Traitors betray themselves first of all essays. Traitors betray themselves first of all

3. “Goals and means” The concepts of this direction are interconnected

allow you to think about a person’s life aspirations, the importance of meaningful goal setting, the ability to correctly correlate the goal and the means of achieving it, as well as the ethical assessment of a person’s actions. Many literary works feature characters who deliberately or mistakenly choose unsuitable means to realize their plans. And it often turns out that a good goal only serves as a cover for true (base) plans. Such characters are contrasted with heroes for whom the means of achieving a high goal are inseparable from the requirements of morality.

4. "Courage and Cowardice" This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human “I”: readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to avoid resolving difficult, sometimes extreme life situations. The pages of many literary works present both heroes capable of bold actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will.

5. “Man and Society” For topics in this direction, the view of a person as a representative of society is relevant. Society largely shapes the individual, but the individual can also influence society. Topics will allow you to consider the problem of the individual and society from different sides: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must obey social laws, and society must take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization.

Choosing an essay topic

*Determine which topic seems most specific and understandable to you.

*Think about which of the relevant works of fiction you know best, since without knowing the text, you will not be able to reveal the topic at all.

*Remember which of the proposed topics are you familiar with critical literature, interesting interpretations of the text, and modern literary approaches.

Write the final version of the work

Re-read what you wrote.

Make the necessary corrections to the construction, as well as to the speech format of the text

Write a black version of the work

Think over the composition of your work.

Write an essay plan

Select a work(s) that you can use to prove your point of view.

Formulate your point of view (thesis) on this issue Identify the problem or question that is contained in the topic of the essay

Compositional and logical structure of the essay Compositional structure Logical structure Introduction Beginning. Preparing to perceive the main ideas of the work

Main part

Thesis 1 Evidence, examples Micro-conclusion

Thesis 2 Evidence, examples Micro-conclusion Thesis 3 Evidence, examples Micro-output (…)

Conclusion Conclusion. Summary of the entire topic

List of literature for the direction "Courage and Cowardice"

List of literature for the direction "Loyalty and betrayal"

1. A. N. Ostrovsky. "Storm". 2. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". 3. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment". 4. A. I. Kuprin. “Garnet bracelet” 5.M. Bulgakov. “The Master and Margarita” 6. M. Sholokhov. “Quiet Don” 7. A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin". "Captain's daughter"

List of literature for the direction "Indifference and Responsiveness"

1. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". 2. F. I. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment". 3.I. Bunin. “Mr. from San Francisco” 4. M. A. Bulgakov. “Notes of a young doctor” 5. V. Astafiev. “Lyudochka” 6. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin’s Dvor” 7. A.P. Chekhov. "Gooseberry" 8. c. Shukshin “Weird” 9. K. Paustovsky. “Telegram” 10. F. Abramov “Pelageya”. "Alka"

1. L. N. Tolstoy. “War and Peace” 2. A. I. Solzhenitsyn. "GULAG Archipelago". “In the first circle” 3. M. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man." “Quiet Don” 4. M. Yu. Lermontov. “Hero of our time” 5. A. S. Griboedov. “Woe from Wit” 6. A. S. Pushkin. “The Captain's Daughter” 7. V. Shukshin. “Boots” 8. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"

List of literature for the direction "Goals and means"

1. L. N. Tolstoy. “War and Peace” 2. A. I. Solzhenitsyn. "GULAG Archipelago". “In the first circle” 3. M. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man." “Quiet Don” 4. M. Yu. Lermontov. “Hero of our time” 5. A. S. Griboedov. “Woe from Wit” 6. A. S. Pushkin. “The Captain's Daughter” 7. V. Shukshin. “Boots” 8. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"

Analysis in all directions. work by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
see link Direction "Indifference and Responsiveness"
Video. see link
Video lesson. Kuprin. Wonderful doctor. See link
Let’s analyze together V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”.

Let's see together what events in the story will help us write the final essay.

"Loyalty and Treason".
How is betrayal shown in the story? Who or what is Dimka Somov betraying?
In what actions does old Bessoltsev show his loyalty to his home, his family, his business?

"Indifference and responsiveness."
Why are people like Iron Button dangerous in a team?
Why was Margarita Ivanovna indifferent to the events taking place in the classroom?
How is the concept of “mercy” revealed in the story?
Why is Nikolai Nikolaevich confident that his granddaughter will be able to live her life with dignity?

"Goals and Means".
Lena Bessoltseva’s class sets itself noble goals at least twice:
1) save money for a trip to Moscow,
2) punish the traitor.
By what means are these goals achieved? In what cases does the author agree with the guys, and in what cases does he condemn them?

"Courage and Cowardice."
Is Dimka Somov a brave or cowardly person? In what situations is his courage shown, and in what situations is his cowardice shown?

"Human and society".
At the beginning of Chapter 6, the author writes about the guys as a fairly friendly team. And so they make a terrible, terrible mistake: they boycott Lena, poison her. Is this natural or random?

To help the student. Direction "Loyalty and betrayal"




1) (what) Correctness, accuracy. Confirm the assumption is correct. Synonyms: accuracy, accuracy.

2)2) Constancy in beliefs and views, steadfastness and immutability in one’s feelings and relationships, in the performance of duties and duty. Stay faithful. Break fidelity. And we promised to die, and we kept the oath of allegiance in the Battle of Borodino (Lermontov).

