Should the father attend the caesarean? Partner Birth - "My birth with my husband (caesarean section)

I gave birth to my first child without a husband, in splendid isolation. I mean, my husband was, but he was sitting at such a crucial moment at home and waiting for me to inform him about the birth of my son. Then it never occurred to me, having lived in marriage for only a year, to call him for childbirth.

I became pregnant with my second child after a decent amount of time, and from the very beginning of this pregnancy, I really wanted my husband to be with me at the difficult moment of childbirth. However, my husband did not share my idea.

I went in a roundabout way, persuading him to take courses for pregnant women and fathers with me. We were lucky, the courses were taught by a very good and competent teacher. At the end of the course, my husband told me that now he knows everything and will go with me!

We agreed: he will be present only in the first stage of labor - contractions, and in the second period he will come out and go in only when the baby is born.

And everything turned out a little differently.

With the onset of contractions, we immediately arrived at the maternity hospital, they put me in the prenatal room. It was not scary at all, since my beloved was nearby. Of the women in labor, I was alone, so the attention of honey. personnel were not deprived.

While the contractions were bearable, my husband and I just talked, and it was a great distraction from the pain. On examination, the doctor said that the discovery was not bad, and they praised me for my patience. When the contractions grew so much that it became almost impossible to endure, my husband massaged my lower back and encouraged me, so the pain was much easier to bear.

But then everything did not go according to plan. At the next examination, the doctor said that with an almost complete opening, the baby's head was inserted incorrectly, and an urgent caesarean section should be done. My husband was a fine fellow, calmly took everything that was said, and began to help me prepare for the operation. If it were not for my husband, I would probably have had a tantrum, since the operation was my phobia. But seeing the outward calmness of my spouse, I calmed down too.

Anesthesia chose spinal anesthesia, so I was sane throughout the operation. It was very scary, the operation began, I was shaking, I wanted to cry, but then someone took my hand - it was my husband! They let him into the operating room! Throughout the operation, he stood at the head, holding my hand, with him I was calm! When the baby was taken out, together we heard his first cry, together we saw him for the first time. Then the child was taken away to be processed, and he brought it to me to show and attach to the chest - the happy and proud father of the child! The operation ended successfully, I was transferred to the ICU. For half a day, my husband took care of me, brought our baby to feed. He went home for the night.

I remember my birth, and I want to repeat such a wonderful moment, and always with my husband, only with my husband !!!

If you are considering whether to give birth together or not, I will tell you what you should both be ready for:

  • Childbirth is a very unsightly process. A woman does not reveal herself in the best possible way: old torn shirts, constant examinations with the release of blood, mucus, water, urination into the vessel next to the bed, and other "charms". Yes, there may be other women in labor behind the wall, of course, not so patient, but screaming and groaning for the whole maternity hospital.

Conclusion 1: relationships should be long enough and proven so that a woman can relax and fully concentrate on the process of childbirth. And the newly-made husband is unlikely to like such an unusual image of his beloved, who was previously considered ideal.

  • Husbands can interfere with medical staff. The most harmless thing is when they just "get confused" underfoot. But it may also be that a loving husband does not understand why his wife is ill and sick, and the doctors "do nothing", and start a showdown with a raised voice from scratch, thereby distracting the doctor from the process of childbirth. It may be necessary to carry out any emergency measures in which husbands can also lose their heads (manifested either by aggression or fainting), and precious minutes to save the lives of mother and child can be lost.

Conclusion 2: The husband should be calm and balanced. If necessary, be able to "dissolve". And be sure to take childbirth preparation courses with your spouse.

If all the conditions are met, the spouses came prepared, then the help of the father of the child is invaluable for the woman in labor!

So the decision on joint childbirth should be deliberate, well-balanced and, of course, bilateral.

In this article, we will consider the process of a caesarean section operation itself. Which doctors will be in the operating room, what will they do.

We will also analyze how they prepare for a caesarean section, what injections / pills will need to be taken before and after the operation.

Can a close person (husband, mother, girlfriend) be present at the operation, and what is needed for this.

Preparing for a caesarean section

Preparation for the operation will differ, depending on whether the planned caesarean or emergency. You can read more about when what type of operation is performed in the articles and.

