Original congratulations on a woman’s 30th birthday.

30 is a young age,
But reasonable enough.
Your beauty has been revealed
Firmness appeared in his gaze.

And we, of course, wish
Always be successful in everything,
To be beautiful, mischievous,
Live in harmony with yourself!

I wish you sweet temptations,
Frequent fairy tales,
There is a lot of joy in my soul,
Doubly irresistible.

Heavenly tender cloudings,
Love and sweet pleasures.
Sparkles in the eyes, rich days
And the beauty of simple things.

Only good intentions
And bold, profitable decisions,
The beautiful little things in life.
Happy anniversary! There are many blessings in your family.

Congratulations on your anniversary - happy thirtieth birthday! I wish you to forever preserve the naivety of youth, charm and charm, the charming sparkle of your eyes, and the ability for wonderful changes. I wish you a cozy, bright home, a joyful family, and reliable friends. Be happy!

Get everything you want,
Happiness and love
We wanted to wish
At thirty years old yours.

It's a joy to let your eyes shine
On this anniversary.
And kill everyone on the spot
With its beauty!

Be welcome, have fun
And don't know trouble.
We wish you to come true
All your dreams.

In your personal life, let it be
Success awaits you
And avoid all problems.
Be the happiest!

You are beautiful! And you know yourself
How many times have you driven me crazy?
You have opened up like a wondrous flower,
Facing east.

This is life's happy sunrise.
Thirty years is “full speed ahead”
These are “possible”, “want” and “strong”.
This is “mother”, “daughter”, “wife”.

Combining the whole world,
Be yourself and trust fate.
Follow your lucky star
Always staying young.

Sparkle, enjoy, live.
Full cup to you and love,
Understanding, health, warmth.
Be happy and cheerful!

You are thirty years old today,
And you are full of blossoms now!
Bouquet of joyful emotions
Let him give you a birthday!

I wish you sincere love,
Only true friends, lots of laughter!
May your dreams come true
I wish you happiness and success!

Today you are 360 ​​months old.
You can brag about your progress.
The baby already knows how to drink wine,
To seduce men, to wear beautiful underwear.

I learned to climb the career ladder.
He can do a lot, but he can’t do it all.
There is only one conclusion, you have become a wonderful lady in your 30s.
Beautiful, beloved, well, in general, the most - the most.

So in your life, you hear a lot of compliments.
And let there be only positive moments in your memory.
Go ahead, bombing problems and sadness!
Happy 30th with sweets! Happy Birthday to You!

Thirty is the best anniversary,
Young, handsome,
And of all the others, it seems
He is the happiest.

Thirty is a new horizon,
Thirty - new dreams.
Adventure round dance,
Where is the most beautiful of all - you.

Always be irresistible
Be younger than your age
Not one is still happy
Let him get a ticket.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Smile quickly
You are thirty years old today,
The age is bright, incomparable.

May luck be near you
Darling warms with his gaze,
Feeds breakfast in bed
Every day, seven times a week.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Thirty years is not a long time at all,
May this holiday give
An island of bright colors!

I only want laughter
In the heart, so that flowers bloom,
Endless success
You are the most beautiful today!

At thirty years old, please accept congratulations,
Happiness, joy, light, warmth and love.
Wishes for the best, amazing meetings,
In life, the best thing to reliably preserve in future,
Let bright people always surround you,
May they bring goodness and success to you,
And let your career only go uphill,
And may everything beautiful always await you.

You deserve a million roses
Enjoy the breeze of the oceans
Dedications of poetry and prose,
Volcanoes could be named after you.

But I am unable to carry out this plan -
Our powers are lacking.
We can only give you a talisman,
To protect both day and night

Your filigree nature,
And come to your thirtieth birthday,
For the blues, give you a potion -
These creative poems!

Especially for the site

I tried for a long time, I chose the words,
Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday
I dreamed of you somehow creatively,
So that you remember until the century.

But I couldn't think of anything better
How to confess love in rhymes.
After all, I don’t need anyone in the world,
I love only you. C'est la vie!