. reliability, immutability, devotion, commitment Related words: infidelity.

Synonyms: infallibility, indisputability, authenticity, reliability, love, reliability, immutability, undistortion, infallibility, certainty, evidence, constancy, correctness, faithfulness, devotion, commitment, zeal, diligence

Antonyms: betrayal, infidelity, betrayal, deviation, fallacy, violation, incorrectness, flatness, honesty.

1.Betrayal of the interests of the homeland, going over to the side of the enemy. Treason. Treason Accusation of treason.

2. Violation of fidelity to someone or something. Cheating on a friend. Treason of duty. Adultery.

Synonyms: fornication, perfidy, breach of fidelity in friendship, breach of fidelity in love, breach of fidelity in marital fidelity, infidelity, knife in the back, apostasy, betrayal, adultery, evasion of previously accepted obligations,

Antonyms: loyalty, devotion




To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor.

Maria von Ebner Eschenbach

There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee.

John Galsworthy Loyalty is like air. You don’t think about her while she’s there.

Sergey Yasinsky Loyalty, which can be maintained only at the cost of great effort, is no better than betrayal.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld The measure of loyalty is action, not time.

Mikhail Weller Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it.


Whoever abandoned a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles.

Rustaveli Shota

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.

La Rochefoucauld Cheating on a friend is a crime Without justification, without forgiveness.

Lope de Vega Don't call an unfaithful friend. Is a changeable person worthy of love?

Saadi Traitors are despised even by those they served.

Tacitus Publius Cornelius

SAMPLE ESSAY TOPICS in the direction of “Loyalty and betrayal”

1. I want to continue to live in a world where fidelity still exists, and vows of love are made forever... (Paulo Coelho). Is this possible?

2. Do you agree with Plutarch’s opinion that traitors betray themselves first of all?

3. Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of rulers, It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world. (Pierre de Ronsard)

4. Can inconstancy be justified? Or is it, in the words of Margaret of Navarre, always worthy of condemnation?

5. Infidelity is forgiven, but not forgotten. (Marie Madeleine de Lafayette)


Russian literature

Foreign literature

Literature of the second half of the twentieth century and modern literature

N.M. Karamzin"Poor Lisa" A.S. Pushkin"Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter" M.Yu.Lermontov"Song about the merchant Kalashnikov..." N.V.Gogol"Taras Bulba" L.N. Tolstoy"War and Peace", "Anna Karenina"

N.S. Leskov"Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk", "Man on the Clock", "Lefty"

A.P.Chekhov“About Love”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Darling”, “Ionych”

A.I.Kuprin“Garnet Bracelet”, “Olesya”, “Duel”, “Lilac Bush” L.N.Andreev"Judas Iscariot" I.A.Bunin"Maundy Thursday", "Caucasus"

M.A. Bulgakov"The White Guard", "The Master and Margarita"

M.A. Sholokhov"Quiet Don"

W.Shakespeare"Romeo and Juliet"

F. Stendhal"Red and black"

O.Henry"The Last Leaf", "The Gift of the Magi"

Guy de Maupassant"Necklace" O. Wilde"The Picture of Dorian Grey"

Daniel Keyes"Flowers for Algernon"

Jane Austen"Pride and Prejudice"

V. Bykov"Sotnikov and Rybak" G. Shcherbakova“You never dreamed of it”

V.G.Rasputin"Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother"

L.E. Ulitskaya"Sonechka", "Daughter of Bukhara"

G. Yakhina“Zuleikha opens her eyes”

Analysis of an essay by direction

see link
video on the topic
More than once we have heard the popular wisdom: “Living life is not a field to cross.” Yes, living life is not as easy as it sometimes seems. And you want to live it beautifully, without mistakes, so that you can breathe easily, so that everyone can be trusted, so that they believe in you. There should be a reliable family nearby, friends should be the most faithful. But life sometimes puts us in situations where we are faced with a choice. Is it always possible to remain true to yourself, your duty, your friends when you are driven into a corner? Is it possible, having stumbled, to get up and move on? Will they forgive you? Will you forgive? Finding answers to these important questions is difficult, sometimes impossible... But you need to move on with your life... When there are strong people nearby, you can ask them for advice. What if there is no one nearby? What if those around you don't understand you? What should I do? That’s when, it seems to me, you need to turn to books for help. World literature has repeatedly raised questions about fidelity and devotion, about treason and betrayal. I consider the novel by A.S. to be one of the brightest works where the author addresses such concepts as fidelity and betrayal. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

