Beautiful hairstyles with small elastic bands. Hairstyle with elastic bands - simple and with a twist

A braid made from elastic bands is an excellent alternative to complex weaves. It is accessible even to dads, and it looks even more beautiful, interesting and richer.

Volumetric braid

This luxurious hairstyle is in no way inferior to complex hairdressing creations, and can be done in literally 10 minutes. It can be created even on not very thick strands, without having any experience at all.

  1. Comb your entire hair back.
  2. Tie them together with a thin silicone rubber band.
  3. A little lower, separate exactly this section and tie it as well.
  4. Turn it around its axis, forming an inverted tail.
  5. Continue gradually tying and turning out the ponytails along the remaining length.
  6. Gently stretch each section with your hands to create a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle.

Braid in the form of bows

Bow-shaped braids look very elegant and are ideal for girls of all ages - from schoolgirls to young mothers.

  1. Comb your entire hair back.
  2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples.
  3. Tie it with a thin elastic band.
  4. Divide the ends in half.
  5. Form one part of the bow by pulling the strand through the elastic, but without pulling it out completely.
  6. Cross the elastic again and secure the second part of the bow with it.
  7. To be secure, secure it with hairpins.
  8. Back off a couple of centimeters and tie the ponytail again.
  9. Divide it in half and form a bow according to the already known principle.
  10. Repeat these steps again until the last bow is at neck level.
  11. Gently stretch the weave with your hands.
  12. Secure your hair with hairspray and pins.

French braid

A beautifully braided French braid is the perfect solution for a variety of events. It will add charm to your look and make it incredibly feminine.

2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples and tie it into a bun.

3. Separate a thin strand and wrap an elastic band around it, hiding the tip under the hair and pinning it with a bobby pin.

4. Just below, separate another small section and tie it as well.

5. Divide the first tail in half and pass both halves under the second tail.

6. Lift the second one up and secure it with a clamp so that it does not interfere with it for now.

7. Below, separate another section and tie it with an elastic band.

8. Release the second ponytail from the clip, divide it in half and pass both halves under the third.

9. Continue weaving to the desired level. Don't be lazy and French braid the entire length.

10. Gently stretch the sections of the braid with your hands. This will hide the elastic bands and make your hair look voluminous.

In the same way, you can braid a braid around your head - ideal for holidays and work.


To braid such hearts, it is not at all necessary to master the complex technique of French weaving. It is enough to stock up on a few basic items.

1. Comb your entire hair back.

2. Separate two strands near the forehead and connect them with an elastic band at the back of the head.

3. Turn the tail through the hole in the middle.

4. Separate two more similar strands at the temples.

5. Connect them to the tip of the first ponytail and tie, retreating a couple of centimeters.

6. Turn the ends through the hole inside the hair.

7. Tie a third ponytail from the remaining strands and also rotate them around its axis.

8. Stretch the inner parts of the weave with your fingers, giving them the shape of hearts.

Fishtail made from rubber bands

How to weave a fishtail without mastering the classical technique? Our detailed master class will help you easily cope with this task. In just a few minutes you will be able to create such a stylish hairstyle that will not go unnoticed by others.

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate two small strands from the left and right sides. The thinner they are, the more beautiful the braid will turn out.

3. Connect them together at the back of the head. Do not tighten the elastic too much - it will have to be pulled down.

4. Separate one more thin strand from both sides of the head and connect them immediately under the first tail.

5. Create an inverted ponytail by twisting the second pair of strands under the elastic of the first pair. It is important not to catch the central hair, otherwise the styling will look sloppy.

6. Again, separate a thin strand from both sides and tie them.

7. Twist this pair under the elastic that secures the first tail.

8. Continue to select the side strands, connect them with each other and pass them under the elastic band of the first ponytail. To increase the length of the braid, gradually lower the elastic band down, only very carefully so that it does not break.

9. At the last stages, when almost the entire length is woven into the braid, do not throw it through the elastic band, but simply tie it in the center.

