Lunar haircut calendar for August - favorable days. When to cut your hair in August? The most favorable days Haircut on a lunar day for August

Useful tips

In August there may still be summer sun pretty strong Therefore, we advise you to properly protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, moisturize it and cut off dry ends in a timely manner. If you are growing long hair and want it to grow faster, go for a haircut at waxing moon days - from 3 to 17 August 2016 inclusive (except for unfavorable days).

If you want your hair to grow back slowly, but to be full of strength, shiny and beautiful, you can choose waning moon timefrom 18 to 30 August 2016, avoiding unfavorable days. We do not recommend hair coloring during this period.

It’s better not to make an appointment at the hairdresser on days when the Moon is walking.signs of Cancer and Pisces: 1, 19, 20, 27 and 28 August 2016. Also exclude days when the Moon changes phase (except for the full moon):2, 10, 25 and 31 August 2016.

The most favorable days for cutting, coloring and other complex procedures with hair there will be days of the moon in Leo and Virgo in the waxing phase: August 3-6, 2016.

At the end of the article you can find , which listsvarious proceduresand hair manipulationthe most successful for them days in August 2016.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for August 2016 section:


Today it is best not to cut your hair or dye your hair, but it is especially not recommended to do complex hair treatments: The result may unpleasantly surprise you. It is better to skip this day; we also do not recommend working out your hair at home.

The effect of cutting on hair : negative, they will quickly begin to split, the hairstyle will quickly lose its shape.

: can lead to problems in family life.

AUGUST 2, Tuesday. 29th lunar day,1st lunar day from 23:45.A LION

NEW MOON at 23:45

Today it is better not to visit hairdressers, despite favorable sign of Leo. We especially do not recommend changing your image or doing something radically new (new hair color, new hairstyle, perm, straightening, etc.). The last day of the lunar month is always considered unfavorable for any important matters and especially for undertakings.

The effect of cutting on hair : Slow growth, hair may become coarser.

Psychological impact of haircut : decreased overall body tone, emotional decline, apathy and bad mood.


AUGUST 3, Wednesday, 2nd lunar day from 05:25.A LION

Nice day to visit salons and hairdressers, one of the best days of the month. The Moon approaches conjunction with Venus in Leo sign, which is good for those who want to change their image, choose a brighter and more noticeable image. You can do any hair coloring or lamination. The curl will be too shallow.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair will become thick and healthy, and will grow quickly.

Psychological impact of haircut : self-confidence and one’s capabilities, attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

Moon without course until 10:34

A good day for cutting and styling, for various procedures to strengthen and restore hair. You can sign up for curling or straightening. Any color will work well. Haircuts on this day turn out to be very feminine, but it is better to stick to the classics. When laying it is better to avoid too hot appliances(curling irons, hair dryers, straightening irons).

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2016

A good day to visit salons and hairdressers. It's good to weave African braids and curl your hair. This day is especially suitable for cutting hair ends if you want to grow long hair. Hair will grow quickly and its quality will improve significantly. However, we should not forget about appropriate care for hair. You can visit a trichologist in case of problems.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair strengthening, rapid growth, hair structure changes for the better.

Psychological impact of haircut : positive effect on intellectual abilities.

Moon without course until 19:56

Since the Moon will be without a course all day today, try not to apply for new hair treatment procedures: The result may disappoint you. Today you can dye your hair roots, or do your usual hairstyles.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair strengthening, rapid growth, hair structure changes for the better.

Psychological impact of haircut : positive effect on intellectual abilities.

You can do light airy haircuts and styling. Hair may become more fluffy, so use special products to remove frizz and care for the ends of your hair if you have long hair. Today you can dye your hair. This is also a good day to take care of thin hair. For example, you can make masks for volume.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, but the structure does not change, but the hair's frizz may increase.

Psychological impact of haircut : Helps in relationships with partners.

Haircuts are allowed, but they will not particularly affect the quality of the hair. You can dye your hair, but no need to experiment. Use a dye that you already know works well with your hair and produces the color you want. You can paint over gray hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, but the structure does not change, hair frizz may increase.

