Crochet hat for baby pattern. Crochet hats for girls

With the help of the ability to crochet, you can not only get an unusual and unique accessory, but also a complete element of a child’s wardrobe. For example, would you like to crochet a summer hat for your little girl? Then let's try it.

This hat is crocheted and decorated with a floral pattern. This makes the product complete and harmonious. Without decorations, hats, especially summer and autumn ones, look very modest and not rosy. Decorations can be of all kinds: flowers, insects, animals, ribbons, bows, beads. But the most popular decoration are flowers. It is the floral pattern in this type of knitting that looks very impressive and can be perfectly placed on any knitted items for girls: socks, skirts, blouses, scarves, handbags, etc. The flower is best suited to a crocheted summer hat. How to knit a hat yourself for a girl, also with crochet?

To work you will need:

cotton yarn of two different compatible colors. For example, red and white, or pink and brown (as shown in the picture).

And also, of course, you need a hook (number 1.5).

Description of the work on crocheting a hat for a girl with diagrams

The simplest version of knitting a hat includes only air loops, connecting stitches and double crochets. The product that we will describe here will be knitted for a girl with a head circumference of 45-46 cm.

Abbreviations in the text:

V.P. - air loop;

Dc – double crochet;

СС – connecting column;

RLS – single crochet.

The knitting pattern for the hat looks like this:

We collect 6 V.P.

Closing the ring with CC

For the first row we knit 3 V.P. for lifting

Then we knit 15 dc into a ring.

We complete the SS row by introducing the hook into 3 V.P. this series

Second row: 4 ch. (3 vp + 1 vp according to the diagram)

in the same base loop we knit 1 dc

then we do one V.P.

We complete the rad with the help of a SS, introducing a hook into 3 V.P. this row.

To start knitting the next row from the arch, we make another SS

For the third row we knit 4 V.P. (3 vp + 1 vp according to the diagram)

Insert the hook into the same arch and make 1 dc

Then 1 V.P.

To the next arch from V.P. of the previous row we knit 1 Dc, 1 V.P., 1 Dc, and another 1 V.P.

We continue knitting until the end of the row. We finish the SS row and insert a hook into 3 VPs of this row.

We continue to knit according to the pattern of 19 rows.

After this, we knit along the edge of the cap using a single crochet stitch. At the beginning of the row we make 1 v.P. and in each loop we knit a sc. You can knit 7-8 rows in a common color, and the bottom row in a contrasting color or the color of the future pattern.

Next you need to decorate the hat. You can make one large flower or several small ones. You can also decorate with a bow, butterfly, etc. Here we also offer the option of decorating the cap with small flowers around the entire cap. In total you need to knit 16 flowers.

In order to decorate the hat with flowers, you need to separately knit these flowers with petals in the shape of hearts. They will also require 2 types of yarn (depending on what colors you chose). These flowers are simply sewn onto the product. They can also be sewn onto other accessories: skirts, scarves and handbags.

So, the diagram:

Let's look at creating the second model with step-by-step instructions

We collect 5 V.P.

We complete the set of SS.

In the first row we knit 3 V.P.

And again 3 V.P.

And we make a ring using a single crochet stitch.

You need to tie the second petal in exactly the same way, i.e. 3 V.P., 2 Dc in the ring, 3 V.P., 1 RLS in the ring

In total you need to knit 5 petals.

After the last sc is knitted, add a white thread by grabbing it and knit 1 v.p.

For the second row we make an elongated sc, inserting the hook into the ring

Again 2 V.P.

Extended sc again (we insert the hook into the ring). And so we tie the whole flower.

Having connected the last 2 V.P. 5 petals, close the row SS

The threads that are visible are removed behind the flower. This is what happened.

Using the same principle, you can knit different hats. Below are knitting patterns for a stylish hat that is suitable for a girl: a knitting pattern for winter, as well as for summer and spring.

For beginners, knitting a baby hat can be a little difficult at first, but with a little practice you can easily create many different patterns using just a few basic stitches.


Simple hat with single crochets

    Secure the working thread to the hook. Make a slip knot on the hook using one end of the yarn.

    • The free end of the yarn is cut only at the end of knitting the product; it shows you where the beginning of knitting is and is more often called the “tail”. The beginning of knitting always starts from the end of the thread. The part of the yarn coming from the ball is called the "working thread" and, as the name suggests, it is this part of the yarn that you will create the hat.
  1. Make 2 air loops. From the loop located on the hook, knit 2 air loops.

