The cat doesn't go to the toilet. Causes

Do you know what answer you will hear from most owners? “On purpose. Out of spite. Out of harm,” they will tell you. And they will be wrong. A cat does not know how to take revenge; it does not at all want to consciously cause you unpleasant moments. She has her own reasons, and they are worth listening to.

Where can a cat shit instead of a litter tray?

On the floor, why?

We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, believe me - seeing cat excrement next to the litter box is far from the worst option.

Your pet can choose a secluded corner for its business, for example, under the bathtub or behind a chair. And you will have to look for the source of the unpleasant odor for some time.

The appearance of new smells can entice a cat

Some cats prefer to make a toilet in the closet, on the owners’ things, or in the hallway they will shit on their favorite slippers or shoes. The pinnacle of “meanness” would seem to you to be the cat’s habit of sitting on a stack of clean, freshly ironed linen and raising its tail. What would you do with a cat that jumps on the TV and defecates on the newspaper with the program lying there?

Truly, a cat's imagination is limitless! But one thing is clear - you have a problem. To solve it, you need to answer two questions. Why does the cat do this? How can I wean him off this?

Tray as the main reason

The tray may be cramped. Or the litter may be rejected by the cat

One of the most common causes of inappropriate animal behavior is the litter box.

  1. He can be too small or tight , and the animal feels uncomfortable when it sits down to relieve itself. Perhaps the cat doesn't like the litter. If you always bought one type of it, and then brought home another one, the cat may refuse to use it.
  2. A clean cat will also not sit in the tray if it is dirty. But there is another side to the coin. If you yourself are a champion of cleanliness and wash your cat's litter box with, say, bleach, its pungent smell will scare away your pet.
  3. Another option is that the tray is installed in the wrong place. “Not a toilet, but a passageway,” - the cat, of course, will not be able to formulate this thought, but will go to look for a more secluded place. And you will clean up after her.

Maybe these are marks?

Most likely, the instincts of an adult cat are registered in memory. Even after castration, the cat can continue to mark, only with urine.

If everything is fine with the litter box, take a closer look at your cat. Maybe he's not pooping, but marking his territory. This happens when a male cat is in heat. Cats are overly affectionate, crave attention, meow as if calling someone, raise their tail, arch their back. Cats are excited and playful. Animals mark territory even if several animals live in an apartment, and each one fights for leadership. But the smell is unpleasant, to be sure.

Severe stress

The cat is stressed

A cat may change its habits and walk past the litter box while under severe stress.

A noisy feast, renovations in the apartment, the appearance of a baby at the owner's house - and a disoriented animal will arrange a toilet for itself in the first place that seems suitable to it.

Cat disease

Vet help may be needed

A more serious cause of untidiness is illness. This may be the last thing that comes to your mind.

Take a closer look at the stool. Their unusual character is hard stool, urine and- will be a reason to visit the veterinarian. An additional clue will be the behavior of the animal: you will notice that he is not at ease.

Finally, a bored kitty may simply be looking for contact with you. If the punishment is limited to shouts like: “Ugly cat! Now I’ll take you!” - the pet is able to regard this as a game: it hides or runs away, and you search or catch up. So much for the owner's attention.

How to train a cat not to shit on the floor, but only in the litter box

The cat shit on the floor. It's disgusting, but we need to do something about it

But still - what to do if the cat regularly? It is best to prevent the problem from occurring. From the very minute you bring a small kitten or an adult cat into your home, don’t take your eyes off him while he gets used to his new place. As soon as the animal begins to get restless and sniff the floor, follow it.

If he sits in a corner, this means that this is where the tray should be placed. The cat itself showed you the most suitable place.

If you missed this moment, place a piece of newspaper in the cat's puddle, and then transfer it to the tray. The animal will understand where to defecate. And yet be be especially careful at first. It will be much more difficult to wean your cat off the bad habit.

Diaper and cat

In the case when the animal is actively marking its territory, and you do not plan to let the cat breed, sterilize your pet. As a last resort, owners of elite individuals put diapers on them during the period of sexual hunting. They say it helps.

We use special preparations

After you have cleaned up after your cat, you need to treat the area. Garlic pieces are perfect!

