of their craft always use rose petals, skillfully combining them with other bright accessories: flying fabrics, ripe fruits, musical instruments and a variety of unexpected objects that look unusual and original in wedding photos.

Where can you buy rose petals?

Silk rose petals for a wedding can be purchased at any online store that sells wedding accessories. The variety of color schemes for this wedding decor is amazing, which is why newlyweds prefer artificial flowers. After all, they will not be damaged during rain or snow, they do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, and you can buy them even six months before the appointed date.

If the newlyweds decide to buy fresh rose petals at a flower shop, it is better to order them in advance so that they have a sufficient quantity. You can also negotiate with special wedding planning companies to deliver rose petals on a certain day and time, but this service will cost much more. You can also find such a service on the Internet and pay in advance so that the courier delivers the order directly to your home.

How many rose petals do you need for a wedding?

The number of petals must be ordered based on what objects will be decorated. For example, to decorate the interior of a newlyweds’ bedroom you will need about 30 roses. If you order only to shower the newlyweds when leaving the registry office, then the flower shop will offer you one plastic T-shirt bag with live buds, and this volume will be quite enough. To decorate the main wedding car you need a very small number of buds, which they can give you for free in any wedding salon.

How much in advance to order and how long are the petals stored?

You can order flowers for wedding decoration 2 days in advance, then they will remain fresh by the appointed time of marriage registration, you just need to store them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. If for some reason you were given a surprise - live petals were brought ahead of the appointed time, then so that they do not fade for a long time, you can use the following ingredients to help:

table salt;
cardboard box.
To preserve living roses, you need to pour a layer of semolina about 6 centimeters into the bottom of the box, place the buds, and cover the top with the same ball of cereal and close the box tightly with the lid. After a couple of weeks, you should remove the stuck grain with a brush and after this treatment the petals will remain fresh for a long time. Instead of semolina, many people use table salt - the result remains the same.

The tradition of showering newlyweds with coins, sweets and rice at their wedding has existed since ancient times. But today it begins to transform and becomes much more spectacular, thanks to rose petals. According to experts, showering flowers symbolizes eternal love and peace in the family. Let's look at how else rose petals are used for weddings in this article.

What types of rose petals are there for a wedding?

Most often, newlyweds prefer to use live rose petals for the ceremony. But they tend to fade quickly, and it is often difficult to purchase large quantities. And their cost can be steep. Therefore, many wedding organizers suggest newlyweds use artificial petals made of natural silk. In terms of their aesthetics, they look no worse than natural colors, but they are stored for a long time and do not stain clothes.

You can also make your own petals. To do this you will need suitable fabric or paper and scissors.

How and when to use?

Rose petals will help make your wedding celebration very romantic. They are used not only for sprinkling newlyweds, but also for other purposes.

  • Decor of festive tables. Most often, rose petals are scattered on a white tablecloth, which gives a special romantic atmosphere. This decoration will help guests tune in to the desired wave and relax; as an addition, you can use candles that will add mystery to the holiday.
  • Decorating a car for young people. For scattering petals around the car, the silk option is best suited. When decorating, you need to take into account the color of the car and the petal, for example, light flowers will look best on a dark car, and on the contrary, more saturated ones on a light car. The petals go well with other decorative details of the wedding procession, so you don’t have to worry about the overall picture.
  • To decorate a young couple's bedroom. For the bride and groom, the first wedding night is no less important an event than the wedding itself. Often hotels that provide rooms for newlyweds decorate the bed with rose petals, creating an incredibly romantic atmosphere. For those who want to spend their first night at home as official spouses, you also shouldn’t give up on the exquisite nuances in bedroom decor.
  • Also, petals are often used for photo sessions of young people. Atmospheric photographs of one of the most important events in everyone’s life can become a vivid reminder of the celebration.

Sprinkling the newlyweds with rose petals

Sprinkling rose petals over young people is a tradition that came to us from the West, but this does not make it any less impressive and beautiful. Sprinkling the bride and groom is the responsibility of friends and relatives, but you can also invite small children to do this.

Usually the moment of sprinkling occurs when the newly-made family leaves the registry office, but this is not a mandatory rule. The ritual can be performed during the newlyweds’ arrival at the celebration site or at any other moment that will be planned in the wedding scenario. Poems that can be read by the presenter or one of the relatives will help to maintain a special atmosphere or set a certain tone for the shower.

Where to buy and what to look for when buying?

A natural question that many may have is: where can I get natural or artificial rose petals?

For natural petals you need to go to a flower shop. It is best to choose not a small kiosk, but a large store. Usually orders for petals are made in advance, about 2-3 weeks in advance. But it is worth remembering that not all companies provide this service.

With artificial petals the situation is much simpler. They can be found in any online store offering goods for the holiday or in wedding salons. The rich color palette of artificial petals will allow you to choose the right shade, depending on the wishes of the bride and groom.

How many petals are needed and how to store them?

How many petals do you need for a wedding celebration? It all depends on what purposes they are intended for. For example, for sprinkling, you need to calculate the quantity, based on how many people will throw petals, everyone should get at least a handful of decorations. And to decorate the bedroom you will need about 20 roses, this amount is quite enough to scatter petals on the bed.

In order for natural petals to retain their freshness, it is better to arrange delivery a couple of hours before the ceremony. But if the company made the delivery earlier, then placing them in a common refrigeration chamber will help preserve the freshness of the flowers.

Bags and baskets for petals

Baskets and bags for petals will be a wonderful and original addition to the romantic tradition of sprinkling. So what are they for?

A petal basket is an excellent option for storing buds. It is easy to offer petals to guests so that they, in turn, can sprinkle the bride and groom leaving the official ceremony as spouses. And as a wedding accessory, baskets look very aesthetically pleasing.

