Eye makeup after 45. Reviews of the best foundations for aging skin, price

Any woman knows that beauty largely depends on makeup. Makeup can correctly highlight the advantages of appearance and no less correctly hide flaws. In order for the desired and expected effect to be achieved, you need to know some features and rules for applying makeup and caring for your skin and face. These rules are different for different ages. As a rule, age is an important aspect in determining the algorithm for applying makeup and personal care in general. Even at 45 years old and beyond, a woman wants to feel young and tries in every possible way to strive for this. The desire to look always young and well is fueled by “stars” - popular singers, actresses, TV presenters who have crossed the 45-year mark and at the same time continue to look brand new.

Nude makeup after 45 years step by step that makes you look younger

Makeup after 45 years in any makeup begins with caring for your own skin. First of all, every beauty needs to get rid of all the little flaws. Be it dryness or oily shine - all this is unacceptable if we want to create the perfect image. Skin care in such cases is carried out using masks and creams, which are best purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. The last option is the most proven: knowing the benefits of natural cosmetics, we advise you to also turn to natural skin care products.

  1. Now you need to apply the base. There is no need to do it in several layers - we achieve naturalness. Therefore, it is best to use a mineral product with a light, natural texture. If you have freckles, don't try to hide them.
  2. A highlighter is perfect for highlighting certain areas of the face, for example, the bridge of the nose, the area under the eyebrow, and the protruding part of the cheekbones. Natural illuminator will give the skin not only radiance, but also a fresh look.
  3. Now let's move on to the blush. We apply them to the cheeks, but one nuance is important here: you need to choose the color so that it does not “take away” your entire nude makeup (photo below). Remember that the area to apply this product depends on your face shape.
  4. Nude eye makeup dictates only one rule for women over 45: apply eye shadow in shades that are not too dark: black will clearly look unnatural. Some makeup artists even advise you to give up mascara and specifically try to lighten your eyebrows with the help of shadows. We believe that you shouldn’t completely give up mascara – the main thing is to know when to stop.
  5. Lip makeup using the nude technique should be extremely natural and natural. Therefore, before applying lipstick, you should use special moisturizing oils or creams. In this case, it is better to refuse lip liner - the contour will look unnatural. Give preference to matte lipsticks in soft pink, peach and other shades.

Smokey eye makeup after 45 years step by step that makes you look younger

Classic smokey eyes for women over 45 years old are done in dark gray or black tones, but today to create “smoky” makeup they use shadows of completely different colors - from light brown and beige to bright orange and even red. By the way, it is for this reason that “smoky” makeup is no longer considered purely evening: to get a daytime look, it is enough to choose more muted and neutral tones.

And now the most important thing is how to make a smokey eye directly. We will talk about the classic options - black and gray. There are two main techniques – horizontal and vertical. In the first case, the line closest to the eyelash growth line is the darkest, above it is slightly lighter, and the upper, widest line is light. To make the bottom line, first line your eyes with a pencil, and then use it to sketch out the outline of this line and fill it in, then apply black shadows to the pencil. We shade the border and apply lighter, gray shadows to the shaded area. In principle, you can leave it this way, but by adding a third, lightest shade, the look will reach the peak of its smokiness. We cover the lower eyelid on the outside with black shadows, on the inside with lighter ones, and carefully shade the border. In the horizontal version, the sequence is the same, but the shades “darken” not from top to bottom, but from the inner corner to the outer. And be sure to apply eyeliner along the entire lash line. Arrows are acceptable. To give a fresh look, apply some white eye shadow to the inner corner of your eye. Apply black mascara in several layers.

Makeup with an emphasis on lips after 45 years step by step that makes you look younger

In order for makeup with an emphasis on the lips for women over 45 to be long-lasting and look perfect, you need to adhere to the following technique for applying it:

  • Hydration is the first step. Apply regular balm, leave it on for 3-5 minutes and remove excess with a napkin;
  • Use a special primer to moisturize the skin and make-up durability or a drop of foundation - it will create a solid base for decorative cosmetics;
  • Trace the outline with a pencil. If they are narrow, go beyond the natural limits by 1 mm, if they are too wide or voluminous, move directly along the lips;
  • Apply lipstick with a brush and move it from the center to the corners;
  • Powder your lips and blot with a napkin (kiss it lightly);
  • Apply a second layer of lipstick with the same brush along the entire perimeter;
  • Fix your makeup with gloss or a special fixing spray; you can use thermal water and lightly spray it over your face, then blot off excess moisture with a napkin;
  • Don't forget to take imperfections - a regular cotton swab or toothpick will help remove excess lines of pencil or lipstick.

