How to teach your child order: tips for parents. How to teach a child to clean up his toys and put things in order For example, force a child to tidy

How to teach a child to have order in the room? Every parent has thought about this. To ensure that the nursery always looks clean and tidy, you need to make efforts to do this every day. The sooner a child understands how important it is to put things back in their place on time, the easier it will be for him to maintain order in the future. However, it is quite possible to instill a love of cleanliness even in a not very responsible teenager.

How to teach order to your baby

When the baby is about a year old, he begins to understand the requests of his parents. If his mother asks him, he can bring her a book or give her some other item. It is from this moment that you can begin to involve him in cleaning. Naturally, the baby will first be responsible only for his own things.

Here are some tips on how to teach order to a small child.

How to teach a schoolchild to clean up after themselves

In a schoolchild's room you can see not only scattered toys. Now they include textbooks, workbooks, stationery, casual clothing, sports uniforms and much more.

Not all children find it easy to maintain cleanliness, because in addition to cleaning, schoolchildren have many other, more interesting activities. The following tips for parents on teaching their child order will help:

Teaching order to a teenager

A teenager is an already formed personality; he may have his own ideas about what is considered order. Often these ideas terrify parents. It is worth recognizing that a person who has already entered adolescence has the right to decide what his room should look like. But to teach children to have order and cleanliness, parents can use the following recommendations:

It is important for parents to remember that the process of teaching order should not cause quarrels in the family. Particular patience should be shown when working with children - sometimes small children need to explain more than once or twice why their parents ask them to put books and toys in their places. But if each family member does their part in maintaining cleanliness, the house will always be cozy and welcoming.

While waiting for the birth of a baby, every day we dream and think about what he will be like, who he will be more like, what kind of future awaits him, and we undoubtedly promise ourselves to do everything possible for his happiness and well-being. However, not all parents understand that a happy future largely depends on the child’s habits, on how he relates to life and the world around him; it is very important to instill in the child a love of cleanliness from birth. After all, from time immemorial it has been said that if a person arrives in purity, then his thoughts will be pure, and the future will be bright and happy.

A huge number of young parents are tormented by the question of when to start teaching their child order and how best to do this. In this article we will take a closer look at the situation from the inside and answer each of these questions in detail. Of course, in each family the concept of order is different, but it is worth noting that from an early age the child should be explained in what place toys should be stored, how to put their things, and what needs to be done to maintain order in the room and apartment as a whole. One of the most important aspects in teaching a child to be tidy is maintaining cleanliness in the house and the personal example of the parents; if the child sees how mom and dad treat their home with love, then the child will try to take care of the objects around him.

It is best to teach children to pick up toys, wash dishes and put things in order from an early age until the child does not contradict his parents and older children, but strives to imitate them in everything. It is much easier to teach a two-year-old child to put away toys than to explain to a teenager that the room should be clean and comfortable. Experienced psychologists advise modern parents to start teaching their children at one or two years old; this is the age that will be the most productive for absorbing information and instilling new skills in a small family member.

How and when to teach a child to keep order

Before you start teaching your child, you need to carefully look at yourself and at the apartment in which you live, it is important to understand that the child is a complete copy of his parents and, if you are far from being a neat person, it is foolish to hope that the baby will be clean. For a little person, the most important things in life are the parents who care about him and whom he wants to be like, so it is necessary to begin teaching order by your own example.

If you don’t put things away after yourself, are careless about furniture and cleanliness in the apartment, how can you explain to your child what order is and why you need to collect toys after yourself. It is best to teach a child to order from the age of one, because it is during this period of time that the toddler imitates his parents in everything, he will be pleased to brush off the dust from the table, take the bottle to the sink and collect cubes and teddy bears.

Child psychologists will tell you where to start and what mistakes to avoid when teaching your child the basics of order, but it is worth noting that there are a number of rules that will help you avoid mistakes and help your baby acquire the necessary skills:

1. From a very early age, gain strength and start taking care of your baby, show by personal example how to treat your home and things. Maintain order and cleanliness, show your child how to tidy up things, where they put dirty dishes, how to care for flowers and animals.