10. Slightly stretch the sides of the braid with your hands so that the fishtail becomes as fluffy as in this photo. The tip can be decorated with a bow, hairpin or ribbon.

Braid twist

This is a quick, easy and original styling for long strands.

1. Tie your hair at the base of your neck.

2. Stepping back a few centimeters from the elastic band, tie another one. The distance between them depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.

3. Divide this section in half.

4. Pull the ends of the strands into the resulting hole.

5. Step back the same distance and tie another elastic band. Form an inverted tail.

6. Continue weaving to the desired level.

Combined weaving

This incredibly intricate braid is a great choice for special occasions. It will never occur to anyone that you created it yourself! Watch this master class and follow the entire process step by step.
1. Comb your hair into a side parting and curl it with a flat iron. This will give your hair extra volume.

2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair approximately at the level of the earlobes and pin it with a clip so that it does not interfere with it for now.

3. On the left side near the ear, separate a small strand and tie it into a ponytail.

4. Pull it through the base.

5. Gently stretch its sides with your hands.

6. Take two more thin strands a little lower, tie them and turn them out.

7. Continue turning the ponytails out along the entire length in this part.

8. Release the main part of the hair from the clamp.

9. Separate small sections from it on the sides and pin them with clamps.

10. Braid the central part into a fishtail.

11. Tie the end and gently stretch the sections with your hands.

12. Wrap this braid around the first braid. Hide the tip inside and pin it with a bobby pin.

13. Release the strands on the sides from the clamp.

14. Braid them into French braids, picking up loose curls on one side only.

15. Pass them through the base of the fishtail and wrap the already formed hairstyle. Hide the ends inside and pin with bobby pins.

16. Straighten your hairstyle, giving it fullness.

Openwork braid made of elastic bands

This voluminous crimped braid will make you look like one of the Disney princesses.

1. Comb your hair thoroughly.

2. Pin up the bulk of your hair, leaving only the bottom section.

3. Go over it with an iron with a corrugated attachment.

4. Gradually release new sections of hair and iron them.

5. Tie your hair at the top of your head.

6. Divide into four parts. Tie the two outer ones together with a thin silicone rubber band.

7. Stretch the braid slightly with your hands, pulling the strands up.

8. Again, make a ponytail from the outer strands and stretch it with your hands.

9. Repeat these steps along the remaining length, carefully stretching each section.

There is a stereotype that you can only get a beautiful holiday and everyday hairstyle from a stylist. For this reason, there is a trend where girls increasingly prefer to have short haircuts to avoid hassle. A braid made of rubber bands is a spectacular hairstyle that absolutely every girl can do at home. The first time will be difficult, then your hands will get used to it, and you will see that a regular braid can be woven in different ways. This hairstyle will be an excellent option for every day, suitable for little girls and adult ladies.

When a daughter has a matinee in kindergarten or is about to go to school for the first time, parents go through all sorts of children's hairstyles that are suitable for such an occasion. It is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a professional craftsman to give your child the look of a princess. A lush braid with rubber bands, braided by caring mother's hands, will be an excellent solution.

Step by step technique:

  1. The first step is to comb your hair back. Then select three strands of equal thickness.
  2. Let's start braiding. Using a small elastic band, we connect all the strands into a ponytail and comb it. We divide the tail into two large strands and thread them through the hole formed by the elastic band.
  3. We comb the curls and again do the same steps as listed above. First weave the braid, then we tie it with rubber bands and thread the tail through the hole.
  4. We do this until the ends of the hair, fix the remaining tail with an elastic band, you can do a little backcombing, and you're done.

The main thing is to make the curls the same size so that they turn out neat. You no longer need to look for festive children's hairstyles, since this braiding for girls is a universal option for any occasion. If you want to add a little sophistication, you can secure your hairstyle.

A beautifully braided braid is the perfect hairstyle for girls and women of all ages. It gives the image a special charm, makes it feminine and luxurious. If we consider children's hairstyles, it takes pride of place among them. It always looks festive and voluminous.

