Briefly wish you a Happy New Year. SMS congratulations on the upcoming new year short

May the holiday be bright and beautiful,
Cheerful, kind, joyful for everyone!
And the New Year will be happy
And bring good luck and success!

Again the holiday lights candles,
Bright sparklers!
We wish on New Year's Eve
You health, happiness and love!

May the New Year bring joy
May he fulfill his wishes
Health, happiness brings to the house,
Everything in life is changing for the better!

May the New Year be in the radiance of the snow
Come with goodness and joy
Fulfill dreams, hopes
And bring a lot of happiness!

Round dance around the Christmas tree, candles and gifts ...
Let the coming New Year be noisy, bright!
May fate give you your lucky chance
So that the fabulous Sesame opens the door for you!

But someone came - someone quietly calls,
Three white horses at the door
It's exactly midnight on the clock - then the New Year has come.
Pour champagne into glasses!

Believe in New Year
Happiness will be in it.
Mark a blizzard
Happiness full house!

We wish you love and affection,
We wish you a good fairy tale in life!
May the New Year bring you
Good luck for many years to come!

When glasses suddenly close,
The Christmas tree will wink with a garland ...
Don't forget to smile
To have a happy New Year!

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

I raise a glass - I congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love,
Despite the years and the weather!

Let there be a new year
The beginning of all beginnings
And everything will come true
What I planned in life.

Let the New Year be a fairy tale
Will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
He will bring you a gift with him!

May the New Year knock on you
And the house will be filled with happiness.
And everything you dreamed of
May this year be fulfilled!

Let with you next year
Such a miracle will happen
What I won't tell
Not to tempt fate!

May this year you enter
A happy year will enter your life.
And all the good things you dream about now
Let it happen and let it happen.

Leave sorrows to the old year
Forget anxiety, resentment, trouble.
Only health, success and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year!

So that your affairs are in harmony with the dream,
So that the heart does not forget big desires.
We want to wish that in the New Year
Everything happened as you envisioned!

The clock is ticking, the old year is leaving,
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst does not dare to return!

Happy New Year!
Let the fun
Will make a housewarming in the souls,
And snowflakes at this hour
Kiss you for us!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you
New Year's greetings to you.
I wish you much happiness
In the upcoming New Year.

Happy New Year my dear friend
May he be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that was passionately dreamed of,
It has become an amazing fate.

Let January be silvery powder,
Will overwhelm any misfortune.
We wish you all the best
In the upcoming New Year!

Let the old year go
Carrying misfortune with you
And the new one will bring more
Health, Joy and Happiness!

Let the snowflakes fall on you
Let your eyelashes turn white!
Happy New Year
Happy Year of Happiness and Year of Love!

Let under the predawn sky
For a minute you will feel sad:
The year is slipping away
And will not come back!

May the New Year and the holiday of Christmas
They will give you a sense of magic!
May close friends be near
May your family be happy!

Let on an ice tray
New Year Santa Claus
The diamond cup will put,
To the brim of golden health will pour,
Adds fun for a snack!

Congratulations, Happy New Year to you!
We wish you much happiness at this finest hour,
Strength, vigor, health and cheerful eyes,
New Year's adventures and other pranks!

On a snowy winter road
The old year is swept away.
May everything you wish come true
New Year's moonlit night.

On your doorstep all gray-haired with a beard
The old year is old, old at all,
He leaves us, he waves his hand to us
And wishes you good luck with everything!

I want jokes, so much laughter
Enough for a year ahead.
To have fun not only
Under the Christmas tree!

Waiting for miracles!
After all, on the New Year to you happiness
Quietly descend from heaven!

The minutes are running fast
In the flow of festive worries!
Where happiness is endless
May the New Year bring you!

May the New Year be wonderful
Happy, full of kindness!
May joy come with him
And dreams come true!

On the eve of the most important winter holiday, we give congratulations on the New Year to friends, relatives and colleagues. We offer you a selection of the best funny, beautiful and short congratulations on the upcoming.

They can be sent via SMS, written on a postcard, read in person at a meeting or at a festive table.

Happy New Year
And I wish fate
Brought a bag of luck
And she was good to you.

May it bring a lot of happiness
Mouse in a wonderful New Year!

