When Jamal introduces the family. "jamal lies in the ward with his mother, but very rarely recognizes her"

On the basis of the Yamalo-Nenets District Museum and Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky, today there is an information and entertainment communication platform called "Mom's Book", dedicated to Mother's Day, which in 2016 will be celebrated on November 27.

Opening the event, Deputy Governor of the YNAO Tatiana Buchkova congratulated the participants on the upcoming holiday - Mother's Day. “Mom’s love is unconditional. Moms love their children in any way - winners and losers, strong and weak, successful and not very successful. We are loved by our parents under any circumstances. I sincerely wish you that your children will please you with their success"- said Tatyana Buchkova.

The event includes a concert program, master classes for mothers and children, a playground for kids, a face painting studio, a photographer and a photo zone, as well as excursions. The main participants were mothers and children from large, foster and young families, as well as mothers raising children with disabilities.

As part of the work of interactive platforms, consultations were organized for the participants of the event on the services provided to families with children, including children with disabilities. Also, specialists of organizations conduct practical classes (trainings, master classes, etc.) and offer to get acquainted with some of the services provided in a playful way.

We emphasize that during the event, each mother will be able to mark the most liked organization with a "like" in the form of a heart at the evaluation stand. As a result, the two organizations with the highest number of "likes" will be awarded diplomas " maternal confession" in two nominations " Rendering assistance "and" Organization of leisure ".

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Northern mothers in Yamal are introduced to a variety of social services. In the district capital there is a platform "Mom's Book"

Northern mothers in Yamal are introduced to a variety of social services. In the district capital there is a platform "Mom's Book"- Salekhard

On the basis of the Yamalo-Nenets District Museum and Exhibition Complex named after I.S.
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Every woman from time to time begins to scroll through her head options for a wedding dress, possible names of children, home improvement plans and many other moments of living together with her significant other. And she scrolls through it all until she wonders: how serious is her relationship and will it go that far?

Sign 1. Does not introduce relatives, parents

Usually, acquaintance with the girl's parents occurs in the early stages of the relationship. A family that has a daughter rather than a son is more restless. Mother and father want to know with whom their adult miracle drives a car, goes to bars at night, and who brings her home in the morning. In order to avoid additional questions and problems, the man, in turn, introduces himself to his parents. Acquaintance with his relatives often takes place much later.

It is possible to regard as frivolity the fact that he delays acquaintance only when the man has an excellent relationship with his parents. It is possible to determine this by the stories about joint trips, by conversations and, in general, by the situations taking place in his family.
We do not accidentally draw attention to this. A family in which misunderstanding and quarrels reigns is not a matter of pride. It only means that a man does not want to meet his beloved with relatives, because they can spoil the existing good impression of him, badly recommend him, do not want to discuss his relationship in the family, are afraid of a scandal of a jealous mother or simply unworthy behavior. Therefore, to begin with, find the reason for the reluctance to meet, and only then suspect of frivolity.

Sign 2. Does not introduce friends

Here is a completely different situation. After all, we do not choose parents and relatives, but friends - yes. A man who is suitable for his companion loves to introduce her to his surroundings. The most important thing is that this acquaintance should not resemble a demonstration in which he boasts of his status rather than the joy of communicating with such a nice person. In a serious relationship, a man wants to introduce his woman only to his inner circle.

Sign 3. Rare meetings

A man who can forget about a meeting rarely calls and appears at your place - he is clearly not serious. After all, a loving person wants to spend all his free minutes with his soul mate. And the point is not at all in constant employment or suddenly arising cases. As a rule, those who made a big mistake in the previous partner are hiding from a serious relationship. This is just a salvation from loneliness, which is necessary in moments when there are no friends around. It is a choice between them and you, in favor of the former.

Sign 4. Does not come to the rescue in difficult times

A frivolous relationship has a huge minus - the lack of responsibility for one's actions between a man and a woman, complete freedom of thought and action. Such relationships are often called friendship with bed elements. However, this "friendship" implies help, mutual assistance and respect. Their difference from a serious relationship is the lack of plans for the future, the prospect of creating a family. And if your partner does not want to help in a pipe minute, then is such a person needed in your environment at all? What kind of relationship with him can we talk about.

