How to make Santa Claus out of paper. Santa Claus do-it-yourself paper

What is the name of the favorite fairy-tale character of winter children's creativity? This is Santa Claus. He is the main character in crafts that are made in kindergartens and schools, at home and in offices on the eve of the New Year holiday. The basis of such creative works most often is paper. There are many ways to make Santa Claus out of paper.

Simple applications for little craftsmen

Most of all, the New Year is awaited by small children. For them, New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and magic. Actively participate in preparation for the holiday, the kids can not yet. Making a small craft will be a memorable event for the little ones.

Postcard with application

A small child also wants to give his loved ones a gift for the holiday, a simple version of which can be greeting card made by hand. For its manufacture you will need:

  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • red and white velvet paper or corrugated cardboard;
  • markers;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  1. To make a greeting card, a sheet of white cardboard is folded in half along the long side. This blank will be the basis of the craft.
  2. A fur coat, hat, boots and mittens are cut out of red velvet paper according to a template made in advance by an adult assistant.
  3. Cotton wool is disassembled into small balls. This activity will help the child in the development of fine motor skills and perseverance.
  4. A face is drawn on a cardboard blank. Then glue a fur coat and a hat.
  5. Cotton balls with glue are placed on a hat and fur coat in the form of an edge. Important! For this work, it is better to use PVA glue, which is applied to small areas with a brush. This will make the craft more accurate and reduce the consumption of glue.
  6. At the end of the manufacture of crafts, mittens and boots are glued into place.

If desired, the card can be decorated with sparkles and cotton balls, with which depict snow and snowdrifts.

Figured New Year's card

A variant of a simple craft - The gift is a silhouette of the head of the main character of the New Year holidays. To create it, you need to prepare:

  • white cardboard;
  • red, black and white paper;
  • markers;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Start creating a postcard by cutting out the base from white cardboard. It is an upside down ice cream cone. Two small black circles and one larger red circle are cut out of colored paper. These will be the eyes and nose, which are glued to the base on the round side of the workpiece. If it is difficult for a child to cut circles, then they can be drawn using markers.

A cap is cut out of red paper according to the size of the triangular part of the template and glued to the base. A circle and an oval of white paper are glued on top, the edges of which are cut in the form of a fringe. The oval is glued to the base of the cap, and placed on the sharp end of the cap.

White paper is cut into strips 1 cm wide and 10 cm long. They need about 20-30 pieces. Stick the strips on the base in the form of a beard. After drying, each strip twist on a pencil.

The result is a beautiful craft with an element of volume, which can be used as a postcard, Christmas decoration or interior decoration.

Volumetric paper crafts

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus from paper can be made not only in the form of a flat application, but also to give it volume.

Paper strip toy

To make a simple voluminous crafts you will need the following details:

  • 11 strips of red paper measuring 1 * 10 cm;
  • 10 strips of paper of the same color 1 * 15 cm;
  • 1 piece of white paper in the form of an elongated round arch measuring 2 * 7 cm;
  • 2 oval white details (mustache);
  • 2 small white ovals (sleeve trim);
  • 1 small red circle (nose);
  • 1 cotton ball.

You will also need scissors, a glue stick, a special quilling tool or a rod for work.

From strips of red paper glued in the form of rings, two balls are collected. The large ball will become the body, to which a small ball (head) is attached with glue.

The face and beard are made of white paper. The long part of the arched part is cut into a narrow fringe. It is curled with a quilling tool. Draw the eyes and nose on the free side. A mustache cut from ovals is glued to the face.

A red strip measuring 1 * 10 cm is cut in half. Having folded two parts, cut out mittens with small scissors. A small white oval is glued to each mitten. The resulting hands are glued at the junction of spherical parts.

At the end of the manufacture of crafts, a cotton ball is glued in the head and a thread is fixed on which fix the craft on the tree

Craft from improvised material

Species New Year's crafts a lot of paper. You can make the main character of the winter holidays from improvised materials that can be found in every home: a toilet paper sleeve; cotton wool; red, white and black paper; finished eyes and nose. And you also need to prepare scissors, PVA glue, a brush.

Cut out a rectangle from white paper. Its length is equal to the diameter of the sleeve plus 1 cm, and the width should be 1-1.5 cm greater than the height of the base. The rectangular figure is smeared with glue, 5-7 mm does not reach the edge, and attached to the base. The free ends of the paper are cut in the form of teeth, covered with glue and folded inside the sleeve.

