DIY paper crown. Template for cutting

The approach of the New Year 2020 of the White Metal Rat makes many of us already today think about the upcoming children's matinees. And it doesn't matter if it's kindergarten or elementary school. All of us, without exception, want our children to look as bright and beautiful as possible, regardless of their location. For this purpose, every caring mother carefully selects and thinks through a fabulous image for her baby. Of course, princesses are especially popular. With the intensified efforts of needlewomen, chic puffy and airy dresses, delicate make-up, magnificent hairstyles with shiny curls are created. Everything is full of beauty and grace, splendor and nobility. But the most important thing to keep in mind at the Christmas tree festival is the crown. For your girl, she will be simply necessary. After all, as a rule, beloved princesses cannot do a single minute without their main attribute, which, in fact, gives them an important status and universal respect in a certain society. Of course, many parents run to the shops in search of this jewelry, and some, who have excellent handicraft skills, try to create real masterpieces of art at home, which, with their originality and unsurpassed quality, can easily outshine the market goods of this direction. If you have never had to deal with the manufacture of these products, then on the eve of the New Year holidays, you should definitely try. After all, your little daughters want so much that at this early age everyone would admire and admire their beauty and perfection, and this decoration, made by you yourself for the New Year's party, will give them self-confidence and some grace. If you don’t know how the original crown for a girl for the New Year 2020 is made with your own hands at home, then you should read our article, which presents 57 photos of ideas and simple master classes available for your understanding and creativity.

Christmas paper crown

In order to make a paper crown for the New Year 2020 for your girl, you will need inexpensive materials and a little patience. If you try, then with your own hands you can create quite interesting and spectacular beauty products that will emphasize the individuality of your child.

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • tape measure;
  • foil roll;
  • decorations - sequins, rhinestones, beads, shiny stones, beads, snowflakes and much more that you will like.

Work process:

  1. First you need to measure the circumference of the child's head using a regular centimeter tape.
  2. Now we draw a rectangle on paper or cardboard, the length corresponding to the girth of the child's head, plus 2-3 cm for the margin. The width depends on the desired height of the future crown, approximately 10 cm.
  3. After that, you need to draw the teeth. It will be more convenient if you step back from the top edge by about 4-5 cm, draw another line. This will be the maximum height of the teeth, which can be depicted the same or different.
  4. Cut out the resulting image. According to this sample, we create with our own hands a similar foil decoration, which subsequently needs to be glued to the paper base with glue. It remains to fasten the two sides. If desired, we transform the resulting product with rhinestones, beads, snowflakes, tinsel or sparkles.

This is how easy and simple you can create a crown for your girl for the New Year 2019 at home. Such a seemingly elementary detail will play an important role in the magical image of your princess.

Browse through our photo ideas to greatly enrich your imagination and help you get creative.

If you want to please your daughter with a more elegant option, then use the kanzashi technique. If you have not come across it, then watch our training video, which will clearly tell you about all its secrets.

Master class on making a crown in kanzashi style

Crown of wire and beads

To make a crown for a girl for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in an original and effortless way, it is worth considering the option of making such an ornament from wire and beads. The result will certainly amaze you, because such a product really looks like what the princess wears in cartoons. For your little daughter, this will be a real pleasant surprise that will make her really proud of you. To create such a charm, it is not necessary to go to the store, since many mothers have their own stocks of beads, beads and various similar items in special boxes. Choose the most appropriate "jewels" for your baby's look and create interesting and dazzling masterpieces of beauty with their help.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • finished bezel;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • a set of beads that you have.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Before you start work, you should prepare our base - remove all unnecessary decorations, leaving only the clean surface of the rim.
  2. Now we proceed to the direct manufacture of peculiar branches, which will make up our New Year's crown. If you remember, the middle row of these weaves should look much longer and brighter than the sides. To do this, we take a small piece of thin wire and string a large bead on it, after which it is worth connecting the two ends of the wire and weaving them together so that the decorative element holds firmly and does not hang down. We do the same with the following beads, only they need to be put on two branches of the wire, which we previously twisted into one. The alternation of small beads with large ones will give effect in this work. The play of colors will also make its additions and accents. In such a simple way, we managed to create the central row of branches, which should consist, as a rule, of 5 - 7 beads. We will fasten them in the middle of our rim using the ends of the wire.
  3. By similar actions, we create side branches, which will be shorter than the middle ones.
  4. Next, we proceed to make a crown for your girl for the New Year 2020 with our own hands. To do this, we securely fasten our blanks to the rim, placing them in such an order that large voids do not form between them, as this will spoil the aesthetic appearance of the head decoration.

