Multifunctional hanger Ikea Compliment - “Scarves, stoles, shawls - now on one large multifunctional hanger! Order and accessibility are guaranteed!” How to make a scarf hanger Scarf hanger how to use more

Which woman has not faced the problem of storing additional accessories in her wardrobe? Shawls, scarves, belts sometimes form such a mess that it would seem that this will never end. But no, in our article, every housewife will find a way out of this situation. A handmade hanger for scarves and scarves will be the best assistant for creating comfort and order in your wardrobe.

Of course, if in your wardrobe, each outfit has its own accessory, then there will most likely not be enough hangers for them; for this, you can purchase a stand-up hanger in the store. The stand will fit comfortably in the corner of the dressing room and will serve as a keeper of the entire wardrobe arsenal.

One of the simplest and cheapest options is to make your own accessory hanger . It is a simple hanger for clothes, with cardboard rings on it, for shawls and scarves.

We are preparing the following materials and tools:

  • You can make a clothes hanger yourself from wire; you don’t need any special equipment for this, just take some wire and wire cutters.
  • Cardboard that you have around the house, such as a shoe box;
  • Multi-colored (plain) ribbons, they can be made from leftover material that every needlewoman has, or purchased ready-made at a haberdashery store;
  • Threads for fastening, the stronger the better;
  • Glue gun or PVA glue;
  • Tape measure;
  • A compass, if you don’t have one, then you need to take, for example, a glass and a glass or two glasses with different volumes at the bottom;
  • Simple pencil;
  • A paper knife or scissors with rounded ends.

Making hangers for scarves and shawls

To begin with, determine what diameter rings are needed for accessories. Measure the bottom bar with your shoulder and calculate how many rings there will be in the top row. If you work with a compass, the calculation is made mathematically. Divide the length of the hanger by the number of planned rings to obtain the diameter of one ring.

If there is nothing wrong with the compass, take a glass, turn it over and it will be the first circle. Next, you need to take a glass and draw a second circle in the ring of the first circle.

Another way to draw a circle without a compass.

Draw a ring on the cardboard using one of the selected methods. For a compass, you need to draw a circle of the selected diameter, reduce the step by 1 cm and once again draw a circle inside. The result is a template ring.

Using scissors or a paper knife, cut out the required number of rings according to the template. There are 9 of them in our master class.

Now, with the prepared tapes, you need to wrap all the cardboard rings. Make the winding carefully with slight overlaps on the previous turn. Glue the ends of the tape with glue or secure with thread. The side on which the fastening will be located is considered the rear part of the structure.

Think in advance about how the rings will be placed on the hanger. It will look good to combine them in color.

This is what happened

Preparing the hangers. Here you can fantasize as you wish. Suitable for winding: leather; remnants of tapes; textile; yarn for knitting.

All that remains is to connect the two parts into one whole product. We attach the ring structure to the horizontal crossbar of the hangers in the same way as the rings. Ready.

If over time you get tired of the hanger or there are not enough rings, then it can be reconstructed by adding the number of rings, and you don’t have to mess around too much, just take plastic rings for curtains. Any material that was used in the master class is suitable for winding.

Now you can put your wardrobe in order, without wasting extra effort and money. And the shelf will be freed up in the closet for more suitable things. And completing the look before leaving the house will now be a pleasure; just look at the hanger and see the accessory that suits this style of clothing.

Glamorous scarf hook

The design of this hook is not difficult at all. It looks like the English letter S and is decorated with beads.

What do we need for work?

  • Wire with good rigidity, diameter 1-1.5 mm - 1 meter;
  • Large beads for decoration – 2 pcs.;
  • Medium beads for decoration – 32 pcs.;
  • Nail polish to match the beads;
  • Metal paint (aerosol) – colorless;
  • Scissors with sharp ends;
  • Wire cutters.

Making a hanger

Before work, the wire should be straightened and cleared of deposits if it has been used before. Degrease with acetone, wipe with a cloth and cover with spray paint. Work with paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

After the paint has dried, the wire must be bent in the shape of the letter S, so that the top part is smaller than the bottom. Thread one large bead and secure the end with a loop (see photo).

We string all the remaining beads, adjusting the position of the wire as we work so that the hanger does not lose its original appearance. If there is a narrow hole in the bead, use scissors with sharp ends to drill a larger hole. This must be done extremely carefully, as there is a risk of breaking the bead in half.

String the beads as tightly as possible to each other, but so that the structure retains its given shape.

Having finished stringing the beads, cut the wire so that the second end is also hidden in the last large bead. A loop should form at the end.

