How to knit a women's pullover from thin mohair. Angora cardigan: the best models and methods of combination

02/10/2013 16,364 1 Elenka

Sweatshirts, boleros, jackets, vests, pullovers and sweaters

Mohair yarn in a friendly tandem with knitting needles and the skill and patience of a craftswoman can give birth to such an airy and delicate miracle. Just look how gracefully and reverently the openwork patterns of this blouse look.

We bring to your attention a free description and diagram of such a chic, elegant model.

Sizes: S/M(L/XL)

To make a blouse we will need: yarn (3 skeins) of white (or just any pastel shade) color (kid mohair 70%, silk 30%, 420m/50g); circular knitting needles No. 4.5 (size S/M) and No. 5 (size L/XL); knitting needle; markers.

Please note that both sizes are knitted exactly the same, just on different size needles. We knit the blouse in circular rows from top to bottom. In this case, it is necessary to re-shoot the markers that indicate the beginning of the row and the beginning of the report. When there are more loops during knitting, you need to switch to longer knitting needles.

Description of work
We cast on 96 stitches on knitting needles (length 60 cm) and sew three rows in garter stitch. Next, without turning the work, in the last row we close the row into a circle and place a marker at the beginning of the row. We continue working in circular rows as follows:

1 and 2p: LP.
3p: *yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 11 LP, marker, repeat from * to the end of the circular row. In total we get 112 loops on the knitting needles, or 8 repeats of 14 loops each.
4p and all even circular rows: we knit all the LPs, except for the LPs crossed from the previous row (we knit them with LPs crossed).
5p: * yo, 3 loops, yarn over, 11 loops, repeat from * to the end of the row. Total 128 loops (or 8 repeats of 16 loops each).
7p: *yarn over, 5 loops, yarn over, 4 loops, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, 4 loops. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
9p: *yarn over, 7 loops, yarn over, 3 loops, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, 3 loops. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
11p: *yarn over, 2 loops tilted to the left, 5 loops, 2 loops tilted to the right, yarn over, 2 loops, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, 2 loops. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 112 loops on the knitting needles, or 8 repeats of 14 loops each.
13p: *yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP tilted to the left, 3 LP, 2 LP tilted to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 1 LP, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed loop, 1 LP. Repeat from * to the end of the round.

