Chief Accountant's Day April 21, funny greeting cards. Glavbukha Day (Chief Accountant Day) in Russia

From excitement, delight
It's breathtaking -
Today is Accountant's Day.
Congratulations, chief accountant!

We wish you debit, credit
It's always correct to count
Live positively all the time
Never lose heart!

Let it be in the family and at work
Everything will be great for you.
Do not be sick! Love and happiness!
You are an amazing accountant!

Happy Chief Accountant Day
I congratulate you
Queen of numbers
I wish you happiness.

I wish there were no problems
At work you didn’t know
So that between reports
You managed to live.

The debit matched the credit,
The balance was positive
Be proud that we are the main
Your accountant.

Congratulations on the Day of the Chief Accountant and I would like to wish you not to experience fatigue and hassle, to successfully complete tasks and carry out reports bravely, to manage a responsible accounting process and achieve high results, to never lose skill and professionalism, to believe in your strength and not to lose your happiness.

Happy Chief Accountant's Day
Congratulations to the Chief Accountant,
His work is so important
And everyone knows this
We wish him joy,
Let him live without grief,
Let your health be strong,
And there will be a sea of ​​happiness!

Chief Accountant,
Congratulations to you.
Happiness, health,
We wish you.

So that everything works out
Always with you.
Let the calculations be accurate,
There will always be.

Today we congratulate
Chief accountant.
You are a difficult person
Of an important nature.

On your holiday we wish that
All the reports agreed.
To bring joy
Working with numbers.

To always be in the black
Only the balance is your personal.
And payment for work -
Meaningful, excellent.

Happy Accountant's Day
I want to congratulate you
Not simple, but most important,
I am not silent about this.

Let the team love it
The management respects
For every corporate event
He invites everyone first.

Everything fits together for you,
It was always in order
Every hour was happy
The bills crunched in the wallet.

Our chief accountant is a holy man.
Paper and numbers do not tolerate mistakes.
Everything is clear and precise, everything is calculated,
And, no matter what happens, you have everything at your fingertips.

We wish you health and happiness on your day,
Don't let the documentation let you down.
Always let everything come together, as if according to notes,
So that work always brings joy.

The work will be full of openwork,
Perfect order and glamour,
Let the shortcomings be corrected,
And let all the reports come together easily,
Reports are only a small part
All the accountant's affairs, he only dreams of peace,
So let his superiors respect him,
And he raises his salary on time.

Our chief accountant is our soul and heart.
Crazy team
Working with you gives us
Just a lot of positive things.

Stacks of urgent documents
Manages to sign
Bring out the balance and the joke,
By the way, tell me.

Today we congratulate you,
We wish you to smile often,
And everyone is in a cheerful mood
Occasions of life remain!

Happy Chief Accountant Day from the bottom of my heart
I send you congratulations!
In the brilliance of happiness and love
Let every moment shine.

Let the balance in all accounts
Complied with, of course.
Let success await you in everything,
Let life be serene.

Chief Accountant Day or Chief Accountant Day- a holiday celebrated in Russia April 21. It is a professional holiday for accountants.

The holiday was organized by the editors of the magazine “Glavbukh”. The main purpose of this holiday is to remind us of the importance, value and indispensability of employees such as accountants. Management and employees of companies, organizations, firms, and so on, must always remember who manages financial flows. Accounting performs extremely important and very complex work. All accounting personnel are led by the chief accountant or Chief Accountant, who can safely be called a real Financial King. The holiday of April 21 is dedicated to the leaders of this difficult activity of any organization.

The date for celebrating Chief Accountant's Day was chosen for two reasons. Firstly, it was on April 21, 1994 that the first issue of the professional magazine “Glavbukh” was published. Secondly, at the end of April, before, the time comes when the accountant can relax a little and have a small or big holiday. If you have relatives, friends or acquaintances who are Chief Accountants, then do not forget to congratulate them on the holiday, which will come in the very near future - April 21.

Here you can find a collection of greeting pictures and cards. With such pictures, your congratulations, for example, on social networks or other Internet services, will be even more beautiful and noticeable. A good way to please those who are dear to you, to whom you want to please and with whom you want to share this wonderful professional holiday.

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Congratulations on Chief Accountant's Day pictures

This holiday is intended for all those who work hard and are especially seasoned in the battles of balancing accounting records and preparing financial statements. This significant date is highlighted for chief accountants, since their positions are more responsible and labor-intensive compared to other specialists in this area.

Celebration is necessary so that these specialists feel the significance of their hard work and hear words of sincere gratitude from management, subordinates and employees.


Throughout the existence of the entire civilized world, specialists in counting numbers (monetary calculations) have always been needed. Even in ancient times, records were kept of domestic animals, crops, and household items. Special clay tablets were used for reports.

