The jacket faded after washing, what should I do? A faded colored dress: how to wash it at home using affordable means

If an item has faded, do not rush to throw it away. It is quite possible to return clothes to their previous appearance; for this there are special household chemicals, as well as various folk methods. Choose any of the following, having previously decided on the type of fabric.

Colored fabrics

If a dress or other favorite item suddenly fades and accidentally gets into the washing machine, don’t be upset. Try to “reanimate” clothes using ammonia.

Take a deep enamel basin and pour 10 liters of cold water and about 25 ml of ammonia into it. Mix the liquid and soak the faded colored item in it. This is the most effective and at the same time simple way to remove stains from colored clothes while maintaining the basic tone.

To enhance the effect, water with ammonia in a basin can be heated over low heat. But you can repeat a similar procedure with the same thing no more than three times.

You can remove faded stains from colored clothing that has a white print (or vice versa, when a white item contains a multi-colored pattern) by repeated washing and adding a small amount of soda ash to the powder compartment.

White clothes

How to bleach faded white clothes that accidentally ended up in the washing machine along with colored ones is not such a difficult task. Here are a few secrets of experienced housewives:

  • There is nothing easier than removing faded stains from white clothes using regular baking soda. You probably already have this product on your household, and if not, be sure to purchase it, it’s inexpensive.

True, soda is unlikely to have an effect on old stains (the less time has passed, the better). So, if a white thing has faded, do not delay and make a thick paste of soda and water as soon as possible. Apply this mixture to the problem area and remove it after drying with a brush. If necessary, repeat this procedure or use another method.

  • Take starch, citric acid and soap shavings in equal quantities. Next, add a little table salt and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. You received a homemade stain remover, try it to whiten the faded item. To do this, apply the product to the problem area, or soak completely, adding a small amount of water for convenience. Leave for 12 hours and then rinse by hand several times.

Components for home stain remover

Sometimes, after washing in a machine, white items, although not stained with multi-colored spots, still lose their original appearance, acquiring an ugly yellowish or gray tint. How to bleach a faded tablecloth using hydrogen peroxide? Yes, very simple! Just soak it in a soapy solution, adding about 50 ml of peroxide. Leave overnight and then rinse.

  • This method is similar to the previous ones, or rather, it combines them. Take 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Stir and pour the resulting solution into a previously prepared deep basin with 5 liters of hot water. Leave the items in this bleach liquid for about 30 minutes and then rinse.
  • If you trust household chemicals more than traditional methods, then when choosing between oxygen and chlorine-containing bleach, give preference to the first. These products cope much better with the task of washing faded white clothes, and also do not act so aggressively on fabric fibers.

Note! Chlorine-containing substances can only be used to bleach faded white linen or cotton items.

In other cases, be it chintz, silk or velor, you will hopelessly ruin your clothes. The method of use is described on the packaging of the product and consists of simply soaking the item for a few minutes (usually 20-30). Then the clothes must be rinsed thoroughly several times.

How to wash clothes without fading

It is much easier to prevent any problem than to solve it later. Therefore, so that you don’t have to rack your brains over how to save a faded item, remember:

  • Colored items should be washed separately from white items. This rule applies to both automatic and hand washing.
  • Before washing an item, especially a new one, soak it in salt water for a while. This way the dye will be fixed on the product and the clothes will not fade. Also on sale in hardware stores you can find special conditioners designed to protect fabrics from staining.
  • It is better to wash new clothes by hand. But if you still decide to use the machine, choose a suitable program and high-quality powder and conditioner. For colored fabrics, the marking “color” is used on labels with household chemicals, and “white” is used for white fabrics.
  • Before washing, look at the tag on the inside of the item. It should indicate what type of washing is required (manual or automatic), as well as the maximum number of degrees of water.
    White fabric, even if it does not have a special tag with information, should be washed only in cold water so that it does not acquire a yellowish or gray tint.