15p: *yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 1 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 1 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 1 We remove the loop, 2 LP together and pull it through the removed one. Repeat from * to the end of the round. Total 144 loops (or 8 repeats of 18 loops each.
17p: *(1 LP crossed, yo) - perform 5 times, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, (1 LP crossed, yo) - perform 6 times. Repeat from * to the end of the round. Total we get: 224 loops or 8 repeats of 28 loops.
19r: *(2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo) - 5 times, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo) - 6 times, 3 LP, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
21r: *(2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo) - 5 times, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, (yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right) - 5 times, yo, 5 LP, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
23r: *(2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo) - 5 times, 1 LP, (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo) - 5 times, 7 LP. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
25r: *yarn over, 1 loop crossed, (yo, 2 loops together with a tilt to the left) - 4 times, yarn over, slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one, (yarn over, 2 loops together with a tilt to the right) - 4 times, yarn over, 1 loop crossed, yarn over, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 3 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
27r: * yo, 3 LP, (yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left) - 4 times, 1 LP, (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo) - 4 times, 3 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with tilt to the right. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
29r: *yo over, 5 loops, (yarn over, 2 loops together with a tilt to the left) - 3 times, yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one, (yarn over, 2 loops together with a tilt to the right) - 3 times, yarn over, 5 loops, Yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
31r: *2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 5 LP, (yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left) - 3 times, 1 LP, (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo) - 3 times, 5 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yarn over Repeat from * to the end of the round.
33r: * Remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, 4 loops, (yarn over, 2 loops together with a tilt to the left) - 2 times. yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one, (yarn over, 2 loops together with a tilt to the right) - 2 times, yarn over, 4 loops, 3 loops together, yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
35r:* 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 4 LP, (yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left) - 2 times, 1 LP, (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo) - 2 times, 4 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed , yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, yarn over, 1 loop crossed, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
37r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 4 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 4 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over, 1 loop crossed, yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round. A total of 224 loops on the knitting needles = 8 repeats of 28 loops.
39r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 4 LP, yarn over, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left. 1 LP crossed, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 4 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo, 3 LP, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through removed, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
41p: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 4 LP, yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo, 4 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 3 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left , 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yo, 3 LP, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round. Total 240 loops or 8 repeats of 30 loops.
43r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 9 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed loop, yo, (3 LP, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through through the removed one, yarn over) - 2 times, 1 LP crossed, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
45r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 7 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 3 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, (2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo) - 2 times, 3 LP, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 256 loops or 8 repeats of 32 loops.
47r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 5 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, (yo, 3 LP, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through through the removed one) - 3 times, yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
49r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 3 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 3 LP, 1 LP crossed, yo, (2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo) - 3 times, 3LP, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 272 loops or 8 repeats of 34 loops each.
51r: * 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, (yo, 3 LP, yo, slip 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through through the removed one) - 4 times, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
53r: *yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over, 1 loop crossed, yarn over, (2 loops together with a tilt to the left, 1 loop, 2 loops together with a tilt to the right, yarn over, 1 loop crossed, yarn over) - 4 times, 3LP. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 288 loops or 8 repeats of 36 loops.
55 rubles: *(yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one) - 6 times. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
57r: *(2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo) - 3 times, 5 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, (2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with tilt to the right, yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yarn over) - 2 times. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 304 loops or 8 repeats of 38 loops.
59r: *(slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, yarn over, 3 loops, yo) - 2 times, slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed loop, yo, 11 loops, yarn over, (slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and stretch through the removed one, yarn over, 3 LP, yarn over) - 2 times. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
61r: *(yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right) - 2 times, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 13 LP, (yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt left, 1LP, 2LP together with a tilt to the right) - 2 times. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 320 loops or 8 repeats of 40 loops each.
63r: (yarn over, 3 loops, yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one) - 2 times, yarn over, 19 loops, yarn over, slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the slipped loop, yo, 3 loops, yarn over, remove 1 loop , 2LP together and stretch through the removed one. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
65r: *2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo) - 2 times, 21 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right , yarn over, 1 LP crossed, yarn over. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 336 loops or 8 repeats of 42 loops each.
67r: * We remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull it through the removed one, yo, 3 LP, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull it through the removed one, yo, 27 LP, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull it through the removed one, yo, 3LP, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
69r: * yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 29 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a slant to the right. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 352 loops or 8 repeats of 44 loops each.
71r: *yo, 3 loops, yarn over, slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one, yarn over, 35 loops, yarn over, slip 1 loop, 2 loops together and pull through the removed one. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
73r: *2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo, 37 LP, yo, 1 LP crossed, yo. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 368 loops or 8 repeats of 46 loops each.
75r: *yarn over, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed loop, 43 LP. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
77r: remove the starting marker from the knitting needle. 1 hp, place a marker, * yo, 1 hp crossed, yo, 45 hp. Repeat from * to the end of the round. In total we get 384 loops or 8 repeats of 48 loops.

We finish the sleeves.
RUR 99: Remove the starting marker from the knitting needle. 1 LP, place a marker, 4 LP, * (2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 7 LP) - 7 times, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 1 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left *, 103LP, repeat from * to* one more time, 99LP.
101r: 3 LP, *(2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 3 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 5 LP) - 7 times, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 3 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left) * 101 LP , repeat from * to * one more time, 98LP.
103r: 2 LP, *(2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo, 1 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 3 LP) - 7 times, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, yo, 1 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left *, 99 LP, repeat from * to * one more time, 97 LP.
105r: *(1 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 2 LP, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo, 2 LP, yo, 2 LP together with a tilt to the left) - 8 times, 96 LP, repeat from * up* one more time.
107r: *2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, (3 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right, yo, 4 LP, yo, remove 1 loop, 2 LP together and pull through the removed one, yo) - 7 times, 3 LP, 2 LP together with a tilt to the right , yarn over, 4 LP, yarn over, 2 LP along with a tilt to the left, 95 LP, repeat from * one more time.
108r: all LP.
109r: *96IP, 96LP, repeat from * one more time.
110r and 111r: performed as 108 and 109r, respectively.
112r: * close 96 loops, (1 LP, 1 LP) - 4 times, (2 LP together, (1 LP, 1 LP) - 3 times, 1 LP) - do what is in the large bracket 9 times, 2 LP together, (1 LP, 1 LP) - 2 times, 1 IP. Repeat from * again. Total we get on the knitting needles: 172 loops.

After this, you need to knit about another 14 cm with an elastic band. Then close all the loops.
We sew the neck seam and heat treat the finished product (we follow the instructions for the yarn).

Scheme and symbols:

Many needlewomen consider mohair knitting not only an exciting hobby, but also an excellent alternative in the fight against bad mood. After several hours of work, with the appearance of new things in the wardrobe, the bad mood and any depression disappear without a doubt.

