The purpose of household chores is to erase dolls' dresses. Household work.docx - Household work "Washing doll linen" Senior group

Doll laundry


  1. Improve doll care skills;
  2. To consolidate labor skills in working with water (washing clothes);
  3. Learn to work together, follow the rules and sequence of washing;
  4. To cultivate interest and responsible attitude to work;
  5. To develop control and mutual assistance in joint activities;
  6. Develop a habit of cleanliness and order;
  7. To accustom the started business to bring to the end;

Materials for the lesson:

  1. Basins
  2. Soap
  3. aprons
  4. Oilcloth
  5. Floor dryer
  6. Clothespins

Lesson progress:

Guys! I think someone is crying? You hear? It's our dolls that burst into tears ... Look at how uncombed they are, in dirty dresses. Need to do something? How to help them?

(children's answers)

Correctly it is necessary to change the dolls into clean clothes, and wash the dirty ones.

Children dress the dolls in clean dresses, put dirty linen in a basin and tie beautiful bows for the dolls. I propose to plant our beauties closer, so that they look at how we work.

Now, when our dolls are happy and smart, we will wash their dirty clothes. What do we need for this?

Properly you need to prepare yourself and prepare the workplace.

Children prepare a workplace, lay an oilcloth, pour water into basins, put on aprons, wrap their sleeves. I help and ask why we need this or that thing, what is its need. I suggest helping each other.

Before you start washing, look at the water, it is transparent. What does she feel like? What else can you say about her?

(children's answers)

That's right, the water is both warm and clean. If we do not shake our hand much, then bubbles will appear, but they will disappear very quickly. Now let's get to the laundry. What do we do first?

(children's answers)

Right! First of all, we sort the laundry:

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily.

Choose what you want

Do you wash your clothes now?

Will you wash colors?

Then white is mine!

I help the children sort the linen, show them how to stand comfortably by the basins so as not to disturb their neighbor. Please show me how to wash by hand, how to properly lather clothes. I make sure that the children do not lag behind each other, that the washed white linen is folded separately from the colored ones.

That's how good fellows we are, how we work together!

Soap foaming in water

We are not used to being lazy!

Look, baby

Clean linen - a mountain!

Let's look at the water now, what do you say?

(children's answers)

Indeed, the water is both muddy and dirty, and has cooled down to everything else. Foaming for that, because what has become? Soapy. If you shake it, the bubbles float for a long time. Try it.

And what are we going to do with linen now and why?

(children's answers)

That's right, you need to change the water, and rinse the laundry thoroughly to wash off the soap.

I remind you that the laundry should be rinsed in the same way, starting with white. I help children, explain how to act. I give advice on how to wring out correctly so that the water flows into the basin, and not into the sleeves.

Washed things together

Now they need to be hung.

We've been working, we're tired

We are already big!

We straighten, shake and hang clean linen to dry, and so that it does not fall, how can we pinch it?

Here are the toothy cheats,

Grabbed the linen deftly

Hold tight, don't bite

But they don't let go. ( Clothespins)

That's how good it is, look how much clean linen is hanging, and now let's not forget to clean up our workplace and clean up after ourselves.

Ah yes, well done, each of us worked a little, and together we did a great job. And our dolls are now so happy that they have a lot of clean clothes to change. But first, what needs to be done with the dried laundry?

(children's answers)

Everything is correct - remove, iron, fold neatly.

Then I invite the children to play the game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Children hold hands and stand in a circle. A child enters the center of the circle, all the rest go in a circle and say:

What are you doing, we don't know

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates the action (washes, irons, squeezes, rinses, folds, etc.)

Children guess the action, the game is repeated.

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Irkutsk region

"Angara Pedagogical College"


Direct educational activities

for household work

In the middle group

Topic: "Washing doll linen."

Compiled by: listener

Yuschak Tatyana Vladislavovna

Group 2-2015

specialty 44.02.01 "Preschool education"

Head: Kozlova T.N.




Program content:

1. learn to work together in a certain sequence:

A) sort the linen into colored and white;

B) thoroughly soap the linen and rub between the hands;

C) rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

2. to form the skills of working with water (washing clothes).

3. cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

4. to complete the work begun.

Equipment and decoration:

Oilcloth, basins, buckets, soap dish, rope, cloth, aprons, clothespins.

GCD progress (classes):

  1. Introductory part:

Guys, I want to give you riddles.

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without which we will say directly

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without ... (water)

Slipping away like a living thing

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

And don't be lazy to wash. (Soap).