This is how you can simply do this creative work at home. For those who have not really figured out the technique of such an implementation, we advise you to watch our video tutorial, which will explain to you all the secrets and subtleties in a step-by-step and accessible form.

Master class on making a crown from beads and wire

If you have read this video and all your questions are resolved by themselves, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our photo ideas, collected in a wonderful selection. It will serve as an excellent example for you for independent creativity.

As you have already noticed, the perfection of the crown is achieved not only with beads, but also with beads, decorative shiny stones, flowers and other additions. The end result depends entirely on personal imagination, and the richer it is, the more chic the hand-made product will look on your daughter's New Year's party.

Crown "Snow Queen"

If your girl does not want to be a princess at the Christmas tree festival for the New Year 2020, but expresses her desire to become a queen, then fulfill the children's request and create for her the costume of a fabulous Snow Queen with a beautiful and majestic crown made by yourself. There will be no limit to amazement, you'll see! A good mood and a joyful warm smile will decorate your child at the matinee. Don't delay, get to work to meet the deadline.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • silver snowflakes - 5 pcs.;
  • wire;
  • needle;
  • yarn "Grass" with lurex or something like that;
  • silver thread.

Work process:

  1. Before proceeding with the design of the New Year 2020 crown, it is worth creating a frame for the future product from a certain piece of wire. Measure the volume of your girl's head and weave a kind of round mesh that will serve as fasteners for decorative New Year's items.
  2. After the base of the head decoration takes on the proper form, it should be wrapped around with Grass yarn, without missing a single component of your product.
  3. The final part will be the transformation of our creation, created by our own hands. For this purpose, we need silver snowflakes. We must fix them on the crown by sewing on with a silver thread. If you want, you can get shimmery beads, rhinestones, sequins and embellish your magnificent work with them. In general, the richer and more luxurious you create a children's crown, the more realistic and interesting your baby will look like a cold and proud Snow Queen at the New Year's holiday in kindergarten or elementary school.

We invite you to view our photo ideas on this topic, which, in fact, will help you choose the best option for independent work.

Master class on creating a New Year's crown from an old diadem, tulle and mesh with sequins

Royal lace crown

You are confused and can’t gather your thoughts, from what you can make a crown for a girl for the New Year 2020 with your own hands quickly and quite simply, then turn your attention to the royal version of lace. It will not be difficult for you to create such a charm with your own hands at home. Don't believe me, see for yourself.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • beautiful openwork lace, 40 - 45 cm long;
  • PVA glue;
  • wax paper;
  • spray in a can of silver, gold or some other color;
  • hot glue;
  • sponge to remove excess glue.

Work process:

  1. We spread wax paper and put an even piece of lace on it. If the lace is slightly crumpled, it is advisable to iron it properly.
  2. Now we need PVA glue in order to thoroughly coat our braid in two or even three layers. We are waiting for the complete drying of our workpiece.
  3. We proceed to the decorative part of the work. In this case, we need acrylic paints or, better, a golden or silver spray. We process our product with it, capturing each pattern. After that, you need to give time to dry the lace.
  4. After the allotted hour has passed, we should connect the ends of the lace, thereby recreating a festive crown for your girl for the New Year 2020 with our own hands.

If you are extremely careful in your creative work, you will create true perfection that will outshine everyone at your daughter's New Year's party. And we offer to view our photo ideas that will provide you with new opportunities in this area.

We offer another simple option on how to make the main royal attribute for your child's festive look. Our interesting video tutorial will provide you with step-by-step instructions for this technique.

Master class on creating a crown from cardboard, organza and sequins

DIY plastic bottle crown

Creating a crown for the New Year 2020 from a plastic bottle is a fairly cheap option among all of the above. Indeed, in almost every home there is a similar auxiliary material from which you can create incredibly beautiful jewelry for your little girl's head with your own hands.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • two-liter plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • Blank sheet;
  • marker of any color;
  • glitter glue;
  • decorative elements of your choice.