1. Loyalty/betrayal. Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. (Maria Ebner Eschenbach) Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. (A. Akhmatova) How can you deal with a person who cannot be trusted? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it? (Confucius) He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it. (August Platen) Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it. (Seneca) Only once do we lose life and trust. (Publius Syrus) Constancy is the basis of virtue. (O. Balzac) To remain faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach) Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue. (D. Addison) A noble heart cannot be unfaithful. (O. Balzac) We judge the slightest infidelity towards us much more harshly than the most insidious betrayal towards others. (F. La Rochefoucauld) In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (Vysotsky V.S.) Treason originates in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift) Readers can cheat on the writer as much as they want, but the writer must always be faithful to the reader. (W. H. Auden) Betrayal is most often committed not by deliberate intention, but by weakness of character. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Loyalty, which can be maintained only at the cost of great effort, is no better than betrayal. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Traitors are despised even by those whom they served. (Tacitus Publius Cornelius)
2. Fidelity/betrayal in the love sphere. The demand for fidelity is the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up (O. Wilde) True love helps us endure all hardships. (F. Schiller) If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland. (A.P. Chekhov) People often cheat for the sake of ambition, but then they will never cheat on ambition for the sake of love. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. (Vauvenargues) They love those who are going to betray, but they hate those who have already betrayed. (Dm. Arkady) To preserve love, you must not change, but change.? (K. Melikhan) You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently. (A.S. Pushkin) When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter. (Stendhal) The basis of love, its primary condition is faith, unconditional loyalty and devotion. True love is not blind; on the contrary, it perhaps opens a person’s eyes for the first time. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, whether it happens sooner or later, is a complete betrayal of everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because it means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Anyone who turns out to be unfaithful at least once will never be faithful. (David Scott)
3. Loyalty/betrayal to the Motherland, public duty. To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. (N.G. Chernyshevsky) There is only one crime that cannot be expiated - this is treason against one’s state. The homeland cannot be changed, it can only be betrayed. A person who truly loves his homeland always knows its value... You don’t have to be a famous person to express your opinion... (E.V. Gushchina) Ignorance, selfishness and betrayal are the three irreconcilable enemies of patriotism. (Garegin Need) There is no higher idea than to sacrifice your own life, defending your brothers and your fatherland. (F.M. Dostoevsky) You cannot be a hero while fighting against your homeland. (Hugo V.) Is it possible to escape from yourself by leaving your homeland? (Horace) If the holy army shouts: “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”, I will say: “No need for paradise, Give me my homeland.” (S.A. Yesenin) Everyone’s duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and brave, remain faithful to her, even at the cost of life. (J.-J. Rousseau) I understand loyalty as loyalty to the homeland, and not to its institutions and rulers. Homeland is true, lasting, eternal; you need to take care of your homeland, you need to love it, you need to be faithful to it; institutions are something external, like clothing, and clothing can wear out, tear, become uncomfortable, and cease to protect the body from cold, illness and death. (M. Twain)
4. Loyalty/betrayal towards a friend, comrade, etc. Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. (Plat) Both in friendship and in love, sooner or later the time comes for settling scores. (D.B. Shaw) Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him. (Etienne Rey) Cheating on a friend is a crime. Without justification, without forgiveness. (Lope de Vega) Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. (E. Telman) Half friend is half traitor. (V. Hugo) An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that trails behind you while the sun shines. (K. Dossey) He who is devoted to you is a friend; betrayed by you is an enemy. (A. Nadanyan)
5. Loyalty/betrayal towards oneself, one’s moral principles, one’s calling, goals, word, religious beliefs, etc. Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare) A fool is the man who never changes his mind. (W. Churchill) He who is faithful only to himself is always unfaithful to others. (L. Sukhorukov) He who never changes his views loves himself more than the truth. (J. Joubert) He who betrays himself loves no one in this world. (Shakespeare) Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare) If you concealed the truth, hid it, if you did not get up from your seat and did not speak at the meeting, if you spoke without telling the whole truth, you have betrayed the truth. (J. London) But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain, That they cheated on it all the time, That it deceived us. (A.S. Pushkin) To change or not to change is entirely your business. The main thing is not to cheat on yourself, not to waste money on what is really not needed, and to be able to preserve what is truly valuable. (O. Roy) To be authentic means to be true to yourself. (Osho) Liveliness of mind does not add much beauty to a person if it is not accompanied by correctness of judgment. It's not the good watch that goes fast, but the one that shows the exact time. (Vauvenargues) The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, and then they would have rebelled against deception. (M. Twain) Traitors betray themselves first of all. (Plutarch)
6. Loyalty of animals to their owners. White Fang did not love Gray Beaver - and yet remained faithful to him in spite of his will, his anger. He couldn't help it. This is how he was created. Loyalty was the property of the White Fang breed, fidelity distinguished him from all other animals, fidelity brought the wolf and the wild dog to man and allowed them to become his comrades. (J. London) Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained. (A.P. Chekhov) Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people have come up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not very often, have such devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty that this is the root of life, the natural basis of the being itself, when the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state. (G. Troepolsky) A lot has already been written about dog fidelity, but no one, it seems, has yet said that fidelity is happiness. He who serves the one he loves already receives his reward. (L. Ashkenazi) Anyone who has experienced affection for a faithful and intelligent dog has no need to explain with what ardent gratitude she pays for it. There is something in the unselfish and selfless love of the beast that conquers the heart of anyone who has more than once experienced the treacherous friendship and deceptive devotion characteristic of Man. (E. A. Poe)


An example of a final essay 2018 on literature in the 11th grade: “Is it possible to forgive betrayal”?

It is difficult to meet a person who does not know what betrayal is. Betrayal, its middle name, appears in works of fiction and in documentaries and, alas, occurs in real life. Treason has many forms: betrayal of a loved one, oneself, a friend, a duty... But whatever guise it takes, the question arises: how to treat someone who has violated fidelity? Is it possible to forgive betrayal or not?