French braiding with elastic bands:

A French braid with rubber bands for girls is a hairstyle that is much easier to do than it might seem at first glance. You just need to be a little patient and, if it doesn’t work the first time, try again.

Children's hairstyles are now very diverse. For girls of all ages, there is a huge selection of braids and ponytails suitable for everyday life and holidays. If you are already tired of ordinary hairstyles, you can resort to variety. In just a few minutes, a classic braid can be wrapped around your head for a completely new look.

This weaving is called “Ukrainian braid”. There are three main ways you can do it.

  1. If your hair is long, you can braid it along its entire length. We start as low as possible, securing the tip with a small elastic band. Next, carefully “wrap” the braid around your head. To prevent your hair from deteriorating over time, secure it with hairpins.
  2. Divide the curls into two equal parts. We braid one braid on each side, securing the ends with a colored elastic band or one that matches the hair color. Then we slowly wrap the braids around the head, directing each one to the opposite ear. This hairstyle for girls is voluminous, festive and unusual. To keep the shape, use pins.
  3. As in the previous version, we divide the curls into two equal parts and secure them with elastic bands. We begin weaving one side into a French braid. The origin is taken from the temporal lobe and directed towards the opposite ear. When you reach the second ponytail, weave it into the main braid in a circle. We hide the remaining tail under the hair and secure it with hairpins.

Children's hairstyles are varied, each of them is special. If you don't have time to visit a stylist, don't despair. The “Hearts” braid for girls is a great option for both a matinee and every day. It is done very simply and takes no more than 10 minutes.


  1. We comb our hair well and collect the tail at the back of the head as high as possible. We fix it with an elastic band.
  2. Now we divide the tail into two identical parts - one should be on the bottom, the other on top.
  3. We take the top strand, step back about 5 cm from the main elastic band, and secure this place with another elastic band. We make a small hole and thread the tail through it.
  4. Repeat the above steps along the entire length of the hair with both tails. You will get very neat “hearts”. Do not forget to fix the strands with rubber bands each time so that the hairstyle holds well.

To make children's “hearts” look festive, you can decorate your hair with beautiful hair clips and all kinds of hairpins.

Hairstyles secured with an elastic band are an excellent opportunity for every mother to surprise her daughter with a beautiful and festive hairstyle. The technique is simple and does not take much time. All you need is to be patient. If you learn how to braid and use elastic bands, your hairstyle can be constantly modified, supplemented with new elements and patterns, adding zest to the look.

Rubber bands are a truly magical accessory that in a matter of minutes helps you create a variety of different (both everyday and very elegant) hairstyles without the help of curling irons, styling products and a lot of hairpins.

To create evening options, it is better to take invisible silicone rubber bands, and to create children's and everyday hairstyles, any will be suitable: large and small, bright and neutral, with or without decorative elements. It all depends on the purpose for which this or that installation is performed.

Simple ponytail hairstyles

The main advantage of such styling is the speed of its implementation: the process of creating a simple masterpiece from your own hair will take no more than ten minutes. They help out in cases where you urgently need to get your head in order.

A tourniquet with silicone elastic bands for medium-length curls

complex weaving with elastic bands

Having prepared eight small elastic bands (preferably silicone), we begin to create an everyday hairstyle. Let's figure it out.

  • After carefully combing your hair and lightly sprinkling it with a spray that makes combing easier, divide it with a vertical parting into two equal parts.
  • Each half is again divided in two and four identical strands are obtained.
  • Now, from each such strand, divided in half, two ponytails are made using small elastic bands. As a result, the entire mass of hair is divided into eight equal bundles.
  • Taking the outermost ponytail, located above one of the temples, free the bundle adjacent to it from the elastic band and, combining the strands, tie them together again with an elastic band.
  • A similar manipulation is done in a circle with the remaining tufts of hair.
  • The voluminous tail, which is in your hands at the end of the operation, must be threaded into the last elastic band located at the opposite temple.