Trade and industry developed. Money appeared. All this led to the emergence of new concepts, systems, accounting and control methods. Accordingly, the specialty of an accountant has become very popular. This term began to be used in Rus' during the reign of Peter the Great.

This profession requires special perseverance and accuracy from a person’s personality. Not everyone will be able to take responsibility not only for material assets, but also for the possession of confidential information. Only those who spare no effort and time, are meticulous in their work and are stress-resistant can try to become a chief accountant.

This day became a holiday on the initiative of the editors of the specialized magazine “Glavbukh”, which is in demand in narrow circles.

When proposing this particular date, the organizers cited two important (in their opinion) factors that influenced the choice:

  • the opportunity to relax a little before the upcoming May holidays;
  • on this day the first copy of the magazine was published (in 1994) and went on sale.


Traditionally, the magazine's editors and its employees present their readers with souvenirs, creative gifts, and comic surprises. Many pleasant words and congratulations can be read on its pages in honor of those on whom the growth of production profits, the success of activities, and the image of firms and companies depend.

Leaders of cities and regions at their level hold festive corporate parties where famous artists are invited. At team meetings, financial workers are recognized and singled out. Chief accountants are awarded certificates and cash bonuses.

Few specialists can boast of the existence of a periodical with the same name as their profession. But chief accountants are not one of them. The Glavbukh magazine, the first issue of which was published on April 21, 1994, is the flagship in covering taxation and accounting. The publication enjoys authority among economists, is an assistant in the routine work of accountants, and the solemn date of Chief Accountant Day in Russia was chosen in its honor.

The organizers of the holiday call for gratitude for the hard work of the chief accountants. After all, the type of activity of these specialists is really not simple. There are sociological data according to which the profession of accountants in general and chief accountants in particular is placed on a par with pilots, law enforcement officers and firefighters in terms of danger. Although economists do not have to contend with the elements, open criminal behavior, or withstand great physical stress, their field of work and big money attracts adventurers, swindlers and robbers. And it is accountants, sadly enough, who are most often accused without reason of forgery, theft and participation in fraudulent schemes.

With all this, the bulk of the chief accountants are ladies. According to statistics, over 80% of chief accountants are women. They accept all the dangers of the profession, are collected, methodical, responsible, attentive, organized and precise. It is for these qualities that workers in such a difficult field should be thanked on Chief Accountant Day.

Among the famous people who became famous in other fields of activity, there are those who began working as accountants and clerks. The name of Karl Marx in this regard is not surprising; he was a famous economist. But Herbert Wells, O. Henry and Mikhail Zoshchenko are not perceived as anything other than accomplished writers. However, their biography contains episodes of making a living in the field of accounting.

The profession is ancient. The need to take into account the movement of material assets, be it a coin, a head of livestock or a bag of grain, arose along with natural exchange. The amount of resources was recorded according to time - on clay tablets, birch bark, paper.

With the development of civilizations, the science of accounting also developed. The most significant contribution to the development of accounting is considered to be the contribution of Venetian merchants, who introduced the rule of double entry in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This method turned out to be so successful that it is still used today, having undergone significant improvements, but remaining fundamentally the same. The well-known mathematician Luca Pacioli streamlined the double accounting system, structured it and thereby facilitated the work of economists of his time. It's a rare accountant who doesn't know this name.

There are not many who have not heard the song of the group “Combination”, which tells about an accountant as a simple bookkeeper and not a prestigious employee. The days in which this respected profession was emasculated are over. Now the chief accountant is a valuable employee, the right hand of the general director, the owner of confidential information and a decently paid specialist.

In Russia it is customary to celebrate a professional holiday - Accountant's Day. It is dedicated to all specialists whose activities are related to calculations and reporting. Therefore, employees of related professions are often classified as accountants. Let's find out what accompanies this significant day.

Origin story

Since tracking changes in legislation, keeping records and preparing reports is not an easy task, it was decided to introduce a new professional holiday. It is especially important for employees who have worked in the organization for a long time. What day is Accountant's Day?, today almost everyone knows. But how did he appear?

The emergence of a significant date was associated with the publication of a new law on accounting. The day of the official signing of this legislative act by Boris Yeltsin in 1996 has traditionally become significant in Russia.

Later, at a meeting of the executive committee in 2000, the issue of legitimizing this event was discussed. It was decided to apply to the Ministry of Finance to establish a professional holiday.

The event was successful, but there is one caveat: it is impossible to set a specific day for an accountant for all regions of Russia. The reason is that the mentioned normative act was adopted in different regions at different times. For this reason, the date of celebration is different. But experts must know the number exactly. Let's look at this issue in detail.

How to celebrate and what can be given as a gift

The holiday - Accountant's Day - is usually celebrated among colleagues, relatives or friends. Much depends on the tradition of the company. You can organize a celebration right in the office at the end of the working day or get everyone together. For example, in a cafe or outdoors.