After cleaning, lubricate the place where the cat has taken to defecating with some product with a strong smell. Pet stores and veterinary pharmacies sell special medications. Some owners rub the floor with pieces of garlic, others use ammonia.

The cat litter box can only be washed with plain water. The use of cleaning products is not recommended.

And here tray, on the contrary - never wash with aromatic substances. Make sure to change the contents on time, no matter what serves as cat litter: special litter, sand or just newspaper.

If your animal develops alarming symptoms, your veterinarian will help you. In the process of treatment, you will defeat not only the disease, but also the unpleasant habit.


And, of course, spend enough time with your pet. Young cats love to play. If you don’t have special toys, a rag or paper bow tied to a string is perfect. Talk to the animal, communicate, let it see you as a beloved owner who needs to be respected and obeyed.

Attention and patience - only with their help it is possible to raise a cat that brings joy to its owners. Let your pet give you only happy moments.

Like any animals, cats get sick too. Pet owners may notice this through strange behavior, such as the fact that the cat does not go to the toilet for several days. This is a rather serious problem that will not go away on its own. Without the necessary help, a kitten will suffer for a long time and slowly die. Every owner should know about the causes, symptoms and further actions if their beloved pet has problems with eliminating their needs.

Constipation in cats can be either an independent disease or accompany other pathologies. Depending on the age of the animal, they go to the toilet in different ways. An adult cat needs to go once every 24 hours, but a month-old kitten needs 3-6 times a day. Pregnant cats may not have a bowel movement for several days immediately before giving birth. This is considered normal, so they instinctively cleanse the body. The absence of a tray for up to 3-4 days indicates a problem.

Causes of constipation in a small kitten:

  • congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract (most often problems with the anus);
  • a sharp transition from milk to “adult” food;
  • adaptation of the animal to new conditions;
  • inflammatory processes.

An adult cat does not go to the toilet very often due to:

  • improper diet and quality of nutrition;
  • moving or changing home environment;
  • trichobezoar - hairballs that are formed as a result of cleansing the fur with the tongue;
  • obesity associated with castration;
  • side effect from drugs;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • compression of the intestines (multiple pregnancy, tumor, hernia, etc.);
  • old age (feces have difficulty passing through the intestines, which have lost regulation due to age-related changes);
  • Uncleaned or unfilled tray.

The prognosis is more favorable if the pet does not have large bowel movements. Lack of urination indicates more severe illness.


The most important sign is that the cat does not go to the toilet in a big way. Usually, owners do not immediately notice this, and when they realize that their pet is sick, they wait for several days with the hope that it will recover. 3-4 days without a litter box can kill a cat.

He can behave very restlessly, meow loudly, scratch, fuss, but it is much worse if the pet is lethargic and drowsy. The abdomen may be swollen, hard, and painful when you try to touch it.

When a cat tries to use the litter box, it may leave behind traces of blood or other impurities, such as pus. At the beginning of the disease, animals usually try to attract attention to themselves by any means, but after a few days, on the contrary, they hide in secluded places where they are difficult to find.

Solutions to the problem at home

When the problem is identified, you need to immediately begin taking the necessary measures. Treatment should correspond to the cause of the lack of feces, but if it is not established, constipation must be dealt with directly. It is not advisable to give laxatives on your own, only after consultation with a veterinarian, because if the cat does not go to the toilet due to a tumor, adhesions, hernia or other organic pathologies, they will not be effective and will provide the pet with even more discomfort.

What should you do if your cat is constipated? Several recommendations for combating pathology:

  • For a small kitten, if the belly is not bloated, you can massage the tummy. They do not yet have a fully formed digestive system and the mother cat licks her babies, relaxing their tummies. You need to massage gently, without pressing too hard from top to bottom.
  • For adult cats, add about 5 drops of Vaseline or vegetable oil to their food. It has a softening effect and helps stool pass out.
  • Mix water and condensed milk in a 1:1 ratio and give no more than 5 times a day, no more than every 1 hour. This mixture will help the masses pass through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Using an enema. At home, this is extremely dangerous, you can damage the rectum, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.
  • If a cat is pregnant, you cannot do without a veterinarian, because it is impossible to distinguish between pathological constipation in pregnant women and physiological constipation before giving birth on your own.
  • Probiotics help animals. They are recommended to be taken; in any case, they help restore normal intestinal microflora.