Video: 100% result if the item has faded

It is not difficult to wash a faded item at home. But in order not to damage your clothes even more, you need to take precautions:

  • As soon as you take the item out of the washing machine and realize that it has faded during washing, the first thing you need to do is to immediately begin “reanimating” the clothing. Don’t waste time on drying and ironing, because the faster, the greater the chance of saving your husband’s lucky shirt or your own favorite dress.
  • How to wash various stains at home, including faded items, using household chemicals - read the label of the product. Instructions for use, as well as the expiration date, are very important information that you need to study before starting washing.
  • On the inside of the garment, as a rule, a small piece of fabric from which the item is made is sewn. It is not needed at all for a patch, as some people think, but in order to test the whitening or stain remover that you are going to use. Take advantage of the manufacturer's precautions and check whether the substance used will cause further harm to the clothing. If there is no such flap, then select the least noticeable area on the item for testing.
  • Before bleaching faded laundry with aggressive substances (for example, “white”), protect your hands with thick rubber gloves and also ensure the room is ventilated.

Important! Under no circumstances combine different whitening products with each other and do not add them to folk recipes. The reaction in this case may turn out to be unpredictable, after which the item will be hopelessly damaged.

If, after trying all the above methods and tips, you have not found the answer to the question of how to wash a faded item, try painting it. To do this, take blue or special dyes for clothes of a suitable shade. You can also think about an original applique or an original drawing.
Do not use the same method on things repeatedly (more than three times), otherwise you will damage the structure of the fabric so much that it will be impossible to restore it even by repainting or applique.

If you couldn’t wash a faded item, try dyeing it using a dye to match the fabric.

If you are not confident in your abilities or do not want to waste time restoring items damaged after washing, do not hesitate to ask a dry cleaner for help. Specialists will determine the structure of the fabric and the complexity of the contamination, and in their arsenal they will definitely find a suitable remedy for eliminating various types of stains.

Now you know what to do if things fade after washing. Don’t rush to throw your favorite blouse or dress into the trash bin, you will always have time to do this. There are a lot of ways to wash faded clothes; choose one or more and don’t forget about precautions.

Every housewife at least once in her life has encountered an unpleasant situation when things became stained or faded after washing. It’s very disappointing to see that your favorite milky blouse has suddenly acquired a dirty pink hue, and a bright summer dress, on the contrary, has lost its color.

The reason for this may be incorrect sorting of items before washing or incorrectly selected temperature conditions. What to do with a damaged item? Should we just throw it away? Of course not.

If a lot of damage is caused, especially if the product is expensive, professional dry cleaning is the best solution. In other cases, you can try to wash a faded item at home.

As soon as after washing you notice that the clothes have changed their color, you need to act immediately, without delay, since it will be much more difficult to revive them later.

  1. If the color has not changed very much, and only a faint tint is noticeable, try simply washing the items in cold water using powder and a small amount of bleach. Another wash and an extra rinse may be enough.
  2. In cases where the coloring effect is very noticeable, more effective methods are needed.

  • Soak the damaged laundry in a small amount of warm water, after dissolving the stain remover powder or gel in it.

    Leave for at least 3 hours, stirring occasionally to ensure the bleach acts evenly. After this, wash the clothes and rinse thoroughly.

  • Prepare a mixture of table salt, starch, concentrated citric acid and laundry soap shavings in equal quantities. Apply to faded stains and leave for several hours.

    Wash the item and the original color should return.

  • Boil the damaged fabric in water with the addition of ammonia at the rate of 100 ml per 5 liters of water. It is enough to bring the container to a boil, turn off the heat and leave the clothes for several hours.

    Ammonia has a specific unpleasant odor, so it is better to immediately cover the basin with a lid. The effect of this procedure is impressive - it can be used to restore color to faded colored items.

  • If your denim is faded, baking soda will help. Rub it thoroughly into the damaged area, leave for half an hour and wash at 30°.

    If you can’t remove stains from a dark, plain item, it is better to repaint it in its original color using chemical dyes and strictly following the instructions.

Note! Apply any bleaching agent, including those prepared by yourself, only to the underside of the fabric.

How to bleach faded white clothes?

If a white item fades during washing, how can you bleach it?

  • In a bowl of hot (at least 70°C) water, dilute washing powder and a few drops of potassium permanganate until slightly pink. If you keep faded white laundry in this solution, it will perfectly remove unnecessary yellowness and gray stains.
  • A 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda (1 pharmacy bottle per 1 tablespoon) will whiten a washed sheet or tablecloth well.

    Soak the laundry in 5 liters of hot water, after adding the prepared mixture to it. Leave for 3 - 4 hours and rinse well. This will help refresh the fabric and give it a brighter shade.

