Comic congratulations with gifts for a man's anniversary. Sketch for a man's anniversary (60 years old) - funny, humorous Happy 60th birthday greetings to a man

60 - like the shining of stars,
60 - like bright lights,
This is experience, understanding of life,
These are days of victories, days of success!

You have achieved a lot in this life,
Congratulations! Always be like this!
And so that the sun of joy shines,
Be lucky and love people!

You are sixty today
Today is the anniversary.
Don't be bored this holiday,
Go forward boldly.

May your life be bright
Dreams come true,
The soul, as before, is young,
And you are the happiest of all.

May you live for many more years,
Never lose heart
Without knowing sorrow and troubles.
And be happy always.

Today is an unusual day,
Guests are knocking on the door in the morning.
They send gifts, congratulations,
Happy anniversary - 60!
There is wisdom hidden in this number,
Great life experience.
Will, the strength of man,
With an ageless soul.
May every day be a joy
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Make a plan for new goals,
And pass them with dignity.

60 is not a reason yet
Count all the wrinkles.
For those who are forever young at heart,
There's no reason to grieve!
Happy anniversary
With his whole big family.
There will be happiness - we know for sure
There will be joy and peace.
The key word is “will”!
And don’t you dare live in the past,
And let health come,
So that you have enough strength to love!

You're only 60
You are still a small toddler.
The belly hangs down to the knees,
It's like swallowing a watermelon.
Small mustaches are turning grey,
Are you by any chance Santa Claus?
And on your anniversary, dear,
I brought gifts for myself.
No, I seriously congratulate you
Don't look at the years at all.
You'll be younger at the click of a button,
Become beautiful one, two, three times!

You're certainly lucky
After all, you are in spite of your passport
Young and energetic
The ladies are very nice.
Well, the passport is nonsense,
A piece of paper lies about the years.
Age is measured by love,
Strength, courage, health
And spiritual beauty,
You're so cool in this
And to the envy of the young
You give them a head start.
Let the champagne play
Your enthusiasm does not fade away,
Let the glasses clink
You are sixty today!

On the anniversary birthday
We wish you patience
Freaky mood
And total luck.

We wish you a happy anniversary
Bright holiday lights,
The most sincere friends
And good news.

Let your sixty
They give a boost of energy,
You will be rewarded with health,
Happiness will enrich your life.

I can't count all your achievements
And you can’t count all your friends.
Sixtieth birthday
We will celebrate brightly
So that you remember this holiday,
Your sparkling anniversary,
Warmed by the warmth of your relatives
And the wishes of the guests.
Let luck and good fortune
They accompany your life.
Health also means a lot
Be in service for many, many years.
Everything will be like this, I know for sure
After all, wishes from the heart
All the guests congratulate you
With a soul as pure as babies.

A man at 60 is so impressive
Pleasant with tact and wisdom.
There is no stupidity and youthful arrogance,
He is much more interesting to women.
Our hero of the day, everything is harmonious in you
I wish you happiness in your personal life
And many years of eventful events,
Happy revelations and discoveries.
May the Lord give you energy and strength,
Let life be active and beautiful,
Set goals and achieve them easily
And smile broadly at everyone.

No, there are no men in the world,
To look so pretty for no reason!
You probably discovered the source somewhere,
And he forgot to tell us about him.
Excitement and fun in your 60s
Believe me, they talk about quite a lot.
And all we can do is wish you
To be the happiest on this earth.

Cool congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

An experienced and wise man -
And the ladies are all at your feet.
It's not difficult to love such people -
There is intelligence and sparkle in the eyes.
We wish you to be sick and sad less often,
And don’t give in to the young people!
Be as handsome as before, fresh,
Succeed in all matters.
Find joy in the family,
Look with delight, boldly into the distance.
For happiness you need a little -
Only love life and drive away sadness!

Traveling through life
Through the summer we move forward
And today we celebrate
Your sixtieth year.
Impressive and successful
With noble gray hair,
May fate give her gifts
Generously shares with you.
Let your health shine with color,
The energy is in full swing,
Everyone's hopes come true
Hour after hour, day after day.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you discoveries, accomplishments, goodness!
After all, there are still so many climbs ahead,
Bonfires, barbecues and heat under the sun.
Sixty is only the second time of growing up,
And what a date... So important, bright,
Let the desire come to something new in life,
And let your cherished dreams come true.
I wish you health, smiles, wealth,
Cars, a cottage, or better yet a palace.
So that there is not a drop of gloating in life,
So that the casket is full of happiness.
I wish you endless fields and open spaces,
Embroidered with a pattern of intertwined streams.
Countless stars, vast and visible,
At dawn, so that there are not even edges!

Six dozen rustle
Like wings behind your back.
Only you and at sixty,
As before, young.
Raised children and grandchildren,
You look like an eagle yourself.
Guests have gathered today
Everyone is at the festive table.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We don’t regret good words.

Well look how good you are
You literally shine from within,
Smart, handsome with his face,
And you play with all your muscles.
Relatives and guests vied with each other,
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Here are wishes and toasts,
You are sixty today.
So become better over the years,
There’s no other way,
Love, dare, sing more often in your soul,
Be like exquisite cognac!

Today your feet want to start dancing,
After all, there is a holiday in our house, the 60th anniversary!
Oh, dad, you are, of course, strict with us,
But there is no one dearer and sweeter than you!
You were raised in the spirit of communism,
That's why you always look forward
Support and protection for your family
And a faithful husband for __ years now!
He raised both his daughter and son well.
Knowing a lot about the automotive business,
I drove a KAMAZ - a tough car,
Now you are a mineral water connoisseur.
Everything worked out, and the children became older,
It's time to live for yourself!
For this we will raise our glasses.
And let’s shout our friendly “Hurray! »

We have been waiting for this day for a long time.
Ever since we found out
What an anniversary you have so soon!
At the head of the saint!
We are a big company
We'll come to your home for the holiday,
Or in a restaurant for a feast
We'll take a walk in the wild!
We will congratulate you,
We'll swing it in our arms.
Let's talk toasts
Drink to your health!

Sixty is a magnificent date,
We would like to be the first to congratulate you,
Lots of great experiences
And finance revenues,
Be as powerful as a tiger
And bright love games,
To be healthy and strong,
So that everything hits the target accurately,
Let life flow like a river,
All your friends will be with you!