Sign 5. Does not talk about plans for the future, about children

If a man does not talk about the future or about children, this does not mean at all that he is not serious. There is a category of men who do not want to build far-reaching plans in order not to jinx it. And there's nothing to be done about it. But when, when talking about children or marriage, he becomes irritable, harmful and picky - a sure sign that quite a bit of time will pass and your communication will completely stop, because there is no development in the relationship right now. They stand still.
However, it should be borne in mind that a sharp reaction in a conversation about children can also be when a man already has one child from another woman, and he does not want a second one. And also about the lack of physical ability to have them. It after all generates complexes.

The Stylemania portal took an exclusive comment from the soloists of the Assorti group Anna Alina and Maria Zaitseva. We asked the girls a few questions.

- In your opinion, how to determine whether a man is serious about a woman or not?

Anna Alina:

I can always see it. For me, this is, first of all, the actions of a man. Words are not always true. You can say whatever you want, but act completely differently.

Maria Zaitseva:

It seems to me that the desire to have children from this woman and a marriage proposal is a serious attitude. What could possibly be more serious in life?

- What is the frivolous attitude towards the chosen one?

Anna Alina:

Consumer attitude, I guess. You know, after all, you can kind of want to see, but not be interested in a person, but just for a pastime, meet him. This is especially evident when he asks to meet only at a convenient time for him. And another lack of attention, or when they have been dating for a long time, but he does not introduce friends. And one more extreme, when they suddenly start right off the bat. Immediately from the second date, promises of eternal love pour in, like from a cornucopia, a marriage proposal. This always worries me.

Maria Zaitseva:

For me, frivolity is when a man sees a woman only when it suits him and uses her only as a sexual object.

- Do you think that the protracted acquaintance with his parents and close friends is an indicator of a frivolous relationship?

Anna Alina:

Yes. Of course. This immediately suggests that he is either shy, or he has another. In general, something is clearly not right!

Maria Zaitseva:

I think it's impossible. Parents and relatives are different. And sometimes people just don't want to introduce them to their other half...

- What if it suddenly turns out that a man just played in a relationship, but did not live by them? Cry day and night into a pillow, drink sedatives, or, conversely, get into a whirlpool of fun and joy in order to forget. Or maybe rush in search of an honest man?

Anna Alina:

You just need to move on! After all, there are many different situations in life. But everything passes, it must be remembered.

Maria Zaitseva:

I know one thing for myself - to become a rag for a man and an object of use is simply terrible. I do not condemn those who do this, but personally for myself I consider this unacceptable.

In any case, if your relationship fits one of the signs, you should not make a scandal for a man. Sometimes even the most frivolous relationships develop into deep feelings. It’s better than swearing love to the grave on the second day, jumping out to get married on the third, and realizing on the fourth that you are completely unsuitable for each other and disperse.

