Orthodox congratulations on the baptism of the Lord in verse and prose. Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord How to congratulate on baptism

On the threshold of one of the brightest and most exciting Orthodox holidays -.

On this great day, not only solemn services are held in all church parishes and churches, but water is also illuminated in open and closed sources. It was on this day several thousand years ago, during the baptism of the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River, that God himself announced to those present about the Son, the Savior of all people, about whom people had been promised long before his birth.

Every year, in memory of this event, Christians congratulate each other, traditionally wishing for the healing of soul and body.

We offer touching, bright congratulations on the Great Feast of Epiphany in your own words and in verse- choose among them the best wishes for your godparents, godchildren, relatives and friends.

In verse

* * *
On a bright and holy holiday,
On the day of the Baptism of the Lord,
in Jordan every year
Doused with water.

The will of God is
The Lord gives us a miracle -
When the fire in the soul rages,
To cleanse the soul!

I want to congratulate you on this day!
And wish you a big miracle
And let the reward be
To live without sin and thin!

* * *
On a special day, dear,
Happy holiday, I congratulate
With a kind, gentle soul,
I wish you happiness and love!

This holiday is Grace,
They call him Baptism!
I want to experience joy
Let virtue flourish!

* * *
I wish you a blessed holiday,
Health, Wisdom, Enlightenment,
And a good and pleasant life,
Baptism is forgiveness for the soul!

Let the holy water wash away
Problems, troubles, grief!
Let him open his arms
Lord to all of us! Forgive us all!

* * *
Let the Epiphany frost walk,
And your souls are young
Let the Lord take away from evil,
And truly forgive us!

On such a great bright day,
Holy Grace reigns
Let her warmth now
You will be forever protected!

* * *
I congratulate you on Baptism,
I wish you sincere happiness
May God bless you
And protects from bad weather!
Let there be prosperity in the house,
Let miracles come to you
The health of everyone in the family
The Lord saves!

* * *
In Baptism you can guess
Everything that you would like so much!
And I want to wish you
So that all good things exist!
So that there is strength and health,
Separation never know
To cover with trembling happiness,
For very long years!

* * *
May prayer help you
On the day of the great Baptism,
Let sadness not bother you
And does not lead to temptation!
Joy with quick steps
Let him come straight to you
To be healthy themselves
For a world of miracles to arise!

* * *
I wish water in Baptism,
Washed away all sins
I wish you blessings
And in life new touches.

May a joyful mood
Will last for many years!
Luck always accompanies
In all cases, a great flourishing.

* * *
Great feast of January
Orthodox Baptism,
Feast of the Lord, King,
Let him send indulgence!
Love and loyalty, all the best!
Good health, salvation!
And so that the hearth does not go out in the family.

* * *
A distant star burns
And send us his light
Her shimmer forever
Leaves a mark on your soul.
Baptism is Grace
which descended upon us,
I wish you not to know the age of trouble,
So that life shines with happiness!
And the light of that distant star
Shows the right path -
I wish you in life
Walked as close to God as possible.

* * *
Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
On a holy and pure holiday day!
I wish you joyful accomplishments
And it's snowing outside.
Let all past sorrows
He will sweep with a quiet wind,
So that you never get bored
May the Lord guide us along the way.

* * *
May God protect you from grief
And does not allow villainy to enter the house,
Let it protect from all misfortunes,
From all problems so that you can be saved.
And on the day of the Baptism of the saint,
I wish the healing of the soul,
Good health, great,
Always in everything to be good!

* * *
Congratulations on the Epiphany holiday today,
Happy Great Day!
I wish not to lose heart and not to get sick,
To be lucky always, in everything.
May God's power help
Gives light and kindness,
Let your heart melt with love
It flies and gains altitude.

* * *
I want to wish in Baptism,
Believe in God and love
Then you will be forgiven
It will be much easier to live!
Miracles are on the way
Let everything be like in a fairy tale,
Here is happiness on the threshold
Don't forget to let the house in!