Knitting mohair

And this, you see, cannot but rejoice.
The process of knitting with mohair itself does not appear out of nowhere.

Before picking up knitting needles, any needlewoman selects a model, takes measurements, makes a pattern and, finally, selects yarn for the future product.

There are countless types of yarn itself, but mohair deserves special attention.

Material selection

Mohair is a yarn made from the wool of the Angora goat. The advantages of this yarn include:
the yarn does not fray;
does not lose color;
mohair products do not lose their original shape.

The most common natural colors of Angora wool are silver, light beige, black, chocolate and white. Thanks to its natural composition (transition fiber), mohair threads provide highlights with a natural shine. But the color palette of mohair is quite diverse, because this type of wool is quite malleable in coloring.

As for the heat resistance of mohair, it is one of the few types of yarn that can retain heat for a long time, even when wet. There is also an opinion that models made of thin mohair save the body from overheating even in hot seasons.

It is worth noting that in addition to heat resistance and elasticity, natural mohair also has hypoallergenic properties. Products made from this yarn do not irritate the skin, even without underwear.
There are not so many widely known varieties of mohair. But it is worth paying attention to each of them.

Types of mohair

"Kid mohair" - translated as "kid mohair". It is yarn made from Angora wool from the first shearing of six-month-old kids. This type of thread is distinguished by its softness and tenderness. The thickness of one hair reaches a maximum of 27 microns, which is two times thinner than a human hair.
“Super kid” - translated as “super kid”. This yarn is made from the finest and most delicate fibers. And they produce it in very small volumes, as evidenced by its constant shortage in stores, because the price and quality of such yarn are several times higher.

"Goatling" - translated as "Gotling". This wool is produced as a result of the second tonsure of goat kids, but already at the age of two. The yarn turns out to be very soft and pleasant to the touch.
“Adult Mohair” - translated as “adult mohair”. It is made from the wool of adult Angora goats.
Clothes are usually knitted from thin mohair. A thicker and coarser variety of this yarn is used in knitting hats and scarves, blankets and bedspreads. But each product has its own recommendations for knitting with mohair. Let's look at some of them below.

Recommendations for knitting a batman pullover from mohair with knitting needles

A pullover of this model usually consists of one fabric. You can start knitting a mohair product from absolutely any direction.
We make a cast-on row and knit the bottom of the pullover, preferably with openwork knitting. We choose openwork for aesthetic reasons; it looks better in mohair products.

The fabric should be left straight up to the point where the sleeve opening begins. For the sleeve, we cast on the number of loops that corresponds to its desired length. The same procedure must be done on the other side of the product, but in the next row. Although you can try adding loops on both sides at the same time. But it is better to make additions through one row, only in odd or even rows.

As for the shape of the sleeves, there are nuances that should be taken into account. The straight sleeve is knitted unchanged to the very middle of the shoulder. The sleeve, which is narrow in the cuff, is knitted by casting on only the loops needed for the work “up to the elbow.”
First, we knit two rows of sleeves, then we cast on a few more loops on both sides. We do this until the sleeves or back are completely on the knitting needles. Without knitting to the middle of the shoulder, you need to close the loops for the neckline and mark the middle of the work.

Knitting the neckline in this model is not difficult. On both sides we set aside 0.25 of the total circumference of the neckline and make the appropriate notes. You can start a row on any side and knit up to the middle knitting marker. Close the required number of loops. It is better to note this number.

Now we knit the second side, if the closure of the neckline occurs precisely in the middle of the work, then in the next row you need to cast on the required number of loops. From the beginning of the sleeve we knit to the neck, pick up loops and continue knitting along the sleeve.

Decreases on the sleeves should be made only if and in the same way as the increases were made. In the case of a straight sleeve, you need to knit to the bottom of the armhole, then bind off the loops on both sides. Only those loops from which we will knit the front should remain unclosed. Part. But if the product has a sleeve with a cuff, closing the loops should occur gradually. In this case, it is better to periodically try on all sections of the sleeve.

As for the neckline, in this model its square shape is not at all necessary. The neckline can be V-shaped and even with a clasp. If the choice is the latter option, then knitting should begin with a part on which the fastener is not provided. We continue knitting as described above. But in the place where the clasp supposedly begins, we knit first one half, then the other.

There is also a knitting option for this model from cuffs. First we knit the cuff. The sleeve is knitted with a gradual symmetrical increase. When the part is knitted on the side seam, you need to simultaneously add loops from the front and back sides. At the moment when the product is knitted to the second seam, you will need to decrease the loops in the reverse order of their addition.

Now let's look at a simple knitting pattern for a mohair pullover.