Husband! You're already 60!
It's an anniversary! All the slogans say!
Feast, fun - over the edge!
Dance with me, come on!
This dance is your youth!
How I love the movements!
They are smooth and gentle!
Others will never be able to do this!
May we have worries ahead!
But we will remember this dance for a long time!
Vivat! - Today is the hero of the day
Young and old alike are screaming! Guitar!

Congratulations to the hero of the day,
Let's say it straight out - it's not without reason
These years have passed
You were always on horseback.
Eliminating all interference
I went from success to success,
I got everything with my own labor,
There is a car, a dacha, a house...
Old age will not touch you,
And fatigue is unknown.
You are healthy and full of strength
And still beautiful.
I know that you are rightfully
He deserved recognition, fame,
Toastmaster, spill the cognac,
Let's drink together for the anniversary!

My naughty hubby
Dear to me for life.
Please accept congratulations from me,
And live happily like that.
Happy anniversary my beloved,
I need it so much in my life.
I wish you not to give up,
And not to be afraid of problems.
It's time to celebrate sixty
And notice your success.
Know that I am always with you,
Even in summer and winter.

Sixty is a round date,
It’s impossible not to mention this!
This is the time when I'm with you
Only reliable people, friends.

You are a respectable and important man
And you don’t like lyrical words,
But let me respect you on your anniversary,
I wish you happiness in everything

Comic poems for a man's 60th birthday with humor

Even if youth is gone, it doesn’t matter,
After all, 60 is a wonderful time,
To live and enjoy, just relax,
Love your family and all your grandchildren.

I want to wish you a peaceful life,
Don't forget your friends and continue to be friends.
I want to wish you good health,
You know that I love you very much.

Your long-awaited anniversary
He brought together a lot of people:
The closest and closest friends,
Those who are important in your life!
We want to wish you smiles
Don’t complain about your age,
To be frisky at sixty
Drive away despondency!

Sixty is not a holiday of old age,
Let your heart not feel tired,
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is an experience of great work.
This is a very young age
Only if you don't grow old at heart.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your work and responsiveness.

You are still young at heart - that’s for sure!
Don't be upset about all sorts of trifles.
After all, 60 is not 90 at all,
And you still have a lot to do.

I wish you never cry, have fun,
And rejoice in the happiness that is inside you.
And if something goes wrong, there’s no need to be angry at all,
Good things are yet to come!

We wish you on this grand date,
Good health and fiery love,
Success in business, great wealth,
And loving, caring and faithful relatives.
Today we wish you loud fun,
And congratulations on your birthday anniversary,
Come on guests, quickly bring the cake,
And you are the hero of the day - put out sixty candles!

Sixty is not yet a golden autumn,
Your soul asks for more bright impressions,
Your heart beats strongly and cheerfully,
It laughs at the age of the body!
Maybe you need to trust your heart,
And don’t give in to the crazy flow of time,
And dream, burn, be inspired and create,
Smile sincerely and love your life!

Sixty - so solid,
Prestigious, even pretty,
Let there be a lot of strength over the years,
Excellent goals and standards,
Beautiful people to be around
So that there is a friendly circle,
So that there is something to try for,
To find something to fall in love with,
To make your smile wider
May everything work out in this world!

Happy birthday to you,
Sixty knocked on your door.
These years the medal of honor,
They shine brightly on your chest.

Sixty is no joke for a man,
I hurry under your festive banner.
And please take a moment,
So that I wish you all the best.

Long life, youthful spirit,
More joy, less gray hair.
In the ear of old age - give a slap in the face
And the forehead is completely without wrinkles.

I wish you to always be in abundance,
Pampering all the grandchildren of the little ones,
So that six experienced dozens
We have never been a burden for you.

And as the famous song says
(Yes, you remember, for sure)
I wish: Let it only be wealth
Your years will return to you!

The hero of the day doesn't drink?
Your colleagues won't forgive you!
Only happens once in life
This date is sixty!
And don't think about the liver,
At least you have only one!
She is no worse and no easier
From good wine!
Forget about diets
Promises and pledge!
Mark all the prohibitions

Is it really sixty?!
But you can’t tell from the outside.
The grandchildren are sitting next to each other,
You won't refuse them anything.
Let life give you pleasure.
And pour a glass,
The pressure does not rise way up!
Let the pension be increased
So that he remembers the road.
Let everyone love, respect,
Don't let a heart attack touch your heart!

Sixty is not so much,
Sixty is nothing at all!
Let the road of years run,
Birthday is a sign...
A sign that your grandchildren love you very much,
What a house full of friends.
And there are sounds of fun all around,
So, we'll rest later!

Funny toasts on the man's 60th birthday at the table

Usually people at sixty look old and sick. But this has nothing to do with our respected hero of the day. Look at him - he's like fire! It shines and burns and cannot be extinguished!
I propose to drink to the hero of the day and to ensure that his flame of life does not go out, but only flares up more and more and with renewed vigor!

What can we compare our hero of the day to? With a new bill? Yes - it shines, just like the new ruble! With a new fast car? Yes - it’s just as stylish, fast and high quality! With a Snickers bar? Of course, he’s always positive and charges everyone with positive energy!
I propose to raise a glass to our hero of the day, who is the best and the best!

A significant date brought us all together.
Today I see quite a few friends here.
All your relatives rush to congratulate you
And on their sixtieth birthday they want to wish:
Don't think about old age, just look forward,
Bitterness and sadness are completely erased.
Let everything work out very easily.
We drink to your luck!

Today you are celebrating a significant number,
Sixty years have already come to you.
May everything be wonderful in your life,
And it would be desirable for you to be healthy.
Let the glasses clink in your house.
Let everyone shout viva in your honor.
May all your dreams come true.
May you be the happiest!

You are not a boy - you are a man.
You're just great, celebrating your anniversary.
May every day in life
Your life is more fun!
We will drink and all worries will disappear.
Good thoughts will be resurrected.
Let them hover over you.
Always be under a lucky star!

You are an interesting man
And well-known in his circles.
You live life wonderfully
And you think about everything carefully.
And may this sixtieth year of life
It will go wonderfully and without adversity.
Let the lightness in the body not be lost,
And all your dreams come true!

