The first signs and symptoms of early miscarriage. How does miscarriage occur in the early stages?

Pregnancy is one of the most desirable stages in a woman’s life. But sometimes it ends spontaneously, called a miscarriage. As a rule, miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, and this can be due to various reasons.

According to medical statistics, one out of five pregnancies ends in miscarriage. Most often, miscarriage occurs in the early stages, when the woman does not yet know about her situation: a miscarriage during a 2-week pregnancy has virtually no symptoms. But there are, of course, cases when a woman already knows about her situation, but loses her child. To prevent the tragedy from happening again, she needs to know how to protect herself from miscarriage and what factors cause it.

Causes of early miscarriage

First you need to define what is an early miscarriage? According to gynecological terminology, a miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy for up to 20 weeks. It may occur for the following reasons:

  • Genetic disorders of the fetus. Genetics believe that about 75% of miscarriages occur precisely because of this factor. There is no need to be afraid of this, since most often such deviations are accidental. They can be provoked by various viral diseases, radiation exposure and other external negative influences. Pregnancy in this case is terminated due to the so-called natural selection, which helps to get rid of unhealthy or non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to avoid such spontaneous abortion. Due to the large number of negative environmental influences, the risk of developing genetic abnormalities cannot be prevented.
  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Often miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs due to a lack of the hormone progesterone in the female body. Such a hormonal imbalance can occur for various reasons, but most often it is possible to prevent miscarriage at an early stage if the disorder is detected in a timely manner. For this, the woman is prescribed a course of hormonal medications. Women also have another hormonal problem - high levels of male hormones. They help reduce the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone, which help pregnancy proceed normally. Thyroid and adrenal hormones can also affect pregnancy, so these organs should be tested before planning.
  • Immunological factor. Many people know about such a phenomenon during pregnancy as. It occurs when the fetus inherits a negative blood factor from the father, and the mother has a positive one. As a result, the female body perceives pregnancy as something foreign and rejects it. If there is a risk of early miscarriage, the woman in this case is prescribed treatment, which involves taking the hormone progesterone, which acts as an immunomodulator.
  • Infectious diseases in women. Today there are many sexually transmitted diseases. They can lead to early miscarriage. These diseases include: toxoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus and others. When planning a pregnancy, you should know that many of these infections can be asymptomatic. Therefore, before becoming pregnant, it is important to eliminate their presence in the body. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy is associated with infection of the embryo and damage to the membranes. If such diseases are detected during pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately begin their treatment in order to reduce the degree of their impact on the fetus.
  • Poor women's health and chronic diseases. The likelihood of miscarriage in early pregnancy increases when a woman becomes ill and there is a high temperature and intoxication of the body. The most dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman are viral hepatitis, rubella and influenza. Even rhinitis or sore throat during early pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. More serious diseases threaten not only the course of pregnancy, but also the health of the unborn child. Before planning, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of chronic diseases and begin to treat them. It is also important to tell your doctor immediately about any problems you have.
  • Previous abortions. A large number of women had abortions for various reasons. Such interference in the body puts severe stress on it. The consequence of an abortion can be an inflammatory process in the female organs, the development of ovarian and adrenal dysfunction. These complications disrupt the normal course of a new pregnancy. Induced abortion leads to secondary infertility. When a new pregnancy occurs, a woman must inform her doctor about the abortion.
  • Taking certain medications and herbal treatment. Everyone knows that some medications can cross the placenta to the fetus and negatively affect it. Taking such drugs is most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period all the systems and organs of the unborn child are formed, and if a negative effect of drugs occurs, anomalies in the formation of the fetus may occur, and, consequently, an early miscarriage. Dangerous drugs include some groups of antibiotics, contraceptives, and medications that relieve pain. If a woman took them before she found out she was pregnant, she should tell her doctor about it. Traditional methods of treatment can also have a negative effect on the fetus. The most dangerous herbs for a pregnant woman are: St. John's wort, tansy and nettle. Even seemingly harmless parsley leads to uterine tone, and as a result, to miscarriage.
  • Stress. Very often, unexpected reasons lead to early miscarriage. One of them is stressful situations that have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy. Under forced circumstances that lead to stress, a pregnant woman should inform her doctor. You cannot start taking sedatives on your own: they can harm the fetus even more.
  • Excessive physical activity. During pregnancy, a woman needs to stop lifting weights, and, if necessary, evenly distribute the load and give herself rest. The maximum permissible weight for a pregnant woman is 5 kg.
  • Injury. Falls and injuries rarely lead to spontaneous abortion, since the embryo is reliably protected in the mother's womb. But if such situations arise, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Hot bath. There are rare cases of miscarriages when a woman abuses hot baths. To reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion, a woman does not need to completely abandon such procedures; she should not make the water too hot, and stay in the bath for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Bad habits of the expectant mother. and alcohol abuse during pregnancy can cause early miscarriage. Excessive coffee consumption and lack of outdoor activities also have a negative impact on the development of the unborn child.