Description of knitting a mohair pullover

Let's start knitting from the sleeve

We cast on forty-four loops and knit twelve rows in garter stitch. In the thirteenth row we add one loop each and knit another eighty-one rows with an openwork pattern. In the ninety-fifth row, we cast on another forty-three loops on both sides and continue knitting. When the 122nd row is knitted, the work can be divided in half.

Knitting a neckline

We start knitting by closing the central loops. First you need to close two at a time, then three at a time, and so on until the desired size.

Knitting the back

After dividing and closing the neckline, you can begin to knit the back. Having finished the back, we proceed to the front. The increase for the front and back is made on both sides by ten loops. The total amount of stitches should be equal to the sum of the sleeve width and back length.

And so we gradually approached the second branch. To knit it, you need to close all the loops in the back and front. We knit the sleeve by decreasing one loop in each row and on each side. Once the required length is reached, all loops are closed and the product can be assembled.
As you can see, knitting simple things with mohair knitting needles is not so labor-intensive.

But any models of products of various shapes and colors can be knitted with this yarn. From what has been written above, it is already well understood that mohair can be easily painted and its color palette has an innumerable number of shades. But how to preserve the color of a thing for a long time? More on this later. Proper care of high-quality yarn is an indisputable guarantee that the original color will please the eye for a long time.

Mohair care

For things made of mohair with knitting needles, dry cleaning (dry cleaning) is undesirable, since the thread quickly wears out and is erased. It is better to replace dry cleaning with hand washing with special products.
It is better to wash things made of mohair in lukewarm water.
Do not wring out the products, this can lead to deformation of their shape.
After washing, you need to comb the product. This is done to give the pile the correct direction.
Products are washed “one by one”.
To prevent mohair from pilling, you need to periodically, briefly soak it in a solution of ammonia. For the solution you will need:

Ø 10 liters of water;

Ø 3 tablespoons of ammonia;

Ø 2 tablespoons of vodka;

Ø 1 tablespoon of turpentine.
It is strictly forbidden to dry mohair products in the sun; it is better to do this in a dark room and on a smooth surface.

The incomparable knitted openwork blouse from Lene Holme Samsoe is made in circular rows of mohair with the addition of silk.

Size S/M (L/XL). Length 60 (65.5) cm.

To knit an openwork blouse you will need 3 (3) skeins of Permin Angel yarn (70% kid mohair, 30% silk; 210 m/25 g) or Lana Grossa Silkhair(70% superkid mohair; 30% silk; 210 m/25 g) which is sold in the store; circular knitting needles 4.5 mm long 60 and 80 cm - for size S/M, circular knitting needles 5 mm long 60 and 80 mm - for size L/XL; stitch markers; knitting needle.

The blouse is knitted in circular rows from top to bottom. Both sizes are knitted the same on different size needles. Stitch markers are used to mark the beginning of the round (marker in a contrasting color) and the end of each pattern repeat. In each circular row, during the knitting process, you need to remove the markers from the left to the right knitting needle. As you work, when there are more stitches, switch to longer circular knitting needles.


On circular knitting needles 60 cm long in the required size, cast on 96 stitches and knit 3 rows with knit stitches (garter stitch). In the last row, without turning the work, connect the row into a circle and mark the beginning of the row with a marker. Next, knit in circular rows as follows:

Rounds 1 and 2: knit stitches.

Round 3: *yo, knit 1, knit, yo, knit 11, place marker; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 112 sts (8 repeats of 14 sts).

4 and all even circles. rows: knit all stitches except cross stitches. knits of the previous circle (knit their knits crossed).

Round 5: *yo, k3, yo, k11; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 128 sts (8 repeats of 16 sts).

Round 7: *yo, knit 5, yo, knit 4, slip 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k4; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 9: *yo, knit 7, yo, knit 3, slip 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k3; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 11: *yo, k2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 5, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 2, remove 1 p., knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k2; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 112 sts (8 repeats of 14 sts).

Round 13: *yo, k1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 3, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 1, knit 1, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k1; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 15: *yo, k1. cross, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, 1 person. cross, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and pull through the removed st.; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 144 sts (8 repeats of 18 sts).

Round 17: * knit 5 times, k2. together (tilting to the left), yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, k2. together (tilting to the right), yarn over, knit 6 times; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 224 sts (8 repeats of 28 sts).

