Eyelash extension: procedure, care, contraindications. Eyelash extensions - types and features How should eyelash extensions be done in the salon

What makes our eyes beautiful and expressive? Of course - eyelashes. Their length, curvature and direction bring brilliance and uniqueness to our facial features. To achieve this, women buy expensive mascaras that lengthen their eyelashes and give them density and fluffiness, curl with special tweezers, and use various cosmetics.

But, unfortunately, the desired effect can be very difficult to achieve. Therefore, new developments in the field of cosmetology come to the rescue. Such a development can be considered a technique " eyelash extensions ”, which, like other decorative procedures, was developed in Hollywood. Due to the aesthetic effect, and to a greater extent practicality, this procedure has become widespread in Europe. Now women can not waste time and money on mascaras and special eyelash care products, but go to the salon. The master in the salon will offer different eyelash extension technologies, eyelashes from different materials, different colors, different lengths, as well as eyelashes with decor - for special occasions.

Artificial eyelashes are different long(long, medium, short) color(black, brown, colored - for special occasions), as well as fiber material(natural (sable, silk, mink) or artificial).

The length of the eyelashes is selected individually - based on the condition of one's own eyelashes, the shape of the eyes, the wishes of the client himself. The result is perfectly natural lashes.

The price of the extension procedure depends on the chosen material, as well as the technology.

The extension procedure is painless and harmless (with the exception of individual intolerance to glue), if it is performed by a highly qualified master. It consists in the fact that artificial eyelashes are attached to the base of your eyelashes, having previously removed makeup and degreased the base of each eyelash, using a special hypoallergenic glue. Eyelashes are attached to each other - eyelash extension or in bunches bundle extensions. It depends on the technology that the client has chosen for building.

eyelash extension takes from 2 to 3.5 hours, this is a delicate work that must be performed by the master, on the skills and abilities of which the beauty and mood of the client depend. With such eyelash extensions, they look natural, they last from 2 weeks to 3 months, depending on the lifespan of your own eyelashes. The material used in this procedure does not cause allergic reactions, it is made of artificial fiber. the cost of such an extension is 3000-5000 rubles.

Procedure eyelash extensions lasts about an hour. Bundles of eyelashes are attached to the eyelash separately - to give length or between the eyelashes - for additional volume. The effect of such eyelashes lasts from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. The cost of the procedure is 1000-1200 rubles.

After the wear time has elapsed, the eyelashes themselves will begin to peel off, this goes unnoticed by strangers. The effect of "extended eyelashes" can be extended - make a correction in the salon, where the fallen out bunches will be replaced with new ones. If you decide to remove them, then this can be done by the master. After removing artificial cilia, your eyelashes can be strengthened using the most common remedy - castor oil.

Every woman dreams of beautiful big eyes, framed by thick and long eyelashes. And if nature did not give her such eyelashes, then she has to look for ways - how to make her thin eyelashes "Hollywood".

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done in stages in any beauty salon, the women of fashion perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such "Hollywood" eyelashes.

Step by step instructions for eyelash extensions

The extension technology itself consists in gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of one's own female eyelashes. Previously, it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned how to do extensions on their own at home.

The technique includes the preparatory stage and the main one. The step-by-step extension process is simple, and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can build eyelashes even at home.

Consider first the classification of types and methods of building.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash - with this method, the cilia look natural and last longer;
  • beam (a bunch of artificial ones is attached to one of its eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches will not last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are other colors;
  • according to the material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic cilia are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the cilia are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one joining its own;
  • 3D-building - sticks to each of its 2 synthetic ones, a three-dimensional effect is created;
  • creative extension (eyelashes of different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks, after which they gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and bend.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when buying. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. The technique of the process itself can be mastered in stages by yourself, guided by the recommendations in this article.

With piece eyelash extensions, you must first choose the right type of cilia.