Symptoms and signs of miscarriage

The most common symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy include pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region. In this case, the pain is not constant, but appears periodically. If red or brown discharge occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid spontaneous abortion.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage include uterine tone, but only when it causes the woman discomfort and is accompanied by pain. If there are no unpleasant sensations with tone, then the doctor only recommends reducing physical activity and avoiding stress.

At any stage of pregnancy, the symptoms of miscarriage are similar to each other, only their soreness and abundance of discharge may differ. In the second trimester, damage to the amniotic fluid sac is added, accompanied by fluid leaking from the vagina, blood clots during urination, and very severe pain in the shoulder or stomach, indicating internal bleeding.

How does early miscarriage occur?

An early miscarriage does not happen overnight. This process can last several hours or several days. This goes through several stages:

  1. First stage: threat of miscarriage. They appear with her. Gradually they increase, and they become paroxysmal. At the same time, blood begins to be discharged from the vagina. At this stage, timely seeking medical help gives a great chance of maintaining the pregnancy, since the uterus is still closed.
  2. Second phase. Placental abruption begins, as a result of which the embryo experiences oxygen starvation. It is no longer possible to stop spontaneous abortion, since the fetus dies.
  3. Third stage. During this period, the placenta has completely separated, but the dead fetus remains in the uterus. From this moment his separation begins.
  4. Fourth stage. In this case, the dead fetus along with the placenta leaves the uterine cavity. After this, the doctor carefully examines the woman and, if necessary, removes remaining tissue.

During what periods of pregnancy do miscarriages most often occur?

Miscarriage most often occurs at a very short stage of pregnancy - 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy and perceives an early miscarriage as the beginning of menstruation. This is associated with similar symptoms: spotting and pain in the lower abdomen.

Less commonly, miscarriage occurs in the later stages up to 20 weeks. Spontaneous miscarriage late in pregnancy after 20 weeks is called stillbirth.

Diagnosis of miscarriage in the early stages

The risk of early miscarriage is reduced to a minimum when the woman, at the planning stage, took all the recommended tests and examinations, and also treated the identified diseases. In this case, the threat of miscarriage is diagnosed during planning, and treatment is carried out in advance.

If there was no preliminary examination and treatment, then a doctor can diagnose an early miscarriage during an examination. To do this, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • the size of the uterus is checked for compliance with the set period;
  • it is determined whether the uterus is in good shape;
  • the closure of the cervix is ​​checked;
  • attention is paid to vaginal discharge.

At later stages, the most reliable way to determine the threat of miscarriage is to conduct a transvaginal ultrasound. At the same time, the length of the cervix and its internal condition are checked.

If there is bleeding and other serious threats of miscarriage, the woman is admitted to the hospital, and if there is no concern about the condition of the pregnancy, she remains treated at home.

Types of miscarriages

Spontaneous abortion can be classified into several types:

  1. An incomplete miscarriage is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, while the cervix opens. As the cervix opens, the membranes burst, but the pain and bleeding do not stop.
  2. Complete miscarriage. After death, the fetus or embryo completely leaves the uterine cavity. Bleeding stops and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  3. Failed miscarriage. The dead fetus or embryo remains in the uterus. This condition is also called, and it is detected only during a doctor’s examination when listening to the heartbeat. At the same time, all signs of pregnancy disappear. If a missed miscarriage is diagnosed, the woman undergoes uterine curettage.
  4. A recurrent miscarriage is defined as when a woman has had at least three spontaneous abortions in the first trimester.
  5. Anembryony is characterized by the onset of fertilization without the formation of a fetus: the egg is implanted in the uterus, but the embryo is not there. A woman has a missed period and may have other signs of pregnancy.
  6. Choriadenoma occurs due to a genetic error during fertilization: instead of a fetus, abnormal tissue grows in the uterus. Its first signs are similar to pregnancy.

Any such conditions end in spontaneous miscarriage or mechanical abortion.

Is it possible to prevent early miscarriage?

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to stop an early miscarriage only if you seek medical help in a timely manner. If a threat of spontaneous miscarriage is detected, the doctor first prescribes bed rest. Sometimes the woman is not even allowed to get up. It is necessary to reduce physical activity to a minimum.

