The power of the energy of unconditional love of the creator. Unconditional love can be tuned in by anyone

Enter a meditative state and express your intention with the affirmation:

“I ask the Light Divine Forces to attune me to the energy of Unconditional Love right now.”

You can rephrase it however you like, for example:

“Father, I ask you to plant Unconditional Love in my heart.”

The main thing is that the request comes from the heart.

With regular use, the energy fully opens the heart chakra.

The feeling of a holiday appears in your soul.

Energy can be sent with intention (just thinking about a person, situation), as well as through the palm chakras.

As long as the energy of Unconditional Love flows in you, you are completely protected - from an accident, from theft, from an attack, from an evil word. You are as if shrouded in a radiant magical cloud that protects you from all manifestations of negativity. In an unpleasant situation, boldly use this energy: instead of being frightened or annoyed, invoke Unconditional Love. It will immediately eliminate fear and anger, and not only in you, but also in the people around you, harmonizing the situation.

A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a "difficult relationship" is. For according to the cosmic law “what is inside, so is outside”, if there is Love in you, then Love reigns around.

Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.
The healing technique is common: a contact session, a remote session, working with desires, working with situations, with relationships, etc.

contact session

You put your hands on the problem area or keep it at some distance from it. You can also do a full session with all Reiki hand positions.

remote session

Call up the energy and think about the person (or their illness, their problem) for a while. Just do not force yourself: if you are "tired" of thinking, end the session. You can, as some do, place the image of a person between the palms - the energy flows through the palm chakras.

Working with relationships (situation)

Call up the energy and think about relationships (situations). For example, if you don't have a relationship with someone, be sure to think about that person with Unconditional Love turned on every day for at least a few minutes. It will not be difficult for you to do this, because Love will overwhelm you. It is very possible that after the first "session" your enemy will forget all his claims and will be filled - without knowing why - for you with sympathy. Well, in case of extreme hostility, he will at least become indifferent to you.

Working with the past and the future

Call up the energy and remember an unpleasant situation or illness in the past; gradually the past will begin to change for the better. If you're going to take an exam, or go to talk to your boss, or anything related to the future, call up the energy and think about the situation, imagine that everything went well.

Working with Desires

Create with Love what you want.

It is very easy to do, the technique is perfect.

Just open your heart and start radiating love, and then imagine what you want to create, see it in your mind and feel it in your emotions as if you already have it, and then just send a huge amount of love into this picture.

Repeat this every other day until it manifests in your physical reality.

Some things will appear immediately, others will take longer.

And what is actually gained will turn out to be more than expected, and will be filled with love ...

Unconditional Love can be sent to any living being without asking his permission.
Call on Unconditional Love as often as possible. Each time, your heart chakra will open more and more. Your affairs will go better and better, you will simply be “lucky” in every way.

A person whose heart chakra is constantly and wide open gradually gets rid of bad karma.

There are 12 steps (energy increases in intensity).

Each should be adjusted separately.

You will be able to tune in to the next step only if you reach the highest point of the previous one. In other words, if you are “not worthy” yet (the heart chakra is not yet open enough, and this is achieved by daily practice), you simply “will not be given a new step”.

Anyone can tune in, without prior initiation into Reiki.

In order for Unconditional Love to flow in you continuously, always find an opportunity to rejoice - rejoice in every moment of your life, every little thing, every little thing: rejoice at the morning sun, the aroma in the air after the rain, the chirping of sparrows, the laughter of children in the yard, a delicious dinner, snowflakes on the window ... Yes, what to list - whoever wants to, will find a reason to rejoice.

At the same time, the heart chakra will readily open, Unconditional Love will flow in a powerful stream.

Learn to ignore problems.

And it is better to rejoice at them too - and they will frightfully disappear.

Unconditional Love is the greatest power, and it creates simply unimaginable things, you will see for yourself.

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The energy of Unconditional Love is self-adjustment. Anyone can tune into it. To do this, you need to retire, relax, enter a meditative state and say:

“I ask the Light Divine Forces to attune me to the energy of Unconditional Love right now” or “Lord, I ask you to settle Unconditional Love in my heart.” As you like, in your words - the main thing is that the request comes from the heart.