If you have a planned caesarean, then, as a rule, you and your doctor have already scheduled the date of the operation (they try to schedule operations in the first half of the day). You can go to the hospital earlier (a few days, for example) if you are calmer under the supervision of doctors. If there are no indications for this, then you can go to the hospital on the eve of the operation. As a rule, the reception begins in the morning. You will have routine blood and urine tests at your appointment. An anesthesiologist will visit you during the day. You will discuss the type of anesthesia and allergy tests may be done. In addition to the anesthesiologist, you will be examined by a doctor (usually the one who will operate). Ask the doctor all the questions that interest you. It can be absolutely any questions:

  • What drugs will be administered to you, for what, for how long.
  • Where and how long will you lie.
  • Where will your husband (or other close person) be during the operation?
  • Where will your child be after the operation?
  • How and where will your belongings be moved while you are being operated on. After all, you are now in the prenatal wards, and after the operation you will be in the intensive care unit.
  • What you need to “hand over” to nurses for a child so that they dress him after childbirth.

In general, ask all questions, and do not hesitate to seek an answer.

Note. I watched the dialogue of a pregnant woman with a doctor, immediately before the cesarean, and to all her questions, he answered her: there is no need to worry. For example, she asked who would take her things from the ward and where they would take them. Instead of answering, the doctor reassured her. Not a very nice picture, to be honest. When the doctor left, and the woman remained, calm, but without answers, my roommate and I answered her everything. For example, she was interested in the simple question of where to put underwear (panties and a bra), which she would remove before the operation and put on a hospital gown. The doctor never said anything to her about it. Until we told her to put everything in a bag (underwear, phone, change of money, etc.), and give it to the nurse, she sat in complete confusion.

The night before your surgery, the nurse will shave your groin and give you an enema.

Try to sleep as much as possible, you will need strength. If you are worried and cannot, then you can ask for something soothing.

If you have an emergency cesarean, then the same thing will happen, only very quickly. That is, there will be no long conversations, the stomach, most likely, will be cleaned with a probe. Everything will depend on how much time you have.

Note. For example, I had a scheduled cesarean, but it turned out to be an emergency, exactly a week before the deadline (I was already in the hospital), the waters began to break at night. There were no contractions, one hour passed from the moment I woke up and felt that “something was wrong” until the birth of the child. During this hour, they examined me, did an enema, cleaned my stomach with a probe, shaved my groin. During the same time, my husband arrived at the maternity hospital, with children's things and my things "for after childbirth."

Either on the eve of the operation, or before it, you will take a written consent to the operation.

Right before the operation, you are in a room next to the operating room. You change into a disposable hospital gown (it is made of some kind of interlining), your hair will be removed under a hospital cap. You go to the operation in this shirt, without underwear, and in general, preferably without anything.

Note. Just in case, I took off the rings before the operation and gave them to my husband. And then he gave them to me later, in intensive care. During the period of general anesthesia, the body can be so relaxed that the rings can simply fall off the fingers.

What will be needed immediately after the operation

It is better to collect everything that you will need immediately after the operation in a separate small package. So that later the nurse does not look for the right thing for all your things. For example, money, phone, charging, water - this is what everyone needs, as a rule. What I suggest to add:

If everything you need is in one package, then it will be placed next to you and you can take everything you need.

You should already have personal hygiene products with you to the maternity hospital, since you are going there for almost a week. If you have not had time to purchase them during pregnancy, you can choose and buy in Mom's Store:

Your belongings (usually in plastic bags) will be placed next to your bed in the intensive care unit.

When everything is ready, you are laid down on the operating site (something similar to the unfolded chair at the dentist). The nurse will clean your stomach with a sterilizing solution.

Note. In the maternity hospital where I gave birth, they treated me with an iodine solution, and from my stomach, almost to my knees, I was pleasantly tanned.

Your legs and arms will then be held in place with grips, and a catheter will be placed in your vein to give you medication. A catheter will also be placed in the ureter to drain urine. This is unpleasant, but very fast, a few seconds.

If you have local anesthesia, then your husband may be next to you. The place of operation itself will be covered with a screen. If you have general anesthesia, then your husband will be in the ward nearby, and the child will be handed over to him after birth.

