Simple and affordable - “Moon manicure” at home. How to make a beautiful and fashionable lunar manicure How to carefully make a lunar manicure

In 2007, the fashion world was excited by an interesting event: an unusual moon manicure became the trend of the season. Some experts called it mirror French, others called it fantasy... Indeed, a lunar manicure looks quite interesting: a “smile” is drawn at the base of the nail in one color, and the rest of the nail is covered with a different color. In this case, the varnish is applied in stages in two layers, ensuring complete coverage and opacity of the color. Lunar manicure is performed using different techniques and using absolutely any colors - both contrasting and the same range.

Moon manicure in pastel shades is also popular. Moon manicure is universal, because not only does it fit perfectly with any style of clothing and suits any type of appearance, but in the process of creating it you can use regular varnishes, gel polishes, glitter, shimmer tops, mica and even decorative foil.

Moon manicure is universal and suits any style of clothing.

To be fashionable to the tips of your nails, you don’t have to visit nail salons, because, despite the exquisite appearance of the moon manicure, it’s very easy to do it yourself. A few colored varnishes, a glossy top coat, stencils, a brush, a little free time - and your nails will become fashionable and attractive! If this is your first time doing a moon manicure, pay attention to the following color combinations:

  • White with red;
  • Beige with white;
  • White with turquoise;
  • Blue and gold;
  • Black and gold.

How to do a moon manicure?

The first and easiest way to draw a lunar manicure is with the help of special self-adhesive stencils. Just don’t confuse moon stencils with French manicure stickers! They are radically different in shape. Stencils for moon manicure are round and allow you to draw a perfect rounded “smile” at the base of the nail.

For beginners, it is better to use stencils to create a lunar manicure.

There are two types of lunar manicure - classic and the so-called lunar eclipse (or reverse lunar manicure). To create a lunar covering you will need:

  • Nailfile;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Base coat;
  • Self-adhesive stencils;
  • Two multi-colored varnishes;
  • Top coating;
  • Moisturizing oil.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Step one. It is necessary to carefully prepare the nail plate. To do this, use nail polish remover to wipe off the old coating. Please note: the liquid should not contain oil, otherwise your new manicure will not last long, since oil prevents the polish from adhering to the nails properly. Using a slightly sharpened orange stick, push back the cuticles, thereby lengthening the nail bed. Using a file, give your nails the desired shape. Then apply a base coat to your nails and wait until it dries completely.
  • Step two. Cover all nails evenly with the varnish that you chose to draw the hole (base of the nail). Dry the varnish completely so that it does not become deformed during the process of drawing the “smile”.
  • Step three. The most important step. Place the stencils on your nails so that they cover approximately 3mm of the nail at the base. If you wish, you can stick the stencils on the convex or concave side, doing a regular or reverse moon manicure. Press the stencils firmly so that the varnish does not flow under them.
  • Step four. Apply the second selected polish to your nails, partially covering the stencils and achieving a perfectly even coating. Don't forget to paint the tips of your nails thoroughly so that the polish stays on your nails longer and doesn't chip. Also pay special attention to the side parts of the nails - they should be covered with varnish up to the side ridges of the skin, since only in this case the “smile” line at the base of the nail will look complete and harmonious.
  • Step five. Without waiting for the polish to dry completely, pick up the edge of the stencil and slowly remove it from the nail. If you overdry the varnish, the “smile” line will become too convex and may crack, and if you do not dry it enough, the varnish may spread. You should have a perfect transition between the varnishes.
  • Step six. The final stage of creating a lunar manicure. After all layers have completely dried, apply topcoat on top. You can also experiment with the top by choosing a top coat with sparkles, glitter or mica. After the top has completely dried, rub moisturizing oil into the cuticle for a more well-groomed appearance.
Step-by-step instructions for creating a moon manicure with stencil stickers

