Craft made from pistachio shells. Crafts made from pistachio shells Pistachio flower

“Smiling nut” - this is what our beloved pistachios are called in our homeland. These tasty and incredibly healthy nuts are loved by adults and children, but only a few know that their shells can also be used. Children and needlewomen make amazingly beautiful crafts from this natural material.

DIY pistachio shell crafts

An ordinary photo frame, box or plastic jar takes on a completely different, very presentable look if you decorate it with pistachio shells. Original paintings and panels are by no means the limit of imagination for a talented master who came across a handful of pistachio shells. Children also create wonders from this natural material; children happily make autumn and other themed crafts from pistachio shells in and

As a rule, the basis of the most beautiful compositions is “pistachio” flowers using glue, which are as easy as shelling pears to make - three or four shells glued together form the base of the bud, then petals are added - one by one glued to the bud. Such flowers can be made in different sizes and colors, depending on your wishes and ideas.

If it is difficult for a baby to cope with glue, then as a basis for Plasticine may appear from the pistachio shell of a flower.

You can paint the shell in advance using acrylic or spray paints, or you can add a tint to the finished product. If children will be working with the blanks, it is better to use food coloring or regular gouache for coloring. Creative pistachio flowers can serve as a separate decor, Christmas tree decoration, candlestick, exclusive brooch or pendant, or become the basis of a composition.

With your own hands you can make incredibly beautiful crafts from pistachio shells in the form of topiary trees. Of course, such masterpieces require perseverance and patience, but what is the result?

Children's applications using this material look no less interesting and creative. For example, you can lay out a row of “pistachio” grapes on cardboard; you can add volume to the elements of the autumn landscape. As for simple children's crafts, young craftsmen are quite capable of making a small pistachio tree. In this case, you can avoid complex painstaking work with glue by using plasticine.

Below are some more ideas for crafts made from this unusual material:

Crafts - paintings made from pistachios

Pistachios are truly amazing nuts that have a creamy taste and are an original addition to any dish. When pistachios ripen, their shells take on a slightly open shape, reminiscent of a smile. The Chinese gave the name “lucky nut” to pistachios, and in their homeland they are called “smiling nuts.” In this article you will learn how to make a beautiful panel from pistachio shells. Now pistachio lovers can not only enjoy the taste of the nut, but also create amazing compositions.

- pistachio shell;

- acrylic paints;

- glue gun;

- Photo frame;

- aniline dye.

Pistachio panel. Master Class

1) Form flowers from the shell. To do this, three shells are glued together at the base.

2) Now grease the new shell at the base with hot glue and glue it to the bud. Apply glue only to the lower part so that the flower looks natural.

3) Increase the size of the flower, depending on the idea you come up with and the dimensions of the frame.

4) One panel will require many colors. At the same time, do not limit yourself to one size, and keep in mind that small details will give the picture tenderness and sophistication.

5) After all the blanks are ready, you can start painting. You can cover the surface of the flowers with acrylic or aerosol paints. To speed up the dyeing process, use aniline dye, which is available in grocery stores. The dye must be diluted in water according to the instructions.

6) Pour the dye solution into a convenient container. Use a spoon to drop the flowers into the container. Make sure that the flower is completely covered with colored water, otherwise the coloring will be uneven. Paint all the flowers using different colors or shades.

7) Take a photo frame. The glass needs to be removed, since the craft will be voluminous. Cover the back of the frame with glue and cover it with hay. The grass needs to be pressed well so that it sticks.

8) Hot glue all the flowers in any order. You can combine them by color and size. While gluing, move the hay a little so that the pistachio flower sticks to the frame itself.

Let the panel dry thoroughly. Carefully check that all the parts are well glued, because the product will hang on the wall.

Pistachios are a very tasty and healthy delicacy. And from the shells of these nuts you can create amazing things. This material is easy to work with, which is why children love to use it for their crafts. Crafts made from pistachio shells can be used to decorate your interior in an original way. This can be an artificial tree - topiary, decorative panels and even entire paintings made from pistachio shells. Let's find out in more detail how such masterpieces are created.

