Any disease can be cured. How to cure any disease? Disease healing technique

No. Although in fact practice with such a statement is contrary. Healing is not always possible even due to the fact that doctors simply do not have enough knowledge. Progress is underway, various changes and discoveries are taking place with it, which lead to the emergence of new terms. That's just new names of diseases appear more often and faster than there are ways to treat them.

Other diseases are most often called curable. The only caveat is that it is not known how long it will take.

What diseases are curable

Almost all diseases, with the exception of chronic ones, are curable diseases. Angina, tuberculosis - those ailments from which you can be completely healed are quite extensive. It all depends on how the patient follows the recommendations of the doctor and how much he values ​​his health.

It should be borne in mind that with improperly selected treatment or non-compliance with all the recommendations of the observing specialist, the disease can easily be transferred to the chronic stage or complications can be achieved.

The reason for most diseases is the inability to love yourself - hence the unwillingness to take care of yourself, eat right and follow the daily routine. Namely, this often leads to the development of various diseases.

Some experts in alternative medicine believe that it is enough to change the attitude towards oneself, as immediately the situation of a patient with even a very serious illness of a person will change. He will feel better, and recovery will go at a faster pace.

So today we can safely say that most diseases are curable. It all depends on the mood of the patient. After all, even children with severe cerebral palsy develop well if they begin to believe that they will ever be able to walk. At the same time, the results that they demonstrate are literally beyond human understanding.

What can be used to treat

There are many ways to recover from serious diseases. Alternative medicine, spiritual practices, physiotherapy exercises and massage are often recommended. Sometimes you have to try many different ways to find the one, the only one that will bring noticeable relief.

So, diseases are often treated with various herbal infusions. Experts recommend getting advice from experienced herbalists on the selection of the necessary tea from flowers, leaves and roots of plants. It is worth preparing for the fact that the treatment will be long, because. herbs have a cumulative effect on the body.

It is recommended to get a doctor's consultation beforehand, because. a number of herbs have a pronounced allergic effect. In this case, you can further undermine your health by adding an allergy.

Various psychological practices help more at the level of one's own convictions. Psychologists teach the patient to believe in himself and the best, as a result of which his mood rises and immunity increases. This means that a fairly active process of restoring the body begins. All diseases are from the nerves - this slogan has been repeatedly confirmed empirically.

Traditional methods such as exercise therapy, massage and other physiotherapy are also aimed at general strengthening of the body. After all, it is enough to pay attention to immunity, as it will begin to repay you with kindness. Curing diseases is not the most difficult thing, it is much more difficult to tune in to a positive result, especially if the diagnosis is not particularly simple.

If you or your loved ones are sick, but want to understand the cause of the disease and improve your health; if you are tired of spending half your salary on medicines, realizing that there is still no sense in them; if medicine refuses you, healers are powerless and you suddenly got to our website and read these lines, then you finally have a chance to find out the truth about diseases and get rid of them once and for all, even those incurable by modern medicine.

The answer to be given below is not just a theory. From the practice of the seminars held, personal acquaintances and personal experience, I can confidently state that before my eyes people were recovering from cancer, from an "incurable unknown disease", from chronic fatigue, from all kinds of allergies and from many other ailments, including unsuccessful life. All you need is to realize the following and change something in the way of thinking and living. And now in more detail.

Let me start by saying that man is perfect. He is indeed created by the great Spirit, whom many call God, and indeed created in the likeness of the Spirit himself. More correctly, it is a part of the Great Spirit in one of the many Bodies. Everything in the universe is interconnected and can only exist in harmony with each other. The universe can be compared to a working group performing an important task. And if one of the members of the group performs his duties poorly or completely interferes with the common cause, then the group first seeks to reason with the person, and if this does not help, then get rid of him, in other words, fire him. As you already understand, a person is one of the many workers of the Universe, who has his own destiny, his own special task. There can be many such tasks in life. If a person does not understand his destiny, the Universe first gives him hints through people, the animal world or circumstances. If he doesn’t understand again and bends his false line, the Universe begins to teach a man a lesson, sending him all sorts of obstacles, life difficulties, as if saying this - stop, it’s not going, it’s not yours. If a person does not understand again, then the Universe is forced to take away strength and opportunities from a person so that he does not interfere with the fulfillment of a common task. So the person gets sick. First, with a mild illness, and if he doesn’t do it right, then a serious illness, and in the end, he is completely removed from life, cut out like a cancer cell from the body, so that the whole body does not die.

