Polynesian back tattoo. The meaning of a tattoo in the Polynesian style: shoulder designs for men

. Polynesia sketches“transferred” to the Europeans, and they elevated the island patterns to the rank of a cult.

Westerners began to literally pray for the new culture of body painting.

The sailors, who were the first to adopt the tradition of painting themselves from the inhabitants of Oceania, modified it.

The shipbuilders replaced the abstract symbols of the Indians with anchors, swallows, female images, and compasses that were close and understandable to them.

However, the descendants of the 17th century sailors decided to pay tribute to the truly Polynesian.

Abstraction has become fashionable, like all ethnics. Only now, in pursuit of the beauty of form, Europeans began to miss the meaning. Let's figure out what its essence is.

The meaning of Polynesian tattoos

A land washed by the seas. This Polynesia. Tattoo meaning here they are often connected with the ocean. The Indians follow the example of its inhabitants.

Thus, the shark is pricked as a symbol of power, perseverance and perseverance. At the same time, Polynesians are aware of the degree of aggression emanating from the sea predator.

Therefore, the redskins depict shark teeth separately. They become a talisman against any threats from the outside.

Residents of the islands also consider the image of stingrays to be a protective symbol. Polynesians honor them as caretakers of the water's depths.

Stingrays are poisonous, which gives them the power to punish. At the same time, the smooth, unhurried movements of elasmobranchs indicate calmness.

Therefore, the Indians decided that stingrays were dangerous, but wise. An ideal combination for a protective symbol, because you need to know who and what energies to “drive away” from the wearer tattoo.

Polynesia Maori, that is, the main tribe of the islands of Oceania, is a world of pagan beliefs.

Indians deify nature and consider themselves descendants of its creations. Some tribes believe that they descended from whales.

By the way, according to the worldview of the Redskins, they protect friendship. Other Polynesians think that their ancestors were dolphins, revered as a symbol of harmony.

Third tribes choose their emblem Turtle tattoo. Polynesia for armored animals - a land where they were proclaimed the guardians of wisdom, the embodiment of longevity and tranquility.

In parallel with the protective function, Polynesian tattoos describe a person’s character.

In the tribal system, patterns have long been one of the few opportunities to introduce oneself to others.

Moreover, this presentation depends largely on the nuances of the images. So, the same turtle in the rays of the rising sun is a sign of the hardworking and thrifty.

This may not be taken into account tattoo in the style of "Polynesia". Therefore, people with drawings printed in Europe and the USA are often incorrectly perceived as red-skins.

For the latter, not only the plot of the painting makes sense, but also its location on the body. The classics attract few contemporaries.

Meanwhile, most positive values Polynesian tattoo associated with areas of the face. It's always open.

Since tattoos were a way for the Redskins to convey information, it was natural that reasons for pride would be displayed on their faces.

The forehead, for example, was reserved for data on victories in battles. The patterns on the chin should speak about the origin of the person, and on the cheeks - about his occupation. Tattoos near the eyes reveal marital status.

Foreign residents, of course, cause "Polynesia" tattoo on the forearm, legs, back. In general, there is no crime in this.

But the meaning of the symbols is partially lost. The correct selection of drawing elements can correct the situation.

Based on these same elements, island tattoos are divided into types. Let's talk about them.

Types of Polynesian tattoos

Tattoo "Polynesia" - photo, which, at first glance, looks like a set of disparate symbols. The pictures are made up of dots, zigzags, spirals, and corners.

They are, in fact, the island tattoos, their primary elements. Thus, the spiral is the personification of “unwinding life and being in general.

The size of the “whirlpools” matters. Large spirals speak of the future, small ones indicate stages of the past.

Various nodes store information about ancestors and are able to tell the family tree. Therefore, there is a separate type of nodal Polynesia tattoo.

On the shoulder, neck, chest, patterns composed of crosses can also be located. The Maoris proclaim them a sign of harmony, the balance of all forces and elements.

Direct line to Polynesia tattoo on arm, leg, or other part of the body is an element of the military path.

In tattoos used for the strong and brave, they also use a lot of sharp corners.

They personify unexpected turns in battles and readiness for any force majeure.

It turns out that not only the overall picture matters, but also every “strokes” in it. These “strokes,” by the way, were applied with sharpened bones or shark teeth.

This is the historical procedure for body painting on the islands Polynesia. Sun Tattoo, “Moon”, “Masks” were applied long and painfully.

