Project in the second junior group “We are growing. Project in the second junior group “Our younger friends Project topics in preschool 2 junior group

Project in the second junior group “We are growing”

Project activities in the 2nd junior group"We growing»

Passport project"We growing»

teacher 2 junior group Simonova E. N.

Subject: "That's how we grew up."

Basic component: Work on project carried out within the program sections "From birth to school" (cognitive, social, physical development) .

Age of project participants: children from 3 to 4 years old.

Compound project team: Teachers and pupils groups, parents of pupils.

Type project: short-term, group, gaming.

The relevance is due to:In a modern preschool institution, important attention is paid to raising a healthy preschooler. One of the important factors of a healthy personality is the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Searching for new forms of interaction in the work of families and preschool educational institutions in the process of teaching children self-care skills

Target project: developing children's independence skills in children junior preschool age, to give an idea of ​​the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene to preserve and strengthen human health, to cultivate neatness.

Tasks project:

Encourage children to independently perform certain self-care skills.

Introduce children to literary works, nursery rhymes, sayings about water, cleanliness, and health. Give children ideas on how to dress and undress, in what order (undressing, neatly folding your things).

For children:

Mastering the necessary skills when dressing after sleep and for a walk, when undressing.

Memorizing nursery rhymes and poems. Watching cartoons and filmstrips. Acquired knowledge and skills implemented through gaming activities.

For parents:

Hygiene of preschool children age. How to teach a child to dress independently. Fostering independence in preschool children growing up

To introduce the artistic word in the process of mastering independence skills.

Necessary equipment:

Literary series:

Nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face”

V. Berestov N “Sick doll”

Pavlova "Whose shoes"

I. Muraveyka "I myself"

K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Fedoreno grief"

Watching cartoons "Moidodyr", "Queen Toothbrush", "with Little Bird Tari".

Demo series: Didactic game doll Masha, illustrations on topics "Cloth", illustrations of viruses, bacteria, looking at pictures of hygiene items.

Expected Result: developed self-care skills in children younger age

Preparatory stage

Step-by-step implementation algorithm project. Conversation with children topic: “Why do you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth?”. At the end of the conversation, the children called "helpers" cleanliness maintaining human health (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, washcloth, towel). We talked about what can happen to a person if you don’t wash your hands or brush your teeth. We looked at illustrations of bacteria and microbes. They made a very strong impression on the children. Then we watched cartoons "Moidodyr" And "About the bird Tari"(The children were very worried about the character of the 2nd cartoon, the crocodile, because he did not brush his teeth).

The next morning, the children themselves went to wash their hands, without a reminder from the teacher.

After reading the work, the children asked many questions. One boy asked: “What is shame and disgrace?”

Before we went for a walk, our guys and I had a little quiz. Buratino came to visit the guys. The guys named the clothes that people wear when winter comes. The teacher read riddles about clothes and showed pictures. Our kids did a very good job with this task, plus we repeated features of winter weather.

Then we talked to the guys in what order they should dress for a walk and undress. In addition, we dressed the Masha doll for a walk.

Didactic games were held every day.

“We’ll undress the doll Masha after the walk”

* “Shoes quarreled - became friends”

* “Let’s make an accordion out of a sock”

* “Let’s show the doll Masha where our things are”.

* “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

* “Let’s teach Masha how to fasten buttons”

* “We’ll show you how to fold your clothes before going to bed.”

“Let’s teach Masha how to put things in the locker”

As part of our project We told the children about the benefits of physical exercise. The children do morning exercises and exercises after sleep with great pleasure. They turn into playful kittens and imagine themselves riding a bicycle.

At the end of our project we had a little fun.

Leisure progress.

Vos-l: Hello guys! Today you and I will have an unusual activity, because a magical guest has stopped by. Do you want to look at her?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: In order to see it, we need to solve the riddle.

She lives in heaven

And he lives on earth,

And vigor and health

She carries it with her.

Its reflection in it

You will always see

Always helpful in hot weather


Children: Water.

Vos-l: Of course it's water!

(Vos-l contributes to group a small container of water and places it in front of the children, inviting the children to touch the water.)

Vos-l: Guys, tell me what water is needed for? (Children express their guesses) Well done, they said everything correctly. Of course we need water for life: We drink it, swim in it, and the rain helps trees and flowers grow. You also need water for washing. Who can tell me why we wash our face in the morning? (Children suggest their own answers) We wash ourselves in order to meet the new day clean, washed, so that our face and eyes wake up to be beautiful. Let's now show how we wash ourselves in the morning. Repeat after me.

In the morning I’ll get up early (we stretch, then do circular

And I open the water tap, movements with my hands)

Water will run from the tap (feet shoulder-width apart, bend over, lowering

A vigorous, clean stream. head and arms freely down, swing)

I’ll bring my palms to her (we straighten up and stretch out our palms

I’ll collect a hundred drops in them, go ahead)

I'll wash my eyes and ears, (perform movements in accordance with the text)

I'll wipe my neck and face.

The water gave me a gift (feet shoulder-width apart, lift it up

Cheerfulness, joy, purity! left, then right hand in the rhythm of the verse)

And now I, smiling, (we walk in place with a high lift

I'm heading into a new, bright day! knees, smiling.)