Psychological impact of haircut : will increase popularity, improve relationships with partners, increase your social circle, attract the opposite sex.

You can cut your hair and dye it in darker colors. Today is also a good day to fight dandruff. First, you should determine the cause of dandruff. The problem can appear for various reasons: due to improper hair care, poor diet or health problems. For severe dandruff, when folk remedies do not help, you should undergo examination.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth, shine.

Psychological impact of haircut : A haircut can improve your personal life, relieve you of relationship problems, and help you get rid of the effects of stress.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

Second phase of the moon from 21:22

Unfavorable day for visiting hairdressers and salons: change of lunar phase. Hairstyle may disappoint you, better today postpone haircut.

The effect of cutting on hair : there is a risk that the hair will become worse in structure and condition. Although they will grow back quickly.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can lead to an accumulation of stress.

Moon without course from 08:22 to 20:24

Today we can continue fight dandruff, however, you cannot start new procedures: there will be no result, since the Moon will be without a course almost all day. During the “idle moon” it is not recommended to start anything new. You can cut your hair, but the haircut will not have any effect on its quality.

The effect of cutting on hair : will have no effect.

Psychological impact of haircut : will have no effect.

Hide your hair from exposure direct sunlight, which dry them out and cause them to burn out. During the days of the Moon in Fire signs, this is especially important. Today you can get a haircut, but as a last resort it is better to avoid the first half of the day ( until 13:00), while the Moon and Venus will be in disharmonious aspect. Try not to use any chemicals today: there is a high risk of allergic reactions.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

Neutral day: if desired, you can cut your hair and dye your hair, but special influence It won't be on your hair. Be careful when using hot styling tools: there is a risk of drying out your hair. Don't forget about thermal protection products that can slightly reduce the effect of hot temperatures on your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : will not affect the hair structure, but may straighten curly strands a little.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help those who don’t have one find purpose.

Any will be useful nourishing and strengthening hair masks, including home production. Today is a good day to visit hairdressers; you can still dye your hair. It is better to choose regular classic haircuts from a trusted hairdresser, without experiments.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

It’s not a bad day for a haircut, however, hair most likely won’t grow quickly after it. Contact only to a trusted master, preferably older than you in age. Masks for strengthening hair will be effective.

The effect of cutting on hair : strengthening hair and improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help in career advancement, make a person more hardworking, stubborn in achieving professional goals.

Moon without course until 14:52

During the hours when the Moon is out of course, do not start anything new, but you can continue what was started earlier. You can make an appointment for a haircut or dye your hair roots. In the afternoon it is better not to do much hair work. Homemade volume masks are acceptable.

The effect of cutting on hair : can affect hair in a very unexpected way, cutting will not speed up or slow down hair growth (after 15:00).

Psychological impact of haircut : in the first half of the day, a haircut can help in carrying out professional tasks, in the second half of the day it can help you become more free and relaxed.

Today, haircuts and masks for cleansing hair are allowed, although this is not the best day of the month for haircuts. If you still want to go to the hairdresser today, go only when we're absolutely sure in what they would like to receive.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

AUGUST 22, Monday, 20th lunar day.ARIES

Moon without course from 14:48

You can get your hair cut in the first half of the day. It is better to postpone coloring until the days of the waxing moon. You can do your hair in at home. Protect your hair from high temperatures. It's good to do hairstyles for men today.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, hair structure does not change.

Psychological impact of haircut : self-confidence, activity, determination.

AUGUST 23, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.CALF

A good day to visit hairdressers, however, remember that hair dyeing, coloring, highlighting, hair lamination better not worth it. You can cut your hair, especially if you don't grow it long and don't visit hairdressers very often.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening, improving structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : financial stability, desire to increase income.

Lunar calendar of hairstyles and haircuts for August 2016, indicating the best days for cutting, dyeing and hair extensions, a horoscope for today, tomorrow or any day in July 2016, the horoscope describes all favorable and unfavorable days for coloring, cutting and changing hairstyles, applying masks for hair and scalp massage. We read the lunar horoscope of haircuts for every day in order to properly care for your hair and attract financial well-being (money), love and good luck.