A red rectangle is glued onto a white base, the length of which is equal to the length of the white figure, and the width is 2/3 of the height of the base. This part is glued to the base. A strip of black paper is glued onto a red background - a belt that is decorated small button.

A semicircle is cut out of red paper, which is folded into a cone and glued to the base on the white side. A large cotton ball is attached to it from above. The joint of the red cap and the white face is pasted over with small cotton balls.

Eyes and a nose are glued to the front of the figure. Around them stick cotton balls in the form of a beard.

This craft can be used as Christmas decorations or detail for interior decoration.

Quilling is a common technique for making paper crafts. It allows you to create beautiful flat and voluminous crafts. To make a figurine of a good winter wizard, you will need a minimum set of materials and tools:

  • strips of paper in red, white, black, beige, pink colors 0.7 cm wide;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler with round holes;
  • quilling tool.

From a long strip (two strips of standard length are glued together) of red paper, a tight roll is made using a twisting tool. Then it is pulled out in the shape of a cone and smeared with glue on the inside.

2 strips of white paper cut in the form of a fringe. One strip is glued to the bottom of the cone. Another fringe will decorate the cone along its height.

From two standard strips, two small cones are folded, pasted over with a fringe of white paper and glued to the large cone on both sides at an equal distance from the vertical white fringe.

The head of the figurine is assembled from two low cones twisted from beige paper. A part 2 mm wide is cut off from one beige strip and twisted into a tight roll. It is glued in the center of the head-ball. A pink long strip 2 mm wide is cut in half, two rolls are twisted and glued next to the central one. Small eyes are glued over them.

The hat is a red paper cone with a white fringe. It is smeared with glue and glued to the head. The pompom on the hat is twisted from a white ribbon, the edges of which are cut into small fringes. With a drop of glue, it is fixed on a paper structure.

The two parts of the figurine are connected together with glue.

The basis of the craft is a roll of white paper 3 mm wide. Its length depends on the diameter of the large cone. The base is smeared with glue and connected to the main part of the toy.

The craft is supplemented with paper loops, the width of which is 5 mm. They are glued in place of the beard and hair. As a mustache, two parts in the form of a drop are glued. They are formed from white strips twisted into a free roll.

Such a figurine can be part of the New Year's composition or a Christmas toy.

Origami crafts

Origami is a technique for folding various paper shapes. There are many origami techniques. The simplest ones allow you to perform simple work even for kids. Crafts made using the modular origami technique are suitable for older people. Santa Claus, made in the technique of origami is original gift for the New Year holidays.

Origami Santa Claus from paper

Creating a small figurine is a fairly simple process. For work you will need:

  • a sheet of single-sided colored paper in red or blue;
  • black and red markers.

The assembly scheme for this craft is very simple. The main condition is the use of paper with a white back.

Take a rectangular sheet of paper, put it on the work surface with the white side up. Its short side is connected to the long one so that the colored part forms an isosceles triangle. Cut off excess paper.

The resulting square with the white side up is placed in front of you. The fold line is vertical. The right and left corners are bent symmetrically to the center line. The folds are carefully ironed. A two-color figure is obtained.

An acute angle is bent upwards from itself. Its top point is at a distance of 1/3 from the white right angle. For young children, this point can be marked with a simple pencil. To do this, the white part of the figure is divided into three equal parts with a ruler and the upper segment is marked with a pencil.

The workpiece is turned over with the colored side up. First, the white corner is completely bent over. Then it is returned to its original position. 1 cm recede from the resulting line and repeat the fold. The folded corner should match the center line. A strip 1 cm wide is also bent towards itself.

The figure is turned over again and the free corners are bent along the side line. To fix the craft, the junction of the corners is glued together.

The figure is turned over and with the help of felt-tip pens draw eyes and a nose. A beard and mustache can be made from a piece of paper left at the beginning of work: it is divided into strips and cut into fringes. Paper fringe is glued in place of the beard and mustache.

Modular origami technique

Making crafts from paper triangular modules will require accuracy, patience and attention from the master.

To complete the craft, you will need quite a lot of triangular modules (250 red and white modules each and 25 pink triangles). The size of the modules depends on the desired size of the craft. The most commonly used rectangles are 1/16 of an A4 sheet.

Detailed schemes of crafts are widely distributed on the Internet. There you can also find video tutorials on assembling paper modules and figures from them.