The option with silicone elastic bands that blend with the color of the curls is suitable for a fairly old girl. If the hairstyle is intended for a child’s head, you can take accessories in bright colors.

Double-sided stacking of multi-tiered tails

multi-tiered ponytail styling using elastic bands

  • After making a straight vertical parting, divide the hair into two equal halves.
  • Now a ponytail consisting of six tiers is made from one half of the hair. To do this, you need to make six horizontal partings.
  • Make a small ponytail from the hair of the upper part and tie it with an elastic band.
  • Having reached the second parting, attach a second strand to the ponytail. Put the elastic band back on.
  • In a similar way, from parting to parting, a multi-tiered ponytail is created. The last clamp should be located just below the ear.
  • The strands of the second half of the hair are styled in a similar manner.

Made with silicone rubber bands, this hairstyle will give the appearance of an adult girl a touch of childish spontaneity.

In addition, based on the ponytail, you can make this an excellent option for an everyday hairstyle.

Inverted ponytail styling (for long curls)

styling ponytails inside out

  • Having combed your hair back, separate two small strands from the top of your hair and tie them with an invisible elastic band into a small ponytail.
  • Pulling it down slightly, they part the hair and, turning the tail out, pull it into the resulting hole. The latch is returned to its original position.
  • Having separated a new strand from the right and left sides of the head, fix them again with an elastic band and do the same manipulation of turning out the new ponytail.
  • The remaining curls, along with the inverted ponytail, are secured with an elastic band at the base of the neck.

If you decorate your hair with fresh or artificial flowers, hiding the fixing elastic bands, you can get a festive styling option.

Original ponytail

ponytail with many elastic bands

  • Gather your hair into a not too high ponytail and secure it with a strong elastic band.
  • Separating a small curl from the tail, wrap it around an elastic band, disguising it under the hair.
  • The resulting tail is tightened in several places with several invisible clamps, trying to place them at the same distance from each other. To give your ponytail volume, you need to fluff it up by slightly pulling the hair out from under the elastic bands.

Hairstyles with braids for adult girls

Braided hairstyles will always be at the peak of youth fashion, since they are not only beautiful and can emphasize the young age of their owners, but are also extremely practical.

Fishtail braid with hairdresser

fishtail braid

  • Having combed the curls thoroughly, they put a beautiful narrow hairdress on the head.
  • Now the side strands need to be tucked under the headband so that it is in the center of the hair roller.
  • Having straightened the loose curls, they are combed again and divided into two parts. After this, they begin to weave a fishtail braid.
  • One half of the hair must be taken in the right hand, the other half in the left.
  • Separating the outermost small strand from the right side of the hair, transfer it to the left hand. The same manipulation is done with a strand separated from the left side of the hair.
  • So - strand by strand - they transfer the hair from one hand to the other until all the strands are included in the braid.
  • The end of the braid is secured with an elastic band.

If you stretch the strands a little, ruffling the weave, you can get an original version of an openwork braid.

Read more about how to weave a French braid from rubber bands.

Braid braided with rubber bands

original weaving, decorated with roses

This unusually spectacular braid is performed without braiding the hair: only with the help of silicone elastic bands. This elegant or other festive event.

  • Before styling, it is advisable to straighten well-combed strands with an iron.
  • Separating two small curls from the temples, connect them at the back of the head, securing them with an elastic band..
  • Now the strands located slightly lower are separated from the temples and also secured with an elastic band.
  • The newly obtained tail is threaded into the hole located at the base of the tail made first.
  • Again, separate the two temporal strands and, having made a ponytail, thread it into the base of the above-located ponytail.
  • Do the same with the rest of the hair. When the weaving reaches neck level, the strands are separated from the sides of the tail.
  • The end of the original braid is secured with an elastic band. If desired, you can tie a bow of satin ribbon or braid over the elastic band.

To prevent individual hairs that have strayed from the hairstyle from spoiling its appearance, they are lightly sprayed with medium-hold varnish.

