Cool short scenarios for Railway Worker's Day. Competitions for Railwayman's Day

Holiday scenario

"Railroadman's Day"

Developed by: teacher

Private educational institution "Kindergarten No. 191 of JSC Russian Railways"

Poderina Oksana Vyacheslavovna

and specialists from local history

museum named after D.S. Kargapolova

1 Presenter:

Ancient, merchant, provincial,
Away from the railways
Golden-headed and majestic,
You withstood and overcame everything.
On the hills, like melted candles,
The walls of ancient monasteries.
They remember the bloody battles of Acha,
They are waiting for the good bell news.
2 Presenter:
There are bridges and crossings over the river,
Beyond the river are gardens in bloom.
Life builds and rules in its own way -
There is no mischief or trouble in this.
The pavements have been rolled into asphalt,
Sidewalks are a neat project.
Young people dream of happiness
About something different than centuries ago.
1 Presenter:
Good afternoon, dear guests!

Today we have gathered here on the eve of the holiday. How many of you know which one? (Children)Railwayman's Day.
2 Presenter:
Dear railway workers, your contribution to the development of our country is priceless! Today we would like to sincerely congratulate you on your professional day. I wish you ease of work, prosperity of the industry, happiness and prosperity.

1 Presenter:

Buzzing downhill

Long beep

The flashlight burns like a star

To the north, to the west,

To the south, to the east.

Trains rush by like an arrow.

2 Leading:

Professions there is certainly a lot on earth,

There is no beginning or end to their number.

And your life is a railroad

And with her - your thoughts and hearts!

1 Presenter:

Your work there is a matter of valor and honor,

And in every business, rules are important.

So that the railway workers are all together

We were able to show off our work!

2 Presenter:

They're flying along the train tracks like arrows

And there is no safer and more certain way.

The road calls for the bravest

And the most wonderful people!

1 Presenter:
Road, like a city is growing!

Over the years it will grow stronger and bloom

Let's wish you good luck on the way too

Have a nice and safe journey!

Kindergarten anthem.


2 Presenter And now let me give the floor to the person who created this wonderful exhibition, Deputy Director for Scientific Work Tamara Nikolaevna Koltysheva.

1 Presenter

The movement of trains and the existence of the railway is possible only thanks to the precise and well-coordinated work of its workers

2 Presenter:
The train dispatcher is
Conductor of the movement.
Knows both winter and summer
Clearly, without a doubt
Where the train will pass and where to go.
Will build everyone according to schedule
And he will cope with everyone...

D/s performance

Dasha: Railroad

Serve a lot:

Driver's assistant,

Cashier and Deputy Minister,

And also the driver

And also the minister himself,

And also an auditor

And also a controller

Plus a lineman,

Dispatcher, conductor.

The train will not be able to go

Without each of them.

Because the train is running

We bow to them!

1 Presenter:

It's great to be a driver!
There is, of course, some risk:
It's very difficult to be on the road
And the lineup is great news.
It's hard to work at night,
Don't fall asleep so as not to crash,
And always look forward
To transport people.
Congratulations to the drivers
And we wish you clean roads!
Speech by DS

Sema: Machinist

Drivers have a lot to do

He carries from edge to edge

Fragrant honey, fluffy fur,

Books, vegetables and tea.

He carries people in a carriage,

The wind is rushing behind the carriage.

“You won’t catch up, you won’t catch up,”

The locomotive screams to him.

Rides day and starry night,

Carries you through storms and frost

Your own 12 wheeler

The fastest diesel locomotive.

2 Presenter:

We're on duty at the station
Let's congratulate each other,
To them on the banks of the azure
Let's have a rest


1 Presenter:

Inspector - wagon repairman -
This is a serious profession.
Car from large hauls
Retiring so quickly
That's why our repairmen
You must be extremely careful:
All screws, nuts and bolts
A must see.
We wish everyone the ability to
We wish everyone attention
Have a good mood,
Mutual understanding.

2 Presenter:

Gray-haired winter and gentle summer
The travelers are walking, dressed in vests.
And everyone tests the strength of the path,
And they notice everything and can save it!
We congratulate the railway workers on this holiday
Let's glorify this profession today!
We wish them love and warmth,
May our journey be calm!

Lera: Who should I study for?

Is it necessary to think

Who to study for?

If there is in the world

What goes fast?

I'm on this fast

I'll become a driver!

1 Presenter: On the railway on the road
There is, of course, a signalman.
He is always in touch,
Like a mountain climber.
Lights up the semaphores
Provides communication
He's on the radio.
Been there quite a few times.

2 Presenter:
But we have not named all the professions from the world of railway workers. There are dozens more specialties that are directly related to the movement of trains, as well as those who introduce new equipment, improve working conditions on the railway, and take care of the good mood of railway workers.
And now it’s time for you to compete in dexterity and ingenuity, but first, let’s listen to the poem.

VARYA: Conductors

From the capital to the border

Trains rush along the rails.

And in the carriages there are conductors:

Their life is an eternal ride.

Cover distances

Not counting the amount of miles.

If you could count it up to the stars

Their path would be long.

But they have no time to do arithmetic on the way,

Yes, and the stars rarely appear in dreams - Service must be performed.

1 Presenter: Today we have a railway entertainment quiz, where you can show your knowledge about railway transport, about the rules that must be followed so that trouble does not happen to you. You will need to complete several tasks, answer questions, and for each correctly completed task you will receive points.

2 Presenter: Our quiz is called “The railway is not a toy for children”

1 slide “The railway is not a toy for children”

1 Presenter : But in order to start our quiz, we need participants, we suggest choosing two teams. We ask the teams to leave. And for successful work, we will choose a fair jury.(jury selection, jury presentation )

2 Presenter: First task: You need to come up with a team name. Please do not forget that today our quiz is dedicated to the RAILWAY.