* * *
In Baptism I want to wish
So that thoughts are bright
And never lose heart
And so that you do not know diseases.
Let relatives be near
Giving you love and affection
The Lord with his heavenly gaze,
Will help in the holiday of January.

* * *
Let it come down on you from heaven
Holy grace of God
Protects from all adversity
It will help you in everything.
Let the water become holy
On the day of the feast of the great Epiphany,
And cleanses our souls
And give blessing to the heart.
May peace and kindness come
And the miracle will happen again
May God love you very much
And love will reign.

Congratulations in prose


* * *
Dear mommy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the wonderful feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. I want to wish you, my dear, Grace in everything! May the Guardian Angels always hold your hands and suggest the right moves in all your decisions. Let the holy water wash your face and body, strengthening your health and vitality.
You always greet us with a smile on your face - so be it always. Faith and God's love to all of us!

* * *
Mommy! Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. The voice of heaven announced the promised Savior, and the water became holy. Wash it every day. May the holy drops wash away all hardships and sorrows, freeing the soul and body from unnecessary burdens. Health to you, good mood and joy. May your soul shine with light, illuminating us! May the Lord bless your every day! Happy holiday, my love!


* * *
Congratulations dear dad on the Baptism of the Lord. This day is unique. It is necessary to say the most important wishes, and they will certainly come true - we wish you all earthly blessings! And may thoughts be always pure, and the body strong and healthy. Let any sadness and annoyance leave your heart, and peace, tranquility and humility reign in your soul. May the Lord always help you!

* * *
Father! Today is the Great Day, when miraculously the soul is cleansed of idle vanity and sadness and filled with its highest meaning, light, love and goodness. Health to you mentally and physically, fulfillment of all cherished desires and God's help in everything. Congratulations on your Baptism! Let it be! Your children.


* * *
My dear! With the great Orthodox feast of Theophany and Baptism of the Lord! I wish you that the soul and body, washed with holy water, be filled with health, lightness, joy and happiness. Let all bad things go away forever! Let all failures and sorrows be forgotten! May the Lord Himself help you in solving difficult problems from now on. I wish you, my dear, peace of mind and joy!

* * *
Dear (name)! Let me congratulate you on the feast day of the Baptism of the Lord. I wish you to wash away all your sins, sorrows and failures in holy water. May it fill you with spiritual strength, vigor and health. Let the coming Epiphany frosts not be terrible for you at all, but only inflame your heart with love for me even more. Happy holiday, my love!


* * *
Dear wifey! John the Baptist became the baptizer of the Lord Jesus in the rivers of the Jordan, and during the sacred service, people recognized their Savior, being healed in the Jordanian water. It was a long time ago, but since then, every year on January 19, all Christians have been waiting for a miracle. This is a great holiday and I congratulate you with all my heart. Health to you, my dear, mental and physical, liberation from sad thoughts, forgetfulness of fears and all anxieties! May there always be a place for a miracle in your life. Happy Baptism!

* * *
(Name), my dear! Congratulations on the blessed holy day of the Baptism of the Lord. May the holy baptismal water wash away all the negative phenomena that have occurred in our lives. Let him cleanse his thoughts of unnecessary conjectures and omissions, and fill his soul with peace and joyful reverence. May God's Grace descend into our house today and remain with us forever.

Wishes for grandma

* * *
Dear grandma! Congratulations on the festive Great Day of Epiphany! May your body always remain cheerful, and your soul glow with joy. May faith in God's quick help and love always live in your heart, passing on your kindness to us, instructing only good deeds. May you always have the strength to enjoy life. We love you!

* * *
Congratulations to our grandmother and the feast of the Epiphany! We wish you health, joy and cheerfulness! Live long, warm us with your radiant look and kind smile. May the Lord always send you mental and physical strength. Happy holiday!


* * *
Dear grandpa! On this frosty holy day of the Baptism of the Lord, I want to wish you a bright hope for the best. May the Lord give peace every day, and the Guardian Angel protects you in everything. May the holy water fill you with new spiritual and physical strength. Your loving children and grandchildren.