Happy anniversary
And with love we wish you:
Happiness, joy, patience
And great luck,
Respect and warmth,
In the house of all good things.
We raise our glasses,
Congratulations to the hero of the day.
May he live happily
He eats meat and drinks vodka.

Congratulations on the important date - your sixtieth birthday! You are a person with a generous soul, kind eyes, a sincere smile and a lot of energy. May happiness always be present, the feeling of youth never leave you, your health never diminish, and your money increase. Let's raise a glass to the hero of the day!

You are 60, and I think you, the hero of the day, can proudly call yourself a happy person. After all, you have everything for this: a happy big family, a devoted wife, loving grandchildren, and children. Enjoy all the moments spent with them. They love you very much, therefore, I wish you to please them with excellent health and excellent well-being!

Let's drink to our respected hero of the day. For his life to be in full swing! So that we can meet again and again on the occasion of his anniversary! So that he would have enough not only health, but also the desire to celebrate and have fun! Let the family and friends around you bring only joy and help you overcome your troubles!

We'll steal you away from everyone for an hour,
To where we will be greeted by ringing laughter from friends
Let's raise a glass, you're already sixty
And these years are better than any awards!

Please accept our wishes as soon as possible:
Health and strength during this festive hour!
Let the sea of ​​ideas and events flow
Fate will give it, making a new round!

Funny birthday greetings for a 60 year old man

2 times 30 today,
I hasten to congratulate you,
Happy such a solid anniversary,
I want to wish you all the best!

I wish you health and smiles,
I drink to the dregs for you,
Be strong, rich,
Let people respect you!

Our glorious birthday boy!
You won't get 60!
You always looked better
Even if he was a loser!
What do we want to wish for?
Don't lose your skill
Stay “on horseback”
And don’t let your wife get bored!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday!
Many roads have been traveled
And maybe you’re a little tired,
Rest is needed for tired legs.
Let, having returned after long wanderings,
You will find positivity in life,
And your dear home into your arms
He will welcome you and reward you with comfort!

Your blood 60 –
Whether you count it or not,
You can't rewind everything...
But don't be discouraged
A lot of things lie ahead
We need to greet you with joy
All your anniversaries!!!

You are turning 60 today,
Good age, just grace,
Watch your children rise
And how they know how to win.
People turn to you for advice
And every word carries wisdom.
May everything always come true for you,
May great joy come to you!

Sixty, all the guests are here!
And the hero of the day is all in the parade,
You are now bursting with health,
And all guests are incredibly welcome!

Not much imagination right now)
The tables are set, super dishes,
I want to eat so bad, I have no urine!
You were born for happiness,
And they used the chance powerfully!
Everyone in the world loves you,

Sixty - that's the date!
Is this a lot or not?
We wish you today
To live to be Caucasian years old.
And not in such a way as to reach,
And to fly like a hawk,
So that in years they are already gray
You must climb steep peaks
Stay like this -
Forever cheerful, young!
We won't judge by age
According to the number of years that have elapsed
If you are still full of vigor -
This means there is no place for old age!
Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow.
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

Again you laugh a little vulgarly,
But why not?
When you “tsat”, then you can,
Give life an answer with a joke!
You can be serious and strict,
But it will pass quickly!
You give a smile to the eyes of passers-by,
And an incredible flight of phrases!
You keep your love for so long,
And you give only this to your mother!
You have a sense of duty
Keep the family, keep it warm!

On my 60th anniversary I wish you,
Good health, like tea.
And great love,
So that they could envy.
You are strong and muscular,
Well done, stop whistling,
And respond right away
Our girls are beautiful.
In general, I will wish
There are only miracles in this life,
To have happiness in life,
This is truly so wonderful.

The anniversary has arrived, all the guests are here!
And the hero of the day is all in the parade,
You are now bursting with health,
And all guests are incredibly welcome!
Gifts (most in an envelope,
Not much imagination right now)
The tables are set, super dishes,
I want to eat so bad, I have no urine!
You were born for happiness,
And they used the chance powerfully!
Everyone in the world loves you,
After all, being like you is so difficult!

Sixty years is a wonderful time,
And there is a charm at any age,
I already have a whole mountain of experience and knowledge behind me,
I wish you patience, health and vigor.
And today the guests are having fun because they are happy,
To greet and congratulate you alone,
May your inner strength be a joy at sixty,
Happy anniversary! Please accept congratulations from me, friend!

Anniversary - you turned sixty today,
And only now your life is filled with special meaning,
You know what is truly important is to spend a lot of time with your family,
So I wish you today to be cheerful and live a very long time!
I wish you all your wishes come true,
Let all your dreams become material at once!
Happy anniversary, dear friend, I congratulate you,
You are a good family man and an ideal friend!

Congratulations on this bright day, happy anniversary,
Today you turn sixty years old,
But you, as in your youth, remained the same - the ringleader,
You are not only rich in money, you are rich in your soul.
I wish you everything you want to achieve,
Both in career and in creativity great heights,
And also that he married a beautiful young woman,
And so that the caviar sandwich jumps into your mouth.

Today you turned sixty
What you can’t say offhand, at a glance,
You are fresh, cheerful, you are more fashionable than everyone else,
And suddenly the sixtieth anniversary!
You bring happiness and goodness to people,
In company, family and even at work,
Because you have a spark from God in you,
Everyone will get attention and warmth.

It's more fun with a friend,
Everyday life is brighter than life,
And doubly pleasant
The path is long, difficult,
At sixty I want you
Wish you good health,
Prosperity in the family,
Great joy!

On your sixtieth birthday,
Accept, our friend, this festive sonnet.
We wish you many summers,
Live without troubles, live another hundred years.
May your home always be a full cup,
So that you can meet and receive friends.
May your life be brighter and more beautiful,
Living with beauty and light is more fun.

Sixty - what are your years?
There is so much more to see.
Do not regret sorrows, adversities,
- There can be no rainbow without a storm.

Look around at your friends, at your loved ones,
They are all at the festive table.
And let not a single confusion in your thoughts,
On this day there is no need to talk about bad things!

Please accept my humble congratulations,
I wish you 100 victories and one.
On this 60th birthday,
Meet the guiding star.