Therefore, in Oceania they practiced only men's tattoos. Polynesia“not ready” to give stories for women.

There are no amulets for motherhood, talismans for girlish happiness, few flowers and plant themes.

Where to get a Polynesian tattoo

If you look at the question in terms of choosing a salon, it is ideal to go to the homeland of island tattoos.

Among the Redskins there are still masters who know every nuance of national subjects. Fish have not used pointed bones for a long time.

In the artist’s hands you will see a standard typewriter. But, in the head and heart of the master, the knowledge of the ancestors lurks.

Some tattoo artists in Oceania are hereditary artists. This, by the way, indicates shamanic roots.

In past centuries, the redskins trusted the process of impaling only to priests.

If Polynesia tattoo on leg, head, shoulder, was drawn by someone else, he risked being severely punished for encroaching on the work of the wisest.

European masters often preserve only the style of ethnic tattoos. Their meaning fades into the background.

As a result, abstract plots in the eyes of knowledgeable people look the same as Chinese characters applied to the body without a thorough knowledge of the language.

A brutal drawing may turn out to be, for example, a symbol of cowardice or disobedience to authorities.

Now let’s answer the question of where to get a Polynesian tattoo, from the point of view of the body area. The historical arrangement of the patterns has already been discussed.

But, if painting your face is not part of your plans, you can find alternatives. The first is tattoos on the hands, for example, Tattoo "Polynesia: Sleeve".

This image covers most of the limb. Some sleeves start at the wrist and end just at the neck.

The hands are almost as open as the face, which means they can fulfill the historical role of representing a person in society.

In hot areas, the eggs also remain exposed. They are insensitive to pain.

Therefore, you can apply your “calling card” with little blood, without enduring painful sensations on your face or neck.

Although, many are ready to “sacrifice” their neck. The drawings look really impressive here. The main thing is not to overdo it with the size of the picture.

Large-scale tattoos blacken the neck, as if tearing the head from the body. And it becomes difficult to endure the procedure. By the way, about blackening.

Polynesian tattoos are only monochrome. The presence of color is already a fantasy on the theme, changing the entire concept of tribal patterns.

Chapter 3. Symbols and their meaning.

This chapter provides a short list of the most common symbols and motifs. There are many more symbols than we present here, but either their meaning is not known or we cannot be completely sure of it. Oceania has dozens of large islands and hundreds of small ones, so it is almost impossible to give an unambiguous definition for each character. For the same reason, it is incredibly difficult to “read” a finished tattoo - after all, much depends directly on the choice of the tattoo artist. Large elements consist of smaller ones, each of which has its own meaning, which affects the overall meaning. Most of the known symbols come from the Marquesan tradition, the most complete record of which appeared in 1928 based on notes made by Karl von den Stein during a trip in 1897-98.

Human figure, or enata means man or woman, less often - deity. This design can be placed in a tattoo to represent friends, relatives And dear people, relatives. If you place this pattern in a tattoo, turning it upside down, then the pattern will mean defeated enemies. Below I provide a few examples to demonstrate how a pattern can evolve from an artistic point of view and take on new versions of the image:

First simplification:

Second simplification:

This motif is called even more stylized ani ata- people forming a circle. In translation, this motif is called “cloudy sky”. According to the legend, Ranks(Heaven) and Dad(Earth) once came incredibly close to each other and their children lived between them in complete darkness until the deified man pushed away Ranks back up and thus did not let the light in. This is a common motif among all Polynesian peoples and is used to represent sky, and ancestors protecting their descendants.

Human figures paired together traditionally represent wedding, marriage:

Often the image of a man and a woman differs from each other:


Another version of the human figure is often used to depict warrior, especially if the figure is holding a spear above his head:

Like others, this original image gives rise to a variety of simplified patterns. On version b, only the torso and head remain from the original image:

A spear.

Another classic symbol to represent warrior- a spear:

Often the spear is stylized into a circle of tips; there are several options for the image:

This pattern can also symbolize any sharp objects and even sting stingray or other animal.

Adze, hoe.

This stone tool was used for many purposes, including war. Basically, it was used to carve canoes and build houses. In a tattoo it symbolizes skill, overcoming obstacles, strength(physical and spiritual), authority.