With regular use, the energy fully opens the heart chakra. Energy can be sent with intention (just thinking about a person, situation), as well as through the palm chakras.

As long as the energy of Unconditional Love flows in you, you are completely protected from an accident, from theft, from an attack, from an evil word. You are as if shrouded in a radiant magical cloud that protects you from all manifestations of negativity. In an unpleasant situation, boldly use this energy: instead of being frightened or annoyed, invoke Unconditional Love.

It will immediately eliminate fear and anger, and not only in you, but also in the people around you, harmonizing the situation. A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a "difficult relationship" is. For according to the cosmic law “what is inside, so is outside”, if there is Love in you, then Love reigns around. Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.

Tips for Working with the Energy of Unconditional Love

Working with relationships (situation). Call up the energy and think about relationships (situations). For example, if you don't have a relationship with someone, be sure to think about that person with Unconditional Love turned on every day for at least a few minutes.

Working with the past and the future. Call up the energy and remember an unpleasant situation or illness in the past; gradually the past will begin to change for the better. If you're going to take an exam, or go to talk to your boss, or anything related to the future, call up the energy and think about the situation, imagine that everything went well.

Desire work. Create with Love what you want. It is very easy to do, the technique is perfect. Just open your heart and start radiating love, and then imagine what you want to create, see it in your mind and feel it in your emotions as if you already have it, and then just send a huge amount of love into this picture. Repeat this every other day until it manifests in your physical reality. Some things will appear immediately, others will take longer. And what is actually gained will turn out to be more than expected, and will be filled with love...

Unconditional Love can be sent to any living being without asking his permission.

Call on Unconditional Love as often as possible. Each time, your heart chakra will open more and more. Your affairs will go better and better, you will simply be “lucky” in every way. A person whose heart chakra is constantly and wide open gradually gets rid of bad karma.

In order for Unconditional Love to flow in you continuously, always find an opportunity to rejoice - rejoice in every moment of your life, every little thing, every little thing: rejoice at the morning sun, the aroma in the air after the rain, the chirping of sparrows, the laughter of children in the yard, a delicious dinner, snowflakes on the window ... Yes, what to list - whoever wants to, will find a reason to rejoice. At the same time, the heart chakra will readily open, Unconditional Love will flow in a powerful stream. Learn to ignore problems. And it is better to rejoice at them too - and they will frightfully disappear. Unconditional Love is the greatest power, and it creates simply unimaginable things, you will see for yourself.

Health settings

The first energy channel is Energy from colds. Let's call it "The energy of warming the physical body." Sacred command to turn on “Energy of warming the physical body”: “Heavenly fire warms the body and soul. Heavenly fire casts out sickness and infirmity. Heavenly fire heals and uplifts.. Amen.”

You can include this energy in case of malaise as a result of hypothermia, as a result of "colds". The condition is not to immediately go into a room with a different temperature regime, since all the “three heaters” will turn on in the body, you will feel warmth and peace. It is very useful to apply this energy before going to bed. For children, you can apply this energy by giving a sacred decree and stroking the child's chest in a clockwise direction around the High Heart Center.

Second energy channel
, as I understand it, will be useful to all of you suffering from bone remodeling. This energy is called "Bone Transformation Energy" - not a very pretty name, but it reflects the essence of the processes that are now occurring in most people. Bone tissue is thinning, doctors consider it an epidemic of osteoporosis, but this is an evolutionary process that affects all of humanity. Children and youth already have a different bone structure, and the older generation is undergoing a rather painful restructuring. This energy channel can be used for pain in the spine and joints, with discomfort before a change in the weather.

Sacred command to turn on the "Energy of transformation of bone tissue": "A stream of Light flows in me. Light causes joy and lightness. Light takes away pain and suffering. Light bones will help me fly to infinity. Amen"

Third energy channel will help you gain stability in the energy of the etheric body. Everyone knows how easily you lose energy, how unbalanced your chakras are, how slagging the meridians of the etheric body. Each of you will need this energy frequency to maintain balance in your etheric bodies. Invoke this Stream with the help of this sacred decree: “Light and Energy are the basis of my being. Light and Energy are the essence of my being. Light carries information, Energy carries forces. Information and Power create Law and Order at the core of my being..Amen.”