Round 19: * knit 5 times, k2. together (tilting to the left), knit 1, knit 6 times, knit 3, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

21 rounds: * knit 5 times, slip 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, [yarn over, k2. together (tilting to the right)] knit 5 times, yarn over, knit 5, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 23: *[yarn over, k2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 5 times, knit 1, knit 5 times, knit 7; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 25: *yo, k1. cross, [yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 4 times, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, [yarn over, k2. together (with a tilt to the right)] knit 4 times, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 3, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right); repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 27: *yo, k3, [yo, k2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 4 times, knit 1, knit 4 times, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right); repeat from * in a circle.

29 circle; *yarn over, knit 5, [yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 3 times, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, [yarn over, k2. together (with a tilt to the right)] knit 3 times, yarn over, knit 5, yarn over, slip 1 p., knit 2. together and pull through the removed st.; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

31 circles: *K2. together (with a slant to the left), knit 5, [yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 3 times, k1, knit 3 times, k5, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the row.

Round 33: *Slip 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k4, [yo, k2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 2 times, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, [yarn over, k2. together (with a tilt to the right)] knit 2 times, yarn over, knit 4, knit 3. together, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 208 sts (8 repeats of 26 sts).

Round 35: *K2. together (tilting to the left), knit 4, [yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left)] knit 2 times, k1, knit 2 times, k4, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, k1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 37: *K2. together (tilting to the left), knit 4, yarn over, knit 2. together (tilting to the left), yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 4, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 3 persons, yo; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 224 sts (8 repeats of 28 sts).

Round 39: *K2. together (tilting to the left), knit 4, yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1. cross., 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 4, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, k1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

41 circles: * K2. together (tilting to the left), knit 4, yarn over, remove 1 p., knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 4, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 3 persons. yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle 240 sts (8 repeats of 30 sts).

Round 43: *K2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 9, knit 2. together (tilting to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 2 times, k1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 45: *K2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 7, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 2 times, knit 3, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 256 sts (8 repeats of 32 sts).

Round 47: *K2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 5, knit 2. together (tilting to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed p., [yarn over, knit 3, yo, slip 1 p., knit 2. together and pull through the removed st.] knit 3 times, yarn over, k1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

49 circle; *2 persons together (with a tilt to the left), knit 3, knit 2. together (tilting to the right), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 3 times, k3. yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 272 sts (8 repeats of 34 sts).

51 rounds: *K2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, remove 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed p., [yarn over, knit 3, yo, 1 p. slip off k2. together and pull through the removed st.] knit 4 times, yarn over, k1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 53: * yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 4 times, k3; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 288 sts (8 repeats of 36 sts).

Round 55: *[yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, remove 1 p., knit 2. together and pull through the removed st.] knit 6 times; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 57: * knit 3 times, knit 5, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 2 times; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 304 sts (8 repeats of 38 sts).

Round 59: * knit 2 times, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 11, yarn over, knit 2 times; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

61 circles: *[yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a slant to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (tilting to the right)] knit 2 times, yarn over, knit 1. crossed, yarn over, knit 13, [yo, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (tilting to the right)] knit 2 times; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 320 sts (8 repeats of 40 sts).

Round 63: *[yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, remove 1 p., knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch] knit 2 times, yarn over, knit 19, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and pull through the removed st.; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 65: * knit 2 times, knit 21, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 336 sts (8 repeats of 42 sts).

Round 67: *Slip 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 27, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 69: *yo, k1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 29, yarn over, knit 1. cross, yo, 2 persons. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the right); repeat from * to the end of the circle = 352 sts (8 repeats of 44 sts).

71 rounds: *yo, knit 3, yo, slip 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, knit 35, yarn over, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and pull through the removed st.; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 73: *K2. together (with a tilt to the left), knit 1, knit 2. together (with a slant to the right), yarn over, knit 1. cross, yarn over, knit 37, yarn over, knit 1. crossed, yarn over; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 368 sts (8 repeats of 46 sts).

Round 75: *yo, slip 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, yarn over, k43; repeat from * to the end of the circle.

Round 77: remove the starting marker from the needle, k1, place the starting marker, *yo, k1. cross, yarn over, 45 persons; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 384 sts (8 repeats of 48 sts).

Sleeve trim.

Round 99: remove the starting marker from the needle, k1, place the starting marker, k4, * knit 7 times, k2. together (with a slant to the right), yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2. together (tilting to the left)*, then knit 103, repeat from * to * again, then knit 99.

101 round: k3, * knit 7 times, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2. together (with a slant to the left) *, then knit 101, repeat from * to * again, then knit 98.

Round 103: k2, * knit 7 times, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 2. together (tilting to the left), yarn over, knit 1. Yarn over, knit 2 together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left)*, then knit 99, repeat from * to * again, then knit 97.