Some activities do not help, but rather, on the contrary, make things worse for the animal. If a cat has no appetite, you should not force him to eat or drink. Medications must be appropriate to the weight and age of the pet, so it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Video on the topic from a veterinarian:

Feeding recommendations for cats prone to constipation

The most important preventative measure for acute or chronic constipation is a balanced diet and quality of food for your pet.

  • Products must be fresh. The menu should include vegetables. Food should be varied.
  • Do not feed your cat the same food that you eat yourself, because such food is not always suitable for them.
  • It is preferable to give liquid food, and if the food is dry, soak it in soup or porridge.
  • The optimal temperature is slightly above room temperature.
  • Rice, chicken, broth, and boiled meat help delay bowel movements, so they should not be given to your pet often.
  • Add special nutritional supplements to the food for cats prone to constipation.

In addition to proper nutrition, your pet needs to be walked, combed on time, and bought toys to keep it active. Neutered cats are more prone to problems with defecation, as they lead a sedentary lifestyle, quickly gain weight and lie down almost all the time. He needs to be taken out for walks more often, provided with climbing equipment, and prevented from overeating.

If you are not sure that you can help your pet on your own, it is better to consult with specialists. If the problems with the toilet are resolved, you need to continue to observe the cat, pay attention to changes in its behavior, and pay attention. Remember, we are responsible for the one we tamed.

The owner can make the life of his pet carefree and comfortable if he feeds him tasty food and takes good care of him. However, even the most reverent attitude towards your cat cannot prevent the occurrence of some health problems. That is why, when the owner notices that the cat cannot pee, it is urgent to show it to the veterinarian.

Danger of difficulty urinating

It doesn’t matter what exactly is the reason for the appearance of such a problem in a cat, you must always remember that emptying the bladder is a natural process. If suddenly he will not be able to go to the toilet for a long time, then the body will begin to be poisoned by urine breakdown products. All this will lead to sad consequences and severe torment for the cat. This problem will not go away on its own, so you should definitely consult a doctor.

By the way, some symptoms indicate problems with the genitourinary system:

  • Bloating in a cat;
  • Blood in the urine;
  • Too many frequent trips to the toilet.

Causes of problems with bowel movements in cats

If you find that your beloved cat does not go to the litter box to pee for a long time, it is necessary to determine the reasons for this strange behavior. More The nature of such difficulties is also of great importance: There is too little or no urine in the tray. These symptoms should be reported to a specialist when examining your cat. Most often, she cannot go to the toilet due to various illnesses.

Urolithiasis disease

With this disease, salt or sand appears in the excretory canals, which affects the bladder. Subsequently, the pet cannot go to bed. The most dangerous thing is when the passage is completely clogged with foreign bodies. All this can lead to rupture of internal organs, consequently, bleeding and death of the cat. Well-fed cats that lead a sedentary lifestyle are especially susceptible to the formation of urolithiasis.

Kidney diseases

When this organ works does not process liquid correctly and poorly difficulties appear in emptying the bladder.


As a rule, with the standard course of this disease, the cat simply pees often. But since their urethral canal has a special structure urination may disappear altogether. When hypothermia occurs, the excretory tracts in cats become swollen and inflamed, causing their capacity to deteriorate.

Congenital abnormalities of the excretory tract

Such problems occur in rare cases. Moreover Signs of the disease may appear in a domestic cat only in adulthood.

Overexcitement in uncastrated animals

Sometimes increased arousal leads to difficulty urinating. In this state Pets may experience enlargement of the gonads, leading to blockage of the urethra. Sometimes a plug of discharge appears in the urethral canal due to overstimulation.

In addition, a lack of water in a cat’s diet can contribute to problems with urination.

The main signs of the disease

A cat with such ailments begins to fuss, behave very strangely, and meow. In addition, he will constantly spin around the tray, and when going to the toilet, the pet will press against the edge of the box to help the bladder empty. If your cat is having trouble urinating normally, she experiences a burning sensation and pain. However, only a specialist can find out what caused the painful bowel movement.