You can immediately begin to use these energy channels and distribute them with all the communication channels you have. No additional "initiation" is required. Anyone can easily activate these energies and work with them for themselves and their loved ones.

Settings from the healer, bioenergy therapist, practical psychologist, teacher Vlad Bulanov

Love is the basis of the universe. Love is what our world consists of, ourselves. Love = life.
Love without conditions = life.

Everything seems to be simple. Love without conditions = just love. Love life, love yourself, love the world, love the people around you, love what you do and what you don't. Just love and enjoy it. However, I often come across the opinion that unconditional love is very difficult. And that this requires some incredible effort to educate yourself, and some self-sacrifice and even heroism.

That is why I propose to talk a little about what love is. And it's not about relationships, but directly about love itself. Love just like that. Without conditions and colors. Love for everything and everyone. Without borders and restrictions. Unconditional love.

First, let's understand what unconditional love is. And is there any other kind of love that is not unconditional?

Conditional love

Love with conditions is familiar to many of us from early childhood: “If you behave well, I like you, I love you”, “If you are an obedient girl, I love you”, “If you are an excellent student, I love you”, “If you don’t cheat on me, I love you”, “If you bring home a lot of money, I love you”, “If you don’t cheat on me, I love you”, etc., etc. This list can be continued indefinitely.

But the main thing is conditional love or conditional love - this is when we set conditions, when we love for something.

This process can hardly be sincerely called love, since it rather resembles the training of animals. Did it right - got a piece of sugar (love), did it wrong - got irritation, discontent, resentment.

We very often treat others this way and do the same to ourselves.

Can you accept a person for who they are?

Do you want to be accepted for who you really are?

Can you accept yourself for who you are?

Do you know who you really are?

Is it fair to talk about “what is”, maybe it is fairer to talk about how I see a person? How do I perceive?

How do I perceive and see myself?

Then the question is:

Can you accept the person as you see/perceive?
Can you accept yourself the way you see/perceive?

And now I'm going to continue...

Loving yourself and others

Many conditions are written in us from childhood and are written down at a very deep subconscious level. And we will be able to allow ourselves to love ourselves and others to love ourselves only after these conditions are met. The same is true of love for others. You can discover these conditions from those situations, from those problems that we encounter in life. By removing these conditions, we remove the problems associated with them.

The list of conditions is endless. And it is also possible to work and sort out the rubble, consisting of what prevents us from loving, too, endlessly.

But! After all, you remember that it is precisely what we feed with our attention that grows in us.

That is why I propose to finally begin to nourish with our attention not what prevents us from loving, but love itself.

Love is love

Based on the experience of conducting trainings about unconditional love, I can say right away that 90% of people confuse love with other feelings. And that is why for many, the proposal to simply love causes a very strange reaction. From “what the hell do I need this for” to “love hurts, so - well, what the hell are you with such ideas.” However, you still want to love, because each of us one way or another - consciously or subconsciously - feels how incredible, magical and powerful the power of life is hidden in love.

So, in order not to be confused, I propose to start applying a very simple and magical formula.

The whole secret is… that LOVE is LOVE!

That is! Love is not pity, not guilt, not anger, not self-sacrifice, not heroism, not pain. And also no guardianship and no care. The list of what love is not can be continued. This is a very helpful list.

And the whole secret in expanded form sounds like this.

Love is love.

Pity is pity.

Wine is guilt.

Pain is pain.

Sacrifice is sacrifice.

Caring is caring.

Try saying these words out loud: "Love is love." Feel. It's simple. Just like life itself.

Unless, of course, not to be confused. Moreover, love heals. It heals guilt, pity, pain, anger, heals the body, and in general, it can do a lot of other things. Unless, of course, it is unconditional love.

With these magical phrases, you can do a lot. Just remind yourself in time: love is love and much in your life will become easier, simpler, more pleasant, more magical.