1 Presenter : Fine. We came up with the names of the teams, but don’t forget that we have those who will root for you. Let us begin with the history of the creation of the railway.

Please listen carefully, this knowledge will be useful to you during our game.

slide On May 13, 1836, construction began on the first railway in Russia along the route St. Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo - Pavlovsk. It became the country's first public railway. The construction of the Tsarskoye Selo railway was led by the Austrian engineer Franz Gerstner (Slide with photo)

2 Presenter:
The first railway in Russia was opened on October 30, 1837, its length was 27 kilometers. It also went down in history as the first Russian railway on which a train accident occurred. It happened due to the fault of a drunk driver who missed a stop intended for the passage of an oncoming train and the trains collided. Several dozen people died then.

1 Presenter: The road has installed paper tickets of different colors: for 1st class carriages - white, 2nd - pink and 3rd - green.(TICKET SLIDE)

2 Presenter Russian poets also did not remain aloof about such an important event.

Excerpt from a poem by Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky

"The First Railway" written in 1937

“Tell me, grandpa! I've heard a lot

I didn’t know what she was like,

First railway

From St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo?

Strollers were placed on the platforms,

Unharnessing the tall horses,

And on rails, without jolts and


The train was rushing - no cats


The first steam locomotive in Russia was built by the father and son Cherepanovs in

1834 – SLIDE

1 Presenter :

Now we'll check you out

And we've started a game for you.

We will ask questions.

Answering them is not easy, but if you are careful, you can easily cope with all the tasks.

2 Presenter:
Questions for teams: P
warm-up(children's answers)

What types of trains do you know? (passenger, cargo)

Where do people wait for the train or train? (on the platform)

What is a stop valve for? (stop the train urgently)

How does an electric locomotive, steam locomotive, or diesel locomotive move? (electricity, steam, heat).

What are the people who travel on the train called? (passengers)

A railway track made of two parallel rails? (track)

A railroad track that only connects to other tracks at one end? (dead end)

A structure for crossing, crossing a river, ravine, railway track, etc. (bridge)

1 presenter:

We invite our fans to warm up too.


This competition is designed to ensure that participants remember as many literary works as possible where the railway is mentioned. For example:“Anna Karenina”, “Railroad”, “Moscow - Petushki”, “Intruder”, “Henry”, “Machinist Maltsev”, “At the Dawn of Foggy Youth”, “The Origin of the Master”.

2 Presenter: And now the tour is entertaining - playful and our game is called – « FUN TRAIN"

Players line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist. The player standing in front gives a signal with a whistle and begins to move, skirting obstacles along the way, turning sharply in different directions, and gradually accelerating the pace. In this case, it is advisable to periodically shout: “Too-too.” The task of the rest is to maintain the composition without releasing their hands. If there are a lot of participants, you can split into two teams, it will be even more fun. The team that preserves its train longer will win.

1 Presenter : Our country is also covered by a network of railways. And today, rail transport remains the most common form of transportation. But it also has areas of increased danger.

And the first question of the quiz:

2 Presenter : Think and name high-risk areas. Explain why railway workers call these zones dangerous?

Danger zones:


landing platforms,

carriage in which passengers travel,



1 Presenter : While our teams are preparing, it’s time to play with spectators

Game with spectators:

1. Without it you can’t get on the train, without it there’s no place, you can’t get a conductor

will help, he won’t be able to give you (ticket)

2. A separate room in a passenger carriage (compartment)

3. What is the name of the head car driven by the driver? (locomotive)

4. What is the name of the barrier at a crossing that blocks the way for cars? (barrier)

5. The tram has a sister - seven cars (electric train)

6. What is the name of the place between the cars on a train? (vestibule)

7. What kind of transportation is carried out along the steel highways of Russia? (transport people and goods)

2 Presenter:

We are tired, we have stayed too long,

We wanted to warm up.

Physical exercise: (dance – “A tram was walking through the city”)

1 Presenter: Do you know how to solve riddles?
* There is a ladder in the field, a house is running up the stairs. (rails, sleepers, train)

* Although he has two eyes, he does not look with all of them at once,

And he always looks alone, the driver is watching him. (railway traffic light)

* The brothers got ready for a visit and clung to each other. And they rushed off on a long journey, only leaving a trail of smoke. (cars)

* Both horse and worker, hunter of water. He snorts and drinks and drives home. (locomotive)

* Over long distances, he rushes without delay. This train suddenly disappeared, it’s called... (express)

* Iron huts are attached to each other. One of them with a pipe leads everyone along. (train)

* I eat coal, I drink water, when I get drunk, I speed up. I’m carrying a train of one hundred wheels, and I call myself…..(locomotive)

* They come in different colors, green and red. They run along the rails into the distance, meet them everywhere and wait. (cars)

* The iron horse rushes, rushes, iron rattles on iron. Steam billows, smoke curls, the iron horse rushes, rushes. (train)

* It is always at the station, trains approach it. (platform)

2 Presenter :

There are rules everywhere, you must always know them.

Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor.

It is impossible to live in the world in any way or way without rules.

Large trains depart according to the rules.

1 Presenter : There are a lot of rules on the railway so that nothing bad happens to you, but do you know them? We'll check now. will appear on the screen

pictures, you must explain what they say.

(display railway signs on the screen, one at a time for each command, you don’t need a lot, 3 is enough I think)

2 Presenter : and now it’s time to test the ingenuity of our teams. You guys have to answer difficult and very tricky questions, so listen to them very carefully:

* The bus goes out of town. What happens if it goes off the rails?

* A steam locomotive and a steamship are running along the rails. Who will arrive at the station first?

* A diesel locomotive and an airplane flew across the sky. Who will fly faster?

* The stop valve on the train is red, but what color is the stop valve on the plane?

1 Presenter : And the last task for the teams. You are ready? Now you must show all your knowledge. And make up your own train!