    Form a ring. Knit 6 single crochets into the second stitch from the hook. Then close the row using a connecting post by inserting the hook into the base of the first post. You will have the first row.

    • Please note that the second loop from the hook is the very first air loop.
  2. Single crochet into each stitch of the previous row. In order to form the second row of the future hat, knit 2 single crochets (dc) in each of the 6 loops of the previous row, then connect the first and last stitches using a connecting stitch.

    • When you complete the row you will have 12 stitches. b/n.
    • Mark the last stitch using a marker or a piece of yarn in a contrasting color - this will allow you to clearly see the beginning and end of the row.
  3. Knit st. b/n in the third row. Make 1 air loop and knit 1 tbsp. b/n in the first stitch of the previous row, and then 2 tbsp. b/n in the second. Continue alternating 1 and 2 tbsp. b/n to the end of the row. This way you will knit 1 tbsp. b/n in each odd numbered and 2 tbsp. b/n in each even stitch.

    • At the end of the row you will have 18 stitches. b/n.
    • Move marker to last st. b/n of this row and connect the row using a connecting post.
  4. Continue increasing on the fourth row. Make one air loop. In the fourth row you need to knit one st. b/n in the first and second loops and 2 tbsp. b/n in the third stitch of the previous row. Repeat knitting until the end of the row, then close the row again using a connecting post.

    • In the fourth row you should have 24 stitches.
    • Transfer the marker to the last stitch of this row before continuing to knit.
  5. Continue adding stitches on row 5. You must have noticed that in each row the distance between the increases increases by 1 stitch, so in the fifth row the increase will be made in every fourth stitch of the row. Don't forget to close the row again with a connecting post.

    • In the fifth row you will get 30 stitches. b/n.
    • Mark the end of the fifth row with a marker.
  6. Continue adding stitches for 4 more rows. On rows 6-9, increase the distance between increments by 1 stitch. b/n.

    • Row 6: One st at a time. b/n in the first 4 loops, then 2 tbsp. b/n in the fifth. Repeat until the end of the row.
    • Row 7: 5 sts. b/n in the first 5 loops, then 2 tbsp. b/n in the fifth. Repeat until the end of the row.
    • Row 8: increase in every 7th stitch of the previous row.
    • Row 9: increase in every 8 stitches. At the end of this row you will have 54 stitches.
    • Don't forget to mark the last stitch of the row with a marker and close the rows with a connecting stitch. Each new row starts with 1 air loop.
  7. Knit 1 more row. Now you no longer need to increase, just knit 1 tbsp. b/n in each stitch of the previous row.

    • Each of the subsequent rows should have 54 loops.
    • Move the marker.
    • Thus you need to knit rows 10-26.
  8. Knit a connecting post. Complete the knitting by closing the row with a connecting stitch. Your hat is ready.

    Secure the work. Cut the working thread, leaving a tail of 5-6 cm. Pull the tail through the loop of the connecting post and tighten the knot properly.

    • Hide the remaining tail in the eyelets of the hat.

    Double crochet hat

    1. Secure the yarn to the hook.

    2. Make a chain of 4 loops. Knit 4 chain stitches from the loop located on the hook

      Form a ring. Connect the first and last loops of the chain using a connecting post.

      Double crochet into the center of the resulting ring. Before you start knitting the hat itself, as well as each new row, you first need to make 2 lifting air loops. Then work 13 double crochets into the center of the ring (dc) and complete the row by connecting the last stitch with the second chain stitch using a connecting stitch (dc), thus completing the first row. The same procedure will be repeated at the end of each row.

      • Please note that 2 lifting chain loops in this row do not count as a column.
    3. Double the number of single crochets. In the second row you need to knit two treble crochets in each stitch of the previous row. Thus, you will make 1 increase in each of the 13 stitches of the previous row. Complete row s.s.

      • At the end of the second row you will have 26 stitches.
      • In some cases, while knitting in the round, the work is turned over, but to knit this hat pattern, you do not need to turn the work over, just continue knitting in the same direction.
    4. Alternate single and double sts. As usual, start knitting a new row with 2 lifting chain stitches. In the third and subsequent rows the number of increases will decrease. Work 1 st s/n into the first stitch of the previous row and 2 st s/n into the second. Continue knitting the row in the same way, making an increase in every second stitch of the previous row.