Work process:

  1. With sharp scissors, carefully cut out about 1/3 of the plastic bottle so that you get a cylinder.
  2. On plain paper, draw a template for the future crown.
  3. Using adhesive tape, we attach the resulting stencil to the inside of the plastic cylinder. Outline the drawing with a marker, no details need to be drawn.
  4. Now, with the help of sharp scissors, we cut out along the contour of the picture so that traces of the marker do not remain on the plastic. Please note that the shape must be cut with a rim.
  5. We attach the template to the workpiece again and, using shiny glue, circle our resulting product along the contour and draw all the details.
  6. It remains to let the glue dry. To do this, you should remove our creation for two hours in a place that will not be accessible to your children.

That, in principle, is the whole complexity of this work. Do not be lazy, and you will create a beautiful decoration for your girl for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in a matter of hours, for which she will certainly be grateful.

Don't forget to check out our photo ideas that you will find useful and quite interesting.

If this option seemed too primitive to you, then we advise you to watch our video tutorial. Thanks to this, all the secrets of creating a New Year's crown from wire and beads will be revealed to you.

Master class on making jewelry for the head at home

Chenille wire crown

The process of making a crown from chenille wire will be quite original and fast in its execution. The flexibility and colorfulness of this material allows you to create unusually beautiful jewelry in the form of bracelets, rings, hairpins and funny figures. When you first encounter chenille wire, you will be amazed at its pliability and pleasant to the touch quality. Holding it in your hands, your imagination will automatically begin to draw great ideas for creativity. This is an ideal option to please your girl for the New Year 2020 with something excellent and unique. So, let's start our skill at home with you.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • chenille silver wire - 10 fluffy sticks;
  • finished bezel;
  • pliers with sharp teeth;
  • brocade or wide satin ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • various elements of jewelry: rhinestones, beads, snowflakes, white fur, confetti, sequins and more.

Work process:

  1. At the initial stage, we need to free our bezel from all kinds of decor. Thoroughly wipe the surface and proceed to further steps.
  2. We take silver chenille wire and create from it something like diamonds. They can be either diamond-shaped, or round, or simply - simply form a variety of curls and zigzags, but so that your fictional designs fit into the framework of the "royal" design of the crown.
  3. Attach decorative silver pieces to your base so that they hold firmly and firmly without hanging or falling off. Do not worry, such an improvised material as chenille wire is quite "obedient" and reliable in use. Having planted all the elements, you should connect them together with a kind of plexus or something like that. Your imagination should work hard to achieve the desired excellent result.
  4. After the work done, you should carefully examine your product for flaws and various disadvantages. If you are faced with annoying tails of chenille wire that spoil the whole look of your jewelry, take pliers with sharp teeth and remove all defects.
  5. After completing the pattern, you will usually have an empty space on both sides of the rim, since this crown implies the location of the “pattern” only in the center, capturing a little the side parts of the base. This, of course, is more like a diadem, but the aesthetic appearance is in no way inferior to other types of decorations for the New Year's party. For beauty and grace, we need to refine the remains of an unformed rim, masking them with a silver satin ribbon or a piece of brocade of the appropriate color. We make peculiar curling movements around the hoop and fix our material with hot glue.
  6. As for the transformation of the finished product, here you can only rely on your taste and personal preferences. However, it is worth noting that rhinestones and small silver pebbles will perfectly complement and even emphasize your efforts.

So the decoration for the New Year 2020 is ready, made by hand quite quickly and easily. Your girl will certainly appreciate this creation and thank you with a warm smile and a great festive mood. Fantasize and make your dreams come true, thereby making your loved ones and friends happier and kinder. And to create a fertile ground for your thoughts and considerations, we invite you to browse our selection of photo ideas, which will provide many interesting works for consideration.

Hello, visitors of the site "Unusual things". Today I want to tell and show you how to quickly make an amazing accessory for a festive look of a little princess. He will undoubtedly complement the outfit and give the baby even more charm.

I came across this idea by accident. On the Internet, I began to notice beautiful pictures of babies in smart dresses and with such crowns and tiaras on their heads. I immediately liked this idea. There was still time before the birthday, and I decided to find a craftswoman who would make such a wonderful accessory for us. The search was not long in coming and now they sent me various options to choose from. The price was also quite reasonable. But then, as is often the case, I wondered how to make such a crown myself?