Carefully adjust the finished exclusive hanger for scarves and scarves until it is given its final shape. Paint the formed loops along the edges with nail polish. We adapt the hanger to the closet handle and wow, a unique hanger made with your own hands appears in your home.

By the way, such a wonderful thing can serve not only as a hanger for scarves, but also for jewelry, hair ties and even sunglasses. With these simple tips, you can easily clean out your closet and place everything in plain sight.

Wide range of hangers

We have hangers for scarves and shawls starting at RUB 490. More than 60,000 pieces of furniture and interior design. 390+ brands of beautiful and designer furniture.

Warranty for hangers

We choose only reliable partners and carefully monitor quality. Hangers for scarves and scarves are covered by a manufacturer's warranty and INMYROOM's own quality control system.

Help in selection

Our designers will select hangers for free, taking into account your interior and layout. If necessary, they will offer an alternative replacement from the wide range of INMYROOM.

Fast and high-quality delivery in Moscow

We deliver purchases 7 days a week. Please check with your manager for the exact cost and delivery time in Moscow. Delivery to other regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries is possible.

Easy returns and exchanges

You can return hangers within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt in Moscow.

Warehousing service

We offer storage in our own warehouse if you have ordered hangers from us and the repairs have not yet been completed. Check the rates with the INMYROOM manager.

Do you love wearing accessories and scarves? How do you store them? Most of the time, hinges and accessories get wrinkled in a drawer or cabinet, and if you want to remove them, you'll have to dig and look. It is much more convenient to arrange the scarves on a separate hanger so that you can easily see everyone and choose the right one. Plus, hanging scarves on a hanger prevents them from getting wrinkled, and there's no need to iron them every time you want to use them.

If you don't have a special scarf hanger, you can make it yourself - see how.
Necessary materials
- 10 curtains for hanging bathroom curtain
- 1 trouser hanger
- usually glue
- Super glue
- paint, additional
- coloring sponge
- ink ribbon

How to do it

1. Draw the wooden part of the hanger. You can leave the original color, but paint will give it more style and personality. To protect the metal and plastic parts of the hanger, wrap them with paint tape. If you want, you can also paint the rings where the scarves should be hung, but use the best spray for them because the brush will take a lot of time.

2. Once the paint has dried, place the rings in a V or triangle shape: four on top, three on the bottom, two and one on the bottom. Of course, you could experiment and create your own shape. When you are ready with the design, start gluing the rings one by one to the bottom of one of the hooks. Don't place the rings in the middle between the two clips so you can use this hanging option later.

3. Place small dots in the middle of the bottom of one of the hooks so you know exactly where to put the rings. Apply a generous amount of glue to ensure that the rings will not peel off under the weight of the scarves.

4. When gluing the second, third, etc. rings, you need to put glue and sides to grab the ring by one in front of it. Keep the loops snug against each other while holding the glue to ensure they are glued together properly. Let the hanger dry before moving on to the next step.

5. Once the glue has dried, strengthen the structure with super glue. Don't try to lift and move the stand before going 5-6 hours - the glue will be tight enough to rotate the stand and repeat the same procedure on the other side. Challenge yourself with waxed paper under the counter that peels off easily, unlike regular ones that stick to the adhesive.

6. Wait 24 hours to make sure the glue is dry, then hang your favorite scarves on their new hanger.

It is simple and minimalistic, does not take up much space, but is functional and practical. In addition to the 10 hanging rings, you can also use panty garter pliers to hang shawls made from thinner fabrics.

All women know the problem of storing scarves, sarongs, belts and other accessories necessary in the wardrobe. Rolling them up into a ball does not help - they inexplicably unfold and make the same mess on the shelf. Our salvation from irritated digging in a pile of scarves will be provided by a do-it-yourself scarf hanger, simple to make and easy to use.

Scarf hanger made from cardboard rings

Perhaps this is the best solution of all. As they say, cheap and cheerful. The product is a regular hanger with cardboard rings attached to it, into which we will thread our scarves.

We are preparing the following materials and tools

  • Coat hanger. If you don’t find one in the house, bend it from wire.
  • Strong thick cardboard.
  • Colored ribbons (plain colors are also possible), cut from fabric or ready-made.
  • Strong threads (iris, floss).
  • Glue.
  • Compass, pencil.
  • Tailor's centimeter.
  • Paper cutter or scissors.

Making a scarf hanger

We measure the length of the shoulders. We divide the resulting figure by the number of rings that we planned to place in the top row. The number displayed will be the diameter of each holder. In our case there are three rings, so we divide the length of the hangers by 3.