The first three rows of the figure are its base. They are assembled from 25 white modules each, closed in a ring and turned inside out.

The fourth row consists of 25 red modules, which are located with the long side forward.

Starting from the 5th row, which also consists of 25 elements, they begin to make a beard. To do this, collect a ring of 22 red and 3 three white modules. In the next 4 rows, the number of white modules is increased by one element. However, their total number remains unchanged.

10 ring is made of 25 white triangles.

From the 11th to the 14th row, the face of the figure is performed. One red element is added to ring 11, which is located right in the center figures. The scheme of the next row:

  • two white elements in the center;
  • on each side of them there are 2 pink details that are inserted with the short side forward;
  • the rest of the ring consists of white modules.

Rows 13 and 14 consist of 25 parts, of which 7 and 8 pink parts will be inserted with the short side forward.

Rows 15 to 18 make up the wizard's hat. Rings 15 and 18 are made up of white modules (22 and 9 elements, respectively). Between them are inserted two red rows, assembled from 20 and 18 elements. The technique for reducing the number of modules is described in many workshops on the manufacture of modular figures.

Hands made of 9 red and one white modules are attached to the resulting figure.

The craft is ready. It can be presented as a souvenir, treated with glue and varnish. You can give a child a figure without gluing, which can be disassembled and made up of another interesting craft from its elements.

For the New Year holidays, you can sew Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with your own hands from felt. For such crafts, you will need templates and patterns used to make paper applications.

Paper is an affordable material from which you can make New Year's crafts of any complexity. This work does not require any special knowledge and skills. When creating paper crafts, you need to show creativity, perseverance, patience and accuracy.

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Tell VK

Who is the main symbol of the New Year? I think it's Santa Claus. This old man pleases us with gifts and magic. What else can we expect from this holiday? Well, since we have already made Christmas trees, glued, sewn, then Morozko must be done.

Moreover, there are also many ideas for this. We will select options for every taste and for any material. After all, what is the most important thing in this craft? That's right, red cap and white beard. And that's all, a guest from Veliky Ustyug jumps to our holiday. Well, for those who are closer to Santa Claus, there are also ideas.

In general, it's time for us to create and be inspired!

To begin with, let's see what creative people tried to make Grandfather out of. What fell into their hands at the first moment of creative thought. And for some reason I wanted to start the article with large interior and voluminous crafts.

Santa Claus from cups

Inspired by these Frosts. All are made according to the same technique, but how different they are, you just wonder!

The combination of red and white cups immediately evokes the idea of ​​who it is. Look at what beards are made of: cotton, cotton pads, paper, yarn.

And this Grandfather even has a beard made of cups.

So how do you make them? Let's look at the diagram. We draw a blank on paper with a diameter of your choice. We will immediately lay out the equator of our ball. The larger the diameter, the larger the ball will be!

Then lay out the cups along the line. We fasten them with a stapler and make the second, third row, removing 1-2 pieces from each layer to make a circle.

Or here is an option where you need only one glass.

For the body, they used a sleeve from toilet paper or from paper towels.

From sweets

Next, we have simple crafts-presents with sweets and lollipops. Remember, we considered, and so there are also ideas with Frost and sweets. I will not repeat. Actually, I only found one. I am attaching it.

I was amused by the idea of ​​wood. It turns out that in order to create, it is enough just to take the right colors of paint.

From cones

Since we started about natural materials, here are ideas for you from cones.

If there are a lot of cones, then you can make such a big Frost. But, of course, this craft is not for one day.

Another interesting option is napkins. From a distance, they also resemble cones.

Maybe someone likes to felt wool? Then here is a craft for you for an example with step-by-step actions.

Based on this drawing.

We start with the body.

On it we make a pattern of red fabric, leaving room for the head.

We twist it and sew it. We put on a body made of wool.

Tie the bottom edges with a thread.

We make a hat, fur and beard.

Gypsum or salt dough

Now it is fashionable to do crafts from plaster. But for those who have children under five years old, it is better to make salty dough.

And you need to make an imprint of a splayed palm, look.

Making a handprint. Dry the material.

We mark the picture.

And we will implement it in paints.

We thread the rope through the hole and hang it on the Christmas tree.

I share with you my discovery of ice cream sticks.

From threads

Have you met the technique of pulling the thread through the carnations? So, who is interested, you can create such frosts.