It seems to me that a definite answer cannot be given. It all depends on the motive and consequences of the act. Consider, for example, betrayal in A.P.’s story. Platonov "Return". Alexey Ivanov, returning from the war, is not ready to become a husband and father again after the hardships of life at the front. Having met the girl Masha, he stays in her city for two days. When a man comes to his wife and children, he finds out that his wife was intimate with someone else in his absence. The main character is going to go to Masha and start a new life, but when he sees his children running after the train, he changes his mind. Why was he able to forgive his wife's betrayal? Ivanov realized his duty to Lyubov Vasilievna and the children. Most likely, Alexey remembered his wife’s words that in a moment of weakness her soul was dying, dying from backbreaking labor and responsibility for their children.

Let's remember another example of betrayal. In the story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of Man" soldier Kryzhnev is going to hand over his platoon commander to the Nazis. The traitor, in order to save his life, wanted to betray his military duty. Could this betrayal be forgiven? No, because it would lead to the death of a colleague and possibly other people. Alexey Sokolov, the main character of the work, kills the traitor to save his comrade.

Cheating is always a betrayal, because it is always based on deception, which turns into someone’s mental pain. Should you forgive betrayal? The answer to this question, in my opinion, can only be given by those who suffered from it.

(word 278)




Example of a final essay 2017-2018: “How to distinguish cowardice from prudence, and courage from recklessness?” [Courage and Cowardice]

How often do we think about the true meaning of words? It would seem that what could be simpler than to explain the concepts of “courage” and “cowardice”? Anyone who is able to risk his life is, of course, a daredevil, not a timid fellow. And if a person retreats in case of danger, he is most likely fearful and cowardly...

But is it really that simple? Is it courage or stupidity that drives those who ride on the roofs of speeding trains in search of strong emotions? Should we see indecision or prudence in the actions of a doctor who sends a patient for examination before surgery? It seems to me that courage and cowardice are qualities that can only be defined in the light of the ultimate goal of an action.

Literature has given us many heroes, whose courage or cowardice is interesting to speculate about. Let's look at the characters in A.S. Pushkin's wonderful novel The Captain's Daughter. It is difficult to argue with the fact that Shvabrin, who saves his miserable life by betrayal, is a coward. The courage of Pyotr Grinev, who is ready to give his life for what is dear to him, is also understandable.

And Masha Mironova? Is she a “coward”, as her mother calls her? Or is she a sensible girl, as her lover thinks she is? To answer this question, you need to read the work to the end. We remember that the timidity of the captain's daughter disappears when Peter faces the death penalty: Masha boldly goes to the empress herself for mercy.

You can also refer to the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Let us remember the cold-blooded and cruel Dolokhov, capable of challenging a person to a duel for no reason. Fedor risks his life, but the purpose of this risk is self-affirmation, not self-sacrifice. In my opinion, this is not courage, but the reckless pranks of an egoist who costs nothing to kill a person.

What can be said about Kutuzov’s decision to retreat the Russian army? Can this be called cowardice? No, the great commander showed wisdom and prudence by giving the French devastated Moscow. While Napoleon's soldiers turned into marauders, the Russian troops replenished supplies and became stronger, which decided the outcome of the war.

Quotes for the final essay 2018 in the direction of “Indifference and Responsiveness.” The worst sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Shaw) Sympathy is indifference to the superlative degree. (Don Aminado) How painful is indifference to oneself! (A.V. Suvorov) I always believe and will continue to believe that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabeau) Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. (Maxim Gorky) They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent... It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov) When a person is so wounded that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support. You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are equally indifferent to everyone. (O. Wilde) Don't sympathize with yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami) Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. (G. Lichtenberg) Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. (Van Gogh) Only those who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual are capable of taking the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland to heart. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) There is no more dangerous person than a person who is alien to humanity, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant) Coldness is a consequence not only of a sober conviction that one is right, but also of an unprincipled indifference to the truth. (C. Lam) One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy from criticism, wisely answered me: “You have a significant flaw that will close all doors in front of you: you cannot talk for two minutes with a fool, without letting him understand that he is a fool.” (E. Zola) Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Diderot) Adolescents, of course, are emotionally tender creatures and extremely vulnerable, but they are not very sympathetic. It comes later, if it comes at all. (S. King) The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. (K.A. Helvetius) It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult is indifference. (K.L. Burne) Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. (A. de Tocqueville) The most unforgivable sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J.B. Shaw) Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy) Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (B. Yasensky) Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson) Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war. (M. Luther) On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy. (proverb) The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness... (E. Zola) Taking the path of dialogue is much more effective and reasonable than trying to prove how selfish or responsive everyone can be. (H. Bukai) The responsiveness of others is often the best psychologist or psychiatrist. (L. Viilma) Life teaches a lot, but not tact, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in difficult times. (I. Shaw) What I value most in women is shyness. It is beautiful. The basis of femininity is not appearance, but an increased sense of shame and sympathy for others. (F.A. Iskander) If someone else’s grief does not make you suffer, is it possible then to call you a person? (Saadi) The more you live, the more convinced you are that to arouse sympathy for yourself is a rarity and happiness - and that you should value this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev) Whoever has acquired the ability to sincerely sympathize with human grief, at least in one single case, has received a miraculous lesson and learned to understand any misfortune, no matter how strange or reckless it may appear at first glance. (S. Zweig) True help always comes from someone who is stronger than you and whom you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective... (F. S. Fitzgerald) Sympathy alone is not enough. Actions speak louder than words. (N. Vujicic) Excessive sympathy often becomes a barrier. Sympathy in times of adversity is like rain in times of drought. (Indian proverb) After all, it is necessary that every person should have at least one such place where he would be pitied! (F. M. Dostoevsky) Don’t sympathize too much with people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but don't sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho) She said in the sense that when a beloved animal dies, a person is left alone with his grief, no one sympathizes much. When a loved one dies, then everyone understands, some sincerely, some formally, and some for the company, but everyone understands and sympathizes. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness became terribly exposed. (E.V. Grishkovets)

Example of the final essay 2018: “Do you agree with A.P. Chekhov’s thought that “...indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death”?