      • When finished, you will have 39 loops.
      • In the third row you will need to increase every second stitch, in the fourth - in every third, in the fifth - in every fourth, etc.
    5. Continue increasing the number of stitches on the fourth row. Work two treble crochet stitches in every 3rd stitch of the previous row.

      • On the fourth row you should have 52 stitches.
      • Connect the first and last columns using s.s.
    6. Knit rows 5 to 13 in the same way. Subsequent rows are worked similarly to rows 2-5, with the only difference being that you no longer need to increase. Always start knitting a row with 2 chain stitches and end with s.s. Work 1 treble into each stitch of the previous row.

      • In each of the rows from 5 to 13 there should be 52 st s/n.
    7. Now turn the work over. Make 2 lifting stitches again and turn the knitting. Next, knit the row in the same way as the previous ones, knitting 1 st s/n in each of the columns of the previous row. Complete row s.s.

      • Rows 15 and 16 are worked in the same way, but you no longer need to turn the work.
      • In each of the rows from 14 to 16 there should still be 52 treble stitches.
    8. Knit the last, decorative row of the cap. Make 1 rise stitch, and then work 1 single crochet (dc) into each stitch of the previous row.

      • Don't skip stitches.
      • Similarly, connect the beginning and end of the row using dc.
      • You can knit any other edging for your hat; on the Internet you can find many options for simple, and at the same time, beautiful edgings.
    9. Secure the end. Cut the working thread, leaving a tail of 5-6 cm. Pull this tail through the loop on the hook and tighten the loop properly by pulling the tail.

      • In order to further secure the work, thread the tail of the thread into a knitting needle and hide it between the already knitted stitches.
      • Fold the last 3 rows up. Your hat is ready.


    1. Secure the thread to the hook. Make a slip knot at the end of the hook using the loose end of the yarn.

      • The free end of the yarn, or "tail", is not used in knitting. To knit a hat you will use the thread coming from the ball, it is called the "working thread".
    2. Knit 2 chain stitches. From the loop on your hook, make 2 chain stitches.

      Work half double crochets into the second stitch from the hook. Having knitted two air loops, knit 9 half double crochets (half double crochet) into the second loop from the hook. At the end of the row, connect the first and last half-columns using a connecting post (s.s.)

    3. Double the number of loops. In the second row you will need to knit 2 half sts. s/n in each stitch of the previous row. This way you will make 1 increase in each stitch. To do this: make 2 chain stitches, then knit 1 half stitch. s/n in the same loop, 2 half stitches. s/n to the adjacent one and continue knitting 2 half stitches. s/n in each loop of the previous row. When finished, connect the first and last columns of the row using a connecting post (s.c).

      • You should have 20 stitches in this row.

It's already autumn and a variety of openwork children's panama hats are losing their relevance, so this time we suggest you use a crochet hook to create warm, cozy, but no less cute knitted children's hats with ears!

Today’s master class will be suitable for craftswomen with a basic level of skills, and the size of the finished products is suitable for children from birth to 7 years old, so feel free to arm yourself with hooks and yarn, you will definitely succeed!

Hat with ears for girls

For work we will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton) white and light green;
  • hook number 3.

Finished product size: 0-6 months, 6 months-2 years, 3-7 years.


For any size

We make a ring from c. p., connect.

1 r.: 8 half double crochets (p/s. with n.), ss. at the end of the river (we do this in each further row) = 8 sts.

2 p.: 2 v. p.p., 2 half-columns with n. in each loop, ss. = 16 p.

3 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 half-columns with n. in the first loop, 1 half-column with n. in the next p.*, ss. = 24 p.

4 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 half-columns with n., 1 half-column with n. in the next 2 p.*, ss. = 32 p.

5 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 half-columns with n., 1 half-column with n. in the next 3 p.*, ss. = 40 p.

6 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 half-columns with n., 1 p/s. s n. in the next 4 p.*, ss. = 48 p.

7 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 p.s. s n., 1 p/s. s n. in the next 5 p.*, ss. = 56 p.

For sizes 0-6 months

8-17 rr.: p/s. s n. in each loop, ss. at the end of the row = 56 p.

For size 6 months-2 years

8 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 p.s. s n., 1 p/s. s n. in the next 6 p.*, ss. = 64 p.

9-19 rr.: p/s. s n. in each loop, ss. at the end of the row = 64 p.

For sizes 3-7 years

8 p.: *2 half-st. sn., 1 half-st. s n. in the next 6 p.*, ss. = 64 p.