Vos-l: What is this sound I hear? Someone is knocking on our door.

(You bring in the Muddy Doll (an ordinary doll with a dirty face and hands)

Vos-l: Children, look what a guest came to our kindergarten today. Let's say hello to her. (Children greet the doll) Who do you think it is? That's right, it's a doll. But for some reason this doll is not entirely neat and clean. Something must have happened to her... Let's talk to her and find out about everything! Doll, please tell me what is your name?

Gryznulka: My name is Gryaznulka!

Vos-l: Dirty? What a strange name you have.

Dirty: The name is just like a name, nothing unusual.

Vos-l: Why are you, Gryaznulka, so sloppy? Your face and hands are dirty.

Dirty: Yes, because I don’t like to wash my face, I don’t want to brush my teeth, and in general I don’t like water. She's cold! Wet! Brrr!

Vos-l: You're wrong, Grubby. You definitely need to wash! And your teeth need to be brushed every day too!

Dirty: Why do I need to wash my face every day?

Vos-l: You’re already so big, but you still don’t know why you need to wash your face? Guys, do you know why you need to wash your face? Then explain this to Grubby. (children suggest their own answers)

Dirty: I can't believe it! Guys, do you really wash your face and wash your hands every day?

Vos-l: Dirty, but not only our children wash themselves, but also the animals. And even birds!

Dirty: Can't be!

Vos-l: Look!

(A toy, the parrot Kesha, appears and together with the children they imitate how birds clean their feathers)

Gryznulka: Wow! I would never have thought that birds could bathe and wash themselves! How cool and interesting this is! And the water turns out to be not so cold and wet.

Vos-l: Dirty, not only birds can wash themselves, but animals too. And some people can do it even without water!

Dirty: How is it possible - without water?

Vos-l: Using your paws and tongue. Guys, do you know who washes his face like this? (children's options)

Gryznulka: I still can’t believe it!

Vos-l: Now the guys and I will show you how a cat washes itself.

(Children modeled after vos-la repeat the cat's movements)

Dirty: Wow, all animals and birds know how to wash themselves.

Vos-l: And all people wash themselves, you’re the only one who doesn’t know how to do this.

Dirty: Well, I can! From today I will wash my face and brush my teeth every day! And they will call me Clean!

Vos-l: Well, guys, shall we believe Gryaznulka?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: That’s great, but so that you don’t change your mind, Cleany, listen with us "Wash song"!

(A song by A. Alexandrov is played "Wash Song")

Cleanie waves goodbye and leaves.

Project in the second junior group “Our younger friends”

Explanatory note

Environmental upbringing and education of children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of a child’s personal development - properly organized and systematically carried out in educational institutions, it has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, and will.

The natural world contains great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. Thoughtful organization of training, walks, and special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge and feelings, he develops a correct attitude towards living things, a desire to create rather than destroy. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, and awakens better feelings in him. The role of nature is especially great in raising children.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things are formed. Love for nature, skills of caring for it, for all living things.

This project is a unified system of systems, which includes preliminary work, work with parents, with children. Planned activities with children contribute to the formation of humane feelings, broadening their horizons, developing speech, vocabulary, instilling hard work and a sense of responsibility towards a living being.

The project can be used by teachers of primary and secondary preschool age in their work with children. The project is used for the environmental development of preschool children, instilling care and love for living things.

Project "Our Younger Friends"

“Do no harm!” is one of the commandments of human communication with nature. Raising young preschoolers in the spirit of environmental conservation is one of the aspects of environmental education in kindergarten. Love, understanding and care are what nature expects from every person. It is advisable to begin to cultivate these feelings in early childhood, therefore today environmental education in preschool educational institutions is given due attention.

Relevance of the project:

Communication with animals, if it occurs uncontrollably, can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the developing personality of the child. A child’s attitude towards an animal and its purposeful action may turn out to be incorrect for a number of reasons. First of all, the child does not know what can be done and what cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is beneficial. In addition, in close contact with an animal, the baby will definitely want to satisfy his curiosity and involve him in the game. Without adult supervision and guidance, such communication can be harmful and even dangerous for both the animal and the child.

Project type: research - creative

Project participants: children of the younger group, teachers, parents.

Problem: Ignorance of the rules of communication between a child and pets.

Target: formation of an interested, caring attitude towards pets, clarification and consolidation of the names of pets, making parents active participants in project activities.


1) To develop children’s knowledge about pets

2) Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development

3) To develop feelings of empathy for all living things, the ability to make basic conclusions and conclusions

4) Increase parents’ knowledge about caring for animals.

Expected results:

Children understand how to care for pets.

Instilling in children love and respect for animals.

Parents' desire to have a pet.

Making a photo album “Pets”

Making a wall newspaper “My favorite pet”

Integration of educational areas:

- “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

Interaction with family:

Questionnaires, individual conversations, creation of an album “Pets”, consultation for parents, exhibition of the wall newspaper “Our Little Friends”.

Preliminary work:

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic: “Pets”

Learning poems about pets.

Finger gymnastics “Kitten”,

Acquaintance with the literary work of S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”, E. Blaginin “Kitten”.