Any worries and negative thoughts have a negative impact on the condition of the fetus. It is important to try to avoid stressful situations. The doctor may even prescribe valerian or motherwort as a sedative.

Drug treatment is prescribed to block the contraction of the uterus, which helps stop the miscarriage. If necessary, the doctor prescribes an additional intrauterine ultrasound. If insufficiency is detected, an operation is performed in the hospital to apply sutures to the uterus, helping to preserve the fertilized egg inside. It is done under general anesthesia, and relaxing drugs are injected into the uterus.

It happens that a woman is diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and she spends almost the entire pregnancy in the hospital.

Consequences after a miscarriage

After a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages, the doctor may give several days for the remaining fetal tissue to come out on its own with vaginal discharge. If this does not happen, mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity is prescribed: curettage and subsequent restoration of the body.

In this case, you need to monitor the discharge, and if you have any suspicions, immediately consult a doctor. Continuous bleeding at the beginning of menstruation after an early miscarriage may be due to residual membranes in the uterus. To diagnose them, the doctor performs an ultrasound and, if necessary, performs repeated cleaning. If nothing is found in the uterus, drugs are prescribed to actively contract the uterus and stop bleeding.

A rise in body temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. In this case, you also need to seek medical help. If there are no complications, the body recovers within 1-2 months.

Many couples experience spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy. An early miscarriage should not become an obstacle to the desire to have a child. If there was a single miscarriage in the early stages, then the chances of a normal course of the subsequent pregnancy are 80%.

With repeated miscarriages, the likelihood of a normally developing pregnancy is significantly reduced. To prevent this from happening, you need to determine the cause of the miscarriage, and if it is any disease, be sure to treat it.

You can plan a new pregnancy only a few months after a miscarriage or uterine curettage.

Preventive measures

Women who have experienced miscarriage once worry about how to prevent spontaneous abortion the next time. You can increase the likelihood of a normal course of your next pregnancy by adhering to some preventive measures:

  • complete cessation of bad habits: smoking, drug and alcohol use;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • moderate physical activity.

If a new pregnancy is detected, you should:

  1. Consult your doctor as soon as possible so that, if necessary, he can prescribe medications for the normal development of pregnancy in the early stages.
  2. Reduce consumption of strong tea and coffee.
  3. Avoid lifting weights and playing sports, especially if there is a risk of falling or injuring yourself.

Early miscarriage - photos and main reasons for spontaneous abortion. This phenomenon often occurs before the twelfth week of pregnancy. Late miscarriages occur quite rarely; most pregnancies are terminated for some reason in the first trimester. For many expectant mothers, in the initial stages of pregnancy, doctors diagnose the threat of miscarriage. This should be taken as seriously as possible, since if you do not go to the hospital on time, the fetus may die.

For what reasons can an early miscarriage occur? What does a miscarriage look like and what symptoms are associated with it?

If a miscarriage occurs in the fifth week, the woman will certainly experience poor health and unpleasant, characteristic symptoms. Termination of pregnancy is always accompanied by red or brownish discharge and painful sensations in the lower abdomen. If during pregnancy a woman notices the appearance of unhealthy discharge with blood impurities, then she should immediately consult a doctor, since the fetus can still be saved. And if severe bleeding appears suddenly, then, unfortunately, the child cannot be saved.

If a girl has no idea that she is pregnant, then she may regard the bleeding as normal menstruation. For this reason, every representative of the fair sex needs to know how to identify a miscarriage in order to see a doctor in time. It happens that a miscarriage does not manifest itself with obvious signs, but only indirect ones. The indirect ones include the following:

    severe weight loss; pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by cramps; the appearance of mucus that has a strange hue; pain in the lumbar region; diarrhea; nausea; disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, fruit tissue may be rejected along with blood discharge. This does not happen right away. Sometimes the body begins to remove dead tissue only a couple of weeks after the actual death of the fetus. This process is almost always accompanied by bloody, spotting discharge or severe bleeding (in this case, the woman needs urgent hospitalization).

What can cause early incomplete miscarriage?

Obvious symptoms of early miscarriage often indicate that the fetus had some kind of genetic developmental disorder that was incomparable to life. Many miscarriages occur due to mutations and chromosomal defects. In such a situation, the female body simply gets rid of a child who is not viable, since he will not be able to exist in a natural environment.