Do not, under any circumstances, forbid your child to help you; it is better to redo his work again than to discourage the desire for cleanliness and comfort once and for all.

At a young age, new skills are instilled with ease and become the norm and rule for the child, which he will fulfill with desire throughout his life.

2. As your child completes any tasks, you should not be critical of the results he has achieved, because a child, due to his age, cannot always cope with cleaning or washing dishes efficiently. Parents should not evaluate their actions and criticize them if suddenly the result is not good enough; it is important to praise the child and provide him with assistance in carrying out certain tasks.

You should always ask why the little one did not cope with this or that task, perhaps he simply did not have enough strength or he did not understand how to do it, support him, tell him and be sure to praise him, this is the only way you can achieve good results.

3. All people are different, in fact, comparing children is an extreme degree of stupidity, because, despite their age, each child has his own psychological characteristics. There is no need to compare children, to say that someone copes better with these tasks, this can cause irreparable damage to the child’s self-esteem and psyche as a whole. During comparisons, the child will feel disadvantaged and unnecessary; this can lead to protests and a complete refusal to carry out any actions to restore order.

You should praise your child, but if the result is not achieved, just try to tell him in detail what actions can be taken so that everything turns out even better. Approval from parents and older children is very important for the baby.

4. As the child grows up, he begins to use various methods of manipulation with his parents; lack of desire to clean is one of the ways to test the patience of the parents. The main task of parents is not to react to small manifestations of character and not to yell at the baby; you must calmly explain what will happen if the child stops picking up toys or things.

Being a good parent is hard work, but teaching a child to be in order is a sacred duty; if you want a decent future and a happy life for your child, you need to put things in order in your head and home. You must use your own example to explain the importance of cleanliness for a successful life.

What does cleanliness and order mean in the life of a successful person?

To accustom a child to order, first of all, it is necessary to explain to him why all this is needed, that each thing should have its own place, the parents’ things are kept separately from the children’s and they can only be used with permission. Show your baby that mom’s things are in a separate closet and they are neatly folded, dad’s books and work tools have their own place, and each child’s toy should be in a separate box in its place.

Only by showing the child that everything has a place will he be able to distinguish the purpose of each of the things and gradually learn to distinguish one from the other. Try changing the interior of the room with your child by entrusting him with the choice of colors for boxes with toys. Involve him in this exciting adventure and then the baby will be able to understand for what purpose such efforts were expended, and subsequently he will be able to independently maintain order in the room. If you want to teach your children order as quickly as possible, it is best to use the following algorithm of actions:

1. Sort your and your children's things, choose a place with easy access for your baby, show him that each toy has its own box. To make it easier to memorize, you can make multi-colored boxes, or simply stick on interesting pictures, which will be stored in the child’s head and associated with this or that toy.

2. The child will learn to appreciate your efforts only when he feels how difficult it is to constantly keep the room in order. Do the cleaning together, explaining in detail why you are doing this and why the cars are stored separately from cubes and other toys. It is best to tell your child from a very early age that boys are different from girls, cubes are different from pyramids, and in general, every creature and thing has its own differences and individuality. Having understood this from childhood in the process of life, a growing person will be able to appreciate the feelings of others and the right to be different from others.

3. To involve your little one in cleaning, make it exciting and fun, turn this activity into a game every time. Collect toys quickly, in quantity, and at the end of cleaning, don’t forget to say words of gratitude and praise. The process of putting things in order should always be a joint one, because support from loving parents is very important at any age.

4. Distribute tasks so that the child does not get tired and feels only joy and fun from work. Set specific tasks, such as putting cubes in a yellow box, or putting cars in the garage. You should not set several tasks at the same time; it is quite difficult for the baby to absorb a large amount of information and combine it with real actions.

5. Always praise your treasure regardless of the result; recognition and love are important in this difficult task. Even if the cleaning process caused a lot of trouble, say that you are proud of your baby, that he is doing everything correctly, but at the same time, suggest how to make some operations much easier and better.