Even if the poisonous spines on the centipede's head are not depicted, it still means aggressive environment, nature, animal nature. In the tattoo it symbolizes spirit of struggle, warriors, determination, rebellion. As usual, simplified images are provided below:

Club (at least).

A flat, short club used in battles mainly by leaders. In this case, this symbol means chief, leader, honor, respect, greatness, nobility, nobility- in general, all the qualities inherent in a tribal leader.


Lizard or gecko in Polynesian is pronounced mo"o or moko and plays an important role in Polynesian myths. Gods ( atua) and spirits often appear to humans in the form of a gecko and perhaps this explains the fact that the design elements used to depict a lizard are very similar to the elements used to depict a person. Lizards are powerful creatures that can bring good luck, connection with the gods, access to the invisible world. At the same time, they can bring death or bad omens to disrespected people. In Australia, lizards symbolize regeneration, transformation, survival in difficult conditions. In Maori culture, they are more likely to be protectors and trustees, so they are often buried in new, newly built houses, and also carved on walls - thus keeping illness and evil spirits as far away from the home as possible. Also, the lizard is sometimes perceived as the ancestor of man, and apparently this is what explains the similarity between the simplified image of a gecko and a man:

Besides, " moko" is the name for Maori facial tattoos, which are also incredibly sacred, so it's probably the name " moko" came from earlier designs in which the image of a lizard was considered a sign of divine origin. These motifs are characteristic of early Hawaiian tattooing, so it is easy to assume that the travelers who discovered these lands knew them. The myths say that " moko"can only be worn by people of divine origin, and by non-tribal people (non-Maori, "pakeha") should not be applied. Elements " moko" are as important as their location, conveying information about the wearer, his rank and the rank of his ancestors. However, such people can wear Kirituhi(literally blackened leather) or other decorative styles that can be applied anywhere and by anyone.


Turtle (" honu") is another important creature in all Polynesian cultures. It has several meanings, mainly - health, fertility, long life, peace, recreation, navigation. The Polynesian word "hono" also means “to connect, stitch together,” which explains the meanings of this symbol such as community, family(This can also be explained by the fact that turtles cross vast distances to return to their place of birth and give life to the next generation there). The ocean is life for the islanders, but it is also a place to relax. The earth and the ocean are two halves of the world, and a turtle can exist in both halves, and can also move freely between them. From this point of view, it is believed that the turtle can also freely move from the world of the living to the world of the dead and back, accompanying the dead on their final journey, safely delivering them to a place of eternal rest. To safely depict the deceased being guided to a resting place by the turtle, it should be placed on or near the shell image.

Two symbols similar to the image of a person ( enata) is a traditional image of a turtle:

Another pattern representing a turtle imitates its shell:


Fish is the main food for the islanders. This symbol means wealth, abundance, prosperity, life. Fish, as a symbol of abundance, is painted on the walls of houses and canoes to attract blessing of the gods.



Another pattern depicting fish scales brings protection to the owner:


According to Hawaiian legend, one day while swimming, a woman was bitten on the ankle by a shark. Even though the shark was her totem, she grabbed it without recognizing it. The woman screamed her name loudly and the shark immediately released her, apologizing for his mistake. The shark promised that this mistake would not happen again, because... the woman's ankle will bear the scars of her teeth and she will recognize her immediately. Since then, many tribes have painted a pattern depicting shark teeth on their ankles (" niho mano"), which provides them protection in water.

Shark teeth also mean protection, guidance, strength, fearlessness. At the same time, in many cultures the shark is associated with adaptability, adaptability.

Hammerhead shark.

The hammerhead shark symbolizes perseverance, strength and determination. At the same time, it matters community, sociality because this species always moves in a group of several individuals.

Bonito (tuna).

A pattern similar to shark teeth is called "tuna tail" or " Hiku-atu". Means energy, agility, skill and abundance.

Moray eel.

In Polynesian myths, the moray eel plays a major role evil spirit Most stories tell about moray eels deceiving and devouring people. Symbolizes evil spirits, misfortune, illness.

Whale symbolizes abundance,family, care, education.

Other marine life with specific meaning:

Dolphins symbolize playfulness, joy and friendship.

Barracudas - ferocity And determination.

Marlins - speed And sharp mind, goal orientation.

Stingrays - elegance, wisdom, protection And freedom.

Sea urchins spicy and tough on the outside, but soft and delicious on the inside. For this reason they symbolize light in the dark.

Killer whales - strength, family, speed.