And with the help of a cone base and yarn, a very simple but interesting craft is made.

  • felt,
  • thermal gun,
  • yarn,
  • paper cone,
  • decor.

First, let's start with such a muzzle made of felt.

We cut out the necessary parts and glue them with hot glue.

Now we need to make a paper cone and wrap it with threads to make it look like this. Make sure there are no gaps.

The edges must be well fixed with glue.

Putting the craft together and do not forget about the handles.

From disposable plates

Yes, this improvised material is definitely lying around in the kitchen for many. Great craft idea for kids.

In this master class, you will need only part of the plate. She will act as a sleigh.

Let's now take a step-by-step look at how frost is made.

Take a plate and cut off 1/4 of its part. Inside, where the flat and smooth part is painted with beige.

We take a triangle of red paper and glue a plate on it. It remains only to form the eyes, mustache and pompoms.

See what a cool beard Grandfather can get from disposable spoons.

And even eyebrows can be made from them.

Of course, there is an idea from plasticine. Everything is shown in detail in the photo instructions.

If suddenly you have a sheet of foam at home, then here's what can come of it.

There was a plastic water bottle lying around, dress it up as well.

Well, and another cool option with one plastic spoon, cotton pad and yarn.

We take a spoon, cut off a stalk from it. We wrap the edge with thread. And smear the convex side with glue. Roll up the cotton pad. And stick it on the spoon. It remains only to add the missing elements.

How to make crafts from nylon tights, a master class in the video

There is a cool idea for creating dolls in hosiery technique. Unfortunately, I am not a master in this, so I give a master class in video format.

And here I will give an idea from a sock

You can make a body without handles. The main thing is that it is sustainable.

Well, do balls often come to your house? After all, they also make wonderful Santa Clauses.

This is far from all. We can say that we are only at the very beginning of the journey!

Patterns for Santa Claus from fabric (tilde)

Now I will give a lot of patterns. There are ideas in the Tilda technique, but there are just patterns for soft toys.

Scheme 3.

For inspiration!

Scheme 10.

Scheme 11.

Scheme 14.

If you do not save or download the scheme, then take a screenshot of the screen and edit the picture in Painte. This graphic editor is installed on all operating systems.

Knitted Morozko and patterns

Now options for crafts for those craftswomen who knit. I liked such non-standard Frosts. And it’s okay that none of them is in a red hat, you can’t confuse them with anyone anyway.

This collection shows how to tie such beauties.

Of course there is a blueprint.

The idea is the same, but here the crochet pattern is different.

You can also make a volumetric Santa.

Or just cross stitch it.

We'll talk more about embroidery below. There will be enough diagrams.

Video how to make Grandfather from cotton wool

In our childhood, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were made from cotton wool. If you missed those times, then here's a master class for you. It is presented in video format to discard all possible questions, because the craft is complicated.

Of course, here you need to practice a little, but it's not so easy.

Simple paper crafts

Of course, we will now make paper and cardboard. Without it, just nowhere. This is the most accessible material for us. Especially if the crafts are made by children.

In addition to such Frost, you can decorate windows. For example, according to this stencil.

Cones make a lot of different ideas. In the photo below you will see a detailed master class on how to create such funny Frosts. This cone pattern can be used for any other crafts.

Well, here's another great cardboard and paper idea. The main thing is what kind of beard it turns out to be gorgeous with 0 rings!

And these grandfathers can even be hung on a Christmas tree. I really liked the bow mustache idea.

Here are some more cone blanks.

On their basis, such crafts are obtained.

Or you can simplify the task. And make the base yourself. The main thing is to fasten the edges of the cone well so that they do not turn around.

Another fun craft and a master class for it.

Now for a more complex idea. This Frost is made from two paper balls.

Such balls are made according to this scheme. By the way, you can do it at the same time.

For those familiar with the quilling technique, here are some ideas.

From corrugated paper and sweets, you can make an individual gift for each participant in the holiday.

Laughed at this piece. What a funny Santa.

The hat folded with an accordion is simply incomparable. Both volume and relief are created immediately.

Another craft with a curly beard.

From cardboard you can create such an interesting Frost.

Idea for little kids! Use stencils of your hands for crafts.

Such a craft can be made from pieces of paper or plasticine balls.

Hello Santa from Peppa Pig!

Our parents make and craft everything. And we thank them and take them into service!

Now I will give several stencils for gift boxes with elements of Santa Claus.