In total there are 4 types of eyelashes according to the type of material:

  • silk eyelashes - quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will lengthen and add volume to their eyelashes (evening option, but not everyday);
  • mink eyelashes - light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (may cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to very thin own eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 min.), but they last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will be glued to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to choose the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When buying, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of various lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner ones.

Effects to create an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look becomes expressive without the use of cosmetics.
  2. fox effect- cilia of different lengths are used (usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye is visually lengthened.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued of different lengths, short - closer to the inner side, long - to the outer side of the eye, creating the effect of mystery.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving a look of puppetry and coquetry.

Main rule

The classic eyelash extension method is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular, because. Eyelashes are lengthened in stages in a natural way by gluing artificial or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​"naturalness" in makeup, when the eyes look spectacular without signs of excessive cosmetics.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is to glue one artificial eyelash onto one of your own.

There are several basic guidelines for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial eyelash is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. An artificial eyelash should be glued to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then subsequently, with a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, a woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When sticking the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “tousled effect”.

Necessary tools and materials

For a phased home eyelash extension, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. All the technique and the process itself take place directly in contact with the eyes, so it is completely unacceptable for infection to get into the eyes.

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packing of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray-degreaser for eyelashes;


To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your bottom lashes to your skin. For this, special silicone pads or just paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are closed and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When sticking, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be a chemical burn, “tears will flow”.

  • Degreasing those eyelashes on which the extension will be made using a degreasing spray. We sprinkle a little liquid from the spray onto a cotton swab and carefully draw it along all the upper eyelashes, first in one, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is over. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

Individual eyelash extensions step by step

After all the tools have been prepared and a set with eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Note! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when sticking each individual eyelash.

The most popular classic extension method involves gluing one artificial hair onto one of your eyelashes.

With eyelash extensions, each eyelash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extension for each eye, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes:

  1. Glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and with a blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each own eyelash separately. At the same time, short cilia are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates the effect of "cat's eye".
  4. Professional masters advise to do several gluing procedures for each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so in succession.
  5. During the last approach, empty gaps are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned in terms of the number of cilia.

Bundle extensions step by step

The beam look is also called "Hollywood" because it is considered a solemn style. Bundles last a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes are knotless type and nodular. A knot is a ball at the junction of several artificial cilia. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to stick on, but it will be visible on the eyelashes at the end of the procedure.

15-20 bundles are usually glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a gentle mount and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

The bundles also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons, rhinestones are also glued for originality.

15-20 bunches are usually glued to each eye.

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drip glue on the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be slightly dipped in glue;
  • own eyelashes in the right place are moved apart with the help of another tweezers, then the bundle is glued into this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid so that there are no gaps.

Eyelash extension using Japanese technology

The most popular and effective technique today is the Japanese eyelash extension technology for each individual eyelash. With the help of a step-by-step instruction of this technique, any woman can do it at home.

Japanese technique (step by step):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and choose the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease the tweezers with a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes, put wet cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is lowered briefly into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. The rest of your eyelashes, so as not to interfere, with a toothpick you need to move away. For high-quality attachment of an artificial hair, it must be slightly pressed against the eyelash.
  7. The direction when gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes must be laid in the same direction.
  9. After the end of the procedure, you need to lie down and wait with your eyes closed for several minutes for high-quality gluing of hairs.

Correction of single eyelash extensions

Typically, eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, once a month it is necessary to make a correction. With oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of extended eyelashes with mascara, then she would have to redo all the work: remove the eyelashes, because the carcass clogs into the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. Gluing eyelashes in this case is done again.