Making riddles.

Conducting outdoor and didactic games.

Watching the cartoon “Who Said MEOW”

Project implementation plan.

Monday- opening of the project week.

1. “Four-legged friends” - looking at illustrations. Introduce children to pets.

2. “Like our cat” - finger painting. Teach children to create images using finger painting, develop fine motor skills, and cultivate accuracy.

3. Listening to the song “Lucy the Dog.” Cultivate a friendly attitude towards younger friends, empathize.


1. Reading poems about pets. Teach children to listen to poetry. Learn one simple poem.

2. Watching the cartoon “Who Said MEOW.” Using TSO. Give children the joy of watching a cartoon.

3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”. Continue to teach children to find their place when signaled. Develop dexterity and evasiveness.


1. Morning exercises “Kitty”

2. “Magic pictures” - drawing with a candle. Continue to teach children how to create images using non-traditional drawing techniques.

3. Finger gymnastics “Kitten” - to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Didactic lotto game “Pets” - to consolidate children’s knowledge with the most frequently encountered animals.


1. Thematic conversation “Our younger friends.” Continue to introduce children to pets, develop children’s horizons, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards them.

2. Reading fiction S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”, E. Blaginina “Kitten”

3. Making and guessing riddles - teach children to listen carefully and understand the riddle, pay attention to the rhymes of the clue.

Friday- closure of project activities

1. Multimedia “That’s what they are, our younger friends.” The presentation provides information about pets and interesting facts from life. – Give children the joy of watching a cartoon, teach them to share their impressions.

2. Looking at the photo album “Pets”

The results of the project are as follows:

1) Increased interest among parents in getting a pet for their children

2) Pets appeared in 4 more families.

3) Children have become more responsive and attentive to pets (according to parents’ stories). The guys now have responsibility for the good condition of the animals. Who live at their home. Not only the ability and desire arose, but also the need to do a good deed for the sake of an animal: feed, water, clean a cage or bowl on time, provide assistance.

4) Making a photo album for children

5) Making a wall newspaper for children and parents “Our Little Friends.”

Problem: Children who are not accustomed to eating vegetables often refuse vegetable dishes during meals in kindergarten.
Relevance: We all know that the influence of nutrition on human health is enormous. It is generally known that food is one of the most important environmental factors affecting our health, performance, mental and physical development and longevity. Hippocrates, who lived in ancient Greece, said the following: “Often, the father of a disease is unknown, but its mother is food.”
According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the main tasks in preschool education is to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing in them basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle, and instilling in them basic healthy habits, including healthy eating habits. One has only to think about healthy eating for a child, and the thought immediately arises about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for the human body. Everyone understands that they are an important component of proper nutrition. But, unfortunately, children who have not been taught to eat vegetables at home often refuse vegetable dishes during meals in kindergarten. Therefore, teachers and parents face the problem: “How to accustom children to unloved and previously unfamiliar products?”
Objective of the project: Improving the quality of children's nutrition by teaching them to eat vegetable dishes.
1) expanding children’s understanding of vegetables, their taste and significance for the human body;
2) creating an environment that instills in children a positive attitude towards vegetable dishes;
3) creation of conditions conducive to improving the quality of catering;
4) accustoming children to the dishes offered by the preschool institution;
5) formation of cultural and hygienic skills and useful habits in children;
6) development of positive emotions in children during eating;
7) involving children in active participation in didactic games, fun games, game situations related to the topic “Vegetables”;
8) convincing parents to change the approach to organizing meals at home; involving parents in joint activities on the topic “Vegetables”;
9) transmission of teaching experience to the teaching community.
Project type: playful, educational.
Project duration: short-term
Project participants: children 3-4 years old, teachers, parents.
Game motivation:“How we made friends with vegetables.”
Expected results:
For children:
1) improving the organization of food quality (the child eats vegetable dishes with desire);
2) positive changes in emotional terms during the eating process (the child happily “meets” vegetables on his plate);
3) increasing the level of awareness of eating certain foods (the child understands why they need to eat vegetables and why it is so important);
4) increasing interest in activities and games on the topic “Vegetables” (the child responds with pleasure to games on this topic and uses the acquired knowledge in independent activities).
For educators:
Increasing the professional competence of teachers in working with children of the second junior group.
For parents:
Changing the approach to organizing meals at home:
1) the desire to ensure continuity in the organization of nutrition in kindergarten and at home;
2) introduction of vegetable dishes into the home diet;
3) a creative approach to table setting and serving vegetable dishes;
4) teaching children to be independent.

Project implementation plan.

1.Preparatory stage:
1) goal setting (identifying a problem, defining goals, objectives);
2) studying material on the topic in various sources;
3) project development, search for solutions to project problems.
2.Main stage (practical activities to solve the problem, planning joint activities):
1) use of material on the topic “Vegetables” in educational activities;
2) creation of manuals, didactic games on the topic “Vegetables”;
3) planning activities during routine moments (practical exercises, game situations, reading fiction);
4) organizing work on the fairy tale “Why is Carrot Sad?”, writing fairy tales about vegetables, creating the book “Friendly Vegetables”;
5) production of flat and three-dimensional puppets for the theater on the theme “Vegetables”;
6) work with parents (involving parents to participate in the fairy tale “Why is Carrot Sad?”, family club “Eat Right - Gain Strength”, consultations, photo exhibition “What Our Kids Love”, creation of the magazine “Delicious Recipes”);
7) final event “How vegetables and I became friends.”
3. Final stage:
1) summing up;
2) description of work experience on the topic “Healthy Eating Week”;
3) presentation of work experience at the city fair of pedagogical ideas.