9 rubles: *2 half-st. sn., 1 half-st. s n. in the next 7 p.*, ss. = 72 p.

10-21 pp.: half a century. s n. in each loop, ss. at the end of the row = 72 p.

We do not cut the thread.

How to connect headphones: diagram and description of work

1 p.: 1 v. pp., 10-18 pp., p. without n. in the next 14 p., v. p., turn = 14 p.

2 p.: knit 2 p.s. without n. for a decrease, p. without n. in the next 10 p., knit the last 2 p. together with. without n., 1st century. p., turn = 12 p.

3 p.: knit 2 p.s. without n. to decrease, p. without n. in the next 8 p., knit the last 2 p. together with. without n., 1st century. p., turn = 10 p.

4 rubles: p. without n. whole row, 1st century. p. at the end, turn = 10 p.

5 p.: knit 2 p.s. without n. for a decrease, p. without n. in the next 6 p., knit the last 2 p. together with. without n., 1st century. p., turn = 8 p.

6 rubles: p. without n. whole row, 1st century. p. at the end of the row, turn = 8 p.

7 p.: knit 2 s. without n. to decrease, p. without n. in the next 4 p., knit the last 2 p. together with. without n., 1st century. p., turn = 6 p.

8 p.: p. without n. whole row, 1st century. p. at the end, turn = 6 p.

9 p.: knit 2 p.s. without n. to decrease, p. without n. in the next 2 p., knit the last 2 p. together with. without n., 1st century. p., turn.

10 r.: p. without n. whole row, 1st century. p. at the end, turn = 4 p.

11 r.: knit 2 p.s. without n. for a decrease, p. without n. in the next 2 p., 1 v. etc., turn the knitting.

12 p.: p. without n. whole row, 1st century. p., turn knitting = 3 p.

RUR 13: knit 2 p.s. without n. to decrease, 1 s. without n., 1st century. p., turn knitting = 2 p.

14 p.: 2 p. together, 1 v. etc., cut off the thread.

The second earmuff is knitted in exactly the same way. We take the hat with ears in our hands so that its front part is at the top, count the required number of loops from the first ear, then attach the thread in a new place and knit the second earpiece.

To finish, you need to attach a light green thread in the place where the rows connect at the back, and continue knitting in the round around the hat and earmuffs. When the knitting reaches the bottom corner of the earpiece, you need to knit 40 v. p., turn the knitting and knit in these v. p.s. without n. - this is how we tie the strings.

How to tie ears: diagram and description of work

We dial 2 v. P.

1 rub.: 5 p/s. s n. in the 2nd point from cr. = 5 p.

2 p.: 2 p/s. s n. in a circle = 10 p.

3 rubles: 2 p/s. s n. in a circle = 20 sts.

4 rubles: *p/s. s n., 2 p/s. with n.* = 30 p.

5 rubles: p/s. s n. in a circle = 30 sts.

6 rubles: *p/s. s n., 2 p/s. s n. knit together* = 20 p.

7 rubles: *2 p/s. s n. knit together* = 10 p.

Cut the thread and sew it to the hat in the place where you like it.

How to knit a flower: scheme of work

1 p.: 2 v. p., s. without n. in the first paragraph from the cr., 3rd century. p., s. s n. in the same loop of the first s. without n., 3rd cent. p., s. without n. Also, repeat x 4 more to make six arches from air loops.

3 p.: v. p., hold the flower with the front side facing you and do s. without n. through intermediate s. without n., which we knitted for the arches of the 1st row, we make 4 in. p., s. without n. through intermediate s. without n., and so on to form six arches from v. P.

4 rubles: v. n., arches from c. p. in the following sequence: p. without n., p-st. sn., 3 s. s n., p-st. s n., s. without n., so that six petals come out.

5 rubles: as in the 3rd rub. we make arches from 4th century. p., connecting with. without n.

6 p.: v. p., knit into arches from c. p. loops: p. without n., p-st. sn., 5 s. s n., p-st. s n., s. without n. We cut the thread and fasten it. That's all, the knitted hat with ears for the girl is ready!

Openwork warm hat with spirals: video master class

Hat with ears for boys and girls

For work we will need:

  • yarn of medium thickness, white and light pink;
  • hook number 4.

Finished product size: for 2 years.


How to knit a base for a hat

The base for the hat needs to be knitted in a circle!