One more aspect.

Love is a feeling. Therefore, it is important not to talk about love, but to feel it.
Therefore, by developing feelings, sensations, allowing ourselves to feel, we thereby open more and more channels of perception - including for love, for unconditional love.

And since feeling love once is much better than talking about it a hundred times, I offer you a little practical experience.

Take a sheet of paper. Write "Unconditional Love" on it. And now feel - where is the source of unconditional love hiding in your house? Feel where you would like to put this piece of paper.
Perhaps for some it will be an image, for some a feeling, and someone just wants to put a leaf this way and not otherwise. Do it.

Now stand up, sit down or even lie down on this piece of paper. And - open to feelings and sensations.

Most people begin to feel something unusual after a few seconds. It can be warmth or goosebumps, it can be a feeling of cleansing, washing out, expansion, it can be a pleasant coolness and even a feeling of ozone (like fresh air after a thunderstorm). It can be swaying or enveloping comfort.

It doesn't matter how you experience Unconditional Love. It is important that in this way it becomes material for you and begins to work for you and for you.

And another little secret. Unconditional love is a rational energy and it is also the basis of the universe. Therefore, you can ask her to do something for you. For example - treat. Or - wash away old grievances and pain. Or help in the implementation of something important to you. Ask - and trust the process. Unconditional love knows how to help you. Your task is only to trust ... And the more you trust, the faster and easier it will be what you asked for.

Unconditional love

Of course, this is not all that can be said about Unconditional Love. Therefore, the continuation of the topic follows.

And at the end of this article, I invite you to my new training "Unconditional love or how to become a favorite of Life, the Universe and the Universe." This training is magical, like love itself, and it is impossible to retell in words what is actually happening there. But you can experience, feel and discover in yourself and the world around you. Come! The next training will take place on Saturday, September 24, from 12.00 to 20.00.

Good luck and love!
With love, Yunia


A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a "difficult relationship" is. For according to the cosmic law “what is inside, so is outside”, if there is Love in you, then Love reigns around.

Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.

Self-Adjustment to the Energy of the Universal Unconditional Love

I suggest everyone to tune in to the energy of universal unconditional Love. You can do it yourself. Enter a meditative state and express your intention with the affirmation:

“I ask the Light Divine Forces to attune me to the energy of Unconditional Love right now.”

You can rephrase it however you like, for example:

“Father, I ask you to settle in my heart Unconditional Love».

The main thing is that the request comes from the heart.

With regular use, the energy fully opens the heart chakra.
The feeling of a holiday appears in your soul.
Energy can be sent with intention (just thinking about a person, situation)
as well as through the palm chakras.

As long as the energy of Unconditional Love flows in you, you are completely protected - from an accident, from theft, from an attack, from an evil word. You are as if shrouded in a radiant magical cloud that protects you from all manifestations of negativity. In an unpleasant situation, boldly use this energy: instead of being frightened or annoyed, call the Unconditional Love. It will immediately eliminate fear and anger, and not only in you, but also in the people around you, harmonizing the situation.

A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a "difficult relationship" is. For according to the cosmic law, "as within, so without," if you have Love then reigns around Love.

Unconditional Love has strong healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.
The healing technique is common: a contact session, a remote session, working with desires, working with situations, with relationships, etc.

contact session.
You put your hands on the problem area or keep it at some distance from it. You can also do a full session with all Reiki hand positions.

remote session.
Call up the energy and think about the person (or their illness, their problem) for a while. Just do not force yourself: if you are "tired" of thinking, end the session. You can, as some do, place the image of a person between the palms - the energy flows through the palm chakras.

Working with relationships (situation).
Call up the energy and think about relationships (situations). For example, if you don't have a relationship with someone, be sure to think about that person by turning on the Unconditional Love every day for at least a few minutes. It will be easy for you to do this, because Love will overwhelm you. It is very possible that after the first "session" your enemy will forget all his claims and will be filled - without knowing why - for you with sympathy. Well, in case of extreme hostility, he will at least become indifferent to you.