How often do we hear: “Don’t be indifferent, don’t ignore someone else’s misfortune”? We are so accustomed to these words that their meaning has faded somewhat and has become another hackneyed truth that everyone knows, but few fully understand. Modern man is accustomed to indifference to everything that is outside the circle of his usual concerns. However, why only modern ones, if philosophers and writers of the past thought about the problem of indifference? Thus, the famous Chekhov quote appeared at the end of the 19th century.

More than a century later, the words of the classic are still relevant. Yes, indifference is, of course, paralysis of the soul. A man indifferent to others died while alive. Let us remember, for example, Pechorin from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Grigory Alexandrovich is a cold and calculating person who does not care about the suffering of the people around him. He is not interested in the fate of the unfortunate Bela: as soon as Pechorin achieves the love of a proud Circassian woman, the hero loses interest in her and the girl dies. As the story progresses, we learn about tragedies caused by the indifferent egoist Pechorin: the death of Grushnitsky, the deception of Princess Mary, the torment of his beloved Vera... But Grigory Alexandrovich himself understands that he is a “moral cripple”, so he does not value his life. We can say that the indifference of Lermontov’s hero is truly a paralysis of the soul, which led to premature death, first metaphorical, as a friend and lover, and then to the actual one, when Pechorin deliberately leaves for Persia, where he is destined to die.

Let us also turn to the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Overcoat", the hero of which also faces the "paralysis of the soul" of those around him. The quiet and good-natured Akaki Akakievich, denying himself everything, finally became the owner of the long-awaited new overcoat. When the robbers stripped Bashmachkin of his new clothes, the unresponsive official seeks protection and help from a significant person. But the general “scolds” the unfortunate man and drives him away, “after which Petersburg was left without Akaki Akakievich, as if he had never been there.” The death of a poor lonely official is another sad consequence of human indifference.

Yes, we all understand that you cannot help everyone who needs help. And yet, maybe we should start to heal from “paralysis of the soul” and try not to pass by someone else’s misfortune?

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Direction “Loyalty and betrayal” Loyalty and betrayal are two complex social concepts that are of great importance for humanity. Loyalty, as we understand it, is a positive characteristic. Cheating, in turn, has a negative connotation. It is worth considering fidelity and betrayal not only in the prism of the love relationship of two people. These concepts are universal.

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From the explanatory dictionary “Loyalty” Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary: steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duties. Webster's Dictionary also defines faithfulness as "full of faith." “Loyalty is devotion to someone or something; it is constancy in one’s promises, words, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties, duty. Loyalty is based on responsibility, perseverance, honesty, courage, sacrifice.

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Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary: steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty. Violation of fidelity is treason. "Loyalty is devotion to someone or something; it is constancy in one's promises, words, relationships, in the performance of one's duties, duty. Loyalty is based on responsibility, perseverance, honesty, courage, sacrifice. Similar qualities: dedication, constancy, firmness, steadfastness. Opposites: treachery, betrayal, infidelity, betrayal, deceit. Synonyms: devotion, constancy, endurance, immutability, firmness, steadfastness, zeal, diligence, honesty, accuracy, serviceability, conscientiousness, accuracy, correctness, infallibility, justice, reliability; love; certainty, infallibility, faithfulness, commitment, indisputability, evidence, authenticity, self-evidence, reliability, undistortedness.

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Treason is a violation of fidelity to someone or something. Synonyms: betrayal, perfidy, infidelity; fornication, strikebreaking, adultery, knife in the back, fornication, fornication, apostasy, adultery

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Synonymous words Loyalty - immutability, firmness, steadfastness. Betrayal - perfidy, betrayal, infidelity, betrayal, deceit.

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FIPI commentary: “Within the framework of the direction, one can talk about fidelity and betrayal as opposite manifestations of the human personality, considering them from philosophical, ethical, psychological points of view and referring to life and literary examples. The concepts of “fidelity” and “betrayal” are at the center of the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the actions of heroes in a situation of moral choice, both in personal relationships and in a social context."

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Direction “Loyalty and betrayal”. Sample topics: What does it mean to be faithful? What does cheating lead to? How do you think the concepts of fidelity and love are related? How do you think loyalty and friendship are related? Why is treason dangerous? Confirm or refute the statement of W. Churchill: “The man who never changes his opinion is a fool.” Is it possible to forgive betrayal? What are the reasons for betrayal and betrayal? How do you understand the word “fidelity”? When does the choice between loyalty and betrayal arise? Is it important to be true to your word? What pushes a person to cheat? Do you agree with the statement: “A traitor and a coward are two birds of a feather?”