Project implementation report.
Tale of the week “Why is Carrot sad?”

The real find was story of the week “Why is the carrot sad?” The fairy tale allowed us to unite the whole week with one plot and make the conversation about vegetables exciting and long-lasting. A “garden” was set up in the locker room: a fence was attached to the wall, the sun shone above it, and clouds floated by. And then one Monday a sad Carrot appeared in the garden. The children and I were talking about why she was sad? And they came to the conclusion that she was bored alone. “It would be nice if she had friends.” We talked with the children about what was growing in the garden, remembered the vegetables they knew and began to wait... And in the morning, when they arrived at kindergarten, the children saw cabbage next to the carrots. Carrot was already smiling a little. That day, a cabbage toy appeared in the group, before lunch the kids enjoyed watching a theatrical performance - the fairy tale “How Cabbage Saved the Hare”, and in their plates they found cabbage salad. The children became interested and began to wait for the next day. So next to Carrots were: Cabbage, Onions, Potatoes, Beets. At the end of the week, the main character smiled cheerfully among her friends.

This fairy tale was unusual and had this secret: every day with the arrival of one or another vegetable, information about the vitamins it contained appeared next to it, and Carrot’s smile became wider and wider.
It is worth adding that thanks to this idea, the morning in the locker room began with a conversation about vegetables. The children themselves started talking about the newly “arrived” vegetable, and their parents willingly supported them. In addition, mothers and fathers became interested in the information offered and shared their experiences with each other. So in the morning the kids received a positive mood for their next “meeting” with vegetables.
Helped us “make friends” with vegetables puppet show. We sewed new dolls - vegetables. The dolls turned out bright, interesting and immediately attracted the attention of the children. The dolls are made in two versions: flat and based on them - three-dimensional. We used planar ones in the fairy tale of the week “Why is Carrot Sad?”, three-dimensional ones when telling fairy tales, when showing a puppet theater, as well as in the game “Vegetable Garden”, which was invented by the children themselves. Vegetable dolls have become favorite toys.

Tales about vegetables.

During the preparation for the project, we composed tales about vegetables : “Brave Men”, “How Beetroot Was Looking for Friends”, “Hardworking Carrot” and others. It turned out whole book called "Friendly Vegetables".

Educational activities.

Educational activities during this period were also devoted to the topic “Vegetables”. The following classes were conducted:
"Vegetables": consolidation of knowledge about vegetables: name, appearance, taste. (Educational field “Cognitive development (FCCM)”);
- retelling fairy tales "Turnip"(Educational field “Speech development”);
“What a garden”: compiling groups of subjects and selecting one from many (Educational area “Cognitive development (FEMP)”);
“Let’s collect vegetables in a bag” : developing the ability to draw oval and round objects with pencils (Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”).

New didactic game.

In the process of work we created new educational game “Helper glove.”
Target: consolidate the ability to recognize vegetables, name them, determine color, size; develop speech, attention; cultivate interest in games on the topic “Vegetables”.
“Helper glove”: a cloth glove to which dummy vegetables are attached. The children were happy to put on the glove, and believe me, how much more interesting it became to guess riddles about vegetables, practice determining color, size, and so on.

Game situations, practical exercises.

Remembering that children’s learning at a young age occurs indirectly through exciting activities, we often used this form of work as creating situations . And to effectively consolidate self-service skills, we used practical exercises .
Target: development of positive emotions during meals; developing the ability to use cutlery; fostering a culture of behavior at the table.
1) Game situation “A Spoon came to us.” Goal: to develop the ability to hold a spoon correctly; cultivate table manners.
2) Practical exercise “Beautiful napkins”. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​table setting; develop the ability to fold napkins; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate interest in serving.
3) Game situation “Who is my best friend?” Carrot came to visit, she is looking for friends. (Carrot salad.) Purpose: to create a desire to eat carrot salad; develop positive emotions while eating; develop healthy lifestyle habits.
4) Game situation “Mr. Zucchini”. Goal: to create a desire to play a new educational game. The zucchini “brought” a helper glove and offers to play.
5) Practical exercise “Learning to hold a spoon.” Goal: to develop the ability to hold a spoon correctly; cultivate table manners.

Independent activity of children.

During independent activities, children were offered coloring books, cubes, outlines on the topic “Vegetables”, illustrations, natural vegetables for viewing, role-playing games “Vegetable shop”, “Family”, “Waiting for guests” were organized.

Observing onion germination.

