Features of the communicative activity of older preschool children with stuttering. Communicative activity of preschoolers in directly educational activity Characteristics of the communicative activity of preschool children

Report on the topic: "The development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten."


Today, when the problem of education and upbringing is being solved differently, broadly and fundamentally, the tasks facing everyone who solves it - and this is, first of all, we, teachers of general educational institutions - the problem of speech education of preschoolers remains relevant and necessary.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. It is in connected speech that its main, communicative function of language and speech is realized. (L. S. Vygotsky)

In recent decades, there has been an awareness that the forms of behavior and thinking of people in modern society are changing. At the forefront of research are such aspects of communication as communicative behavior, a culture of communication and understanding, as well as a number of theoretical and practical issues in which the communicative competence of a person acquires special significance.

It has long been proven that a child becomes a person only in communication with adults and peers. It is through communication that he goes through inculturation and socialization, becomes a representative of his people and culture, and also learns to correlate his behavior with the actions of other people, forming together with them a single social organism-society. In the processes of socio-cultural interaction, the norms, values ​​and institutions of a particular culture acquire their stable form. Therefore, communication in all its forms, types, types most fully reveals the specifics of human society.

The relevance of the formation of communicative competence of preschoolers at the pedagogical level is determined by the social order of society -the formation of a socially developed personality of the child. A sufficient level of formation of communication skills, being one of the necessary components of a child's readiness for learning, provides him with the opportunity to successfully master the school curriculum.

The importance of the issue of forming the communicative competence of preschoolers is also determined by the main documents that set the targets for modern preschool education.

We educators face a number of problems that raise the question of how to organize the educational process in order to help the child master the basics of children's communicative competence, which contributes to his successful socialization and the development of a culture of communication.

Today, modern education sets the task for the teacher to improve traditional and find new technological approaches to the organization of the educational process, in which the child is able to know the world in those forms of activity that are close to him, accessible and contribute to advancement in development. Moreover, decisive importance should be given to activities in which the child will be able to fully reveal his capabilities and most effectively assimilate the socio-cultural experience.

Considering that the game in preschool age is the leading activity, it has become one of the most effective and accessible ways to form the communicative abilities of preschoolers.

"Communication" - a new educational area, which is aimed "at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people through the solution of the following tasks: the development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various types of children's activities; practical mastering of the norms of speech by pupils.

Communicative behavior - the concept is quite complex. It largely depends on the level of social perception and ideas of the child, his focus on the social environment, mastery of various forms and means of communication (both verbal and non-verbal).

The problem of the development of children's speech is a serious concern for everyone who is associated with the practical issues of preschool education. Educators in most cases note an insufficient level of coherence in the speech of their pupils (both in dialogue and in monologue). Children, for the most part, do not speak out of their own volition, but only obeying the demand of an adult.The question-answer form of speech is the most common. Moreover, an adult turns out to be the only interlocutor of children even at an older preschool age, which contradicts the psychological nature of the child, in the field of interests of which by this time a peer firmly occupies a priority position.This is due to the fact that children with great difficulty manage to establish relationships in the children's team: they do not know how to play, work, carry out assignments, negotiate, interfere with them, destroy the game, etc. with their peers.

Unfortunately, these problems at preschool age are usually not considered in connection with violations of communicative activity, but are explained by the distortion of parent-child relationships, the child’s bad character, his indiscipline, spoiledness, etc. And only at the end of preschool age, when studying readiness for schooling (in the psychological structure of school maturity, communicative readiness occupies one of the most important positions), this problem is qualified by psychologists as a deficit of communicative behavior.

Today we will talk about the ways and methods of correction, about specific methods of work to overcome the existing problems of communicative behavior in children.

Classes on the communicative development of children are held within the framework of the section "We develop the speech and communication skills of children."

Principles of building a lesson:

optimal conditions are created for the true motivation of speech and the need for it: the child must know why and why he speaks;

the main condition for communication is provided - the addressing of speech: the child necessarily addresses questions, messages, motives to someone (mainly to a peer);

the speech initiative (speech activity) of each child is stimulated and supported;

a purposeful selection of content for discussion is carried out, the basis of which is the emotional, everyday, game, cognitive and interpersonal experience of children;

various means of communication are widely used: figurative-gestural, mimic, verbal, intonation.

All classes are based on the communicative principle. This is expressed in the fact that each lesson createsoptimal conditions for genuine motivation of children's speech and needs for it:

The child must know why and why he speaks; - the main condition for communication is provided - the addressing of children's speech: the child must address questions, messages, motives to someone (mainly a peer),

The speech initiative (speech activity) of each child is stimulated and supported,

A purposeful selection of content for discussion is carried out, the basis of which is the personal emotional, everyday, playful, cognitive and interpersonal experience of children

Various communication means are widely used: figurative-gestural, mimic, verbal, intonation.

Classes are organized in subgroups from 4 to 7 people. Such filling is optimal for ensuring the "speech density" of the lesson, for conducting individual work, as well as for creating and maintaining communicative situations. In order to ensure maximum speech activity of preschoolers and prevent fatigue due to physical inactivity, an environment conducive to communication is created: children can sit on floor cushions, kneel, stand near the teacher.

An important feature of the work at the initial stage is the specific attitude of an adult directly to the speech of children.The fact is that the speech activity of the child is in a certain contradiction with the desire of adults to receive statements that correspond to all the laws of the language standard.

Let's explain. Many middle-aged and older preschoolers study with a speech therapist. To ensure faster automation of the delivered sounds, the speech therapist, as a rule, orients adults to the need for external control over the child's speech, asks to be reminded that he speaks correctly. This is true.

Often, however, the process of introducing the set sounds into speech is delayed, and the constant appeals “Say it right!” during communicative training can cause the opposite effect - to extinguish speech activity. The child begins to closely monitor the quality of his pronunciation, focusing all his attention onhow , but notwhat He says. That is why the educator at first, as it were, pushes the problem of sound pronunciation into the background: he does not correct, does not ask to repeat what was said correctly.The main task of this stage is the development of the child's communicative needs, speech activity (expansion of the statement, etc.).

The main task of the second stage of the child's communicative development - creation of a speech environment. What should be the speech of an adult? After all, it is he who creates the speech space, he is assigned a decisive role in this. As a rule, when conducting classes aimed at the communicative development of children, the speech of an adult sounds almost constantly (conversational volume or whispered). However, this does not mean that creating a speech environment is just talking a lot. The speech environment is formed by statements built on the principle of syntactic synonymy. What does this mean? Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. In this case, we mean not words, but sentences-synonyms, i.e. statements that are the same in meaning, but expressed in different words.