They go for water -

They sing loud songs,

And they go back -

Tears are pouring. (buckets)

Here are the toothy cheats.

Grabbed the linen deftly.

Hold tight, don't bite.

But they never let go.

What is it, guess

Guessed? Answer! (Clothespins)

- You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here they are (showing the equipment). And there are many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, ladle, laundry basket). When do you think people can use all these items, what are they for? (To erase).

2.Main part:

- Yes, I want to offer you to wash the doll's clothes.

To remember how this is done, let's look at the diagram that I have prepared. It is necessary to lay out the pictures in the order in which we will work, (children put up, or lay out pictures in a certain sequence) (distribute responsibilities):

Alena and Kirill take off the linen from the dolls, hand it over to Masha and Nastya; Yegor and Alice dress the dolls in clean clothes; Masha and Nastya are washing clothes, separating colored from white; Vanya and Matvey caress; then all together we hang clean linen. But first you need to prepare the workplace and prepare for the laundry. Vanya and Alena are spreading the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

Me and the boys today

Gathered to wash clothes.
This pile of linen

We will sort.

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily

(children sort clothes).

This is a red trough

We need it for laundry.

And here's a blue basin -

Fill it up with water!

(pouring water from buckets into basins).

Ready for work. More action - less words! (I give instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other)

Let's remember the methods of washing by hand. (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out).

We try to work together, not to lag behind. "I did it myself, help someone else." (I make sure that the washed clothes are folded separately from the colored ones.)

- Soap foams in water

We are not used to being lazy

Look, baby

A mountain of clean linen.

Washed together. Finished all together. Nobody was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes). For what? (to wash off the soap) (I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen; I show how to rinse).

What should be done with washed laundry? That's right, straighten, shake and hang on a rope.

_ For work now together -

We need to hang clothes.

We have worked, we are tired.

We are already big.

(everyone hangs up clothes).

We will always wash

Help our moms.

We got the job done

And let's go for a walk with the hunt.

The kids worked hard

It's time for the sun to dry.

3 . Final part:

Oh yes hostesses, oh yes, well done! Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. The entire rope is hung with linen. The linen is clean and fresh. There will be clean clothes for the dolls to replace. Tell me what to do when the laundry is dry? (remove from the rope, fold, iron, put in the closet).

Business before pleasure! Let's play a game. "Guess what we're doing?" (walking in circles saying)

- We will work with you

Let's not forget the order.
Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

(At the end of the words, everyone stops; I show some kind of movement (I erase, iron, squeeze, shake, hang up - the children repeat, guess the action, naming it).

Anna Lunchenko
Synopsis of the game-lesson "Washing doll linen"

Target: To teach children to team up in twos or threes for independent games. Contribute to the formation of the story doll games, enrich the content of such games, develop independence. Fix the sequence of the process. Learn to act in a team, combine your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Material and equipment: Bath, soap dish, soap (replacement item, washboard, iron, doll underwear, hanging rack underwear, ironing board.

preliminary work: D \ game « Doll laundry» .


(Game moment : Weeping is heard outside the door.)

Sun: Children, who cries with us?

Children look around and make sure that no one is crying.

Sun: Where does crying come from? Do you hear? (speaking to children).

Children: Yes.

Sun: I'll go and see who is crying outside the door?

(I go out and bring in a doll - Piggy, in dirty clothes).

Sun: Piggy! Was it you crying? What happened?

Piggy: How can I not cry, I'm ashamed, all the guys have clean and beautiful clothes, but mine is dirty.

Sun: Children, how to help Piggy?

(children's answers).

Sun: Of course we can wash your clothes and also I suggest wash doll clothes. Good?

(Children's answers.)

Sun: What do we need for this?

(Children's answers.)

I will offer Sasha B. to bring basins, Polina M. soap and a soap dish. I arrange the equipment so that it is convenient wash together. When everything is ready I ask:

Sun: Can wash clothes? Did you forget to bring anything?

(Children's answers.)

Sun: Yes, they forgot to bring water, so can't be washed. What kind of water do we need?

(Children's answers.)

Sun: That's right, you need warm water. I will suggest to Katya G. and Nastya S. Eva H. to bring water and pour it into basins.

During the assignment, I will remind the children to be careful, to walk giving way to each other. Then I'll show you and tell you how to wash clothes. at first underwear you need to soak in water, lather with soap, rub with your hands, rinse in water, wring out and put in a bowl.

I invite the children to repeat my actions. During labor

actions, I read a poem by N. Naydenova "Big wash» .

I have a big wash,

to me too lazy to wash clothes.

I pour water into the pelvis,

And I wash all day.