And I almost forgot to show you these suspensions.

You can also make them as a postcard.

We make from cotton pads for kindergarten children

Of course, it is very easy to make crafts from cotton pads. For example, like this Frost. You just need to prepare the materials in advance. To make enough for every kid. and they are in kindergarten groups, usually about 30.

Idea for home art.

Paper and cotton pads are very easy to glue with PVA glue. Moreover, this is the safest type of glue. It can be used for creativity even the smallest children.

This option was in the first section, but I decided to remind you.

The beard of Santa Claus can be very useful at various matinees.

Put on a red cap and a red T-shirt and the young Santa Claus is ready. Or Santa Claus.

Santa Claus with his own hands from felt

Of course, ! They don't make anything out of it! And be sure to have a lot of patterns and patterns. Let's start, perhaps!

Here is your first master class. This is a Christmas toy. You can, of course, play with it anyway, but it's too unstable.

Pattern for Santa Claus.

These crafts simply surprise with their solidity and presentability.

There may be several patterns for them. For example, this one.

It also turns out such Morozushko.

For the cap, take this diagram.

The next pattern of suspensions.

Now detailed instructions on how to sew such a boot for gifts.

A very unusual idea. You can use not only felt, but also fabric.

Another template for inspiration.

You can make a lot of wreaths. They are suitable as decoration for any room.

This Frost will not leave anyone indifferent. It can also be used as a pendant, because there is a hole in the hat that is convenient for this.

For decoration, you can make several New Year's symbols: a Christmas tree, a star, a Christmas ball, deer, etc.

Fantasy is limitless. Therefore, on the basis of one pattern, you can create many new ones.

In this craft, bells were attracted. How festive they ring!

You can also make voluminous and flat figures. I bring patterns of those and others.

This Frost is very similar to the New Year's gnome, but does not lose its relevance and charm at all!

In general, only your imagination matters. And we will provide you with the schemes!

How do you like this craft using bushings?

There is nothing complicated here and you don’t even need to sew anything.

How to quickly and easily make Santa Claus from a bottle

So the bottles are different. Someone decorates the beauty with champagne. And someone creates from a plastic vessel for water.

Of course, if it comes to children, then we will take a closer look at the ideas. Here, for example, stand for stationery or small toys.

Or just an interesting craft for decoration.

Santas can be the packaging for a child's sweet gift.

For inspiration, here are some more options for the oldies.

Cotton buds come in handy too!

I think that the child can choose for himself what idea he wants to bring to life.

Santa Claus for the New Year from origami

Origami is popular with students. It's hard for little kids. We somehow tried to make a dog with a child, he understands everything, but it’s a bit impossible to repeat. Therefore, this section is for those who are older.

There will be several master classes. All with a step by step job description.

Scheme with arms and legs.

Are you familiar with the modular origami technique? There, at first, many blanks of the same form are made. and already crafts are formed from them.

The following step by step scheme.

Another option.

Detailed step-by-step photos will not let you get confused.

How do you like this option?

And it's Santa Clauses already gone.

Well, another variation.

In general, care is important here.

Ideas for New Year's cards

Finally, let's see the ideas of postcards with our character. It can be flat, three-dimensional, monochrome or colorful. Small or big. It depends on you! The main mood in which you created it!

Use different techniques and unusual shapes.

Combine different materials: pompoms, buttons, paper and cardboard, wood and wire.

As well as a few drawings to create a postcard. you can simply print them and give them by signing the wishes on the back. They can also be used as window decorations.

And here is the simplest card idea that you can create with your child.

For inspiration, you can look at the crafts and just take their outline.

The card itself can be of different shapes, it can be laid out, compressed or simply opened.

Or it can be in the form of an envelope.

As you can see, there are no restrictions anywhere, it is just important to think over the composition, prepare materials and start creating! I wish you health and every success.


Tell VK

Good afternoon, we again continue to make crafts in the form of Santa Claus, and in this article I have collected those that are made of paper. Here you will find great ideas for crafts in kindergarten classes, or for art classes at school. You can make Santa Claus out of paper in a variety of ways. Now you will see all the variety of children's crafts with this New Year's character - both flat applications and voluminous convex applications. As well as crafts based on toilet paper sleeves and cardboard cones.

Santa Claus from paper.

simple crafts

for babies

A simple application in kindergarten can be made in the form of a New Year's greeting card.