Thus, different syntactic models-structures are used to express the same content. For example, in order to find out the name of a child (in the game “Let's get to know each other!”), An adult, demonstrating an example of speech behavior, each time changes “... the structure of the question. He addresses one child with the words “What is your name?”, To another - “Tell me your name,” etc. Following this, the children, addressing each other, try not to repeat what the other child has just said, but to come up with their own version of the question (it is this “search” that serves as the goal).

The syntactic synonymy of an adult's speech is useful for enriching children's speech with linguistic means (lexical, syntactic), serves as an example of the variability of statements, and has a positive effect on the development of speech creativity. In the course of communicative training, both traditional (modified in accordance with the tasks of communicative development) and completely new (author's) types of work are used. One of them was named"commented drawing".

Commented drawing facilitates the establishment of visual (visual) contact of the child with a peer. Some children are not attentive enough to the face of the person with whom they want to communicate, which actually prevents the development of a dialogue. In the course of commented drawing, the adult has the opportunity to form in the child the need to follow the reaction of the interlocutor (“Look at Fedya, turn to him, ask ...”).

During the communicative training, both traditional types of work and completely new (author's) types of work are used. One of them was named"commented drawing" .

Commented drawing makes it easier to attract the attention of the child to the interlocutor (establishment of visual, eye contact). Some children with immature communication skills are not attentive enough to the face of the person with whom they want to communicate, which actually prevents the development of a dialogue. In the course of commented drawing, the adult has the opportunity to form in the child the need to follow the face of the interlocutor (“Look at Fedya, turn to him, ask ...”).

It should be noted that this type of work requires a significant change in the traditional position of the educator. An adult only addresses questions, messages and requests directly to the child as necessary. He does this "through an intermediary", which is another child. To do this, he encourages children to turn to each other ("Find out from him why ...", "Ask where ...", "Ask him where ...", "Ask Serezha ...", "Tell ...", "Share with news to him, tell him…", etc.) with various requests, questions and messages. The content of the answers forms the basis of the image.

An adult creates diagrams in front of the children. Performs drawings with interest, accompanying drawing with emotional explanations, reflects only the main thing. It is important to draw quickly so as not to turn your own activity into the goal of the activity, not to delay drawing. So that the communication of children is not supplanted by the visual activity of an adult. The duration of the commented drawing is no more than 10 minutes, even in older groups. Then they move on to storytelling and, if the children are not tired, and there is time left, to word games, drawing up communicative statements from pictures, etc.

As noted, it is difficult for children to talk all the time. They get tired. To avoid this, the process of creating a "picture" is usually interspersed with imitative movements, actions with imaginary objects, pantomimic riddles, etc., which play the role of a "physical education minute". These dynamic pauses are also subordinated to communicative tasks, they do not interrupt the logic of the entire communicative training.

You can formulate the basic rules for commented drawing.

The use of the reception of broadcasting information acts as the first and basic rule of adult behavior during "commented drawing".

The next rule is related with a selection of thematic content. As objects for drawing and discussion, children's impressions (for example, from the celebration of Christmas, New Year), everyday life (walk, regime moments), games, observations in nature, etc.

main characters created drawings are specific children, pupils of the group, their activities, games and, most importantly, relationships.This is the third rule.

Rule four. An adult does not immediately seek to correct the child's speech. His behavior resembles the behavior of a mother of a one and a half or two year old child, who all the time "translates" his autonomous statements "from Russian into Russian", giving these statements a linguistic structure understandable to everyone.

Rule five. The teacher creates schematic, informational and semantic images, does not set himself artistic goals, does not "draw" details that are not significant for revealing the main content, draws quickly, conveying only the main, essential.

Rule six. In order to form the unity of figurative movements and words, children are offered not only to talk about what is drawn, but to show through pictorial movements.

Rule Seven . As "physical education minutes" use elements of dramatization, imitative movements, accompanied by communicative speech.

Let's analyze this with a specific example.

Theme "How we played on a walk"

Carrying out an annotated drawing :

Creating a positive attitude towards the topic and the way it is implemented.

An adult informs the children that he carefully watched their games on a walk, that it was very interesting for him to watch how they played together, etc. "I want to draw a picture of your walk." Want to? I will draw quickly, as if telling with chalk, and you will really tell me how you played. I will draw everyone, I will tell about you, Sasha, and about you .... Draw?.

Modeling a communicative situation.

Episode one. The teacher turns to one of the children: "Vitya, ask Anya with whom she played ball? Answer). Seryozha, ask what they played?", "Marina, does she like to play with Oleg? He deftly catches the ball ?”, “And you, Sashenka… come to me, I’ll whisper in your ear… Curiously, does she know different ball games? What are they called?”

Already at this stage, some children may find certain difficulties. The construction of answers in almost all cases requires the skill of word formation and inflection from children. If the child simply repeats the question without proper lexical transformation, then special work should be done with him in this direction.

It is quite natural if at first the children give incomplete, monosyllabic answers. This is allowed in dialogue. But the adult each time supplements the child's answer, makes it structured, grammatically correct. Together with the adult (conjugated) or behind him (reflected), everyone repeats the phrase. It is advisable to accompany the pronunciation with a smooth (by no means sharp, "chopping" phrases and words into pieces) movement of the hand - conducting. But it is not yet necessary to achieve a clear and complete pronunciation of the phrase.

Episode two. "Anechka, now you're going to ask. Who do you want to talk to? Marina? Okay. Well, ask her a question about her games on the walk." The work is built in a similar way. So small episodes appear on the board, telling about the games of children on a walk (placing them evenly over the entire board).

Dynamic pauses

The teacher invites the children to "play" with the ball, which exists only in an imaginary plane. They break into pairs, agree on what game they will play, quietly inform an adult about it - and start an imitation game. The teacher approaches one of the couples: "Vitya, I can't guess what you're doing. Ask Seryozha, maybe he already guessed? No? Then invite the children to guess"

The last task can not be given to all children. This construction of the phrase does not contain any usable supporting words at all. However, this does not mean that they should be excluded from speech. Against. Following the principle of syntactic synonymy, this task is given in two, and maybe in three versions at once. The content of dynamic pauses can be very diverse.

During dynamic pauses, the stimulation of communication continues. The child is offered to find out “whether Stasik and Oleg want to take a rest”, “maybe they will take another ball for football”, ask him to teach him how to throw the ball so deftly over the net, etc. It is good if children's appeals are diverse not only in form, but also by content. After all, in the process of such dialogues, children learn a lot, clarify, share their impressions.

Examining the "picture" and compiling a simple story based on it.