May the New Year enter your home
Sit under the Christmas tree
And we wish you today
Great fun!

I wish you to find under the pine
So many gifts to count!
Let Santa Claus bring health,
And with it - joy, spiritual flight!

Let the snowflakes melt, let the hearts melt
Let the fairy tale never end
New Year brings hope
And all the long-awaited will happen!

Happy New Year! Life is Beautiful!
Let the holiday bring happiness
Miracle, joy, sonorous laughter,
Beauty, love, success!

I wish you good luck in the New Year,
May the guardian angel drive away trouble.
Health and happiness, support of friends,
High salary and many ideas!

Without doubts and worries
I wish you to live a year
Keep a fairy tale in life
Have fun and love

Beautiful congratulations in verse

May the New Year be a happy star
Will enter your family comfort,
Hurry with the old year
Let adversity all go away!

Let every day warm with warmth,
And bring a lot of happiness
And dispel all doubts
Coming at midnight New Year!

New Year is like a crossroads of fate.
This holiday is not to be missed.
On this day they come together
At the table are all relatives, friends.

Clink of glasses, gifts, participation,
Children's laughter, mischief, mischief,
This is real happiness
Real magic!

The world was covered with snow, like a downy scarf,
Again, winter is spinning in a clockwork dance.
Congratulations to all of you on a fresh, new year!
May joy come with each new day!

Maybe for the past something they didn’t have time,
But they marched forward, it was not in vain.
Dreams and goals are waiting for us,
New achievements and friends!

It's almost midnight. The minutes are ticking
Counting the end of the year.
Time to remember, time to look back
See where this year goes.

How many gifts did he give us,
How many nerves we managed to spoil,
How happy we were for the past year,
What have we been proud of in the past year.

Look around, and in a moment running
Guess what you would like
You take with you in the coming year
And leave in memory and in the heart.

May all joys, good luck and success,
Laughter, curiosities, ups and downs,
They will not respond only with a quiet echo,
And they rumble like noisy fanfares.

And then, sorrows and doubts,
Sickness, fatigue, other hardships -
In a moment they will retreat, and without delay,
Happy New Year, let's say
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2020!
Let it begin a new takeoff
To the best heights of life
And with a huge bank account.

Brings harmony in business
In personal life - only happiness,
And in love - a great return,
This is also good luck!

Let him give the joy of meeting
New Year's snowy evening
And last for many years
There is a warm light in your souls.

With new happiness! Happy New Year!
He's already around the corner!

Cool congratulations

In the new year and in the new hour,
Wishes for you:

Let the kids not get sick
Don't let old people grow old
And the girls are beautiful
And they have no complaints!

Let the men get rich
And they get better from it
They drink vodka and do not get drunk,
They love their wives and do not get impudent!

Let the authorities respect
Does not deprive the prize.
Well, life does not become more expensive -
Nobody offends!

I wish you so much fun
In order not to fall under the tree,
In order not to fall asleep in the salad,
Really roam!

To keep my head clear
And life has always been great!
More financial freedom
Love, warmth! And happy New Year!

Drag Santa Claus bag
And there are gifts in the bag.
Chocolate for kids
Bears, bunnies, stamps.

Let it not bypass you
Our grandfather is bearded
And the envelope will give you
With an annual salary.

To wave in the middle of winter
To the hot slender palms
And spend your leisure time
With maximum benefit.

So that the year does not get tired,
Don't get sick, don't get angry.
Happy New Year!
I wish all my dreams come true!

My congratulations
Will be extremely short:
Let it be cool in the New Year
Forget about the word "bad"
Money so as not to count
And yummy so - not to eat.
Have fun and enjoy
Smile all year long!

Herring under a fur coat
On the holiday table
great student,
Salad "Olivier".

Shampoo, tangerines,
Sandwich with caviar…
There is no tastier picture -
We welcome the New Year!

Under the chiming clock we zhahny
We are a cork in the ceiling,
For the coming year!

May he be happy
And bright for all of us
Pleasant surprises
Will please more than once!

Congratulations in prose

Let a new year in every sense of the word enter your life with a decisive step. Let each of his days shine with bright and amazing facets of the New Year's garland. Let it be saturated with unusual and joyful events and meetings, desires and suggestions. Let the cherished dream come true this year.