On your best holiday, birthday,
Wipe away the sadness from your fair brow.
Let it be 60 - cast aside all doubts,
And come what may, it was or wasn’t!

Don’t count the years in your mind like a rosary,
A thankless task for yourself.
Dream about the secret with trepidation,
As in childhood, loving this life.

We will give you on this glorious holiday,
Your warmth from noble bins.
Let the prankster calendar take you away,
To the cherished world of sweet, kind dreams.

You, my friend, are sixty!
Excellent age, just a treasure.
There was no doubt left
Read the lines of the poem...
You built a house, you grew a garden,
He released the children into the world among people,
You give warmth and care to your mother,
You get things done easily.
The king of sophisticated microcircuits,
Ready to help everyone with repairs.
Create something out of nothing -
Your favorite job.
You drive like Schumacher, dashingly
And you don’t accept the word “quiet.”
In the lake district you are Robinson,
You can reason with any fish!
Athletic look, eagle look,
A charge of invigorating youth,
The crown of great plans,
And a model of optimism.
Handsome, wise man
You have a long life ahead,
And the anniversary is the pinnacle
The power of the ridge is visible.
I wish you, brother,
So that every day there is progress,
Don’t give up your positions in life,
Walk along it, walk, walk.
Please accept my friendly greetings,
Live without sorrows and troubles,
Save your health resource
Love, create, don't be discouraged!

Similar material, we recommend

Let 60 be a respectable age,
On this anniversary I will say one thing.
It's not too late to start everything,
After all, it’s full of adventures.

And let your cherished dream come true,
Any whim will be fulfilled.
And a moment of happiness will last a lifetime,
And let fate bring a surprise.

I still wish you good health,
Let the energy flow in full swing.
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
Always remain a man!

You are 60! And that's the reason
Gather all sincere friends.
See everyone who is so dear to you,
Those very loyal people.

Your youth is behind you,
You have a lot to tell.
And let wisdom be your support
Conquer all new heights.

May God give you strength and health
Celebrate the hundredth anniversary.
Have a noisy party
Gather all your loyal friends.

Dear colleague!
At such a respectable age your
Let me congratulate you
With a pure heart and soul!

Sixty is not old at all,
It’s just that my youth has passed.
You just became smart, wise,
The soul is full of strength.

We wish you good health,
Sunny and peaceful days,
There are millions of starry nights,
So many true friends!

60 is a long time, but spring is blooming in my soul,
And we wish you that the cold does not come.
Let illnesses recede and gray hairs do not bother you.
May your faithful wife still be nearby.
To surround you with affection and care,
So that she would grumble less and not worry, so that it would be in vain.
We wish you strength, inspiration, and to be successful in everything.
So that joy and fun do not leave your home.
Let laughter sound in him more often, there will never be quarrels.
Let your eyes always sparkle, your soul soar like a bird.
So that there is always money, so that you can’t count it.
There are so many bold undertakings that you can’t count them all.
Let your career go uphill, life’s work will be important.
Let worries and misfortunes pass by in your home.
May your friends be with you in joy and in trouble.
And they will help if necessary, do not stand on the sidelines.
So that children inspire and are proud of their father.
Be happy and stay young longer.

Congratulating a man on his anniversary is easy and difficult at the same time: easy if you know well the tastes and hobbies of the hero of the day, difficult if he takes his hobby very seriously - then you may not please. Men, as a rule, like to receive either practical gifts or cool ones - so a wonderful option for a man's anniversary would be a congratulation in which you can combine both.

For example, before presenting a truly valuable gift (an envelope with money or a gift certificate), you can arrange the presentation of comic gifts that tell about the profession or hobby of the hero of the day - this will certainly please the recipient himself and create an atmosphere of festive fun at the table.

With the help of an invented funny instruction or eyeliner, you can give the hero of the day a very practical and ordinary gift in an original way: a bottle of vodka, a watch, etc. This is a great way to bring joy to the hero of the day and add variety to the series of, albeit beautiful, but stereotyped wishes..

Here are the best ideas on the Internet (thanks to the authors) on how to organize comic congratulations on gifts for a man's anniversary.

1. Cool gift for the hero of the day “Healing air”

(Auror A. Belimova)

For this humorous gift, stock up on a three-liter jar. It needs to be rolled up (we recommend applying a small amount of fir oil to the back of the lid, so that when you open the jar, a subtle aroma of pine forest can actually be heard from it); stick a label on it with the following content: “The healing air of a pine forest. Ozone content - 2 percent, oxygen - 23, carbon dioxide - 0.03 percent. Volume 3 liters. Use within one hour of opening."

You shouldn’t show this gift to the birthday boy right away. First read the following terms to him:

“If you want to feel young at any age, you need to have an excellent pulse.

- If you want to feel young at any age and admire beautiful girls, you need one hundred percent vision.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls and walk with them in the park, you need strong legs.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls, walk with them in the park and kiss them deeply, you need fresh breath.

“And if you want to enjoy all this, you need to breathe deeply!”

And only after that you hand over a three-liter jar, loudly announcing its contents and purpose.

2. A comic gift for a man “Miracle slippers with instructions”

(Author K. Cheregoshkina)

You can also give your beloved man ordinary house slippers by attaching cool instructions or a reminder in a beautifully designed version:

“Men's house slippers. Our oversized slippers, easily adapting to the shape and length of your foot, will give you confidence, emphasize your individuality and complement the image of a real man in an unexpected way.

- Not a single woman can resist you if you wear slippers from our production!

- Our slippers heal not only the body, but also the soul: they are recommended for overworked feet with delicate skin as a remedy for fatigue, calluses, cracks and other problems.

- The slippers are made of environmentally friendly material, they provide comfortable wearing all year round: they are warm in winter, not hot in summer. Feet that are overcooled in winter in our slippers will reach a healthy body temperature in a minimum period of time. The soft sole of the product promotes silent movement, which is important at night.

- The incredibly luxurious and stylish color scheme in which this model is designed will satisfy the most refined taste of the finest connoisseur and connoisseur of fashion. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous and visual systems without destroying or irritating them.

- Our slippers will be your best assistant in a delicate situation and will hide unpleasant surprises: be it holes in your socks, unwashed feet or uncut nails.