An adult jokingly reports that he can no longer remember where and who is drawn, that he needs help. Ask the children to tell what they did on the walk. The story goes something like this: "This is me. I took a shovel here ... I clean the path like this (shows). And this is Vitya. He ... rolls balls to make a snowman ... And this is Anya and Oleg. They play ball, pass. " And so they convey the content of all episodes. In the process of compiling a story, you can also continue questions and answers, etc.

Everyone who tried to carry out commented drawing immediately noted that the desire of an adult to conduct a dialogue himself, bypassing an intermediary, is very great. The unusual position, special requirements for speech behavior, the need to draw when not doing it, cause some teachers to react against commented drawing in general. But the result achieved by teachers who used commentary drawing in order to develop the communicative behavior of children sometimes even surprised them. When the children understood the "rules of the game", they literally gave an "explosion" of speech activity, against the background of which it is already possible to raise specific questions directly related to the development of speech.

The method of work has proven to be highly effective for mastering speech means of communication.with pictures with a change in the position of the child. For this purpose, pictures depicting household, labor, play, visual and constructive actions of children were used. The child was faced with the task of speaking on behalf of the character.

The first version of the task is as follows: the child is told that he is drawn in the pictures, even the depicted character is called the name of the child. "These are pictures about you. You will tell the children what a helper you are, how well you can help your mother." In this case, the child is practicing making sentences with a personal pronoun and a verb of the 1st l., singular, which is necessary for communication ("I took .. the plane and began to paint ...")

The second version of the task. The child is offered the same pictures. But the starting position is changing. The pictures seem to depict other children from the group performing various labor assignments, and the child must tell them what exactly they are doing. The task facing him is to compose messages, the construction of which includes a proper name and a verb of the 2nd l. units h. ("Here you help to sweep the floor") Statements of this kind also have a high frequency in the process of communication.

The third version of the task. In this variant, the child informs another person about the actions of the third. So, the girl tells other children how her friend can help her mother. Speech constructions in this case include a personal pronoun. and the verb of the 3rd l. unit ("Painted as Sveta sews a dress for her daughter")

This use of traditional pictures depicting simple everyday activities allows us to more effectively solve the issues of language acquisition on a communicative basis. After all, when these pictures are used without introducing conditional, imaginary content into the situation, when they serve exclusively the task of teaching children how to compose a phrase, then the formality of speech is obvious. These phrases are devoid of communicativeness, since they are not addressed to anyone, do not have an addressee, and do not imply work on inflection and word formation. In addition, it is extremely important for a preschooler that the object in question is well known to him. Therefore, it is extremely important to build work on the development and correction of communicative behavior on the basis of the experience that the child is able to recognize and reflect in speech.

Work on understanding the nature of the characters in fairy tales, stories, stories, etc.

It is known that many children find it rather difficult to tell fairy tales and any logically constructed text on their own. Therefore, the problem of teaching children coherent storytelling requires a very serious attitude. The fact is that the narrative is most often a monologue. A monologue is perceived only if the child has mastered the dialogue. Children usually follow the development of external action most of all, not fully realizing the motives of the actions of the actors. Therefore, understanding the characters' characters is often insufficient. Children most often characterize heroes as "good-evil", "good-bad", etc., which indicates their rather shallow penetration into the meaning of interpersonal relationships.

If we analyze the dramatization game, then we can easily notice that children are trying to reproduce ready-made replicas, accompanying them with inexpressive hand movements. And although they still experience pleasure at the same time, the developing effect of such dramatization games is minimal.

Therefore, the work on any work includes several stages.

Preliminary work on the text. The content is first processed if it is presented in the form of a monologue. Preliminary work on the text involves saturating it with dialogues, the perception of which is most accessible to preschool children. In addition to dialogues, specially so-called internal monologues are inserted into the text, thanks to which the motives of the characters' behavior become clear.

Introduction to content. Telling a fairy tale, story with the help of director's puppets, finger or glove theater. The basis of the story is the communicative behavior of the characters, the emphasis on their intentions (motives), as well as on extra-verbal means of game "transformation".

Conversation on the content with the clarification of the degree of understanding of the behavior of the characters.

Playing out the content by roles with an emphasis on the use of figurative-motor means (movements of the head, torso, gait, “talking” hand movements) with the leading role of an adult. Depending on the capabilities of children, an adult determines the degree of his speech participation. At first, it can be quite intense.

Dramatization with an emphasis on inventing the text of the role. The adult only manages this process, emphasizing the emotional state of the character, his intentions, directs the children to write internal monologues.

Reading or telling the text in the original author's version, repeating the conversation about the plot, the nature of the characters, formulating one's own attitude to the work and the characters.

Independent storytelling of children using finger theater (one child or each leads his own role).


The modern system of preschool education is focused on a humanistic approach to the child as a developing person who needs to understand and respect her interests and rights.. The development of a preschooler is a holistic and continuous process. To understand how successfully a child develops, what difficulties he experiences in the way of acquiring social experience, comprehending his own social experience, is possible with a qualified approach to studying the achievements of the child. With this approach, the issue of

interactions between preschoolers and other people.

At preschool age, communication and relationships of children go through a rather complicated path of age-related development.

Communication is one of the most important areas of human spiritual life. Preschoolers are constantly in communication with each other, are included in the system of everyday interaction mediated by their joint activities. In older preschool age, communication with peers gradually becomes the leading need, which is satisfied in the game. During the game, through communication and interaction with peers and adults, the child learns social experience. In the process of communication, the child learns the laws and norms of human relationships. The experience of the first relationships with peers is the foundation on which the further development of the child's personality is built.

To identify problematic forms of interpersonal relationships in time and help the child overcome them is the most important task of parents.Properly built communication is the process of raising and developing a child, and a violation of communication is a subtle indicator of deviations in mental development.

Work on the development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten


It is known that a person only becomes a full-fledged citizen of a given society when he interacts with its other members. When there is an assimilation of the accumulated cultural experience, when a full exchange of this experience is carried out, when interpersonal contacts are established.

None of this would have been possible without speech. Her role in the development of the child as a person cannot be overestimated. Speech contributes to the formation of intelligence, increases cognitive activity, significantly expands the horizons of a small person. Speech disorders in children are diverse in their manifestations. Some shortcomings concern only pronunciation, others affect the processes of phoneme formation and are expressed not only in pronunciation defects, but also in difficulties in sound analysis. There are violations covering both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems, which is expressed in the general underdevelopment of speech. Children with general underdevelopment of speech are the main contingent of speech therapy groups of preschool educational institutions, they constitute a complex, diverse group in terms of the severity of the manifestation of the defect and the nature of its occurrence. Speech impairment limits verbal communication, can adversely affect the formation of the child's personality. Speech disorders can affect various components of speech. Due to the lack of verbal communication, children with such an indicator of the state of speech lag behind their peers in development. Such an indicator of the state of speech has a negative impact on the development of the child's personality. How to help a child with a general underdevelopment of speech? How to make classes more effective?