Eyelash extension care after correction

There are several rules for the care of eyelash extensions:

  • you can wet the eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure, so that the glue has time to grab well;
  • you can not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • you can not rub your eyes;
  • the washing process is carried out very carefully, because. getting wet reduces the period of wearing eyelashes;
  • it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the possibility of straightening artificial eyelashes at high temperatures (approx. 100º);
  • you can’t cry, it’s also better to refrain from sea bathing (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • to wash off makeup, it will be optimal to use a tonic, and not a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue), you can also not use cosmetics with alcohol, this can greatly dry the skin on the eyelids;
  • to wash off cosmetics, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching the eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna temporarily

Removal of eyelash extensions

To remove artificial eyelashes, a special tool is used - a cream-paste for removing extended eyelashes. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and held for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

It's important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, your own will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or SARS;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergic to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • very oily skin of the face or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin own eyelashes cannot withstand the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be dispensed with.
  2. With eyelash extension, which is a more complex procedure, you need to make sure that the glued cilia “look in one direction”.
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when building, it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important not to allow the eyelashes to stick together during the extension process.

Common rookie mistakes:

  • incorrect gluing of the artificial eyelash along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman has a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • gluing several lashes together prevents them from growing normally, which speeds up the loss of their lashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have "Hollywood" eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. The correct eyelash extension technique described in this article will help you to follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

Master class on eyelash extension leads E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are done here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here:

In the morning, it's hard to fight the urge to spend more time sleeping and less time cleaning up. Already in the afternoon, the idea of ​​going to work without makeup does not seem so sensible. How can one not recall Elizabeth Taylor, who was awarded by nature itself with an attractive look: due to a rare genetic disease, her eyelashes grew in two rows, and the directors constantly asked the girl to wash off her makeup, which was not there. With modern extension technology, you can get this effect simply and painlessly. If you haven't worn fake eyelashes yet, here are some tips for your first extension.

1. Choose the type of eyelashes

It is not necessary to turn into a doll with infinitely long butterfly eyelashes, you can choose the appropriate effect yourself. Before the procedure, an experienced master will assess the structure of the face and tell you what length, curl and color of eyelashes will suit you best.

Eyelashes can be partially extended by selecting only the corners of the eyes. The intensity of the volume is also regulated by you yourself - from one to five artificial cilia per one of your own. Extension allows you to correct even flaws such as asymmetry of the eye or visually change its incision.

2. Take good care of

Eyelash extensions require little to no maintenance. Do not visit the bath or sauna for a day after the procedure. Also, do not use oil-based makeup removers. Every morning comb your eyelashes with a brush and not three eyes, so as not to damage the hairs.

Keep in mind: the more intense the extension, the greater the damage to your own eyelashes. So, if you decide on a dizzying advertising volume, be ready to carry out the extension procedure regularly or restore natural eyelashes for a long time.

3. Correct in time

Artificial eyelashes last on average about a month. After that, the procedure can be repeated, but if you turn to a specialist in a timely manner, then adjustments will be enough. It's cheaper than a new extension. Pay attention to the condition of the eyelashes: you will notice that they have thinned significantly - it's time to go to the salon.

4. Don't be afraid to wear makeup

Eyelash extensions save you from having to paint them daily, but this does not mean that you need to completely abandon decorative cosmetics. Eyeliner, shadows, pencil do not harm artificial eyelashes. Mascara can also be used, just pay attention that there are no oils in cosmetics: they are useful for your eyelashes, but are contraindicated for artificial ones. It is better to take a special mascara for eyelash extensions.

5. Don't try to take them off yourself

Perhaps the most important rule when it comes to eyelash extensions is never try to take them off yourself. Seriously, don't even think about it, otherwise you will be looking at the world with completely bald eyes for the next few months. This is not even the worst thing, because such experiments are fraught with damage to the eyelid or an eye infection.

The master will remove the artificial hairs with a special composition, without significant damage to your own eyelashes. Even if you are not going to do a new extension, take the time to have it professionally removed in the salon. It is usually an inexpensive procedure.

For girls who are contraindicated in extensions due to allergies or other problems, the dream of beautiful eyelashes is still not lost. There are analog procedures, such as lamination. A keratin composition is applied to the eyelashes, which makes them more lush, smooth, shiny and saturates with useful microelements. Lamination increases the volume of eyelashes three times, gives a curve from the root zone and a charcoal shade. You can forget about mascara for the next two months. Girls are increasingly choosing lamination for a more natural effect.