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring only good events, bright moments in life, happiness, the fulfillment of all hopes and goals.

Happy New Year! I wish that next year brings us as many joys as there are days in a year, and that every day gives us a smile and a piece of goodness. May everything that we planned come true: everything that we wanted to start will begin, and what we wanted to finish will end. May next year we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us, and the world will open new doors for us!

Let the New Year surprise again
Good luck prospects!
All the days that will come
They will be happy!
Let things go smoothly
And there will be fun!
Lives with joy in the soul
With nice mood!

Again on the threshold of the New Year.
May happiness await you in life.
Just worth the effort
Dreams will turn into reality!

May the New Year and Christmas
They will go great for you!
And in the coming year
Everything will be great!
We wish you health, strength,
Good, prosperity!
Let the fireworks ahead
Good and better!

We wish you a sparkling night
Colored mysterious lights.
And whatever your heart wants
Let it come true soon!
Let the cold not disturb the soul,
Winter does not bring sadness
And joy warms in the cold,
And let happiness be with you!

May the wish come true
Only twelve times will strike!
Let life be filled with joy
New day and new year!

Let on an ice tray
New Year Santa Claus
The diamond cup will deliver.
To the brim of golden health will pour,
Adds fun for a snack!

I wish you gentlemen
So that the New Year brings good luck,
So that business always flourishes
Good health in addition.
And expand horizons
And raise capital.
Nothing to know deprivation
To always have enough!

The tree lights up
And the champagne sparkles.
A year has passed successfully by us,
Page turned.
Let, colleagues, the coming year
Will be rich in gifts,
Daily bread will become light,
Life rich and stable!

The old year is leaving us
The New Year is knocking on the door.
Let with a blizzard and powder
He will bring all the good
Children - joy, as before,
Adults - happiness and hope.

Let the snow fall on your shoulders
Glasses clink, stars shine
And everyone believes
It's not too late to test yourself.
Let's celebrate, friends!
It just can't be otherwise
Fate you bright and good
With all my heart I wish.
I wish you all shades of happiness
I wish the warmth of friends,
Health, joy immeasurable
And bright holiday lights!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will give happiness a whole cart,
Good health in addition,
In everything conceived, good luck,
Peace, friendship, jokes, affection,
So that life is like in a fairy tale!

I wish you joy and tenderness,
Fluffy winter whiteness
Big surprises, entertainment
And Happy New Years!

Snowflakes sparkle and melt
Magic dancing your waltz,
And now the New Year is coming
Exciting and delighting us.
Champagne turns your head
And the smell of spruce beckons,
And even the January cold
Crystalline ringing.
The clock strikes
And boldly we look forward.
Let everyone have the best gift
Bring the New Year with you!

On the Christmas tree garlands, toys, sweets,
And the guests have already gathered at the table.
On a magical night, the planet has fun
Put your problems aside for later.
I wish that everything comes true in the New Year,
I wish you health, success, love,
Cases so that any easy start
And so you can easily finish them!
Happy New Year!

Similar congratulations.

The New Year is coming - what will it bring us? May it bring us only good, good and positive impressions, events and emotions. What is needed for this? Yes, just at least briefly congratulate all our friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives on the upcoming new year of a cute pig. This must be done as festively as possible, capaciously and at the same time short.

How to do it? Yes, of course, it’s very simple - choose short congratulations on the New Year 2019 on our website, copy and send to the recipients! Below we offer you a wonderful selection of the coolest and kindest short congratulations on the New Year 2019! Happy New Year everyone, happiness, good luck, health to boot!

Short congratulations on the New Year 2019

I send you Happy New Year,
With a snowy white round dance!
I wish you happiness and warmth
So that life, like in a fairy tale, flows!

The New Year has come
The people are having fun.
Less worries
And joy will come.

So that you don't get old
Laugh and sing
Want more
And be able to be able!

Year of the Pig!
Noble Pig is good,
She has such a delicate soul!
So gallant, gentle and modest,
She is defenseless and trusting.

The hand of the giver does not fail.
Our Pig is generous.
And as long as she has something to give you,
She will always help.

Let there be a little pig
For happiness and success is generous.
Let her bring it on her back
A bag of love, good luck and kindness!