A tattoo is a way of self-expression, competent placement of accents in the image and image. The body art culture of Polynesia is of particular value; tattoo designs on the shoulder of men are presented in different versions and available methods of depiction. These are special masks, sharks, turtles and stingrays, the sun and the moon, lizards and geckos.

The main difference between the style is brutal and rough lines, maximum saturation and complexity in detailing, which is why the tattoos will be striking even from afar. The best ideas with photos, tips on choosing scale, colors, additional symbols and execution styles can be seen and received in the article below.

Polynesian style tattoo on shoulder. The most popular options for men

What is Polynesian style? These are ethnic drawings and images that came from the Maori tribes. We are not talking about a group of specific pictures and images, but about different options, but corresponding to certain characteristics. Namely:

  • rough features;
  • massiveness of drawings;
  • patterns and ornaments;
  • long and wide, short and thin lines;
  • zigzags and waves;
  • symmetry and clarity;
  • intricate and intricately woven geometric shapes;
  • lack of colors and play of shadows.

Among the many different pictures and ideas, it is worth highlighting the following most popular motifs:

Masks- they used to be worn on the face by warriors and hunters, as a result of which such tattoos began to be associated with courage, strength, belligerence and an inner strong core. With the help of such a tattoo, a man seems to strive to be safe.

Shark- a popular motif that signifies perseverance, strength and resilience, but at the same time a certain bloodthirstiness, sharp mind and power. In addition, the drawing emphasizes a person’s ability to achieve goals, his powerful and strong nature.

Shark teeth- a talisman that protects a man from dangers, external risks and negative influences from ill-wishers.

Scat- in the Polynesian style, this is a sacred symbol of an amulet, since we are talking about a poisonous creature capable of defeating any creature, regardless of size and power.

Turtle– this is the choice of wise and balanced men who associate tattoos with calmness, regularity and unhurriedness, and deep knowledge.

Whale– a strong amulet that protects home and family.

Sun- a sacred symbol meaning the life and eternity of the human soul.

Sun and moon– the union of two luminaries speaks of the possibility of the impossible if you set goals, strive for them and believe in yourself.

Lizard or gecko– a tattoo of enormous power that protects from dark forces, evil, temptations and ill-wishers, and also brings good luck and prosperity to life. This is a symbol of connection with the gods, human access to other worlds.

In parallel with the main elements, the style practices the presence of details:

  • spiral– unwinding of life and being (the big one is the future, the little one is the past);
  • nodes– information about ancestors, pedigree;
  • cross patterns– balance of elements and energies, harmony;
  • straight line- the path of the warrior;
  • sharp corners– unexpected turns of events in battle, a man’s readiness for dangers and risks.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Polynesian culture suggests not only the proposed designs for tattoos, but also a special way of depiction - in the form of patterns, ornaments and geometric shapes. Each image contains deep symbolism, imbued with legends and beliefs, so it is important to approach the choice of a sketch thoughtfully and wisely.

What does a Polynesian tattoo give a man for self-expression?

Initially, such motifs of body paintings arose on the Pacific Islands among the Indians. Then these were not just tattoos and drawings, but entire memoirs of this people. In them one could understand culture and history, status in society, exploits, how developed a person is spiritually and physically.

The Indians believed that by painting such images on the body, they received protection and a close connection with the gods, which was supposed to affect their future fate and karma. Initially, only priests got tattoos, devoting months to the work. In parallel with the introduction of paint under the skin, special rituals were performed to enhance the effectiveness of the drawing.

Then they took special stencils, applied them to a place on the body, cut out the skin with a sharpened tooth and a hammer and poured paint on top. These were pigments from pine needles. It was important that not a drop of blood fall to the ground. At the end, the skin was rubbed with the juice of various tropical plants so that it would recover faster and turn white, creating a bright contrast between the colors.

If for some reason the drawing was not completed, the man became an outcast of the tribe. The larger the tattoo, the higher the social status of the owner was considered. The leader painted directly on his face, as well as from the waist to the knees and buttocks. On the wrist and chest there were drawings that determined social status, on the forehead - military achievements, on the cheeks - occupation, on the chin - pedigree.

Do you believe in the sacred meaning of Polynesian tattoos?


Polynesian motifs migrated to other countries with the help of the traveler James Cook, or rather his assistant. It was the end of the 18th century, and it was this navigator who coined the term “tattoo”. Today, among men, Polynesian tattoos are more of a decoration and a way to stand out from the crowd, but still many attach a special meaning to them.