How to understand your purpose, there is another article in the Questions and Answers. In addition to realizing the wrong deeds in your life, it is even more important to realize unrighteous thinking. Thought is primary, action is secondary. In spiritually strong people, the thought instantly launches the planned tasks in the Universe. For this, your actions are not even needed, someone else will do them for you, but the responsibility will still fall on you, since you were the primary source of someone else's act, because it was you who wished it. For example, you thought you hated someone for something. Your thought, perhaps even in conjunction with other similar thoughts, soon materialized, and that person died. In this case, the responsibility for his death will fall on everyone who wished him death or hated him. Remember - any thought materializes sooner or later, and you are responsible for it! Of course, you can justify yourself, saying that he was a bad person, but I will tell you from experience that you need to be a god in order to understand why a person does this and whether it is good or bad for the Universe. Only the Universe can judge someone for something, not you. Respect all living things, love yourself and loved ones, try to understand the nature of their actions, do not judge people for them, but try to help with advice. Love yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle, because the universe needs strong and healthy people to perform common tasks. The Universe itself is generous and will always thank you with happiness and wealth for your good deeds. Remember only that you are part of the Common.

If you are already sick, then you need to remember your life, your relationship with people, plants and animals, understand what you were wrong about, and apologize. After that, you need to start thinking and living in a new way. But do not pretend to be righteous, but sincerely be it. Once you become an open person, everything will start to work out. And if it is not too late to change the way of thinking and life, any disease will recede. The main thing is that you have at least a month of life left. You can change everything in a month! I wish you good luck with this and ready to answer any of your questions!

About the thieves of human souls and minds. The people inhabiting the territory of modern Russia are currently experiencing many difficulties, both material and spiritual aspects. Your bait is "HEALTH", a tasty morsel for any person. publications. Without thinking that we can become victims of the irresponsibility of unknown authors.

"God has no hands but mine!" In the words of an unknown author (ON) - "The universe has no hands but mine!".

cit. ". The universe can be compared with a working group performing an important task. And if one of the members of the group does not perform its duties well or interferes with the common cause, then the group first seeks to reason with the person, and if this does not help, then get rid of him, in other words - to fire. "(Why do people get sick? How to cure any disease without medicine?)

What does it mean to fire? Apparently to destroy. Who is doing this. According to NA, the Universe. The Universe has no hands except ours. Who are these people, members of which group? A little further.

Read "The killing of handicapped people. The euthanasia program in the framework of T-4.

". seven peoples that are more numerous and stronger than you. The Lord your God will give these peoples to you in power, and you will defeat them. Destroy them completely, do not enter into agreements with them and show no mercy to them" (Deut. 7: 1-2). Modern translation.

"They destroyed everything and destroyed every living thing in the city. They killed men and women, young and old. They killed cattle, sheep and donkeys" (Jos 6:21)

"Mein Kampf" is replete with statements of this kind: "In the end, only the thirst for self-preservation can prevail. Mankind has achieved its greatness in eternal struggle, and will perish from eternal peace. Nature ... creates living beings on earth and watches the arbitrary play of power. Then it entrusts the reins of government to his beloved child, the strongest, most courageous and industrious. The strongest occupies a dominant position and does not allow mixing with the weaker, which can damage his own greatness. Only the weak from birth considers such an approach cruel. "

According to Hitler, the preservation of culture "is due to the strict law of necessity, the best and most powerful of this world have the right to win. Let those who want to live join the fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve the right to life. Although it is cruel, but this is life!"

cit. ".. As you already understand, a person is one of the many workers of the Universe who has his own destiny, his own special task. There can be many such tasks in life. If a person does not understand his destiny, the Universe first gives him hints through people , the animal world or circumstances. If it doesn’t understand again and bends its false line, the Universe begins to teach a person a lesson, sending him all sorts of obstacles, life difficulties, as if saying this - stop, it’s not going, it’s not yours. If a person doesn’t understand again, then the Universe is forced to take away a person’s strength and capabilities so that he does not interfere with the fulfillment of a common task. "(Why do people get sick? How to cure any disease without medicine?)