Observing the germination of onions diversified our activities.
Target: fostering a correct attitude towards health; the formation of primary ideas that the plant is alive and needs water, light, and heat to grow; that during development it changes (roots and leaves appear and grow).
On the day when Onions appeared in our “garden,” we organized a joint activity in the group to plant onions in order to observe their germination. Each child brought an onion from home and, with the help of the teacher, planted the onion in a glass of water. And to increase interest in observation, the children attached plasticine eyes, a nose, and a mouth to the bulb. The result was funny faces. There was such surprise on the kids’ faces when, a few days later, they saw the roots growing on the onion! The green bow feathers that appeared also brought them much joy.
On the day of Luka's arrival, before lunch, we showed another fairy tale. This time, its main character was, of course, Onion. During lunch, the children were given onion feathers to go with the soup, and the teacher reminded the children that onions protect the body from various diseases, especially colds and flu.

Final event “How vegetables and I became friends.”

Target: generalize knowledge about vegetables; create a good mood; cultivate healthy eating habits.
At this event, children recited poems about vegetables, solved riddles, played, and danced.

Interaction with parents.

The organization of nutrition for children in a preschool institution must be combined with proper nutrition of the child in the family. This requires clear continuity between parents and kindergarten. We tried to convince parents that the food their children receive outside of kindergarten should be as close as possible to the diet they receive in kindergarten and complement it. For this purpose, parents were invited to family club . Here they not only learned information about healthy eating, but also tasted vegetable dishes offered by the chef.
The next task is to remind parents of the importance of vegetables for the growth and development of the child. For this purpose, we prepared consultations “Good appetite”, “Vegetables and vitamins”, booklets “Fresh vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins for a child” were developed with the participation of parents.
Another step was the development of parents creative approach on the issue of nutrition. How to teach your baby to eat vegetables, making it interesting? On our advice, mothers started getting creative in the kitchen. As a result, we have a book of recipes for children's vegetable salads with colorful photographs and descriptions, where each mother shared her finds.
We always try to convince parents that their children need love and care, which is manifested not only in the maintenance of the child, but also in joint activities . Therefore, one of the tasks was to involve parents in joint activities with their children: making crafts from vegetables. “Mr. Zucchini (teacher’s craft) came to visit us. Who else came to us?” The children happily showed off their crafts and told who they made them with and how interesting it was.
Since a child’s refusal to eat is often associated with the inability to use cutlery, we advised parents to teach their child to be independent at home. To this end demonstrated a practical exercise “I myself,” advised me to be patient and consistent during the training process.
We have also prepared for parents photo exhibition , in which they posted photographs of children during meals and told what every child in the group likes to eat in kindergarten.
Parents were happy to join our work: they showed interest in the information we provided, willingly talked with their children on the topic “How healthy vegetables are,” discussed existing problems with each other, helped each other with advice, and shared their experience in teaching their children to eat healthy food.


Properly organized nutrition forms rational eating behavior in children and lays the foundations of a nutritional culture. In the process of implementing the project, we observed positive changes in children in the emotional sphere, as well as our children’s appetite improved, the quality of self-care skills increased, and their interest in learning increased. We are glad that our children began to eat vegetable dishes with great desire and hope that this will improve their health.

Short-term research and creative project in the second junior group “Miracles, tricks, experiments”

What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do - I understand.

Project passport
1. Type of project: research - creative.
2. Duration: short-term, 2 weeks
3. Author of the project: teacher Tyurina T.V.
4. Project participants: children of the second junior group
5. Relevance of the topic:
Children love to experiment. Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides an opportunity for the child to find answers to the questions “how?” and why?". An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know everything. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. The experiments somewhat remind children of magic tricks, they are unusual, they surprise. The child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orientation-research (search) activity aimed at understanding the world around him. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.
6. Project goal: creating conditions for experimental activities of children; for the formation of an ecological culture and the development of children’s cognitive interest.
7. Project objectives:
- create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children.
- develop curiosity in children in the process of observation and practical experimentation with objects.
- to form skills of mental actions, analysis, synthesis, classification, etc., in the process of learning the natural picture of the world, contributing to the development of speech.
- develop independence in resolving problem situations in research activities.
- learn to explain what is observed.
8. Expected result:
- expand and deepen the child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him;
- develop cognitive skills through experimental activities;
9. Product of project activities: album “Experiments in Ecology”, card index of experiments.
Project implementation plan for the second junior group
Preparatory stage of the project (1st week):
1. Creation of an experimental laboratory in the group;
2. Enrichment of the experimentation corner with the necessary materials and equipment.
3. Production of diagrams and models that display the basic properties of substances.
4. Selection of outdoor and speech games, poems and riddles about inanimate nature.
5. Drawing up notes for thematic lessons in different sections of the program.
6. Compilation and creation of experiments, experiments with various objects of inanimate nature.
Research phase of the project (2nd week)
Thematic planning of classes and experiments for the project.
Types of activity Name Purpose
Day 1 “Miracles in nature - the sun”
Poem by G. Boyko “Sun” Introduce the new poem, help in understanding the content
Performing exercises Finger game “Sunshine, sunshine” Promote the development of hand motor skills
Artistic creativity
Drawing “The sun is shining through the window” Learn to draw round objects, paint along the contour
Conversation “Learning to enjoy the sun and nature” Develop interest and emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of inanimate nature
Game-situation “Sunny Bunnies” Promote the development of imagination, encourage physical activity
Themed walk
“Visiting the sun” Learn to observe the sun
Day 2 “Air miracles”
“About the properties of air” Introduce children to air
“Games with a straw” To introduce children to the fact that there is air inside a person, to help them detect air
“How can we make airy foam from soap?” Conclude that soap foams
“Games with a balloon” To introduce the fact that there is air inside a person, to help do a trick - to detect air
A game
“Blowing soap bubbles” Stimulate physical activity
Observation and conversation
“Why does a soap bubble fly?” Stimulate cognitive and speech activity
"What's in the bag" Help in detecting air in the surrounding area
Day 3 “Sand tricks”
Drawing on wet sand
“The wonderful transformation of a circle and a square” To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and develop children’s imagination
Problem situation, game
“Young treasure hunters” Develop observation skills, study the properties of sand, learn to find a toy in the sand
Experimenting game with wet and dry sand
“Pies for a bear” Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, draw conclusions
“On the properties of wet and dry sand” Develop children’s cognitive and speech activity
Playing with sand
“Building a Zoo” Help in studying the properties of raw sand and improving constructive skills
Day 4 “Water is a miracle of nature”
Experience Games
“Hide and Seek with Water” Give an idea of ​​the properties of water, that water can change color
“Transfusion of water” To form knowledge that water pours from different vessels in different ways
“Properties of water” To develop knowledge about the different properties of water: it pours, splashes, etc.
“Beautiful cups for the water sorceress” Learn to glue ready-made shapes in a certain sequence
Reading fiction
The story “How Kostya didn’t wash his face” Familiarize yourself with the story, help in understanding the content
“Magician Soap” Introduce the properties and purpose of soap, consolidate knowledge of safety rules when working with soap
Outdoor games “With plumes and pinwheels” Formation of independent motor activity