Since the majority of representatives of this profession are women, you can give flowers, sweets, and cards on this day. Male accountants are given souvenirs, diaries, and leisure accessories.

The main task for everyone is to be able to create a friendly atmosphere and prepare beautiful congratulations.

When Accountant's Day in 2019 in Russia

Most Russian specialists celebrate this holiday on November 21. Although the date has not been set at the federal level. It overlaps with another professional holiday - Tax Authority Employee's Day. Since the activities of both areas are interconnected and have much in common, joint celebration is possible.

What date is accountant's day? In different cities

In Moscow and St. Petersburg it is customary to celebrate the holiday on November 16 and 15, respectively. In other regions, the date may be completely different. The table provides detailed information:

What date is an accountant's day in Ukraine?

According to Presidential Decree No. 662, adopted in 2004 and signed by L. Kuchma, the holiday is officially celebrated on July 16. In 2016, this event took place on Saturday. In Ukraine, it is celebrated by teachers, students, and university graduates. Auditors, tax specialists, and economists also join.

When is it celebrated? Chief Accountants Day

The financial well-being of an enterprise and error-free reporting to the tax authorities are tasks that cannot be solved successfully without outside intervention. These processes must be diligently monitored by chief accountants, resolving many issues on a daily basis.

Thus, the editors of one of the popular accounting publications decided to remind others of the importance of these specialists. And therefore she initiated a professional holiday - Chief Accountant Day. It is customary to celebrate it on April 21st.

The choice of date is not random. It is jokingly said that ordinary people measure the time of year by seasons, while accountants measure them by quarters. Indeed: the end of April is the end of reporting and an opportunity to relax before the May weekend. A long vacation is a great motivation for employees!!!

The second reason why April 21st became a significant date is the publication of the first issue of this magazine. The organizers hope that over time the holiday will receive official status in Russia.

International Accountants Day

There is another holiday that you need to know about - International Accounting Day. It is celebrated annually on November 10 by all specialists related to accounting and reporting.

Residents of Russia do not have an officially approved date, so some arrange a feast on the 10th, others prefer to wait until November 21st.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the appearance in 1494 in Venice of the first book containing information that became the basis for the development of accounting regulations. The author and “father of accounting” was recognized as the Italian mathematician Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (Luca Bartolomeo Pacioli). It described the features of accounting in Venice. The book was published on November 10, 1494, so that date was chosen for the international celebration.

Where to get funny congratulations and cards on Accountant's Day

The purpose of the solemn event is to increase the prestige of the profession, to express gratitude and importance of work, which is of great importance for the economic development of the country. Colleagues give each other gifts, postcards, and take photographs as souvenirs. But at the holiday there must be beautiful toasts and wishes.

Don't know where to get it funny congratulations on accountant's day? We will help you solve this problem! First of all, decide on the form of congratulations.


Do you want to find a greeting that is suitable for people with a sense of humor? Then you should visit An example is shown below:


Cool SMS greetings are available on the “Privet People” website. Among them are those addressed to a colleague or friend. You will find funny ones, with good wishes, and with an assessment of professional abilities. Here are some of them:


pretty Happy Accountant's Day card is able to give pleasant emotions and a good mood, because every person is pleased when they are given a little attention. Financial professionals are no exception. We advise you to look at the postcard on the following sites:

  • – there are animated cards with humor and interesting congratulations;

  • – you can find here interesting musical [cards for Accountant’s Day] with flash videos that will pleasantly surprise a colleague;
  • – the user is offered a wide selection of GIF images that can be easily inserted into a forum, blog or social network.

A large selection of postcards can be found in the “Pictures” section after entering the appropriate query in search engines. For example, Yandex or Google.
Cool Happy Accountant's Day pictures You can download, for example, on the website, or Here is an example of one of them:


Not a single festive feast is complete without good congratulatory words, but it’s quite difficult to come up with them yourself. You can view ready-made options for short or long toasts on the following websites:

  • tosti-i-pozdravleniya.smeha;

Examples of some of them are presented below.


A great addition to Happy Accountant's Day card there will be beautiful prose, spoken sincerely. Do you prefer to congratulate a colleague in this way? Then we recommend visiting, where you will find kind words for professional colleagues.

Other forms of congratulations

You can order a song to your phone. Then the recipient will receive a call with the selected greeting. This can be done, for example, on the “Congratulate” or “Fosik” website.

If you have vocal abilities, you can personally perform a song with Accountant's Day, written to the tune of modern musical compositions. Such a gift is original and undoubtedly pleasant. There are text options for songs, for example, on the website If you want to perform a cool ditty, will help you.

The work of accountants requires care and extreme precision. It affects the success of the organization, so colleagues should appreciate the work of such an employee and prepare the best congratulations on Accountant's Day. We hope our recommendations will definitely help!