The extension process itself takes a couple of hours - lamination takes a maximum of an hour. Both procedures are completely painless.

Many people, before deciding on any salon procedure, prefer to familiarize themselves in detail with the process of its implementation in advance and decide what are the advantages and disadvantages of a particular technique.

Any information helps to understand why it is necessary to resort to artificial methods of creating beauty, how to prolong the duration of this or that effect. This article will discuss how eyelash extensions work.

First of all, the master degreases the cilia and removes all the remnants of the mascara. Then he selects the optimal length of the source material, based on the shape of the cut of the eyes. The lower eyelashes are closed with special pads made of plastic collagen. They help prevent the process of gluing native and artificial cilia.

To simplify the process, the master closes the upper eyelid with a collagen pad. And only after that he picks up each artificial eyelash and smears it with special glue. Before starting the extension, each native eyelash is thinned out, any sticking is eliminated. The artificial villus is glued not to the “native” root, but to the skin of the eyelid itself. At the end of the procedure, the entire treated area is treated with a special fixing composition. It helps to prolong the ordered effect.

In order to do all this today, you do not need to go to a specialized salon. Eyelash extensions at home are very popular. A similar service is provided by private masters. The Master-Visit portal allows you to find the best of them. This platform provides direct interaction between private professionals working in the beauty industry and those who are interested in such services.

An extended list is published on the pages of the site, it contains the names and surnames of those who are really worthy of attention. A professional portfolio will allow you to verify this, and an extended resume will complement the portrait of a particular master. The link http://www.master-visit.ru/korrekciya-naraschivaniya-resnic allows you to access the list. Having opened it, it is easy to immediately place an order for a service or call a master at home.

Using the described procedure, you can create the effect of silk or mink. There is no limit to the number of artificial eyelashes. It is always chosen in a strictly individual order, sometimes 60 villi are used for one eyelid, sometimes all 100. It takes about two hours for their sticker to be applied. After the end of the procedure, the look completely changes, it becomes expressive. In the morning, you will no longer need to put tons of mascara on your eyelashes, you will not need to curl the villi. There are no contraindications for extension. Therefore, you can safely visually change the shape of the eyes, choosing the right length of artificial villi by inviting a private master home.

eyelash extension is a procedure that can turn absolutely any eyes into shining and chic, while it saves girls a lot of time, allowing them to look great at any time of the day. After all, it was thanks to beautiful eyes, an alluring look cast from under thick eyelashes, that peoples were conquered and the boundaries of empires were changed in all the centuries of human existence. But earlier, only those who were given such a gift by nature could boast of long and thick eyelashes. Everything changed at the beginning of the 20th century, it was in 1927 that the famous makeup artist, make-up artist and inventor of such cosmetics as foundation and mascara, Max Factor, for the first time for actress Phyllis Haver, who played the role of Roxy in the legendary musical Chicago, created a prototype of modern false eyelashes . They were a construction of fringe, held on a base of thread, which should be fastened with glue to the base of natural ones.

This invention so transformed the appearance of the actress that, despite all the shortcomings, such as fragility, inconvenience in use and obvious unnaturalness, it made a huge sensation among the Hollywood beau monde and firmly occupied its niche among the cosmetic leaders of that era. For a long time, due to the very high price, false eyelashes of the type invented by Factor were available only to very rich famous fashionistas. But by the middle of the century, technology had stepped forward, artificial models became more affordable and, most importantly, acquired a more natural look, which made them one of the most popular and massively sold beauty accessories. But, nevertheless, artificial eyelashes were the same technique of gluing a single strip with ready-made cilia arranged in a row.

The revolution in eyelash extension technology took place at the beginning of the 21st century thanks to Japanese manufacturers of cosmetic accessories, who first tried eyelash extensions in bunches. And already three years later, among their clients, eyelash extensions using Japanese technology were introduced into constant use, when an artificial eyelash is attached to a real one, while creating a completely natural effect. This event really became a revolution, because from now on women could calmly relate to the daily beauty procedure, while saving a significant amount of time, which in the conditions of the crazy pace of modern life is not at all superfluous.