  • The most effective way to whiten white clothes is to immediately soak them in white. This is a very aggressive chemical bleach that can cope with any “extra” shades.

    Whiteness can be used to bleach only white and fairly dense fabrics. This method may not be suitable for delicate items.

Important! When coming into contact with white, do not forget to use rubber gloves, as you may get a chemical burn.

How to restore color to faded colored items?

It is most difficult to restore the original color to clothes that have a two-tone coloring - for example, if there is a bright pattern on a white T-shirt.

In this case, you need to act in several stages:

  • Carefully treat the bright part with a special bleach for colored items.
  • Leave for an hour or two, without soaking in water.
  • Rinse off the bleach until completely dissolved.
  • Wash the damaged item by adding two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the rinse water.

Particular attention should be paid to bleaching children's clothes. A child's skin is much more susceptible to external irritants than that of an adult.

Therefore, to correct the mistakes of unsuccessful washing, you can use only natural products specifically designed for children's clothing. Otherwise, the child may develop allergies, and chlorine vapors may even cause suffocation.

Important! Buy children's clothes made from natural fabrics. They are more wear-resistant, do not contain allergy-causing components and can be easily washed using laundry baby soap.

What to do to prevent things from fading when washed?

We all know that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later. This rule also works for washing clothes.

  • Having purchased a bright colored item, wash it separately and rinse it in water acidified with vinegar. Vinegar will help fix the color and subsequently the clothes will not fade.
  • Read all labels carefully and adhere to the correct washing temperature. Many expensive items made from fine fabrics can only be washed in cool water, and this information will definitely be indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Sort your clothes before loading them into the machine. Wash colored and white items separately.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural materials. A large amount of synthetic additives can stain other items even after several washes.

Stain removers

Stain removers or chemical bleaches are the simplest and easiest method to restore clothing to its original appearance. We present a rating of the most effective, according to customers, means for bleaching colored and white fabrics.

Name Manufacturer Action
Frau Schmidt Austria Removes oil and grease stains from blood, wine, berries and fruits. Suitable for white and colored linen.

Contains bile soap. Gently affects the skin of the hands.

Vanish for colored laundry Benkizer Russia Removes complex stains from coffee, tea, juice, wine, fat, etc. Liquid Vanish is safe for both colored and white items.

Can be used at low water temperatures. Recommended for delicate fabrics - wool and silk.

Ecover Belgium For white and colored fabrics. Contains mineral and plant natural components. Removes stains of dirt, grass, grease, fruit, blood.
Amway Pre Wash Amway Corp Spray. Effective and easy to use. Suitable for removing traces of wine, chocolate, fat, grass, etc.
Sarma Active Sarma Russia Removes grease, oil, traces of berries and fruits, tea, coffee, wine and ink. Improves machine wash quality.

Removes old stains and returns white and colored items to their former freshness.

Stain remover Minutka Russia Removes fabric from fresh stains of oil, grease, varnish and paint. Suitable for dry cleaning of car interiors and upholstered furniture.

If you adhere to all the conditions for proper clothing care, your items will not fade or wash out. However, if such a situation does occur, use our advice and you can easily correct the error.

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You can wash faded items at home using improvised or specialized products. This is easy to do by following these tips. There are many substances that can restore clothing or textiles to their original freshness and brightness.

A dress or other clothing made from textiles may fade if the owner is not familiar with the instructions for using the automatic machine. You cannot ignore the advice of the equipment manufacturer regarding the specifics of washing different types of fabrics. Please refer to the product label for important information. Sometimes it is provided in the instructions that are included when packaging the purchased item.

A product made from textiles loses its original color and appearance due to the wrong choice of washing mode or its poor quality.

A person who has used household appliances incorrectly often cannot understand whether the negative result obtained is related to the selected operating mode of the washing machine or whether the water temperature was too high. You can correct your mistakes by taking advice from professionals.

How to wash faded items

Quality laundry detergents and stain removers can effectively remove dirt from textiles. But often they negatively affect the color of the material. Many believe that this situation can no longer be corrected, with which one may disagree. There are ways to restore the original color to damaged, faded items and increase their service life. Old, time-tested methods or natural dyes will help with this. They are better than synthetic products in helping to solve the problem without causing allergies and other side effects.