It is known that drawing is one of the main ways of knowing and reflecting the world around us. A drawing for a child is not only an image of an object, but also a kind of substitute for speech.Any speech disorder affects the mental and emotional-volitional development of the child, as a result of productive activity, they are, in turn, a visual support for speech exercises.Drawing classes stimulate the development of the communicative function of speech. It should be noted that the actions of children accompanied by speech, in the process of visual activity, become more perfect, purposeful, regulated, rhythmic. Visual activity is an effective means of correction.

How to teach a child to believe in himself? Initially, they must believe that an adult can draw anything - whatever he wants. His paintings tell about the life of a child, they are a magical reflection and embodiment of the surrounding reality on a sheet of paper.Moreover, everything here can come to life and begin to move - this is what attracts the interest of a preschooler in drawing, the ability to empathize with the drawn characters and the ability to "act" inside the drawn situation. Techniques of commented drawing allow you to "revive" the drawn situation.

Children's ability to create images occurs against the backdrop of an adult's commentary speech."Reception of a commentary speech" of an adult will allow organizing the child's activity in a speech therapy lesson through the following components: motivational, indicative, operational and control. Commenting on the actions of the child in the remedial lesson, the speech therapist talks about the completed, ongoing and upcoming actions. Commenting on the actions of the baby, the specialist captures his attention to the sequence and methods of performing tasks and the results of the work.

Gradually, the function of commenting on actions is transferred to the child himself.

The success of a child in communicating with peers is an important factor in his socialization, which affects the development of the individual, the success of learning and psychological health in general.

One of the indicators of the full and proper development of a preschooler is the ability to interact with peers and elders.

The preschool period of child development is coming to an end. Parents are concerned about such problems as: is the child ready for school, will he cope with the training program, will the team accept him, etc.

One of the main aspects of readiness for systematic learning is social and communication skills.

T.V. pays special attention to the communicative activity of preschoolers. Chirkov. In her opinion, communicative activity is manifested in the relationship of the child with adults and peers. It can be observed in a variety of life circumstances in the activities of the child. The communicative component is manifested both in the educational and in the play activities of the preschooler. (21, p. 156).

Individual features of communicative activity are manifested in children in role-playing games. In addition to observation, situations can be specially created that require the manifestation of the dynamic features of the child’s communication (for example, the child’s request to the kindergarten staff; collective forms of fulfilling instructions; joint activities in the manufacture of toys, manuals, decorations for kindergarten premises, etc.). You can conduct an individual conversation-survey about the preference for partnership among children; use variants of sociometric methods. (2, p. 161).

T.V. Chirkova proposes to study communicative activity according to three indicators: high-speed, ergic and variable. These indicators are in a certain ratio.

Speed ​​indicators are the speed of establishing contacts in communication with peers and adults; speed of reaction to the actions of partners; the speed of interactions. (21, p. 154).

Ergic indicators are the desire for constancy in communication; lack of isolation; the desire to be in the midst of people; intensity and breadth of social circle; lack of fatigue from a long stay in a circle of strangers. (21, p. 154).

Variable indicators are the ease of transition from one child to another in games; lack of constant selectivity in partnership; sociability in a new environment, emotional emancipation; variability in ways of communicating with peers. (21, p. 155).

In order to identify the communicative activity of the child, first of all, educators should observe the manifestation of the individual characteristics of the dynamics in a wide variety of activities of the child.

In the preparatory group, a stating (diagnosing) experiment was conducted to identify the communicative activity of older preschoolers according to the methods of T.V. Chirkova "Communicative activity" and R.S. Nemov "What is the child like in relationships with other people?"

The purpose of this experiment: to identify the features of the communicative activity of preschoolers with adults and peers.

Pupils of MBDOU No. 122 Child Development Center (Avtozavodsky district, Sovetskaya Army st., 11.) took part in the experiment. Age of children: 6-7 years old, the number of examined - 20 people, including 11 boys and 9 girls.

The purpose of the methodology "Communicative activity" by T.V. Chirkova: to identify the individual characteristics of communication of preschool children.

Based on the results of the experiment, we identified four individual typological groups.

In children of the first group, in communicative activity, there is a rapid establishment of contacts with peers and adults, but the stability and selectivity of contacts is insignificant, there is an increased tendency to communicate, but superficial. There are 7 such children in the group.

As a rule, such characteristics of activity were typical for children who were mobile, lively, but not sufficiently balanced. According to a number of indicators, these children gravitate toward a choleric temperament.

In children of the second group, sociability is insignificant, but there is greater selectivity in the choice of a partner and the stability of relationships. The number of children belonging to this group is 4.

Children of this group have, according to a number of vital and experimental indicators, a weakness of the nervous system, an inclination towards a melancholic temperament. The third group includes children who have high speed indicators in communicative activity, but their instability is observed. There are 6 of them in the group.

Children in this group tend to have a sanguine temperament.

The fourth group included those children whose communicative activity has average levels for all indicators. However, there is a significant selectivity and stability in the system of relationships. There are 3 such children in the group.

This group of children is calm, balanced, even somewhat slow, and traditionally belongs to the phlegmatic temperament.

Summing up the results of this experiment, it is clear that when characterizing all types of activity, any group of children has its own specific, both positive and negative, features. After conducting this experiment, it is easier for the teacher to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each child in order to determine further individual and group work with them.

Table 1

Communication activity groups

Ulyana A.

Ulyana G.

Maxim G.

Natasha G.

Timosha R.

table 2

Diagram 1

In a child at senior preschool age, communication skills are represented by words denoting relationships between people, rules of behavior in society, and his figurative speech is formed.

The communication skills of preschool children are improving by the time they enter school, the child has already mastered speech etiquette and can support a conversation on any topic, within his understanding, logically and consistently in dialogue and monologue.

The importance of an adult for the mental development of a child has been and is recognized by most Western and Russian psychologists. The attitude of an adult towards a child (his sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy, etc.) only facilitates the understanding of social norms, reinforces appropriate behavior and helps the child to submit to social influences. (22).

To compare the communicative qualities of the personality of older preschoolers in the kindergarten group, an expert assessment was carried out according to the method of R.S. Nemova “What is your child like in relationships with other people?” This technique is a questionnaire with which you can determine the level of communication in a child.

The purpose of this technique is to determine the level of communication of children in the preparatory group.