By following these simple rules, you can very quickly teach your child to maintain order and put the toys back in their place after each game. Over time, difficulties may arise, but you should not give up and succumb to whims, your task is to achieve your goal, so no amount of tears or persuasion can force you to start cleaning on your own without your baby. By getting over yourself, you can make it clear to your little one that you will have to do the cleaning anyway and the need for whims will disappear by itself.

Clean house and adolescence!

Every parent was once a child and in most cases did not particularly like cleaning the house, and if even the younger ones need to be tidied up, which is generally not pleasant, it is on this basis that disagreements with the younger generation begin in many families. Many teenagers, due to the influence of their peers, try to show their rebellious character and show disobedience to home regulations, but parents must be wise and pick up the keys to their growing child.

Of course, teaching children at 14-15 years old to be clean is quite difficult, because this should have been done much earlier, but you can also find your own approach to such kids:

1. Dear parents, remember, you should not turn the process of putting things in order into hard labor, and serving a sentence for some offenses. You just have to explain that the room must be kept clean and every thing has its place. Show your child by example that staying clean has led you to success in life.

2. Do not bribe your child with beautiful things or sweets for fulfilling their duties. If as a teenager you start paying for his services, then you will have a hard time in the future; such a child is unlikely to want to help his parents without receiving anything in return.

3. Remember, a teenager is not a two-year-old toddler, he has his own view of beauty, order and the world around him, so you should immediately agree on the criteria for order in the house. Tell your child that a room is clean if there are no dirty dishes in it, things are always in the closet, there are no unnecessary objects on the floor, and the bed is always cleared of bedding. Do not forget to invade his personal space will be a big mistake; it is important to maintain a thread of mutual respect at any age.

When planning the birth of a child, we plan his life in advance, create his future in our imagination, we strive to mold him into the personality that we would like to see, but this does not always work out. It is important to remember that even the smallest child has his own tastes, preferences in colors and toys, favorite clothes and toys, and you should not change him to suit yourself. However, we can instill in him a love of order and the world around him, endow him with kindness and mercy, teach him to help elders and take care of little ones. It is important to remember that the formation of personality begins from the very first minutes of birth, and in order for your child to be with you in difficult times in old age, you need to invest love in him every second of his life.

Children often amusingly copy the actions of adults, trying to wipe the dust with their mother's hat or wash the floor with their grandmother's robe. Meanwhile, these are the first steps towards organizing the space around you. And why do parents still start sounding the alarm after a couple of years: they say, the child doesn’t know what order is? Probably, during the period of desperate management of the baby, mom and dad made serious mistakes by not teaching him to order correctly.

Characteristics of the problem

Every parent dreams that their child will grow up to be a responsible and successful person. And this depends not only on hard work and talent, but also on many other character traits. By instilling discipline in your child and teaching him order, you will help him:

  • to develop correctly - scientists have proven that the development of thinking depends, among other things, on how ordered the elements of the environment are, and if a child grows up in chaos, then he will intellectually lag behind his peers;
  • learning to plan - it’s good when the child knows for sure that after playing he needs to put away the toys, which means he needs to complete the fort from the construction set some time before going to bed, and not put on the last brick while already in his pajamas;
  • distribute your forces (it is impossible to quickly and efficiently clean the nursery if you had previously played football with the kids in the yard for a couple of hours);
  • become economical - by putting things in their places, the baby can evaluate how much he has of certain items, or understand what he is missing;
  • strengthen the emotional connection with family - nothing unites and unites like joint activities (this is especially important in those families where two or more children are raised: cleaning helps the little ones make even more friends and come to each other’s rescue);
  • learn to work and enjoy the results of your work (only work whose results are visible brings joy; for children, an example of such activities is cleaning: if you put things away, it becomes cleaner thanks to your own work);
  • become a good companion for possible roommates in the future - after all, it is much nicer to have someone living next to you who puts things in their place.

Advice from psychologists: how to teach children to keep order in the house

Be sure to teach your child to help each other when doing this or that work.