You can return the color to faded clothes using a tobacco solution (20 g of raw tobacco per half liter of water). First, the item must be washed and dried, and then treated with a piece of cloth dipped in a tobacco solution. You should be prepared for the fact that after ironing an item treated in this way, you will need to clean the iron from carbon deposits 2-3 times.

It is possible to repaint a damaged product a different color using various dyes. It will not be possible to completely restore faded clothing to its original appearance, but you can extend its service life.

If the product has changed its color significantly and cannot be restored at home, you should use dry cleaning services. Professionals will help remove stains and restore damaged items manually or using special methods of chemical treatment of materials.


If during washing a colored, pink, black and white or black item fades, you need to boil the textile at a temperature of 90ºC. If the method does not help, you need to try a folk remedy. Connect:

  • 0.5 cups salt;
  • 1 spoon of grated soap;
  • 5 g starch;
  • 3 g citric acid.

The composition should be applied to the faded stain from the inside of the product. Wait 12 hours, rinse the fabric in running water. The procedure should help remove stains.

You can use concentrated gels and powders that will help return things to their former whiteness and remove yellow spots or other defects resulting from repeated washing. Antipyatin can help solve the problem of bleaching the product.


Anyone can revive a damaged, discolored textile product (jeans, dress, underwear or bed linen). First you need to try washing all textiles at a water temperature of 60°C. If there is no effect, then the following will come to the rescue:

  • stain remover for colored items with a “Color” sticker. You need to soak the fabric in it for several hours, then wash faded clothes or other textiles made of cotton, synthetics, or wool;
  • The special product “Antilina” will help restore the original appearance of a faded item; you can buy it in almost any supermarket that sells household goods. This product efficiently removes “foreign” paint from any clothing;
  • To restore color, you can purchase Vanish.

Before washing stains or using any product (for example, Domestos), you need to read the instructions for its use; the fabric can be completely damaged.

If the listed methods cannot be applied, experts recommend trying to test the means at hand. You can remove stains by using ammonia. It should be added to boiled water, soak faded clothes or linen in the composition for about 60 minutes, and then wash them thoroughly. This method has a drawback - an unpleasant, pungent odor of the product, which after some time disappears without a trace.

Review of the best products for faded items

Experienced housewives have their own recipes for restoring the color and whiteness of faded items:

  • Stain removers are considered reliable means of cleaning products from stains. Their selection is huge. For white textiles you need to buy a product marked “White”, for colored ones – “Color”. It is better to purchase bleaches containing oxygen. They restore tissue better than chloride ones;
  • A unique preparation K2r has been developed that copes with stains on products of any color and made of any material. To get the desired effect, you must strictly follow the instructions for use of the product. One package is designed for 10 liters of water. Immediately after soaking, the fabric will turn gray, but then clean up, revealing its original color;
  • If the white material is damaged, then it can be restored by soaking it for 25 minutes in Whiteness. After completing the procedure, the faded item is washed;
  • if you don’t have special products at hand, you can use the following composition: mix grated soap, starch, citric acid (take a spoonful of each substance) and half a glass of soda. Apply the composition to the material and leave to act for 12 hours. Next, do the washing. This method makes it possible to remove stains from almost any type of material;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 6% can help restore tissue. You need to soak damaged clothes or linen in a solution of peroxide and loose laundry detergent for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, rinse the faded items thoroughly;
  • On thick denim, it is quite possible to get rid of dirt with the help of soda. The stains should be treated with soda slurry, and after 15 minutes. wash again.

Using these methods you can wash damaged clothes and linen. Time-tested recipes will help you almost completely restore faded items.

How to prevent the situation from happening again

To prevent cotton items from fading, you need to soak them in water and salt. Rinse in cold water and then dry well. The following method of processing them will also help preserve the color of cotton fabrics. You need to soak the items in ice water with turpentine for 10 minutes (1 tablespoon of the substance per 2 liters of water) and wash them in cold water with soap foam.

When rinsing and bleaching faded items at home, you need to add a little vinegar. After washing, clothes with shades of brown should be rinsed for 5 minutes in a tea solution, checking in advance on a small area of ​​the material whether the tones match. The shade can be changed by increasing the strength of the tea brew. Red and blue materials retain their color for a long time if, when rinsing them, add a spoonful of baking soda to one and a half liters of water. To make the color of dark fabric fresher, add a little salt to the final rinse water. When rinsing scarlet and blue products, add a little vinegar, pink - ammonia. With this additional treatment, the colors will retain their brightness longer.