- As a result of many years of research, it has been proven that the moment we put on our slippers, stress hormones die in the human body. Our slippers are yours formula for success and happiness

- Be careful! Can induce a feeling of bliss!

“Wear it with pleasure!”

3. Congratulations with gifts for the hero of the day, a car enthusiast.

Leading: The life of our hero of the day is directly connected with intersections and traffic lights

and road signs. After all, the profession of a driver is life on wheels!

What can I wish for you? teacher,

For a birthday, an anniversary?

Stay in shape, our car enthusiast,

Step on the gas and don't worry.

Gas pedal We give the hero of the day this very minute. Expensive...!

So that the traffic police don't have to

Today to draw up a protocol here,

You should drink and drive...

Coca-Cola drink!

(The hero of the day is given a can of Coca-Cola.)

Let this charming drink cool you down in hot weather, but not quench your thirst for travel!

(Applause from the guests.)

Considering that a car is the brainchild of any car enthusiast, we decided to give the hero of the day a few useful things.

Dear hero of the day!

We give it away wheel,

Place it in the spare tire.

(A kalach baked in the shape of a wheel is presented.)

Well, so that the patrol doesn’t get to the bottom of it,

We give you this spare steering wheel.

(The steering wheel is handed over.)

After watching cool TV series about truckers,

We think that they will be useful fuels and lubricants.

(A bottle of vegetable oil and vodka is presented.)

Now the driver’s transport is fully equipped and you can safely hit the road.


4. Comic congratulation “The hero of the day is our baby!"

Here's the baby in front of you
The baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

So that the head does not freeze,
We will pull on the cap deftly. (they give a cap)

So that something else doesn't happen,
And the underwear wouldn’t get wet from below,
Well, why are you laughing, who doesn’t?
In general, diapers won’t hurt us (they give diapers)

And if a bad mood comes
How to calm a child instantly?
Place a pacifier in your mouth so you don't scream
I knew that life would be silent more (give a pacifier)


5. Congratulations from friends with a funny gift

We thought we were guessing
We spent the whole evening discussing:
What does a person need?
Having crossed the 50-year milestone???

Is happiness in trinkets?
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small dacha by the river,
Or on a ring on your finger?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

We taxied to the store,
And we bought a gift!

Miracle apron - wallet,
Try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good,
You will find six pockets!

The first "FOR FRIENDS" pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive away,
When there is nothing left to pour!!!

For “LOVE” there is a second pocket!
there lies a big surprise!
So that the stove does not go out!
Here's a candle for you Seryozhka!
And a bill for flowers,
So that you are ready for sex!!!

Our third pocket "PARENTS"
You call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth "OUR CHILDREN"
And keep a pocket for them!
What do children need, guys?
Well, of course, money!!!

The fifth pocket here is "WORK"
Our main concern!
Buy yourself a travel card!
Not one, but three at once!!!

And the sixth pocket is “YOURS”
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp for you
They didn’t hide even a ruble.

Accept a gift from us
Remember us with kind words.
Happy birthday
And we wish you to live richly!


(For information about donating a set of socks, see the link)

6. Comic photo session of the hero of the day with hats.

(hats for this congratulation can be given to the hero of the day, or you can simply play up their presentation for a photo shoot and entertainment)

Birthday has arrived
And the question arose before us,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a cute hat!
A treat for the men.
But it seems out of season
Summer style hat

Well, I won’t give it away
And then I’ll give you a bandana! (bandana)
You look beautiful in a bandana,
Only somehow so playfully.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
The connection with sports will be strong,
If we give a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap these days?
And she sits loosely
Yes, and the color is not the theme at all,
No, let's give up this idea.

To be funny then
You need to give the cap
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up like a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
This is the royal crown! (crown)

7. Exclusive gift "Watch - idea generator"

You can give the birthday boy an unusual watch, absolutely exclusive, because you need to make it yourself. As the basis for the gift, you need to buy a large wall clock, then order good quality pictures that will depict the main dreams of the birthday boy, for example, a car, an apartment, a dacha, a good wife and many children - these will be larger pictures. Make other dreams and desires - a fancy TV, a fashionable breed of dog or a TV dish - smaller in scale.

Then all these prepared pictures need to be pasted instead of the numbers on the dial. If space allows, then in the center of the clock place an indelible inscription in the following way: “This is not the time to dream! It's time to act!"

8. Cool congratulations with gifts to the bathhouse attendant “Come to the bathhouse quickly!”

This is a congratulation from friends with whom the hero of the day goes to the bathhouse together - they read it one by one, if there are not many people, then two or three times.

1. We know that the hero of the day

Loves to take a steam bath!

There’s a broom and a beer…..

We really like the bathhouse!

2. In the evening we leave the bathhouse

And……father. also with us

Everyone's muzzles are red,

I feel great!

3. We came to congratulate you

It’s immediately obvious: straight from the bathhouse,

To make a toast

Well, have a drink and a snack!

4. Be the happiest person in the world

Always be among friends

So that we all have to celebrate

Your 100th anniversary!

5. We didn’t come here in vain,

Here are the gifts they brought,

Accept them quickly

Pour us a glass!

6. To have a lot of money,

If you suddenly feel sad

Health, happiness to be,

Here's a gift for you, friend! (they give a broom)

7. They decided to give a broom as a gift.

Pour some foamy beer,

And a piece of soap.

To make it more fun! (give soap)

  1. Please accept congratulations

On this glorious anniversary,

And no later than Sunday

Come to the bathhouse quickly!


(If you arrange several surprises on this topic, it will also come in handyfrom this collection)

9. A cool gift from close friends - a basin.

For our anniversary we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash floors in it, you can milk cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with it in the bathhouse, it will be useful to you there too,

You can wash your clothes in it, you can wash your butt,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a branch

You can ride down the slide, it will always be useful to you,

And how will it be (50.60...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, and find a bigger spoon,

We’ll pour okroshka into a basin and celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, don’t break it, don’t crumple it,

Don’t leave it in the yard and put it back,

Happy anniversary, we wish you all a drink now,

Some from the pile, some from what, and we will drink from it.


10. Giving bath accessories as a gift.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a washcloth, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a squad of bath attendants!
Third: Let's steam everyone up and warm them up.
Come on, people, be bold!
Fourth: The people here are very dirty...
Fifth: Sign up five years in advance!
Sixth: But today is an exception
And such a message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (Name)- hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Rub harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool -
You'll be red like a lobster! (they give a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, oh, oh, brothers, he's giving up the ghost!