Working with the past and the future.
Call up the energy and remember an unpleasant situation or illness in the past; gradually the past will begin to change for the better. If you're going to take an exam, or go to talk to your boss, or anything related to the future, call up the energy and think about the situation, imagine that everything went well.

Desire work.
Create Love yu what you want.
It is very easy to do, the technique is perfect.
Just open your heart and start radiating love and then imagine what you want to create, see it in your mind and feel it in your emotions as if you already have it, and then just send a huge amount of love into that picture.
Repeat this every other day until it manifests in your physical reality.
Some things will appear immediately, others will take longer.
And what is actually gained will turn out to be more than expected, and will be filled with love Yu...

Unconditional Love can be sent to any living being without asking his permission.

Call on Unconditional Love as often as possible. Each time, your heart chakra will open more and more. Your affairs will go better and better, you will simply be “lucky” in every way.
A person whose heart chakra is constantly and wide open gradually gets rid of bad karma.

Anyone can tune in, without prior initiation into Reiki.

In order for Unconditional Love to flow in you continuously, always find an opportunity to rejoice - rejoice in every moment of your life, every little thing, every little thing: rejoice at the morning sun, the aroma in the air after the rain, the chirping of sparrows, the laughter of children in the yard, a delicious dinner, snowflakes on the window ... Yes, what to list - whoever wants to, will find a reason to rejoice.
At the same time, the heart chakra will readily open, Unconditional Love will flow in a powerful stream.

Learn to ignore problems.
And it is better to rejoice at them too - and they will frightfully disappear.

Unconditional Love is the greatest power, and it creates simply unimaginable things, you will see for yourself.

Sources of power for creation

Hello dear! Kryon is with you, coming to confess his love to you! Do you feel these energies that I carry with me? These are the energies of your heavenly home. These are the energies of unconditional love. Unconditional love is love that does not impose conditions.. It is a love that does not pretend to possess or influence you in any way. This is Divine love, dear ones. It is a universal energy and the only force in the world that is the source of balance, harmony, comfort. And this is the only power with which you can create your world and get everything you need.

The world is filled the energies of unconditional love. Yes, this energy around you is in abundance. And if you learned how to use it, you would not ask questions about where you can get the strength to create. These forces are everywhere. And most importantly, they are easily accessible to you. You don't have to put in too much effort. You just need to be on the same wavelength as them.

You only gain power when you do something for unconditional love.

Dear ones, we are sad to see how often you waste your energy. You notice it yourself, right? You work, you put all your energy into work, or into taking care of other people, or in some other business ... And the result that you get is zero. It even happens that the result is negative! Life does not get better because of your efforts - and sometimes it only gets worse. It seems to you that this is unfair, that the laws of the world do not work somehow correctly. You start complaining, lamenting, worrying - but your complaints and worries make everything worse!

What is the matter here? Let's figure it out. No, the laws of the world are not to blame - they are all right. World laws always strive to restore harmony. And if you violate this harmony by spending energy unwisely, then you start having troubles designed to direct you on the right path and restore the balance you have disturbed.

Yes, your work, your concern for others, your many efforts to achieve your goals very often lead to an imbalance in the world. And this happens when your efforts do not match the laws of unconditional love.

When you are about to undertake something and put effort into something, the first thing to ask yourself is: are you doing this out of unconditional love? Is there some self-interest on your part here? Are you really doing it just because you love doing it, or do you want, implicitly or explicitly, to get something in return?

It seems to you that you absolutely disinterestedly care for another person. You only do it because you love to do it. Is it so? Check: Are you kidding yourself? Are you really looking for gratitude? Or maybe you, in this way, want to influence this person so that he repays you with special affection or so that he feels that he is indebted to you?

dear, such intentions are not clean. What if your intention not clean - then your strength will be wasted. You won't get what you want.

You sometimes feel that other people take away your strength. In fact, it is you who give them your strength. In the same way, you give your strength to a lot of unnecessary things for you. As a result, you do not have enough strength for yourself, for the creation of your life.