To prevent colored textiles from fading, they must be soaked in water with salt before washing (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water). Afterwards they should be dried thoroughly, and only then ironed on the reverse side. Do not use aggressive bleach.

Using the above tips, you can “reanimate” faded items damaged after washing. The main rule is to follow the instructions provided unquestioningly.

Housewives often ask the question: if an item fades during washing, what should be done to revive damaged white linen or colored clothes? Most often, this trouble occurs due to the fact that during washing the conditions indicated on the special tag attached to the product were not met. There are often cases when a faded item is thrown away, but small household tricks will help you return your favorite clothes and linen to their former appearance at home.

How to wash things so they don't fade

To prevent things from becoming faded when washed, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Sort products correctly. Black and white items should be washed separately from all others. To avoid fading, multi-colored clothes can be divided according to the following principle: gray can be combined with blue, yellow with orange, red with pink, blue with green. You cannot put plain items and fabric with an ornament or print into the washing machine drum at the same time.
  2. Linen fabrics can be washed with cotton ones, silk and synthetic ones are also compatible, woolen ones require an individual approach.
  3. Correctly selected powder is the key to ensuring that things will not be faded after washing. For colored fabrics, white powders cannot be used, because... they may contain bleaching granules.
  4. It is important to monitor the temperature of the washing machine. When washing colored laundry, it is better not to use high temperatures and boiling. This may cause the fabric's color to fade.
  5. How to wash embroidery? To prevent the product from fading, you need to choose a detergent for colored fabrics. It is believed that laundry soap, grated and dissolved in water, is well suited for this purpose. The temperature of the solution should not exceed 40°C. The embroidery is soaked in soapy water for 30-60 minutes, after which it is washed by hand without applying much mechanical force.
  6. After washing, do not fold or hang clean items mixed together. Damp fabrics may turn different colors upon contact. Video can’t be loaded: 15 common washing mistakes that ruin clothes (

7 ways to remove faded stains from white clothes and linen

It is more difficult to wash a faded white item than a colored one, since any stain on it is always visible. In the arsenal of experienced housewives there are different methods, using which you can bring dyed clothes and linens back to life:

  1. One way to bleach a white blouse or shirt after shedding is to soak it in cold water for a long time with plenty of bleach powder to restore the freshness of these items. Wash the products by hand, paying special attention to those places that have turned a different color.
  2. Cotton and linen fabrics, such as towels and faded whites, can be machine washed with plenty of powder and a little soda ash. It is better to choose the highest temperature, and the process can be repeated 2 times.
  3. If things are faded and cannot be washed, a bleaching paste will help restore their whiteness. To prepare it you will need available means: 1 tbsp. grated laundry soap, potato starch, citric acid and 0.5 tbsp. coarse salt. Mix the ingredients and, adding clean warm water, turn into a liquid paste. It must be distributed over faded areas and left for at least 12 hours. Afterwards, wash the item in the traditional way and rinse thoroughly.
  4. If a white item made of simple fabric has faded, for example, towels, tablecloths, underwear, socks, faded bed linen, you can try to bring them back to life by boiling them down. For this purpose, you need to take a large container so that you can freely place the products and mix them periodically. You can add soda ash or baking soda, laundry soap shavings, and powder for white fabrics to the boiling water. The procedure can last 1-2 hours, after which the products are removed from the heat, allowed to cool and washed in the usual way.
  5. How to bleach faded white things in a solution of ammonia? In a container with a volume of more than 10 liters, mix hot water and 100 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia. Contaminated clothing is placed in the solution and kept for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, the fabric needs to be wrung out and washed in a machine with air conditioning to eliminate the strong ammonia smell. While soaking, it is better to take the item out into the air or provide constant ventilation in the room.
  6. Craftsmen wash faded white fabrics in a solution of potassium permanganate. For a 10 liter bucket, take 0.5 cups of washing powder with a bleaching effect and add a few grains of potassium permanganate, so that the solution is slightly pink. The fabric is placed in a bucket and covered with a lid for 3-4 hours. The cleaned item is washed as usual.
  7. To effectively bleach white fabrics, it is recommended to use not only traditional methods, but also industrial preparations: Beliznu, Domestos, Oxygen, Vanish and others. For high-quality cleaning of faded products, oxygen-containing products are more suitable. When using them, you must follow the instructions on the package and use rubber gloves.
  8. Experts recommend that after all procedures for cleaning faded items, rinse them thoroughly to avoid other stains on the fabric. This is especially true for light-colored clothes and underwear.