Love will come suddenly
The pig will be even happier.
The year will be marked with luck,
No one lives like this.

In the New Year I wish you
Put a pig on the enemies:
Let them think, cry
Let them not be pigs in the future!

In the white frosty silence
Where only snowflakes fly
Santa Claus on a sleigh hurries to us,
And the New Year is coming.

May it bring new light
And warmth, and participation,
Many new victories
And real happiness!

Joyful sparkle of sparklers,
A glass of champagne,
In the faces of beloved, happy people
The holiday is coming to every home!

So let them be fulfilled on the night of magic
Cherished dreams in life!
We wish you a happy celebration
And we are huge happiness!

May this glorious New Year's Eve
A magical fairy tale will come to you.
And Santa Claus in his cherished bag,
Will definitely bring gifts!

There is no better holiday
For any company!
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new bright dream!

Like magic clothes
Let love warm everyone
May hopes come true
And success comes!

New Year is coming
The holiday is the best!
May you be fantastically lucky
You in the coming year!

Prosperity without a doubt!
Get rid of grief as soon as possible.
Understanding and recognition
Here are some wishes for you!

On the threshold of the New Year -
Santa Claus is coming!
It's almost twelve o'clock
Time to get loose.
Just celebrate well
Don't hurt your head!

May cherished dreams come true
And boldly step into the New Year.
And you will find reliable friends,
And maybe you will find your love.

Under the chimes, at one o'clock at night,
Make your wish.
And following a future dream
In the New Year, walk merrily!

On New Year's Eve, the frost is not terrible,
He won't spoil the fun.
Let your life become more beautiful
Let love fill it!

Let the New Year bring a fairy tale
In which there will be a happy ending,
Let the world paint bright colors
After all, there is no more beautiful celebration!

Winked a twinkle
From the corner in the garlands of the Christmas tree:
Happy New Year! Happiness in it!
Let life be smoother than silk!

It's time for miracles, fun, meetings,
Happy holiday fun.
Let it take all the weight off your shoulders
Everyone's favorite New Year!

May this new year
Everything will change for the better!
And everyone is happy
And have fun celebrating it!

I want to take with me in the New Year
Love, dream, pleasant moments.
And let the holiday bring with it
More strength, health, inspiration!

New Year will give you
Miracles and magic
Bring you good luck
Joy, happiness and kindness!

I wish this year
It was a hundred times better than the previous ones.
Good luck, all beauties,
Days of bright, cool and lucky!

Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness, joy.
May health be strong
Purse - for money tenacious!

Happy New Year
He will be happy, kind,
May all desires be fulfilled
Peace, happiness, understanding.

Happy New Year!
Let it be amazing:
Generous, fertile, sincere
And rich in finances.
Let the plan come true
The bad will be forgotten
Happiness, joy will multiply ...
May the puzzles be successful!

4 sms - 221 characters

Right on the threshold
The New Year is coming soon!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
I wish you the best.
Let dreams come true
And let the bright beauty
Brings happiness and love
This is the best New Year!

3 sms - 176 characters

Happy New Year
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let him bring only good to you,
The magic of the brightest moments,
Happiness, joy, luck, health,
Miracles and inspiration in everything.

3 sms - 192 characters

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, which is just at the door
knock. May he bring with him warmth and joy, happiness and
peace, good luck and good, hope and kindness, love and success, health and
prosperity, luck and fun.

4 sms - 219 characters

New Year is coming
May he bring happiness
Clink of glasses, laughter, fun,
Jokes ringing necklace,
Fulfillment of desires,
One hundred banquets and festivities,
Diamonds and cars.
Long life, so hundred years!

3 sms - 190 characters

The New Year will come soon.
We want to wish you
Joy to have a sea
And good luck ocean.
May all sadness and sorrow
Are left behind
So that you celebrate the New Year
In peace, happiness and love!

3 sms - 184 characters

The New Year is coming.
May he bring happiness
And also a wagon of luck
The wagon of success will give in change.
Let him give you money
And let it be by your side
Sea of ​​peace and kindness
Blessings, love, luck, warmth.