We take a sheet of red cardboard. We bend it in half, forming a postcard. This will be the basis of our children's crafts.

Now on the front front side we create an application for the face of Santa Claus. Cut out pink paper oval, truncated along the side edges - this will be the face. Cut out charcoal mustache also made of white paper. And small clouds of white eyebrows, also with a wavy edge. Nose cut out from pink paper of a darker shade than the face.

And the task of the child is to assemble this puzzle according to the model of the teacher, with the correct order, first the face, then the fur of the hat, mustache, and last but not least, the eyes and nose. Quick and easy application for the younger group of kindergarten.

And here is another simple work for the younger group of kindergarten. Here the basis of Santa Claus is a TRIANGLE of red cardboard. And all the details fit within this triangle - the beard, the mustache, and the edging of the cap.

And on the basis of a triangle, you can make such an original Santa Claus craft, which uses a paper confectionery napkin with an openwork patterned edge. A very beautiful Santa Claus is obtained from paper. Napkins can be bought in the household department of the store.

The shape of the body of Santa Claus from paper can be any. For example, from two circles - like a captive. Beautiful, simple and similar. You can with a mustache, you can without a mustache. It can be with a pom-pom on the hat, or it can be with a pom-pom on the nose.

You can find templates for such crafts in our new article.

You yourself are free to set any shape to the body of Santa Claus. It will still be recognizable. Because he is red and he has a beard.

And even if you want to add any accessories to the image of Santa Claus, this will still not prevent him from being a recognizable symbol of the New Year. Feel as much as you want. Let your author's version of Santa Claus appear, he also likes jokes.

VOLUME application

with Santa Claus from paper.

And here we see techniques that help to make a three-dimensional puff effect of paper appliqué in the form of Santa Claus.

The first way is to make the beard two-layer, two-tier. We cut the lower layer longer, the upper layer of the beard is shorter. When gluing, we apply glue only to the upper part of the beard so that the layer sticks up freely. And we also make a hat with a bend forward. And a pompom on a hat can be made voluminous from threads or cotton wool, or a lump of crepe paper.

You can fold origami in the form of Santa Claus. The paper fold also creates a volume effect.

The second way is to set the volume of Santa Claus's beard using paper curls. Cut white paper into strips slightly different in length. We glue the strips on the edges of the chin of Santa Claus's face, let the glue dry and then wind each strip on a pencil.

The third way is to create volume of a beard from a paper cupcake pan. We do not smear the corrugated edge of the cupcake mold with glue (only the middle) and it sticks up from the application, creating volume.

You can also make a fan out of a narrow strip of paper and unroll it into a circle. And on the basis of this round fan, make a three-dimensional application of Santa Claus.

The fourth way is to put a puff application, with hemp layers. We cut out the elements of the appliqué from thick paper and so that the details RISE and HARRY OVER the cardboard sheet, we use GASKETS. Thick layers between appliqué details and background. That is, we do not glue the application on the background cardboard - but only glue the hemp layers, and then we glue only these hemp with glue and put the details of the application on them. And she HANGS IN THE AIR.

Layer pads can be made ... firstly, made of thick cardboard(TV box, cardboard egg cassette).

Or layers can become paper springs(remember, in childhood, we all wove such an accordion-spring from two strips of paper). So short harmonicas-springs can become such stumps on which our application will rise.

The fifth way to give volume to your Santa Claus from paper is to make crafts using the postcard technique with an internal volume. Here in the photo below we see a beautiful craft Santa Claus is dancing a break dance.

Here we bend the white cardboard in half. And across the fold line we make cuts (perpendicular to the fold line of the postcard, 2 cm from its edge). The depth of the incision can be any (in the photo below it is 2 cm). The incised part of the postcard is pressed with a finger inside - protruding this fold with a square bench inside the postcard. And now, to this bench, we will glue the Frosty Fest PLATE on which Santa Claus stands, upside down.

As a result, it turns out that the body of Santa Claus is hanging in the air. To further give the body stability, you can also stick a strip of paper (folded in the form of a rectangular frame) behind (behind its belly) - this way it will also be fixed on top.

And here is another idea for a Santa Claus fold-out card. I have already told how to do it in detail step by step, in the article, so here I will only give a template scheme.

And here is another folding bed craft in the form of Santa Claus. Also an interesting idea for kindergarten classes.

CONE paper appliqué

in the shape of Santa Claus.