Second: We give a hat for curls,

And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You'll be a hero! (they give you a bath cap)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, and the park isn’t bad at all!

Third: To remove fat from the sides -
We are urgently giving away a massager,
Oh, sorry, massager,
May you always rub your body! (they give you a massage mitten)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, hurry up and steam the fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice stone
Englishmen, ordinary guys,
No need to scare your heels! (they give penza)
Together: Oh, oh, oh, oh, it’s not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it's hot,
I drank beer from it,
I would remember this day!
Together: Oh, oh, oh, oh, we would like a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you've had too much
And he gave the park away with interest,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe it will even go off scale!
Together: Uh, eh, oh, ah, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (Name), our friend,
Pour your glass full!
We have something to pay -
We can give you a broom! (hand over their brooms).

11. Original congratulations on the gift of vodka to the hero of the day.

Alcoholic drinks as a gift option for a man are very common, but here you can distinguish yourself, you just have to show a little imagination. For a purchased bottle of vodka, you need to order a special label from the printing house, where the name of the anniversary drink will be placed, which must include the name, first name and patronymic or surname of the hero of the occasion. It is quite appropriate to add to the title a photograph, using Photoshop, stylized as a portrait of the President of the Russian Federation, Stenka Razin or Peter the Great.

You can also colorfully draw up all the documents that will be attached to the gift: “ingredients”, “rules of use and “recommendations”, which should be solemnly counted when presenting the vodka.

Gift tip:

“To obtain this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most remarkable components - “transparency”, so that the life of the hero of the day was like the height and depth of the spring sky. May clouds never come over him. We took the “fortress” because it is needed in overcoming life’s difficulties. We added “degrees” so that they were always at +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and energy of the hero of the day. “Easy digestibility”, so that everything good, kind, and bright comes to his home. And “slight dizziness” from happiness, love and fun.”

Rules for using vodka:

It should then be used:
a) when the soul requests;
b) when the soul aches;
c) when the soul sings;
d) after a bath or shower;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself in an upright position;

2. Hide from children under 16 years of age and from your wife;

3. Keep away from fire;

4. Consume undiluted, always with a good snack;

5. With excessive libations - poisonous..

12. A set of comic gifts to congratulate a man.

Just for fun, friends give the birthday boy a whole bunch of little things.

Even though you are the hero of the day today,
The laurel wreath will not shine for you.
You’d better accept a bouquet of bay leaves from us (they give a bay leaf)

Don't think of being angry with us -
A nail will come in handy around the house (give a nail)

They wanted to give a flashlight,
But we only found a ball (give a ball)

When you go for a walk,
So that your trousers don't fall off,
You have with you

This pin made of steel (give a pin)

Pour this into a glass
And drink slowly (give a glass)

After a drink, have a snack -
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin (give a napkin)

And for dessert we have
I have some candy for you (they give candy)

You received flowers, roses.
They don't wither in the cold (they give a card with roses)

The most interesting holiday is the anniversary dedicated to the sixtieth person. It doesn’t matter who the hero of the occasion is - a man or a woman, this holiday is of great importance for everyone. This is the first anniversary after living half a century, so it should be celebrated with dignity. A person who reaches this age becomes wonderful, he has a lot of experience in life and is able to give wise advice.

If we are talking about a man, then, most likely, by this age he has achieved everything he wanted in life: he has achieved success in his career, raised his children with dignity and acquired the status of “grandfather.” On this day, he needs nothing but the care and attention of his loved ones, so it’s worth thinking about congratulations and how to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. will delight not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests.

Gifts that should not be given to the hero of the day

60 years is a worthy date. It’s better to come to it without any trifle similar to shaving foam. It is worth noting that this is, first of all, a celebration of the soul. Therefore, there is no need to buy gifts for pensioners, such as warm socks, slippers, or a comfortable pillow. After all, a man may think that he is considered an old grandfather.

Negative emotions can also be caused by objects that indicate that it is time for a person to retire. Unlike the female sex, men do not value romantic trinkets. Therefore, they are unlikely to be happy with cute angels, amulets or figurines. An exception may be items intended to decorate the garden, dacha and vegetable garden.

You should not give a man sets of dishes, cutlery and other kitchen accessories.

The best gifts for the hero of the day

If the hero of the occasion is a friend or colleague of the guest, you can give him a gift such as an expensive high-quality wine. This gift will especially appeal to those who collect such items. You should not have a categorically negative attitude towards cosmetics as a gift for the hero of the day. You can present expensive perfume and other products from a well-known manufacturer. Particular attention should be paid to the interests of the birthday person. For example, if he is interested in fishing, a good fishing rod, boat or waterproof suit would be a great gift.

Some people buy cars by the age of 60, so they will definitely need a good navigator, branded player or phone stand. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, then you can give him a comic gift, for example, a cartoon from his photograph. If a person works in his office, then to decorate it, you can present a luxurious painting made of expensive material, which will emphasize the status of the owner. A small coffee table, chair or shelf may also come in handy.

As a rule, by this age a person has achieved a lot in life, so the gift should be presented with honor. In addition, it is necessary to prepare congratulatory poems in advance. It’s worth thinking about staging a skit for a man’s 60th birthday; funny moments can make the hero of the day and all the guests laugh.

Sketch about Hottabych

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny pranks and competitions can be different. All of them will make the holiday brighter and more fun. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, you can arrange a simulated production, in which Old Man Hottabych will perform the main role. To make sketches for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man look more effective with humor, it is necessary to decorate the hall in advance. To be convincing, you should blow smoke before the performance begins.

The presenter, who suddenly appears on stage, must pretend that he does not understand where he is. After much thought, the answer comes to his mind: “Oh, it’s an anniversary! Well, where is the hero of the occasion himself?”

The fairy-tale character needs to go around all the guests, and as soon as he meets the hero of the day, he needs to say the following phrase: “So, how old are we? Probably over 20 already? Well, you don’t look more than a hundred!”

After these questions, the hero of the day must reveal his age; if this does not happen, the presenter will independently find out the number from the inscriptions on the posters or from the guests.