Game "Who will make the train." (magnetic board)
Each team has 7 carriages and 1 locomotive.
The presenter asks riddles. The one who guessed correctly attaches 1 carriage to the locomotive (magnetic board). Whose line-up is longer will win.

Early in the morning outside the window
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel paths
There are blue houses. (train)
Iron huts
Attached to each other.
One of
He takes everyone with him. (locomotive and carriages)
There is a ladder in the field,
The house is running down the stairs.
They clung to each other,
And they rushed to,
They just left some smoke. (train)
I entered
But he didn't stay there long.
This house turned out to be
Quickly in another city. (passenger train)
Past the grove, past the ravine,
It rushes without smoke, it rushes without steam
Locomotive sister...
Who is she? ... (train)
The guys' sign warns
Protects from misfortune:
"Moving! In full view!
Watch the barrier." (Zheleznodorozhny

moving with a barrier)
I'm knocking, knocking, knocking
I'm taking you far!
And above the river, on the bridge
I'll signal to everyone "too-too!"

I brought you to the station.

Do you know who I am? (Locomotive)

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.(traffic light)
The earth is shaking, the strong man is running,
He pulls along
The tail is huge, steel.
Past the grove, past the ravine
It rushes without smoke, it rushes without steam
Steam locomotive sister.
Who is she?
I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very often, in
I'll take you underground
. (metro train)

2 Presenter : While our jury is evaluating the work of the teams, I would like to once again remind you that the railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport that is used by millions of people every day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for people.

Here are the basic safety rules on railway transport and the surrounding area.

Remember: Display

You need to cross the tracks only on a bridge or special decking.

Don't crawl under the cars! Do not climb over the automatic couplers!

Don't jump into a departing train.

Do not leave the carriage until the train has come to a complete stop.

Don't play on platforms and paths!

Don't lean out of windows while driving.

Exit the carriage only from the boarding platform.

Don't walk on the tracks.

At the station, children may only be under the supervision of adults.

Small children need to be held by the hand.

Do not cross the tracks in front of a nearby train if the distance to

it is less than 400 meters away. The train can't stop right away!

Do not come closer than 5 meters to the rails.

Do not cross the tracks without making sure there is no train

the opposite direction.

1 Presenter: And now the word of the jury will sum up our quiz.

Nadia: Thank you for your care and work:

Consistency and clarity in work always.

Because they take us to any place

Cozy, clean trains.

2 Presenter: Well, now is the most joyful moment of our meeting! Museum director Marina Mikhailovna Kachan is invited to award the winners of today's competitions and guests of our warm, friendly evening.

1 Presenter: And at the end of our evening I would like to tell you.

There is nothing more important than human life, and children's lives are the most valuable.

2 Presenter: Be careful and vigilant, remember that the railway is not a place for games, take care of your life and the lives of others.

Scenario of musical entertainment “Railroadman’s Day”

Target: to instill in children respect for the railway professions and a sense of pride in Russian Railways.
Tasks: evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards entertainment and develop creative abilities. Develop early career guidance in choosing railway professions.
Today we welcome dear guests,
We dressed up beautiful, it was barely light.
Congratulations to all railway workers,
And we send from all the children:
Children: Hello!
Children read poetry:
1st child:
Who will answer why?
Is everything around so beautiful?
And where we don’t look -
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
The sonorous songs sound very fun today!
Kindergarten celebrates Railway Worker's Day!
2nd child:
Happy Railwayman's Day
Our favorite kindergarten,
We wish you happiness and joy
For guests and for the guys!

Leading: May this day be joyful
Poems sound and songs flow
May you be with us in the festive round dance
All the guests dance and laugh.

Round dance “The holiday has come to us”

-The profession of a railway worker is interesting, necessary and honorable. Many children dream of working on the railroad in the future. Arseny, for example, wants to become a machinist.

Poem "I'll be a driver"

Antoshka wants to be a doctor
Valerka is a hockey player,
And I decided a long time ago
That I will be a driver.

I will drive trains
I can do the job.
Transporting people all over the country
Sit down if you want.

My train will rush along, only smoke
Melts in a clean field.
You'll envy me
Doctors and football players!

I'm not even six yet,
But I'm in a hurry to grow quickly.
The days will pass unnoticed -
Kindergarten, school, college...
Just wait a little
favorite road!

Trains take us from station to station
Through the window of the carriage, all of Russia is visible.
Rivers, groves, villages, cities flash by.
The forests, fields are spacious and there are herds in the meadows.
The wheels are knocking merrily, they are in a hurry, they are running
It’s as if they are singing a funny song with us.

Guys, let's take a train ride with you?
But before we set off on our journey, you guys must solve riddles
I entered a gray house
But I didn’t stay in it for long,
This house turned out to be
Quickly in another city.

Four brothers
They are catching up with each other
But they can’t catch up
The thread stretches
But you can’t wrap it in a ball
Iron huts
Holding on to each other
He stands on the tracks
On one leg
And bright eyes
Winks at me

Some on rails, on tracks
Are trains coming to us?
Leading: And now guys, let's hit the road, let's close our eyes and... find ourselves at the magic train station. The children open their eyes: the conductor is in front of them.
(station music sounds)
Conductor: Hello my dear passengers! We are glad to see you on the platform, from which our train will depart in a few minutes. What do we need to get on the train? Right! Ticket!
Leading: Let's take a train ticket with you guys. And we will get it for the poems that you know about the railway.
Children read poetry:
1st child:
Lots of threads
Live silvers
Unwound its balls,
To take us by rail
Trains ran day and night.

2nd child:
There is no more reliable road than the railway,
Any child knows this
If these are “Russian roads”,
The road has a steel character.

3rd child:
In our difficult times - work,
Don't fall behind and don't go astray,
After all, not everyone can do this -
Diesel locomotives are transported on rails.