Are there guidelines for applying Polynesian shoulder tattoos?

Before heading to the salon, you need to make a balanced and meaningful decision. You can start by experimenting with sketches, using a temporary transfer or henna drawing to visually verify the correct choice and sketch on the shoulder. At the same time, a man needs to ask himself several important questions:

  • for what purpose and tasks need a tattoo;
  • does the image match and lifestyle meaning and appearance of tattoo;
  • what color and style to do the job better;
  • what characters and symbols may be on a tattoo;
  • how much will it cost tattoo;
  • in which salon and from which specialist? It’s better to get a Polynesian tattoo;
  • is a man ready to coexist with such a pattern? all life;
  • Doesn't a tattoo contradict the work dress code?, faith and prejudice.

It is also important to decide on the place on the body where the tattoo will be, on a leg or arm, a simple design or a sleeve, or maybe a whole plot on the shoulder or forearm. Many masters offer interesting combinations of several sketches for guys.

Important! A big mistake many people make is the decision to put someone else’s sketch idea in the Polynesian style on their shoulder. Before going to the salon, it is important to find out the acceptable symbols and elements characteristic of the style, draw up a rough sketch and then consult with a specialist.

Styles and Colors That Are Popular for Polynesian Shoulder Tattoos

The Polynesian style itself is a separate movement; it is often compared to ornamental art. The main features are several points:

  • use of black paint;
  • aggressive and brutal compositions;
  • the predominance of patterns and ornaments in the form of curls, spirals, lines;
  • the presence of geometric shapes;
  • deep sacred meaning of all elements and symbols in the drawing;
  • rich and powerful contrasts.

The following options will be close to this style:

realism– if the drawing contains specific characters and objects, the master can depict them as realistically as possible;

minimalism– for small and simple drawings, a laconic and simplified method of representation is acceptable;

blackwork– the drawings contain rough features, exclusively black paint;

ornamental– a strong, mysterious, raw and expressive way of conveying an idea;

geometry– predominance of clear lines and geometric shapes.

Since initially such drawings did not act as body decoration, but were serious symbols and talismans, they turned out to be rough, somewhat aggressive and visually gloomy. This also happened because the style does not accept any colors other than black. Until now, these rules have remained relevant, except that female sketches allow a slight introduction of other shades.

Symbols with which a Polynesian tattoo on a man’s shoulder can be combined

Symbolism, therefore, is present in the proposed motifs and ideas, if you look at the photo with examples. But it’s still worth highlighting the most characteristic additional elements that are compatible with Polynesia:

geometric patterns– cyclicality, infinity;

turtle– wisdom, balance;

shark, dolphin, stingray, whale– power, strength, intelligence, authority;

birds– lightness, freedom;

fern– humility before karma, sincerity;

lizard– connection with higher powers.

Another important element that is necessarily present in any sketch is the pattern, its lines, curls, elements also act as a sacred symbol.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Few modern artists can do ancient folk styles of tattooing. You can trust your body in a tattoo parlor, where:

  • qualified craftsmen work;
  • professional paints from well-known manufacturers are used;
  • Newfangled equipment available;
  • guarantees of safe and high-quality work are possible.

For reference! Many men make the mistake of turning to amateurs or insufficiently experienced craftsmen in order to save money, which can lead to injuries, infections, and incorrect execution of sketches.

Examples of tattoos with “Polynesian motifs” that are not recommended

If a man strives for an original Polynesian tattoo design, it is important not only to find a competent artist, but also to avoid common mistakes. For example:

  • execute a color sketch - in this case, the sacred meaning of the drawing is lost, and its influence on fate may not be as expected;
  • apply a large complex composition to a small area of ​​the body - in this case you will get a chaotic pattern resembling a black shapeless spot;
  • mix an ethnic motif with other styles and sketches - as a result, the meaning of the work will, of course, fade into the background;
  • depict a talisman or amulet in the wrong location - it is extremely important to know the rules for the location of the pattern, ornament, design, so as not to provoke the opposite effect.

In general, the style does not imply strict prohibitions and pictures that could carry a dual meaning. It is extremely important to select images that will not discord with the appearance and personality of the owner. For example, a lizard will look strange on a large adult man, and a shark on a cute, creative guy.