I decided not to rush with the order and first go to the nearest fabric and accessories store to see what kind of material it is. Felt? It looks like .. But such a shine! Manually glue the sequins or something. And then my eyes fall on some rolls of sequins. The inscription on the label reads: "Foamiran". Without thinking twice, I chose a color, picked up a decor, an elastic band and gave less than half the cost of the craftswoman named to me for all this pleasure. By the way, from that sheet I made two crowns and even left. That is, the cost of such a fashionable accessory is negligible. And this means that we will do it ourselves!

For our crown we need:

  1. Foamiran leaf
  2. Elastic band in tone (length is equal to the circumference of the head)
  3. Accessories (rhinestones, beads)
  4. Glue gun
  5. Stencil

We need to decide on the shape of the crown first. On the Internet you can find different options: from the simplest to the more intricate. I chose the regular one. For a stencil on paper, we make markings. Length 6 cm, height 4 cm, peak height 2 cm. And on one side we leave room for an allowance. We will need it when gluing.

Cut out our stencil. We apply it to the wrong side of the foamiran and circle it. Then we cut out the workpiece. Now we need to glue our crown. We place the glue on the allowance and glue it to the back side. Voila! A few elementary steps and our accessory is almost ready!

It remains to make the bottom for the crown. To do this, simply put it on the wrong side of the foamiran and circle it inside with a pencil. Cut out the bottom and also glue it on the glue gun. It's time for decor. I decorated the peaks with round beads, and the crown itself with rhinestones. We also decorate the seam with rhinestones.Let's fasten our rubber band. To do this, we close both ends at the bottom and glue. Our dazzling accessory is ready!

Lovely photos are definitely provided for you, as well as general tenderness from the sight of a little princess! Stay tuned! Ahead is an article on how to give new life to an old wooden frame!

About the author:

Greetings, my dear readers! My name is Maria. I love to come up with interesting ideas of how ordinary things can be made more "soulful" and memorable. It's nice to give and receive gifts to which someone has attached a piece of their soul, agree! Such gifts are always remembered for a long time. This is what we will do in our master classes.

The crown, made with your own hands together with the child, will surely become his most favorite accessory and will often be used in games and entertainment. And made specially for some solemn day, it will help to preserve the memories of this holiday and make it brighter.

Nothing is easier than making a paper crown using ready-made templates. They can be printed at the desired scale, if necessary, enlarged or compressed to the desired size.

Watch the video on how to make a paper crown:

Crown cutting templates

If you display the image on a sufficiently dense and, if desired, colored sheet, it can be used as a blank - cutting it along the contour, gluing or attaching an elastic band, you will get the finished product. But more often printouts are used as templates (stencils).

paper crown with sequins

A crown made of paper with sequins looks very interesting. In order to make a crown, we need: scissors, yellow or golden paper, glue and bright large sequins.

First, print out the template for cutting the crown:

Using the template, we draw the contours of the future crown on yellow paper.

Cut out the outline of the crown.

We glue bright sequins on the teeth of the crown.

We glue the parts of the crown on one side.

We adjust the size of the crown on the head and glue the crown on the other side.

Cardboard crown with cotton rim

Real kings and queens will surely like the crown lined with "furs" made of cotton wool.

To make a crown with a cotton rim, print out the template for cutting:

Cut out the printed template along the contour.

Using the template, we draw the contours for cutting out on the cardboard.

We glue the cardboard parts of the crown together. On the inside we glue a strip of dense fabric (felt or burlap). Such a crown will be better to keep on the child's head.

The base of the crown is ready! We decorate the crown with sequins and paper stripes. On the circumference of the crown we glue rolled cotton wool, which we paint with yellow paint. Instead of cotton wool, you can use a strip of light fur.

Cardboard crown with a flower

Choose a crown stencil according to the preferences of the child and the purpose of this product.

You can cut out only the front part of such a crown and attach an elastic band to it - then this accessory will fit any child in size.

We draw the contour of the crown on the wrong side of the cardboard. You can use the printed template for cutting.

Glue a narrow ribbon on both sides of the crown.

For decoration, use a shiny sprinkle - apply it to the crown, after drawing a pattern on it with glue.

One has only to shake off the sparkles - and the crown is ready.