Especially for the site

Although it is accepted for coquettes
Carefully hide your age,
You don't fit at thirty years old
Keep this a secret.

Beautiful, like you're from the cover
Waking up, I slowly went down,
Like an independent cat
Like a bright moon at midnight.

Let men admire
But there will only be one nearby -
Your most faithful and beloved,
The fulfiller of wishes is the genie!

Especially for the site

I would like to wish you life
Bright, rich, colorful.
So that you can make your own schedule
Firmly, confidently, festively.

Let your dreams get in line
To put it into reality.
Dreams often come true at thirty
Dreamy childhood!

Especially for the site

30 years is a wonderful age! You are young and full of energy, you are beautiful and unique. At 30, all doors are open to you. You can confidently advance your career or radically change your life by changing your specialty. 30 years is the beginning of life; you still have so many joys and unexpected surprises to meet on your path. The main thing is that you are always happy with your family and at work!

Your anniversary is not yet years away,
And 30 years is not yet a century.
There were adversities in life,
There was both youth and dawn.
It's too early to look back,
The road is still long
And youth, like out of a fog
Sometimes it will flash from afar! It is a holiday today! Thirty -
Wonderful anniversary!
You have something to be proud of
Among colleagues and friends.
You are light, like a bird,
Beautiful as a dream
And there is something to strive for,
The heights beckon!
I wish you with a song
How a swallow flies:
To be as lovely as you are now
And don’t suffer in life! You are femininity and grace,
And you are full of charm!
Spreading acacia
You blossomed in May!
You are shrouded in a veil
From secret women's dreams!
Be showered with love
Like rose petals!

We admire you
We are on a glorious anniversary,
After all, it starts at thirty
The flight of your dreams
A rush of success, wisdom,
Recognition, prosperity,
Let there be no difficulties,
Everything in life will be smooth!

Especially for the site

You are like a melody frozen in flowers,
You are like a rhapsody that sounded in dreams,
You shine with kindness like a rainbow diamond,
And no one will give you thirty at all!

May success be ahead
Armor of love guards your days,
And a happy family will pamper
I will certainly be by your side!

Especially for the site

Dear, congratulations on your anniversary! Let this round date be the beginning of a long journey that will be 30 times steeper, and you will reach 30 times greater heights than you can imagine, but it will require 30 times less effort from you than you were going to undertake.

Happy Anniversary
And we want to wish you:
At thirty the stars shine and twinkle
Because it’s always “twenty-five”!
You remain a girl at heart
And don’t look at your passport.
Thirty is just the beginning of wisdom,
Live in happiness, in joy, in peace!
Stay as beautiful as you are:
Kind in heart and sweet in soul
And let all the men in the world
They won't know that you're thirty!

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary
And wish you well at your thirty years!
So that you go through life only more fun
And woe betide it won’t be a problem!
May you become the best in life!
So that all dreams come true at the same time...
So that not a single lucky chance occurs
And so that you become happy right now!
So that you are filled with joy and happiness
Soul and heart only every moment!
So that your eyes always laugh
And your life has always been so chic!

Beautiful and smart, and you look great,
I want to congratulate you personally on your anniversary,
May God give you health, light and warmth,
And so that you are sure to be happy!
Today, my dear, you are only 30 years old,
And this is, without a doubt, the flourishing of life!
Bloom as long as possible, hope and dream,
Love and be loved, and know no sorrows!

How beautiful your youth is today,
And on my thirtieth anniversary,
Please accept our congratulations!
And wishes for long, bright days!
Be happy forever and loved,
Always beautiful, sweet, like now,
And let men not pass by,
Flowers are given to you every day and hour!

You are beautiful, darling
Like a rose at dawn
I congratulate you today
Happy anniversary, like everyone else,
After all, today you are thirty,
You've become older, you've grown up,
Let the champagne sparkle
Pour it into a glass,
I only wish you joy
I give you more love,
Let it be without edge,
Live brightly and cheerfully!