Video: tail styling technology

If you're tired of a regular ponytail, add some flair to your look. The multi-tiered “Bubbles” arrangement is perfect for special occasions. You can familiarize yourself with the implementation technology in our video.

Children's hairstyles for little girls

children's hairstyle “Spiderweb”

Hairstyles for little girls should not only be beautiful, but also strong enough to be able to stay on the head for a whole day without fraying. Having done one of the hairstyles we offer, every mother can be sure that her little princess’s head will remain neat until the evening.

How to make a cute braided headband on your head with small transparent elastic bands

  • Having carefully combed your hair, make a horizontal parting from one ear to the other, separate a wide strand, divide it into three parts and begin to weave a French braid-rim.
  • Having reached the opposite temple and having collected all the hair from the parietal area of ​​the head into the headband, they continue to weave a simple three-strand braid along the entire length of the hair. The end of the braid is tied with an elastic band.
  • Having collected and carefully combed all the curls that remained free, they are collected on the top of the head into a ponytail, adding a newly braided braid to them. The tail is secured with a strong elastic band, on top of which you can place another one - with a large decorative element.
  • The braid, which has become part of the tail, can now be unraveled, and the tail itself can be thoroughly combed again.
  • Two thin strands are separated from both sides of the tail and a three-strand braid begins to be woven. Thanks to the different thickness of the strands, it will turn out to be unusual - thin curls will wrap around the voluminous central strand.
  • The end of the braid is decorated with a beautiful elastic band (preferably, if it is the same as the one located at the top of the ponytail).

Wreath around the head with elastic bands

a wreath around the head using multi-colored elastic bands - an excellent hairstyle for kindergarten

To create this hairstyle you will need eight bright little elastic bands.

  • The original way of dividing the hair with a system of radial partings will give the wreath a special beauty. To achieve this effect, first make one straight parting, dividing the curls into two parts. By dividing each half in half, you get four tufts of hair. Having secured three of them temporarily with clips, a fourth of the hair is divided diagonally into two triangles. Using elastic bands, make two small ponytails.
  • In the same way, the remaining three parts of the curls are divided radially and, as new partings are created, ponytails are made. As a result, the small head is divided into neat triangles, and the tails are arranged in a circle.
  • Now we have to close them in a ring. To do this, pick up the tail located above the left temple. After removing the elastic from the adjacent ponytail, combine both strands into one bun and tie them together with a common elastic.
  • Moving on to the next tail, repeat the above-described manipulation.
  • Having combined all the ponytails into one wreath, they decide what to do with the remaining hair. If you have a short ponytail left, you can leave it free by pulling the very first bunch of hair into an elastic band. The long ponytail is hidden by inserting it through several elastic bands.

Weaving a fountain with elastic bands

This simple one is a bit like the wreath described above. To complete it, you will have to purchase thirteen beautiful rubber bands (preferably in two contrasting colors so that you can alternate them).

  • To make a fountain, the little beauty’s curls must be divided into twelve triangles using the method described above.
  • Along with creating partings, small ponytails are made, placing them around the circumference.
  • All that remains is to combine all these small tufts of hair into one common fountain ponytail, tying it with an elastic band on the top of the head.

Beautiful braided braids for short hair - step by step

braids curled into flagella

  • Using rubber bands, four ponytails are made on a small head, located on both sides of a straight parting.
  • After this, they begin to weave thin braids. Having braided the braid, pull its tip into the elastic band located in the next tier (on the other side of the parting).
  • The finished hairstyle is an original braid of crossed braids. It ends in two small tails located at the base of the neck.

hairstyle with elastic bands for girls with long hair

Hairstyles with elastic bands are real lifesavers that come to the rescue in situations of acute lack of time. Rare children's hairstyles can do without them: both everyday and festive. However, the speed and ease of their execution does not mean that they cannot be festively elegant. With the help of rubber bands, stylists create real masterpieces, photos of which can be found on the Internet.