Lunar manicure with a thin brush

If the stencil method does not suit you, try another technique for creating a lunar manicure - using a thin brush . Drawing lines requires a steady hand and some practice: the overall appearance of the manicure depends on how smoothly you draw the line. But hand drawing has an undeniable advantage - it saves time, since to create a “smile” line you do not need to wait until the first layer of varnish has completely dried. To create a manicure you will need:

  • Orange wood sticks;
  • Thin contour brush;
  • Nailfile;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Base coat;
  • Two multi-colored varnishes;
  • Drying-fixer;
  • Moisturizing cream.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Step one. Prepare your nails for applying polish. To do this, remove the old coating with nail polish remover and push back the cuticle with orange sticks. Also, carefully clean the side ridges of your nails from overgrown cuticles, since when painting with a brush, the varnish may flow onto the cuticles. Use a file to give your nails the desired shape, trying to file your nails in one direction to avoid splitting the tips. Then apply base polish to your nails and let it dry.
  • Step two. Apply the base polish to the entire nail, paying particular attention to the area near the cuticle. Let the varnish dry completely.
  • Step three. Using a brush, carefully paint a convex or concave line at the base of the nail with the color of the second polish. Then fill the entire area above the drawn line with varnish. If you accidentally stain your cuticles, use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to wipe the polish off your skin.
  • Step four. Apply one or two coats of sealer on top and wait until it dries completely.
  • Step five. Apply moisturizer to the cuticles and rub it thoroughly into the skin.

Lunar manicure with a brush is suitable for people with well-positioned hands

If this is not your first time practicing lunar manicure, then perhaps your hand is already firm enough to draw a “smile” without using a thin brush. You just need to coat your nails with a base coat and a colored base, and then freehand draw a “smile” line directly with the brush of the second colored polish. But, again, this manipulation requires some practical skills, since there is nothing worse than a sloppy manicure done by a non-professional.

Moon manicure with foil

If you like to experiment, try a creative moon manicure using foil. To create it, you will need a special ultra-thin manicure foil, which very easily takes the desired shape and completely merges with the surface of the nails. In addition, the use of foil does not require perfectly smooth transitions, which means that doing such a manicure is easier and faster. You will need:

  • Cotton buds;
  • Orange wood sticks;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Nails glue;
  • Special ultra-thin foil;
  • Europemza;
  • Base coat;
  • Colored varnish;
  • Top coating;
  • Nourishing oil.

If you like to experiment, try moon manicure with foil

Step-by-step instruction

  • Step one. Make a hygienic manicure using orange sticks. Move the cuticle as far as possible, while clearing the nail plate of overgrown skin and thoroughly clean the side ridges. Remove the old coating from the nails, and use European pumice stone to cut off the burrs.
  • Step two. Apply a thick layer of base coat to your nails and let it dry slightly.
  • Step three. Apply a thin layer of glue at the base of the nail, where the “smile” line will be. Without waiting for the glue to dry, immediately glue a small piece of foil onto the nail. Using an orange stick, remove excess foil at the border of the nail and cuticle. The nail foil is very thin and comes off easily. Use a cotton swab to completely smooth the surface of the foil, achieving a glossy finish. On the sides of the nail, carefully cut off the remaining excess foil with European stone.
  • Step four. Apply a crescent-shaped polish on top, leaving 3mm of foil at the base of the nail. Don't worry about the bumps from the foil being visible under the varnish - after applying the top, all the bumps will be completely smoothed out.
  • Step five. Apply top coat in one or two layers. After the fixative has dried, moisturize the cuticle with nourishing oil.

As you can see, creating a lunar manicure is no more difficult than a French one. All you need is a little practice, and over time, creating a moon manicure will take you a minimum of time!

Most girls always strive to look stylish, beautiful and attractive. Of course, you need to follow fashion and the latest trends. This also applies to the delightful delicate hands that will decorate your look every day. Every girl's nails, first of all, should be well-groomed - have a beautiful manicure and a fashionable design.

Lunar manicure has become very popular this season. This technique was well known back in the 20s. They decided to bring back fashion for the moon jacket at the Dior fashion show. It is after this that in most beauty salons professionals offer to make fashion come back to us.