If we talk about applying gloss, varnish or liquid lipstick, it is important to create a contour (so that the cosmetics do not leak/slide or go beyond the contours in general) and apply two layers of the product; blotting and powdering are not necessary. If you are doing complex makeup with wine or red shades, fuchsia, choose a pencil to match your lipstick and first shade your lips with it, and only then apply lipstick. If you use beige colors, choose a pencil a shade darker than lipstick or gloss.

A two-color make-up will allow you to hide asymmetry - correct the smaller lip with light lipstick, and apply a pigment one or two shades darker to the larger lip.

Makeup lifting after 45 years step by step that makes you look younger

Makeup for women over 45 with a lifting effect has much in common with the strobing technique. This type is now more often used by mature women in order to hide imperfections that appear on the skin with age. This makeup is also often called anti-aging. To perform makeup in this technique, bronzer, highlighter and simple matte shadows are used.

Makeup with arrows after 45 years step by step that makes you look younger

So, to do makeup with arrows, women over 45 need to do the following:

  1. First of all, it is recommended to treat the skin with foundation.
  2. Then the eyelid is covered with a base product in a neutral shade.
  3. It is very important to shade it well, distributing it in the area of ​​the outer eyebrows.
  4. At the tip you can make a couple of strokes using shimmering products. The central part of the eyelid in the crease area should be treated with more saturated shadows.
  5. Then you need to paint a line along the contour. It is recommended to draw the arrow as close to the natural lash line as possible.
  6. Eyeliner should start from the inside or middle of the eye and move to the outside without lifting your hand. In any case, the line should be perfectly straight. If you plan to make a fairly wide arrow, it is recommended to first draw the outer contour, and then paint over the resulting gap.
  7. To complete the makeup, you need to treat the lower eyelid with shadows.
  8. Then you can apply mascara to your eyelashes. This product only applies to the upper eyelashes. When doing eye makeup with arrows, it is very important to ensure that it is symmetrical.

As for evening makeup for women over 45 years old, it should definitely be much brighter than daytime makeup, taking into account the time of day accordingly. In addition, its appearance should be somewhat more solemn and conspicuous. Therefore, its application takes much longer. First of all, you need to prepare your skin for applying foundation. Shadows are also selected depending on the type. Thus, silver, purple and dark blue colors will be ideal for fair-skinned and fair-haired women. For darker skin tones, it is recommended to pay attention to mocha shades.

Professional makeup artists know how to make a woman over 45 look visually young, but not everyone has the time or money to visit them. Fortunately, there is now a large selection of cosmetics that will help you create your own unique image. The subtleties of its application are also known. In order not to visually increase your age, it is enough to do makeup after 45 years, which makes you look younger, in accordance with the following tips:

Face tone. To get a rejuvenating effect, you need to even out your complexion. It is necessary to use moisturizing foundation creams to get rid of dryness and dullness. The shade should be cool, without yellowness, as warm tones make the face look tired and emphasize wrinkles. You also need to apply blush, which will give a healthy glow. It is important to choose a shade that suits your skin color. Avoid strong brown and deep pink colors.

Eyebrows and eyelashes. With age, eyebrows become thinner and hairs become coarser. It is necessary to form the correct shape, removing all excess and filling in the gaps with a pencil. You can also use shadows that lie more naturally on the surface of the skin. Don't try to draw eyebrows that don't match their natural shape. They should be of medium thickness, not very thin and not too thick. When creating an image, it is very important to use mascara, as eyelashes become shorter and thinner. You can also use eyeliner, but not black, but lighter shades.

Correct lip shape. Over time, lips become less dense and lose their color. The best choice would be glitter. It will create the effect of volume and juiciness. Soft coral and dark pink colors are suitable.

A spectacular make-up for a woman of forty is possible - we will reveal all the subtleties

When a woman reaches a certain age, she has to take better care of herself. The structure of the skin changes, age-related changes appear. Therefore, proper facial care comes to the fore - these include special cosmetic series for those who have crossed the 40-year mark, and various anti-aging procedures, but it is not unimportant what kind of makeup for a 40-year-old woman will be correct.