Currently, there are many mutagenic factors that contribute to the appearance of various genetic abnormalities in unborn children. For this reason, today women often experience miscarriages in the first months of pregnancy. The next possible reason is a hormonal imbalance in the girl. A woman who suffers from any hormonal diseases, such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus, etc., should monitor the course of pregnancy very carefully. If there is a deficiency of progesterone in the female body, this can also provoke termination of pregnancy.

The risk of miscarriage increases due to the presence of sexual diseases in a pregnant woman. Also, the cause of interruption can be common infectious diseases such as rubella, sore throat, influenza, chicken pox. Constant tension, stressful situations and severe physical stress can provoke a miscarriage.

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Obstetrics and gynecology Miscarriage

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion)

Miscarriage is a condition in which a pregnancy is terminated before the fetus can survive. Any bleeding from the vagina that is larger than a spot in size during early pregnancy is regarded as a threat of miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding is quite common during early pregnancy. One in four pregnant women develop spotting during the first months of pregnancy. In half of them, bleeding stops on its own and subsequent pregnancy proceeds without complications. In the medical understanding, miscarriage and spontaneous abortion are identical terms.

Types of miscarriage

There are the following types of miscarriage (spontaneous abortion):

  • Risk of miscarriage– there is no vaginal bleeding. The cervical canal was not opened during examination. There is nagging pain in the lower abdomen and cramps. When performing an ultrasound during pregnancy during the threat of miscarriage, you can see hypertonicity of the uterus in the form of wall thickening.
  • Incipient miscarriage- vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy. The intensity of vaginal bleeding and pain during a threatened miscarriage is usually low and the cervix is ​​usually closed during a gynecological examination. In this case, there are no signs of the tissues of the fertilized egg coming out of the cervical canal. During manual examination, the area of ​​the uterus and appendages is sensitive.
  • Abortion in progress ( inevitable miscarriage) - there is significant bleeding from the vagina, more intense pain and cramps. During a gynecological examination, a gaping canal of the cervix is ​​discovered, in which parts of the fertilized egg are visible.
  • Incomplete miscarriage(incomplete abortion) - partial expulsion of parts of the fetus and chorion tissue (placenta) up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. The intensity of bleeding from the vagina is high, the pain and cramps are quite severe. When performing an ultrasound, you can visualize tissue remains in the uterine cavity.
  • Complete miscarriage(complete abortion) - characterized by the complete release of all fetal tissues and fertilized egg from the uterus. Bleeding and pain usually stop when all the tissue has come out of the uterus. When performing an ultrasound in the uterine cavity, it is not possible to detect the fetus and parts of the fertilized egg.

Currently, miscarriage occurs in approximately 20% of all pregnancies. However, there is no single obvious reason for the development of such a complication. Stages such as threatened miscarriage and incipient miscarriage (incipient abortion) are reversible if the pregnant woman receives medical assistance in a timely manner.

Causes of miscarriage

A miscarriage develops due to the separation of the placenta and fetus from the wall of the uterus, and although the exact reasons for the development of this condition are unknown, several of the most significant factors in the development of this pregnancy complication are identified:

  • Fetal abnormalities are the most common cause of miscarriage during the first three months of pregnancy. Genetic abnormalities in the fetus are detected in almost half of the cases. The risk of abnormalities and miscarriage increases with a woman's age and becomes maximum after 35 years.
  • Miscarriages that occur during the second trimester of pregnancy largely depend on the woman's health. Risk factors include diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, renal failure, thyroid disease, some infectious diseases (cytomegalovirus infection, mycoplasmosis), emotional shock, background gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, multiple pregnancies, placental abnormalities). Miscarriages can develop with insufficient tone and cicatricial changes in the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency). The negative effects of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco are very strong.

Symptoms of miscarriage

When a woman has a miscarriage, she usually experiences symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain, and cramping.

  • Bleeding may vary in intensity. To make it easier for your doctor to assess the severity of this symptom, tell them how many pads you change during the day and whether you notice the presence of blood clots and foreign tissue in your vaginal discharge.
  • Pain and cramps usually occur in the lower abdomen. The pain can be one or two-sided, spreading to the back and buttocks, as well as to the genitals.
  • Symptoms such as nausea during pregnancy, swelling and hardening of the mammary glands may disappear.