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What qualities should a true friend have? How do you understand Plutarch’s statement: “Traitors betray themselves first of all”? How does betrayal affect relationships? “Is it possible to run away from yourself by leaving your homeland?” Horace What is the worst betrayal? Do you agree with the statement: “Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength”? Do you agree with the statement “Whoever has never sworn allegiance will never break it”? (August Platen) Is it possible to deal with a person who cannot be trusted? Can a noble heart be unfaithful? Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: “True love helps to endure all hardships”? How do you understand the words: “To preserve love, you must not change, but change”? ?(K. Melikhan)

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Do you agree with N. Chernyshevsky’s statement: “Betrayal of the Motherland requires extreme baseness of the soul”? Is it possible to be a hero while fighting against the Motherland? Can you call a dog your most faithful friend? Why is cheating on a friend so much more painful than cheating on your loved one? Do you agree with Lope de Vega’s saying “Betrayal on a friend is a crime without justification, without forgiveness”? Is it possible to say that a friend’s loyalty is “the most precious thing that can be given to a person”? (E. Telman) How do you understand V. Hugo’s statement: “Half friend is half traitor”? How do you understand the meaning of the saying: “An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that follows you while the sun shines.”

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Do you need to be true to yourself? Is L. Sukhorukov’s statement true: “He who is faithful only to himself is always unfaithful with others”? Do you agree with the statement: “He who never changes his views loves himself more than the truth”? (Joseph Joubert) Why do you think traitors betray themselves first of all? How do you understand the statement: “To be authentic is to be true to yourself”? (Osho) Do you agree with the statement of A.P. Chekhov: “Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained”? Do you agree with the popular wisdom: “A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants”? Is it true to say: “Whoever has felt affection for a faithful and intelligent dog does not need to explain with what ardent gratitude she pays for it”? Can loyalty bring disappointment to a person?

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Since these concepts are quite broad, let's look at them in different contexts. 1. Loyalty/betrayal in the broad sense. 2. Fidelity/betrayal in the love sphere. 3. Loyalty/treason to the Motherland, public duty. 4. Loyalty/betrayal towards a friend, comrade, person who trusted. 5. Loyalty/betrayal towards oneself, one’s moral principles, one’s calling, goals, word, religious beliefs. 6. Loyalty of animals to their owners.

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Quotes for the final essay on “Loyalty and Betrayal.” 1. Loyalty/betrayal. Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. (Maria Ebner Eschenbach) Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. (A. Akhmatova) How can you deal with a person who cannot be trusted? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it? (Confucius) He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it. (August Platen) Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it. (Seneca)

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Only once do we lose life and trust. (Publius Syrus) Constancy is the basis of virtue. (O. Balzac) To remain faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach) Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue. (D. Addison) A noble heart cannot be unfaithful. (O. Balzac) We judge the slightest infidelity towards us much more harshly than the most insidious betrayal towards others. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

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In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (Vysotsky V.S.) Treason originates in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift) Readers can cheat on the writer as much as they want, but the writer must always be faithful to the reader. (W. H. Auden) Betrayal is most often committed not by deliberate intention, but by weakness of character. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Loyalty, which can be maintained only at the cost of great effort, is no better than betrayal. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Traitors are despised even by those whom they served. (Tacitus Publius Cornelius)

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Loyalty Betrayal fidelity in love in love Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” Karamzin “Poor Lisa” Karamzin “Poor Lisa” Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” N. Leskov “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk” Bunin “Cold Autumn” Tolstoy “War and Peace” Tolstoy “War and Peace” Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” L.N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” Bunin “Dark Alleys” Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” You can see more about the works here: https ://

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2. Fidelity/betrayal in the love sphere. In the demand for fidelity there is the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up (O. Wilde) True love helps us endure all hardships. (F. Schiller) If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland. (A.P. Chekhov) People often cheat for the sake of ambition, but then they will never cheat on ambition for the sake of love. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. (Vauvenargues) They love those who are going to betray, but they hate those who have already betrayed. (Dm. Arkady) To preserve love, you must not change, but change.? (K. Melikhan) You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently. (A.S. Pushkin)

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When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except that which you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter. (Stendhal) The basis of love, its primary condition is faith, unconditional loyalty and devotion. True love is not blind; on the contrary, it perhaps opens a person’s eyes for the first time. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, whether it happens sooner or later, is a complete betrayal of everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because it means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Anyone who turns out to be unfaithful at least once will never be faithful. (David Scott)

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3. Loyalty/betrayal to the Motherland, public duty. To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. (N.G. Chernyshevsky) There is only one crime that cannot be expiated - this is treason to one’s state. The homeland cannot be changed, it can only be betrayed. A person who truly loves his homeland always knows its value... You don’t have to be a famous person to express your opinion... (E.V. Gushchina) Ignorance, selfishness and betrayal are the three irreconcilable enemies of patriotism. (Garegin Need) There is no higher idea than to sacrifice your own life, defending your brothers and your fatherland. (F.M. Dostoevsky) You cannot be a hero while fighting against your homeland. (Hugo V.) Is it possible to escape from yourself by leaving your homeland? (Horace)

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If the holy army shouts: “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”, I will say: “No need for paradise, Give me my homeland.” (S.A. Yesenin) Everyone’s duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and brave, to remain faithful to it , even at the cost of life. (J.-J. Rousseau) I understand loyalty as loyalty to the homeland, and not to its institutions and rulers. Homeland is true, lasting, eternal; you need to take care of your homeland, you need to love it, you need to be faithful to it; institutions are something external, like clothing, and clothing can wear out, tear, become uncomfortable, and cease to protect the body from cold, illness and death. (M. Twain)