4th child:
Russian Railways are ringing violins
In the huge orchestra of the country,
And every person without error
These sounds will be heard in the distance.
(praises the children, hands out tickets and asks them to take their seats)
Conductor: And to make our ride more fun, let’s sing a song.
Song "Electric train" lyrics. Vidisheva M.M. (to the music. “Ah, Samara is a town!”)
Children sing while sitting on chairs, swaying to the beat of the music, like passengers on a train.

1. It’s not a bird, it’s not a bird
Sings this song.
This is our train
It's gaining full speed.

The carriages are crowded
It's just nothing
Sing along to our song
Diesel horns.

2. And birches are like sisters
Freezing on a hillock
They wave, they wave at the train
Early in the morning at dawn.

Conductor: Attention attention! Our train makes a stop at a beautiful forest clearing. The train stops for 15 minutes. Children, get out of the carriages.
Leading: Children, now let's play with you.
Outdoor game "STEAM LOT"
Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity, physical strength and endurance.
Materials needed for the game: a rope to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or other objects to indicate the turn point.
Progress of the game
All players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal, the first player runs, runs around the flag and comes back. At the start, the next player clings to him, putting his hands on his waist, and they run the same distance together. Then at the start a third player joins them and everything repeats all over again. The action is repeated until all team members run the distance, clinging to the train. The team that returns to the start first wins. The longer the trains are, the more fun the game will be.
The heroes of the holiday ensure that the rules of the game are followed.
Conductor: Attention, attention! Citizens passengers! There are 3 minutes left before the train departs. Please take your seats.

Our train rushed on
Coppices are cities.
Let's sing ditties now.
Children, are you all ready?
Children: Yes!
1. Engine drivers love songs
We are not lagging behind them.
Our children's ditties
We will sing to you from the bottom of our hearts.
2. There is a lot of cargo on the platforms:
Coal, timber, metal, ore.
Everything needs to be delivered urgently
To our villages and cities.
3. Sitting at the computer
Red maiden.
Issues tickets to everyone
All the way abroad
4. The driver is young,
His name is Andryusha.
Like a whistle blowing,
Pawns ears.
5. About the railway
You can sing until the evening
Yes, we have such a problem -
We have nothing more to sing
Conductor: Attention, attention! Our train makes a stop at the postal station. The train stops for 15 minutes. Children get out of the carriages.
Leading: Guys, what kind of trains are there? passenger, postal and luggage, cargo. What do mail and baggage trains carry?
Relay "Mail Train"
Whose team will deliver the “package” faster?
Conductor: oh guys, we have an emergency, the train whistle has disappeared, how can you and I travel without it? How will we signal the train and call passengers? (Music “Song Shapoklyak” lyrics by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky)
(Shapoklyak comes in importantly to the music)

Shapoklyak- What's going on here? Why the gathering?
Holiday? So are you congratulating me?
Well done, right! Give us gifts quickly! Where are they? Why don't I see?
Leading- Guys, did you find out who it is? (Shapoklyak)
-We have no gifts for you. After all, today is not your holiday
Shapoklyak- Ah well! If you don’t want to give gifts, then I will disturb you and disrupt your performance! And I won’t give you the buzzer (teasingly)
Leading- So it was you who caused the mischief? Give us back the little engine, we're having a holiday
Shapoklyak- But I won’t return it! But I won’t return it! But I won’t return it! (sticks out tongue) - Without a signal, he won’t be able to go. Ha-ha!
Leading- And then we won’t sing your favorite song to you!
Shapoklyak- " Blue carriage?"
Leading- Yes.
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it, sing, and then I’ll return your beep.
Leading- No, really, first you return our horn, and then we will sing for you!
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it
Shapoklyak (interrupting) - That’s it, I returned it to you, sing my favorite song faster.
Leading-Are you still going to be mischievous?
Shapoklyak - Of course not!
(Song “Blue Car” by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky, performed by children)
Shapoklyak- Thank you, thank you! You touched me with your singing! Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka gave you gifts, but I didn’t want to give them to you, but after my favorite song I became kind! Well, that's it, bye! Great things await me! I'll go to Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.
(gives gifts and leaves)
The buzzer sounds.
Conductor: Attention attention! Citizens passengers! Our journey ends and we return to our home kindergarten. Passengers are asked not to forget their belongings in the carriage.
(children leave the playground like a train)

1. Stashkova T.N., Sheboldina L.N. program “We are future railway workers” M. Publishing house “Gnom i D”, 2007
2. Blokhina E.V., Yakunina T.V. program “Railway traditions in the education of preschool children”
3. Internet resources used

The celebration takes place on the anniversary train: the hall is designed like a steam locomotive with carriages, in the windows of which there are wedding, family and work photographs. All guests are passengers. Tickets with numbers are laid out on the tables. Lucky tickets are those whose number is circled with a red felt-tip pen. During the evening, the host checks the tickets and gives prizes to the lucky winners. At the end of the feast, a game is played with the owners of all numbers. The presenter is dressed in a driver's uniform.

Presenter: Dear passengers! Train named... (name, patronymic of the hero of the day), next from the station "..." (date of birth of the hero of the day) to the Yubileinaya station, leaving in exactly five minutes. Passengers are asked to take their seats.

Our whole life is a railroad.
We rush along it towards the cherished goal of existence.
Either love will appear on the way, then anxiety,
But we hurry forward along the rails, as always...
And the years and kilometers fly by,
Leaving an indelible mark on our souls,
And outside the window the crazy winds accompany you -
Messengers of past, but best years!