Eyelash extensions can really boast of a rather rich history of existence, and this is quite justified, because artificial cilia can help in a variety of situations. Therefore, they are so loved by women all over the world, because the use of artificial materials gives our imagination unlimited scope, allowing us to constantly obtain different effects and select the necessary forms for each individually. In order to get a really high-quality and amazing result, you first need to know everything about eyelash extensions, their types and possibilities. And, of course, based on your knowledge, choose a wonderful master who will turn your eyes into two shining gems.

Eyelash extension materials

Eyelash extension materials are presented in a wide variety on the market of modern cosmetic products. But they are all united by one important feature - they are all synthetic, artificial. Because the use of natural materials is fraught with severe allergies, besides, natural fibers are completely impractical. Artificial are devoid of these shortcomings.

There are currently the following types of eyelash extensions:

  • Mink- one of the most popular options due to the fact that they are almost identical to natural eyelashes in terms of feel during wear, density and visual perception
  • Sable– The sable cilia have the most voluminous hair. Such eyelashes will not be able to please you for a long time, but it is with the help of this material that you can create the most voluminous results, which are necessary, for example, for an evening and gala exit.
  • Rubber (silicone)- a novelty in the cosmetology market, because, thanks to the achievements of modern chemists and cosmetologists, they have exceptional practicality. Such eyelashes do not break during sleep, even if you sleep with your head buried in a pillow. With them, you can visit the pool, sauna, do not be afraid to paint them and use makeup remover cosmetics.
  • Kolonok- thin, almost weightless eyelashes, with which it is very difficult to create a spectacular and voluminous result, but thanks to the column, even the thinnest and meek eyelashes can be transformed, and because of their weight, they will stay on the eyelids much longer than other types.
  • Silk- glossy, shiny eyelashes, which can be compared with mink in quality, with the only difference that they give a more festive result.

But the raw material from which false eyelashes are made is not the main difference. Because even made of the same material, they can differ in the degree of wrapping, bending, and hence the effect created. The curl is created on special round elements that are very strongly heated. In this case, the resulting eyelash is about 7 cm. After heating, high-quality artificial cilia are manually filed and polished, creating a thin tip like natural hairs. Currently, the assortment of eyelash extension masters has the following options for the degree of bend:

  • J- this is a very weak curl, almost a straight eyelash. It is necessary to create a natural effect and is most often used not to build up the whole eye, but for its separate area.
  • B- a light curl, more natural for most girls, is necessary for a natural effect.
  • C- medium curl, is the most popular among customers of eyelash salons, because it is he who gives the effect of an open eye, without depriving it of naturalness.
  • D- The curl, created for special occasions, gives an instant "glamorous effect" of long lashes.

And of course, in the arsenal of a specialist there will definitely be such tools for creating beautiful eyes as eyelash glue, tweezers, nail scissors and much more. All this must also be of excellent quality and must be sterilized, because in this case there is contact of the working instruments with the mucous membrane of the eye, which means that it is necessary to be safe from possible problems.

Types of eyelash extensions

Types of eyelash extensions differ in methods and techniques. In addition, the results of different types may also differ in external characteristics; currently, the following services are offered to clients in various salons and beauty studios.

Service name

What is it?

Japanese extension

With this type of eyelash extension, an artificial hair is glued to one's own, while using materials such as norm, sable, knee, silk.

american extension

It differs from the Japanese one in that only rubber (silicone) fibers are used, which is why the composition of adhesives is somewhat different.

indonesian buildup

Here the difference lies in the composition of the glue, which is used to attach artificial hairs to natural ones. Indonesian technology promises to use only natural ingredients saturated with all kinds of vitamins and nutrients that do not harm the eyes at all, but, on the contrary, carefully care for them.