Before putting a tattoo on his shoulder, a man must decide whether the primary concept of Polynesia is important to him or whether changes are possible according to modern trends. The original options that have remained popular to this day are sharks, turtles, lizards, stingrays and whales, various Indian masks, the Sun and the Moon. You can play with ideas using different curls, lines, geometric shapes and patterns; each such “strokes” also contributes to the sacred meaning and influence on the fate of the body design.

Polynesian tattoos are drawings or tattoo sketches that have their own history and are a separate style of the ancient people who lived on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean.

Polynesian style: history of origin

Tattooing in the Polynesian style is considered the oldest direction in the art of body designs. However, ethnic patterns began to gain popularity quite recently: around the first half of the 20th century. The main difference between Polynesian tattoos and modern ones is that only men had the right to get tattoos on their bodies.

In addition, they could only be applied if the person’s status allowed it. If a person had a desire to apply a Polynesian tattoo without certain merits, no one applied it. As a rule, people of high status had a large number of tattoos; ordinary people had very few designs on their bodies.

The process of tattooing was considered a sacrament: it was a sacred rite. The ritual could only be carried out by the chief priest, and the drawing that was applied was a kind of “passport” of the man.

Based on the tattoo, one could easily determine what type of activity a person is engaged in, what tribe and social status he belongs to. In addition, it was easy to say what feats were accomplished and what this or that man became famous for.

It should also be noted that tattoos were placed on places where negative and positive energy flows coincided. Thanks to this, a tattoo could cover up the negativity that hindered a man, thereby improving his life.

Currently, the Polynesian tattoo style is becoming increasingly popular in tattoo parlors around the world. The truth is that the meaning that was previously in absolutely every drawing is no longer there. They began to be applied to the body more often due to their complexity and beauty. Each design has its own unique pattern, which consists of beautiful waves, spirals, zigzags and even geometric shapes.

In the modern world, Polynesian style tattoos are applied not only to the male body, but also to the female body. Therefore, you need to know what is best to depict on a girl’s body so that the tattoo does not look “heavy” or massive.

In order for a girl’s body to remain feminine, you should not draw wide lines, then they will give lightness. The most attractive tattoos for girls are lizards or stingrays, which can be complemented with flowers that impart calmness, butterflies or birds, symbolizing freedom.

Common Polynesian tattoos and their meanings

Hawaiian tattoos were performed in a distinctive style that came from the islanders. The main symbols of Hawaiian tattoos were fish, flowers, and animals. Drawings were applied for rituals of worship of gods on the bodies of both men and women. Such tattoos look quite harmonious, which is why they are popular to this day.

Tattoos of Indonesia, like Polynesia, were a “passport”. With the help of special ornaments it was possible to depict a person’s entire life: from the very beginning to the end.

Tattooing in Indonesia and Malaysia was considered a sacred rite, so only the chief priests had the right to get such tattoos. Each symbol that is drawn on the body is not depicted for the sake of a simple picture, but carries a deep meaning from various legends and beliefs. And in order to know what meaning is hidden in each tattoo, the most common tattoos in Polynesia will be presented below.

Polynesian tortoise

Even in ancient times, the turtle symbol was considered a protective amulet. This happened because the hard shell, according to ancient people, did not allow various evil forces to pass through it. In addition to strength and protection, the turtle also brings good health with long life, as well as a good and happy family.

Polynesian masks

Various masks were applied only to male warriors. It was believed that this tattoo protects in battle, and also protects from the evil eye and evil spirits. These masks are suitable for young, fearless guys who can always stand up for themselves.

Tiki mask

Polynesian patterns

As for Polynesian patterns, they are really very similar to each other, because they have the same elements, such as waves, zigzags, angles, and different lines. But we must not forget that each tattoo consists of a set of elements that have their own meaning, which does not intersect with other Polynesian tattoos.


As a rule, this symbol means an attitude towards faith. Previously, from the drawing it was possible to determine the class and tribe to which the person who wore a tattoo in the form of a cross belonged. This symbol can also mean harmony and strength of a man.


The sun illuminates the mind, thereby helping to achieve everything that a person has in mind. And in addition to clarity and warmth, it helps to find happiness, surround yourself with goodness and light.


It all depends on how the bear is drawn: it can be depicted as calm or aggressive. But if we consider what a tattoo depicting a bear means, we can note wisdom, the beginning of a new life, as well as power and perseverance.