3 sms - 191 characters

Happy New Year,
Happy New Happiness!
Let adversity go away from life
And they will take bad weather with them!
Let joy settle in the house
And wealth will call with it!
Just a little more to wait -
How the chimes will strike twelve!

4 sms - 240 characters

The New Year is fast approaching us
The old one is moving backwards!
Let a miracle happen to us
Everyone is happy about miracles!
In the coming, let happiness
Everyone will come to the heart
Life will become more beautiful
In this bright New Year!

4 sms - 214 characters

Congratulations and best wishes:
The best days of the year.
Lots of happiness and fun
And awards for work!
May success accompany
And laughter is everywhere!

short sms happy new year

"Champagne in a glass"
The champagne in the glass sparkled
I want to wish you a New Year
So that only the best happens in life,
And do not be sad, and do not know sorrows.

I congratulate my mother on the New Year,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you well
And never be discouraged
And meet this day with a smile! "Husband"
In the New Year, I wish my husband
So I want health and good luck,
To not be discouraged
To become only richer! "Son"
Snowflakes are spinning, flying,
He is in a hurry to enter into his rights -
Happy New Year to my son
And I want to wish you good luck. "I wish you good health in the New Year"
I wish you good health in the New Year
More happiness, kindness,
And celebrate this day with love
May he fulfill all his dreams. "Let dreams come true!"
Happy New Year, new life!
Let dreams come true!
And fate, becoming not harsh,
Gives a sea of ​​kindness! "There will be happiness without limit"
May it always be in the New Year,
Brightening up the everyday routine,
There will be happiness without limit
So that the soul sings with delight! "Snowball"
Happy New Year to everyone
Happiness, joy bag.
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart
January first snowball! "Champagne open"
Shooter knock just around the corner,
And the champagne is open.
Everyone who is dear is next to us,
And the bad is forgotten! "Calendar leaf is flying"
Flying calendar sheet
The last sign of December.
January is knocking at our door
Open the door for him! "Pape"
I want New Year's Eve
Wish dad with love
So that you are happy today
And everyone tried to keep up! "To my beloved wife"
To my beloved and dear wife
I wish you a lot of happiness in the new year
So that you always remain
Wonderful, and, of course, real! "Beloved Sister"
My beloved sister
The best thing happened today
I wish you a holiday, not melting -
Let the dream come true! "Brother"
my sibling
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy New Year dear,
Let love come to you! "Daughters"
New Year's Eve
I want a daughter
Mine became happy
And stay beautiful! "Beloved"
Beloved, happy new year,
I wish you good and joy
Let every moment portend good luck
And happiness in this life comes! "I wish you my beloved joy"
I wish you my beloved joy
With all my heart I congratulate you today,
Let me come to you today, in the new year,
Good luck will come! "Beautiful holiday"
Lovely New Year's Eve
Of course, he visited us all -
I wish you joy today
Kindness, patience and strength! "I wish you a New Year's holiday"
I wish you a New Year's holiday
More loyal friends
And there are many good deeds
And a lot of creative ideas! "Happy New Year, Hurray!"
Let the New Year be with you
Brings a lot of happiness
It's time for the table
Happy New Year, Hurrah! "New Year"
New Year comes into its own,
May luck await you everywhere
I wish you good health
May you be lucky in all matters! "Don't be afraid to dream"
I want to tell you in the New Year -
Never be afraid to dream
May everything come true for you
And only good things will happen! "Happy New Year Dad"
Happy New Year dear dad
I wish you with all my heart
To make you smile more
And he always stayed healthy! "Brother"
Happy New Year to my brother
I want to wish you good health
So that you live, not knowing troubles,
He knew how to work, but also to rest. "I wish happiness to my beloved"
I wish my beloved happiness
On a wonderful holiday, on a new year,
Hope, joy and passion,
Let only the best come! "New Year"
New Year ... He gives a lot of happiness
For those who are looking forward to the holidays.
I wish you true love
May good luck guide you in life! "Cheerful New Year"
Merry New Year
May it bring good luck
Happiness gives and love
So that the soul sings again! "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year! In life, let
Sadness will disappear forever
Let happiness come soon
And the soul will bloom again! "Dreams"
Let all dreams come true
When the clock strikes twelve
Then everyone will be already on "you",
And everyone will be nineteen years old! "Snow is spinning outside the window"
Snow swirling outside the window
People fussing everywhere
So to celebrate the New Year,
That he will definitely not be forgotten! "Happy New Year Mommy"
Happy New Year, mother dear!
The snow is spinning non-stop
I wish you many years
In life - amazing victories! "Gene"
Beloved wife in the New Year
I wish you a lot of joy
From problems and worries
I'll deliver - I promise! "I wish my husband happiness"
I wish my husband happiness
On New Year's Day with all my heart,
I congratulate you today
Let success come big! "Sister"
I wish my sister a Happy New Year
Let luck await you
Lucky in love, lucky in business
Live with a smile on your lips! "Congratulations to my son"
The new year has finally come
I congratulate my son with all my heart,
You sit down quickly at the table -
I wish you good luck and happiness. “I wish my daughter a Happy New Year”
I wish my daughter a New Year -
May you always be lucky
Always stay beautiful
Men smile more often! "My beloved"
I wish you my beloved joy
I congratulate you on the New Year
Always remain so tender
And only for me, baby, smile. "Happy New Year"
Here are the snowflakes in a round dance
Outside the window they are already flying
Happy New Year
All girls and boys! "I want to wish you good health"
I want to wish you health
Always rely on God
And celebrate the New Year like this,
To remember and smile! "Today is a holiday in the whole world"
Today is a holiday in the whole world, -
Adults and children know that.
So let this New Year
Brings you only the best.