When to Seek Medical Care Immediately

If you are pregnant and experience the following symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Lower abdominal pain or cramping
  • Weakness and/or nausea
  • Severe attacks of nausea and vomiting
  • Pain and increased frequency when urinating

If you have the following symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical hospital or call an ambulance:

  • If you know that you are pregnant and the intensity of vaginal bleeding is such that you have to change more than 1 pad per hour.
  • If you experience severe pain and cramping in the lower abdomen
  • If you see anything in the discharge that resembles tissue
  • If you have previously had an ectopic pregnancy
  • If you experience severe dizziness or fainting
  • If you have a high temperature (higher than 37.5)

Investigations for miscarriage

When visiting a doctor, you will be asked the following questions:

  • What is your gestational age?
  • When was your last normal menstrual period?
  • How many times have you been pregnant?
  • How many pregnancies with a live birth have you had in your life?
  • Have you had miscarriages before?
  • Have you ever had an ectopic pregnancy?
  • Have you had an abortion before?
  • What birth control products did you use?
  • Did you plan this pregnancy?
  • Do you want to continue your pregnancy?
  • Did you receive any treatment during pregnancy?
  • Do you have problems urinating?
  • Have you had an ultrasound done to confirm that your pregnancy is progressing normally?
  • Do you know your blood type and Rh factor?
  • Do you have any chronic or acute diseases?
  • What medications do you use?

Do you use any dietary supplements or herbal nutrients?

To assess the condition of the cervix, it is mandatory to conduct a gynecological examination, which consists of inserting a vaginal speculum and assessing the condition of the cervix. When a miscarriage begins, you can see the open external os of the cervical canal with fragments of the fertilized egg. Bimanual palpation of the pelvic organs is also performed. During this manipulation, the gynecologist places the fingers of one hand into the vagina, and with the other hand gently presses on the uterus, cervix and ovaries. This technique allows you to assess the sensitivity, size and displacement of the pelvic organs. Also, if there is a threat of miscarriage, blood is drawn for analysis. The level of beta-chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that increases during pregnancy, is determined in the blood. A decrease in the concentration of this hormone may indicate fading of pregnancy. A complete blood count is also performed to determine the degree of blood loss. A test to determine your blood type and Rh factor may also be performed. If there are symptoms that indicate a genitourinary infection, a bacterial culture is taken and PCR reactions are performed to diagnose bacteria and viruses. Ultrasound if there is a suspicion of a threatened miscarriage is one of the main diagnostic procedures. The ultrasound is painless and can be performed through the abdomen or transvaginal ultrasound for more accurate visualization.

Treatment of miscarriage

Threatened miscarriage and ongoing miscarriage are reversible states. If an abortion is diagnosed in progress or in later stages, attempts to continue the pregnancy do not make sense. Therefore, in case of incomplete abortion, dilatation of the cervix and curettage of the uterine cavity from the remains are used. In cases where there is an assumption that the threat of miscarriage is due to the presence of an infection of the urogenital tract, it is treated. If there is a suspicion of a Rh conflict during pregnancy, anti-Rh serum is administered. If, according to the ultrasound, placental abruption is not observed, the cervical canal is closed, bleeding is minor, and blood tests are normal, you can stay at home and follow these instructions:

  • Get plenty of rest, trying to maintain bed rest
  • Do not wash yourself with a shower
  • Do not engage in sexual contact
  • Pay close attention to see if white or gray pieces of tissue appear in the vaginal discharge.
  • Be sure to seek help if your symptoms worsen.
  • Visit your doctor again within 48 hours

Prevention of miscarriage

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately predict or prevent the development of a miscarriage, but it is still necessary to adhere to the following principles to increase the chances of a successful completion of the pregnancy:

  • Contact your doctor if you become pregnant, carry out the necessary tests and follow all his recommendations.
  • Don't drink alcohol or smoke
  • Avoid coffee consumption
  • Control your blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Before a planned pregnancy, get tested for genitourinary tract infections and treat them in advance.

In obstetrics and gynecology we work in the following areas:

  • Vaginal discharge in women, discharge during pregnancy
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities

We treat such problems.

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Questions and answers on: fertilized egg during medical abortion

2012-11-20 08:25:00

Natalya asks:

I became pregnant with an intrauterine device, I decided to have an abortion with pills (at 3.5 weeks) I have a child, I haven’t had an abortion before! (32 years old) The gynecologist couldn’t get the device, because it rose up into the uterus. Apparently due to pregnancy, on The ultrasound shows her! Under the supervision of a doctor, I took 3 tablets of mifepristone, 2 days later (yesterday) 2 more tablets of mirolyut. Could the IUD during a medical abortion become an obstacle to the release of the fertilized egg, or in some way negatively affect whether it will come out with discharge? Today is the second day of heavy discharge, but there are no clots or a spiral with an egg!