Observation “Wind Observation” Develop attentiveness, observation and ingenuity
Experiment “Obedient Breeze” Develop the ability to breathe correctly, familiarize yourself with this property of air: the air flow has different strengths
Breathing exercise “Light breeze” Learn to cool food by lightly blowing on it

1. The main educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Mosaic-Synthesis, Moscow, 2015-366p.
2. “Classes on familiarization with the natural and social world” in the second junior group of kindergarten O.V. Dybina. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015-72 p.
3. Organization of experimental activities of preschool children: method. Recommendations/generally ed. L. N. Prokhorova. -3rd ed., add. -M.: ARKTI, 2008. – 64 s.


Experiments, research and experiences

1. Balloon experiments. The teacher and the children examine 2 balloons (one is strongly inflated - elastic, the other weakly - soft). Children figure out which ball is best to play with. Discuss the reason for the difference. The adult suggests thinking about what needs to be done with the second ball so that it is also good to play with (inflate it strongly); what is inside the ball (air); where does the air come from (it is exhaled). An adult organizes a game with the second ball: inflates it so that it becomes elastic, lowers the ball with a hole into the water so that the children watch how the ball deflates and air comes out through the bubbles. At the end of the game, the adult offers to repeat the experience themselves.
2. Experiment with a straw. The teacher shows how a person inhales and exhales air, placing his hand under the stream of air. Finds out where the air comes from. Then, using a straw and water in a glass, he shows how air appears when exhaling (bubbles appear on the surface of the water). At the end of the experiment, children are invited to repeat the experience themselves.
3. What's in the package. Children look at an empty plastic bag. The adult asks what is in the bag. Turning away from the children, he fills the bag with air and twists the open end so that the bag becomes elastic. Then he shows the bag again and asks what the bag is filled with (air). He opens the package and shows that there is nothing in it. The adult notices that when the package was opened, it ceased to be elastic. He asks why it seems that the package is empty (the air is transparent, invisible, light).
4. An obedient breeze. The teacher reads: “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds, you disturb the blue sea, you howl everywhere in the open.” The children blow softly on the boat. What's happening? (The ship is sailing slowly.) They blow on the boat with force. (The boat sails faster and may even capsize.) Children sum up (in a weak wind the boat moves slowly, in a strong air flow it increases speed).
5. Soap magician. Children touch and smell dry soap. (It is smooth and fragrant.) They examine the water. (Warm, transparent.) Make quick movements with your hands in the water. What's happening? (Air bubbles appear in the water.) Children immerse the soap in the water, then pick it up. What did it become? (Slippery.) Rub the sponge with soap, immerse it in water, and squeeze it out. What's happening? (The water changes color and foam appears in it.) They play with the foam: make their palms into tubes, collect soapy water, and blow. (Large bubbles appear.) Dip the end of the tube into soapy water, remove it, and blow slowly. (A soap bubble appears and shimmers in the light.) Dip the end of the tube into water and blow into it. What appears on the surface of the water? (Lots of soap bubbles.)
Children summarize: dry soap is smooth; wet soap is smooth and slippery; When soaping the sponge, foam appears; when air gets into soapy water, soap bubbles appear, they are light and can fly; soap suds sting your eyes.
6. Transfusion of water. The teacher shows how to pour water from different vessels in different ways. From a wide vessel - in a large stream, from a narrow vessel - in a thin stream. He explains that splashes are flying from the water. Then he invites the children to pour water from vessel to vessel on their own. The teacher explains that water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. If you just pour water from one vessel to another, the same amount will remain; There will be less water if you drain it.
7. “Pies for a bear.” Experiment with wet and dry sand. The teacher invites the children to make pies from wet sand, and then from dry sand. Children draw conclusions: wet sand molds and holds its shape, but dry sand crumbles.
8. Game experience “Hide and seek with water”. The teacher shows the children a transparent vessel with water and asks what color the water is. (Transparent, colorless.) Then lowers the pebble into the water. What are we seeing? Is the pebble visible? (Visible.) Then the teacher adds paint to the water and asks what the water has become. (Colored.) Lowers the pebble into the water. What do we see? (The stone is not visible.) Conclusion: water can change color.
1. Finger gymnastics “Sunny, sunshine”
Sunshine, sunshine
Golden bottom
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
A stream ran in the garden,
A hundred rooks have arrived,
Clap your hands
Bend and straighten palms
Show the wave.
They wave their hands.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
And the flowers are growing.
They lower their hands down.
They raise their hands up.