After all, knowing all the subtleties of its application, you can emphasize your advantages and hide your flaws, as well as prolong your youth.

So, let's figure out how to choose the right cosmetics when it is appropriate to make up with arrows, which is suitable for blue or brown eyes.

Proper preparation for makeup is the key to a woman’s success

Before starting the make-up itself, it is important to prepare the skin, achieve its perfectly even shade, which is especially important when applying daytime makeup.

Masking the circles. What is the main problem of 40 year old women? These are blue bags and circles under the eyes, so it is necessary to reduce them to a minimum. To do this, you should arm yourself with a corrector and use it for problem areas. There is a basic rule that will help you choose the right concealer - choose a light yellow shade if the circles under your eyes are reddish in color, and use pink and peach tones when covering up blue circles.

Another great tip is that if you are 40 years old and have red spider veins around your eyes, you can disguise them with a green-tinged concealer. For makeup after forty years, you can use a concealer that has a lifting effect; it will wonderfully tighten the skin and disguise problem areas.

Choosing a makeup base for a woman over 40 years old. Mature skin needs hydration, so the base must have a moisturizing effect. An anti-wrinkle cream with an intense moisturizing effect is suitable for the eyes.

Choosing a foundation. For a woman over 40 years old, it is important for her makeup to look perfect and to choose the right shade of foundation. Ideally, it matches your natural skin tone or is a little lighter. Give preference to water-based formulations; they have a lighter consistency and look more natural when applied.

Creating a spectacular make up - sharing secrets

So, we figured out which basic makeup products a 40-year-old woman should prefer. It should also be taken into account that there is a specific technique for applying makeup for a woman. Therefore, if you want to create a modern, high-quality make-up, regardless of whether it is evening or daytime, you should follow the rule - a minimum of cosmetics and an optimal color scheme. The entire application technique boils down to the following:

  • You should first clean and moisturize the skin with products that correspond to the type of dermis and the age of the woman
  • Using a brush, apply the corrector under the eyes and on the entire upper eyelid, visually lifting the tip of the eyelid with the corrector
  • Use corrector to smooth out the contour of the lips, shading wrinkles
  • apply the foundation with a sponge with light movements, trying to evenly distribute the tone; it is better to use loose powder
  • Next up are the shadows. For blue, brown, green eyes it is better to use soft shades (brown, peach, cream); women after forty should abandon “flashy” colors. You can line your eyes with thin arrows; with them, daytime and evening makeup will look fresh, but avoid black eyeliner; it’s better to draw arrows with a thin pencil.
  • Apply a little mascara to your eyelashes
  • A little blush using soft shades
  • The finishing touch is lipstick. Contour pencil - close to the natural color of the lips.
  • It is important to use a minimum amount of corrective products, as their excess will only highlight skin imperfections. Pearlescent shadows are not suitable; satin shadows are better; they look impressive on both brown and blue eyes, and are also suitable for green-eyed ladies.

    Day or evening - we also take into account the features

    Forget about good lighting when applying daytime makeup. For women over forty years of age, this type of everyday makeup is best applied near a window. The light will evenly illuminate your face, so you can easily control the brightness of your makeup. Do not paint your eyes with wide arrows, this is not appropriate during the day, it is better to use natural shadows in pastel colors. For blue eyes, light beige and warm brown shadows are suitable. Those with brown eyes can use all shades of brown.

    Proper evening makeup allows a woman to use richer and deeper shades.

    For blue, brown or green eyes after forty, use gray, pale blue, beige or café au lait shades.

    Please note that eye shadow for any eye color, both blue and brown, should be pastel shades. To create evening makeup, you can use arrows, but it is better to line them with a soft pencil.

    You will need

    • - liquid foundation;
    • - loose powder;
    • - cream blush;
    • - shadows for eyelids and eyebrows;
    • - Mascara;
    • - lipstick.


    In order for makeup to rejuvenate your face, you should not apply it too thickly. Give preference to light textures. Instead of thick creams, use modern foundations with the addition of reflective particles and polymers. These products will hide wrinkles and blemishes, giving the skin a subtle glow while removing excess sebum.