105 circle; * knit 8 times, then knit 96, repeat from * again.

Circle 107: *K2. together (tilting to the right), yarn over, knit 7 times, k3, k2. together (with a tilt to the right), yarn over, knit 4, yarn over, knit 2. together (with a tilt to the left), then 95 persons; repeat from * again.

Round 108: all knit stitches.

Round 109: *P96, knit 96; repeat from * again.

110 and 111 rounds: knit as 108 and 109 rounds.

Round 112: *cast off 96 sts, knit 4 times, knit 9 times (in square brackets), k2. together, knit 2 times, 1 purl; repeat from * again = 172 sts.


Sew the edge of the neckline. Perform wet heat treatment according to the yarn instructions.

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The material was prepared and retold from English by Domosedka.


It's no secret that mohair is the favorite yarn of many knitters. After all, products made from it look feminine and elegant. And besides, they knit quickly and with pleasure.


Mohair is made from the finest wool of Angora goats. This natural fiber is very strong and durable. And the clothes it makes are warm, comfortable and light.

First of all, you need to choose a model. Preferably with a detailed description and pattern diagrams. For beginners, a simple and loose silhouette made with stockinette stitch is suitable.

It is very important to choose the right size and good quality knitting needles. And most importantly, buy good yarn.

Selecting threads

When choosing threads, be guided by your taste and available budget. Pay attention to the label. It indicates the composition, as well as the approximate number of skeins for the finished item. In the description of the model they always write how much yarn is needed.


Buy yarn with a reserve (50–100 g). An unpleasant “surprise” at the end of knitting can be the search for the missing skein and an unfinished product. The color of threads from another batch of the same manufacturer may differ significantly. And the leftovers can always be used somewhere.

On the modern market, mohair is presented in a huge range of colors - from pastel tones to rich bright ones. When purchasing threads, make sure the color you choose matches your wardrobe. Natural shades are always relevant, and bright and rich colors create a joyful mood.

The process requires good knitting needles

Products made from mohair are usually knitted with thick knitting needles. Such a canvas turns out to be free and weightless. Both straight (length 25–40 cm) and circular on a fishing line (30–150 cm) are suitable for work.


The knitting needle number corresponds to its diameter in millimeters.

The material from which they are made is of great importance. Experienced knitters prefer metal knitting needles. They are durable and last a long time. The loops slide through them easily and quickly. Excellent knitting with plastic or bamboo products.

On a note!

A very interesting “striped” effect is obtained if you knit with different numbers of needles. For example, one row is No. 3.5, and the next is No. 9. This does not affect the width of the part; the height of the row changes.

From a huge assortment, choose those knitting needles that are convenient and pleasant for you to work with.

Knitted mohair pullover: diagrams and description

Various clothing models are knitted from mohair. It could be a classic jumper or an openwork sweater, a stylish jacket or a romantic tunic. An incredibly light and airy stole or shawl will decorate your wardrobe. A cardigan will keep you warm in cold weather.

We offer you several models with detailed descriptions and pattern diagrams.

Knitting simple redknitted mohair pullover

We offer a diagram of a simple mohair pullover. It is suitable for beginner needlewomen, as well as for professionals who want something simple. See the description of the process and the diagram in the photo.

DIY gray mohair cardigan

Please note that the front of the cardigan consists of two parts: the left and right front. They should be knitted symmetrically (mirror). To avoid getting confused in the process, make a description in advance and follow it.

How to make a pullover from kid mohair with knitting needles

World designers use very thin and silky fiber – kid mohair – to make clothes. Soft and delicate wool is obtained from kids (up to six months old) at the first shearing. Polyamide, silk or nylon are added to the yarn composition.

We offer you instructions on how to knit a blue pullover from kid mohair.

Useful tips for needlewomen: how to knit a mohair pullover

Take into account some of the tricks of skilled needlewomen.

  • Do you want to knit the perfect size item? Make a sample in your chosen pattern. Wash it. And then, on an area of ​​10 × 10 cm, count the number of loops and rows. Make calculations according to your measurements. In the descriptions of models and on skeins of yarn, the knitting density is always written. But each needlewoman has her own style of work (knitting can be “loose” or very tight). If the instructions require more loops, then take thicker knitting needles or knit looser. If a smaller number of stitches is indicated, then use thinner knitting needles (½ number less) or knit more tightly.
  • Before starting work, make sure that the dimensions given in the description match yours.. This is easy to check on a finished model from your wardrobe.
  • If you have little experience and this is your first model, start with something simpler.
  • When knitting complex patterns, use a row counter. This handy thing makes your work process easier and allows you to keep count. The device is put on the knitting needles and the drum is turned at the end of the row.
  • Using a hook is very convenient for hiding the “tails” from the threads.
  • Knit the sleeves simultaneously from separate balls on the same knitting needles. This way they are guaranteed to be the same.
  • Cast on the stitches of the initial row with a thicker chain. You will get a smooth and elastic bottom of the product.