The condition of Jamal Gamidov, an 11-year-old boy who spent 3.5 years as a hostage in Dagestan, remains grave. Although his life is out of danger, doctors are afraid to make predictions about his ultimate physical and psychological recovery. At the same time, Imamutdin Temirbulatov, head of the department for combating kidnappings of the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs, Imamutdin Temirbulatov, who was detained on suspicion of involvement in the kidnapping, went on a hunger strike in prison as a sign of his innocence. Izvestia met with Jamal's relatives, employees of the Internal Security Service of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, colleagues and lawyers of the arrested to find out how high-ranking members of the Dagestan police were involved in this kidnapping. "One thing pleases: he eats well and has already noticeably gained weight" Jamal Gamidov, the son of the Minister of Finance of Dagestan Gamid Gamidov, who died in 1996, was abducted on July 15, 2000 in Makhachkala. He was released on December 10, 2003 in Khasavyurt under mysterious circumstances: on the same day, the head of the Department for Combating Kidnappings of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Imamutdin Temirbulatov and his deputy Aivar Akhmedov were detained in Khasavyurt on the same day. The detention protocol indicated that they were suspected of involvement in the kidnapping of the boy. Later, they were charged, but the kidnapping was no longer among his items. Now Jamal Gamidov is in Moscow in one of the children's psychiatric clinics. As the head physician of this clinic, Valentina Kozhevnikova, told Izvestiya on Wednesday, the boy practically does not make contact. “He lies in the ward with his mother, but very rarely recognizes her,” Valentina Kozhevnikova told Izvestia, “his movements are inhibited, he practically does not communicate with anyone. If he contacts, then only with men. Now psychotherapists have joined his treatment, but it will be possible to say something definite not earlier than in a month. One thing pleases: he eats well and has already noticeably gained weight. We wanted to weigh him, but he categorically does not stand on the scales. It is obvious that Jamal Gamidov is the most important witness in the case of his kidnapping. However, while the doctors do not even want to hear about his interrogation. It is not known when they will let investigators into his ward. However, it may also turn out that Jamal will not help the investigation in any way. After all, they found him bound hand and foot with a bag on his head. "Your soul is not worth that much" Over the three and a half years of Jamal Hamidov's imprisonment, many versions of his abduction have accumulated. Relations between Jamal's relatives on the mother's side (the Sadykovs) and the father (the Gamidovs) were so tense that after his abduction, the investigation worked out quite closely the version of intra-family squabbles. The operational materials even featured a rumor that the late Hamid Hamidov deposited a million dollars into his account immediately after Jamal's birth, and this could have been the reason for the kidnapping. Jamal's maternal uncle Murad Sadykov even spent some time in custody. The intra-family version was not confirmed, but the kidnappers did not get in touch for a suspiciously long time. The ransom demands began to arrive only a year and a half later. The kidnappers did not go to the Gamidovs, although the brother of the murdered father is the current Minister of Finance of the republic, but to the maternal grandmother Galina Sadykova, for whom no one noticed any special wealth. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the kidnappers were desperate to get money from the Hamidovs: immediately after the kidnapping, the Minister of Finance announced that he would thank the one who pointed out the kidnappers, but would not pay the ransom to the kidnappers themselves. He has nine nephews, and he does not intend to provoke new abductions, live in constant fear. “At first they sent a large letter demanding 100 thousand dollars,” Jamal’s grandmother Galina Sadykova told Izvestia, “later the amount grew to two hundred and even three hundred thousand. Of course, we didn't have that kind of money. They sent a tape showing Jamal being beaten. The kidnappers called. The voice was always the same, young enough, I tried to convince them to let the boy go, I told them to take the apartment, all the furniture, my soul, in the end. But they said my soul wasn't worth it Imamutdin and Aivar constantly came to us (meaning the head of the department for combating kidnappings of the Department for Combating Kidnappings of the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs Imamutdin Temirbulatov and his deputy Aivar Akhmedov, who were arrested after the release of the boy - Izvestia). They said that the ransom could not be paid under any circumstances. They said they were looking for a boy. But there were no moves. And I decided to do it myself. I turned to one person, a deputy of the Khasavyurt district, Yarash Visitaev. He had previously helped in the liberation of people. Maybe he had some connections, I don't know. First I asked him to find out something. After some time, he said that the boy was alive and was supposedly in Khasavyurt with the Chechens. I asked for proof. He said give me some T-shirt. A few days later they sent me photos of Jamal in this T-shirt. I started collecting money, I wanted to collect at least some. Letters started coming in again. They wrote that if I did not stop trying to contact them through intermediaries, they would cut off the boy's head. Then the police found out about everything. In September, the son of Galina Sadykova, that is, Jamal's uncle Murad Sadykov, told Imamutdin Temirbulatov about the story of the T-shirt, and because of this, a scandal erupted between mother and son right in the building of the Organized Crime Control Department. Khasavyurt deputy Yarash Visitaev was taken into development. Murad Sadikov was shot a week later - two bullets hit him in the leg. The kidnapper, who called later, told Galina that it was to him for "surrendering to the cops." "I returned it, and you are kissing completely different people" The release of Jamal was a surprise for the relatives. And the circumstances of this release - a surprise even more. - When Jamal was released, I rushed to the police, - says Galina Sadykova, - began to thank the police, even kissed someone. And then Imamutdin was taken out into the corridor in handcuffs. He stopped next to me, looked at me and said: "I promised you that I would return the boy. And I returned him, and you kiss completely different people." And moved on. And you know, something in me skipped a beat. I do not believe that he did what he is accused of. Because he always told me: "You don't have to pay money for Jamal. I'll free him like that." On December 10, Imamutdin Temirbulatov, as usual, left for work in the morning. His wife Aminat began to worry only late in the evening. I called my mobile but it was out of coverage. I only found out about what happened this morning. What happened in Khasavyurt is difficult to say for certain. However, it