And who is this "beloved child of nature, the most powerful, courageous and hardworking", to whom providence has entrusted "the reins of government"? Aryans. Here we come to the very core of the Nazi idea of ​​racial superiority as reflected in Mein Kampf, the concept of a master race on which the Third Reich and Hitler's "new order" in Europe were based.

"All human culture, all the achievements of art, science and technology, which we are witnessing today, are almost exclusively the fruits of the creativity of the Aryans. This fact alone completely (Reasonably confirms the conclusion that it was the Aryan who was the founder of higher humanism, and therefore the prototype of all that we understand by the word "man" He is the Prometheus of humanity, from whose bright brow sparks of genius have flown at all times, always rekindling the fire of knowledge, illuminating the darkness of gloomy ignorance, which allowed man to rise above all other creatures of the Earth. It was he who laid the foundations and erected the walls of all the great edifices of human culture."

Remember Germany of the thirties. Look at what is now in Russia.

If children die because of past misdeeds, then why are they even born? A vicious circle is obtained. Unrighteous deeds are punished during life (from your own explanations). A new life as a way to improve - what then is the meaning of the death of a child? The child is not able to realize the experience and as a result does not receive any lesson as a result of illness and death and is not able to influence karma. Your theory doesn't work.

If someone is looking for health, ask him first,is he ready to part with all the causes of his illness -Only then can you help him...

Are you sick often? Before one doctor has time to cure you, how do you run to another? Half of your salary is spent on pills, and vacation and sleep do not help?

In this article, I will tell you why this happens and share my secrets of health without pills, pills, the help of doctors and healers.

Personal experience

About 5 years ago I was an avid visitor to hospitals and clinics. My first-aid kit was half the size of a travel bag, and any chemist would envy the presence of multi-colored tablets. I didn’t have time to cure sinusitis, as my bronchitis began, then my leg swelled and, in turn, “different parts of my young body began to break down”. It was strange to everyone and me why I get sick so often, because in childhood I was a completely healthy child, with good immunity.

Being curious, I began to study my illnesses and for the first time came across such a concept as PSYCHOSOMATICS. The term "psychosomatics" itself comes from two Greek words: "psyche" - soul and "soma" - body. Various scientists have proven that 80% of all diseases are PSYCHOSOMATIC. These are ailments in which the physical body is sick, but the cause lies in the human soul.

REMEMBER, any disease, be it a cold, a fracture or oncology, is a signal of internal disharmony and wrong behavior. Only you yourself can help yourself to cope with it, BUT (!) Having understood the cause of the occurrence. Our health directly depends on our thoughts, mood, love or its absence, on the perception of life events, on our actions and deeds.

Of course, many will now think “Medicine is at such a level, why dig into yourself if 1 tablet will anesthetize and cure me?”

REMEMBER TWICE, the doctor will never cure the CAUSE of your disease, but only eliminate the consequences, because the origins of the disease lie deep in each of us. I assure you, ONLY YOURSELF and “work” on your gut, namely the accumulated resentment, irritation and dissatisfaction that provoke the appearance of diseases, can make you healthy.

Emotional Causes of Illness

Experts identify the following psychological causes of the most common diseases:

  • Alcoholism - a sense of guilt and self-worthlessness;
  • Allergy - intolerance of some situation or some kind of relationship;
  • Insomnia - distrust of the life process, guilt;
  • Gastritis - a frightening uncertainty, a feeling of "squirrels in the wheel";
  • Headache - underestimation of oneself, self-criticism, fear;
  • Liver diseases - anger;
  • Kidney disease - disappointments, failures, strong self-criticism;
  • Cold - too many events at the same time, the desire to "lie down" aside.

It was then, 5 years ago, that I discovered Louise Hay and her books. With the help of her videos and manuals, I let go of resentment, cleansed myself of anger and programmed myself for positive, healed again. My soul was reborn, and with it my body.