There is an opinion that cats sterilized in childhood are the most susceptible to urolithiasis. Moreover, if the pet is still has kidney problems, then he may have no urge to urinate at all. In some situations, it is difficult even for veterinarians to determine the early symptoms of the formation of stones or animal sand in the kidneys.


When there are suspicions of problems with the urinary system in a beloved pet, first aid should be provided. If the cat has stopped going to the toilet in a small way, and there is no opportunity to visit a veterinary clinic, then you should examine the animal yourself, to determine the degree of bladder fullness. To do this, the furry pet must be placed on its paws and clasped with both hands. Then you should carefully palpate the bladder on a line that is perpendicular to the testes. If the inflammation is severe, the cat will not allow this to be done; you need to urgently take him to the clinic.

If you were able to examine the bubble, then estimate its size and note how dense it is. In its normal state, this organ is the size of a nut and soft to the touch. Enlarged and hard bladder indicates serious problems, so there is no need to waste precious time; it is better to show the animal to a doctor. To alleviate the condition of your furry pet, you can also place a heating pad on the stomach and perineum.

How to help a cat if he can’t go to the toilet?

Never massage your cat's belly when this disease occurs, as this will only make the situation worse. In the clinic, first aid involves inserting a catheter for the removal of fluid from the body. This procedure is very painful and can only be performed by a qualified doctor. Sometimes such an operation is performed under general anesthesia.

During catheterization, antiseptics are used to flush the bladder. It is prohibited to carry out this procedure too often, as it also leads to swelling of the urinary tract. The doctor will find out the cause of difficulty urinating and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Usually cats are given painkillers and herbal infusions. Rose hips, lavender, plantain, horsetail and lingonberries help well with such problems. Sometimes a hot bath helps: the pet is immersed in water up to the heart area for 10 minutes. They also prescribe, if it is impossible to go and pee, boiled pumpkin and a dessert spoon of strawberry juice.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for all kinds of inflammation. Even after the results appear, you must continue to take them. In your pet's diet you need Be sure to introduce vitamins, and in the spring you can give him nettles. In addition, the cat is prescribed active games and frequent walks. Most diseases of the urinary system are chronic, so it is advisable to take herbs for a long time and repeat the course of treatment constantly.

Kidney collection perfectly helps to remove sand from the body. It is sold in any pharmacy, but it is better to consult a specialist. You can constantly give your cat a decoction of black currants, parsley, birch leaves and bearberry. You should treat this way for at least a month.

Diet for difficulty urinating

For an animal that is susceptible to urolithiasis, it is necessary to create a corrective diet. His diet should be rich in glutamic acid and vitamins A, B 6. The following products should be excluded from the feed:

In general, it is better to give such an animal a balanced food specially designed for cats with similar problems.

How to avoid diseases of the genitourinary system?

It is necessary to understand that once you have received such an illness, you will not be able to get rid of it completely. Only preventive measures and regular veterinary examinations will help your cat lead a comfortable lifestyle. To prevent difficulty urinating, you need to follow a few tips:

And remember that giving medications and treating ailments that have led to difficulty urinating in your beloved pet is endanger his health and even his life. If such problems arise, you should seek help from specialists as quickly as possible. In addition, do not forget to vaccinate your cat.

When owners of animals who have difficulty eliminating themselves contact a veterinarian, he has to find out the details of why the cat cannot go to the toilet. Be it the lack of urination or defecation, how long it lasts, the reasons, the general well-being of the animal. Whatever the cause of the disorder, if the cat does not go to the toilet for more than a day, electrolyte disturbances in the blood develop, indicators of renal failure increase, and autointoxication increases every hour. This situation requires emergency medical intervention. It will be useful to find out the main reasons why a pet may not go to.

If the kitten does not go to the toilet for the most part.

On average, a month-old kitten can go 3 to 6 times a day.

  • Taking care of the natural needs of a newborn kitten rests entirely with the mother cat. If for some reason the cat does not know what to do when caring for the baby, he will not be able to go anywhere.
  • Problems with eliminating needs may be associated with congenital pathology, in which case it is necessary to immediately consult a veterinarian.
  • The kitten should not switch to adult food too abruptly. Complementary feeding for kittens occurs gradually, with the presence of mother's milk and food suitable for kittens.
  • With a sudden change in environment, the kitten may experience stress and may not go to the toilet for a long time (2-3 days). Measures need to be taken if the kitten has adapted, but does not go to the toilet for most of 5 days.