Hottabych says that he knew about the upcoming holiday, so he did not come empty-handed. After this, he begins to dance and clap his hands, quietly hanging balloons over the head of the hero of the day. They should contain banknotes.

Hottabych: “My dear hero of the day, I can fulfill any of your wishes. If you want, I can make you the richest man on earth."

After these words, the old man must stamp his foot and burst all the balloons so that the banknotes fall on the hero of the day.

Hottabych: “And maybe happiness is not in money at all? Do you want excellent health? He rips a hair from his beard and stamps his foot. After this, the guest comes on stage holding a large sign with the inscription “health” in his hands.

Hottabych: “Health is, of course, good, but it also requires love!”

The presenter stamps his foot, and three women come out to the hero of the day, among whom is his wife.

Hottabych: “Choose, my dear friend, they are all beauties, ready to give you love. Although, this one (chooses a spouse) suits you best. Show all your guests your sincere feelings.”

All the children and grandchildren come out, holding the inscription “happiness” in their hands.

Hottabych: “Look around. What do you see? This is real happiness. You have a great family. Please accept, my friend, my most sincere congratulations, may you all be healthy, beautiful and joyful. But, it’s time for me...”

The presenter bows and leaves.

Scene with a medal

With artistic presenters, wonderful skits are made for a man’s 60th birthday. Cool pranks are, of course, good, but on this day it is worth paying attention to the merits of the hero of the occasion. It is necessary to purchase a toy medal and reward the hero of the day for services to the Fatherland, Maturity and Wisdom. When presenting them, you can remember suitable stories from the life of the birthday person.

It is worth presenting gratitude for their contribution to the economic situation of the country, namely to Sberbank, Teschabank and Detobank. It is also worth presenting a certificate, transferring him to the status of an honored hero of the day.

Presenter: “Wear the medals given to you on every holiday, but only on a clean neck! Once you take it off, wipe it with alcohol and drink all the leftovers. If you are going to the cinema, wear a medal over your coat. If your wife starts asking, then don’t let her wear it. And according to the old tradition, the medal needs to be washed well.”

After this phrase, the guests pour wine into glasses and drink to the hero of the day.

Unusual hat

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny jokes and competitions can be complemented with various accessories. Such an item can be a hat. We choose any headdress that the host or guest will find at home.

Presenter: “You are smart and handsome, but what’s on your mind? Let's find out! "

The presenter puts a hat on the hero of the day, while an excerpt from the composition “Okay, everything will be fine” is played. Next, the attribute can be placed above the head of any relative or guest and another song can be played.

Birthday candle

The skits for a man's 60th birthday are humorous - this is, of course, good. But it’s worth diversifying them with a touching moment. It is necessary to ask all guests present at the table to stand. The wife should stand in the first row with a candle in her hand, followed by children according to seniority, grandchildren, relatives and friends. The burning accessory must be passed from hand to hand to each guest, and everyone must say nice words for the hero of the day.

Host: “A candle warms all your loved ones, give it all your goods and say good wishes. No wind can extinguish this candle. Life is like this fire, at 60 years old it does not go out, but continues to burn, shine and warm.”

Sketch about a time machine

Every holiday is, first of all, fun, so it is necessary to prepare humorous sketches for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man. An unusual device appears on the scene - a time machine.

Presenter: “Before you is an amazing device that can turn back time. And today you have a unique chance to take advantage of its wonderful properties.”

The hero of the day approaches the car, puts his hand on it, after which photographs of him from childhood, youth and youth appear on the screen. For a man’s 60th birthday, you can play out a scenario with episodes from his life. His close people can play the main roles.

A scene for car enthusiasts

Many people turn 60. Various kinds of competitions and skits for the anniversary of a man turning 60 would be appropriate here. Cool pranks will also come in handy.

Host: “I came to entertain you, but not alone, I have several riddles in my hands that I want to tell you. Our hero of the occasion is the driver, so the theme of our holiday is cars.”

  1. He's French, it's fresh to go, and his name is? (Peugeot's answer)
  2. Russian delight? (Lada's answer)
  3. Does everything around you seem to shake when you drive? (reply by Jeep)

Presenter: “I see that you are real experts in cars, for this you need to drink heartily. I wish you good health, true friends and endless happiness!”

Scene: six decades have flown by, but the soul has become younger!

Before the celebration, loved ones need to decide what scenes will be played out for the 60th anniversary of a man. Where to begin? First of all, you need to prove that the birthday boy, despite his years, is young, handsome and strong.

Host: “Good evening to everyone who came to this celebration. We all gathered to congratulate our hero of the day. I propose to meet him with your loud applause!”

The hero of the day enters the hall.

Host: “We have been waiting for you for a long time, everything has already been poured into the glasses, hurry up and take your throne!”

The birthday boy sits down at the table.

Host: “Now let’s raise our glasses and everyone will drink to our wonderful hero of the day!”

The guests are drinking.

Host: “Let’s have a little fun and play fishing.”

Everyone who has shown a desire to play is divided into two teams. Participants stand behind chairs on which all the necessary clothing for fishing hangs. Purpose of the game: each person must run to a chair and put on one accessory. The team that managed to do it faster won.

Scenes from family and friends

When the celebration comes, it’s time to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The relatives must decide how to organize them. First of all, it must be from the heart. Close people can remember the hero of the day and bring this picture to life on stage. The birthday boy will definitely appreciate such a creative approach.

Fortune Teller Invitation

Any guest who will act as a presenter for this production is suitable. She must sit next to the hero of the day, tell everything about his past and see a long and happy life in his palm. After this, the guests must drink together so that this turns out to be true.

Surprise for the hero of the day

Have you thought about what scenes to choose for a man’s 60th birthday? Cool surprises will be a great decoration for the evening. A video could be such a gift. You can photograph the places where the birthday person was born and once lived. If there are shots from the life of the hero of the day, you can insert them into the feed. You can also diversify the film with congratulations from relatives, which were filmed in advance.

You can come up with your own scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The script is what will make the holiday unforgettable.

Sixty, a lot in the past,
There is something to remember and tell
You are a father, don’t think about giving up -
I have something to show you.
Happy anniversary to you too
Congratulations with all my heart
We need you, who will be
We have to dig the beds in the spring.
So the fight has just begun
There's a lot to come
For a well-deserved rest
Don't leave yet.
I want you to remember-
On this holiday, anniversary
You are my best dad
So don't grow old quickly.