The lizard symbol opens the way to higher knowledge and enhances supernatural abilities.


Since ancient times, the shark has been considered the strongest animal, and in a tattoo it carries strength, perseverance and power.


The meaning of such a design made as a tattoo has always been clear: it signifies the embodiment of masculinity and strength. At all times, it was believed that the bull is a strong and invincible animal.


Since ancient times, body ornaments have been considered decoration. Ornament is a pattern that is based on repeating elements. The ornament contained elements only of geometric shapes - circle, square, rhombus, oval. Moreover, each symbol has its own meaning. For example, a circle is the sun.

Best Places to Get Polynesian Tattoos

In ancient times, Maori tattoos were applied to the face to intimidate the enemy during battle. In the modern world, people don’t get tattoos on their faces, because there’s no one left to intimidate. Therefore, over time, the drawings migrated to other parts of the body. Let's take a closer look at them.

On the chest

It is better to apply patterns on the sternum that consist of crosses; they mean harmony, as well as the balance of forces and elements.

On the hand

If a straight line is depicted on the hand, such a design means the military path. Therefore, if when choosing an ornament, its meaning is taken into account, which includes a mention of the man’s military path, then it is best to wear a Maori tattoo on the shoulder. You can also apply a Polynesia tattoo on your arm in the form of a sleeve: this design looks the most impressive.

Forearm tattoo

It is better to apply tattoos on the forearm area that indicate strength, for example, it could be a large black symbol.

The Polynesian tattoo is deeply symbolic and seems a little rough. In the article we will talk about the meaning and features of the images, and also provide an original selection of photos with sketches.

The first body designs appeared on the Pacific islands. For the Indians, they were like memoirs: they talked about their status in society, exploits, physical and spiritual development. It was believed that the image connected a person with the gods and significantly influenced his fate. The Polynesian tattoo was tattooed exclusively by priests over several months. Procedure accompanied by special rituals and songs to support the man. The priest attached a stencil with an image to the body, used a hammer and a sharpened tooth to cut out the elements and covered them with dye. The pigment was made from the resin of coniferous trees. The blood was constantly wiped away - not a single drop should fall on the ground. After the procedure, the juice of tropical plants was rubbed into the skin to make it pale, creating a contrast of black lines and a white body. Men were expelled from society if the drawing was not completed.

The nobility had more body designs than people of low status. Men most often got Polynesian tattoos on their faces (especially leaders), in the area from the waist to the knees. Large spirals were applied to the buttocks (closed meant infinity and perfection, unfolded meant renewal and restoration). The patterns on the chest and wrist determined a person’s position in society. An ornament on the forehead meant success in battle, on the cheeks - profession, on the chin - origin. Women had fewer designs; they were mostly applied to the lips and chin.

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos were brought to the West by an assistant of James Cook at the end of the 18th century. The navigator introduced the word “tattoo” into the English language, which, translated from the tribal dialect, meant either “beating” or “drawing”.

Features of Polynesian tattoos

A tattoo in the Polynesian style looks rough and massive, hidden aggressiveness is visible. A drawing or pattern consists of thin, wide and short lines, zigzags and waves that form geometric shapes. There is no play of color palette and shadows, abstraction and blurred contours. The pictures are symmetrical and clear, made with black pigment, although now you can add a little color or complement the image with bright colors. This tattoo looks gentle and feminine and is common among girls.

Each element has a deep meaning and carries a great energy charge that can change the fate of the owner. Lines in the form of fish scales protect him from warning danger and enemies. The bonito or tuna element signifies energy, resourcefulness and skill, and can be part of a pattern or animal. It is depicted in the form of teeth arranged in two rows so that white diamonds appear in the middle. Shark teeth (several black triangles connected by one line) - protection in the water, fearlessness, strength, the ability to adapt in any situation. The legend says that while swimming, one girl was bitten by a shark. In response, she was not confused, but shouted her name. The predator apologized and swam away. The marks left by the teeth are a mark that the girl is her friend. Since then, shark teeth (niho mano) have been applied to the ankle.

The Polynesian design is quite complex, so many people go to Tahiti, Easter Island, Samoa or Haiti to have it applied by a qualified artist. However, after the Spanish conquerors, many sources were destroyed and the meaning of some symbols is unknown. You also need to take into account that Polynesian tattoos are divided into several subtypes; each island has its own motives and methods of application. In Hawaii, ornaments, images of skulls, wreaths and flowers predominate; on the island of Samoa, tattoos are applied the old-fashioned way: not with a needle, but with a pig’s or shark’s tooth.