Short congratulations on the New Year

May the New Year be wonderful
Happy, full of kindness!
May joy come with him
And dreams come true!
May the holiday be bright and beautiful,
Cheerful, kind, joyful for everyone!
And the New Year will be happy
And bring good luck and success!

The minutes are running fast
In the flow of festive worries!
Where happiness is endless
May the New Year bring you!
Again the holiday lights candles,
Bright sparklers!
We wish on New Year's Eve
You health, happiness and love!

Let the heart beat often
Waiting for miracles!
After all, on the New Year to you happiness
Quietly descend from heaven!
Let's drink to our happiness
For the laughter of friends, for the New Year!
So that in the new - there were no bad weather!
So that without falling, only taking off!

Dear brother, congratulations!
I wish you in the New Year
Be healthy, be rich!
And good to row with a shovel!
Dad, I send you, my dear,
Happy New Year!
So that you are always young
So that you do not know the troubles and pain!

Mom, Happy Year of the Monkey!
Happiness, my dear!
Let everything be smooth in life
We love you very much!
Sister, Happy New Year!
Let there be happiness in life!
Love, kindness, health,
And do not be sad in vain!

May the New Year bring joy
May he fulfill his wishes
Health, happiness brings to the house,
Everything in life is changing for the better!
Let there be a good New Year
Let him not know worries and troubles!
More sunny weather
And in the soul and in the heart - May!

May the New Year be in the radiance of the snow
Come with goodness and joy
Fulfill dreams, hopes
And bring a lot of happiness!
Let Santa Claus give
A bag of fun, happiness,
Goodness and laughter round dance
And the best New Year ever!

Round dance around the Christmas tree, candles and gifts ...
Let the coming New Year be noisy, bright!
May fate give you your lucky chance
So that the fabulous Sesame opens the door for you!
Let the New Year's ringing be crystal
Adds life to voiced notes.
Let the year be carefree
And a miracle will enter every home!

In the New Year it is impossible without songs,
In songs everything is fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!
I wish you a New Year
Prosperity, peace and love,
Warmth and good health
So that everything comes true, what you want.

But someone came - someone quietly calls,
Three white horses at the door
It's exactly midnight on the clock - then the New Year has come.
Pour champagne into glasses!

Short congratulations on the New Year 2019 in prose

Happy New Year! May this year bring a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year! May it bring to your home exceptionally good and
happiness, luck and health. May your life improve in the new year
in many times.

Happy New Year. May everything you dream of come true, and the year
will bring pleasant surprises, peace of mind, stability,
loyalty, luck, happiness and success.

Happy New Year and I wish, of course, that everyone in the family
were healthy, so that rays of happiness spilled into the house, so that this year
brought good luck and drove away all bad weather.