August 2- New moon. Today it is better not to extension your hair, not to dye it or cut it.

August 6– Cut your hair today if you want to quickly grow long, healthy hair.

11th August– Money haircut. Get a haircut today to improve your financial situation.

August 18- Full moon. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Bad for cutting, coloring and hair extensions.

24 August– A haircut will help you find the strength and the right words to confess your love.

25-th of August– After cutting your hair, it will be difficult to style and you won’t be able to create a beautiful hairstyle.

You will find horoscopes for the remaining months in the article.

I never really believed in the lunar calendar. No, I knew that it existed, that many people consult it even before starting something new, they carry out work in the garden using it, cut their hair. But somehow I didn’t have the urge to check whether this was true or not, whether the system worked. And then I accidentally spoke to a colleague at work, she is a very sensible, sensible woman, and she immediately said that she cuts her hair this way - checking with the Moon, she immediately showed me the lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016 and said that she herself, on Through my own example, I became convinced that this is a force to be reckoned with.

And so I decided that this month I will try to cut and dye my head according to the lunar calendar, I found a detailed one with a description. I’ll publish it here for you too, in case it comes in handy? And share your opinions - does it really work, what was your experience?

When to cut your hair in August 2016 according to the lunar calendar?

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Moon in Leo

New Moon occurs at 23:45

Postpone your hair coloring to another day to avoid financial instability.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Leo

Do not cut your hair today, as this may adversely affect your relationships with others.

Dye your hair with natural dyes - this way you can attract money to your family.

Today you can try changing your hairstyle.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Cutting your hair on this day is unfavorable for your health.

You cannot bleach your hair - only dye it with natural dyes.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

If you cut your hair today, you will feel groundless fears all day.

You shouldn't radically change your hair color today.

Do a simple hairstyle - it will give you energy.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Today it is possible. Moreover, a haircut will help you get rich.

Dye your hair light color - this will help you conclude a lucrative contract.

A voluminous hairstyle on this day will have a positive effect on your health.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

On this day, cutting your hair can lead to health problems.

Hair should not be disheveled today. Assemble carefully and secure.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Cutting your hair on this day can lead to a quarrel with like-minded people.

This is an unfavorable day for hair coloring.

Curl your hair with soft curlers - this will give you extra energy.

Cutting your hair on this day will bring you good luck and improve your health.

A favorable time for a radical change in hair color.

Part your hair today.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

First quarter begins at 21:21

Do not cut your hair today, as cutting may bring illness to you.

To avoid possible mishaps, dye your hair a light shade.

Today, try to pin your hair up as high as possible.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Do not cut your hair on this day so as not to scare away your luck.

Dye your hair with natural dyes, this will help you strengthen your immune system.

Try to comb your hair with a wooden comb more often.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Cut your hair on this day, then your life will become brighter and more interesting.

Dye your hair in copper or gold shades, then you will soon make a profit.

Today, hair should be styled thoughtfully and carefully.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

On this day, hair cutting is not allowed, as it may adversely affect your destiny.

Dye your hair with natural dyes - it will bring you success.

Make an original hairstyle, then you will find yourself at the peak of an energy surge.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Cutting your hair on this day will bring health to you and your hair.

Give yourself the hairstyle you want today.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

On this day, cutting your hair should bring you good luck.

Part your hair on the side or in the middle.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

If you cut your hair, it may cause headaches.

You can only dye your hair dark and only with natural dyes.

Try to make your hair perfectly straight, this way you will retain positive energy.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Don't cut your hair today, otherwise you may have health problems.

It is better to dye your hair using natural dyes.

Put your hair in a bun to save yourself from possible troubles.

Moon in Pisces

Full Moon occurs at 12:28

Hair cutting can lead to minor injuries and ailments.

Dye your hair dark colors - this will help you make the right decision.

Braid your hair.

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Don't cut your hair today, it may attract financial troubles.

You can dye your hair, but in a color that has a positive effect on you.