Moon manicure using foil

Colored foil on our nails always looks very stylish and elegant. Therefore, by choosing this method, you will definitely look incredibly attractive and charming.

First of all, of course, we put our fingers in order - we remove the cuticles, make the nails the same even shape and polish them a little.

We degrease the nails and apply a base coat that will even out the surfaces of our nails and make the manicure stronger. After drying, apply the shellac we like (for a beautiful color, it is better to repeat twice, dry each layer thoroughly).

We will need good and high-quality glue for foil, which we will apply in the shape of the moon. Glue the foil, let it dry and adhere, remove the remains and repeat this action again for a perfect and even result.

We apply the fixative and dry the manicure thoroughly under an ultraviolet lamp. Enjoy a captivating fashionable manicure!

This style of nail design can hardly be called a novelty, because it came into modern fashion from the distant 20s of the last century, when it was held in high esteem by Hollywood actresses. Today, the popularity of manicure with holes is still at its height - modern fashionistas perform it to add the final touch to a formal or everyday look. It’s not at all difficult to do; even a girl who absolutely can’t draw can do this manicure at home. This is its main and undeniable advantage. In addition, it is suitable for any situation, so you do not have to renew the coating too often. From this you will learn how to make a lunar design correctly, look at photos with the most amazing manicure options, and at the end you will find a training video with a master class.

Execution technique

Do you want to learn how to make lunar nail designs? Believe me, it's very simple! In order to create an amazingly stylish manicure with cute holes, you will only need two colors of polish and stencils, which can be found in any specialty store. If you already have everything you need at hand, then you can start doing a moon manicure.

  1. First, get your nails in order: remove the old coating, cuticles, and give them the desired shape.
  2. Apply the varnish you chose as the color for the holes and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Carefully stick the stencils onto the nail hole and apply the base color polish. This can be done without stencils, but it won’t turn out as smooth.
  4. Now you can carefully peel them off, after which you need to secure the manicure on your nails with a top coat.

That's it - the beautiful moon design is ready! You can experiment with different colors, complement your manicure with rhinestones or designs - the scope for imagination is unlimited. If you are not entirely sure how to do this nail design, look at the photo instructions.

Which colors should I choose?

Lunar nail design is a close relative of the well-known French design, so its classic version implies that the base of the nail will remain colorless. To do this, the nail is first covered with a transparent base, and then a stencil is attached, and varnish of any color is applied. This option can be done for everyday use if you use neutral shades.

But experiments are not forbidden, and even encouraged! At home, you can make your lunar design unique, original, and memorable. Use combinations of red and black, silver and burgundy, play with contrast or create a delicate palette. You can use absolutely any colors. The main thing is that they combine harmoniously with each other.

The choice of materials is also great: regular varnishes, gels, shellacs, foil for manicure. Your imagination is not limited by anything!

Nail art ideas with holes

Despite the fact that there are no strict rules in this type of design, it is still possible to identify several of the most popular varieties of lunar manicure.

  1. Timeless classic – red color. It is usually combined with a white or beige shade.
  2. Nude style manicure, that is, an inverted classic French manicure, is always popular.
  3. The combination of equal volume of two bright colors and a flesh-colored hole looks original. You can leave it transparent. In this case, there is no need to additionally paint the hole - just cover the top with a fixative.
  4. You can make an option with a triangular design of the hole. This is usually done with a special brush, but at home you can use ordinary tape, carefully forming triangles at the base of the nails. The combination of a bright triangle and a white base is especially popular.
  5. If you want to create a manicure with shiny polishes, then you need to do it a little differently. First, the base is applied and completely dried, and only then the hole is created using stencils.

You can choose any of the options - they are all very popular and relevant. Combine them harmoniously with your image, and you will always be on top. And so that fresh and original ideas appear in your head, we invite you to look at a selection of the best design options in the photo.