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4.Loyalty/betrayal towards a friend, comrade, etc. Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. (Plat) Both in friendship and in love, sooner or later the time comes for settling scores. (D.B. Shaw) Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him. (Etienne Rey) Cheating on a friend is a crime. Without justification, without forgiveness. (Lope de Vega) Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. (E. Telman) Half friend is half traitor. (V. Hugo) An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that trails behind you while the sun shines. (K. Dossey) A person devoted to you is a friend; betrayed by you is an enemy. (A. Nadanyan

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Works in the context of “Loyalty/betrayal towards a friend, comrade, person you trusted.” N. Gogol “Taras Bulba” I. Goncharov “Oblomov” A. Pushkin “October 19, 1825” The heroes of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” are selfless people, devoted to each other and their people. The Cossacks considered camaraderie and brotherhood, based on faith, devotion and patriotism, to be the main value in human relations. The Cossacks loyally stood for a just cause, for faith and brotherhood. During battles with enemies: Tatars, Poles, Turks - they always rushed to each other's aid. The Cossacks escaped the persecution of Hetman Potocki for six days. But he overtook them on the banks of the Dniester in a collapsed fortress. The Cossacks fought back for four days. And Taras Bulba decided to make a breakthrough. And the Cossacks made their way, when suddenly the ataman stopped and began to look for the pipe. A gang of Poles fell on him and tied him up. The enemies decided to burn the chieftain alive. But Taras was not looking at the fire. He tried to help the Cossacks: he shouted to them to occupy the hill behind the forest. Then he saw the boats at the river bank and again shouted to the Cossacks so that they could leave in canoes. Taras Bulba's devotion to his comrades was so deep, so boundless that in the last minutes of his life, when the fire was already engulfing his legs, he thought not about himself, but about his comrades.

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5. Loyalty/betrayal towards oneself, one’s moral principles, one’s calling, goals, word, religious beliefs, etc. Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare) A fool is the man who never changes his mind. (W. Churchill) He who is faithful only to himself is always unfaithful to others. (L. Sukhorukov) He who never changes his views loves himself more than the truth. (J. Joubert) He who betrays himself loves no one in this world. (Shakespeare) Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare)

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If you concealed the truth, hid it, if you did not get up from your seat and did not speak at the meeting, if you spoke without telling the whole truth, you have betrayed the truth. (J. London) But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain, That they cheated on it all the time, That it deceived us. (A.S. Pushkin) To change or not to change is entirely your business. The main thing is not to cheat on yourself, not to waste money on what is really not needed, and to be able to preserve what is truly valuable. (O. Roy) To be authentic means to be true to yourself. (Osho) Liveliness of mind does not add much beauty to a person if it is not accompanied by correctness of judgment. It's not the good watch that goes fast, but the one that shows the exact time. (Vauvenargues) The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, and then they would have rebelled against deception. (M. Twain) Traitors betray themselves first of all. (Plutarch)

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Works in the context of “Loyalty/betrayal towards oneself, one’s moral principles, one’s calling, goals, words, religious beliefs.” A. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” M. Lermontov “Dagger” A. Solzhenitsyn “The Gulag Archipelago” A. Pushkin “Message to Siberia” Ruben David Gonzalez “White on Black”

Traitors betray themselves first of all. Plato

1 year ago

Traitors betray themselves first of all. Plato


For their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods and everything else, but not themselves.

For their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods and everything else, but not themselves.

For their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods and everything else, but not themselves.

Take care of yourself first of all - for yourself, then there will be a lot left for people.

Maksim Gorky

Take care of yourself first of all - for yourself, then there will be a lot left for people. Maksim Gorky

“Those who are smart enough to stay out of politics are punished by being ruled by people dumber than themselves.” Plato

Many, thinking that they could buy everything with their wealth, sold themselves first of all. Francis Bacon

Andre Maurois

The order of things is such that I myself create both clear weather and thunderstorms - first of all within myself, but also around me.

Andre Maurois

He makes you laugh and cry, moan and scream, but most of all he makes you feel alive. Anna Todd "After"

First of all, we must build a mirror factory. And in the coming year, give out mirrors, mirrors, nothing but mirrors, so that humanity can take a good look at themselves in them.

Ray Bradbury

Bernard Show

We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are ashamed of everything that is genuine about us: we are ashamed of ourselves, our relatives, our income, our pronunciation, our views, our life experiences, just as we are ashamed of our naked body.

Bernard Show

What makes people sociable is their inability to tolerate loneliness—that is, themselves.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Most often we wound others in the same place where we wounded ourselves.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

For their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods, and everything else, but not themselves. © Plateau

The more we value things, the less we value ourselves. Bruce Lee

How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nobody can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they are talking about themselves.

At the next feast, Deputy Chief of Police Sapychskaya
volost of the Pogarsky district of the Bryansk region Raskin Ivan said interesting
a toast that left the guests' jaws hanging:
“We know that the people hate us, that they are waiting for the Red Army to come
Army. So let's hurry up to live, drink, walk, enjoy life
today, because tomorrow they will rip our heads off anyway.”