The rose is a symbol of luxury and prosperity; it was sung by poets and captured on canvas by artists. It's no secret that the rose is the “queen of flowers,” which is why it is loved by everyone and would be appropriate at any celebration. The noble appearance and delicate scent of roses drives many women crazy, but real men use it at every opportunity. Even without knowing a woman’s tastes in relation to flowers, giving her a snow-white beauty is a win-win option. No matter how many new varieties appear, there will always be a place for this flower among the favorites.

Are white roses given as a wedding gift?

A wedding is a solemn and extraordinary event. Guests traditionally come with flowers to give to the newlyweds. Why shouldn’t there be white roses among the bouquets? These flowers are very symbolic, as light and tender as the bride herself, they are a symbol of pure feelings and eternal love. On guilty occasions, it will be very pleasant to receive a bouquet of luxurious white roses from people close to her. A flower arrangement can contain three or more odd units of buds.

Symbolism and meaning of white roses

Legend has it that Chloris (the goddess of flowers in Ancient Greece) decided to create a new flower and asked Aphrodite for help to share her beauty; at Dionysus, to give a charming sweet smell; from the three graces, so that they bring brightness, joy and charm. To top it off, the wind god Zephyr blew to make the rose bloom its petals. Therefore, this flower has always been considered a symbol of true, eternal love.

In the language of flowers, a sparkling white rose, like the first snow, is considered the main symbol of purity, innocence, and tenderness. A royal flower with a large cup, presented in a single copy, personifies ardent love. If there are additional unopened buds, then the meaning takes on a different connotation: “I am not indifferent to you, but you are still too young for me.” Any bouquet of white flowers presented confirms pure, sincere, impeccable love and admiration.

Where can roses be used at a wedding?

The main feature of the royal flower is its versatility, this is what distinguishes it from other types of flowers. Use is possible not only in bouquets and boutonnieres:

  • White flowers will look perfect in the bride's hairstyle and in decorating the room.
  • For an outdoor wedding ceremony, an arch decorated with a climbing rose has no better analogues.
  • When leaving the registry office, the newlyweds are solemnly showered with rose petals.

And how can we not mention the petals that are sprinkled on the path and room for the first wedding night?

Wedding bouquet of white roses

The most significant wedding accessory is the bride's bouquet, and snow-white roses are amazing for this mission. The floral arrangement is in plain sight during the special day, so it must be impeccable. Just look at the tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet to unmarried bridesmaids at the end of the holiday, but the bouquet must retain not only its shape, but also its aroma.

As a rule, florists offer a choice of the color scheme of the composition as well as its shape, based on the style of the wedding and the style of the newlywed’s dress. White roses have been and remain classic flowers for a wedding bouquet. To somehow shade and add brightness to the bouquet, green blotches of leaves are made between the flower caps. A scarlet satin ribbon tied around the bouquet will make it even more stylish, impressive and interesting. The shape can be spherical with short stems or a cascade on a long stem.

Floral arrangements of roses for table decor

If the banquet is taking place in a large hall, it is better to use tall bouquets so that the room does not seem flat. Vases should be narrow, long, transparent. This option for arranging flowers is suitable if small separate tables for several people are provided for guests. Then it is convenient to place the vases on the edge of the table so that they do not block the view.

If guests are sitting at long communal tables, then the bouquets must be made flat, so as not to interfere with communication and choosing dishes. Decorating with flowers in vases will be a bright touch in the design of the room. Additional bright decor in the form of candles and decorations will look good next to the bouquets. The most luxurious bouquet should be on the newlyweds’ table and occupy at least a meter of the surface of the front edge of the table.

White roses for decorating a banquet hall

Florists sometimes take care of not only arranging bouquets for the bride, but also decorating the hall where the main celebration takes place. Having thought through and agreed on all the details in advance, they elegantly decorate the wedding venue. For the effect of luxury, walls and chairs are draped with fabric. Flowers are placed at the entrance and around the perimeter of the hall, the drapery of the walls is diluted with small rosettes with bouquets. Floral compositions hanging from the ceiling can cause nothing but delight.

White bridal style flowers look especially good against a red or dark blue fabric background, as the contrasting shades make each bud and petal stand out. Flower arrangements are placed in floor flowerpots or on special stands. Created artificial trees, where the role of the crown is played by white roses against the background of green foliage, rose petals scattered on the floor will not cause much damage to the budget, but will put guests in a festive mood. Even a wedding cake made in the “White Roses” style will decorate the hall.

For decorating a wedding arch

If the arch was created for an outdoor ceremony, then it is better to decorate it with snow-white climbing roses. By making a translucent drapery in pastel colors, the flowers will blend favorably with the overall delicate style. For indoor spaces, the arch is made behind the newlyweds. It can be mounted on the wall and consist of decorative greenery and white buds. Another option is when the arch is portable, and the frame is decorated with an abundance of flowers. The shape can be arched or heart-shaped, which symbolizes strong feelings and love for many years.

For decorating cars for a wedding

Decorating a wedding car with flowers requires a special approach. Modern newlyweds no longer attach once fashionable rings to the roof of their car. Instead, as an alternative, hood decoration with flowers, both real and artificial, appeared. If the car is not light in color, then a heart lined with white buds will be the height of floral art. To create an overall style, green garlands are attached to the front grille and door handles.

Photo ideas for using white roses at a wedding celebration

White roses are so delicate and versatile that it would be appropriate to use them to decorate any area of ​​wedding decor. Thanks to the genuine perfection and purity of these flowers, they are more suitable than others for a wedding celebration. Amazing bouquets in the hands of the bride or in vases standing in the hall, a garland in the form of an arch or on the hood of a car. Everywhere white roses are beautiful, spectacular and captivating.