Psychologists are convinced: the best way to teach a child to be orderly is to show by example what neatness means.

  • This difficult work needs to begin as early as possible. Already at 1–1.5 years old, the baby will understand that dirty tights, for example, need to be put in the washing machine if the mother showed him this, accompanying her actions with a comment. But then why does a 5-6 year old child, even watching that his parents wash the dishes after themselves, get up from the table, not only leaving dirty dishes behind, but also forgetting to rinse his hands? There are two possible answers: first, the child may imitate someone in the family who does this; secondly, the baby can see something, but no one taught him how to keep order. Hence the conclusion: one example is not enough; children need to be involved in useful activities. To do this, psychologists recommend using several techniques. Let your child organize his things in space himself.
  • Many parents are convinced that a linen closet is not the best place to store transformers or toy elves, but the baby finds it convenient. And if he prefers to put toys there, then compromise, and you can put the laundry in the chest of drawers. Get involved in work.
  • If a mother or grandmother washed the floor in the house, then the child most likely will not be too upset by leaving a stain in the hallway. But if you, armed with a rag, organize a competition to see who can wash their half of the room faster and better, the little one will pay great attention to cleanliness. Call for order only by changing the timbre of your voice and be prepared to repeat the demand several times.
  • It is difficult for children to concentrate on several tasks at the same time, so the child looks for a solution to a particular problem sequentially, and the request to put away toys may simply not be among the priorities at a certain point in time. Learn from experience.

It wouldn’t hurt to ask your parents how they taught you order. Perhaps your child requires the same measures.

Rules to teach your child

It is important that in the process of putting things in order, you communicate with your baby as equals.

  • When you have convinced your child that he must maintain order, it would be appropriate to develop joint rules to maintain this order: Planning. Also create a daily routine and review it every evening. Having made a plan for the baby for the next day (woke up, washed himself, made the bed, had breakfast, and so on), you can together track whether he coped with the tasks or not. If the child has completed everything, then you can reward him (with sweets, a small toy), but you should not do this every time, otherwise the joy from the reward will disappear.

Another way to celebrate success is to give out paper stars as awards. They can even decorate a wall in a nursery.

  • The 20 minute rule. You need to do no more than 20 minutes to complete one stage of cleaning, otherwise there will be no time left for other things. . You can use the method of parallel actions: while the mother washes the dishes, the child puts away the toys.
  • "Here and now". There is no need to put off putting away pencils until the evening when it’s time to put together puzzles, for example. After all, you hardly want to be distracted from a new business.
  • Mutual assistance. An adult and a child must definitely help each other.
  • Unity of command. If dad asks you to put things in the nursery, then mom shouldn’t immediately rush to help or clean everything up for the child. But reminding about daddy’s request is what is needed to jointly discipline the baby.
  • We get rid of the “enemies” that devour time: phones and other gadgets. Set a time limit for using them. This way you will not only keep your child healthy, but also discipline him for other things.
  • Good mood. Any undertaking should be accompanied by a smile and positivity (show this by example).

Interesting ways to discipline your son or daughter

Washing doll clothes teaches you to take care of your clothes.

The best way to get something from a child is to come up with your own useful fun, because no one knows better than parents what is interesting and useful for their son or daughter.

For children 2–5 years old

  • Toy dishes and household appliances. The child must see how this or that device works, and also understand what order is, at least on things that are close to him in size.
  • We build houses for things. Invite your little one to create a garage together where cars can sleep at night. At first he will remove 2–3 cars, and you will remove 10, but soon the situation will change. For this method of organizing space, it is very important that the nursery has functional things: a dollhouse, boxes for construction sets, shelves for books, and so on.
  • Game “What will you do?” Children love to imitate adults, so if you tell your child, “I’ll wash the dishes now, and you can wipe the dust off the cabinet,” he will definitely begin to help with enthusiasm.
  • “Let's sort!” If there are a lot of toys in the house, then collect them in one room, buy a lot of boxes and put an identification mark on each (an inscription or picture that will give an idea of ​​​​the contents). Together with your child, sort all the things and figure out where to put the boxes.
  • "Who is faster?". This technique can be used for any type of cleaning. For example, who will drive cars into a garage box faster, put books in pyramid piles, and so on.