Make an emphasis on your bangs in your hairstyle. This will bring you good luck.

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Cutting your hair on this day will have a positive effect on your life expectancy.

Dye your hair its natural color - this way you will attract the right people to you.

Comb your hair more often - this way you will receive additional positive energy.

Waning Moon in Aries

Today is also an unfavorable day for hair coloring.

Today you can do any haircut, just don’t let anyone touch your hair.

Waning Moon in Aries

This is a favorable day for cutting hair.

Dye your hair a light shade - this way you will attract “light” people.

Use metal pins or clips in your hair today.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus

Today, cutting your hair will give you a joyful mood.

You can dye your hair on this day, but it is advisable to use natural dyes.

Give yourself a simple and easy hairstyle today.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus

Today is a favorable day for changing your image, so any haircut is possible.

Hair can be dyed any color.

The last quarter begins at 06:43

Cutting your hair on this day can add extra pounds to your weight.

Waning Moon in Gemini

This is the worst day to cut your hair, so don't take any risks.

You can dye your hair only with natural dyes.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Don't cut your hair today to avoid problems with your vision and eye health.

On this day, your hair can be hidden under a light scarf.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

This is a favorable day for cutting hair. A haircut will give you joy.

Dye your hair in its natural color, so you will find a common language with others.

Waning Moon in the sign of Leo

Today you can change your appearance, so any haircut is possible.

You are allowed to radically change your hair color.

Get a beautiful and feminine hairstyle today.

Waning Moon in the sign of Leo

On this day, cutting your hair will attract increased attention from the opposite sex.

Get a simple hairstyle today, without any frills.

Waning Moon in Virgo

Today is an unfavorable day for cutting hair. Misfortune may happen to you.

Postpone hair coloring to another day to avoid financial instability.

Braid your hair in a braid - this way you can avoid negativity.

When the Moon is in the house of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus. These periods fall on the following dates: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 23, 29. Less fortunate numbers will be: 9 (influence of Scorpio), 13 (Moon in Sagittarius), 24 (Taurus), 31 (in house of Leo). Here you will need to study the calendar, scheduled for each day, where you will see what the day will be positive or negative (for example, you can get a haircut, but not put on makeup).

The most unlucky dates for a haircut in August 2016 are 19, 21, 28. These are the days when the Moon is in the Zodiac of Pisces, Aries and Cancer. On these dates, categorically refuse to plan a visit to your stylist - you risk acquiring serious illnesses, incurring a series of life failures and large material losses. Additionally, you should be careful with haircuts according to the following numbers: 1 (Moon in Cancer), 12 (in the house of Sagittarius) and 27 (Cancer). These dates have less negative impact, but it is better not to take risks and still reschedule the haircut to a more successful day.



28th lunar day. The appearance acquired as a result of visiting the hairdresser will serve you well in attracting acquaintances and charming the right people.
Moon in Cancer. After a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair. You should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.



29th lunar day. 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair cutting for a more favorable period
Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


2nd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting hair can lead to quarrels and litigation. Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting your hair will lead to material waste and poor health. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.


4th lunar day. Getting a haircut on this day is associated with feelings of discomfort and melancholy caused by the fear of losing loved ones. Exacerbations of diseases of the throat or oral cavity are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



5th lunar day. A haircut will lead to an improvement in your financial condition and overall well-being. A good day to cut your hair.

Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



6th lunar day. It is better to avoid cutting your hair on this day. You can catch a cold. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.


7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or higher management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.



7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or higher management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.



8th lunar day. Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.
Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


9th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has the habit of cutting his hair on this day. Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


10th lunar day. It is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser. According to Tibetan traditions, the “burning day” threatens deterioration of health. Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.



11th lunar day. A haircut on this day develops the acuity of the senses and improves the insight of the mind. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.


12th lunar day. It is better to postpone the haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury, even death, increases. Moon in Capricorn. A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



13th lunar day. Good time for a haircut. On this day you will not only gain a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Capricorn. A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



14th lunar day. Improvement in all areas

The last month of summer is very favorable for performing various manipulations with hair. The number of negative dates is reduced to a minimum, so lovely ladies can safely contact a stylist throughout almost the entire month. The lunar calendar for August 2016 will become an indispensable assistant in choosing the most successful period, which will activate or, conversely, slow down the growth of strands.