We hope these tips help you create a mohair pullover.

Source: Verena 2008 winter

You will need: fine yarn Lang Yarns “Mohair Luxe” (77% superkid mohair, 23% silk, 175 m/25 g) 50 (75) g in silver-pastel tones, color 0007; knitting needles 8 mm, hook No. 3.5; cubic beads 3.4 x 3.4 mm, 1 box each in white, blue, light gray; nylon fishing line for stringing approximately 4 m long with a diameter of 0.2 mm and a needle.
Density 8 p. x 11 p. = 10.5 x 10.5 cm.

Openwork pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 2.
Knit the edges in faces. knit rows, purl rows.
1 person R. - facial.
2 p. R. - purl.
3 r. - knit 2 together, 1 yarn over.
4 rub. - purl.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

Knit from bottom to top, the arrow in the diagram shows the direction of knitting. Cast on 98 (106) sts and knit in an openwork pattern. After the 2nd r. For convenience, mark with two marks the places indicated in the diagram with asterisks. To do this, after the 44th (46th) stitch and the following 10th (14th) stitch, tie a thread of a contrasting color. At 3 p.m. knit the edge and all subsequent loops with knit stitches, at the end knit 2 stitches together, thereby reducing 1 stitch = 97 (105) stitches. In 4 p. decrease 4 x 1 p. as follows: at the beginning of the row, knit the 1st p. and yarn over together, then knit together purl. before the 1st and after the 2nd mark, yarn over and 1 loop, at the end knit the yarn over and the last loop together. Further along the edges and at the marks alternately in every 2nd and 4th row. decrease 15 x 1 p. - each time knitting 2 p. together. or 1 yarn over and 1 stitch together. After the last decreases of 48 rubles. on knitting needles 33 (41) sts. After 50 cm = 52 r. openwork pattern, loosely close all loops = top edge.

Assembly: moisten the scarf, stretch it and leave until dry.
Crochet the edges as follows: 1 dc in each loop of the top edge, 2 dc in the corners. in one loop, on the sides * picot = 3 vp, 1 dc. to the previous st.b.n., skip 1 rub. and knit in the next. R. 1 st.b.n., from * rep. Next tie picot and st.b.n. bottom edge, insert the hook into each stitch. Tie the 2nd side in the same way as the first.
Brushes with beads: string 2 chains of each color, 36 cm long. Secure the beginning of the fishing line after the 1st bead, secure the end of the fishing line under the last bead. Pull the remaining fishing line through 5 beads and cut it. Take 3 strung chains - one of each color, stretch them through the corners of the top edge, fold them in half and wrap them with fishing line about 1.5 cm from the fold.

Note Knitting-club. The description (both German and Russian) states “in every 2nd and 4th r. subtract 15 x 1 p.”, where the number 15 came from remains a mystery to me. On the other hand, the stitch difference is 65 stitches = 98 - 33.52 rows divided by 4 = 13.13 * 5 and gives the required 65 stitches. Thus, you need to decrease 5 sts every 4 rows according to the pattern of 1 st in every 2nd row and 4 sts in every 4th row, repeat 12 times.

Source: Creative Knitting, Spring 2015
Designer: Caroline Moore
You will need: Be Sweet Extra Fine Mohair (100% Mohair, 210 meters / 25 grams) – 4 (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) skeins, knitting needles 4.5 and 5.5 mm

Size: Woman’s small (medium, large, X-large, 2X-large, 3X-large)
Chest: 52 (56, 60, 64, 68, 72) inches
Length: 221/2 (231/4, 241/2, 26, 271/4, 281/2) inches
Oversized - loose fitting allowance of approximately 46 cm for all sizes.
Density: 12 sts and 20 rows = 4 inches/10cm

Make 1 Left (M1L): Insert LH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between last st worked and next st on LH needle; knit through back of the resulting loop.

Make 1 Right (M1R): Insert LH needle from back to front under horizontal strand between last st worked and next st on LH needle; knit through front of resulting loop.
Purl in front and back (pfb): Purl through front of st and then purl through back of same st.

Pattern Note
Pullover is worked side to side in pieces with the purl side as the right side. To make the exposed seams, use mattress
stitch (see page 111) on the wrong side (knit side).