For children from 6 to 9 years old

For children 10–14 years old

At this age stage, games are no longer entirely appropriate. But psychologists recommend not to forget that this is still not quite an adult.

  • "Calm, just calm." Learn to clearly articulate what you want from your child. And if he refuses to put away the disks in his room, just say: “Here is a garbage bag - put away what is no longer used.”
  • Know your limits. It is difficult to force teenagers to do any work, so do not give them a large amount of tasks. Let the child do one thing rather than nothing at all.
  • Don't be sarcastic about your interests. For example, don’t be outraged that your son or daughter listens to “obscure hip-hop” while doing the dishes.

Scientists from the University of Michigan published the results of years of research, which found that boys are more sensitive during adolescence than girls. That is why, in many endeavors, sons require much more support from their parents than daughters.

  • Follow the hostel rules. It’s good if in your family each member has a common property for which he is responsible. For example, a bathroom that a daughter cleans, or a bookcase that a son wipes dust from.
  • "The choice is yours". Teenagers are very sensitive to their personal space and react negatively when parents come into the room to restore “their own order.” Therefore, offer your child a choice: either he cleans up himself, or you do it for him. You should not abuse this technique, otherwise a resourceful child will take advantage of it and put up with your stay in his room in exchange for the opportunity to do nothing.

Typical mistakes of parents

Don't yell at your child if he doesn't succeed. This way you can completely discourage your child from doing any work.

When teaching your child order, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Don't criticize. The little one is unlikely to succeed the first time; you should not focus on failures or compare with other children. Otherwise, you will develop in your child complexes and lack of self-confidence.
  • Don't break it. In your relationship with your baby, it is important to follow the chosen behavior strategy. Therefore, if you have allocated an hour of time every evening to clean the nursery, then this rule should not be broken. Otherwise, irregular performance of duties will make the child an unnecessary person.
  • Don't promise. The principle “Wash the dishes, I’ll buy you a chocolate bar” is unacceptable - do not try to build a commercial relationship with children. So the son or daughter will get used to manipulation. Moreover, children, accustomed to receive rewards for certain actions, do not know how to take initiative: they need to be constantly stimulated and pushed to do any action.
  • Don't overload. You shouldn’t plan cleaning, training, and helping in the garden at the dacha on the same day - physically the child is not ready for such loads. Very often, overwork has a negative impact on mood: with a large volume of assignments, you can provoke a depressive state in your baby.
  • Don't slack off. Quite often, grandmothers and mothers, seeing that the child is tired, rush to put away things or toys in his place. This should not be done under any circumstances: you will end up with your little one being “deadly tired” every time before cleaning.
  • Do not Cry. Screaming is evidence of powerlessness. Children are not familiar with the psychological characteristics of personality manifestations, but they feel that raising the tone of voice is a “white flag”. Having heard a cry, the child will definitely not do anything.

Instilling discipline in a child is not an easy job for adults and requires patience. However, the ability to take care of your things and do other housework is not only a tribute to others and their work, but also a manifestation of oneself as an adult and responsible person, that is, a harmonious person. And this is exactly how every parent wants to see their baby.

Scattered toys quite often become the cause of conflicts between parents and children. But is it worth quarreling over such nonsense? Try to make the cleaning process a pleasant and fun event for the whole family, then the request to remove toys will evoke only pleasant associations in the baby and will not become a burdensome routine. In addition, it is not at all difficult to make the cleaning process a natural habit in the child’s character.

First, a little theory

In the life of every child there is a sensitive period of perception of order. This is the time when the baby manically insists that the closet door be closed, that the toys be folded in a certain order, and that he be put on the pajamas in which he is used to sleeping. This period is quite short - it lasts from about 1.5 to 3 years and appears most intensively at the age of 2.5 to 3.