A tattoo in the Polynesian style must be carefully selected in terms of meaning, volume and location. Lines and small figures can get lost in the curves of the body, the drawing will turn out to be cropped, so it is necessary to take into account the relief of muscles and muscles.

Legends and meaning of symbols

Each image has deep symbolism, imbued with legends and beliefs.
It is believed that the Polynesian-style sun tattoo appeared on the body of the Indians first. It illuminates the path of life, and after death it does not allow one to go into darkness. The drawing denotes life and immensity, good luck in your endeavors, and brings positivity and happiness. The rising luminary is a symbol of new life and wisdom, the awakening of energy, and the sunset is the rebirth of all living things.

The Polynesian moon is often used in images of women. She personifies femininity, spiritual strength and greatness, dedication to the chosen cause. Drawing is often found among businessmen, as it helps to achieve their goals. If he is depicted with a dolphin, he will be interpreted as a wise leader. The moon is always depicted as the abiding month and protects hunters. Together with the sun, it gives a chance to make impossible plans possible, supports ambitious and purposeful people.

The Polynesian turtle tattoo is also revered among beautiful ladies. She represents family, fertility and longevity. Helps to find harmony of spirit with body, is a talisman of the hearth and protection from misfortunes. The turtle and the sunrise signify hard work. Polynesian warriors used her shell as a shield, so the design has another meaning: strength of body and spirit, stamina and poise. According to legend, the turtle carries souls to the kingdom of the dead, therefore, after death, the Polynesians applied to the body the sign of a person walking nearby or sitting on the shell.

The image of a shark means perseverance and power, protection from enemies and troubles. Among the Polynesian people, she was a sacred animal; they worshiped her power and strength. A picture of a fish in the form of a triangle means resistance to troubles; if depicted under a luminary, it means imperishable strength and power; together with a dolphin, it means strong and true friendship.

The body design of a lizard is a connection with the gods and access to other worlds. According to legend, the gods come to humans exclusively in the form of a gecko, so the image personifies the supernatural power that passes to the owner. For warriors, tattoos meant physical strength, hardness, endurance and speed. If a lizard was stuffed with a turtle, it means that the person is responsible for his words and actions.

Warriors and hunters wore the Tiki deity mask to protect themselves from evil spirits and death. The image suits temperamental and courageous men. The picture can be supplemented with various elements: shark teeth, tuna, birds, waves, people.
The Polynesian stingray tattoo signifies elegance, spiritual beauty, grace and freedom, and is a powerful protection. Often this image includes hooks symbolizing good luck, tiki masks - protection from all evil, a hibiscus flower - beauty, a cross - harmony and balance, and shark teeth. Each drawing can be supplemented with other details. The stingray was revered by the Polynesians, as it was considered one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the oceans, and therefore can mean dexterity and cunning. This Polynesian tattoo can be done on the shoulder or back, or on the ankle and foot; it looks good on the lower back of girls.

Polynesian tattoos for men - physical and spiritual strength

The body pattern gives masculinity and brutality if applied to the back or forearm, covering part of the chest. A full length sleeve or from shoulder to elbow, from elbow to neck looks good.

Often men apply similar work on the leg to the knees, on the calves, on the side of the calf, or from the foot to the thigh. The composition may consist of several patterns or a thin strip of ornament going down along the stomach or back.

Women's Polynesian tattoos - mystery and grace

The pictures look too massive for a woman’s body, but you can choose beautiful images to make them seem light and delicate, not overloaded with wide lines. Polynesian-style tattoos are applied to the leg, arm and shoulder, but they look more feminine and luxurious on the shoulder blade, back, and lower back. Pictures of lizards or stingrays look more elegant when the tail is depicted as a flexible or twisted ring. The composition can be supplemented with flowers or ferns (calmness and peace), butterflies and dragonflies (spiritual transformation), birds (freedom and control over the situation from above).

Polynesian tattoos do not combine well with bright and voluminous images of other styles. You should not fill the drawings too small: each picture consists of a large number of different details, they can visually merge into a black and white spot. The beauty and grandeur of the body painting will be lost.

Photo of tattoo in Polynesia

On the shoulder





On the foot

On the chest




On the back

On the forearm