* * *
My dear grandfather! I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism! Don't forget to wash yourself with holy water. After all, she, thanks to her miraculous power, will give you cheerfulness and spiritual strength. May nothing ever sadden you, may all the news be only good and joyful. We wish you the truth of faith in God, in His ambulance and love for you!

Congratulations for the goddaughter

* * *
My dear Goddaughter! On this festive day of Epiphany, I want to wish you the Lord's Grace. May the jets of holy water wash away all your anxieties and insecurities, cleanse your soul of all sorrows and fill you with joy and your body with health. Let every day you live be unforgettable, with its kind bright events. I pray the Lord that every day your Guardian Angel protects you from mistakes and misunderstandings. Be a good girl!

* * *
My dear girl! Let me congratulate you on the Great Epiphany holiday. Peace, Kindness and Love to you. May the holy water wash away everything unpleasant and sad, and bring joy, God's love and the fulfillment of all your cherished desires pleasing to God!

For the godson

* * *
My dear, beloved godson! Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! I wish that on this holy day God's Blessing descends on you, and the Lord always keeps you! I expect only joyful, good news from you! Your godmother.

* * *
Congratulations to my beloved dear Godchild on the Blessed Holy Day of Baptism. I wish you bodily health, spiritual joy, and God's help in everything! With prayers, godmother.

Wishes to friends

* * *
My good ones! Happy Epiphany Day! I wish you to plunge into holy water in the morning and wash away all your sorrows. Joy to you and prosperity!

* * *
On this Epiphany frosty holiday day, I want to wish my friends Faith, Hope and Love. May your house always be under the cover of God's mercy, filled with joyful children's laughter, warmth and light. May our good, close relations last until the end of our days!

Congratulations for a girlfriend

* * *
Dear friend! The Lord was baptized today! I sincerely congratulate you on this. Peace to you, joy, health and God's love. May the sun constantly shine above your head during the day, and bright stars at night. May all sorrows and troubles be washed away by holy water and clear the path for joy and prosperity.

* * *
My dear (name), congratulations on the Great Feast of Epiphany! May your thoughts always be pure, and your actions disinterested. May the Lord always be in your heart! Our friendship is truly his gift. Love you!

congratulations for a friend

* * *
(Name)! I hasten to congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord! You are well done for not violating the holy tradition of ablution. May the holy baptismal water wash away all troubles and illnesses, and give a new bright streak in life. Health, good luck and all the best!

* * *
On this good, bright holiday, I want to wish my good friend healing from all bodily and mental ailments! Filled with joy and peace. May this day be the basis for gaining all spiritual blessings. Happy Epiphany, my friend!

* * *
Congratulations to my best friend on the Baptism of the Lord! May God's Grace descend from heaven, and holy faith in God's miracle will give strength and hope for the best. Health, prosperity, joy!


* * *
(Name)! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the joyful feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! We wish that Grace lived in the heart, peace and confidence for loved ones reigned. God's love, a cheerful spirit and a firm righteous path in everything!

* * *
Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! On this day of cleansing the soul from vanity and sadness, I wish you to fill your mind with a higher meaning, and your heart with kindness. Let life be filled with love for God and sparkle with new bright colors.


* * *
(Name)! Happy Epiphany! Health, joy, love! God's forgiveness and God's grace!

* * *
Sweet, good, (name)! On Epiphany Day, I wish you strong faith in the Lord Christ! Let the holy baptismal water strengthen the body, temper the soul. And the frost outside the window will make your heart even hotter! May the help and blessing of God never leave you!

Orthodox begin to celebrate Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18 - on the eve of the feast of the great Baptism of the Lord or, in other words, Epiphany. You can start congratulating on Baptism from the evening of January 18 to 19.
Choose for yourself how you present your congratulations: SMS, on a postcard, via network mail, or say them in person, the main thing is that they be from the heart.

With the Great Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, dear friends!

And wish you purity

Health, happiness and love!
May the angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let the grief of loved ones not know
And the Lord will be by your side!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord - verse

May holy water wash away pain and annoyance,
Let the disease and the enemy go far,
On the bright holiday of Epiphany, I wish you joy,
Let it be easy on the soul and on the heart!
With the Baptism of the Lord!