Row 1 (WS): Knit.
Row 2 (RS): Purl to last 5 sts, k5.
Rep last 2 rows for 81/2 (91/2, 101/2, 111/2, 121/2, 131/2) inches, ending with Row 1.

Shape Neck
Row 1 (RS): Bind off 2 (2, 3, 3, 4, 4) sts, purl to last 5 sts, k5-66 (68, 71, 75, 78, 82) sts.
Row 2 (WS): Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1-65 (67, 70, 74, 77, 81) sts.
Row 3: P1, p2tog, purl to last 5 sts, k5-64 (66, 69, 73, 76, 80) sts.
Row 4: Knit.
Row 5: Purl to last 5 sts, k5.
Work even until piece measures 9 inches from bind-off row, ending with a WS row.
Next row (RS): P2, pfb, purl to last 5 sts, k5-65 (67, 70, 74, 77, 81) sts.
Next row: Knit to last 2 sts, M1L, k2,cast on 2 (2, 3, 3, 4, 4)-68 (70, 74, 78,82, 86) sts.
Row 1 (RS): Purl to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 2: Knit.
Rep last 2 rows for 81/2 (91/2, 101/2, 111/2,121/2, 131/2) inches, ending with Row 1.
Bind off loosely.

Left Front
With larger needles, cast on 68 (70, 74,78, 82, 86) sts.
Row 1: (WS): Knit.
Row 2: Purl to last 5 sts, k5.

Shape Neck
Row 1 (RS): Bind off 11 (11, 12, 12, 13,13), purl to last 5 sts, k5-57 (59, 62, 66, 69, 73) sts.
Row 2: Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1- 56 (58, 61, 65, 68, 72) sts.

Row 10: Knit.
Row 11: P1, p2tog, purl to last 5 sts, k5-48 (50, 53, 57, 60, 64) sts.

Row 16: Knit.
Row 17 (RS): Purl to last 5 sts, k5.

Bind off loosely.
Right Front
With larger needles, cast on 68 (70, 74, 78, 82, 86) sts.
Row 1 (WS): Knit.
Row 2 (RS): K5, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows until piece measures 81/2 (91/2, 101/2, 111/2, 121/2, 131/2) inches, ending with a WS row.
Shape Neck
Row 1 (RS): Bind off 11 (11, 12, 12, 13, 13), purl to last 5 sts, k5-57 (59, 62, 66, 69, 73) sts.
Row 2: Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1-56 (58, 61, 65, 68, 72) sts.
Row 3: P1, p2tog, purl to last 5 sts, k5-55 (57, 60, 64, 67, 71) sts.
Rows 4–9: Rep 3 times-49 (51, 54, 58, 61, 65) sts.
Row 10: Knit.
Row 11: P1, p2tog, purl to last 5 sts, k5 -48 (50, 53, 57, 60, 64) sts.
Rows 12–15: Rep twice-46 (48, 51, 55, 58, 62) sts.
Work even until neck measures 41/2 inches, ending with a WS row.
Bind off loosely.

With smaller needles, cast on 34 (36, 38, 40, 42, 44) sts.
Knit 10 rows.
Change to larger needles.
Inc row (WS): K1, M1L, knit to last st, M1R, k1-36 (38, 40, 42, 44, 46) sts.
Continuing in rev St st, rep Inc row 10 (10, 11, 12, 14, 15) times-56 (58, 62, 66, 72, 76) sts.
Work even until piece measures 15 (15, 151/2, 151/2, 16, 16) inches, or desired length.
Bind off loosely.

Note: Work all seams with knit side (WS) facing.
Sew center front and shoulder seams.
Neck Edging
Turn piece so purl side (RS) is facing.
With circular smaller needle, beg at back right shoulder, pick up and knit 38 sts across back neck, 10 (10, 11, 11,
12, 12) sts along bound-off edge on left front, pm, 40 sts around front to bound-off edge on right front, pm, 10 (10, 11, 11, 12, 12) sts along bound-off edge- 98 (98, 100, 100, 102, 102) sts.
Mark beg of rnd.
Rnd 1: *K1, p1; rep from *around.
Rnd 2: Work in established rib to first marker, sk2p, work in rib to 3 sts before next marker, sk2p, work in rib to end- 94 (94, 96, 96, 98, 98) sts.
Rnds 3–10: Rep 4 times-78 (78, 80, 80, 82, 82) sts.
Rnd 11: Rep Rnd 1.
Bind off loosely in pat.
With WS (knit side) facing, sew sleeves to body.
With WS facing, sew side and sleeve seams.
Weave in all ends. Turn sweater so RS is out and block to correct measurements.