is clear that the information that appeared on the day of the arrest was an exaggeration. The policemen did not hide from the chase and did not throw the boy out of the car. And although the protocol of detention states that the policemen are suspected of kidnapping, the charge brought against them speaks only of fraud. - They were detained in a car in which there was another person - a deputy of the Khasavyurt district council Ruslan Umaev, - Magomed Akhmedov, head of the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, told Izvestia. - Previously, Ruslan was an operative of the abduction department in Khasavyurt. The boy was not in the car, he was found at a gas station. He was seen by the watchman of the gas station, who reported to the police that they had seen a car of the 99th model there. In addition, at the gas station there were also "Zhiguli" - "four", this car was also put on the wanted list. But they found only VAZ-21-99. The policemen were in this car. “My client didn’t know at all where they were going,” Aivar Akhmedov’s lawyer Sergei Kvasov told Izvestia. - The case of Jamal was taken away from him, because he was closely engaged in the search for the Dutchman Erkel, and he did not have enough strength for two cases. He constantly asked for a vacation, but Temirbulatov said: "Wait a little, we will release Hamidov and we will rest - like heroes." That day, at about six in the evening, Temirbulatov went into his office and said that he urgently needed to go to Khasavyurt. Why - did not say. In Khasavyurt, they went to Ruslan Umaev's house, and Aivar first stayed in the car, and later Ruslan invited him to the house for a drink. When they all got into the car together and drove off, they were detained. They introduced themselves and showed their IDs. They were told: "Okay, but there is an orientation for the car, so you have to go to the city department and sort it out." At the same time, neither the boy nor the money was in the car. The arrest report states that the policemen are suspected of kidnapping Jamal Gamidov. The news of this spread throughout the country in a matter of hours. However, 10 days later, the kidnapping fighters were charged only with fraud, abuse of office and abuse of power. Without a ransom and additional conditions Representatives of the prosecutor's office refuse to disclose the essence of the charges to the press. However, as Izvestia managed to find out, the charge of fraud is due to the fact that, according to the investigation, the head of the department for combating kidnappings and his deputy took 100 thousand dollars from the relatives of the kidnapped boy for ransom, but the kidnappers were paid only 50 thousand. During a search in Temirbulatov's office, $50,000 was found in a safe. True, they quickly found an owner - the owner of the Makhachkala trading network "Impulse" Gadzhiali Gadzhialiyev, the brother of one of the employees of the 6th department. He told the investigation that Temirbulatov really took this money from him. They, they say, are needed for the release operation: the police had to show the kidnappers the money so that they would bring the boy. Relatives through the Hamidovs deny that they handed over any ransom money. As Jamal's other grandmother Patimat Gamidova told Izvestia, Temirbulatov himself forbade even thinking about ransom. - In recent days, he often called and said that he was about to bring the boy, that the operation was at the completion stage, - Patimat Gamidova told Izvestia, - but there was no talk of money. However, according to Izvestia, the investigation still has one applicant from the Hamidovs, who claims that he gave Temirbulatov 100,000. Who he is is not yet known: he has not yet been introduced to the defense and the accused. Charges under two other articles - abuse of power and abuse of office - were brought on the basis that Temirbulatov had no right to redeem the boy at all. His official duties allow only the identification and detention of the kidnappers. However, this is not the first time that Imamutdin Temirbulatov has been suspected of mediating the ransom of hostages. In 2000, he had a lot of questions in connection with the release of the son of the former mayor of Makhachkala, Arsen Magomedov, who was kidnapped in 1999. Then the leadership of the UBOP suspected that Temirbulatov, through intermediaries, took 150 thousand dollars from the mayor Magomed Magomedov for ransom, and later presented everything as a release operation. Temirbulatov was removed from his post. However, the investigation failed to prove anything at the time. Later, Temirbulatov was reinstated in his position through the court and since then has been in a permanent conflict with the head of the Organized Crime Control Department Akhmed Kuliev. Temirbulatov never reported to him, preferring to work with the profile structure in the GUBOP in Moscow, and he managed to regularly cancel the reprimands that he regularly received through the courts. As Izvestia was told by sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, the leadership of the UBOP all this time suspected Temirbulatov that most of the hostages released without ransom and additional conditions were actually ransomed through Temirbulatov, which only stimulated the development of this criminal business in Dagestan. That is why they have been trying to remove Temirbulatov from his post for three years already. And on December 10, according to the UBOP, they finally managed to catch him by the hand. However, Temirbulatov's colleagues are sure of his innocence. In their opinion, the main thing in releasing a person is the life of a hostage. And if you can’t do without a ransom, you have to pay it, and only then think about how to detain the criminals and return the money. “A person is not kidnapped in order to give him away just like that,” one of the operatives told Izvestia, “and the work of freeing hostages is one of the most difficult areas where there is a very thin line between law and crime. The most important thing is to free a person, to prevent his death. And here you have to be very subtle. Sometimes the kidnappers can be identified. Negotiations follow, during which the police offer to give the hostage in exchange for immunity. The kidnappers understand that they have been exposed, that if not the police, then the hostage's family will get to them. Then they give the kidnapped really without a ransom. But this doesn't always work out. Sometimes you have to take money from relatives and go to a meeting, ransom a person, and then detain those who brought him. And sometimes just ransom, and the search and detention of the kidnappers, the return of money - this is the next task. In this case, for example, Temirbulatov had addresses of houses where Jamal could be kept. He even filmed them, and these tapes were found in his safe. In theory, he could order massive searches in these houses. But he is an experienced person and judged differently: what if the boy is not found during the searches? The kidnappers will realize that the police got too close, and they will simply kill him. Therefore, he continued operational activities. Most importantly, the boy is free. But now, for some reason, no one remembers this.