We take a compass and draw a circle of the calculated diameter on the cardboard. We reduce the step of the compass by one centimeter to draw another circle inside the circle. We got a ring. How to make a scarf hanger without putting in extra effort? Here's how: we put the compass aside, since as a result of these simple steps we have a template for all the other circles.

Cut out the first ring. We lay it on cardboard and trace it as many times as we need holders (we have nine). We cut out the blanks using a paper knife or scissors with sharp tips.

We wrap the rings with fabric tapes, carefully laying the turns. We hem or glue the ends so that the attachment point is not obvious.

We think over the location of the rings relative to each other, choosing the optimal color combination.

Now we fasten the holders together with thick threads, securing the ends of the threads with glue.

It turns out this is the design.

We wrap the hangers with tape, bringing them into line with the general concept of the product. We connect them horizontally with a number of rings, using the same technology with threads.

The hanger can be easily upgraded by adding additional rings. By the way, the blanks can be wrapped with multi-colored ribbons, leftover yarn, and leather. If you don't want to deal with cardboard, use rings for plastic curtains.

We have a wonderful hanger where every item is visible and in perfect order. In addition to this, an entire shelf in the closet was freed up. Now choosing the right scarf won't feel like searching for lost treasures.

Glamorous scarf hook

The design of this scarf hanger is extremely simple - a wire bent in the shape of an S sign, studded with beautiful beads.

What do we need for work?

  • Wire with a cross-section of one and a half millimeters, 1 m long.
  • Plastic beads – 36 pcs. Two of them should have a larger diameter than all the others.
  • Nail polish is the same shade as the beads.
  • Aerosol paint for metal, neutral color.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Nail scissors.

Making a hanger

If the wire has been used, straighten it, clean it and degrease it. After wiping it dry, cover it with spray paint.

After the aerosol has dried, bend the metal strip in half - the hook should have a certain rigidity. We bend the wire along a given path, and the upper bend should be less than the lower one. We pass the first bead (of the larger ones) through the wire, leaving a loop at the end.

We string the remaining beads in order. If they are tight, you can drill out the holes with the tip of nail scissors. Just be careful not to overdo it so the beads don't crack.

The beads should fit tightly. Don’t forget to adjust the bends of the hook, bringing it into line with the intended shape.

Having strung the beads, we cut off one end of the wire, trying to ensure that it ends up inside the last, large bead. The other end should be one and a half centimeters longer.

We form a loop from the long tip of the wire. We remove its end into the hole of the bead.

Very carefully give the hook its final shape. Paint the loops at the ends of the hook with nail polish.

The result was a wonderful hanger for scarves, small but very elegant. You can hang not only scarves on it, but also jewelry and other little things: a hair tie, a headband, sunglasses. So, with the means at hand and little effort, we achieved our goal - we placed our accessories in plain sight and put things in order in the closet.

Hangers are indispensable for careful and neat storage of clothes in the closet. Next are a few ideas for increasing the functionality of ordinary hangers. To make it convenient to hang scarves, ties, gloves, glasses and belts, so that dresses and blouses do not slip off their hangers, you will need a minimum of materials and time.

1. DIY scarf and tie hanger

Light summer scarves, winter knitted scarves, ties and other accessories lying on a shelf or in a drawer sooner or later turn into colorful chaos, where it is difficult to immediately find anything. An excellent solution would be to make a simple organizer for scarves with your own hands. You will need several rings for the bathroom curtain, attached to the crossbar of the hanger. A hanger for scarves and ties will make it much easier for you to find what you need!

2. DIY glove and sock hanger

Attach large clothespins to a hanger with a thin bar. This way you can store winter gloves, scarves and even socks!

3. Belt hanger

It is useful for belts to hang straight, without bends or kinks. Screw some hooks into your hanger! The men in the house will appreciate such a convenient improvement to ordinary wooden hangers.

4. Glasses hanger

How do you store your glasses collection? Shelf, drawer? Here's another place for organized storage - just hang them on a hanger!

5. To prevent clothes from slipping off the hanger

Smooth, thin hangers can be inconvenient to store items on. Take 3-5 pieces of these hangers, connect them with tape and wrap them with multi-colored yarn! Firstly, the hanger will become thicker, and secondly, silky and light items will not slide off the hanger. And thirdly, such bright decor pleases the eye and enlivens the space, be it in a closed closet or on a hanger in the hallway.

To make your closet comfortable, functional and spacious, you need to choose the right content for sliding wardrobes - various stationary and pull-out shelves, drawers, rods and other necessary accessories. Jet-Systems specialists will help you choose inexpensive, high-quality filling and professionally carry out all the work to order.