Scenario of entertainment "The Magic World of Magic Tricks" (middle and senior groups) experiments and experiments (middle and senior groups) on the topic. Entertainment scenario for children of all ages

Natalia Khrycheva
Leisure scenario “The Magic World of Tricks”

Target: give children an idea of ​​the profession - magician.


Educational: give children an idea of ​​the profession magician, about what there are tricks.

Developmental: we develop auditory and visual attention.

Educational: we develop the ability to listen and work in a team.


Hello children! Today we will get acquainted with a very unusual, very interesting and even a little magical profession - magician!

Now I will read you a poem and you will understand what kind of profession this is and what this person can do!

He's probably from another planet

Once he works such miracles.

Doesn't tell secrets to anyone

Like a flower he received from a wheel.

Wave your hand and the dove flies out.

And then out of a hat - a rabbit suddenly

It jumps and freezes like a stone.

And butterflies are already flying around.

How he does it? Dont clear.

Either he is a charlatan or a magician.

Oh, and again focus, how beautiful,

He made a medallion from papers.

Magician- he is a jack of all trades,

He's like a real magician.

No one around him knows boredom,

Because he is full of ideas.

Educator: Children, have you ever seen magician? Where can you meet him?

Children: answer

Educator: what kind you know the tricks?

Children: answer

Educator: And now I’ll tell you about the most famous magicians and about their most famous tricks-which are even called miracles. (the teacher, using a computer, talks about Houdini freeing himself from any chains, Copperfield and his flights, Keogh and cutting people in half, Geller and bent spoons, Bertolomeo Bosco and his pigeons changing heads)

Educator: I'll put mine on now magic cylinder and briefly turn into magician and I'll show you some interesting ones tricks, and many of you will even help me and be able to try it yourself!

Magician takes a glass of water, puts a card on the glass. Holding the card with his hand, he quickly turns the glass over and puts it away hand: Water does not pour out.

Secret focus:

The air presses on the card and presses it against the glass.

2) Water turns from ordinary to multi-colored!

Secret focus:

For focus You need to take 3 jars with screw caps. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint. Water is poured into the jars in advance. The magician shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then says magic words:

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold,

Stand, water-water,

Not light, but green.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one!

Magician shakes the water in the jar, the water turns the desired color.

3) Bottle with rope.

Magician shows the audience an empty bottle (it is better if the bottle is dark) and a piece of rope about a meter long. Magician turns the bottle upside down and inserts a rope into it. After that magician releases the rope, and it doesn't slip out of the bottle! Magician offers to perform a similar trick for children. But, of course, nothing works out for them.

Secret focus rope in a bottle is that before inserting the rope into the bottle, you secretly fold the tip of the rope in half or three times.

4) Erupting volcano

To create a volcano that is completely safe and, nevertheless, very spectacular, required:

plate, plasticine, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, table vinegar, dye, any dishwashing liquid.

Place the plate with the “volcano” on the tray. To “charge the volcano with lava,” prepare a mixture of dishwashing liquid (1 tablespoon, dry baking soda (1 tablespoon) and dye (a few drops are enough). Pour this mixture into the “volcano”, and then add vinegar there. A violent reaction begins with the release of carbon dioxide. Brightly colored foam emerges from the “mouth” of the volcano.

5) “Instantly transform an orange into an apple. The teacher shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright scarf, and says magic spells, pulls off the scarf. And there’s already an apple on your palm!

Secret focus Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then an apple (it should be slightly smaller than an orange) place in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

Educator: You liked the children tricks? Which one did you like the most? Which ones did you see today? tricks?

Let's now try it for yourself under my supervision a little focus....

Children: trying to repeat tricks.

Educator: what did we do today? Who are they magicians?

Children answer questions.

Educator: Well done!

Publications on the topic:

Presenter: On May 9, our country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day. Many years have passed since German troops attacked the Russians.

“The theater is a magical world. It gives lessons of beauty, morality and ethics. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world of children.”

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Zyryanova(Kaigorodova) Angela Sergeevna
Scenario for the entertainment show program “Day of Miracles, or How the Magic Clown Came to Visit Us” (children 6.5–8 years old)

Leading: Hello guys! Today we gathered in the hall to play and have fun! But that’s not the problem... Summer has come, but there is no sunshine. I propose to tell poems about summer and then the sun will definitely appear!

Children recite poems about summer.

The Clown appears.