A young performer with a soulful voice, soulful songs and a memorable appearance. One of the curliest artists on our stage is Jamal Teunov. Meet…

Jamal was born in the city of Nartkala, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In one year, he graduated from three schools at once - general education and music in Nartkal, and an art school in Nalchik in vocal class. But first things first…

“The creative development of my potential began with dancing,” says Jamal. - From the first grade, I started going to national dances, and this continued right up to the seventh grade. But once I passed by the local House of Culture and heard music and beautiful singing from the windows. I also really wanted to learn how to sing like that, and I began to ask my mother to sign me up for a vocal circle. And then it began ... I sang everywhere, annoying everyone. When my mother and I traveled, for example, from Nartkala to Nalchik by bus, I sat by the window and sang all the way. People turned around, my mother asked me to calm down, but that was only enough for five minutes, and I continued again. As a result, after listening to me, I was accepted into the vocal circle of the House of Culture, and a month later I was performing on stage, participating in a city holiday.


According to the young artist, after school he faced a serious question, where to go to study? The choice fell on the Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS.

“Honestly, there was a lot of choice,” says Jamal. - There was an opportunity to enter the conservatory in Saratov for the people's department, also in St. Petersburg. But neither of these inspired me. I wanted to do more pop vocals, because I didn’t see myself in the classics or folk art. And then suddenly there was an opportunity to enter GITIS, which I grabbed and have not regretted for a minute until now.

And so, I am a young guy from a small town, where everyone knows me, where all my relatives, friends and relatives, who consider me the most talented singer, come to enter the capital's university. Here I realized that there are a lot of young and talented people like me. Only 24 people were recruited for our course, and there were 10 applicants for each place. The competition was very big, it was difficult to enter, but I still became a student of the musical theater department of GITIS, where I studied classical vocals. And it became clear to me that operas and arias are at the heart of everything.”


When Jamal finished his studies, he faced an equally serious question - where to go to work?