Louise has created a table of psychosomatic ailments available on the Internet, where she describes the PROBLEMS of diseases, their CAUSES and a NEW APPROACH - a cure.

For example, CANCER is a deep wound, an old resentment, a great secret or grief, a feeling of hatred. With a new approach, new thoughts, such as “I lovingly forgive and forget all the past, from now on I fill my own world with joy. I love and approve of myself” – you will cure this terrible disease.

Everything that happens to us has its own reason, nothing is accidental, everything is natural. If a person is often sick, then only he is to blame.

All diseases are from bad thoughts, negativity, anger, irritation, as mentioned above.

We must constantly be grateful to the Universe for what we have, stop complaining and getting angry, harboring resentment and hatred. It is important to constantly be in a state of love and happiness, joy and kindness, and then you will heal not only your body, but also your soul.

Health is harmony at all levels of our being: in relationships with ourselves, with people, nature and with God.

Therefore, I wish you all her and be HEALTHY!

Most people dwell on their problems, failures, poor appearance, lack of financial position or status. There are a lot of such bad emotions and they can be listed indefinitely. But all of them cause not only a bad, gloomy mood, loss of strength, depression, stress, but also a variety of diseases. And most importantly, cancer. Everyone tends to focus only on the bad. But you just need to change your direction in a positive direction, as a result immediately on the face.

The science of laughter - gelotology originated in America in the 70s of the last century. It was the founder of this science, Norman Cousins, who went down in history as a man who managed to make death laugh. His story surprised the world. After all, he suffered from joint cancer. And the doctors were no longer able to help him. He decided to cure his illness with the help of comedies. To do this, Norman Cousins ​​closed himself in his room and watched only comedies all the time. The result exceeded expectations. Immediately after the first week of viewing, Cousins' pain disappeared. I started moving right after the first month. Two months of viewing helped him get a job.

In addition, psychologists agree that laughter helps in difficult times to solve and overcome problems. At the same time, it improves mood and general well-being. The thing is that laughter actively produces hormones of happiness - “endorphins”.

It has been proven that 5 minutes of laughter is a great substitute for 40 minutes of rest. Many foreign physicians treat patients with laughter therapy. Because a positive-minded person is much faster to be treated.

Laughter has a great effect on the respiratory system. Especially it is necessary to laugh at pregnant women. After all, in no case should they experience negative emotions.

Experts say that everyone should laugh without exception. If you cannot, then you need to force yourself and set a rule for yourself to laugh every day for 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening. Laughing will help you: watching comedies and humorous programs, anecdotes or even caricatures and funny photos. In addition, experts agree that laughter is a medicine for the whole body.

Many diseases that terrified people of the past are almost forgotten today. Doctors quickly dealt with them as soon as they replaced conspiracies, bloodletting and dubious, and even dangerous drugs (like mercury) for scientifically proven drugs and methods. However, the people in the white coats still have a lot of work to do and may soon be revisiting some of their treatment principles. And in favor of a completely unexpected direction.

* Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system

Deal with nerves

In April 2014, the American agency DARPA announced the creation of the Division of Biological Technologies. The event is significant, given the specifics of the agency. His mission is to look further into the future and turn fantasy into reality. As part of one of the projects, the department intends to develop brain stimulation technology that corrects nervous disorders ranging from depression to chronic pain. The SUBNETS (Systems-Based Neurotechnology For Emerging Therapies) project is notable for its explicit rejection of drug treatment attempts. DARPA specialists have chosen a different path, where not the chemical properties of cells are affected, but the mode of their electrical activity, and the stimulation parameters should depend on the response of neurons. In fact, this is a direct dialogue with the nervous system.

Placebo use may reduce pain through opioid or non-narcotic exposure to expectations and/or conditioned reflex mechanisms. Opioids produced by the body can have an inhibitory effect on the respiratory centers. The adrenaline-releasing sympathetic nervous system of the heart may also be suppressed during the placebo analgesic effect, although the mechanism is unknown (reduction of pain itself and/or compensatory effect of opioids). Cholecystokinin counteracts the effect of endogenous opioids, thereby reducing the placebo response. Placebos can also influence the release of serotonin in the pituitary and adrenal glands, mimicking the effect of some pain medications.