How to remove faded stains from colored clothes

It is easier to remove stains from a faded colored item than white fabrics. On such clothes, faded stains are not too obvious. Methods:

  1. What to do if a multi-colored item has faded and after washing, untidy stains appear on it? You can try to restore it using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 tsp to 4 liters of water. ammonia and 2 tbsp. peroxide. Place the fabric in the solution and place on high heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. Rinse cleaned clothing in clean water and dry in the open air.
  2. How to remove faded stains from items with colored prints? Ordinary laundry soap will come to the rescue. You need to thickly rub it on the contaminated areas, rub lightly and leave for 2-3 hours. Cleaned clothes can be washed by hand or in a machine.
  3. An interesting way to restore black and white clothes using green tea and salt. It is more convenient to use tea bags. Brew several liters of a medium-strength drink and soak faded clothes in it. You need to wait 15 minutes and sprinkle the white areas with coarse salt. After another 15 minutes, the clothes can be washed by hand or in a machine.
  4. If the original color of the product cannot be restored, experts recommend decorating the faded parts with embroidery and applique or fabric dyes. A radical way to return the color to faded items is to repaint them in a different, darker color, which will help hide the faded areas. Video can’t be loaded: 100% RESULT! IF THE THING IS FADED! (

How to restore the color of delicate fabrics

If the item has faded during washing, and the fabric of the item is soft and delicate, the usual methods of getting rid of extraneous colors should not be used. If you don’t have a special stain remover on hand, you can use special home recipes:

  1. Ordinary school chalk can help restore a faded woolen jacket or sweater. It needs to be finely crushed and mixed in water. Place the item in the resulting solution and stir occasionally for 1 hour. Next, the product is rinsed in cool water with the addition of a small amount of table vinegar.
  2. If a dress made of silk fabric has faded, you can try to remove faded stains with dry mustard. 2 tbsp. Dilute the powder in 3 liters of warm water and soak the dress for 2 hours. Wash it carefully with your hands in warm water and dry it in the open air so that no mustard smell remains.
  3. Jackets made of synthetic fabric rarely shed, but if stains appear on the fabric after washing, they can be removed with Aspirin tablets. A package of medicine (10 tablets) is crushed and dissolved in 8 liters of warm water. The jacket is immersed in the solution so that it is completely covered with water. The product needs to be kept for 10-12 hours, and then rinsed in running water or in a washing machine.

How to wash a parka without fading? To ensure that newly washed clothes do not lose their original appearance, they must be properly prepared before washing:

  • disconnect all removable parts (hood, collar, pockets);
  • all zippers and buttons must be fastened and laces tied;
  • turn the jacket inside out - this will help avoid streaks on the fabric;
  • You need to wash with a soft powder without bleaching granules;
  • to refresh the color when rinsing, you can add a little table salt to the drum of the machine;
  • dry flat in air or in a well-ventilated area.

At home, you can try one of the options for how to wash faded clothes, and if one method does not help, you can use another. In the event that no method is effective, you need to take the clothes to a professional dry cleaner.

Other tips:

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Almost every novice housewife has had the experience that her festive white husband suddenly found himself in the same load as colored bright underwear. Maybe, of course, you personally will like this shade more, but you don’t want to upset your husband. You need to try to somehow bleach the faded item. By the way, even experienced housewives are not immune from such incidents when doing laundry, so the tips given in the article will be useful to absolutely everyone. So, white things have faded - what to do?

Important: The main reason for such situations is improper sorting of laundry before washing. Even if you are absolutely sure that a pink robe or a red blouse does not fade, you still should not wash them with white clothes.

In general, to bleach a faded white item at home, you need time, desire, and special bleaching agents on hand. An important condition is to start bleaching a faded item immediately, and not after it has dried. The more time passes since the paint got on white or black and white fabric, the more difficult it will be to remove it.

The stores offer a large assortment of bleaching products, but there are tricks that our grandmothers used, and these homemade tricks can also bleach fabric if the white item has faded during washing. Surely, in every home you can find components for making homemade whitening products. The option with “folk recipes” is suitable for those people who are categorically “against” any chemicals.