“After graduating, I did not quite understand what I would do next - where would I go, where would I end up? I thought for a long time whether to go home to my homeland and work in the theater. But, unfortunately, no one is interested in theater there. At least for today's youth. There, for some reason, people prefer to listen to songs with little meaning and that you don’t need to think about. After much thought about all this, I went to audition for the Moscow Courage Theater, where they immediately took me and where I work to this day. Here I began to develop as an actor, to show myself. And I can say with confidence that I ended up where I was supposed to, in the right company, in the right place. At the moment, I have enough work in the theater. Maybe in the future I will try myself in the cinema, but so far I do not see the need for this. Right now we are preparing several new performances - a children's performance on the theme of tolerance and one for adults. This will be a performance based on the play by Jean Anouilh "Orchestra". The roles in it are mostly female and one male. But she didn’t get me, but another actor. So we decided that there would be another introductory male role that I would play.”


Jamal is sure that without the help and support of his parents, he would not have achieved what he has in his life.

“I am grateful to my mother for everything, if not for her, then I would not have achieved what I have and would not have become who I am. Mom always supported me in everything, whether it was dancing or singing. Unfortunately, when I was 3 years old, my father passed away. When I started showing interest in singing, I found out that my father had a dream of becoming a singer. In his youth, he sang very well and after school he dreamed of entering the Cultural College in Nalchik. He even submitted documents there, but his mother, having learned about it, took the documents and gave them to the medical college. After that, dad became an ambulance paramedic. And because I heard about him, according to reviews, I can say with full confidence that he succeeded in this too.

I have a great desire that my mother, who helped me and helps me in everything, be happy. So that the people who surround me and follow my work are always happy for me and smile. I don’t like gloomy people at all, I try to cheer everyone up. My dad was the soul of the company and always where he appeared, everyone rejoiced, laughed and had fun. I want to do the same for me, at least for a share, like my dad.”

Mariana Urusmambetova. Photo courtesy of Jamal Teunov.

In most cases, mom is the first person with whom we develop the closest relationship, and with whom we often share common values ​​and worldviews.

Therefore, it is very useful to look at what kind of relationship your chosen one has with his mother. This can reveal a lot about his personality and how he treats girls in general.

1. A man completely avoids his mother.

Not because he doesn't have time, but because his mom brings turmoil into his life. So, he cannot put her in her place, tell her directly that he does not like the way she babysits him, for example. Then most likely he is not self-confident in life and is used to pleasing others, and not defending his own interests.

Yes, people like him, but he goes with the flow, representing nothing special in society. If you are a very ambitious person, then this type of man will annoy you. If you are more of an introvert, then such a man is just for you.

He can be a little passive-aggressive, but is unlikely to leave you. Even if just because he doesn't want problems. But if they appear, then he is very scrupulous in their decision - get ready for difficult quarrels.

2. His mom runs his life.

He cannot say or do anything without his mother's approval, even if he is already 40. What can I say ... run! Yes, such a man will take care of you and pamper you. Yes, he is sure that women should be valued and respected. Everything is fine, but ... in his life there will always be only one main woman, and it's not you. This is her, his mother.

This means that any major decision will depend on what she wants, not you as a couple.

3. He openly hates his mother.

This man has a huge resentment, and this will affect your relationship. He can be a successful businessman, but with a stranglehold. Beware!

Whatever his mother did, as a grown man, he could already establish a relationship with her, or at least learn to speak neutrally about her. If he does not let go of resentment, then he will break down on you, as on a female representative. You will serve him, and God forbid you offend him too.

4. He is afraid to upset his mother.

He is in a close relationship with his mother, but she does not control his life. Instead, he is very afraid of upsetting her, therefore he very carefully and sometimes secretly does what he wants, especially if he knows that his mother will not like it.

And this is a bad habit. Such a man can do whatever you want for you, but behind your back he will do what he really wants. And who loves secrets in a relationship?

5. He is completely attached to his mother.

The case when not only the mother herself calls her son every hour, but he constantly tells her everything. So much so that she knows all the details of even his personal life!

Such a man respects women and is ready to listen to the opinion of his girlfriend, but he is not mature and independent to make decisions. He helps everyone and at the same time complains about it. He is dependent on others. Yes, he needs a strong woman, but does she need such a man?

6. Mom is his best friend.

Ideal option: when a man is good friends with his mother, but can tell her if he doesn’t like something in her actions. This is a confident man. A woman does not control his life and does not manipulate him.

And if his mother does not like the girl he chose, he can listen, but will not obey her decisions.