Interpersonal relationships or functionally related communicative qualities of the child's personality in this case are determined by a small group of independent adults who know the child well. These are his parents (relatives), educators and other pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions. (23). With the help of this questionnaire, the following communicative qualities and types of relationships of the child with people are evaluated: kindness, generosity, attentiveness to people, truthfulness and honesty, politeness, justice, sociability, cheerfulness, responsibility.

Parents of 20 children participated in the survey in the preparatory group. They were asked to take this experiment seriously and answer these questions as honestly as possible. Parents were interested in diagnosing their children.

Based on the answers of the parents to these questions, the group was divided into two equal parts. It was found that out of 20 older preschoolers, 10 children have an average level of development of the communicative qualities of the child's personality. And 10 children have a high level of development. It should be noted that among the interviewed parents there are no results of low and very low levels of development of children. Also, based on the results, there is not a very high level of development.

Summing up this experiment, one should pay attention to the fact that sociability, the ability to communicate with other people is a necessary component of a person’s self-realization, his success in various activities, the disposition and love of the people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for the normal psychological development of the child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life.

Table 4

The level of development of communicative activity of children

Ulyana A.

Ulyana G.

Maxim G.

Natasha G.

Timosha R.

Table 3

Diagram 2

Based on the results of the experiments, it should be noted that the development of communication skills is one of the main tasks in the development of older preschoolers.

During the study, certain problems of communication between children and adults and peers were identified.

It should be noted that some communication problems in children may depend on the type of child's temperament.

Children with choleric temperament are very active, impulsive and unbalanced. Carried away by a game or some idea, he often stops listening to the demands or requests of the teacher and parents. Such children very rarely compromise in communication, they are quick-tempered and, if they don’t like something, easily fall into aggression. The educator and parents should pay special attention and patience to such children, help direct their energy in a peaceful direction, teach them to patiently interact and negotiate with adults and peers.

Melancholic children are very vulnerable and receptive, they find it difficult to find friends. Even the most harmless remark can cause a negative reaction. The child will be depressed and may close in on himself. Such children find it difficult to make contact both with adults and peers, they are unemotional and reserved. It is important for teachers and parents to help such a child enter society, learn to communicate with people around them. A melancholic child must be constantly supported, approved, praised. Even if something does not work out for him, the adult who is next to him should always demonstrate his confidence in him. In this way, such children will maintain and feel confident in themselves.

Children with a sanguine type of temperament are strong, self-confident and balanced personalities, they also have leadership qualities. Sanguine children are very friendly, they have a very wide social circle, they quickly get used to a new environment and to a new environment. But the problem with such children is that when communicating with many children, it is difficult for them to establish strong ties. Communication of such children is often superficial. Also, sanguine people often lose interest in the activities they have begun, they cannot complete a lot. When working with such children, attention should be paid to the work begun and stimulated to bring its actions to the end. Also help your child establish strong friendships.

Children are phlegmatic: unhurried, calm, balanced, assiduous. They need time to get used to the new environment and new people. These children need more time to complete tasks. Communicating with such children, it is important not to scold them for their slowness, but also not to give them the opportunity to stay too long at their activities. It is very important to let the child take the initiative and make their own decisions.

Also, while examining the typological group of children based on the answers of the parents, the most common negative answers of parents to questions about the relationship of their child with other children were revealed.

Most often, negative answers of parents were to the questions: “Is your child attentive?” and “Is your child generous?”, as well as to the question “Is your child truthful?”.

Based on the negative answers of the parents, it should be concluded that the development of mindfulness, generosity and truthfulness directly depends on the activities of the parents and the educator. Therefore, the formation of these qualities should become a priority in the development of the communicative sphere of children, which will ensure more harmonious communication between children and people around them.

Summing up the results of the research, it should be concluded that children of older preschool age need targeted work on the formation of socially significant personality traits and the development of the communicative sphere, since it is they who ensure academic success, acceptance of the child in a peer group and productive communication with adults.

Games are the most effective means of developing communication skills in children of senior preschool age, since the game is the leading activity of preschoolers. Therefore, educators and parents should pay special attention to the development of the game in the child. It is through play that children learn the norms of behavior and play out situations of interaction that may arise in everyday life.

You should also pay attention and time to holding special psychological games for the development of communication skills.

From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. The child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own - teachers help him.
This problem is of particular importance at the present time, when the moral and communicative development of children causes serious concern. Indeed, more and more often adults began to face violations in the field of communication, as well as insufficient development of the moral and emotional sphere of children. This is due to the excessive “intellectualization” of education, the “technologization” of our life. It's no secret that the best friend for a modern child is a TV or a computer, and a favorite pastime is watching cartoons or playing computer games. Children began to communicate less not only with adults, but also with each other. But live human communication significantly enriches the lives of children, paints the sphere of their sensations with bright colors.
Very often, observing a child shows the presence of certain violations in communication - avoiding contacts with peers, conflicts, fights, unwillingness to reckon with the opinion or desire of another, complaints to the teacher. This happens not because children do not know the rules of behavior, but because even an older preschooler finds it difficult to “get into the shoes” of an offender and feel what another is experiencing.
The purpose of the development of communication skills is the development of communicative competence, peer orientation, expansion and enrichment of the experience of joint activities and forms of communication with peers.
From here we set the tasks:
- develop children's vocabulary by introducing children to the properties and qualities of objects, objects and materials and performing research activities;
- to develop the ability to express an emotionally positive attitude towards the interlocutor using the means of speech etiquette.
- develop the skills of situational business communication;
- develop coherent dialogic and monologue speech.
- formation of adequate ways of behavior in conflict situations;
- teaching children to jointly search for mutually beneficial solutions in difficult situations;
- development of skills of self-regulation of emotional states;
- development of sympathy, empathy, adequate self-esteem;
Communicative competence is a complex, multicomponent education that begins its development at preschool age.
Communicative competence at preschool age can be considered as a set of skills that determine the desire of the subject to make contact with others; the ability to organize communication, including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to emotionally empathize, show empathy, the ability to resolve conflict situations; the ability to use speech; knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others.
The conditions for the development of communicative competence of preschoolers are: the social situation of the child's development; the emerging need for communication with adults and peers; joint activity (leading play activity) and learning (based on play activity), which create a zone of proximal development of the child.