If in a flat circle to make a TRIANGULAR dart in the form of a sector (like a piece of cake) ... and then bend this sector and paste it inside (so that the edges of the sector converge into one line of the gluing seam) - then we get a conical part. Bulging like a mushroom cap...
Based on this principle of darts on a flat circle - we create a convex craft of Santa Claus from plain paper. Here is such…

And here is a large diagram for this craft - it is in A4 format - you can immediately send it to print and it will correctly appear in full size on the sheet coming out of your printer. The tuck is painted over with a gray background on the template, we bend it along the edges and bring together the fold lines. Or you can make an incision along one side of the sector and glue the entire gray sector inward - overlapping edge to edge.

Complex application

With Santa Claus

You can make a large-scale paper application in terms of the number of elements - with Santa Claus, deer, sleigh, snowmen, a city, and other New Year's paraphernalia.

Such complex applications with many elements are best done as a collective craft in kindergarten. Each child performs only one element of the application - and then at the end of the lesson all the characters and paraphernalia are added to a large common application - on a huge sheet of drawing paper.

And in the older group, you can give children a craft task with several elements of applications, but combined within one New Year's wreath. How it is done in the photo below.

Volumetric Santa Claus from paper

In the form of a box.

Here is a diagram of a box that, when assembled, forms a figure of Santa Claus. Great craft - it is clear how to draw, what to bend and what to glue. It's easy and quick to make Santa Claus on the basis of a thick sheet of paper.

Three blueprints

FOR Ded Moroz's sleigh.

Below I want to show another simple craft - a sleigh for Santa Claus. Their assembly principle is simple - there is a bottom (the diagram below - and the sides of the sleigh, back and footboard are discarded in four directions from the bottom.

Here is another scheme - a little different - but here, too, nothing complicated. Drawn, cut out bent under the line(we press the regular school ruler firmly against the fold line, and lift the sheet of paper - the fold turns out to be even, like on factory crafts).

You can make the elements of the sleigh CARVED - that is, in the side details, make slots above the runners of the sleigh - openwork or straight, like on Soviet sledges from childhood.

Santa Claus from paper

Based on the PLATE.

Paper disposable plates can be the source of so many crafts. And Santa Claus is no exception to this creative range of plate ideas. A white round plate, by its very shape, makes up a craft in the form of Santa Claus.

You are free to choose the design of this craft and materials at your own discretion. Use whatever comes to mind - cotton pads, paper napkins, paper shavings.

On the basis of a white plate, you can use any volumetric techniques that we use from paper. Everything that this article talked about above can be done on the basis of a plate.

Volumetric crafts

Father Frost

From paper and cardboard.

And now let's see what voluminous crafts can be made in the form of Santa Claus from paper and cardboard. You can make a clip ring for a bag of sweets in the form of Santa Claus (as in the left photo below). We wrap sweets in a napkin, and stretch the ends of the knot through an elastic band for hair, on which a cardboard application of the head of Santa Claus is glued.

You can make Santa Claus crafts with rope arms and legs from a round Christmas ball (or foam ball), as in the right photo below.

You can make Santa Claus crafts out of paper in the form of balls assembled from strips of colored paper. In the article, I give a detailed master class on a simple assembly of such a ball. If you make two paper balls - bigger and smaller - then you can add the head and torso of Santa Claus out of them.

You can cut out Santa Claus from a paper accordion-fan. We fold a strip of paper in the form of a fan. We lay it out again exactly on the table, mark with a pencil the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhands, hats, make a rounding of the body of Santa Claus - and cut these outlines with scissors. We assemble the accordion again along the old fold lines. And make a hole in the middle with a hole punch. Insert a cocktail tube into it. And we decorate the silhouette of the craft - adding to it a round face made of pink paper, a beard and a fur hat made of white cotton wool.

You can also make a three-dimensional craft based on a cardboard cone. From red cardboard we express a semicircle (we use a large plate). And we turn this semicircle into a cone-bag. We fasten the edges of the cone with a stapler or put it on double-sided tape (just the glue will hold the cone weakly, there is a risk that the cardboard cone, under the pressure of compression, will tend to unclench).

You can design the Santa Claus craft itself based on the contour in a different design - a smooth beard made of paper, a voluminous beard made of paper twists, fluffy cotton wool, white threads cut with scissors or anything.

You can decorate this craft based on the cone of their cardboard with additional materials and elements - fluffy wire hands with velvet paper or felt mittens, a Christmas tree made of paper or cardboard.