Clown: Hello guys. I come to you from a wonderful country called Circus. I heard your funny poems about summer and wanted to help you. It's cloudy and damp outside, so everyone's mood deteriorates and their smiles disappear. And everyone knows that the world becomes brighter from smiles! And who is the best at entertaining people? Of course, a clown! But I can’t do it alone, I need friends to help me. Will you be my friends?

Children's answers.

Clown: Then let's play a dance game! And the balloons I brought will help us play! We will pass the ball to each other while listening to music, sitting on chairs. As soon as the music stops, we do not transfer the ball. And the one who still has the ball in his hands comes out and dances with me!

The game is being played.

Clown: I completely forgot... These are not ordinary balls, but magic ones. The balls contain secret tasks that will help us disperse the clouds! Shall we burst the first balloon?


There is magic in the middle:

There the eccentric took out the bunny

From your pocket.

There's a dancer under the dome

She flew away like a tit.

The dogs were dancing there.

Of course, you've been there.


Any item in my hands

As if under a spell.

Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!

Here he is again!

Here and there

That is no, that is!

And there are so many balls to count!

Look, they're gone!

Where can I get them?

And it’s very strange

Why am I getting them again?

From your pocket!


He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

That's what he's called, the merry fellow.


Clown: Well done boys! All the riddles have been solved! The sun's rays have already begun to appear! Let's relax a little and play a game called "Top, Clap"

When I say “Clap, clap!”

You kick, stomp, stomp.

And I’ll say “Top, top”

You clap your hands - clap, clap!

Clown: How fun you are! But it's time to continue, let's pop the next balloon!

2. RED BALL – Tricks

1. Focus “Glass on paper”

Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it. The secret of focus. To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand.

2. Focus “Colored water”

Water turns from ordinary to multi-colored! The secret of focus. To perform the trick, you need to take 3 jars with screw-on lids. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue). Water is poured into the jars in advance. The magician clown shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then says the magic words:

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold,

Stand, water-water,

Not light, but green.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one!

The magician clown shakes the water in the jar, the water turns the desired color.

3. Magic paper trick

A magician clown shows a blank sheet of paper. Then he invites someone who wants to help perform a miracle and says the magic words: “Frex, brex, pex!” The child paints a piece of paper with paint, and a picture appears on it. The secret of focus. First you need to draw a picture on paper with a wax candle. Then the drawn picture will remain unpainted and will appear.

Clown: Guys, thank you, you are real helpers! Help me call the sun! It's getting brighter and warmer outside! And the last thing we need to do is play! Oh guys...I had another ball...Ah! I know! He flew to your group! For the magic to happen, you need to complete my magical task! You need to stand up, holding hands, and thus reach your group! Then the magic will definitely happen!

And it’s time for me to run until we meet again!

In the group, the children have a ball with a description of the game and a sweet surprise.

3. GREEN BALL – GAME “Tricks, bites lim-po-po” (

Progress of the game

After the barker's words:

Get ready, kids.

A fun game awaits!

We're playing circus today

Let's start the show!

The director of the circus is selected according to a counting rhyme. The director puts on his hat and gives instructions to prepare for the performance. Moves aside for a moment. During this time, the players choose the director using a counting rhyme.

One two three four five,

Black ponies, there are four of them,

They taught me how to jump deftly.

There are only three monkeys

They're tumbling, look!

Head is spinning:

Two huge lions came out!

Only one did not come out -

Our friend the crocodile.

The rest of the children are artists. The players form a circle. The director shows various movements, the actors must repeat them. The action is accompanied by the words “Tricks, bites, lim-po-po...”. These words serve as a signal to the director. He goes to the center of the circle. The director changes the movement several times. The circus director's task is to recognize who the director is. If he succeeds, he becomes an artist, and the director becomes a director. The children choose a new director. The game repeats itself.

The teacher needs to monitor the position of the players at a distance sufficient to safely perform movements. The game can be played in a group, gym, or outside during the warm season.

Publications on the topic:

“Family Olympic Games” - Scenario of an entertaining sports and game program for children and their parents, dedicated to the celebration of the day.

“The nesting dolls came to visit us.” Scenario of visual and entertainment activities Annotation. The proposed scenario was developed for the senior group of kindergarten. Its theme is relevant in our time, as are folk crafts.

“Our happy childhood!” Date: June 1, 2016. Educational field: socio-communicative development. Goal: Formation in children.