If an adult cat does not go to the toilet at all.

On average, an adult cat goes to the toilet approximately once every 24 hours. If an adult cat eats but does not go to the toilet for several days (longer than 4 days), measures should be taken.

The most common reasons for an adult cat not having bowel movements include:

  • Poor nutrition. A cat's diet without sufficient fiber, eating bones, and not drinking enough liquid can cause stool retention.
  • Often a cat does not go to the toilet for several days after moving, due to the arrival of guests, the appearance of another animal and other similar situations.
  • Problems with defecation are caused by the presence of hairballs (trichobezoars) in the gastrointestinal tract. Wool gets into the cat's stomach during the process of cleaning its own fur with its tongue.
  • Neutered cats, due to their sedentary lifestyle, are prone to obesity and difficulty defecating.
  • The intestines of older cats cope worse with the movement of feces through their sections.
  • Difficulty defecating may be a symptom of internal organ disease.

If the cat does not go to the toilet, it will be small.

A situation where a cat does not go to the toilet for a reason is quite easy to recognize. The cat may meow loudly, moan, fuss, or stomp around the litter box. If the cat manages to go to the litter box, it is very little. The cat's belly is swollen like a drum and painful to the touch; the pet cannot lie on it. There may be traces of pus and blood in the tray.

The most common reasons why a cat may not go to the toilet for a little while include:

  • One of the reasons why a cat goes to the toilet little by little is not drinking enough liquid. The concentration of salts in a small volume of urine provokes the formation of stones.
  • If a cat has had urinary problems in her family, she may inherit them.
  • Poor diet can cause urinary problems. Foods such as: raw meat, fish, mineral products can cause problems with urine output.
  • Cats that are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle may have problems with urine output.
  • The cat does not go to the toilet much due to stress, moving (travel), new owners.
  • Congenital pathology of the urinary tract. In this situation, urgent veterinary care is required, often surgical intervention.
  • Dry food, being a balanced diet, also requires balanced fluid intake. To reduce the risk of developing urolithiasis, you need to provide your pet with constant access to clean drinking water.

In any case, if the cat cannot urinate, it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. You should absolutely not massage your cat’s belly, as this may worsen its condition. You can learn more about the signs of acute urinary retention in cats from this video:

The cat does not go to the toilet after sterilization.

During the postoperative period, you need to carefully monitor your pet, treat the sutures, and ensure proper removal of the sutures. If the cat does not go to the toilet after surgery, check to see if she has constipation or diarrhea and how stool affects the sutures.

It may be normal to have bowel movements for up to 3 days. A cat can go to the toilet unnoticed, excreting a little urine. During the postoperative period, the animal requires a soft, gentle diet that does not strain the abdominal wall, which helps protect the sutures.

Some animals experience difficulty going to the toilet after anesthesia, such as constipation or diarrhea, accompanied by pain. Constipation is characterized by symptoms such as: the cat does not eat, does not go to the litter box, does not poop, meows, moans, its tail trembles, and there may be damage to the sutures. In case of constipation, medications prescribed by a veterinarian are taken and the diet is adjusted. You can relieve constipation in your pet on your own with 1 tablespoon of Vaseline.

Often, cats delay urination due to stress and discomfort from the blanket. In this case, you need to consult a doctor about temporarily removing the blanket, observing the cat, and preventing it from licking the seams.

The cat does not go to the toilet after giving birth.

Many cats go to the toilet more often before giving birth, do not eat much, or stop eating. This is how the cat instinctively “cleanses” the body and prepares for childbirth. After giving birth, on average, a cat may not walk for 24 hours and 3 days without walking. During feeding, the cat loses a lot of fluid. If your cat is constipated after giving birth, you should give her Vaseline or olive oil. You should consult a doctor if stool does not appear within 24 hours.

Seeking help from specialists.

Urination and defecation are as important for the functioning of the body as eating and drinking water, so it is impossible to ignore the situation where the pet does not go to the toilet. If the animal does not walk for the second day, it is not possible to help it at home, you need to urgently contact a specialist. When contacting a veterinarian, you should prepare answers to questions about whether the animal urinates, how long it has been without stool, the composition of its diet, and drinking regime.