In soap foam, in soap foam

Everything will be clean underwear.

I wash and iron,

Even your own dress.

If, Katya, you want

I'll wash yours too.

After washing I will suggest that children who wish to pour out dirty, soapy water, and Dima S. bring clean cold water for rinsing. I tell the kids when linen washed, it must be rinsed, squeezed, shaken (show how) and hang to dry. In the course of completing the task, I will help difficult children, cheer them up, pay attention to how Piggy rejoices, fix the sequence of labor actions and name them. In the end washing will tell:

Sun: Children, we will go for a walk, and our clothes will dry.

(After the walk, pet underwear, put clean clothes on Piggy, rejoice with him: "what a clean and beautiful underwear. They did it all together.")

Related publications:

Didactic manual "Big wash" consists of: - wooden clothes dryer, with two stretched ropes; - clothes cut from.

Conducted with the children of the second younger group an integrated game educational situation "Mom's helpers". In the morning with children before breakfast.

Integrated lesson in the younger group "Big wash" Tasks: 1. Introduce children to washing skills (skr) 2. Exercise the ability to recognize and name different types of clothes (p. p) 3. Develop the skill.

Topic: “Meeting of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Purpose: To generalize, systematize and consolidate the knowledge of the children of the material covered.

Purpose: To improve the level of accumulated practical skills; develop tactile sensitivity; educate diligence, aspiration.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group "Washing doll linen" Program content: To systematize children's knowledge about the objects of the immediate environment, about the labor activities of an adult, knowledge of color.

Synopsis "Let's help the doll Masha wash clothes"

Synopsis of direct educational activities in junior 1

Topic: "Let's help the Masha doll to wash clothes."

Integration of educational areas: "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Types of children's activities: labor, play, communicative, cognitive-research, motor, productive.

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.



To form in children an idea of ​​​​some labor activities (soaping fabrics, washing things, rinsing, hanging clothes on a rope) and items needed for washing (water, soap, basin).

To form in children the practical actions that they need to put things in order (washing);


Develop creative abilities through productive activities, fine motor skills of fingers;

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary;

Develop visual memory;


Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

Equipment: Masha doll, clothes for the doll (dress, trousers, jacket, socks, hat, basin (2 pcs., warm water, soap, bed, rope with racks, clothespins.

Forms of organization of joint activities.

Labor: washing doll linen, rinsing, drying.

Game: didactic game “What disappeared? ".

Communicative: teacher's story on the topic, questions to the children on the topic.

Motor: finger gymnastics "Washing".

Cognitive - research: observation of the actions of the educator.

Content of organized activity

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit in a semicircle around the table, at which they will wash clothes. The teacher says that in the morning in the group someone wept bitterly. It was Masha doll. She was walking on the street and soiled her clothes: a dress, trousers, socks, a jacket and a hat. Educator: We need to help the doll. What to do? How to cheer up a doll? (showing soiled clothes). Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, we can wash dirty clothes so that the doll is clean. We will quickly fix the problem

We wash all clothes!

2. The main part.

Educator: Before you and I wash, we need to undress our doll (children take turns removing clothes from the doll and putting them in a basket, naming the item of clothing).

The teacher asks the children what is needed in order to wash clothes? As the children name the objects (basin, water, soap), the teacher puts everything on the table.

Educator: And now let our doll rest, she was walking and tired (asks the child to take the doll Masha to the bed in the doll corner).

Finger gymnastics: "Washing".

I wash my socks with soap (we move the fist on the palm of my hand)

The fists rub hard (three fists against each other)

Rinse socks deftly (move hands to the right and left)

And I'll hang it on a rope (raise your hands up and bend your hands)

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to touch the water in the basin and determine that it is warm. Dirty laundry is in the basket next to the basin.

Educator: I will show you how we start work. Wet the clothes first. We lower it into the water, look, the dress is wet. I put the dress in the palm of my hand, take a bar of soap, lather, put the soap in the soap dish, and then start washing. Then we squeeze. The dress was washed, but it still needs to be rinsed so that there is no soap left. Put the dress in another basin with clean water and rinse it.

We rinse clean, clean, so that the linen is fragrant! We squeeze.

The teacher offers one child to wash the trousers, while making sure that the water does not splash out of the basin. In the same way, children wash their jacket, hat and socks. Children are given the opportunity to rinse clothes on their own, feel the warm water with their hands. The clothes are rinsed by those children who have not washed.

caregiver : Pour water out of the basin, rinse. We put clean clothes in an empty basin. Performing all activities by children.