My beloved beauty,
Congratulations on your 30th birthday!
Heartfelt warmth
And I wish you happiness now!
And millions of beautiful roses
From now on your whole life will be surrounded by
And the most important question in life
May success and luck always decide!

Turning thirty is a glorious anniversary!
The blossom of your wonderful youth!
The whole world is preparing congratulations today
Happy wonderful birthday!

We hasten to wish only the best:
Always be joyful, never know problems or troubles,
Good luck, victories, wonderful bright life,
May fate give gifts every day!

Health, constant beauty:
You deserve fabulous success in everything!
Immeasurable love, carefree joy,
May your happiness become endless!

At thirty, we wish you a lot
Wonderful plans and dashing victories!
Let the road be easy!
Let there be no more evil and troubles in life!
May your hopes come true on this anniversary
May all your tender dreams come true!
Let everything be more beautiful than before
May you become the best in the world!
And may the Lord help you in everything
Let him guide you with his hand!
Let him be able to guide you everywhere
And may it give peace to the soul!

It's cool to congratulate a girl on her 30th birthday

On the anniversary evening is bright,
First class on holiday
Accept gifts from us
The girl is beautiful.
So beautiful on this anniversary,
At the young age of thirty
Let's wish you to be happy
There are many victories in life.
We also wish you
Never lose heart.
Happy Anniversary dear,
Let's start celebrating!

Congratulations on the round date,
I love you, dear.
And already slightly succumbing,
I hug you tenderly.
Be always blooming, tender,
With a bright light look!
I am both during the day and in pitch darkness,
I'll always be there!

We came to you today
To congratulate you on your anniversary.
30 years is no joke.
Pour it for us quickly!
We wish you together
Don't get sick and don't get fat
And remember, in life you need
Look at everything with humor!
You are thirty years old today,
With which I congratulate you.

Not just your birthday,
And the anniversary, albeit small,
After all, 30 years is the time to blossom,
It’s spring in the soul, and summer in life!
I want to congratulate you lovingly,
I send wishes for you:
Warmth, kindness, smiles, laughter,
Enthusiasm, joy, success!

Like a goddess you came down
And she sat down at the table with us.
Since you showed up here,
Come on, let's drink a hundred grams!
You have been in this world for 30 years,
Aphrodite of our days,
Let it not perish in your eyes
Light of divine lights!
We are completely ready
Prostrate myself before you!
But for now let’s modestly congratulate you,
Without crossing boundaries.

Congratulate a girl on her 30th birthday in prose

I congratulate you on your 30th birthday and wish that every day of your life will be filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood. I also wish that every morning you are greeted with bright sunshine and the smiles of loved ones. I wish you great happiness and good luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any difficulties in life were fleeting and instantly overcome.

Today is your 30th anniversary - a happy holiday! On this bright and solemn day, I wish you to drown in money, choke on love and know happiness! You are not just a person, you are a woman. You are not just a woman, you are the most charming, honest, charmingly beautiful woman! Let all adversity and bad weather, as soon as they see you, die a painful death, so that everyone else who wants to visit you will be afraid! May life and fate give you only the most desired gifts, and may happiness love you more than love itself! Happy anniversary! Today is your day, your holiday!

Dear, congratulations on your anniversary! Let this round date be the beginning of a long journey that will be 30 times steeper, and you will reach 30 times greater heights than you can imagine, but it will require 30 times less effort from you than you were going to undertake.

With all my heart I hasten to congratulate you on the anniversary of youth and strength, confidence and splendor. At the age of 30, I wish you the obligatory fulfillment of your desires and the unfailing achievement of your goals. May fate not set traps for difficulties and difficulties, may life please you every day with sincere happiness and true love.

A charming girl celebrates her 30th birthday today. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to greet the new day with joy and delight, filling your heart with love and your life with happiness. May all ideas and plans turn into reality, may your loved ones always be there, may luck and success always accompany you in business.