1 rub. 3rd century p., close them into a ring using ss, then 4 s. s n. in each paragraph = 12 s. s n. and ss. to the top of the 1st s. s n.

2 p.: 2 v. p., 2 p. s n. in each p. pr. r., ss. = 24 p.

3 p.: 2 v. p., *s. s n. in the 1st. p., 2 p. s n. in each p. pr. r. *, from * to * in a circle, ss. = 36 p.

4 p.: 2 v. p., *s. s n. in the 1st and 2nd paragraphs, 2 p. s n. in the 3rd p.*, from * to * in a circle, ss. = 48 p.

5 p.: 2 v. p., *s. s n. in the first 7 p., 2 s. s n. in the next 2 p.*, from * to *, ss. = 54 p.

6 p.: 2 v. p., s. s n. in each subsequent loop, ss. = 54 p.

7-12 pp.: 2 c. p., s. s n. to the end of the row, ss.

How to tie your ears

We need four ears: two pink and two white.

White ears are knitted according to the pattern below.

1 r.: 37 c. P..

3 p.: 1 v. p. and knit further on the other side of the 37th century. p. single crochet. Further, according to this scheme: p. without n. in the next n., half st. s n. in the next 4 p., p. s n. in the next 4 p., p. from 3 n. in the next 16 p., p. s n. in the next 4 p., half st. s n. in the next 4 p., p. without n. in the next 2 p.

4 rubles: v. p., connect it to the other side of the knitting with. without n., further according to the diagram: p. without n. in the next p., s. without n. in the next p., s. s n. in the next 4 p., p. from 2 n. in the next 16 p., p. s n. in the next 4 p., half st. s n. in the next 5 p., p. without n. in the next 2 p.

5 rubles: same as 4 rubles and finish knitting.

We knit pink ears in exactly the same way, only for the inner part we repeat 1-5 stitches. We connect the ears together and knit with. without n. in a circle with a white thread. Try the hat on your baby and mark the places where you would like the ears to be placed, after which they should be tied or sewn on using a thread and a needle.

The crochet baby hat for girls and boys is ready!

Hat with ears with a star pattern: MK video

Selection of schemes

Beautiful children's things can be purchased in various shopping centers, prestigious boutiques, and it is also possible to order via the Internet, but unique and unique ones can only be created with your own hands. Beloved mothers do everything possible to pamper their children with crocheted hats. To create a crochet hat for a girl you don’t need special skills or to be a professional in knitting. You just need to learn the basics of crocheting, be able to understand the most common patterns and have a desire that will constantly motivate you. Knitted hats are good because they look great with denim women's jackets with fur and bright children's down jackets, so no matter how old you are - if it starts to get cold outside, this is a reason to buy yarn and crochet a wonderful hat.

You can crochet a baby hat without the help of others, however, It is important to prepare the necessary supplies and various attributes:

Hook. The hook itself can be made of the following material:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

You should not think that all three hooks are the same. Each hook is made for a specific thread thickness. Therefore, it is important to choose a hook that matches your hat well..

Yarn. The racks of shopping centers are constantly filled with skeins of a wide variety of threads, which, in turn, are divided into:

  • structure;
  • material;
  • thickness.

Of course, the knitter will choose the shade herself. For warm periods, thin threads (cotton) are best suited, and for cold periods, woolen threads are excellent.

We will also need a wide variety of accessories., for example, beads, satin ribbons, figures, etc.

Crochet knitted winter hat

As soon as winter arrives, many begin to remember their favorite hobby and begin to create various knitted items for themselves and their families. Warmer models are hats that have ties on the ears.

Let's look at a knitting pattern for a winter hat for a girl. This pattern will allow you to very quickly teach yourself how to knit beautiful and comfortable winter hats for your daughter or son from scratch. For those who have never knitted, but want to learn this interesting craft, Some recommendations would be helpful: count the number of loops correctly, you need to knit from right to left, and at the end of each knitting, be sure to secure a loop.

You can choose absolutely any yarn for knitting, narrow or thick. The knitting technique itself will not change in any way depending on the yarn. Only the appearance, warmth and softness will change.

If you want this piece to look more beautiful and fashionable, you can decorate it with different tassels and ties. For creative mothers or grandmothers, you can offer to knit an applique on a hat, for example, a flower.