Pronunciation by children: Soap is foaming in the trough, We are washing, look!

Do not interfere with us now, Laundry is urgent with us!

Educator: Now everything is clean. Hang clothes on a line to dry. Rope with racks is prepared in advance. The teacher takes a clean dress, asks the children: “What is this? ". Children's answer.

The teacher offers to hang the laundry on a rope and fasten it with clothespins, the children repeat the word "clothespins". Next, the teacher invites the children to hang up the rest of the clothes, constantly asking what they are hanging up.

Educator: That's it, kids. We all washed the clothes of our doll Masha together. When the laundry is dry, you and I will iron it and put it on our doll.

Didactic game: “What disappeared? »

1. There are several items of clothing on the table. The teacher invites the children to remember them, and then offers to close their eyes and removes one object, after which he asks the children to determine what is missing.

2. Children memorize items of clothing, close their eyes, open their eyes, name the missing item of clothing.

3. Reflection.

Educator: Well done, good job! What have we learned today? How about helping moms wash clothes at home? Children's answers.

Appeal to the doll: Doll Masha will be very pleased and will go for a walk with us!

Summary of household work in the middle group

"Washing Doll Clothes"

Target : Formation of the ability to work together.

Tasks :
1. To instill in children the desire to work together.
2. Continue to teach children to pair up.
3. Continue to teach children to agree on the distribution of responsibilities.

4. Strengthen the ability to sort linen into colored and white; lather clothes thoroughly and rub between hands; rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

5. Cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

6 Finish what you start.

Form of organization: joint work in pairs.

Equipment : paired pictures with operational actions, oilcloth, 2 basins, buckets of water, soap dishes with soap, rope, rags, aprons, clothespins.


Guys, I want to give you riddles.

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without which we will say directly

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without ... (water)

Escapes ka alive.

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

and do not be lazy to wash (soap)

They go for water

They sing loud songs,

And they go back

Tears are pouring. (buckets)

Here are the toothy cheats.

They grabbed the linen.

Hold tight, don't bite.

But they never let go.

What is it, guess

Guessed. Answer! (clothespins)

You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here they are, (showing the equipment). And there are many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, a ladle, a laundry basket). When do you think people can use all these items, what are they for? (To erase)

Yes, I want to offer you to wash the doll's clothes.

To remember how this is done, let's look at the diagrams that I prepared .. First you need to connect the pictures, and then lay out the pictures in the order in which we will work (each is given half a picture and the children lay out the pictures in a certain sequence. ).

I distribute responsibilities. (the 2nd remove the clothes from the dolls, give them to the children, change the dolls into clean ones; the 2nd wash the clothes, separating the colored from the white; the 2nd they caress, then they all hang clean clothes together). But first we need to prepare the workplace and prepare for the laundry. Let's spread the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

Me and the boys today

Gathered to wash clothes.

This pile of linen

we will sort.

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily.

Children sort clothes.

This is a red trough

We need it for laundry.

But the basin is blue -

Fill it up with water.

Pour water from buckets into basins.

“Ready for work. More action, less words! - I give instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other. I ask the children to tell and show washing techniques with their hands (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out).

We try to work together, not to lag behind. "I did it myself, help someone else." I make sure that the washed clothes are folded separately from the colored ones.

Soap foams in water

We are not used to being lazy

Look, baby

A mountain of clean linen.

Washed together. Finished all together. Nobody was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes). For what? (to wash off the soap). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen. I show you how to rinse. What should be done with washed laundry? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope.

For work now together

We need to hang clothes.

We have worked, we are tired.

We are already big.

Everyone hangs up clothes.

We will always wash

help our mothers.

We got the job done

and let's go for a walk with the hunt.

The kids worked hard

It's time for the sun to dry.

Ah yes hostesses, ah yes well done. Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. The whole rope is hung with linen. Our linens are clean and fresh. There will be clean clothes for the dolls to replace. Tell me what to do when the laundry is dry? (remove from the rope, fold to iron, put in the closet.

"Business before pleasure!". Let's play a game. "Guess what we'll do"

Children with a teacher walk in a circle, say:

We will work with you

Let's not forget the order.

Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

At the end of the words, everyone stops. The teacher shows any movement. (erases, irons, squeezes, shakes. Hangs up. children repeat, guess the action, naming it.

- You guys are so good, why did you get the job done so quickly?
Guys, is it easier to work in pairs than alone? (but why?

How will you negotiate with your comrades to distribute responsibilities next time?
How I liked how you work together and amicably :)
How should doll clothes be washed?

- for dry oilcloths

Clean and washed clothes