Little tricks will help you make your manicure neat, even and beautiful.. Be sure to remember these tips when you decide to decorate your nails with a moon design.

  1. After applying the base color, do not wait until it is completely dry, but remove the stencil immediately. Thanks to this technique, the line will be perfectly straight.
  2. If you want to complement the design with rhinestones, then apply them only along the color combination line. You can also use special stickers for the central part. But these two decorative elements cannot be combined under any circumstances.
  3. Be sure to fix the result with a top coat. This way the freshness of the manicure will remain for a long time.
  4. Using black, choose the best combinations with white and red shades, as well as gold and silver. Such nail art looks ultra-fashionable!

These simple tips and your wild imagination will create a real miracle - your nails will look elegant and original. In this article we told you about a stylish and very popular type of nail design. In conclusion, we invite you to watch an interesting video with a master class from Tom Bachik, an international manicure expert at L̀Oreal Paris.

Nail art is a great way to spice up your style and add a little extravagance to your look. An excellent solution would be a lunar manicure, which has gained popularity this season.

What is moon manicure

The moon or lune is a white area near the nail bed, which marks the transition of the plate to the base. Previously, traditional healers determined the patient’s health and lifestyle based on the condition of this area of ​​the nail. In ancient times, girls tinted the hole using white to create a snow-white effect.

The second wave of popularity of lunar manicure occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 20-30s, fashionistas deliberately painted over their nails not along their entire length in order to visually reduce them and give them some roundness.

The technique for performing this nail art is similar to an inverted French manicure or Shanghai manicure. To cover the plate with varnish, a special stencil is used, only it is attached not to the end of the nail, but to the base, creating a stylish and cute semicircle.

Advantages moon manicure:

  1. This is a great way to highlight the beauty of square or rectangular nails. Visually they will become less sharp;
  2. If you are planning to attend a party in a retro style, this nail art will be the perfect completion of a vintage look;
  3. It is very easy to do at home even with minimal experience;
  4. Extensions are not a problem to adjust this style. You also don’t have to be afraid of cutting your nails, because the tips are practically not involved in creating the desired design.

How to do a moon manicure

To create this style at home, you will need to prepare yourself templates. Many craftswomen cut out circles from cardboard, paper or tape. You need to be as careful as possible with adhesive tape, because if the polish is not completely dry, marks will remain on the nail. You can buy stencils at a beauty supply store. Stripes for a classic French jacket are also suitable.

Then you need to decide on a color combination. The following combinations look very beautiful: red-black, black-silver, beige-white, blue-violet. All colors look great together with gold. Naturally, before doing nail art, you need to decide on a general image so that your nails fit organically into the style.

Instructions how to do a moon manicure step by step:

  1. Wipe off the remaining old polish from the nail plate, file in the right places, and be sure to remove the cuticle. To do this, you can use products for unedged manicure;
  2. Cover the nail with the base layer, which is needed to even it out, let the varnish dry;
  3. Now apply the chosen color for the moon to your nails, this will be the base of your nail art;
  4. After this, cover the painted moon with a stencil and paint the nail with the main color;
  5. All that remains is to fix the manicure with transparent or matte varnish. A good option is to cover the plate with glitter to create a holographic effect.

Ombre style is very fashionable this year. It is used for tattooing lips, dyeing hair and eyelashes, and now also for creating unique nail art. To do moon ombre on nails, You will need:

  1. Clean and prepare the marigolds as described above;
  2. Now paint on the moon using the stencil;
  3. After this, you need to take a piece of a simple sponge (you can even take it for washing dishes). Apply several colors of shades of the selected varnish onto the sponge. For example, for green it will be: light green, turquoise, green, dark green. Using gentle pressure movements, apply paint to the plate. Make sure that there are no stains, if necessary, walk through the area again;
  4. Sparkles look very beautiful on this manicure - they do not overwhelm the color gradient. They can be used as a strengthener.

You can use not only shades of the same color, but also contrasting palettes. Then you will get a very beautiful and cute nail art. But it should be noted that a single-color ombre looks more impressive than a multi-colored one.