Which doctors will be at the caesarean section

There will be enough doctors in the operating room. As a rule, the "team" of doctors for a caesarean section consists of:

  • Two surgeons;
  • anesthesiologist,
  • Anesthesiologist assistant (anesthetist nurse);
  • operating room nurse;
  • Nurses (and sometimes a doctor for a child).

Read more about anesthesia in the section.

The progress of the caesarean section

After the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon begins to work. The necessary cuts are made, more details about the types of cuts are described in detail in the article. Large blood vessels cut during incisions are either cauterized or cut. When access to the uterus is open, the doctor sucks out the amniotic fluid and removes the baby. If you are conscious, then the child is quickly shown to you and handed over to the nurse. The nurse (or nurse and doctor) will provide the primary care and procedures.

  • Cleans baby's nose and mouth to remove fluid and mucus
  • Examine the child
  • Perform an Apgar score
  • If necessary, the child will receive medical assistance.

If you are under general anesthesia and your husband is present at the birth, the child will be handed over to him after a medical examination. The child will be with him until you are sewn up.

In terms of time, from the beginning of the operation to the extraction of the child takes about 5-8 minutes.

After removing the baby, the doctor manually removes the placenta. Then he checks the uterus and starts stitching. The uterus and abdominal wall are sutured with a self-absorbable thread. In modern conditions, the skin is also sutured with a self-absorbable thread (less often with an insoluble thread, clips or brackets). The sewing process usually takes 40-50 minutes. At the end, you will be given a drug to reduce the uterus.

After caesarean section

If you had, then around this time (40 minutes to an hour after the start of the operation) you may begin to feel chills and nausea. These symptoms, as a side effect of local anesthesia, occur very often. As a rule, they should subside within an hour, and then completely disappear. You can ask for a drug that will relieve you of these side effects, but "in return" you will be sleepy and lethargic. And then the joy of the first date with a child can pass you by. Just in these first hours, the child is calm, and you and your husband can hold him, and you can feed him.

If you had, then you will come to your senses in about 1-1.5 hours after the operation. If your husband was with you during childbirth, he will be allowed to see you in the recovery room (for a few minutes). He will tell you that everything is in order with your child, because he has already seen him.

You will spend the day after the operation in the resuscitation ward (postoperative ward, intensive care ward). Doctors will be watching you. They will measure the pressure, look at the condition of the seam, watch the expiration of lochia (postpartum discharge). As a rule, at least two painkillers are given (during the day), further at the request of the woman (up to 2-3 days). Also (along with a painkiller) they inject a drug to reduce the uterus.

Note. The drug for uterine contraction causes these same contractions, immediately after the operation it is very painful, so it is injected along with painkillers. You may feel that the first 15 minutes after the injection you become more painful. Do not worry, the pain will pass within 15-30 minutes, the painkiller will work and you will feel better.

While you are in the intensive care unit, doctors are watching your child. They control breathing, general condition, temperature, and so on. Your child is brought to you for feeding several times a day (while you are still not getting up).

A day later (approximately, depending on the time of the operation and your condition), you and the baby will be transferred to the postpartum unit.

What is pricked and what drugs are given before and after cesarean section

Consider what drugs, in addition to anesthesia, are administered to a woman before and after surgery.

  1. Antibiotic prophylaxis is carried out for all women 15-60 minutes before the incision on the skin, administered intravenously.
  2. Sanitation (therapeutic and prophylactic rehabilitation) of the vagina is carried out with povidone-iodine immediately before the CS, to reduce the risk of postoperative endometritis, in particular for women who undergo CS after rupture of the membranes.
  3. Antiemetic drugs are administered to reduce the manifestations of nausea and vomiting (more often with local anesthesia).
  4. In order to prevent thromboembolism, elastic bandaging of the lower extremities can be performed. If necessary, LMWHs (low molecular weight heparins) may be prescribed. The early postoperative activity of women is also welcomed.
  5. To prevent a decrease in blood pressure, crystalloids are administered in a dropper.
  6. Adequate anesthesia is carried out in the postoperative period.

To achieve a good uterine contraction and reduce blood loss, oxytocin is administered after the baby is born.

Mom's Store has for healing and tissue repair after caesarean section.
Note. Return of food and cosmetics is possible only if the packaging is intact.

Can the husband (or someone else) be present at the caesarean section?