Agree, we are ready to put up with many of the habits of our pets, but only one puts living together on the brink of the impossible - urinating in inappropriate places. You can cope with the problem if you figure out from the very first episode why the cat does not want to go to the litter box and start taking the right actions.

Let's say right away that cats, like dogs, are among those species of animals that are able to regulate the fulfillment of their natural needs. The dog can wait for a maximum of 12 hours to be taken outside, and the cat will go to the litter box as soon as it needs it. Everything else (even if your cat goes to the litter box every other time) is a deviation from the norm, which has certain reasons.

These steps will help you understand why your cat isn't using the litter box and help you eliminate the cause.

Using information from the American website, we bring to your attention 9 mandatory actions that you must take in order to understand why your beloved cat refuses to go to the litter box and solve the problem.

Get your pet's urine tested

The first thing to do is contact your veterinarian and get a urine test. Urinary tract infections, urolithiasis and kidney failure are the main reasons for frequent urination, which may cause your cat to simply not have time to run to the toilet.

Provide a litter box for each cat to avoid competition

Be sure to understand the question: does a cat mark or go to the toilet? The marks look like splashes, urination looks like a puddle. It's not just unsterilized cats who mark. Any cat can start marking its territory, especially if it feels that someone is claiming it. Most often, the rival is another cat.

In this case, it is best to separate the animals into different rooms, and each have their own tray. But it happens that in this way the cat reacts to the appearance of another family member or child. In this case, you need to do everything to make the animal feel more protected, give it more attention and affection.

Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the tray

Clean the litter box every day and change the litter regularly. Cats are very clean creatures, and dirty lumps and an unpleasant odor are one of the most common reasons why a cat has stopped going to the litter box - what to do, perhaps your purr's senses are much more “subtle” than you thought. Try to please the pet, or the animal will start looking for another place for its needs.

Get rid of the smell

Thoroughly wash the area where the cat peed. At the same time, it is very important not only to wash, but also to destroy the smell of urine itself. To do this, you need to use special products that are sold in pet stores. If even the elusive smell of urine remains, there is a high risk that the animal will return here again.

The tray should be “always at hand”

If you have a very large apartment, or even more so, your own house, place several trays in different places. One tray is often not enough. The general rule is one litter box for each cat, plus one more.

Move the tray slowly

If urination occurs repeatedly in the same place, and the cat does not go into the tray that you carefully prepared for it, try placing it nearby, and then gradually move it to where you need it.

Buy another tray

If all of the above has been done, and puddles or other inappropriate “gifts” appear again and again, change the tray. Often, owners use enclosed toilets because they suit their aesthetic needs better. However, your pet may not think so.

We can wonder for a long time why the cat stopped going to the litter box “for the most part,” but the reason will turn out to be much more prosaic. The closed tray seems too cramped to her - it’s difficult to turn around there, but in order to properly bury her affairs, she needs at least some space.

In addition, an odor accumulates inside, which is unpleasant to the animal. If you have an open litter box, you should make sure that its walls are not too high for a cat, especially an older one.

Buy another filler

Change the type of litter, your cat may not like it. A common cause of hostility is a strong fragrance or sharp granules that are unpleasant for the paws. If you took an adult cat into your home, then perhaps she is already accustomed to a certain type of litter and does not want to go to another. According to research, cats like loose litter with activated carbon the most.

Become an observer

Observe the relationships in the cat team. Quarrels between cats or the appearance of a new animal in the house often cause urination in inappropriate places. It happens that a showdown takes place right next to the tray, and in this case, the loser of the battle will begin to avoid it.

We hope our tips will help you figure out why your cat won't go to the litter box. What to do, however, is absolutely not recommended? Remember that scolding a cat, yelling at it, and even more so hitting it (alas, this practice of raising children and cats occurs quite often) is not only pointless, but also harmful. An animal that has lost its cleanliness for one of the above reasons is unlikely to recover from your scream.

You will add one more to the stress caused by the discomfort of an inconvenient or dirty tray, an unpleasant litter, an aggressive fellow tribesman or a new contender for the owner’s love, and you will only reinforce the wrong behavior.

Larisa Solodovnikova

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