Any communication skill implies, first of all, recognizing a situation, after which a menu pops up in the head with ways to react to this situation, and then we choose the most appropriate and convenient way from the list and apply it.
Let's say the menu "Greetings" may contain the items: "Good afternoon!", "Hello", "Hello!" Sympathy menu: "You poor girl!", "As I understand you", "My God, what's going on!"
And if a person has the skill of greeting, then he is able to:
recognize a situation requiring a greeting;
choose the appropriate wording from the list;
and also to recognize someone else's greeting as such - even if it looks more like a lowing - and respond to it.
And so with all the other skills that we claim to possess. If a person fails to recognize some communication situation or he has too few templates in the menu and none is suitable for the situation, then the person usually either behaves as if nothing is happening, or hangs in a stupor and waits for “help from the audience”. And then you can’t call effective communication.
It is known that the communicative function of speech is considered as fundamental. With the help of dialogue, the child's need for communication is satisfied; on its basis, a monologue, coherent speech is formed. Therefore, a low level of coherent speech is very often a consequence of the insufficiency of the basic, initial form of speech - dialogic.
The dialogue is based on four types of communicative statements:
questions that by the age of five have a pronounced cognitive orientation;
motives (requests, suggestions, orders-commands, etc.);
questions, urges and messages with denial (the appearance of denial is the basis of a sharp jump in the speech of a child of the second year of life).
When organizing the process of formation of dialogic speech of preschoolers, it is necessary to use technologies that, actualizing the personal characteristics of children, would most optimally include them in activities, would contribute to the implementation of the formed communicative and speech skills.
Non-verbal means of communication help to enrich the speech communication of children, to make it more natural, relaxed. It is important that the child can adequately perceive non-verbal information, distinguish close, but not identical, emotional states of the interlocutor. The development of non-verbal skills creates additional opportunities for establishing contacts, choosing the right line of behavior, and enhances the effectiveness of social interaction among preschoolers.
Interestingly, the language is taught from childhood, and gestures are acquired naturally, and although no one explains them beforehand, speakers understand and use them correctly. This is probably due to the fact that the gesture is most often used not by itself, but accompanies the word, and sometimes clarifies it. It is known that 65% of information is transmitted using non-verbal means of communication.
Thus, the development of non-verbal skills creates additional opportunities for establishing contacts, choosing the right line of behavior, and enhances the effectiveness of social interaction among preschoolers.
A person is not born with ready-made speech skills. All communicative components are formed during life, and the most synthesizing for this is the period of preschool childhood.
In the work of the educator, the main issue becomes - the definition of effective ways to develop the communication skills of a preschooler.
The choice of methods and techniques is determined by the age and individual characteristics of children, their psychophysiological characteristics of children (for visuals, audials, kinesthetics).
For the development of the child's active speech, the teacher needs to accompany the child's actions with words and encourage him to pronounce. In the work on the development of children's speech, the following forms of joint activity are used: observation and elementary labor in nature; scenarios of activating communication; fun games and round dance games for the development of communication; listening to fiction using bright colorful pictures; staging and elementary dramatization of literary works; games for the development of fine motor skills of hands; didactic games and exercises; household and game situations; basic experimentation.

The game, as you know, is the leading activity of a preschooler, so why not use this circumstance to, through unobtrusive play, instill in the child all the knowledge, skills, abilities he needs, including communication skills, the ability to correctly express his thoughts, feelings, etc. .
Didactic game is by right the favorite kind of game for children. Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon. It is a game method of teaching children, a form of learning, independent play activity, a means of comprehensive education of the individual, as well as one of the means of developing cognitive activity and developing children's communication skills.
Communication skills are skills that allow a person to receive and transmit information.
Cognitive (didactic) games are specially created situations that simulate reality, from which preschoolers are invited to find a way out.
Didactic game technology is a specific technology of problem-based learning.
Board-printed games are widespread, arranged according to the principle of cut pictures, folding cubes, on which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts.
In the game, children learn to help each other, learn to lose with dignity. The game develops self-esteem. Communication in the game puts everyone in their place. Children develop their organizational skills, strengthen possible leadership qualities or reach for the leader in the class.
Among the variety of means and methods for developing the communication skills of preschoolers, one can single out the director's game.
Director's games are a kind of independent story games. Unlike role-playing games, in which the child tries on roles for himself, in the director's game, the characters are exclusively toys. The child himself remains in the position of the director, who manages and directs the actions of the toy artists, but does not participate in the game as a character. Such games are not only very entertaining, but also useful. "Voicing" the characters and commenting on the plot, the preschooler uses different means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. The predominant means of expression in these games are intonation and facial expressions, pantomime is limited, since the child acts with a fixed figure or toy. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, flat and three-dimensional, puppet (bibabo, finger, puppets), etc.
Of course, fairy tales make it easier to come up with plots for the game. They seem to suggest what to do with toys, where they live, how and what they say. The content of the game and the nature of the actions are determined by the plot of the fairy tale, which is well known to any preschooler. There are pros and cons to such careful preparation. The pluses are that the sets for fairy tales themselves encourage a certain game and allow you to remember, imagine, tell your favorite fairy tale again and again, which is very important both for the game and for the assimilation of a work of art. And the disadvantages are that you don’t need to invent anything, everything is already ready. Therefore, it is very useful to combine figures from different sets, "mix" them, add undefined toys so that they become new characters or landscape elements. In this case, the game can become much richer and more interesting, because the child will need to come up with some new events or include unexpected participants in a familiar plot.
In the role-playing game, there are great opportunities for developing communication skills. First of all, the development of reflection as a human ability to comprehend one's own actions, needs and experiences of other people. In the game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, ideas. It is in this collision that the personality of each child is formed, the children's team is formed. In this case, there is usually an interaction of game and real opportunities.
Theatrical games. Theatrical and gaming activities enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature, activate the dictionary, and contribute to the moral and ethical education of each child.
Of course, a specially created speech environment is also necessary: ​​communicative trainings, commented drawing, work with pictures with a change in the position of the child; work on understanding the nature of the characters in fairy tales, stories, stories, etc.;