Volume technology (Volumetric result)

With this technique, the hairs are glued not one at a time, but several at once on each of their own, natural ones. At the same time, they try to use cilia with the smallest weight, as a rule, konelok and mink act in this role. The rest may not attach and fall off soon. In addition, they may not feel comfortable.

Thanks to this extension method, you can get not only a 2D effect (two artificial eyelashes for one natural), but also 3D, 4D, and even 5D for photo shoots, for example.

Beam extension

Do not think that such a type of artificial eyelashes as beam extension is no longer relevant. This is not at all the case, because with the help of beams you can very quickly and easily achieve stunning results. The number of bundles can be adjusted and get voluminous and lush eyelashes.

After you decide on the necessary extension technology and solve the problem of choosing a master for yourself, be sure to consult with him about the expected result. The fact is that eyelash extension requires a specialist to have excellent knowledge in the field of aesthetics, stylistics and cosmetology, because he needs to determine the type of appearance of the client at a glance in order to help her choose the most appropriate form of extension. By the way, the shape is created using eyelashes of various lengths. After all, even our own eyelashes are not the same length. So in the center of the eyelid, the hairs are an order of magnitude longer than in the corners, and in the inner corner of the eye they are shorter than in the outer one. Therefore, the artificial version also has a variation in length from 0.8 cm to 1.5 cm. And the shortest hairs are located on the lower eyelid, which, however, does not interfere with the correction in this area. Especially for this purpose, there are cilia with a length of 0.5 cm to 0.7 cm, and therefore the extension of the lower eyelashes is also a fairly popular procedure in our time.

The most common form of eyelash extensions.

Form name

How she looks like?

natural effect

When forming this option, two lengths of artificial cilia are used. The most popular option is 8 and 10, while the short ones are built up in the inner corner, and the longer ones in the outer. This option involves obtaining a natural effect.

puppet look

This form is made using long eyelashes of the same size. Very often the size 10, 11.12 is used. At the same time, the long ones are also increased in the inner corner, due to which the eyes turn out to be really doll-like.

fox eye

For this effect, three to four lengths of cilia are used, placing them alternately from the shortest in the inner corner to the longest in the outer. At the same time, the eye lengthens, a kind of cunning inherent in foxes appears in it.

squirrel eye

For the entire eyelid, with a squirrel look, one length is increased, as a rule, these are rather short cilia 6 or 8, and several hairs of a much longer size are added to the outer corner.


For this type of shape, you need to apply any other types, but add decorative details, such as colored hairs, feathers, rhinestones, beads, sparkles, etc. In everyday life, such options are of little use, but you can diversify your version, for example, a squirrel or fox look with a few contrasting hairs of a different color in the outer corners.

Well, here the masters use two sizes of cilia, very different in length. Eyelashes 6 and 12, for example, can play the main role here. They build them up alternately, creating the effect of the sun, which has long rays. Looks good with the "Millennium" option in the composition.

Do not forget that not every color type of appearance can suit coal-black eyelashes. Therefore, you should discuss with the master the possibility of using other shades of the color palette, such as gray, smoky, brown and others, which will not contrast strongly with other details of the appearance.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Pros and cons of eyelash extensions, of course, exist, as in any way of interfering with one's own appearance. The positive qualities of this method can be considered such points:

There are really many advantages to this method. But at the same time, there are some negative features that you must know in order to accurately determine the degree of need for this procedure for yourself. Cons of eyelash extensions:

Only after you carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, it is worth making a decision. Because without taking into account the negative qualities, artificial cilia can simply disappoint you.

How to restore eyelashes after extension?

How to restore eyelashes after extension is of interest to almost every girl who uses the extension service. And the point here is not at all whether these cilia strongly influenced their own, or is it the result of self-hypnosis against the background of how natural ones look after the wow effect of artificial ones.

Eyelash care after extension is not so complicated, the most important thing is regularity and thoroughness, with which you will use the following guidelines:

By following these simple rules, in a month you will be able to restore completely natural cilia and even stimulate their growth and the appearance of new ones.