Congratulations to you today,
We wish you a lot of different things.
On our anniversary we shout to you,
And we're stuck in the holidays.
At sixty, just smile
And enjoy life very much.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
And miracles, we'll send some.
Get more inspired
And always try to have fun.
And then miracles will come,
And they will find luck.

Who has not reached sixty years of age,
He thinks that these six tens are
A solid load. Wrong, guys!
At this age we are just discovering the light.
Freedom comes with retirement:
No need to go to work
Trying to please the boss...
Got up in the morning and went straight to nature.
And there is ozone, grass, a row of trees,
Life seems like a carefree bright paradise,
Which we wish you to enjoy
At least another sixty years!

We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary today,
You turned sixty - this is the best time!
May fate quickly put everything in its place,
Stay so beautiful and young always!
Let happiness redeem you in its river,
Let the money rain down from the sky on you,
Immediately nail down all your misfortunes with a slipper,
And we will cover the eyes of all envious people with a rag!

60 is a lot, 60 is a little,
At 60 the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn’t matter that the years flash by
And my hair turns gray over time.
There would be a young soul,
But young souls do not age.

Comic congratulations on your 60th anniversary

These are the things, brothers:
The years don't run, they fly.
You go to bed - eighteen,
You wake up in the morning - sixty.
Unnoticed by the hero of the day,
That he lived for six decades.
Probably visited somewhere
He is the secret of eternal youth.
Its a special breed
Visible even to the blind.
And, apparently, the road
He did not forget about women's hearts.
He is not deprived of health either,
I am familiar with sports and work.
And he will cut anyone off with a word,
And if necessary, use your fist.
There is no need to even doubt -
Only for others the years fly.
You wake up in the morning - sixty,
And he will wake up - eighteen.

Sixty is just the beginning!
Sixty is still ahead!
And don't look back - it's too early,
To sum up your path.
Sixty is experience and youth together,
Sixty is wisdom and strength of hand,
Let me wish you bright happiness,
And for children and grandchildren to grow and bloom!

Anniversary is always mature
This is a great experience
This is a very young age
Never grow old in your soul!

We can’t count all our wishes
So why divide them into parts?
If they are all how many there are
Placed in the word "happiness"!

We are hurrying to see you for your wonderful anniversary,
After all, sixty is such a wonderful date,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts, even though
Well, we also want to eat your salads.
After all, you are a pro in cooking, a real ace,
And in general, in my opinion, you can do everything in the world,
Bloom and smell, you spoil us more often with your humor,
We love you, respect you, congratulate you on your anniversary!

Funny congratulations on your 60th anniversary with humor

They say that at 60
A person is happy
Rewind age
Only youth is not a treasure.

There is an apartment at 60,
More than one outfit in the closet,
There is money, there is also money,
Everyone is happy to be friends with you.

True, there is one difference,
Stupid to the point of indecency.
In youth, all teeth are intact,
But now it’s a different matter.

But that doesn’t scare us,
If only there was something to chew.
We will be happy to help:
Let's chew it and put it in a plate.

Well, you know, radiculitis -
It's not when it hurts
And when you are too lazy to work.
At 60 you are a flint!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Come on, hero of the day, dance!
Regardless of the years,
Always be cheerful.

An anniversary of sixty years is not yet a year,
After all, you are still young in body, soul, and attitude.
Only wisdom can give away, and gray hair,
But even she suits you, our little devil!
Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you to be a happy woman,
So that your spouse loves and never cheats,
To be carried in your arms, pampered and respected.

Time flies by quickly
Age is only experience.
There are not years behind your back -
Wisdom is human baggage.

Your age is very respectable,
Just know that you can’t be sad.
More victories await you,
Life is full of surprises.

Congratulations on the anniversary
And I wish you
To be young, to be on the move,
Be grateful to fate!

May your health be strong,
Friendly - your whole family.
Let care and love
Everyone surrounds you!

Wishes pour in and beautiful toasts sound,
Over sixty! The glasses are clinking and we crunch.
But let's not talk about age today,
You have a young soul - isn’t that enough?
I wish you health, love and great happiness,
And many bright and warm years of life,
So that you don’t have to be sad and upset,
Let's have fun celebrating your wonderful anniversary!

Happy anniversary
And with all our hearts we wish
Bring these guys back together
Sixty years later.

Long life to you, bright days,
Faithful, sincere friends.
There is a shoulder next to you,
Love so dearly.

Let the gray hair be visible,
But also full of wisdom!
60 is not a forecast -
At 60 there are hundreds of dreams.

There are so many new ideas!
You raised children
The grandchildren have already grown up,
And now you won't be bored.

You are like strong wine.
Let the troubles fall to the bottom,
Let happiness illuminate you,
And the wine is still playing!

The score is 6:0. Victory is yours,
Our favorite hero of the day!
That's it, the battle is over,
Receive rewards as a gift.

Here, you have reliable friends
And caring children
Grandchildren and handsome grandchildren,
Respect from guests.

We want to wish you good health,
Strength to create, love, dream,
So that further than everyone who is nearby,
Charge with positivity.

Have fun, today is your holiday,
Just look who came today
You are your guests, long-awaited and cool,
Hurry up and seat me at the festive table.
And let them drink to “sixty” immediately,
And they will say their wonderful toasts,
Today is your anniversary - your birthday,
Twenty again and a small tail.

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary -
You turned 60 today!
Although we, alas, are not getting any younger,
But we will ask you to wait for old age!
We didn’t love, we didn’t go out enough,
You and I still haven't figured it out...
So may life give you opportunity
Feel young again!

Sixty - what a date!
Congratulations on the anniversary,
It's too early to relax -
You can only become more mature.

Let your eyes sparkle
And the tail flies in the wind:
Smile nobly -
The world belongs to you.

Feel free to drink champagne
And walk without a passport -
The main thing is that you want
Live well and long!

May the glorious age be sixty
Will give you new opportunities!
Create wheels around the world,
Let difficulties sink into oblivion!
Let the sun shine through the window
And the stars fall into the river.
Life is more interesting than movies -
Let it invigorate and make you happy!