May the holy Epiphany
The whole family will be saved from adversity.
And the inextinguishable candle of Faith
You will be given a spiritual stronghold.
With a pure soul, as after Baptism,
I want you to live this whole year.
Then happiness will come, no doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!
I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!

Cool congratulations on baptism

Here is the baptism in the yard,
The girls are freezing on the mountain
And the walruses are all in the pond -
They bend into an arc.
Jump into the water once,
You will be illuminated for a year,
Well, today I'm in the mood -
I congratulate you on the Baptism!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
Glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there are no troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
Let faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Your heart warms with warmth!

Warm congratulations on baptism

Friends! May each of you have a place in your soul for love and forgiveness on this Holy Day! Let the holy water wash away the burden of hardships and anxiety! May God give you the strength to keep the purity of your thoughts and the openness of your soul in a long series of new happy days of the coming year! We wish you that on this day your house will be open to friends and relatives, and everyone will find a place at the festive table and a kind word in it!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Baptism is a holiday of purification and renewal, and on this day, I want to wish you that your life becomes brighter and cleaner, that grace descends on your home and all your loved ones are healthy and happy!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Let the Epiphany frosts
Angry outside the window
Let the quiet holiday come
On this day in your house
Let it bring into your souls
Peace and Grace
Let it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

SMS congratulations on baptism

Happy Baptism! May the Angels guard your life path!!!

Congratulations on the Baptism of Christ

You with the Baptism of Christ
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
With Holy Epiphany,
Purification of the soul!
Be happy, love!
Do you love!? - This is God's gift!
Congratulations on the wash!
In the midst of the holiday!

Congratulation on Baptism in prose

Baptism in Russia was one of the most revered holidays. This is a holiday when we cleanse our soul and body, a holiday when we understand how important it is to be kind and loving. I want Holy Water to protect you, your home and your loved ones from all troubles and hardships. Be happy. May your family and friends always understand you. God bless you!

Congratulations on the Baptism. We wish the blessings of Heaven and God's grace!!!

SMS congratulations on baptism

On this Divine and Holy day, may Your thoughts rise, soul and body be cleansed and strengthened, love and forgiveness embrace Your good heart! Happy Baptism!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Today, on the Bright Feast of Christ's Epiphany, I want to wish you that fate be favorable to you. And may all the troubles and obstacles on your way you could pass with dignity. And let the evil blizzard take away all evil.

Congratulations on the Epiphany on January 19th

Every year in Epiphany frosts
Sacred water appears!
Sprinkle it on your loved ones!
And all troubles will sink forever!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse to friends

I congratulate you on the great Baptism,
It brings holiday and happiness, no doubt!
Full of life, be rich, love,
We keep by our Lord everywhere!

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord beautiful

On this mysterious and winter day, I congratulate you and wish you happiness on the Epiphany of the Lord!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Please accept my congratulations on the holiday. May this holy day of the Baptism of the Lord be the first happiest day in a long series of happy days of your life, in which you will find our Lord in your soul. Peace to your house.

SMS congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Forget all the bad, wash your thoughts. Raise your aspirations with the Baptism of the Lord!

congratulations on baptism beautiful

Congratulations on the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Stock up on holy water for a whole year to last until the next Baptism, and when you come home, sprinkle your dwellings with holy water. So that the grace of the Great Holiday comes to your house.

Verse: congratulations on baptism

Time for forgiveness!
General festivities!
Love and respect!

Congratulations on Baptism to loving people

Let loving eyes warm
The soul will be filled with goodness!
After all, Epiphany frosts are not terrible,
We will go to church for Holy water!
And we will not be afraid of thunderstorms,
And we'll live happily ever after!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse to your beloved

I'll dive into the water tomorrow.
I don't know where to go though.
'Cause I, too, without a doubt
I crave a lot of cleansing!