White cotton can turn any red object into Santa Claus. A toilet paper sleeve or a plastic plate easily turns into a Santa Claus loved by all the kids.

And also the application of Santa Claus can be made using the QVILLING technique - from paper twists (as in the photo below).

Christmas decoration

Father Frost

From paper and cardboard.

And I also want to show interesting options for decorating a house for the New Year in the style of Santa Claus.

From colored paper, you can cut a large application on the window.

By the same principle, you can paste the silhouette of Santa Claus's head into the refrigerator door and it turns out that he looks out of his freezer. You can find colored cardboard of this format in specialized stationery stores. Or paint with gouache large sheets of cardboard from a large box (from a refrigerator, for example).

And here is an option where a large application of Santa Claus is made from paper on the door. This is an original and beautiful idea to decorate the door of an office or children's room for the New Year.

Here are such interesting and simple ideas on how to make Santa Claus crafts from paper or cardboard with your own hands.

Good luck with your New Year's work.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Long before the New Year, children begin to dream about the holiday and make lists of desired gifts from Santa Claus. We invite you to join the creation of a magical atmosphere in your home, to make Santa Claus from colored paper with your children - a New Year's craft.

After all, it is the kind grandfather with a long gray beard, a red cap and a fur coat with a huge bag of gifts behind him that becomes the main New Year's character on this fabulous night. It is he who should be made of colored paper in the form of an interesting and beautiful craft. We will get a voluminous beard in the form of chains of thin paper rings.

Necessary materials:

red, white and yellow paper;
stapler and glue;
plastic eyes.

How to make paper Santa Claus

1. For the manufacture of the head and face of Santa Claus, we use yellow paper. It can be replaced with light pink and light brown. We cut out a large circle from the sheet, and for the nose - a small one up to 2 cm in diameter. We also draw on red paper the contour of the cap-cap. Cut out.

2. Cut out a rectangle from white paper. Fold in half and glue the ends. Cut along the bottom with scissors to make a fringe.

3. We glue the details to the New Year's hat in the form of a white voluminous fringe along the bottom. Glue the hat to the yellow head. We also cut out a small circle from white paper for the cap bubo.

4. Cut out a mustache from white paper.

5. Glue the bubo on the tip of the cap. We attach a white mustache to the face. We attach the nose and ready-made plastic eyes to them.

6. We create a beard from white paper. It will be voluminous. To do this, draw thin stripes and cut them out in large quantities to get a beautiful craft for the New Year.

7. We connect the stripes into rings. We glue the parts together to get several chains. Glue long chains on the sides of the head.

8. Then we attach 5 short chains of white stripes at the bottom.

9. Draw small details with a marker.

Good time, dear friends!

Any Christmas tree should have a cute Santa Claus under it, who will bring gifts to the kids on a fabulous night. Therefore, if you don’t have it yet, then hurry up to make it out of colored paper! It won't take you long.

Necessary materials:

  • double-sided paper in red, yellow and white;
  • stationery glue;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • plastic eyes.

Steps for making Santa Claus:

  1. On a red sheet of paper, draw a semicircle. It is from it that we will make the body of Santa Claus.

  1. Cut out a semicircle along the marked lines to create a torso in the form of a cone.

  1. We twist the cut out part into a cone. Glue the edges with glue.

  1. The character's face is made of yellow paper, but you can use peach, cream or soft pink paper. Cut out and matched paper circle.

  1. Apply a small amount of glue to the yellow circle and glue it to the red cone. We give a little time for the details to connect.

  1. In the meantime, we will prepare other craft elements that should be cut out of white paper. This is a beard, mustache and bangs.

  1. We glue the parts in turn.

  1. In a small gap between the bangs and the mustache with the beard, glue the plastic eyes. If you have a black marker with a thin rod and a silver gel pen, you can give the effect of gray hair and sparkling frost on a white beard, mustache and bangs.

  1. We continue to create New Year's crafts and now we will make a white pompom for a hat and hands. They will consist of two elements - sleeves and gloves. We cut out the sleeve from red paper, and the glove (or mitten) from white. Let's complement the mitten with a New Year's pattern in the form of a snowflake. For the pom-pom, you need white paper, from which we cut out a wave-like element.

  1. Glue the pom-pom to the top of the craft.

  1. Then we connect the two parts of the hands together.