In most cases, the husband may be present at the birth, or someone else (mother, girlfriend, etc.). First, let's talk about whether such a presence is necessary. After all, this is not, but an operation. Our common opinion is that such a presence is important and necessary. Let me explain what we are based on.

  1. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia. Then you will see the child only a few hours (2-3) after the operation. Your baby spends this time in the children's department of the maternity hospital. If the father is present at the birth, then after the child is removed and all procedures needed after birth (more details can be found in the article), the child will be handed over to the father. As a rule, dad is in the room next to the operating room. The baby is brought and placed on the father's chest. Both of them are covered with a warm diaper.

Note for dad. In order for the child not to confuse your breasts with your mother's, the doctor will pre-glue your nipples with a band-aid.

In this state, dad and baby spend an average of about 40 minutes while doctors sew up mom. Dad can get up and carry the baby, in general, they get to know each other. This procedure is useful not only psychologically. With psychology, everything is more or less clear, this has already been said everywhere. A father who takes a child in his arms immediately after birth is easier to adapt to his role, and so on. There is also a purely medical important and useful point in this. E. Komarovsky mentioned this. The child should, if possible, "populate" with mother's or father's bacteria and microorganisms as soon as possible after childbirth. Because during a caesarean section, the child does not pass through the birth canal and is not “inhabited” by mother’s bacteria, and is born “sterile”. If immediately after the birth, the mother cannot take the child, then let the father take it, this is no worse.

  1. If the operation was performed under local anesthesia (epidural or spinal anesthesia), then the doctors still need time to sew everything up. These are the same 40 minutes, on average. At this time, dad can hold the child, and this will only benefit. And the baby will be handed over to you, when everything is sewn up, for the first attachment to the breast. In some maternity hospitals, the baby is simply shown to the mother, and the attachment occurs later, after a few hours.
  2. We do not insist on this factor, but there is an opinion that doctors “behave” more correctly when there is someone present. This, by the way, is confirmed by many interviewed doctors. This is not about the fact that the person present can somehow control the course of the operation, because, as a rule, he is not a doctor. But the very fact of presence has a positive effect on the operation.

In general, in our opinion, the presence of a loved one at a caesarean section is useful and desirable.

Let us analyze in more detail what determines whether it will be possible to organize such a presence, and what factors influence here.

  1. The choice of a maternity hospital where joint births are practiced is important. If there is no such practice in the maternity hospital (this is now a rarity, but everything can happen), then they will not make an exception for you personally either. Therefore, be careful about.
  2. The one who will be present at the birth must have the necessary certificates. As a rule, this is a fluorography, and the result of sowing on staphylococcus aureus. Different hospitals may have different requirements, it is better to take care of this in advance. Of course, this person must be healthy (no colds, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.).

3. If the caesarean section is emergency, then doctors may prohibit the presence of someone (depending on the severity of the indications).

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I am very pleased with my birth at the maternity hospital at the Central Clinical Hospital of Novosibirsk, although everything turned out not at all as I expected. My husband and I planned a joint birth and prepared for it for a long time. Our wish was only half fulfilled - as far as the emergency caesarean allowed...

And the birth of our child was a surprise. Of course, the appearance itself did not surprise anyone, but until the very birth we did not know who would be born: a boy or a girl! Throughout my pregnancy, I was accompanied by an unshakable confidence that I was expecting a boy. Confidence was reinforced by the statement of the doctor who performed the ultrasound at 18 weeks: "Classic kid!" The child was named Innokenty and, long before the appearance, was provided with blue undershirts, overalls, etc. Imagine our amazement when, at the 35th week, another ultrasound doctor confidently said the exact opposite. In general, completely bewildered, for the last month and a half we called the baby no longer Kesha, but simply "child", and we were waiting for him not only with impatience, but also with intense interest.

The behavior of the child was least of all like a girl's. Having stirred at about the 14th week, the child soon developed incredible activity: he loved to engage in rhythmic jumps for several minutes in a row, learned to tickle his mother from the inside, making her jump in surprise; in recent months, my uterus has become for the baby something like a punching bag - with the difference that this pear was beaten from the inside. From my liver, the child made a simulator for her small, but oh, what hard heels. At the 9th month, these sensations were supplemented by unbearable skin itching. I really wanted to give birth, if only to stop itching.