Haircut in August 2016 - the best dates

  1. August 1st– the waning Moon in Aquarius favors updating your hairstyle; cut curls will bring energy replenishment and make the strands more well-groomed and silky. Manipulating hair will sharpen your sense of intuition, allowing you to make only the right decisions. Please note that cutting your hair today will slightly slow down the growth of your strands;
  2. August 5th– a favorable day for hairstyle correction, which will give;
  3. August 8th– a haircut is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their financial condition and attract good luck into their lives. Hair correction on this day will be the reason for receiving an unexpected bonus, concluding contracts or spontaneous winnings. It is recommended to carry out hair care treatments, as the skin will be especially receptive to masks, which will strengthen its cells;
  4. August 9th- a good day that helps strengthen the strands and their rapid growth. During this period, it is recommended to carry out coloring procedures in light shades, which will allow you to attract “sunny” people into your life and make useful contacts;
  5. August 10th– hair correction today will allow you to find inner harmony and self-confidence. Communication skills will be revealed that will contribute to career advancement;
  6. August 11th– a haircut on this day will cause rapid growth of strands. This date is perfect for those who have had a bad hairstyle and strive to grow their curls as quickly as possible;
  7. August 12th– a haircut today is useful for those women who want to meet their other half. Updating your image will reveal your inner attractiveness. Hair will become manageable and silky;
  8. August 14th- a good day to visit a stylist and an even better period for restoration procedures. Nourishing masks and balms will give your curls thickness and volume;
  9. August 15th– It is recommended to color the strands in bold palettes. This procedure will not only not harm the health of the curls, but will also contribute to the establishment of useful connections;
  10. August 16th– updating your hairstyle will charge you with a powerful wave of positivity, all conflict situations will be easily resolved. Fatigue and loss of strength will be a thing of the past, and your hair will acquire a natural shine;
  11. August 17th– a trip to the stylist will make your curls lively, shiny and strong;
  12. August 18th– a new hairstyle will strengthen the immune system and improve communication skills. Children's hairstyles on this day will contribute to the development of creative skills;
  13. August 25th– updating your hairstyle will give the image freshness and youth; the chosen color for dyeing will be extremely successful. It is recommended to use masks and balms on this day, which will be particularly effective;
  14. August 26th– the most successful date for dyeing your hair in the boldest shades, radically different from the usual color. Complex and intricate styling will be created extremely easily. On this day, the hair is very manageable and holds its shape perfectly;
  15. August 27th– a good time for light hairstyle correction; global transformations should wait.

When should you avoid visiting a hairdresser?

August 3 and 4– those dates when any manipulation with hair will bring negative results. A trip to a beauty salon can cause internal imbalance. A spoiled mood and quarrels with others are the consequences of a haircut at the beginning of the month.

August 6 and 7 You should refuse a haircut if you do not want to attract a series of failures into your life. In addition, manipulation of the curls will make them thin and brittle. Restoring the structure of the strands after a haircut will require a lot of time and effort.

Haircut August 13 may contribute to the development of chronic diseases. You will become especially vulnerable to viral diseases. Creating hairstyles on this day is doomed to failure.

From 19 to 24 August There is an unfavorable period for hairstyle correction. Updating your haircut will not bring you pleasure, but will only bring on depressive thoughts. A visit to a stylist during this period can seriously upset plans and disrupt important events. Hairdressing services will harm the health of your hair and significantly slow down its growth.

From 28 to 31 August The series of unfavorable days continues. Haircut in August can cause migraines and fatigue. On these dates, it is not even recommended to wash your hair, otherwise you risk “washing away” the accompanying luck. Dyeing and curling procedures will not bring the desired result, which will cause depression and conflicts with others.

The remaining dates of the month are neutral. They do not affect the health of the strands and do not make adjustments to life plans.