In the joint activities of a teacher with children, the main types can be distinguished: Storytelling in a picture; talking about a topic from personal experience; storytelling according to the proposed plots; retelling (partial or detailed); conversations, involvement of outdoor games and physical exercises, special classes in which video films are watched, fiction is read; music lessons; excursions; holidays, competitions; individual work with children.
In order to achieve the desired well-being in the social and intellectual development of the child, it is first necessary to develop the communicative competence of children, their ability to build relationships with others using linguistic and non-verbal means.
Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V., Svirskaya L., Kozlova A. V. note that the problems of interpersonal (dialogical) communication for a child begin mainly in the family. Unwillingness to communicate (due to lack of time, parents' fatigue), inability to communicate (parents do not know what to talk about with the child, how to build dialogic communication with him) negatively affects the activity and mental well-being of the baby. It is the close interaction between teachers and parents that makes it possible to comprehensively solve this problem.
The following principles form the basis of interaction with the family on this issue:
partnership of parents and teachers;
a common understanding of goals and objectives by teachers and parents;
help, respect and trust in the child from the parents;
knowledge by teachers and parents of the educational opportunities of the team and the family, the maximum use of the educational potential in joint work with children;
constant analysis of the process of interaction between the family and the preschool institution, its intermediate and final results.
Our goal is the formation and development of the family's competence in matters of education and the improvement or adjustment of child-parent relationships.
The main tasks facing the teaching staff in working with parents are:
family study;
involvement of parents in active participation in the activities of a preschool institution;
study of family experience in raising and educating children;
education of parents in the field of pedagogy and child psychology;
work to improve the legal and pedagogical culture of parents.
The implementation of tasks is carried out through such forms of interaction as: excursions around the kindergarten; open days; disputes; round tables; conversations; consultations; open classes; seminars; joint activities. In our opinion, the most effective is to conduct game trainings at parent meetings on the topic “Do you know what to talk about with a child?”, “How to establish a trusting relationship?”, “How to develop children's speech?”, “Let's compliment each other” and etc.
Relationships with other people are born and develop most intensively in preschool age. The first experience of such relationships becomes the foundation on which the further development of the personality is built. The subsequent path of his personal and social development, and hence his future fate, largely depends on how the child’s relations develop in the first team in his life - the kindergarten group.
Prepared by the teacher of BGDOU No. 46
Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg Kononova S.I.

A visit by a child to a preschool institution is an obligatory component of the comprehensive development of the personality of a future adult. If parents themselves can teach reading and writing at home, then it is impossible without communication with peers and performing tasks in a team. Kindergarten contributes to the normal growth of the child, prepares him for adulthood.

Types of activities in accordance with federal state requirements

There are generally accepted requirements that all preschool institutions in the country must adhere to. Thus, the main types of children's activities in accordance with the FGT include the game component, communicative, labor, cognitive research, musical and artistic, productive, and reading.

The general educational program in kindergarten should be carried out not only through the interaction of an adult and a child. Many tasks the baby must solve on their own. Such activity allows not only to acquire new skills, but also to consolidate existing ones.

Federal-state requirements are developed taking into account regimen moments in children in accordance with age. Based on this, the main types of children's activities must be planned, taking into account the periods of sleep and wakefulness.

in kindergarten

The game can rightfully be called the main activity in a preschool institution. Role-playing games help the development of the personality, active ones contribute to the rapid physical development of the child. Any training is much more productive if it is interesting to the baby. It is no coincidence that many educational programs are built in the form of a game.

All can be divided into two groups. At the younger preschool age, games mostly acquire an objective character. Children explore the world around them visually. They try to distinguish one object from another, to taste it. At the senior preschool age, kids already begin to interact with each other. Role-playing games are becoming popular. And if the educator builds the educational process correctly, in the form of a game it will be possible to teach children to write and read. All types of children's activities in kindergarten, to one degree or another, should be associated with it.

Cognitive research activity

No less important activity can be considered cognitive research. This species is closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets acquainted with the outside world. Cognitive activity is of great importance in any childhood. Depending on the goals that the teacher sets for the children, this type of activity may include experimentation, observation, excursions.

Special attention should be paid to targeted walks. In the warm season, thanks to trips to the park or out of town, the teacher helps children solve several problems at once. Active recreation can be combined with acquaintance with nature and animals of the native land. In addition, fresh air improves children's appetite and sleep. Too low air temperature or precipitation can become an obstacle for daily walks. In the summer, educators should ensure that children spend less time in the open sun and wear hats. Almost all types of children's activities in kindergarten in the summer can be carried out outdoors.

Communicative type of activity

The main task of preschool is to prepare the child for the future adult life. The little man must acquire many skills before he enters society. This is not only the ability to talk or use household items for their intended purpose, but also the correct communication with others.

Most children easily find a common language with both peers and adults. But in every preschool institution there is always a group of closed kids who find it difficult to socialize. This behavior may be due to personality traits or parental upbringing. Often, troubles in the family lead to the fact that the child withdraws into himself and does not want to communicate with his comrades. The main types of children's activities are aimed at helping such a baby. In a playful way, the teacher helps him open up and establish contact with his peers.

Properly organized in kindergarten, it also contributes to the development of the children's speech apparatus. Classes may include communication with children on certain topics, situational tasks, conversation, guessing riddles. Story games are very popular with kids. In the role of favorite fairy tale characters, children become more self-confident, reveal their creative potential.

in a preschool

In order to exist in a full-fledged society, a child needs not only to learn how to communicate correctly, but also to serve himself. All types of children's activities in kindergarten contribute to teaching kids independence. They must be able to dress properly and hold kitchen utensils without adult assistance.

Household work is also not in last place. The child must be familiar with the activities of adults. This is especially true for household tasks. Not only the teacher teaches the kids the culture of life, but also the parents at home. Even in preschool age, parents, together with educators, must teach the child to be careful. All toddlers should clean up toys and kitchen utensils. A preschooler must know that all things have their place.

The joint activity of an adult and a child also contributes to social development. The kid quickly learns to solve certain everyday tasks, begins to understand the degree of his significance in society.

productive activity

It is impossible to imagine without drawing, modeling and applications. All these are productive activities that contribute to mental development. In the classroom, kids learn to express their thoughts, to show imagination. It is in kindergarten that a love for art can be laid, and parents usually at this time reveal one or another talent in a child.

Praise is a very important moment of productive activity. In no case should you point out mistakes to a preschool child. The educator can only direct the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is no coincidence that there is no grading system in preschool institutions. The child should not know that he draws or makes an application worse than others.

Productive activities in kindergarten help to acquaint the child with the natural environment, with the main colors and shapes. In addition, drawing and modeling contribute to the development of coordination of movements.

Musical and artistic activity

Musical activities for children in kindergarten include singing, singing along, playing instruments, as well as outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In such classes, the children develop creative abilities. Many children like classes with vocal improvisation. It is musical and artistic activity created to prepare kids for performances. Children learn to feel great in front of a large audience.

Reading in kindergarten

Despite the fact that children begin to read only at school age, educators should teach this skill long before that. The child must first learn to listen and understand the work. A very important skill is the ability to handle a book. The kid should know that you can not tear the pages, looking at the illustrations.

In the middle group, the teacher begins to introduce children to letters. First of all, children learn easy to pronounce letters. These are simple. Next, kids learn to put letters into syllables, and them into words.

The activity of a child in kindergarten must necessarily be associated with learning small poems. Classes of this kind contribute to mental development, train the memory of the child. Parents can also study short stories and jokes with their children at home.