The only reason to congratulate you on your anniversary is the need to maintain decency. Look at you! What dates can we talk about? What kind of anniversary could a young, attractive, sociable, interesting and – let’s not be afraid of this word – sexy woman have? Therefore, we strongly suggest that you indignantly brush aside the insignificant word “anniversary” and accept our sincere congratulations on your coming of age and wishes to remain in a good mood for as long as possible. And to everyone who dares to say to you today “Congratulations on your anniversary!” let the punishing right hand of universal indignation overtake! Hooray!

7I wish you to enjoy a wonderful age: when goals have already been set, experience has been accumulated, knowledge has been gained, friends have been made, and your whole life is still ahead.
And let only the photograph in your passport and the number of achievements that you can be proud of change in the next 30 years.
Good luck, health and success. Happy thirtieth birthday!


The thirtieth anniversary is a holiday that simply cannot be missed. You do not have the moral right to forget about the girl’s birthday, or to pay insufficient attention to the celebration and the birthday girl in particular. This is the most wonderful round anniversary, which should be accompanied only by the most positive emotions and only such memories that will never be forgotten.

- this is the age when a person is fully formed, has acquired a stable character, stable hobbies and outlook on life. At the same time, it is not too late for new achievements and development. It is these moments that you need to highlight in your congratulations, paying special attention to warm wishes and expressions of sincere sympathy.

Beautiful 30th birthday greetings for a girl are worth a lot, and not even all great poets could boast of an abundance of worthy poems dedicated to women. However, everything should work out for you, because the Vlio site has worked hard to ensure that everything goes like clockwork. We have collected the best ones from all over the Internet in advance and now we readily declare that this is exactly what will help you mark yourself on the positive side!

A wonderful date, your thirty years,
Congratulations to you, I wish you happiness!
Let them give you a beautiful bouquet
From the sun, smiles and wind partly.

Fair wind to all your dreams,
Radiant sun above your head,
I wish you to suddenly be there,
Where your happiness will always be with you!

Today is your 30th anniversary,
Open the door wider for guests,
Let congratulations flash like fireworks,
Let the mood be great.

May happiness open doors for you,
Let love inspire you
May fate be accommodating to you,
May you, friend, be lucky in everything, always.

30 years is a great age,
The most vital flowering!
We simply wish you
Fantastic victories!

To be caressed by fate
And it’s easy and beautiful to live.
Let go of sadness with longing,
Only giving joy to the heart!

You are thirty today - you are beautiful,
Fresh as a rose, experienced, smart,
Your clear gaze is mysterious and bright...
You were brought into our world for a reason!

So let your angel help you,
And protects from various misfortunes!
Let your heart burn with love,
Well, the soul sings with joy!

Happy anniversary, dear!
30 years are already behind me.
Let's wish to live without knowing
Not a single problem!

Always be beautiful, stylish,
Take a swim in the river of love.
Let's wish you to be happy
Always live in abundance.

Today everything is here for you,
Family and friends gathered.
Our most important covenant is
Be healthy until you are a hundred years old!

On a day like this I don't have enough words,
To wish you everything at once.
And may Her Majesty Love
Will not let you out of sweet ecstasy.

After all, 30 years is a wonderful age,
When you can handle everything, the whole world is at your feet.
I want Fortune to guide you
To the gardens of love along fairy-tale roads.

Thirty anniversary anniversary -
Clever, beautiful!
Wishes fireworks
Just beginning:

And good luck and love,
And good health,
And everything you want -
Good and bright!

Today is your holiday -
Exactly thirty! Anniversary!
Expect congratulations today,
And gifts from guests!

Wait for big bouquets of flowers,
Wait for phone calls
Many people wish
To be with you this day!

I wish you happiness
Life is difficult without him,
And, of course, success,
And everything to you, everything!

We congratulate you in chorus,
This age is the most color:
Not sixteen and not forty,
And only thirty years.

Glasses of wine will splash,
Thirty years is not nonsense,
How much has been done in life
To these thirty years!

Something didn't work out - don't worry,
We will tell you now:
What didn't come true once
It will come true, believe me.