In the New Year, I sincerely wish you good health, strong strength,
good luck, undoubted happiness, incredible miracle and life

Happy New Year and wish you incredible happiness and great
good luck, a beautiful life and unquenchable love, extraordinary miracles and
magical moments.

Happy New Year! I wish this year was the time
only good news, excellent good health and
boundless happiness!

Let everything turn out in the new year, come true, warm, realized,
shines, pleases and brings every day a reason to smile. FROM

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you with all my heart a great accomplishment
miracle and magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck on
whole year.

May the New Year bring us a wagon of kindness, warmth and laughter. Let
joy fills the house. Career is on the rise. Personal life gives
inspiration and harmony. Love, fulfillment of desires and many new
colorful impressions!

In the New Year, I wish kindness, warmth, income and profit, health,
creativity and knowledge, realization and ascents, conquest of peaks,
smiles, joy, beautiful and fateful accomplishments!

Happy New Year, I wish you to be a happy and successful person in it, to give love to relatives and joy to others.

So that the New Year gives you the opportunity not to miss your chance and reach the limit of all dreams.

Happy New Year. And on this wonderful and magical holiday
I wish you to find a bag of health, a box of happiness, a box of good luck under the Christmas tree,
package of luck and a jar of sweet mood.

Happy New Year! Let all grievances, failures, disappointments remain in
the outgoing year, and the coming year will meet everyone with a smile,
fulfilling innermost desires under the chiming clock.

Happy New Year SMS

Everything will happen, you have to believe!
All dreams will come true!
Open doors boldly
In the year of prosperity, kindness!
With the coming miracle!
The best time is waiting for you!
May the whole year be successful.
Happy New Year to you, cheers!

In the coming year
I hasten to congratulate you.
I want to wish good
Lots of happiness and warmth.
We love everyone and hug
And, of course, we wish
To this new year
Learned to live without worries!

Congratulations on the upcoming.
May the New Year bring good.
Let the snowflake resentment melt
And love will remain in the heart.
Let understanding reign in families,
Children bring joy and happiness.
Let everyone give attention to each other
In the coming new year!
All luck, happiness, prosperity,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.
May all your wishes come true.
In the house - peace, goodness, beauty!

The year goes by and after it
Following comes a new one -
Peaceful, bright, mischievous,
Joyful, cheerful.
He will step to our threshold,
Will sprinkle with snow
New days gives a turn,
Kind and good.
Let the year that is in such a hurry
There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Let good luck promise you
Will take away bad weather.
Give hope, give health,
Adds faith.
The best year will be
The year that is coming!

Let a magical, bewitching fairy tale
Knock on your door New Year
And paint your whole life with bright paint,
Protects from sadness, adversity.
May the year be filled with happiness
It will bring joy and comfort to your home.
May fate take away all bad weather,
We wish you wonderful moments!

We wish you under the chiming clock,
Holding a glass of champagne in my hand
A cherished desire to make a wish
Wish all your loved ones a lot of happiness,
Greet the coming year with a smile
Live it without hardships and hardships,
Look for moments of happiness and kindness,
May life be full of joy...
And in anticipation of a moment of magic
We would like to congratulate you!

Coming to us very soon
Good, clean New Year,
And turn the page
To know in advance:
There will be sun, it will be hot
There will be summer and spring
And gifts under the Christmas tree
Life will present itself!
Lots of happiness and good luck
And a lot of health to everyone
To solve all problems
And there were no problems!
May dreams come true
And your soul sings
A whole year to admire -
Life is like a song, good!

Stepping on the heels of the old
New, young and cheerful year.
In it, let everything be smooth,
May he bring you happiness.
For work, let him bring success,
For the family - love and warmth.
Let it erase sadness, flaws with a snowball
And fulfill the most cherished dream.

There is little left before the magical holiday:
So much to do, so much to say.
Take your time, chase away the hustle and bustle
And think about what you can wish your family.
Soon the garland will flash, and the candles will be lit,
Friends and family will gather at the table.
In the meantime, miracles are rushing to us on a troika.
Happy new year and happiness to you!

In the coming year, we wish you:
Go ahead to your dreams
Good luck filling your cozy home,
So that everything goes well!
Health is always to be excellent,
And happiness reigned with you without fail,
Smiles and joy illuminated your face,
Has been in your life always to chic!