Two- and three-year-old children feel comfortable finding familiar things in the places where they left them. A perception of the order of the world around is formed in the child’s head - he learns that each object has its own purpose and its place. We eat in the kitchen, sleep in the bedroom, and wash in the bathroom. A closet is needed to store clothes, and a refrigerator is needed to store food. When we go outside, we put on our shoes, and when we go into the house, we take them off. All this knowledge seems natural to us now, but when we were small children, a certain time had to pass for the chaotic world of things to acquire structure and order in the head of each of us. The more familiar and predictable the surrounding reality, the more confidently the child will move to the next stage of his development. Awareness of order gives children a sense of security and gives parents a chance to turn their children's desire for order into a good habit. With toys it’s the same as with the shoes that we leave at the doorstep - they also have their place - on the shelf.

Order in the room.jpg

This is an important rule for organizing children's space. Use convenient shelves, drawers, cabinets to store toys, assign each item its own place - cubes in a box, puzzles on a shelf, pencils in a cup, etc. When the child knows where everything is, the request to “put it back in its place” will become clearer and more meaningful for him.

It is important not to clutter the nursery with too many things. Periodically replace the toys with new ones, remove the old ones, and after some time change them again. Leave only those materials that arouse your child's interest. It is better to put away everything that the baby is not playing with now until better times or completely get rid of it as unnecessary rubbish.

Instill in your child the habit of putting away those toys that he has finished playing with. This is easy to do when your baby invites you to play something with him. You simply say: “I’ll be happy to draw with you, just let’s first put the puzzles in a box and put them back in place.” More often demonstrate compliance with this principle by your example - you took a book to read and returned it back to the shelf.

It is important not to leave your child alone with a mountain of scattered toys. Such a picture would horrify anyone. Say: “Let me help you put everything back in place!” The baby will perceive such a call with much more enthusiasm than an order to remove the toys. Try to completely avoid a commanding tone when communicating with your child; in the long run, this will only lead to rejection of the rules you have come up with.

If your baby ignores your calls to do the cleaning in every possible way, ask other family members to help you, and do not skimp on praise: “Thank you, dad! Help me assemble the construction set. I'm very pleased!".

Taking apart an entire mountain of toys is a difficult task for a child, but performing a few small actions is much easier for him. Therefore, give your child simple, specific instructions: “Collect the cubes,” “Put the box of cubes on the shelf.” Try not to miss the moment when there is no longer a need to be too specific in your actions. Those. The child already knows that putting away the cubes means putting them in a box. Give him the opportunity to assemble everything himself and without prompting. But at the end, be sure to note how hard he tried and how tidy the room is now.

If the baby still does not want to take part in cleaning, then make the tasks even shorter - put a cube in his hands and ask him to put it in a box, then another one, and so on. When the cubes are folded, be sure to say “Hurray! All the cubes are in the box.”

Turn on fun music and collect toys while dancing. Why not? Cleaning up toys can be a fun activity. You can also arrange a competition to see who can collect their share of the toys the fastest.

Do not limit yourself to cliched forms of praise: “Well done! Good!”, add variety to your speech: “I see that you tried very hard,” “You must have worked hard to arrange everything so neatly.” Note specific points: “Oh! And you collected the cubes in the box and even all the beads from the floor.” Such words are more valuable for the baby, as he understands that you really care about the efforts he has expended.

Greetings, my dear readers! We learn some things in childhood, and acquire some things with age. Today I would like to answer a question that clients often ask me: how to teach a child to have order? Advice from a psychologist: at what age is it better to start, what will help with small children and how to negotiate with a teenager. Remember, nothing is impossible. And if now your baby throws toys around and doesn’t clean up after himself, then you will easily understand what to do after reading my article.

Everyone has their own order

I would like to start by defining the order. Each family has its own rules, its own routine and regime. Some parents maintain an ideal order in the house, but allow their child to take care of it in the room.

I have another example. One compassionate mother washes the floors herself, cleans, and puts things in her daughter’s room.
It is very important to find the golden mean here. I believe that a child should clean his own room. Not under pressure, not under duress, not out of fear of punishment. Himself, because he understands that it’s time to clean up. This is how independence is developed.