Personal experience

Comment on the article "Childbirth with a husband ... And a cesarean"

After your story, I left the impression that it’s better not to get into this maternity hospital: you were given some kind of terrible anesthesia, you couldn’t find anyone at night, a contract doctor - but at the same time, after CTG, and even bad, you yourself run around looking for doctors. Thank God that everything went well with the baby and with you.

30.12.2009 11:53:36,

Total 2 messages .

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The birth of a baby is always a long-awaited happiness for parents, and more and more men are trying to be close to their wife at the most crucial moment. Many women are often interested in whether partner delivery is possible with caesarean section, because surgical intervention does not allow the appearance of an outsider in the operating room. The opinion of doctors on this matter is ambiguous - some experts believe that it is better for a man to be close to his wife, but most doctors are sure that the presence of a husband at a caesarean section will only hurt.

Can the husband or someone else be present at the caesarean section?

The answers of doctors to the question of whether it is possible for a husband to be present at a caesarean section differ sharply. At the birth of a child, the cavity is excised, so one of the main conditions for surgical intervention is sterility in the room. Until recently, outsiders were not allowed into the ward where abdominal surgery is performed.

Not so long ago, everything changed - some clinics began to practice partner caesarean section. A prerequisite is the conduct of special studies, consultations with a psychologist. Permission is given by the head physician only after he is sure that the spouse will adequately endure such a test.

What you need to know

When planning a partner birth with a caesarean section, both spouses should prepare for surgery. There are special trainings for couples, where they teach behavior during childbirth, explain the features of the process, and conduct mental preparation.

Before the surgery itself, the husband is invited to visit a psychologist. You should not hide your fears or fear - it is better to tell the specialist everything in detail. The doctor will help to understand the sensations and make a firm decision about whether the man is fully ready for a difficult test. It often happens that before the birth itself, the representatives of the stronger sex refuse to be present at the operation.

The husband should also carefully understand the features of caring for the baby and the woman in labor. It is on the shoulders of the spouse at first that the responsibility for the health and well-being of the dearest people will fall.

It often happens that you have to do an emergency caesarean, while partner births are strictly prohibited. A man is allowed to be outside the window of the ward, to be the first to see the baby, even to hold it in his arms, but only on condition that the child was born healthy, without pathologies.

Do you want your husband to support you during the operation?


What will be needed immediately after the operation

If a caesarean is performed with a husband, a special training, which explains how to care for a child or a woman, usually a man passes in advance. The spouse is forbidden to lift the baby - this will affect the state of the seam. That is why the husband will have to take care of the child on his own.

The woman in labor also needs care - for some time she is forbidden to rise. The duties of the spouse include feeding the wife, helping with physiological needs.

Which doctors will be at the caesarean section

The participation of the spouse does not affect the composition of specialists during the operation.

If a woman has no special pathologies, the ward contains:

  • surgeon;
  • anesthetist;
  • obstetrician;
  • assistants.

If a woman in labor has some complications, there may be other specialists at the operation.

Having found out whether it is possible for the husband to be present at the caesarean section, and having received the consent of the head physician, the spouse should learn some rules that will have to be followed.

Among them:

  • keep calm, especially during fights - it is at this moment that the spouse needs his support;
  • constantly communicate with his wife, distract her from the process;
  • try not to panic.

After the birth of the baby, if everything went well, the man can hold him in his arms, which, according to experts, creates an incredibly strong bond between parent and baby.

Operation progress

What features can be noted if partner births are carried out during caesarean section, how are the main stages, are there any points that require special attention of the spouses?

Surgical intervention occurs according to the usual scheme:

  1. The woman in labor is injected with an anesthetic composition.
  2. Assistants put up a special screen that does not allow the woman and her husband to observe the process of the operation.
  3. The husband remains near the head of his wife, it is allowed to hold her hand, stroke her head.
  4. An excision of the abdominal cavity is made.
  5. The surgeon takes out the baby, passes it to the assistants.
  6. The incision is sutured.

The last stage of surgical intervention is the treatment of the incision with antiseptics.

After operation

If there are no complications, after a while the woman in labor is transported to the ward. The husband is allowed to be nearby all the time, but only if this was agreed in advance with the doctors.