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

May all sinners repent on this holy day, all the righteous rise up, and we will step into a better new world! With the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulation on Baptism interesting

The sacrament of the soul is hidden in baptism, when the seed of kindness, love, happiness and spiritual purification is laid in a new person. We congratulate your child on this significant event. We wish you all the best in the hope that your son will be a sincere and noble person in baptism.

congratulations on christening dear

A moment is now equal to delight -
You dedicate yourself forever
Love, Hope, Faith, Feeling, God!
We heartily congratulate you on baptism!

Have your friends or relatives decided to christen their daughter? They will be pleased to receive from you on this joyful day beautiful and warm congratulations on the baptism of the girl. This solemn church ceremony symbolizes the acceptance of the child into the number of believers. It is believed that after that he will be assisted by higher powers, including his guardian angel.

Poems dedicated to the baptism of a girl

The sun peeked through the window
Well, we haven't slept for a long time -
We are preparing our baby
For the christening ceremony.

You will be in a white outfit -
In ruffles, bows, lace.
Looking at such beauty
All in the heavens will gasp.

On the day of spiritual birth
A beam of light shoots up.
Wishes, congratulations...
Just don't freak out!

Let the angel cover you
From adversity and from insults,
And the Lord by his will
Protect and save!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
No sleepless night
Never lose heart.

To be smart, to be bold
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Today was a particularly good day
All relatives hastened to visit the baby,
After all, today is her christening day,
And it is more important than even the name day.

God bless her from heaven
Bestowed with good health and good luck,
And she will grow up very happy,
With an honest soul, a beautiful appearance.

On this page of our site, warm and touching words are presented for congratulating a girl on the baptism in verse and prose. They can be written on a postcard, sent as an SMS, in an email or posted on social networks.

Today is an unusual day - an angel descended from heaven,
I took the baby under guardianship, weaved grace into her braids.
On the day of christening, I wish happiness to a golden girl.
May the Lord bestow generous tenderness and kindness!

May the cross that was put on the princess that day
Protects from troubles and pain, erases a shadow from life.
Let the baby be healthy, let it grow to the joy of everyone,
Every day, let her only joy, inspiration brings!

Mom dressed up the baby
In rompers and booties.
Mom took her daughter
Put candles in God's church.

The godfather and the godmother were in the church,
Baptized an angel.
You are now dear to us,
God-baptized daughter.

We wish you in life
Be lucky, be happy!
And let everyone consider you
The best, dear people.

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse or prose

Christening is a great occasion to congratulate the parents of the child on a bright holiday and wish their baby health and happiness. If you lack creative talents, you can use our help and use congratulatory verses for the girl's christening.

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today.
We wish you comfort in the house,
To raise a daughter with dignity,

For your baby to grow
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
Easy and easy to read!

Good weather for the christening
The baby predicts a smooth path.
Nature smiles at her
The sky on this day blesses the child!
We send congratulations to the child,
Let the angel keep him with his wing.
We wish you happiness and success
May he always bring smiles to the house!

My beloved girl
I wish for baptism
More of the best days
Such a mood
So that everyone wants to be successful,
For life to be wonderful
And never lose heart
Live an interesting life!
Congratulations on the baptism of the girl.

Let luminous purity
My goddaughter shines!
And God's mighty hand
Keep it forever
Temporary life goes on.
May the angel of light lead
Her spiritual, wondrous paradise!
And let the cross protect
Her from evil and anxiety,
Trouble will not set foot on the threshold!
And the sun will only shine
And illuminate our path with light!

Baptism is a cheerful and joyful holiday,
The girl got a godfather and a godmother,
Pectoral cross - a must-have gift,
Which in life you, baby, will protect.
With christening, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Good luck, happiness and health to the girl!
Let the lucky star accompany you on your way,
And may the cherished dream always come true.

My wonderful baby
My bright angel unearthly,
May you still be a child
Wrapped in a hundred diapers
You do not know life is different.
I want to congratulate you on christening
I am you on this bright day
And wish you smiles, happiness,
Love of parents, warmth!

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze
What did God bring you to be happy?
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the flower grow beautiful
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet!