Of course, your ego will tell you that you owe it to yourself to do something you don't really want to do, that you owe it to other people for their own good and your own. Your ego thinks you will be rewarded for this. Dear ones, these are vain hopes! Do not believe, ego, it deceives you. It makes you spin in vain, like a squirrel in a wheel, and in the end only come to disappointment.

If you give away your power, you are taking away your capacity for unconditional love. As a result, you cannot love yourself or the one to whom you give power, even if you do it voluntarily. You see that in the end everyone loses. You give power - but in the end you cannot give love. And the person for whom you are trying, as a result, does not feel your love. He receives care, guardianship, maximum attention from you - but all this does not allow him to feel loved. Because his Divine "I" feels: what you give him is not love, but only an attempt to control him, control him and receive something in return.

When you only care about unconditional love- to yourself, to another, - your intentions become pure. You love simply because you love, and you don't try to get something for it. And this is where the world begins to give you blessings! Because, being in a state of unconditional love, you are in balance, you exist at the same vibrational frequency with those levels of reality that are responsible for creating all kinds of blessings in your life.

This explanation may seem overly complicated to you, but it's actually quite simple. You yourself can understand it using examples from your own life. Remember situations when you did something selflessly, not expecting to get something in return, you did it simply because you liked doing it. After all, it was for such deeds and rewards that you received the most, didn’t you? And even if you did not receive material reward, then the reward for you was the very opportunity to do what you love! Because as a result, you received strength that you could direct to new achievements.

This is the law: when you do what you love and in the name of unconditional love, you gain power. When you do something that you cannot put unconditional love into, you are wasting your energy, you are wasting it.

Start with loving yourself!

You may think that you do not know how it is - love unconditionally. In fact, each of you knows this. In each of you, by nature, there is a deep unconditional self love. It is love that accepts you for who you are. This love is not critical, not judgmental, not demanding that you become something different, better and more perfect. No, in the depths of your soul, each of you knows about your Divine essence. So, deep down, each of you loves and accepts yourself as you are. Remember this! Just remember this feeling. This acceptance of yourself without any conditions is the secret of the power that is always with you.

Focus unconditional love on yourself first, dear ones. If you do this, many of your problems will be removed. Your path will become clear, you will no longer have to wander in the dark. It will become absolutely clear what you really need and what you don't. And all sorts of benefits will arise on your way by themselves - because they will be attracted by your attunement with the highest vibrations of Divine love. For the love of God is unconditional love, and when you love unconditionally, you become like God.

An exercise
Setting up for unconditional love

Close your eyes, take a few deep and slow breaths in and out. Imagine your own image before your eyes. Imagine that you see yourself as if you are looking from a distance, for example, from another room. See yourself as your most beloved loved one. Imagine that it doesn’t matter to you at all what this person looks like, how old he is, what his character is, what his advantages and disadvantages are. Imagine that you love him simply for the fact that he exists. And no matter how he is, no matter how he behaves, no matter how he changes - you will always love him, no matter what. Because this person is the greatest value for you. There is no greater value. And there is nothing that could reduce this value for you.

Imagine how, while you look at yourself from the side, a soft, pleasant warmth spreads in your chest. This is a feeling of tenderness, acceptance and quiet joy that you can accept yourself as you are, without demanding anything from yourself, without reproaching yourself for anything, not criticizing, not wanting to change, but enjoying the feeling of gratitude for what you are. just live as you are, one of a kind and unique.

Mentally turn to yourself and confess your love with the warmest words you can find. Say that for yourself you are the most important person in the world, tell me what an extraordinary person you are, how you value yourself and how happy you are that you have yourself.

Let a wave of warmth and tenderness spread through the body, imbued with this feeling.

Then take a few deep breaths in and out and open your eyes. Notice how your mood has improved, how your strength has increased. You have discovered a very powerful source of strength and energy in yourself!

When you sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone, it is bad for everyone, including those for whom, as you think, you make your sacrifices. By giving them your strength, you are left with nothing, in a void, and you no longer have the strength to love anyone. When you love yourself with unconditional love, everyone around you wins, because they also become lighter and warmer in the light of your love. You preserve and increase your strength - which means that you have something to share with others.