Knitted autumn hat for girls

We have already looked at the pattern for knitting a hat in winter, let's now look at the pattern for autumn. Before you start, you need to decide what will be included in the threads. To prevent it from being too hot or, conversely, cold in the fall, you can choose acrylic or wool. This yarn will hold warmth unsurpassedly and is also pleasant to wear..

Before you begin, you need to take measurements. After this, we calculate the diameter of the bottom of the cap. These stages are necessary to ensure that the child is as comfortable as possible while wearing a hat outside in the fall. Now let's move on to the process itself:

  • first you need to tie the bottom with a column with a diameter of 14–15 cm, 8 rows in total;
  • then we make 23 rows with a shell pattern, pay attention to diagram 2;
  • at the very end of the work you need to tie the elastic band with a cape. Tie the elastic twice, because bamboo will stretch remarkably. It is best to knit tightly. You can use a thinner hook.

Summer beret for a girl

The design of a summer headdress is not much different from a hat in the fall. To knit a wonderful baby beret, you can use any circular knitting technique, for example, the motif of knitting a napkin. And to make the product look more beautiful and more comfortable, you need to choose a pattern in which the edges of the cap will be slightly folded. Let's look at the most common and effective option for crocheting a beret. For this work we will need:

  • hook;
  • threads of two colors;
  • satin ribbons (the shade should be contrasting).

Step-by-step weaving of a hat:

  • it is necessary to knit the base of the beret: we begin to make a chain of eight light loops and close it into a ring;
  • then we tie a circle of the size we need, after which we proceed to make the side part, using a thread of a different color.

For knitting we use the following pattern:

Knitted daisy hat for girls

A great option is a baby daisy hat. This extraordinary and interesting hat will look wonderful on your beloved daughter. To create it we will need: hooks of 2 sizes, thread color at your discretion; to create a decorating flower, it is best to use Lotus yarn, as it holds its shape perfectly, which eliminates the need to starch the product.

Steps to sew a hat:

  1. you need to knit the bottom of the required diameter and continue sewing without any increases. After we have obtained the work of the depth we need, the bottom of our product needs to be tied with a column in the absence of yarn overs of a different color;
  2. In order for our hat to live up to its name, it is necessary to weave a chamomile to decorate the product. You need to knit a chain of six chain stitches, then close it in a circle and knit it in a stitch with no double crochets. The final loop must be passed through the circle without knitting and begin weaving a new petal;
  3. In this way, make six parts by tying them. Then we begin to create the second tier by knitting six arches from the base of the flower. Next, we sew the middle of the flower to cover small errors, as well as adding a finished look to the daisy. Little by little we begin to decorate our hat. We knit leaves and decorate individual petals with beads. We collect all the parts of the component. The first step is to sew the leaves, and then sew our chamomile on top. Luxurious and incredibly comfortable clothing is already ready.

As you can see from the examples listed, you can knit a baby’s hat very quickly and without straining yourself too much. The main thing is to look carefully at the diagrams and do everything as indicated on them. You can create a wonderful knitted gift for your daughter with your own hands.

How to crochet an openwork hat for a girl - watch the instructional video.

Many mothers love to do handicrafts in their free time and create beautiful things for their kids. And in the first year of life, the child is so tender and fragile that you want to decorate him, make him warm and pleasant. A crocheted hat, created especially for a baby, will remind for a long time and leave bright memories of this period of time when the child just entered this world.

A baby's ears are too sensitive in the first months of life and must be protected. Therefore, a crocheted hat will come in handy for a newborn, especially if it is also warm. By creating a variety of decorative elements on such a hat, you can evoke pleasant feelings not only in the baby, but also in the people around him. It doesn't matter if you are an inexperienced knitter.

Making a children's hat is not too difficult and is accessible to many. By mastering simple crochet patterns for newborns, you can create a work of art for your little one. Learn to knit the warp first and then experiment with other shapes. Knit a hat so that the child's ears are securely covered from the cold and wind.

Preparatory stage - select yarn and calculate size

All you need for work is a hook, yarn, a thick needle, scissors. Before you start knitting any product, you need to pay attention to the quality, color and thickness of the threads, because the success of your work depends on these criteria.

If you want to crochet a summer hat for a newborn, it is better to choose cotton yarn, because it contains viscose, which is known to give things a shine in the sun. Remember that dark colors attract the sun's rays, which can cause sunstroke, and we don't want that. An example of the threads we need are iris, chamomile and many others. If you are not sure of your choice, check with the yarn seller.