Police officers were among the most despised types of collaborators
among the people, especially Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and they had their own
The police, recruited from Soviet collaborators, amounted to almost
1/3 of all Soviet collaborators and accounted for one of three
main categories. Another category is “volunteer helpers” (“hiwi”)
the overwhelming majority were silent workers, cooks,
grooms, auxiliary staff, freeing up German auxiliary
frontline staff. "Hiwis" escaped from prisoner of war concentration camps,
the bulk of them simply wanted to survive. The last category consisted of
collaborator-soldiers: so-called. "eastern troops", "eastern
legions", units "in the service of the SS troops", etc. These gentlemen, like
were liberated from starvation concentration camps and were recruited through voluntary
basis. The contribution of the collaborating soldiers was more significant than
"hiwi". Among them one could find “ideological” collaborators -
enemies of communism or more often the Russian (Slavic) nation.
Although the latter category was also involved in anti-partisan
shares, special hatred fell on
police collaborators, who were popularly called contemptuously

1) “ideological” opponents of the Soviet regime, who seized on
the opportunity to take revenge for past grievances and exist under a new regime
much better. This also includes fascists who hate each other
(for example, Ukrainian fascists hated “Muscovites”), anti-Semites;
2) People indifferent to everything except their fate, who wanted to “stay
afloat" under the new government, life is good. Such people were often seduced
opportunity to rob;
3) Honest people who treat police work as before the war.
Some became police officers at first because they had no idea what kind of
she will play a sinister role for her compatriots.
4) Prisoners of war, eager to escape from the concentration camps and, thereby,
just survive;
5) Those who were forcibly mobilized into the police force under fear of ending up in a concentration camp
or “voluntarily” entered and, thereby, avoided being sent to
work in Germany;

It should be taken into account that there were few honest decent people in the police,
especially towards the middle of the war - the specifics of the work did not allow such luxury.
From the very beginning, the police helped the Germans identify and exterminate Jews,
then partisans and underground fighters and rob all this time. As the war progressed
the most honest people, not stained with blood, either ran over to
partisans, or became brutalized.

The Germans went to create "policemen"
because nearby the Soviet troops of Bryansk were surrounded and defeated
front, and there were many encircled in the villages. Collaborators must
were to catch them. With the growth of the partisan movement, militia units
had to expand. The forced mobilization of men began
aged from 18 to 50 years under the threat of execution of the entire family. It was taken
700 people, but they did not share the ideas of the “new order”, like the first
real volunteers. Therefore, the percentage of desertion in the “people's militia”
Kaminsky was high, but morale was low.
Kaminsky’s “people’s militia” units fought against their people.
In the spring of 1942, together with Hungarian units in the village of Pavlovichi, they
60 people were shot and 40 people were burned alive. April 11th were
The villages of Ugrevishche were burned, about 100 people were shot. In Sevsky
area, the villages of Svyatovo (180 houses) and Borisovo (150
houses), the village of Berestok (170 houses, 171 people killed).

- He was not ashamed to look into his eyes
to his fellow villagers, friends and acquaintances, since he believed that if
If he had not taken this bread-and-butter position, then any of them would have taken it. All
repentance will come to him later, but for now the regime’s servant is proud of his
position. But what is it? Suddenly, in the winter of 1942/43, rumors began to circulate that our
The troops approached the city of Velikiye Luki. On a dark night in the east you can see
flashes and glow of fires! Really? And now the policeman begins to penetrate into the soul
fear for your own life creeps in. What will happen if you return
Adviсe? To prevent this, we need to help even more zealously
to the occupiers"

The Soviet side noted that for greater efficiency
the Germans are trying to use to exterminate people of the same nationality
units of collaborators of other nationalities. Effective
the results were obtained from experiments using Baltic collaborators
against the Slavs. But the use of Russians against Belarusians did not justify

Everyone knows that betrayal is a betrayal of one’s feelings or a failure to fulfill a duty to someone. Thousands of books have been written about this and hundreds of films have been made, and people have been thinking about it from generation to generation. But the main questions remain: how does a person who has committed treason think? Does he consider himself guilty? Answers to these questions can be found in many works of Russian literature.

One of these works is the novel by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”. This novel surprises readers with its storyline, little details, and symbolism. It describes the family life of the Oblonskys, Karenins, Shcherbatskys and many others. The title character is not happy in her marriage, love for her husband, Alexei Alexandrovich, can be called domestic, their passion has long faded away. On the train, Anna meets a young officer Alexei Vronsky, who subsequently shows signs of attention to Anna Arkadyevna.

She truly falls in love with a man, wants to divorce her husband and legitimize her relationship with her lover. The lovers, having not achieved a divorce, still live together. But Anna cannot calm down her feeling of guilt for what she has done; she tries to earn her husband’s forgiveness, but cannot forgive herself. She sees the only salvation from mental torment in her own death.

Unfortunately, the betrayed person does not always feel wrong. This happens in Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. Aksinya Astakhova, one of the heroines of the work, a young woman, the wife of Stepan Astakhov, lives the ordinary life of a rural woman. Her marriage cannot be considered happy: she was married off at the age of eighteen due to a terrible incident involving her father. Are you enrolling in 2019? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (all you have to do is sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we will monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

The spouses did not have real feelings for each other; they lived together only out of decency. Perhaps this is why Aksinya succumbs to the caresses of Grigory Melekhov. They begin an affair, and after a while the woman finds out that she is expecting a child from him. They are forced to leave their homestead to live together and raise their daughter. Aksinya betrayed her husband, but did not feel guilty for a second - does this mean that she betrayed herself? Of course, because betrayal in any of its manifestations has no justification.

The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself that the traitor first of all betrays himself: his principles, feelings, promises. And it depends only on him whether he will experience pangs of conscience...

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