Pistachio shell tree

  1. Prepare a small branchy stick from a dry tree and a pistachio shell.
  2. Roll a ball of any size from brown plasticine (the size of the crown of the future tree depends on it). Stick the first shell into it so that the sharper edge is on top.
  3. Insert the following shells into the plasticine, trying to ensure that they fit tightly together like a pine cone.
  4. Continue this work until the plasticine is completely hidden under the pistachios. Cover the bottom of the plasticine ball with shells, leaving only a small gap for inserting a branch.
  5. Make three cones of different sizes and place them on a branch.
  6. And the final touch is preparing a tub for our tree. Roll plasticine of any color into a neat cylinder. Cover it tightly on all sides with even sticks. It is desirable that they come from the same tree as the topiary trunk itself. Stick the tree into the planter and check that it is stable. It is better to hide the plasticine at the base of the tree under the greenery or decorate it with the same pistachio peels that make up the craft itself. Tie the tub with twine or a beautiful matching ribbon.

DIY pistachio crafts – paintings

Like other natural materials, you can make crafts from pistachio shells. They can be volumetric, flat, or combine volume in a plane. The latter look best in the form of paintings. We invite you to make a painting “Chrysanthemums from pistachios”. In our work we will use Moment Gel glue (you can replace it with a hot glue gun).

Crafts made from pistachios are suitable for children's creativity, starting from 7-8 years old. For younger children, you can simply glue the shells onto a cardboard base, forming various figures, and paint them with gouache. You can also combine work with pistachios and plasticine and natural materials.

Materials for interesting crafts are available to everyone. Pistachio shells are a great example. DIY pistachio crafts will become an original gift or an unusual decoration for your home.

Decorative plate made of pistachios

Decorate your craft using your imagination or our example.

To make a plate you will need:

  • base plate;
  • pistachios;
  • PVA glue;
  • super glue or glue gun;
  • glue brush;

Step-by-step production:

  1. Choose a plate that will become the basis for the future dish. Lubricate it with PVA glue and place pistachio shells in one layer.
  2. Fix subsequent layers with super glue or a hot rod.
  3. When you achieve the desired thickness, lift the edge of the plate or moisten its edges with water: the PVA will dissolve and you can easily remove the craft.

An original room decoration or a gift made with soul - choose any purpose for this craft.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • shell;
  • glue.

Step-by-step production:

Glue the first circle of shells with the cups up to the cardboard, then the second inside and so on until the middle until you form a flower. Attach the inner circles not to the paper, but to the back and adjacent shells.

This decoration can be used for any decor.

Pistachio candlestick

Crafts made from pistachio shells in the form of candlesticks are ideal for Christmas room decoration.

They are simple to make, just like a flower. The difference is that instead of central circles there is space for a candle. The cups can be turned inward or upward, but in any case, such a candlestick will look original. Especially if you decorate it with acrylic paint.

Christmas tree toy made of pistachios

This craft can be made for a kindergarten or hung on a home Christmas tree.

To make a hanging toy you will need:

  • teardrop-shaped whole or half base;
  • pistachio shell;
  • glue gun;
  • ribbons for hanging and decoration.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Choose a light base, shaped like a cone. Foam molds work great. Start pasting it with pistachios in a circle, starting from the very bottom. The cups of the shells should be turned inward.
  2. When you get to the last circle, attach a hanging loop under one of the shells.

For a simple craft made from pistachio shells, you will need available tools.

You will need:

  • a light foam base in the shape of a donut, or a base made of thick cardboard;
  • a lot of pistachio shells (depending on the diameter of the base);
  • Super glue;
  • acrylic paint;

Step-by-step production:

  1. For a beautiful, voluminous wreath, a convex shape is ideal, but cardboard can also be used. Glue the pistachio shells in a circle, layer by layer. For a more interesting design, glue several flowers together first and then place them randomly on the wreath.
  2. Fill the voids with neat rows of nut cups.

The finished wreath can be left in its natural color, or coated with paint to make it look more like pine needles.

Crafts made from pistachios are indispensable during the New Year's period. Unusual Christmas trees are made from nut shells.