Tips for creating a moon manicure:

  1. Many fashionistas cover their nails with foil, paper or glitter on the moon. This gives them luxury;
  2. To create a unique style, you can also attach a piece of lace or mesh to the hole;
  3. The darker the colors, the more spectacular the manicure will be;
  4. If you want your manicure to “live” as long as possible, then your nails need to be painted with Shellac varnish or coated with a special gel;
  5. Depending on the time of year, event or mood, you can draw patterns on the hole. Let’s say, if it’s spring now – let it be a leaf, summer – a juicy slice of fruit, autumn – a leaf, and winter – a snowflake;
  6. To create a cute style, we recommend attaching rhinestones, beads, sparkles, or glass stones to the moon.

Experiment with different colors and styles to get your perfect moon manicure. Any beauty salon can provide you with this procedure, and the cost is quite low.

Lunar manicure calendar

Before doing any nail art, it is correct to look at the moon phase calendar. All beauty procedures are very dependent on what lunar day and month they are carried out. Depending on your zodiac sign, you need to be able to choose the right day.

  1. In ancient times they said that cutting your nails after sunset on Friday meant money;
  2. Regardless of what your horoscope says, it is not advisable for girls not born on Sunday to undergo any cosmetic procedures on this day of the week;
  3. Avoid nail salons during your period.

Moon phases are not determined by month. This calendar depends on what sign the satellite is currently in. Pisces, Gemini, and Taurus are considered the most unfavorable. Astrologers call the signs Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries “good”. Libra, Virgo, Leo are neutral. At the same time, Cancer and Scorpio are more positive than negative.

But at the same time, in the winter months - January, December and February - a growth cessation is possible, which is in no way related to the phase. In spring, the body suffers from vitamin deficiency, so March, April and May are the months for layering nails. But in summer and autumn (from June to November), nails grow quickly, they are strong and beautiful. July, August, September are a great time for any beauty treatments. And in October, it’s better to pay more attention to vitamin baths.

Video: stylish moon manicure

Video: elegant manicure

Video: lunar black and white manicure

Moon manicure invented a long time ago, almost 100 years ago. In recent years, it has gained great popularity along with French. Permanent nail coating is trending. Most of the fair sex prefer a manicure that will stay on their nails for 2-3 weeks. Lunar manicure- an ideal solution for permanent coating. Even if your nails grow very quickly, the area in the cuticle area will look good, as if you had a manicure recently. Moon manicure is a type of French manicure. In the classical sense, the lunula (the hole at the base of the nail) is left unpainted. Currently, designers offer various designs moon manicure, including in combination with French, the lines of the moon should be directed in one direction. It is recommended to paint the lunula area in a light shade, and the rest of the nail bed in a contrasting darker color. Lunar manicure can be done using regular nail polish or gel polish. In the salon, in the case of a two-color moon manicure, masters draw the outline of the hole with a thin brush, and then fill the rest with a regular brush, or simply paint the nails with an indentation in the case of a single-color coating. Beginners at home, To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company EL Corazon® produces a good selection of stencils for designer manicure, among them you can find for

moon manicure.
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

Photo and idea from Yagala The photo shows a complex themed nail design “Coffee”, which combines several techniques at once manicure: moonlight, gradient, stamping. At first it may seem to you that this can only be done in a salon, but after watching the video it will become obvious that this design can be done at home. Lunar manicure "Coffee"

Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

The author made it in the summer of 2016, but the design in neutral shades will be appropriate at any time of the year. To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company The lunar manicure with a deep transparent hole in this photo is perfect for winter nail design 2018/2019. Based on purple bio-gel with duochrome pigment "Eastern Organza" No. 423/951. For moon manicure with a transparent hole

choose dark or bright shades of varnish, so it will look especially impressive. However, special care is required when applying varnish.
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