Hairstyles using rubber bands are perhaps one of the very first things that young mothers try to do on the hair of their little fashionistas as soon as their curls grow. However, this installation is relevant not only for children, but also for adults, although the technology of work and the materials used are slightly modified. Now we use transparent silicone elastic bands, which should be as invisible as possible, as well as voluminous donut elastic bands, which are also a secret part. What can be done based on them?


Unusual everyday hairstyles

The main reason for the popularity of such styles is that they allow you to do without complex and expensive hair accessories. Small silicone rubber bands that make up the base can be supplemented with stilettos and invisible pins, but this is more relevant for evening ideas, and everyday options are extremely easy to implement and absolutely any girl can do it. Professionals also advise stocking up on hairspray with natural hold and a thin comb that forms a parting.

Bun or bun- the most convenient option for everyday styling. It can be done either with a large voluminous elastic band, which will become a hidden base that sets the size and shape, or with the help of several small parts that secure it. We invite you to watch a training video and familiarize yourself with some techniques for creating such hairstyles.

Done in minutes:

  1. To do this, you need to comb your hair back and collect it in a ponytail (either at the back of the head or at the top) with a regular thin elastic band.
  2. Then divide the entire mass into 2 equal parts, twist each into a not too tight rope, and they should rotate in the same direction.
  3. Twist the bundles together in the opposite direction: i.e. if each of them was created clockwise, you need to connect against it.
  4. Holding the end, pull the links of each rope out slightly to add volume and secure the end with a silicone rubber band.
  5. By wrapping around the base of the tail, gather a bun and secure it with bobby pins.

There is a similar technique that is more often used to create evening hairstyles, since the bun is less obvious and allows for additions in the form of small decorative pins, beads, and stones. The technology is identical to that presented in the video, however, the entire mass of hair from the tail must be divided into 8-10 parts, from each twist 2 strands brought together, which are laid out in a large bun randomly, and not in a circle around its base.

Of course, we cannot fail to mention the most popular hairstyles made using elastic bands - volumetric beams(the so-called ballet bun), which are usually located on the top of the head. They are made on the basis of a regular ponytail, at the base of which a large, voluminous elastic band is put on, after which it is covered with strands if the hair is shoulder-length or higher.

Those with long hair have to put the elastic on the very tip and twist the ponytail outward so that the entire cloth rests evenly on the hairdressing accessory. This bun turns out to be very large and creates the effect of thick hair.

No less popular are braids, which have a different weaving technique than the standard one and in some cases may turn out to be simpler to perform. For example, inverted braid, very similar to the Danish, does not actually involve braiding as such, since it is just a tail divided into sections.

  • To repeat this hairstyle, you need to pull the entire mass of hair into a high ponytail, then divide it into 2 equal parts with a horizontal line.
  • Grab the top one with a silicone rubber band about 5-7 cm from the base, then make a hole in the middle of this area and pull the lower part of the tail through it.
  • Tighten it with the same small elastic band at a distance of 5-7 cm from the entry point, make a hole in the center and also pass the non-working part of the hair through it.

The entire hairstyle consists of alternating these steps, so you don’t even need a video with a detailed description to learn and perform it. But, despite its simplicity, it is perfect not only for going to school or work, but also for a walk with friends or a party.

Evening hairstyles based on elastic bands

A hairstyle with rubber bands requires some preparation of the hair, since the main accessories serve only the function of fastening, and not decoration.

For this reason, to create ceremonial looks, craftsmen advise first curling the curls with a curling iron before starting to style them with elastic bands. In addition to the fact that this will greatly change the overall impression of styling, curls will allow you to reliably hide all fixation points. Here, varnish alone will not be enough: use foam before wrapping.

However, there are also techniques that do not require curling:

  1. Make a side parting on your hair and start working with the larger half.
  2. Separate the 2 wide ones near the face, secure each of them loosely with a silicone rubber band, and then divide the front (outer) one in half and wrap it around the adjacent one.
  3. Close these halves again, connect with the next (already the 3rd from the face) strand, secure with a silicone elastic band in a ponytail.
  4. Repeat the same with the free one (2nd), combining it with the 4th. Thus, you work in pairs through 1 strand. In this case, you need to maintain a diagonal direction so that the line passes through the back of the head, going around the head.