Presenter: Dear passengers! We are pleased to welcome you in our cozy dining car. Today we propose to take an exciting journey that will last a lifetime, or rather fifty anniversary years-kilometers. Our train goes to the Yubileinaya station. At the request of individual passengers, it will make stops on request at intermediate stations. In order to create maximum comfort, an entertainment program and performances by artists are organized for you. Please keep the purchased tickets until the end of the journey; control is possible at stops. Lucky ticket holders will receive prizes and gifts from the sponsor of our trip. While the train is moving, smoking is prohibited in carriages and vestibules, but drinking alcoholic beverages is permitted. It is not recommended to leave a good mood unattended throughout the entire route. Please inform the driver about moods forgotten by other passengers. The driver driving the train is your humble servant... (name and patronymic of the leader). For all questions related to passenger service, please contact our charming conductors. (Points to the waitresses.)

Host: Dear friends! Before our train sets off, it is with undisguised pleasure that I want to greet the sweet woman who kindly invited us all to go with her on an exciting journey along the rails of good mood. Meet the hero of the day... (name, patronymic of the hero of the day).

Attention! Our train is leaving, and I offer everyone to fill their glasses.

She came into the world in early spring,
When the drops ring as they play,
Since then, without knowing peace,
She walks through life boldly.

Let there be obstacles on the way,
It's no fun to live without them,
Adversity is, gentlemen, reward
And they should be treasured.

We are glad to see this sparkling gaze
And feel the warmth of the soul,
We are happy that this day is radiant
We are all lucky to be with you!

Friends, let's stand up,
Let the music of the glasses ring out,
Let them sound a toast after the toast,
And let ode after ode flow!

Happy anniversary!

Leading: Dear friends! I would like to start our journey with... (the year in which the hero of the day met her future husband) kilometer This is where the road... (name of the hero of the day) a charming guy named... (name of the husband of the hero of the day), who to this day is the main guiding star of the hero of the day.

Dear passengers! I invite you to look out the carriage window: we are passing a significant event. (Photo from the wedding). Two kilometers later, they united their roads into a single family path and since then they have been walking hand in hand along the road of life. The husband congratulates the hero of the day -... (name, patronymic of the husband of the hero of the day).

(Congratulations from my husband)


It's blooming again, April is raging again,
Sometimes the rumbles of the first thunderstorms can be heard.
The soul in the spring sometimes cries, sometimes rejoices -
She is no longer afraid of the night frost!

And even though there is still frost in the soul
And the sun shines sparingly, without warmth, -
Past winters have gone beyond the horizon,
Letters from the past burned to the ground.

You open the doors of a new life,
Shake off the dust of worries from your eyelashes in April!
The cherries are fragrant for you again,
And there are many kind, sweet faces nearby.

Leave it behind without regret
Everything old that has turned to dust.
Today your year of luck has begun!
So happy birthday! All in your hands!

Song (to the melody of V. Shainsky “What they teach at school”)

1. The sun has gone crazy
And everything blossomed around!
What happened to nature?
Let everyone around guess
It’s clear to you and me, friend,
On this day in the world...
(name of the hero of the day) appeared!

2. We wish with all our hearts
To remain like this -
Pretty, gentle, kind, young!
To have a lot of money in the house,
So that the husband loves while
I admired her endlessly!

3. It is very important, gentlemen,
That we came here.
We want to congratulate... (name of the hero of the day) Happy birthday!
What is half a hundred years?
There is no better age!
These are our, and yours, beliefs!

4. Let your dreams come true,
Your husband gives you flowers
Let the men follow you with their eyes!
Let them repeat the words:
"Head is spinning...
Oh, what kind of women there are in the world!”

Presenter: Dear passengers! Please have your tickets ready for inspection. The first lucky ticket is drawn. You see numbers on the tickets. On some tickets they are circled with a red felt-tip pen. What does this mean? This is the lucky ticket! So, lucky ticket number 1! You have won a new position - assistant driver. From now on, you are appointed responsible for informing passengers about upcoming train stops. Receive the instrument of your labor with which you will today announce the beginning of the dance intermissions.

(A whistle is handed over)

Presenter: Our train continues its movement rapidly. I again suggest looking out the main carriage window: we are arriving at the station where the hero of the day’s dream came true. (On the screen are photos from the work of the hero of the day.)

(The floor is given to colleagues of the hero of the day)

Song (to the melody of V. Shainsky “Blue Car”)

1. Only in the morning does the dawn rise -
Calls me to work cheerfully.
We cheerfully get out of bed
So every day from year to year.

Good riddance, good riddance
The long journey is spreading.
How much has been given
And souls, and years!
To everyone, everyone
The team has become like family.
Our team is no better in the world!

2. Slowly the minutes float away into the distance.
There's always a lot to do at work,
Sometimes a slight sadness comes over you,
Because they've been waiting for a home for a long time!

3. Yes, friends, work... (profession of the hero of the day) -
An eternal road without end.
We all chose her consciously -
We give our hearts to work!

Presenter: Dear friends, lucky ticket No. 2 is being drawn: a painting, the image on which symbolizes the profession of the hero of the day!

(Painting is presented)

Host: Dear passengers! We continue our journey. I offer a quiz! I ask questions, the participant who knows the answer presses the “button”, which notifies us by shouting: “Peak-peek!” The participant who knows our hero of the day better wins.

Quiz "Favorite"

Children of the hero of the day are participating. Several willing guests are invited (according to the number of children), they are seated on chairs and given black hats - these are “buttons”.

Questions about the hero of the day:

1. Favorite movie.

2. Favorite magazine.

3. Favorite color.

4. Favorite dish.

5. Favorite game.

6. Favorite activity.

7. Favorite sports show.

8. Favorite song.

(Award based on the results of the quiz)

(The floor is given to children)

Presenter: Dear passengers! We continue to move towards the Yubileinaya station. The carriage wheels knock in time with the joyful fluttering of our hearts, counting out new congratulations.

(Congratulations are heard from other passengers.)

(The presenter finds the passenger with lucky ticket No. 3.)