Ways to bleach white faded items

Our people use laundry soap in many areas, sometimes even in the most unexpected ways. This has been a proven remedy for our mothers and grandmothers for years. This method is used and works effectively only if the faded item is made of natural fabric. Synthetics, alas, cannot be saved with soap. So how to wash a faded white item?

Clothes should be generously rubbed with laundry soap and left for six hours. After the specified time has passed, the item must be rinsed thoroughly. This method can not only remove excess paint from a faded item, but also remove old, inconspicuous stains. Laundry soap works very well if, after rubbing, you place the clothes in the bright summer sun. Ultraviolet light in combination with laundry soap literally works wonders.

By the way, the same magnificent effect is observed if clothes rubbed with laundry soap and then rinsed are hung outside to dry in the bitter cold. The magnificent smell of frosty freshness and the dazzling white color of things will definitely impress the housewives.

Another option on how to bleach faded white things: the fabric should be treated generously with laundry soap and then boiled for 30-60 minutes. Alternatively, put the grated soap in the drum and wash the item again at high temperature.

It is recommended to use mustard powder to bleach items made of silk and wool. You don’t have to worry about the yellow color of the solution - it won’t transfer to the fabric. Whitening goes like this: dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a liter of water. Let this liquid stand for about an hour and drain the resulting washing water. If the item is large or there is more than one item, more water will be required. The powder remaining after settling can be poured several times until the required amount of water for washing is collected. In this liquid you need to wash faded items in the usual way.

Whiteness and chlorine bleaches

Answering the question of what to do if white things have faded, it should be noted that while for colored things whiteness is the main enemy, then, as a rule, it does not harm white clothes. Why - as a rule? Yes, because fully synthetic fabric may turn yellow when exposed to chlorine bleaches. Some advise applying bleach directly to wet clothes, but most are still inclined to dilute the bleach in water and then soak things in this liquid. The concentration should be selected depending on the intensity of coloring of the products. Clothes soaked in white should not be left unattended, because chlorine can burn holes into the fabric if exposed for too long.

Important: Chlorine is a substance hazardous to health, so before rescuing a faded white item from the trash bin, you should think about precautions: do not inhale the fumes from the chlorine solution and use rubber gloves.

Oxygen and optical brighteners

Recently, these types of bleaches have taken leading positions in the market. Although oxygen bleaches are not that cheap, they do not cause any unpleasant reactions in the human body. They also do not spoil the structure of fabrics and are suitable for synthetics and.

Optical brighteners make things snow-white by depositing particles on the fabric, which visually make it lighter. If the fabric is slightly stained, you can try to remove the tint using such means.

Potassium permangantsovka

Not everyone knows about this, but manganese can bleach fabric. But, if a white thing has faded, how can you remove the stains on it using a pink substance? To do this, you need to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate in a bucket of hot water. Be sure to add washing powder or laundry soap shavings. The faded items are dipped into the resulting liquid for 2-3 hours. The top of the container should be tightly covered with a plastic bag or lid. After all these resuscitation measures, the laundry must be rinsed thoroughly. It will once again delight you with its dazzling white color.


When suddenly a white item becomes colored during washing, what else should you do and how to restore it? A couple of tablespoons of ammonia are diluted in 10 liters of water. Things are immersed in the solution and the container with them is placed on the fire. It is necessary to bring this “brew” to a boil three times, turning off the burner each time after boiling. The smell, of course, in the apartment will be far from pleasant, but the impeccable snow-whiteness of things is worth it. After such washing, the clothes are thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Soda and peroxide

If white things have faded, how can you return the color using improvised means? The method is as follows: Fill a plastic container with about 2 liters of water. Its temperature should be about 30-40 degrees. If the “scale of the disaster” is too great, then the temperature can be raised to 70 degrees to enhance the effect. Pour 1 tsp into the water. hydrogen peroxide. You can also add another 1 tsp here. soda ash. The poured and poured components must be completely dissolved. The item to be bleached is dipped into the prepared liquid. It needs to be turned from time to time for uniform whitening. The entire procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. After bleaching, clothes are thoroughly rinsed several times. By the way, baking soda can be added separately to the drum of the washing machine when washing again.