If we talk about color, that it is better to choose bright shades, what child would want to wear a dark and unattractive thing? The thickness of the yarn should be medium, because a thick thread will look rough and unkempt, while a thin thread simply will not hold its shape and will sag. For winter products, it is important to choose a denser yarn that will protect against low temperatures and cold winds.

You can take any soft yarn, depending on what season you want to knit a hat for. In addition, it should not irritate the baby's delicate skin. Natural yarn, which is made from cotton and wool, is excellent. Today you can even find special threads for children on sale.

The main thing that needs to be done in subsequent work is to correctly calculate the size. To do this, you need to take measurements from the child's head. It should be done along the more protruding points of the ears, because we don’t want the cap to be small and put pressure on the child’s head. To know what size to make the bottom of the hat, you need to measure the volume of your head. This value will then need to be divided by 3.14 (Pi). The resulting value will be the diameter of the bottom of the cap.

Crochet hat for beginners - master class

This job description is suitable as a very simple example. In order to knit a hat, you first need to make an amigurami ring, as it will give a beautiful start. Thanks to him, there will be no unsightly hole in the middle of the bottom of the hat.

After the ring is created, three air loops are made. The first row should have 12 stitches, so we knit 11, plus you will already have one stitch.

In order to complete the first row, you need to knit the last stitch and the third stitch together. Do this using a connecting post. Before doing this, do not forget to tighten the ring.

For the second row we add three more loops (count them as a stitch). At the end of the row, join into the third chain stitch of the first row.

The additions are necessary so that the base of the cap expands. Each row should add 12 new stitches. To achieve uniformity, you need to add 12 columns in the second row.

But in the next row you need to add through the column. In other rows the addition is made through two, then three, then 4, etc. Let's look at the diagram, everything is clearly shown there. You can easily understand how new rows are added later and without any diagram.

When you have finished knitting the main part of the hat that will make up the bottom, measure it with a measuring tape to ensure that it is the right size for your baby.

Once the bottom is finished, you simply knit the hat lengthwise. Each row begins with three air loops, at the end there is a connecting loop. Knit until the depth of the hat matches your ideas.

It’s quite easy to calculate the depth of the hat: divide the head circumference by three and add two centimeters. But you should still focus on the child, always try on whether this size will suit him or not.

Once you get the cap to the depth you need, cut the thread and try to get it out of your eyes. You have a base that is a simple knitted hat. Subsequently, you can use purl and knit stitches or openwork patterns in your knitting. By tying the resulting cap with double crochets around the entire circumference, you will improve its shape and give it a more interesting look.

How to knit ears

Make nine chain stitches. Then make another loop that you will need for this. So that you can rise further. Find the second stitch and make 4 rows. Each row consists of 9 stitches, make them single crochet. In the fifth row, decrease one loop, make one single crochet, knit to the end of the row. You should have 6 single crochets.

Then in the next row, decrease one column 3 times. And when you have 3 columns left, you can close them. You can make ties to the ears. To do this, knit 25 loops to each eye. If you want the ties to be strong, tie them with connecting posts.

A pom-pom will undoubtedly brighten up a newborn baby boy's crochet project. Take the threads and wrap them around a cardboard square or a ruler. Wind until you get the volume you need. Cut the thread and place the skein aside. Remove the wound threads and tie them tightly with another thread. Cut the loops on the sides and shape the pompom to your liking using scissors.

Examples of original hats for newborns

Show your imagination and make children's hats original. Let's look at some examples

Bear. Once you have knitted the base, you can knit the ears and sew them to the top of the hat, like a teddy bear.

Little frog. Take green yarn, knit the base, ears and attach button eyes to the ears. You will get a funny frog.

Little mouse. You will need to take gray threads. You can make the ears from yarn of any color. For girls, you can tie a bow to the hat. v/span>

What to consider when knitting a hat:

  • The number of seams should be minimal. The seams should be on the outside so as not to injure the baby’s delicate skin.
  • The baby's hat should be loose so as not to tighten the head and damage the ears.

But do not forget that, despite the time of year, crocheting for a newborn girl can be decorated with beads, large beads, patterns, lace, artificial flowers and various other decorations, because this way it will give joy not only to the child, but to everyone around.

You can choose any description and pattern for a hat for a child, even an adult, and knit it according to the size of the child’s head. Identical hats for mother and child will look quite original.

By knitting a hat for a child, you will make him elegant and beautiful. This item will be exclusive, which no one else has. Give your child joy and comfort!