Host: Let me tear your ticket. From now on, you are a stowaway, and stowaways are called “hares.” Then you will go with the hare.

(A soft toy is presented.)

Presenter: Attention! Black box! Its contents will go to whoever guesses what is in it. This prize was made by the hands of the hero of the day. It is an indispensable attribute of the main spring holiday, but at the same time it can be a dirty word. (Answer: Damn)

(To the tune of “Dance of the Little Swans,” three plump women dressed like ballerinas perform: black tights, white skirts and T-shirts.)

(The assistant driver whistles - announces a dance intermission.)

Presenter: Attention! Lucky ticket No. 4 is being drawn. What is the one thing no long-term trip can do without? (Answer: No drinking.) We're giving away a box of juice to the lucky winner! What else should you take on the road? (I'm going) Get instant noodles.

Host: Our journey continues. To pass the time on the road, I bring to your attention several song compositions. The songs you hear should be related to the railroad. But they have one drawback: the media on which they were recorded appears to have been damaged, so the songs are cut off a little. You are invited to collectively correct the mistake and sing the verses of all songs to the end.

(Songs: “The last train”, “I’ll get off at the distant station”, “Farewell! From all train stations”, “Our locomotive flies forward”, “Blue carriage”, etc.)

Leading: Attention! Lucky ticket number 5 is drawn. So that your throat doesn’t get dry, we’re giving you a prize - “My Family” juice!
Someone is knocking on the door. These are the gypsies eager to congratulate the hero of the day!

(Dance composition performed by guests.)

Presenter: Dear passengers! We listen and follow all the orders of the driver, that is, me!

Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, finally drink!
Fill your glasses,
Happiness... (name of the hero of the day) wish!
Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius,
We took a delicious cucumber.
Feel free to pour vodka
And for... (name of the hero of the day) drink!
Aries, Pisces, Aquarius,
Pour a glass too!
AND... (name of the hero of the day) wishing well,
Let's drink a shot!
And Libra and Scorpio,
So as not to get into trouble.
The same thing will be repeated now:
“We invite you to have a drink!”

Presenter: Dear passengers! Lucky ticket number 6 is being drawn. According to the Chinese horoscope, our hero of the day was born in the year... (name of animal). We present you with a soft symbol of this year... (soft toy).

(The presenter approaches the guest and takes the ticket.)

Host: From now on you are a stowaway, and stowaways are usually dropped off. But I won’t drop you off, on the contrary, you will drop off! You are awarded the prize of carrot seeds - the favorite vegetable of the hero of the day!

Host: So, our composition continues to move. Lucky ticket number 7 is drawn. Congratulations to its owner, he hit the top ten, that is, the bull's eye! (An apple is presented.)

Presenter: Our train is approaching the Yubileinaya station! But no. Someone else wants to speak to us. Yes, these are Babki-Yozhki!

(Four guests dressed as Babok-Yozhek come out and perform one verse each.)

Song (to the melody of M. Dunaevsky “Ditties of Babok-Yozhek”)

1. This house is full of guests -
So it's someone's anniversary!
Even though I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions!

Stretch the bellows accordion.
Hey, play and play.
U... (name of the hero of the day) Birthday
Drink, don't talk!

2. She walked along the forest side,
The anniversary was following me.
Looked into his eyes
And she invited me with you!

3. Let's drink to some love,
So that vodka warms the blood?
For health... (name of the hero of the day),
... (name of the hero of the day) - ... (any quality that rhymes, for example beauty).

4. How old is she?
This is not a secret at all.
She will always be twenty years old
Even at eighty years old.

Host: Are you tired? Gain strength. Now let's move on. It’s not for nothing that you received tickets with numbers. I voice the tasks for each issue.

Tasks for numbers

1. No. 5 pours a glass, but does not drink it.
2. No. 11 takes the sandwich and eats it.
3. No. 15 approaches No. 4 and gives him champagne.
4. No. 21 feeds No. 14 a cake.
5. No. 19 approaches No. 20 and wipes his mouth with a napkin.
6. #2 gets down on one knee and confesses his love to #18.
7. #14 allows #7 to kiss his hand.
8. No. 1 is jumping around the table like a frog.
9. No. 10 croaks to the beat.
10. No. 3 stands on a chair and says a toast.
11. No. 17 and No. 6 are lifted and carried around table No. 15.
12. No. 24 sings “Gena the Crocodile’s Song.”
13. No. 4 and No. 23 drink and kiss.
14. No. 7 offers No. 20 a drink.
15. No. 8 kisses the hero of the day.
16. No. 14 kisses the neighbor on the right.
17. No. 29 tells a short joke.
18. No. 13 sings the song “I got drunk and drunk.”
19. No. 27 kisses the neighbor on the left.
20. No. 12 says three times seriously, without laughing, the phrase: “I am the most beautiful in the world!”
21. No. 25 unwraps the candy and feeds it to the hero of the day.
22. No. 16 crows.
23. No. 26 tells the verse “Our Tanya”.
24. No. 20 sends a kiss to No. 28.
25. No. 18 laughs loudly.
26. No. 22 makes a toast.
27. No. 28 sings a ditty about love.
28. No. 30 says the warmest words to the hero of the day.

Host: I suggest you, friends, to look carefully into the distance, where dozens of lights are already visible. No, these are not the lights of our village - these are the glow of the candles of the anniversary cake. Which means we are arriving. I ask our charming conductors to bring out the anniversary cake to the applause of all passengers! Station "Yubileinaya", gentlemen!


Players line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist. The player standing in front gives a signal with a whistle and begins to move, skirting obstacles along the way, turning sharply in different directions, and gradually accelerating the pace. In this case, it is advisable to periodically shout: “Too-too.” The task of the rest is to maintain the composition without releasing their hands. If there are a lot of participants, you can split into two teams, it will be even more fun. The team that preserves its train longer will win.