2. Game-situation “Sunny Bunnies”. The teacher takes a mirror and shows a sunny bunny. Explains that the sun is reflected from the mirror. Then the teacher begins to move the mirror in different directions. Children run after the sunbeam, trying to get it. Then one of the children is asked to drive.
3. Blowing soap bubbles. The teacher blows soap bubbles and explains that there is air inside the bubble. Then one of the children starts blowing soap bubbles, and the rest of the children catch them.
4. “Young treasure hunters.” The teacher and children examine the sand, study its properties (dry, crumbles, heats up in the sun). Then the teacher hides plastic toys in the sand. And children must find toys by digging with a scoop and without spilling sand.
5. “Construction of a zoo.” During a walk, the teacher offers to look at the sand, study its properties (raw, moldable, dense). Then he proposes to build a zoo out of sand and building parts. The teacher suggests using a mold buried in sand flush with the ground and filled with water in construction. Invites you to think about what happened (a pond for waterfowl or a pool for a polar bear and hippos).
6. Outdoor game"With plumes and pinwheels." During the walk, the teacher shows how to play with a pinwheel and plumes. If there is wind, the plumes move and the pinwheel spins. If there is no wind outside, you can go for a run. What are we seeing? When running, the pinwheel also spins, and the plumes move. Sultans and pinwheels are distributed to everyone. At the signal “Wind” everyone runs, at the signal “no wind” everyone stands.
7. Drawing on wet sand “The wonderful transformation of a circle and a square” During a walk, the teacher draws circles and squares on the wet sand. Invites children to examine them and highlight their properties. Then he suggests turning the circle into a sun, a clock, an apple, a ball, a wheel, a face, etc. And the square is proposed to be turned into a house, a bag, a TV, a clock, etc. Children draw in the sand.

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Problem.It has been proven that the child best absorbs the knowledge that the child acquired in practical activities.Unfortunately, in preschool educational institutions, experimentation is used unreasonably rarely, especially in early preschool age.The importance of a child’s independent research activity is underestimated, despite its positive aspects, despite the active development of this area in preschool education.

Despite the fact that in experimental activities there are more opportunities for self-knowledge and self-determination of the child, for personal growth and the revelation of his individuality, teachers are reluctant to use this method in everyday activities, leaving it for open classes and mass entertainment events.

Relevance of the project.Preschoolers are natural explorers. And this is confirmed by their curiosity, constant desire to experiment, desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation.

Experimentation gives children real ideas about various aspects of the object being studied, enriches the child’s memory, activates his thought processes, and includes an active search for solutions to problems.

Younger preschoolers, getting acquainted with the world around them, strive not only to look at an object, but also to touch it with their hands, tongue, smell it, and knock it. Children tear paper, take apart toys, play with sand, water and snow.

In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They watch objects falling into the water (drowning or not drowning), testing icicles with their tongue in severe frost, etc.Exploratory behavior for a preschooler- the main source of obtaining ideas about the world. We, adults, must actively help him in this.

Objective of the project: develop cultural practices of showing interest children of primary preschool age to knowledge and research, to support the desire to manifest independence and initiative, curiosity.


  1. Introduce children to some properties of water, air, light, paper.
  2. Develop your own learning experience.
  3. Support children's initiative, independence, and intelligence.
  4. Encourage friendly relationships during research activities.
  5. Form a cultural practice of showing interest and desire to expand your horizons.

Project type: information and research, group.

Participants: teachers, children, parents.

Implementation deadlines: short-term (1 week).

Predicted result: development of the content of cultural practices to implement the project’s objectives:

  • manifestation of sustainable cognitive interest in experimentation;
  • developing the ability to consciously select objects and materials for independent activities;
  • displaying initiative and creativity in solving assigned tasks;
  • manifestation of mutual assistance, active social interaction;
  • high-quality and interested participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Main section of the program: social and communicative development.

Organization of activities within the project

Preparatory stage:

  • problem formulation;
  • determination of relevance, purpose and objectives;
  • selection of methodological and fiction literature;
  • selection of experiments for a given age;
  • selection of equipment for conducting experiments.