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Purely theoretically, clots and a spiral can come out, but in practice, if they haven’t come out in two days, then I don’t think this will happen. You need cleaning and removal of the coil, otherwise an inflammatory process with all the ensuing consequences may develop in a couple of days.

2014-10-29 22:40:15

Natalya asks:

Hello. I have already contacted you with questions. Yesterday an ultrasound revealed an ectopic pregnancy, 4-5 mm. Before the ultrasound I took an hCG test, 10/24/14-180.3; 10/26/14-157.4; and today 10/29/14-174, 3. what is the reason for such a jump in hCG. They questioned the non-developing (frozen) pregnancy. Based on the fact that a week and a half ago (maybe a little more) the symptoms that were there earlier disappeared. There was a lack of appetite, headaches, chest pain. A week and a half ago, everything disappeared, my appetite appeared, moreover, it got stronger, my head stopped hurting, and so did my chest. I feel normal. I have no pain in the stomach. About five or six days ago, my chest started hurting again, like before my period. According to the schedule, I should have my period on November 1, 2014. Another question - in connection with an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, what can happen when menstruation begins? I hope you understand the question, can a tubal abortion occur? Or what can happen against the background of menstruation? The doctor said that she hasn’t seen anything critical through the tube yet. Can a fertilized egg get out without any incidents? is this even possible? all this time there is no smear, absolutely clean. Just please do not answer that you need to urgently go to the hospital, etc. The issue regarding this is being resolved. And the last question, is it possible with such a hCG and a period of about a month , this problem can be solved a little more with medication. Without resorting to surgery. I am interested in your conclusions based on the above. Thanks in advance.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! Firstly, I don’t think that you were tested correctly for hCG - it cannot be that the indicator began to fall and then rose again. In any case, this pregnancy will not develop normally. Is one of the fallopian tubes enlarged? How do you know that the diameter of the fertilized egg is 4-5 mm? If the pregnancy is truly ectopic, then the fertilized egg will not come out of the tube on its own and menstruation will not begin against this background. In this case, depending on the duration and size of the ovum, either conservative therapy or laparoscopy is prescribed. So you need to go to the hospital and a specialist on the spot will figure out what to do next. All the best!

2014-09-07 20:02:42

Victoria asks:

Hello. I decided to have an abortion, the doctor persuaded me to have a medicinal one. With her, I drank 2 tablets of miropriston and after 48 hours I drank 2 tablets of mirolyut. My stomach hurts, but 10 hours have already passed and the fertilized egg is not coming out. I concluded that the doctor saves on patients and gives an insufficient amount of the drug. I call her every 2 hours, she said that tomorrow at 8.00 she will give me another Mirolute tablet. The question is - will this help? Thanks in advance.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

For most women, this dose is enough, but there is a category of women who have reduced sensitivity to these drugs. There are few such women, but they do exist. If a miscarriage does not occur, the fertilized egg will have to be removed instrumentally.

2013-08-09 10:43:01

Daria asks:

Hello! Yesterday I had a medical abortion. Reasons: one year and 2 months. I had a caesarean section back, there was a threat of miscarriage (an ultrasound showed a very soft uterus, surgical abortion can cause uterine perforation., gestational age 3-4 weeks, fertilized egg 12 mm.)
6.08.- at 18.00 I took 3 tablets. Mefiprex in the presence of a doctor at the medical center. For almost two days everything was calm, on August 8 at 11.00 a pinkish discharge began, I called the doctor - she said at 15.00 3 tablets under the tongue. misoprostol, after two hours 2 more. I did everything, after the first tablets I started bleeding with clots, but not profusely (my stomach was tight as during menstruation). After the second tablets, it didn’t change much, but diarrhea started, I drank Linex, everything went away, at 18.30 the temperature rose to 38, I called the doctor, she told me to drink Baralgin and wait. The temperature gradually subsided after two hours. The discharge continued, but not heavy, but like during menstruation. Nothing bothered me at night. In the morning I got up, half-filled the pad, went to the toilet - a little blood with clots came out. And today all day a little comes out, the stomach is just a little bit tight. From today the doctor prescribed Unidox Solutab 1 t. 2 times, Nastatin 1 t. 3 times. Something like this. I’m due for a follow-up ultrasound only on the 19th. I’m afraid that what’s wrong, why is there little discharge? (The doctor said that I just had a short period of time) I thought about going for an ultrasound today, but she said no. What What should I do? Why did my temperature rise yesterday? And is it normal that I was prescribed antibiotics? Thanks in advance!