Video "How to make a Moon manicure with a transparent hole and a gradient" can be done not only with one color, but also with several at once. If you have time, you can try a complex and very effective moon manicure “Tenderness” at home. The multi-color lunar manicure in this photo was made from three pastel shades of EL Corazon® Active Bio-gel Color gel polish series "Cream" No. 423/292, No. 423/280, No. 423/294. In addition to nail polishes, you will need: cuticle protection Kaleidoscope by EL Corazon® Cuticle Defender, sponge, dots and rhinestone rivets. While watching the video, please note that instead of a traditional nail stencil, Kaleidoscope by EL Corazon® Cuticle Defender is used, which simultaneously protects the area of ​​the side rollers. This is a more economical way.

Moon manicure with transparent hole and sparkles
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

For stylish lunar manicure 2017, as in this photo You only need two varnishes: white and silver. To leave the hole unpainted, the author of the manicure used "Cuticle Protection - Kaleidoscope by To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company Cuticle Defender", which at the same time made it possible not to stain the area around the nails with stamping polish.

Moon manicure - 2017
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

This photo shows interesting idea for lunar manicure 2017, which is made using stamping. Instead of nail stencils, you can use Cuticle Defender, which simultaneously protects the side rollers from stamping polish. The ornament is applied with mirror varnish of silver color, which effectively combines with bright blue To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company Active Bio-gel Color gel polish "Nail Party" No. 423/623. Please note that this is not available everywhere. One nail is accented with rhinestones. Company To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company offers customers a large assortment of rhinestones for nails, among which, in addition to the classic round shapes, there are also curly ones.

What are your nails currently covered with?
Let's find out what they choose in 2017.


Moon manicure "Watermelons"

"Anti-French" - a variety moon manicure. The hole in the cuticle area is a mirror image of the smile line in a classic French manicure, hence the name "anti-french". To make it effective anti-french moon manicure You will need at least 2 colors, but more are possible, it all depends on your idea. The colors of the varnishes should be contrasting; keep this in mind when choosing materials. On pictures presented below to the author photo managed to find a good combination of bright pink varnish No. 144-neon and green No. 145-neon To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company . For anti-french lunar manicure coatings must be very dense in order to cover the previous layer the first time. Matte varnishes To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company perfect fit for moon manicure and other layered nail designs. Matte varnishes do not give glare, this allows you to draw all the attention to the design. Collection of matte varnishes To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company consists of several dozen colors, it contains both light and dark shades, everyone can choose a varnish to their taste. You can buy matte varnishes in the official online store right now at a price of 190 rubles. It will not be difficult for professionals in a nail salon to carefully do anti-french moon manicure, If you are doing nail design at home, we recommend using a stencil for a moon manicure. To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company. Lunar manicure "Watermelon" It will look spectacular not only during the day, but also in the evening in a nightclub, because it is made using neon varnishes!

Anti-French manicure

Company To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company thanks NAILHATE for your attention to our products and the provided photo moon manicure for site. More information about NAILHATE's work can be found on the website
(Attention! Copying materials from her website is possible only with the consent of the author!)

Moon manicure 2016
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

If you already have some brush painting skills, you can try do a moon manicure at home without stencil. In addition to the varnishes themselves, you will need a thin brush. First draw the hole area with it, and then apply the varnish using a regular brush. The delicate pink-lilac manicure in the photo was made using two bio-gels To get the perfect one, you can use a nail stencil. Company. using a gradient application technique. According to the author's idea, it is complemented with gold glitter. Patterns are drawn with white paint. To highlight the style moon manicure The author additionally emphasized the hole area with white dots.

Moon manicure with glitter
Master class "How to make a moon manicure with stamping"

If you want to diversify classic moon manicure, then you can use dots and put down dots that form flower arrangements, as in this photo. Flower cores are complemented with nail glitter. If you do a manicure at home, then to carefully draw the hole area, you can use a nail stencil, for example a vinyl one, as in this master class. With just two contrasting colors of nail polish and glitter, we created stylish and original moon manicure, which will not go unnoticed on your hands if you use this idea.