Catch a stowaway

All participants are blindfolded, except for one, he will be a free rider. At the signal from the presenter, blindfolded players try to find the “hare”. This spectacle is very funny, because you can only catch and identify a stowaway by touch, and this is not so easy.


The players are divided into two teams. Two or three chairs are placed in front of each team. At the signal, the first players from the teams run to the chairs and crawl under them. Then they run back to the start and pass the baton to the next participants. The team whose players go through the tunnel first wins. If the build of the players does not allow them to crawl under the chair, you can simply pull the rope at the height you need.


The game requires two teams of players and the same number of chairs. Teams line up at the start with their chairs. At the signal, the first participant runs with a chair to the finish line, places it in the designated place and rushes back. The second player runs and places his chair behind the first, like a train. Then the rest of the participants do the same in turn. When the last player sets up his chair at the finish line, he sits in front of the “train” and shouts: “The train is leaving!” After these words, everyone else rushes to take their places in their chairs. The first team to assemble its roster wins.


For this relay, two teams of female conductors of 5 people are needed. At the finish line, each team has a passenger waiting for them, who needs to be served in full. The first girl, on a signal, runs to the passenger, puts three chairs in a row and puts him to bed. The second girl carries a pillow to the passenger, the third carries a blanket. The fourth girl carries a glass of tea (or other drink) and gives the passenger a drink. And finally, the fifth conductor runs with an alarm clock and rings it over the passenger’s ear so that he does not oversleep his stop. Then she pushes him out of the "car". The first team to complete all these actions wins.


This competition is reminiscent of a tug-of-war, but since we are celebrating Railway Worker’s Day, the name of the competition should be appropriate. At a signal, two teams begin to pull the rope, that is, the “composite,” each in their own direction. The team with stronger participants wins.


A simple and fun competition for vocal lovers and connoisseurs. You need to remember and sing as many songs about trains as possible. Here are examples of these songs: “Blue Car”, “Lilac Fog”, “He drove away on the night train”, “Wait, locomotive”, “She ran away from me again”, “The train is rushing”,"Mother Railway" and others.


This competition is designed to ensure that participants remember as many literary works as possible where the railway is mentioned. For example,“Anna Karenina”, “Railway”, “Moscow - Petushki”, “Intruder”, “Henry”.


Holiday competitions:
1. Pulling the train. Two electric locomotives (~ and =) are attached to different ends of the same train in such a way that each is under a wire with its own type of current. At the signal from the chipboard, the drivers begin to move, trying to pull the enemy to their side. If the automatic coupler breaks, both teams are considered defeated.
2. How many shoes? Brake shoes are placed under the wheels of the train with the locomotive, the number of which neither the driver nor the assistant knows. Moving with this train, the locomotive crew must determine how many shoes they have been given.
3. Cut off the substation! An electric locomotive with a train, moving along the stretch, must turn off the maximum number of traction substations for protection.
4. Relay race with a sleeper (two at a time).
5. Races on track measuring carts.
6. Competition for the speed of hammering and pulling out crutches into wooden sleepers by hand.
7. Throwing various hand-held traveling tools at a distance...

An all-around competition will be organized for passengers to overcome the line of defense of the Ministry of Railways from passengers. All-around includes:
- climbing over a fence 2 meters high
- jumping over a wicket-type turnstile
- crawling under a turnstile type turntable
- jumping onto a high platform in front of a passing passenger train.
- light hand-to-hand combat with the turnstile attendant
- running from controllers on a moving electric train

A brass band from TC under the direction of TCMI will perform in the freight park all day, which will perform melodies of well-known railway songs on specially tuned typhons and locomotive whistles. In the southern neck of the station there will be aerial acrobats from ECH, who will show the wonders of tightrope walking on an energized catenary.

The restaurant U DNC will operate in the station building, offering traditional railway cuisine:
1. Rheostatic meat, fried on starting-braking resistors.
2. Chop with blood do not walk on the tracks (beats on the automatic coupler).
3. Game fried on a wire, power dispatch style.
4. Shish kebab putitsky (cooked exclusively on sleepers).
5. Diesel bream, smoked in the exhaust pipe 2TE10M.
6. July flight apples baked in the locomotive cabin.
7. Sand cake Dead end prism.
8. Mineral water Tear of the Inspector.
9. Vodka Zhezlovka.

The holiday will end at 22-00 with festive fireworks, which will be given by 10 VL80 electric locomotives, driving under a wire with direct current.

Railwayman's Day is a holiday of people who are related to the main transport artery connecting the cities. Traditionally, special events are prepared for the holiday, which are not complete without entertainment competitions, games, quizzes and fun competitions between railway workers and everyone who wants to share this day with them.

Fun Train

This is a game whose rules are simple and understandable to everyone.
1. Participants place their hands on the waist of the player who is standing in front of them, lining up in a chain.
2. The first player blows a whistle to call for movement.
3. The first one moves quickly and unpredictably, trying to get around obstacles.
4. Other participants do not release their hands, trying to maintain their chain composition.
The game is truly fun if the players shout “Too-too” along the way. Those remaining in the chain are the winners.
The spirit of competition is brought into this game by dividing the guests into two teams. The one whose train will be longer at the end of the competition will win.

Catch the stowaway!

Enough space is allocated for the game so that participants can maneuver freely. From 4 to 6 players can take part. All but one, who acts as a free rider, are blindfolded. The leader gives a signal, after which the pursuit of the offender begins. This game is just as fun to watch as it is to participate in it. Players will have to not only catch the stowaway blindly, but also determine by touch that the one they were looking for was caught.

Go through the tunnel

Guests are divided into two teams, with several chairs placed in front of each. The presenter gives a signal, after which the first members of the opposing teams run to the chairs, lie on the floor and try to crawl under the obstacles. After successfully completing the “tunnel,” they return to the team and pass the baton to another. The team that completes the tunnel the fastest will win. In order not to upset those guests who, due to their build, cannot crawl under a chair, they alternatively use a rope (it is pulled at a certain height).