We decorate the crown with a delicate artificial flower.

A crown with a flower will easily complement the image of a magical princess or fairy of spring.

Elsa's crown from the cartoon Frozen (Frozen)

You can make a more complex product using a curly stencil, braid and glass beads.

The lower part of such a crown should be as long as the circumference of the child's head. The top part is simply fixed with glue.

Elsa's crown is ready!

You can use to make such a paper crown, a template for cutting out the top with a more complex shape. The more complex the template, the more interesting the product looks.

A funny crown can be made from a paper plate. To do this, cut it from the central part as in the photo. Now we color it and decorate it with rhinestones and sequins.

We bend the cut sectors. The crown is ready.

Toilet paper roll crown

And rolls of toilet paper and towels can easily be turned into small symbolic headdresses, which are often worn by princes and princesses in fairy tales. A small crown made from a toilet paper roll looks interesting and touching. To make a crown, wrap a cardboard roll with colored tape.

We wrap the roll with strips of colored tape. Insert an elastic band with a carnation.

Miniature crown - ready!

A crown made of cardboard, paper is the most popular craft for children, both for girls and boys. Consider how to make a crown with your own hands from paper, cardboard, wire or lace.

For a role in various performances, you may need a crown. So, let's look at several options for how you can complement the girl's festive outfit in the form of a crown.

How to make a do-it-yourself cardboard crown

To solve this problem, we need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • pencil;
  • glue.
Small cardboard crown

1. In order for the crown to sit well on the head, you need to measure the circumference of the baby's head. Keep in mind that the crown will need to be fixed - so measure a few centimeters more. Having chosen a certain length, cut out strips of cardboard.

2. The height of the crown depends on your preferences. On the top of the cardboard strip, it will be necessary to draw the “teeth” of our crown, and then cut off the excess parts strictly along the contour. Our next step is to unwind the foil roll to the length of our crown. Now you should smear one side of the cardboard with glue. It is necessary to attach this side to the foil with "teeth" to the edges. Next, step back a few centimeters from the crown, and cut off the foil.

Crown made of cardboard and beads

3. The part of the foil that remains - it should be tucked along the cardboard and glued to the other side. Give the crown time to dry. Then you should cut the foil between the teeth, and wrap the foil around each clove. At the end, you just need to connect our strip into a circle.

Another option is how to make a crown out of cardboard. Take cardboard, stapler, pencil and scissors. On cardboard, draw a crown with classic teeth. Cut out, connect in a circle. To make the crown more dense, you can connect several layers of cardboard with a stapler. The crown can be decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones, pasted over with tinsel, wrapped in foil. You can glue colored rain along the contour of the crown.

paper crown

How to make a crown out of paper? First you need to draw a diagram of the crown on paper - this will be required in order to understand how many details we need.

We will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • white paper;
  • red and gold colors;
  • glue.

1. Now you should cut the sheets of paper into strips that will have a width equal to seven millimeters and a length equal to twenty-five centimeters.

2. To make the base of the crown, you need to make twenty rhombuses and twenty circles from strips of red and white flowers. How to make the first row of the crown? You just need to glue the resulting circles together. What will the second row look like? These will be rhombuses that should be glued between the circles. In all subsequent rows there is an alternation. Don't forget to alternate colors.

Now we will make a snowflake that will decorate our crown. We will need blanks made in the form of drops and in the form of rhombuses - eight white rhombuses, seven gold and seven red drops. Glue the snowflake well to the base of our crown. Be sure to complement the crown with droplets and rhombuses of white and red flowers.

4. To make the crown more magnificent - in the upper part of the crown you should add golden rhombuses - glue strips twenty-five centimeters long together. Be sure to leave it overnight to dry the crown.

How to make a wire crown

Asking the question: how to make a crown - you can use a variety of methods and materials for its manufacture. Consider the most popular of them.

wire crown

For example, you can create an exquisite crown from wire and beads.

You will need:

  • pliers;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • beads.

Using pliers, you need to bend the frame from a thick white wire, which should then be wrapped in a silver rain. You can choose any shape for the crown frame. But the dimensions of the frame must correspond to the size of the baby's head. It is worth saying that this is not an easy task and requires considerable time.

Crown for the Snow Queen

And how to make a crown for the snow queen?