    Instead of compact powders, use loose powders, applying them with a large fluffy brush. The color should match your skin tone. Some makeup artists suggest using powder a tone darker - this will give the face freshness. Avoid very light, whitening powders and creams, they will make your face expressionless.

    The best blush for mature women is cream. They apply as naturally as possible, are easy to shade, and hide fine wrinkles and dry skin. Choose a shade depending on the color type. Coral and peach blush suits warm golden skin, while pink and reddish ones suit cold skin. Avoid shocking lilac or doll-pink shades; they are suitable only for very young girls.

    Tidy up your eyebrows - they will make your makeup complete. It is best to highlight them with special shadows or wax in gray-brown or ocher tones. The shade depends on the color of your hair. You should not make your eyebrows very dark, this will emphasize your age. Tint them, and then powder them with a brush - this technique will refresh and visually rejuvenate your face.

    When doing eye makeup, avoid multi-color stains on the eyelids - it looks old-fashioned. Do not use bright or too dark shades. On the moving eyelid, apply cream or powder shadows in moss-green, grayish-blue, burgundy or gray-brown tones, blending them well with a brush. The same color can be applied to the lower eyelid. Avoid bright eyeliner and eyeliner on the inner eyelid - such makeup techniques do not suit mature ladies. Be sure to paint your eyelashes with high-quality lengthening or volumizing mascara.

    Remove vinyl and varnish lip glosses, as well as clear fruit balms from your makeup bag. Your choice is high-quality lipstick with a velvet or satin effect. It gives the lips a beautiful tint, hides minor imperfections, does not smear or collect in the folds of the lips. Do not outline the contour of your mouth with a pencil - apply lipstick with a brush, stick, or even with your fingertip. Choose your colors carefully. Very dark browns, purples and burgundy shades age. Give preference to tones of rosewood, cocoa, tea rose or soft coral - such lipsticks are appropriate both day and evening.

    After 45 years, the usual skin care algorithm should be doubled. Daily cleansing should be combined with light peeling, moisturizers should be applied morning and evening, nourishing and tightening masks should be used more often, and self-massage sessions should be performed.

    One of the most important care products for mature skin is a deep-acting rejuvenating serum, enriched with active ingredients that penetrate the deep layers of the skin. Only such an anti-aging product can enrich cells with essential nutrients and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

    High-quality skin care after 45 years should improve the structure of the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness, tighten the oval of the face, smooth out existing wrinkles, fight pigmentation, moisturize and nourish, and protect from adverse factors. One product cannot cope with so many tasks, so you will need creams with a lifting effect, moisturizing and nourishing.

    The lifting cream contains active biostimulants and phytohormones that intensively fight skin aging and tighten it. These creams are not recommended for constant use; use them in courses twice a year. Nourishing and moisturizing creams should be used daily.

    After 45 years, face masks become not an additional, but an essential means of care, acting in combination with creams, serums, etc. Masks help enhance the effect of the components of other care products, and also provide emergency assistance in emergency situations, for example, with hyperpigmentation and swelling.

    Foundations for mature skin

    After 45 years, you should very carefully select decorative cosmetics, in particular foundation. An incorrectly selected foundation will not mask skin defects, but will emphasize them. The modern cosmetics market offers various foundations designed specifically for mature skin. They not only visually improve its appearance, but also contain a large number of caring components and also protect against ultraviolet radiation.

    To choose the right foundation, first of all pay attention to its consistency. An ideal foundation should be light in texture and fairly liquid in consistency. Thick creams on mature skin look unnatural and emphasize its unevenness.

    To choose a shade, apply a small amount of foundation to your chin. If the product completely blends with your skin, this foundation is suitable for you.

    A good foundation should include plant extracts and extracts, acids, oils, sunscreen components, and reflective pigments. If the cream contains wheat proteins and chitin, this product has a lifting effect.

    A woman is beautiful at any age in her own way; properly done makeup can only emphasize her natural beauty. After 45 years, along with charm and elegance, natural age-related changes appear.

    Makeup for women after 45 years

    And, of course, one of the main tasks of a woman is solving the issue of slowing down the aging process of the skin. To do this, you need to use high-quality anti-aging care products that help you look great. When creating makeup, this statement is also true - decorative cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the changing needs of the skin.