Main stage:

  • organization of subject-development environment,
  • conducting experiments, experiments in a group and on a walk,
  • individual work with children,
  • independent experimental activities,
  • outdoor games,
  • reading fiction,
  • conversations,
  • productive activity of children.

The final stage:

1. Making a card index of experiments.

2. Exhibition of crafts made by parents and children.

Project technological map

Social and communicative development

Cultural practices


Integration of c.p.:

Practices of game interaction,

Communication practices

Games:“Find out who called?”“It happens - it doesn’t happen.”

D/exercise: “Find and bring a paper object.”

Gaming exercises:“Turn the circle into a sun, an apple, a ball, a wheel, etc.”

Problematic situations:

  • “The toy is lost in the sand, you need to find it by digging with a shovel and not spilling the sand.”
  • “How and why does water flow?”

Conversation - exercise"Taste and properties of food."

Di"Catch up with your shadow"

Cognitive development

Cultural practices


Integration of c.p.:

Knowledge of the world and self-knowledge,

Free practice of children's activities,

Communication practices,

Identification and interaction of the child with the surrounding society.

Experimental activities:

  • "Blowing Soap Bubbles"
  • "Battleship"
  • “We lock the air into a ball”
  • "Air Movement"
  • “Snow and ice are water that has changed its state under the influence of temperature,”
  • "Water has no taste or smell"
  • "Clear water",
  • "Steam is also water"
  • "Water without form"
  • “Water can be cold, warm, hot,”
  • “How to make sure the water is clear”
  • "Paper and Water"
  • "Paper Comparison"
  • "Can paper be dangerous"
  • "Light heavy"
  • Games with balloon and straw

Experimentation games:

  • "Smart Nose"
  • "Tongue Helper"

Game-experience"Colored Ice"

  • Game - experience with snowflakes


  • “What’s in the box?”, “What’s in the bag?”
  • "Roll the ball"
  • Experiment “Obedient Breeze”

Speech development

Cultural practices


Integration of c.p.:

Communication practices,

Knowledge of the world and self-knowledge


  • "Magic Air"
  • "What do you know about yourself"
  • “Why do we need water?”
  • "What happens from paper"
  • "On the meaning of light"


  • poem "Air"
  • Permyak E. “About the nose and tongue.”
  • Boyko T. “Sun”
  • Fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”
  • Kozlov S. “Sunny Bunny and Little Bear”
  • K. Ushinsky “Sun and Rainbow”

Heuristic conversations:

  • “What does a spoon, a plate, a piece of bread, a napkin look like?”
  • “What foods have water in them?”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Cultural practices


Integration of c.p.:

healthy lifestyle,

Practices of game interaction

Finger gymnastics“Skillful Hands”, “Dog and Cat”.

Outdoor games:

  • “Owl”, “Bubble”, “Planes”, “We- droplets!”, “Run where the wind blows”
  • Breathing exercises “Wind”, “Blow on a flower”, “Drive away the bumblebee”

Gymnastics for the eyes“A drop one, a drop two...”

Games with paper airplanes, plumes and pinwheels.

Physical education minute"Rainbow-arc".

Game m/n:"Cold-hot."

Interaction with parents

Cultural practices


Integration of c.p.:

Knowledge of the world and self-knowledge,

Communication practices

Introducing parents to the purpose of the project and types of joint activities for its successful implementation.

Organizing joint activities with children at home :

  • Conduct simple experiments at home with children.
  • make crafts from paper.
Organizing a conversation with parents “What can’t and what should be done to maintain children’s interest in cognitive experimentation.”

Involve parents in replenishing the experimentation center with new educational literature.

Distribution of activities by activity centers

Theater Activity Center: making characters for the shadow theater “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse.”

Center for Experimental Activities:preparation of all materials necessary for research activities(soap bubbles, different types of paper, paper boats, balloons, water containers, straws, screen for shadow theater).

Project implementation results (result):

The content of children’s cultural practices has expanded:

  • a stable cognitive interest in experimentation appeared;
  • increased ability to consciously select objects and materials for independent activities
  • demonstrated initiative and creativity in solving assigned problems, and the ability for mutual assistance.
  • Parents' interest in taking part in the implementation of the project has intensified.
  • a recommendation was made for parents: “The role of the family in the development of the cognitive interests of a preschooler”
  • a card file of experiments for practical activities has been compiled.
  • An exhibition of paper crafts made by parents and children was organized.

List of literature:

1. A. Dietrich, G. Yurman “Why”
2. Van. Cleve J. "200 experiments"
3. Dybina O.V., etc. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers / O.V. Dybina (ed.). - M.: TC "Sfera", 2001.
4. L. L. Sikoruk “Physics for kids.”
5. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten. M., 1999.
6. Nikolaeva S.N. Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood. M., 1995.
7. Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining tasks and experiments. Ekaterinburg, 1995.
8. “Design and organization of cultural practices in preschool childhood” / author M.V. Korepanova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Preschool Education, Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University.
9. Ryzhova N.A. Ryzhova Sorceress - water. M., Linka-Press, 1997
10. Smirnov Yu.I. A book for talented children and caring parents. St. Petersburg, 1998
11. What is it? Who it? M., 1996.