You will need:

  • copper wire - it should be very thin and medium thickness;
  • pliers;
  • beads of various shades;
  • ruler.

Take a ruler and measure the size of the teeth on the crown. Cut the wire to a length of twenty-five centimeters. To make the crown frame strong, you need to make it from wire folded three times, and do not forget to scroll another layer of wire from above. We have a large wire ring. Divide the frame into eight equal parts. Choose places on the wire where you will attach the base of the teeth. On the peaks of the crown you need to fix the beads. For this task, large beads are suitable. They can also be fixed with a wire - the wire is threaded into the bead and fixed on the peak.

Lace crown

We will need:

  • lace ribbon with rounded curly or jagged edges. We select the length according to the size of the circumference of the head, plus a few centimeters in order to fasten it into a circle or for Velcro;
  • starch or a special spray to make the crown hard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • glue "Moment";
  • brush;
  • glass jar (three-liter);
  • decor (beads, pebbles, beads).

1. Cut the lace to the desired length and then fold it into a circle. We sew very carefully so that the threads are not visible. After all our product is heavily starched. We straighten the resulting crown and put it on a glass jar. We let her dry.

2. After everything is dry, we begin to paint it with a brush. The paint can be applied only to the edges of the crown or to the entire surface.

3. When the paint dries, use glue to fix beads, pebbles or beads on the crown.


Paper and cardboard crown

wire crown

Lace crown

How to make a lace crown

On the eve of the New Year 2020, every kindergarten and school hosts New Year's parties, where girls turn into Snow Maidens, princesses, snowflakes and even snow queens. Of course, parents can buy New Year's costumes for their daughters in the store, but many people are much more interested in making carnival costumes or at least some of them with their own hands. If the outfit itself is quite difficult to make - for this you need to at least be able to sew, how to make a crown for a little princess for the New Year 2020 - any parent will guess.

There are a great many different options for making sparkling crowns, which are not difficult to make yourself. Let's look at some of them.

Christmas crowns for little Snowflake

Little girls are very fond of snowflake costumes, and a real Snowflake should have a beautiful sparkling crown. There are several options for such crowns - from very simple ones, which require very little time to make, to quite complex ones that require some kind of skills and time spent on crafts.

To feel the festive mood everywhere, you need not be too lazy and decorate the entire surrounding space with New Year's attributes. Best suited for this

Shop-bought snowflake crown

This is the fastest way to create a crown, when blanks - snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, ribbons - are purchased in decor departments and glued to a white hoop. This headdress will look very elegant in the form of a diadem.

The original crown of New Year's stickers for windows

A very beautiful crown for a girl who plays the role of a Snowflake at a matinee can be made using New Year's stickers for windows.

To create such a craft you need:

  1. We apply the crown to the edge of the paper and draw a contour.

  2. We apply the snowflake selected in size and begin to trace it along the contour, to the place where it will be located.

  3. The next snowflake is smaller - we circle it and also on the other side. There will be 3 snowflakes in total.
  4. Cut out the silhouette along the contour of the snowflakes.

  5. We apply it to the crown and begin to connect it with adhesive tape from the bottom and from the sides, and a little where it turns out from above, so that the crown is all "scotched"

  6. Let's start making snowflakes. They are glue-based and adhere well to adhesive tape.

  7. The crown needs to be slightly ennobled by cutting out paper between the snowflakes and on the sides.
  8. Along the lower edge of the crown, the gaps between the snowflakes can be filled with sequins or small rhinestones.

Creative people can make a real one. It's not difficult at all, but incredibly interesting. Moreover, a mask created by oneself will be exclusive and unique.

paper crown

A paper crown can be made in minutes. Naturally, it will be simple, but you can spend a little more time decorating it, and you will see that such a crown will delight many guests of the festive matinee.

There are many templates on the Internet that you just need to print on a color printer and put on a rigid base - stick on cardboard. You can leave the template in this form, or you can additionally decorate it - purchase snowflakes, sparkles, rhinestones, braid with rectangular or pointed, rectangular silver-colored parts in a needlework store.

Use a hot gun to apply a pattern to the cut out template, reminiscent of drawing frost on windows. Leave room for snowflakes, because they are the main accent of the crown. Glue them on with a hot gun or super glue. Lay the braid along the edge, edging each bend.