You will need:

  • cardboard rolled into a cone;
  • pistachios;
  • glue;
  • dye;
  • decorative elements;

Step-by-step production:

The cardboard rolled into a cone will become the base of the tree on which you need to glue the shells. Start from the lowest tier and work your way to the top. Glue the shells in circles or in a spiral - whichever you find more interesting. Paint the finished tree with acrylic, add glitter and decorations.

Pistachio pendant

You won’t immediately guess that this decoration was made by yourself. The pendant will be appreciated by lovers of original eco-jewelry.

You will need:

  • pistachios;
  • transparent glue;
  • metallic acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • chain or cord.

Step-by-step production:

Select the most even and similar shells to each other, lay them out in a suitable shape and glue them together. Paint the pendant with metallic paint and hang it on a chain.

Children and adults will enjoy making unusual crafts from nut shells. There is no shame in giving a tastefully created product as a gift, or keeping it for yourself to admire the original decoration.

In the manufacture of crafts from natural materials, nut shells are often used. In our country, most products are made from walnuts, but it is much more effective to use pistachio shells. It consists of two halves of a smooth and rounded shape. Almost all nuts have the same standard size of shell parts. Craftsmen use this to make petals, leaves, etc.

In the article we will look at several options for crafts made from pistachio shells that can be used by preschool children, starting with the simplest and gradually moving on to more complex projects for older preschoolers.

Turtles for kids

In order to make such cute turtles, you need to have walnut and pistachio shells, as well as plasticine for fastening the parts together. First, take one half of a walnut and insert a ball of plasticine into the middle. Then the pistachio legs and head are attached.

They are simply pressed into the plasticine. Eyes made of white and black plasticine are attached to the head. Dots are painted on the shell of turtles with gouache paints. This craft made from pistachio shells can be given as an assignment to children of the younger group in a fine arts class. Children, after listening to the teacher’s explanation, are able to make this craft on their own.


Pistachio shells can be used for flower arrangements where the petals and leaves are all the same size. This craft made from pistachio shells in the photo below belongs to an older child, but children in the middle group of kindergarten can also make it. To do this, you just need to draw the branches and mark the centers of the flowers. The teacher can do this by giving the children already prepared sheets of paper.

The centers can be made from plasticine balls, flattened in place on twigs. Petals painted in different colors are applied to PVA glue around the center. One flower is yellow, another is red, the third is purple. Along the line of green branches, which can simply be drawn with a marker, pistachio shells painted green are glued.

In the photo, the branches of this pistachio shell craft are made from quilling strips. Now this technique is very popular, but small children will not be able to lay out and glue such curls correctly. But even kids can glue shells around the drawn stem. Petals can also be attached using plasticine.

Volumetric flowers

Before making such crafts from pistachio shells with your own hands, you need to paint each of them on both sides. If schoolchildren are doing the work, you can also varnish it. Then the paint will not get dirty, and the petals will shine beautifully.

A cardboard circle is cut out and the shells begin to be glued on the outside of the circle. The second layer is attached to the middle. There, each shell is glued to an edge. The next layer sits on top of the previous one. A flower with layers of petals of different colors looks beautiful. For the middle, it is better to take bright shades - red, orange or yellow.


This craft from pistachio shells is made on a prepared sheet of paper. First, a background picture is drawn: the blue water of the sea or aquarium, the bottom, algae, the outline of the fish itself. Next, attach the pistachio shells to PVA glue, observing the boundaries of the contour of the fish. They should fill the entire surface, be at a close distance, so that there are practically no voids left.

Then, when the work has dried well, you can paint the sea creature with gouache paints with a thin brush, being careful not to go beyond the edges of the picture.


This is the most complex of all the pistachio shell crafts for children presented in the article. First you need to draw a background on a piece of paper. This is a peacock - the head, neck and body of the bird. A bright peacock tail, consisting of separate multi-colored sectors, is made from pistachio shells.

Each shell can be pre-painted and allowed to dry, but you can also draw on paper after gluing. You just need to paint carefully, trying not to stain the background picture. Between sectors, you can mix two colors on one layer at once to make a smooth transition from one to another.

Pistachio shells are a fertile material for crafts. With their help, both children and adults and talented craftsmen can make products. Try it too, it will definitely work.