As for the definition of order. One of my friends constantly complains about her husband that he has started a real pigsty in the barn at the dacha. When I came to visit them and went into the notorious barn, I was amazed. Indeed, from the outside it seemed like it was just a dump.

But as soon as the man entered the barn, I immediately realized that he knew perfectly well where he had everything. Which drawer has screws and which has bolts. He's so comfortable. This is the main word of order. A person should be comfortable in his personal space.

Don't try to teach your child to follow your routine. Help him create his own.

Help him understand how he will be comfortable. This is your job as a parent. And not teach your son or daughter to live by your rule of order.

Cleaning, neatness and cleanliness are a completely different conversation. And this is worth teaching, this issue is worth addressing. When can you start teaching your children to be clean?

The earlier the better

You don't have to worry about it for the first two years. In the article “” I describe in detail why in the first two years of a baby’s life you should not focus on pedantic cleanliness. Be sure to read the article if you do not want to interfere with your baby’s exploration of the world and surrounding things with your neatness.

Discipline is not formed in one day. It is impossible to teach a child to clean up the house in a short period of time. This should be a habit-forming process. How can this be achieved?

Use a playful form of communication. When the baby goes to bed, before that you need to put all the little animals that are scattered around the room to bed. After all, you sleep in your own bed, and the baby has a crib, and toys should have a house where they sleep.

After your child has eaten, do not just let him go. Organize a fun dishwashing activity where you can blow soap bubbles, splash a little water, and play with foam. Make a whole sea adventure out of it. Do not use a dishwasher. Teach your child to wash the dishes after themselves.

Pets are very helpful in developing the habit of order. You need to walk the dog and then wash its paws because it jumps on the sofa, for example. You need to clean the litter box after your cat. Small animals, hamsters, chinchillas, etc., also need to clean their cages. Even a parrot needs to be cleaned up.

Calmly and measuredly explain to your child that every thing has its place in the house. And if you take this thing, then after use you need to put it back in its place. Otherwise she may get lost.

Watch his behavior. If he leaves his toy out of place, you can hide it in his absence. The toy is lost. Because she was out of place. Of course, as a result, the child must find it and understand that things need to be put in their place so that similar situations do not arise again.

But don't go too far. You yourself, I’m sure, don’t always remember where you left your keys, phone, or TV remote control.

What result do you want to achieve?

Many parents ask the question - how to teach their child to maintain order. Let me clarify - what do you want to achieve from your child? So that he makes the bed, puts away the dishes, vacuums, and doesn’t get dirty? After all, different goals require the development of different skills.

One of my clients wanted to make a pedantic neat freak out of her son. As a result, after working together for a long time, we came to a less drastic approach.

First of all, understand what you want to achieve from your child.

  • If your goal is order in his room, then re-read the first paragraph and help your baby decide how he will be more comfortable.
  • If your task is to help with cleaning around the house, then instill the habit of helping mom and dad from early childhood.

Many parents themselves do not know what they want from their children and say that they are unkempt, unlucky and dirty. Solve problems as they arise. Don’t immediately try to make your son a perfect example of cleanliness. Start small, gradually move forward.

You can teach your child to have a certain order in the house, but leave it up to him to organize his own room. You can develop neatness by example. Agree, it would be stupid to demand order from your daughter if you yourself have complete bedlam in the room.

Children very quickly and easily adopt the habits of adults. Therefore, if you leave dirty dishes until tomorrow, why will your baby have the desire to wash these same dishes immediately after lunch? Watch yourself carefully. What are you conveying to your children through your behavior?

Do you have constant problems with obedience? Read the article "". Also, you can contact me for help. There are problems that we cannot solve on our own. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

And in order to find an approach specifically to your child, I additionally recommend reading Evgenia Belonoshchenko’s book “ Born with character».

How do you teach your child to be neat and clean? Do you use reward or punishment systems more often? What best motivates your little one to clean?

Patience and more strength to you!