Proper organization of leisure is also important.

Teaching the basic skills of a child in a preschool institution is in the first place. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. In order for children to be able to usefully spend their free time in a group, the space must be properly organized. Adults should pay special attention to toys. The corresponding zones in the form of a living corner, a kitchen or a pharmacy are of great benefit. Special toys make children's role play more intense.

The conditions for the implementation of activities for children in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Performances and fairy tales help children better consolidate the material they have learned. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the child within the walls of a preschool institution.

Nanny or kindergarten?

Today, more and more parents prefer raising children at home. Meanwhile, it is in a preschool institution that a child can acquire the skills of social role behavior. Children experience communication in a variety of forms. Even a negative experience that cannot be obtained within the walls of a home will benefit the baby. And the game as the leading type of children's activity will contribute to the comprehensive development of the baby in the team.

At the same time, raising a child at home also has advantages. A nanny with a pedagogical education will make every effort to educate a particular child, taking into account the characteristics of his character. This will make it possible to bring up the best qualities in him.

Natalia Kulevaa
Social and communicative development in a preschool institution

A child is a process as a result of which he learns to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with the outside world and people.

The main goal of this direction is a positive socialization of preschool children, adding them to sociocultural norms traditions of the family, society and state.

Tasks social and communicative development of preschoolers according to GEF:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

- development communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

-development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Social and communicative development children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance is growing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities child's social environment, in which there is often a lack of upbringing, kindness, goodwill, speech culture in human relationships.

The task of our teachers preschool department is that our graduates in the future, when they go to school, enter a university or get a job, do not experience difficulties in communicating with other people and become a full-fledged member of society, showing initiative and independence, confident in their abilities, open to external world, positively relates to himself and others, possesses developed imagination.

Work experience shows that it is important to form preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, to ensure a common mental development, to form the prerequisites for educational activities and the qualities necessary for adaptation to school and successful education in the primary grades.

The activities of teachers in our preschool to provide the necessary conditions for social and communicative development children include in myself:

Organization of the subject-spatial environment;

Creation of situations of communicative success for children;

Stimulation of the communicative activity of children, including using problem situations;

Elimination of communication difficulties in children in cooperation with a teacher-psychologist and with the support of parents;

Motivating a child to express his thoughts, feelings, emotions, character traits using verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

Ensuring a balance between educational activities under the guidance of a teacher and independent activities of children;

Modeling game situations that motivate preschooler interacting with adults and peers.

The main forms of activity for social and communicative development of preschoolers: group, subgroup and individual, which are carried out in direct educational activities (GCD, in the daily routine and in independent activities of children.

Planning of educational situations is carried out in accordance with the curriculum and the theme of the week, the principle of seasonality is taken into account.

For social and communicative development of preschoolers It's not just the game that matters. Classes, conversations, exercises, acquaintance with music, reading books, observation, discussion of various situations, encouragement of mutual assistance and cooperation of children, their moral deeds - all this becomes the bricks that make up a person's personality.

Educational area « Social and communicative development» implemented in 4 directions:

Development gaming activities, patriotic education, the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature, labor education.

Development children's play activities (slide)

Play is the main activity of children preschool age. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help children acquire the necessary social skills.

The game gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in an imaginary social life. Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions and interact appropriately with others.

Our teachers preschool use a wide range of different games. To establish dialogical communication, desktop-printed, didactic games, games with rules are used. Role-playing games.

The next direction of the implementation of the TOE « Social and communicative development» is patriotic education. (slide)

To bring up in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

To form a careful attitude towards nature and all living things;

Raise respect for work;

Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

To form elementary knowledge about human rights;

Expand ideas about the cities of Russia;

Introduce children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Develop a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country;

To form tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

These tasks in our preschool educational institution are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, holidays and entertainment, in games, in work, in everyday life - since it is necessary to educate in a child not only patriotic feelings, but also to form his relationships with adults and peers.

The next direction for the implementation of the TOE « Social and communicative development» is the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature. (slide)

The education of safe behavior skills in children is carried out on the basis of the child's desire to learn about the world around him, using his curiosity, visual-figurative thinking and immediacy of perception. Priority is given to individual and subgroup forms of work with children.

This work is being carried out through:

Organized activities for children - classes, excursions, trainings;

Joint activities of adults and children - dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observation, work, reading fiction;

Free independent activity of children - role-playing games.

The main content of the educational activities of our preschool for the formation of safe behavior skills in children within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the development of projects, such as, "traffic note", "my health", "indoor safety", "safety and nature", "talking with strangers".

The main purpose of which is to expand the ideas of pupils that safety depends on themselves, on compliance with certain rules (hygiene, traffic, life in a team, on the ability to anticipate and avoid possible danger).

Introducing children to works of art, the teacher draws attention to the need to be able to take the position of another person; to choose socially acceptable course of action in a given situation; to encourage manifestations of mutual assistance and mutual assistance among peers.

next direction socio-communicative

development is(slide)

Labor education

The main goal of labor education preschoolers- this is the formation of the personality of the child, as well as the correct attitude to work. Work develops preschooler's intelligence, observation, attention, concentration, memory, and also strengthens his physical strength and health.

To cultivate positive relationships in the process of work between children - the ability to work in a team, if necessary, provide assistance, favorably evaluate the work of peers and make comments in a respectful manner.

4. Interaction with family. (slide)

Also, our teaching staff builds its work on the upbringing and education of children in close contact with the family, involving parents in the life of the kindergarten.

DOE uses a variety of forms of work with parents:

Involving parents in organizing the activities of children in the preschool educational institution;

Open days for parents;

Questioning of parents;

Consultations for parents;

parent meetings;

Registration of parental corners, mobile folders, exhibitions for parents.

Permanent, continuous work in all 4 directions of this NGO contributes to social and communicative development of each child. Children become more liberated and independent, purposeful and self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring towards peers and adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation. Children develop the ability to jointly make decisions and follow their implementation.

Kindergarten teachers work in close cooperation with children's specialists garden: speech therapist teacher, music director, physical education instructor, defectologist teacher, psychologist, which helps to more successfully carry out educational and educational work with preschoolers on the formation of social- communication skills. A joint analysis of programs, technologies, problem situations of training and education is carried out.

Social and communicative development child is a complex process, as a result of which he learns to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with the outside world and people.

It is he who underlies the formation of the communicative competence of the individual in the future, which is the whole set of skills, abilities and knowledge that allow to adequately perceive and respond to the surrounding reality in the process of communication.

It can be said with full confidence that the process of acquiring communicative competence is long and difficult, it follows from this what to start develop a child in this direction is necessary from an early age.