When the free mass of hair is over, you can simply braid the working strands into a braid, or collect them into a low side bun.

By all means, girls, girls and women try to make their image more unique and original. Just look at their outfits and accessories, not to mention their hairstyles! Whatever they are! High, low, very complex and as simple as possible. But the most popular, regardless of age, are hairstyles with an elastic band, one or more.

What types of rubber bands are there?

There are a huge variety of varieties. Some are purely decorative - with bright and large decorations. Others are easily hidden under hair. For example, such as a bun sponge. In order for hairstyles with an elastic band to turn out exactly the way they were intended, you need to choose the right elastic band. And here everything depends on the length of the hair and its thickness. Not to mention the age of the owner of the hairstyle. An elastic band that is bright in color is unlikely to harmonize with the image of a serious and successful woman. But for a girl or student, such an accessory will come in handy.


Every day, mothers are faced with a problem: what hairstyle should they give their little princess for school or kindergarten so that it lasts all day, and is also as simple as possible? Such hairstyles with elastic bands for girls, like the “flower-eight-flower”, do not take much time, but they look very impressive. You will only need eight soft and not too large rubber bands and a thin single-row comb. If the child has very thick hair, then the teeth should be thinner, otherwise creating a hairstyle with elastic bands will turn into torture.

How to do

First, a simple straight parting is performed. The hair should be divided into two equal parts. For convenience, one can be gathered into a loose ponytail. The second part needs to be parted into two more equal parts. They, in turn, also comb into equal bunches. They are tied with elastic bands. This is done with each part of the separated hair. The result is eight identical ponytails, tied with colored soft elastic bands. The tails are twisted one at a time, and then the ends are passed under the adjacent elastic band. The result is a neat hair hoop. If done correctly, it will last all day, no matter how hard the princess turns her head.

Neat, voluminous baby tail

Many hairstyles with elastic bands for girls involve creating ponytails. If only because this is perhaps the only way to keep a child’s head in order. This is especially true for restless children attending kindergarten. Therefore, you can do a wide variety of hairstyles with an elastic band or several, which will allow you to reliably remove hair from your face and make your head neat. A voluminous ponytail with thirteen elastic bands will come in handy. All you need is a comb and bright soft accessories.

Execution Process

This ponytail is similar to the previous one, described above, in that you need to make a neat parting first, and only then divide the hair into twelve strands of equal thickness. The partings between them should be as even and neat as possible, otherwise it will be ugly. The strands are gathered into small twelve ponytails, and then the ends of these ponytails at the top of the head are tied into one large ponytail. The higher it is, the smoother the hairstyle will be.

High ponytail

Girls can also use elastic bands to create hairstyles. For example, to decorate a high ponytail, it is recommended to use thin silicone bright or plain elastic bands and one fairly tight soft one. It is used to tie a high and smooth ponytail. With the help of thin rubber bands, it is divided into small sections. Similar to what is shown in the photo above. By the way, this low hairstyle is also popular. If only because it doesn’t strain your head as much as, for example, the same ponytail.

Braids and elastic bands

This is the most popular combination, by the way. Modern mothers often braid their girls’ hair, adding color to it with elastic bands, and sometimes making unexpectedly complex and at the same time simple combinations of hair. This is clearly visible in the photo above. This simple but original hairstyle with two braids and elastic bands does not require much time. You just need to part your hair into six equal parts, and then weave parallel braids from the upper ponytails to the lower ones, carefully weaving in the strands. Even very busy mothers who value time can do this hairstyle.

Universal options

There are hairstyles that are suitable for any age, for example, hairstyles with an elastic band. This is such a special accessory, which is an ordinary wide strip with which the hair is securely fixed, like a hoop. There are many such fabric headbands, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Girls, for example, with cartoon heroines, and girls - with large, solid polka dots, fashionable this season.