Assemble your squad

The game involves two teams with an equal number of players. Each person is provided with the same number of chairs. Rules of the game.
1. Team players simultaneously run with a chair in their hands to the finish line, place it at a certain (pre-marked) point, and return to the team.
2. The next ones run with chairs to the finish line, leaving them behind the previous ones placed earlier.
3. When all the players arrange their chairs like a train, the first one runs to his chair, sits on it and shouts: “The train is leaving!” These words are a signal for other team players who need to quickly run to the chairs and sit on them.
The team that completes this task faster wins.

All for the sake of passenger comfort

A great game for ladies who can try their hand at being conductors of an unusual train. Each of the two teams has five girls.
A capricious passenger awaits them, who needs to be served to make the journey comfortable.
1. The task of the first conductor is to arrange the chairs in a row and put the passenger to sleep.
2. The task of the second conductor is to bring a pillow to the passenger.
3. The task of the third conductor is to cover with a blanket.
4. Task four: bring tea and give him something to drink.
5. Task five: wake up the passenger.
The group of guides that does everything faster wins.
There is another version of the conductor competition. For this you will need to select two players. Each conductor faces a difficult task - to please the passenger who is either cold or hot, or the tea is unsweetened, or the pillow is not soft enough. An inventive holiday guest is pre-selected as a passenger. Just for fun, you can take several passengers, whom the “conductors” will try to please in everything at the same time. Physical endurance, moral endurance, tact and willpower are assessed to determine the winner.

Bring the tea

First, using improvised objects, they build a “car corridor”, making it narrow. It differs from the usual one in its tortuosity. At the end of the “corridor” the conductors are waiting for a passenger who can’t wait to warm up with tea. The task of the participants, acting as conductors, is to bring tea to the passenger, overcoming a difficult path, spilling a minimum of liquid. To prevent the competition from being dangerous, cups of iced tea (another drink) are given to the players. The winner is a dexterous and fast guide.

Drag the composition

Many people are familiar with the tug-of-war competition. On the day of the railway worker, the game can be jokingly called “pulling the train.” The teams, after the leader’s signal, pull the “composition” towards them. The winner is the one who has enough strength to win the “composition” to his side (beyond the previously designated line).

Railway song competition

Not enough music at the party? Use a simple competition that vocal connoisseurs will appreciate. The participants' task is to remember more songs that mention railway themes. It is important not to remember the song, but also to sing a few lines. Vivid examples of such compositions are “The Train is Rushing”, “She Ran Away from Me Again”, “The Conductor”, “Wait, Locomotive”.

Railway Literary Competition

A competition that tests the memory of railway workers. It is enough to invite several participants of the festive event, whose task is to name more masterpieces of the literary world, where there would be a mention of the railway theme. Believe me, besides “Anna Karenina” you can name many more works. Among them are “Henry”, “Moscow-Petushki”, “Intruders”.

Checking your knowledge of the rules

Railway instructions are prepared in advance. The competition is musical, so they choose a soundtrack (preferably songs that are well known to everyone). The players' task.
1. Read the instructions.
2. Get acquainted with the proposed melody.
3. Try to sing the instructions to the music, modifying them, choosing a rhyme, but leaving the meaning.
The winner is chosen by voting. The losers are given consolation prizes.

Build a railroad

The game involves two teams, each of them will have to build their own “railroad”. Use personal items. Belts, ties, shawls, scarves, etc. can be used. The game will amuse those present. Those who are eager to win will sacrifice anything for the sake of the “railroad”.

What ticket do you have?

You cannot get on the train without a ticket. In this competition, participants guess what tickets the passengers on their train have. The team that guesses the type of ticket faster wins.
1. Such a ticket notifies about a future event, a specific event (the answer is an invitation).
2. It is purchased for the use of public transport, its validity is one month (answer - travel card).
3. It is needed in order to see the performance of an idol, a star (the answer is a concert ticket).
4. It will allow you to participate in a prize draw (the answer is a lottery ticket).
5. It is used to test knowledge (the answer is an exam ticket).
6. The one that everyone has, but wants more (the answer is banking).
If the festive event in honor of Railwayman's Day is coming to an end, but the guests want to have fun, simple universal competitions are also used.

Agility competition

Oh, how many tasks and responsibilities the secretaries working on the railway have. Don't believe me? Try to take on such a role. For the competition in advance:
prepare simple cardboard folders with ties;
The folders are laid out in a stack.
The essence of the competition
1. At the player’s signal, the folders are tied.
2. You need to tie it strictly following this rule: the bottom tie of one folder is connected to the top tie of the second, etc.
The winner is the one who completes the task, without making mistakes, the fastest.

Whose train is faster

A modified competition familiar to many. For it you will need two toy trains; they are tied to pencils with a thread. The players' task is to wind the thread faster (using a pencil) so that the train reaches the finish line. The winner gets his "high speed train".

Who will escape from the evil train boss faster?

Avoiding falling into the hands of the evil train boss is not as easy as it seems. Players will have to run, or rather, jump in bags. To escape, participants need to move faster. The first three players to escape from the boss at the finish line receive prizes; the rest are left to sympathize with.
The festive event ends with the distribution of awards. Issue medals or certificates according to nominations.
1. The most dexterous and attentive guide.
2. Best voice of the cast.
3. Fleet-footed railway worker.
4. Strong railway worker.
5. Inventive railway worker.
6. The most active participant.
Railwayman's Day is a holiday that can be made unforgettable by turning to proven competitions, quizzes and games. They will not allow guests to get bored and sit still. Even those people who prefer to watch the fun from the sidelines, avoiding active participation in the competition, will enjoy the exciting scenario.