2013-01-15 05:33:30

Linda asks:

Hello, I had a medical abortion on December 14th, on December 15th my menstruation began, on the third day the fertilized egg came out and heavy discharge with clots continued for 7 days. On the eighth day they did an ultrasound and confirmed that everything worked out. The doctor prescribed Diane-35 to me, but as I wrote, for some reason I did not take it. A week later, I was anointed for one day and then there was a brownish discharge, gradually it became lighter. I protected myself with condoms and am sure that there can be no repeat pregnancy. After the medical abortion, I feel nauseous, I still don’t have my period, today is January 15th, exactly one month since the first day of my period. I feel excellent, only once, 2 weeks after the abortion, I felt a severe pain in the lower abdomen, like during menstruation, then it went away. A week ago I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Could the test have shown incorrectly?? Could the ultrasound have been wrong in case of incomplete abortion? And did I feel good about the incomplete abortion? What should I do next? Please answer. Thank you!

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, there is no reason to doubt that the test result is correct. Ultrasound is a fairly reliable research method, but not 100%, errors are possible. “And did I feel good” - only you yourself can answer this question. Your actions are reliable methods of contraception, preventive visits to the gynecologist every 6 months, if there are violations - as necessary.

2012-10-30 18:27:41

Anastasia asks:

At the 5th week of intrauterine pregnancy, bleeding began (red blood began to flow, much stronger than during menstruation), I was taken to the hospital by ambulance, they gave an injection and the bleeding stopped completely, and in the morning they did an ultrasound and the doctor concluded that the pregnancy had a frozen ovum of 1.5 cm , embryo 3 mm, heartbeat under a question mark, they told me to do vacuum aspiration. Based on the results of histology, the doctor concluded that it contained fragments of the endometrium with an unevenly expressed decidual reaction of the stroma and signs of reverse development of Overbeck’s glands (light glands), the Adies Stellar phenomenon, no elements of the fetal membranes were identified, but after vacuum aspiration, an ultrasound was performed and it was revealed that the fertilized egg and the embryo itself were not removed or damaged, I had to have a medical abortion, after all this they found Enterococcus faecalis + escherichia coli titer 10 to 5 in urine culture, vaginal culture did not reveal any microorganisms, doctors cannot advise anything, I am in despair I know what to do((((please give advice. Thanks in advance!

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Do any symptoms bother you – discharge, pain, etc.? An infection in such a concentration, in principle, requires sanitation with an antibiotic, but I have no right to virtually prescribe treatment, contact your treating gynecologist. You couldn’t get an infection through vacuum aspiration; after a medical abortion, the discharge can last for a long time (up to 1 month) and can provoke the activation of pathogenic microflora, but microorganisms should also have been detected in vaginal culture. In any case, antibiotic therapy is necessary. Fading pregnancy in the early stages is caused by genetic pathologies, immune factors, infection, etc. Don't worry, 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, unfortunately. Get treatment and you can plan your pregnancy.

2012-10-14 14:00:55

Anna asks:

Hello! I had a medical abortion at the end of August. The period was about 7 weeks. A control ultrasound showed that the fertilized egg had come out, but the uterine cavity was dilated and there were blood clots (echo signs of hematometra, it seems so). The doctor said that this happens with a medical abortion, and that everything will work out with my periods, especially since I continued to have spotting. In September, my periods came as planned, but more abundantly than always. After them, the spotting continued. The first sexual intercourse was a week after the end of menstruation. A few hours later there was blood and more clots, but everything stopped after about an hour. Tell me, please, what does this mean? What to do next? The stomach, for the most part, does not hurt, but several times there was a tugging in the lower abdomen.

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

A medical abortion is characterized by prolonged discharge and hormonal imbalances (so it’s good that your period came on time). Wait until your next period, the situation should return to normal. If you experience severe pain or intermenstrual bleeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

2012-05-30 12:10:50

Maryana asks:

Hello. I am 20 years old. At the age of 19, I had an abortion (medication), everything went well, there was no delay in menstruation - like clockwork... but exactly a year later, at 20, I was pregnant again - they decided to give birth... on the ultrasound the fertilized egg itself was not yet visible (the uterus was enlarged there was), but the test showed that there was a pregnancy... 7 days after the delay, my stomach began to hurt very badly, by the time we arrived at the gynecologist, blood clots had already appeared... they examined it with a vaginal sensor, and stated that there was a pregnancy, but it had failed... after that, I took a hormone test 2 times (pregnancy 2-3 weeks)... and a week later the hormone level was already normal (not pregnant)... after examining me with an ultrasound, the gynecologist said that everything worked out and prescribed medicine to strengthen the uterus because it is "soft". After another examination, they said that everything was normal. But, after a spontaneous abortion, in the middle of my cycle (day 13-15, with a cycle of 28 days) I smear... this lasts for 3-4 days... and it goes away. What could it be? and for the last two months my cycle has gone wrong and I’ve been smearing for almost a week...maybe I need to take a hormone test? if yes, then how to do it correctly?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

You need to do an ultrasound with a vaginal probe: it is necessary to exclude a placental polyp. From menstruation for 3-6 cycles, take birth control pills to regulate cycles. Be examined by a geneticist, preferably together with your husband.