YERALASH To the melody of Shainsky’s song “Smile,” the children enter the hall. Dance “Ducklings” Veselinka: Girls and boys! Two-Bit: And their parents too.

Summary of the celebration of April 1 in the form of a game entertainment program “Smeshinka Gathers Friends” in the senior group Scenario of the game program in the Burashevsky kindergarten "Smeshinka gathers friends!" Compiled and prepared by the teacher of the senior group.

Entertainment scenario for children 5-6 years old “Tricks from a chest.”

Thematic week “Water, water, water all around...”

Target: to form a cognitive and research interest in water using magic tricks.
- promote the development of logical thinking in children and imagination;
- promote the development of social emotions that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships;
- to form a stable interest in tricks.
Equipment: Fakir costume, starfish, chest, containers with water and ice cubes, disposable transparent cups, transparent plastic water bottles with painted lids, white paper napkin, scissors, felt-tip pens, some sunflower oil, an effervescent aspirin tablet, starch, iodine, brush, album sheets; recordings of musical games "Dance of the Little Ducklings", "Boogie Boogie".
Educator: Razduvalova K.O.

PROGRESS of entertainment:

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Circus”. Children arrange chairs around an imaginary arena. At the box office they “buy” tickets, show them to the controller and take their seats.
Teacher-presenter: Dear viewers! Today you came to the circus, but not an ordinary one, but to the “Circus of Tricks”! So, today Suleiman ibn Abdurahman, a famous fakir from Far India, will perform in front of you in the circus arena! Meet!
Magic music sounds, the Fakir enters, carries a beautiful chest in his hands, and walks around the hall.
- Hello guys! You recognized me? (Children's answers.)
- Well done! I have brought a magic chest for you. It has many different tricks. Shall we try to open it? Let's say together: “Chok-chok-chok, open the chest.” (Does not open.)
- Something doesn’t open... Ahh, I got it! You speak too quietly. Can you turn it up louder?

Quiet, quiet. (I put it to my ear.) I hear the chest telling me something. Yep, he asks you to dance his favorite Little Ducklings dance for him.
(dance of little ducks".)
- Well, now the chest should open! Help me: “Chok-chok-chok, open, chest” 1, 2, 3 - opened! Oh, there are so many tricks here! I will show them to you one by one, and you watch carefully and be surprised.
1 focus “Magic stones”- For this trick, I specially brought crystal stones from India! (Pour ice cubes into a container of water and cover with a scarf.)
- 1, 2, 3 – it’s a trick! Up! (I take off my scarf.) Oh, miracle! Where are the stones?
- Here comes the next trick!
Focus 2 “Colored water”. (I close a transparent bottle of water with a lid, the inside of which is painted over with paint, cover it with a handkerchief and shake it well.)
- 1, 2, 3, - it’s a trick! (I call one child, he tries to repeat.)
- Well done, when you grow up, you will also become a fakir! And we have the next trick. What do we have in our chest?
Focus 3 “Transformation of a starfish” (I take out a dried starfish from the chest, show it to the children, hide it behind a scarf, and go to the door.)
- 1, 2, 3 – it’s a trick! (The door opens slightly and a girl, dressed in a starfish costume, stands up by her scarf; I throw back the scarf.)
- Hello, guys! How did I end up here? Maybe we can play a game with you that I really love: “The sea is agitated once...” (The game is played 2-3 times.)
- Thank you guys for playing with me. Can I stay with you and watch some tricks?
4 focus “Magic water”. (For the trick you will need: an ordinary white paper napkin, scissors, felt-tip pens and a glass of water. Fold the napkin into a tube, cut off a small piece from the edge, unfold. On the resulting strip, stepping back a little from the narrow edge, use felt-tip pens of different colors to draw bold dots in one line Then lower the strip with dots into a glass of water so that the dots do not reach the water by 2-3 mm.)
(The water will begin to rise up the paper strip, the marks from the felt-tip pen will creep up.)
- Look, guys, how interesting it is: it turns out that water can not only flow down, but also rise up!
5 focus “Eruption”. (I pour sunflower oil into an empty glass, then ordinary water. The oil rises to the top. Then I throw a soluble aspirin tablet into the glass.)
- 1,2,3,4,5 – get the trick again! (The result is a very beautiful effect: water bubbles rise up, mix with oil, as if lava is erupting...)
Focus 6: “Turning milk tea into paint.”
Guys, do you think it’s possible to draw with just some water? (Children answer.))