    The epidermis loses density and elasticity, wrinkles appear and the skin on the face begins to sag, which means makeup should visually “raise” the drooping eyelid and drooping corners of the lips. At the same time, we should not forget about the following point: for those who have crossed the threshold of 40 years, it is important to maintain an optimal balance of skin moisture, which means that cosmetics should be chosen mainly from the moisturizing series.

    Ease of makeup for women

    Also, after a certain age, some makeup techniques and color palettes become inappropriate. Bright makeup, acceptable at 20-25 years old, will look at least provocative by the age of 45. Also, an excessive passion for rich dark tones in this age category will have the opposite effect - it will age a woman instead of making her younger.

    Despite the existing universal rules for applying anti-aging make-up, individual features of appearance should be taken into account to create the perfect image.
    Return to content Important points of anti-aging makeup

    You can get a rejuvenating effect without visiting a cosmetologist; for this you need to make the right accents. Those women who want to look younger than their age should not completely give up makeup. High-quality decorative cosmetics and a calm, natural range of colors will help create a sophisticated and elegant look, typical for ladies in adulthood.

    Natural shades in makeup for women

    To avoid looking older, women over 45 should avoid the following:

    1. A thick foundation with mattifying properties: it will create an unnatural mask on the surface of the skin and highlight all wrinkles.
    2. Shining pearlescent shadows are highly not recommended; they should not even be used for evening makeup.
    3. You should avoid dark shades of lipstick; they will not make you younger; on the contrary, they will visually age you.
    4. Before applying lipstick, you need to outline the contour with a wax-based pencil, this will not allow the lipstick to spread and fill in small wrinkles near the lips.
    5. Women after 45 years of age should perfectly master the art of chiaroscuro - with the help of lighter and darker shades of decorative cosmetics, you can give the face the sculptural nature inherent in youth.
    6. Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the eyebrows; there should be no small thin threads, as well as thick, very wide eyebrows. It is recommended to give them a slightly curved appearance - to “open” the eye.
    7. Any contrasting colors can also make it look older.

    The step-by-step instructions for creating makeup for a 45-year-old woman can also be used when it is necessary to do evening makeup. To do this, you should only slightly modify it: take darker eye shadow, draw arrows and apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

    Everyday makeup for women 45+

    To do daytime makeup for women over 45 years old, you need to follow these steps:

    • Cleanse your face with milk or another mild cleanser.
    • Wipe your face with toner or micellar water.
    • Apply moisturizer or BB cream to your face.
    • Even out your complexion using a light foundation with moisturizing properties, ideally it should contain reflective particles to create the effect of a natural glow on your face.
    • Apply concealer to the area under the eyes and gently spread it over the skin with your fingers.
    • If necessary, dust your face with loose powder. After 45 years, wrinkles become more and more noticeable on the face; it is not recommended to use powder under the eyes, so as not to make these age-related changes on the skin even more expressive.

    Daily make-up for a woman

    1. Smile, highlight your cheekbones with blush in a calm peach or beige shade.
    2. It is recommended to use a cream-based blush; it will spread evenly over the skin and give it additional radiance.
    3. Use a dark pencil to draw the eyebrows with small strokes, comb them with a stiff brush, evenly distributing the color. If desired, you can fill the gap between the hairs with the help of shadows.
    4. Apply an eyeshadow base to the entire upper eyelid, preferably using a product with a yellow tint, this will help disguise the redness of the skin.
    5. Cover the moving eyelid with light beige shadows, highlight the fold and the area above it with satin shadows several tones darker than the main color. If done correctly, this technique will help solve the problem of the impending century.
    6. Using a brush with short beveled bristles, use black matte shadows to highlight the upper and lower eyelids, filling the interlash space. For the upper eyelashes, this can be done from below without closing the eyes. Closer to the outer corner of the eyes, the line may thicken a little and go up to “open” the eye.
    7. Daytime makeup option for an adult woman
    8. Using a soft beige pencil, draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
    9. Use white pearlescent shadows to highlight the inner corner of the eyes and under the eyebrows; this technique is especially useful for makeup of small eyes, as it visually enlarges them.
    10. Curl your eyelashes and paint them with brown or graphite mascara.
    11. Outline your lips with a pencil to match your lipstick or a little lighter, then apply lipstick twice, dabbing the first layer with a napkin.