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
Makes us all happy with a smile.
A cheerful laugh will sound in the house,
The clatter of feet, a sonorous voice,
Blossom, our joy, like a flower!
Let the blessing descend
On this bright holiday - the day of baptism!

Baptism - one of the seven sacraments that are performed in the Orthodox Church - gives hope that in the future the girl will be able to avoid adversity and suffering, and her life will be happy. From that day on, the Lord and the angels take the child under their protection. Send the child's parents on this wonderful day congratulations on the baptism of the girl, which are presented on our website.

Congratulations on the baptism of a charming daughter, who has now found protection in the form of the Lord, her guardian angel and her godparents! Now the girl can live in harmony with herself and the people around her, to know that everything in her life will definitely develop successfully. I wish her and you happiness and peace of mind, faith in a bright future and optimism, strength and health. Let your charming daughter grow up healthy and energetic, self-confident and purposeful, smart and beautiful. And let the Christian faith contribute to the development of kindness and honesty, understanding the true values ​​of our world. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations!

Dear friends! Today your baby has one of the most important days in her life, because she received the sacrament of baptism. Now she is under the protection of her guardian angel, who will always be there, save the child from all troubles and hardships, and guide her on the right path. Now the parents also have an invisible, but such an important assistant in raising their little daughter. Let the baby grow up a healthy, cheerful and happy girl! Ahead of her is still a lot of everything unknown and new. Under the protection of heaven, all roads will be opened to her and safe routes will be provided. May your family be happy, Happy Holidays to you!

In the Orthodox celebration - the Baptism of the Lord (January 19) - it is customary to plunge into the hole, or rather the Jordan, in order to improve not only the body, but also the soul. In addition, it is customary to go to church for a service, collect blessed water and congratulate all the believers you know on the Baptism of the Lord.

I bring good news to you:
Holy celebration on the nose!
I congratulate you on him
I wish to swim in the hole,
To wash away all your sorrows
And you are no longer bothered!

May all sins be washed away
Epiphany water,
Strong fortitude,
Let her give!
Brighten up the days with fun
Get rid of problems
Will put hope in you
And give faith!

I wish you in Baptism,
Become purer in body and soul.
Receive forgiveness from God
And do a good deed!

Short congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

In the Baptism of the Lord I wish you good and warmth, light and faith, hope and forgiveness!

All sins will be washed away without a trace
Holy baptismal water!
With the triumph of light and purification -
Blessed Lord's Baptism!

May the baptismal water temper the body and purify the soul, and may the Lord forgive and bless!

Great celebration - the Lord's Baptism!
In him, the Almighty grants forgiveness.
Let your deeds illuminate others with the light,
Instructed on the true path!

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish that fate favors, thoughts are bright, and righteous deeds!

Congratulations in prose on the Baptism of the Lord

I wish you to improve your health in Jordan, not only in body, but also in soul! Let the consecrated water help resolve all internal conflicts, reconcile with yourself and stay with pure thoughts even in the most difficult times. Happy Baptism!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! In the evil January cold, I wish you warmth, peace and insight when emerging from the hole! Let all hardships and difficulties drown in that icy water!

May an angel descend on you on this church holiday, who will heal spiritual wounds, inspire you to do righteous deeds, lighten the burden of life and bring peace into your life!

Happy Baptism! I wish you excellent health, strong faith and undying hope! Remember also that you can and should trust in God, but you shouldn’t make a mistake yourself either!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in your own words

I want to congratulate you on this great Orthodox Christian holiday - the Lord's Baptism - and wish you uncomplaining faith, sincere hope and confidence in God's love!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! May washing in the hole bring you excellent health, wash away illnesses and anxieties, give you an answer and strengthen your faith!

May the day of manifestation of great holiness - the Lord's Baptism - bring you and your family well-being and happiness, profit and success, sanctify your spirit and heal your body, inspire good deeds. Happy holiday!

Be sure to plunge into this important day for Orthodoxy, so that the holy water will wash not only the body, but also the soul! Temper and be imbued with the Orthodox faith!