In medicine, electrical stimulation has been used for more than a decade, and this method sometimes brings success where drugs are powerless. By sending a signal through electrodes deep into the brain, it is possible to start the healing process even in patients who are in a state of minimal consciousness, as reported in 2007 by researchers in the Department of Neurology at the Medical College of Cornell University. It is like awakening: a person begins to move, eat and speak on his own. In this way, they try to help people suffering from depression, obesity or Parkinson's disease. But the technology has one decisive drawback - you have to open the skull. Therefore, it will not be widely used. It would be great to find a gentler way to affect the nervous system while avoiding the side effects of pharmacology. In other words, to come up with a treatment without drugs and without traumatic intervention in the body. But is it real?

Treatment without drugs

In search of an answer, it is worth turning to the research of Fabrizio Benedetti, a neurophysiologist from the University of Turin. He is one of the leading experts in the study of placebo effects and uses deep brain stimulation in his experiments. As a therapy for those suffering from Parkinson's disease, electrical impulses are applied to the region of the subthalamic nuclei. This reduces the excessive activity of neurons in this area and leads to an improvement in the patient's well-being and movements. However, Benedetti, before starting the stimulation, gave the patients an injection, convincing them that he was injecting an effective drug. But in fact, patients were injected with normal saline, a medical “dummy” without any medicinal properties. Moreover, the electrode inserted into the brain was not used for stimulation, but only for reading cell activity. The result of the experiment was completely unexpected. After the injection, patients began to move more easily, and the level of excitation in their subthalamic nuclei decreased as if they had received a series of impulses. Somehow, the brain self-normalized in response to the fiction. So scientists for the first time managed to register the placebo effect at the level of individual neurons.

Fabrizio Benedetti, Professor of Neurophysiology and Human Physiology, Department of Neurosciences, Medical School, University of Turin:

“The public is interested in the placebo effect because it promises to expand our understanding of the limits of a person's inner capabilities. Scientists because the influence of beliefs on human behavior promises opportunities for studying the internal control of emotional, sensory, and peripheral processes. Placebo studies are, at their core, an examination of how the context of beliefs and values ​​shapes perception and emotion in the brain and ultimately influences mental and physical health. Modern neuroscience considers the idea that subjective expectations and values ​​have certain physiological bases that can have a significant impact on thinking, motor processes and internal homeostasis.

Today, such effects can no longer be taken lightly. As it turned out, not only a dummy pill or an illusion of an electric effect can act as a placebo, but also an imaginary surgical operation. The prestigious The New England Journal of Medicine has repeatedly published articles stating that simulated washing of the knee joint gives the same positive effect as real arthroscopy: patients get rid of arthritis.

Some drugs do not make it to official sales because they are no better than placebos in preliminary tests. But these are active substances developed by specialists for a specific biochemical function. Here we are faced with an unexpected phenomenon - the ability of the body to start the process of its recovery with the help of the psyche. This does not always work, and its possibilities are limited. But their real limit is not known for certain.

Medicine of the future

Let's make a risky prediction: medicine will be based on the management of self-healing mechanisms. At least for some violations. Doctors will learn to conduct an indirect dialogue with the nervous system, choosing the right stimuli in each case. A placebo is not just an inert something, it triggers a whole cascade of biochemical changes in a person, including the endocrine, immune and nervous systems. That is why the study of placebo effects is now given serious attention. Having studied the phenomenon at a fundamental level, it may be possible to find a way to amplify it many times over.

The outlined scenario follows the idea of ​​the famous psychologist Nicholas Humphrey from the Darwin College of the University of Cambridge. He suggests that for most of human history, doctors and medicine men worked precisely through the placebo effect. Their recipes had very little to do with the physiological component of diseases. Nevertheless, even absurd methods gave a certain positive effect. Humphrey singles out the "health management system" as part of the overall management of homeostasis. The operation of this system gradually, in the course of cultural evolution, became dependent on the very fact of the presence of doctors, medicines and procedures. But all this time she acts spontaneously, on her own. Science will take it under control and greatly increase its power and capabilities, although, of course, patients will not be fed with mercury or witchcraft potions. True, future treatments may seem much stranger to us.