2011-09-29 17:47:02

Zhanna asks:

Hey, I’m 31. In May, on the 13th, I took mefipristone at the doctor’s office, on May 15th I took peace, I had heavy periods for 10 days, I had an ultrasound on the 16th - I know it’s early, but I was leaving in a hurry and the gynecologist didn’t mind). The answer from the ultrasound is that the fertilized egg is not visualized, the remnants of the membrane near the internal yawn in the cavity are blood clots. The ultrasound specialist said that the membranes will not come out during subsequent periods. The gynecologist said that everything is fine and I can leave. In June and July, pregnancy tests were negative. In August, the test showed a weak second line and the hCG test at the antenatal clinic was 148; pregnancy was diagnosed. At 7 weeks there was blood and then chocolate discharge, and she was sent to the hospital for conservation (Duphaston, folic acid Vit E). On the 5th day I just got an ultrasound and was diagnosed with “Hydatidiform mole, undeveloped pregnancy” - the diagnosis was independently confirmed by another uzologist. On September 9, curettage was performed, on September 28, histology: developing pregnancy after medical abortion (May), partial mole. I live in the Moscow region, Dubna, and there is no specialist here who deals with this pathology. , on September 8, the CG was 1940. On September 28 (3 weeks after curettage), an analysis for CG-3.5, I had a fluoro of the lungs done on September 19 - without pathologies. My attending physician said that if hCG remains reduced for 2 months, then the danger has passed, but she is not an expert in this area. I already doubt everything and am afraid: after all, the first gynecologist who performed a medical abortion on me also told me that everything was fine. My first pregnancy was in May. Help me with examination tactics. Do I need to go to a specialized clinic or just focus on CG levels? I am a doctor myself, a dermatovenerologist, and I am terribly scared both in terms of chorioepithelioma and infertility. By the way, the histologist on the phone when I went for an answer said that I had a developing pregnancy and there was no hydatidiform mole, so that I would explain it to my doctor. I'm completely confused. What to do, help!!!

A pregnancy disorder such as a miscarriage is the process of death and expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. It does not happen all at once, and can last from several hours to several days. In order to understand what a miscarriage looks like in early pregnancy, it is necessary to consider this process in more detail.

How does miscarriage occur early in pregnancy?

As a rule, the development of a miscarriage includes the following types:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • irreversible (inevitable) miscarriage;
  • incomplete miscarriage;
  • complete miscarriage.

Threat refers to the onset and appearance of the first symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, scanty bleeding from the vagina. In this case, the cervix is ​​closed, so the development of a miscarriage can be stopped by taking the necessary measures.

With an irreversible miscarriage, the detachment occurs almost completely, resulting in the death of the fetus.

In case of incomplete separation, placental detachment occurs completely - the fetus dies and the beginning of its ejection from the uterine cavity is observed.

A complete miscarriage is characterized by the final release of the fetus and its membranes from the uterine cavity and the woman’s genital tract.

What does a fertilized egg look like during a miscarriage?

It all depends, first of all, on exactly at what stage the pregnancy was terminated.

If we talk about what a miscarriage looks like in the very early stages of pregnancy (1-2 weeks), then, as a rule, these are ordinary spotting, which quite often a woman mistakes for

At 3-5 weeks, a miscarriage looks like a blood clot, and when released, the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen.

If a miscarriage occurs at 7-9 weeks, then among the bloody discharge the woman can see pieces of fetal tissue.

How to identify a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy?

It is very difficult for girls to identify such a disorder in the early stages on their own. Therefore, if you suspect it, or your period appears earlier than expected, you should consult a doctor. The only accurate diagnostic method in this case is ultrasound. With its help, doctors will determine with 100% accuracy whether it was a miscarriage and whether there are no particles of the embryo left in the uterus, which helps to exclude the development of infection.

Thus, knowing what an early miscarriage looks like, a woman will be able to independently suspect this disorder and seek medical help as soon as possible.