Should you write to a girl that you miss her? Wishes in your own words I miss my girlfriend

I love looking into your eyes so much. Their gaze is so tender, so dangerous. Sometimes he’s joyful, sometimes he’s embarrassed, sometimes he’s suddenly stern, but so beautiful...

Darling, even a minute without you seems like an eternity. I live only by meetings with you, and the rest of the time I just exist. You are truly my other half, because only with you I feel that I am rising to heaven, as if on wings. I miss you very much and want to see you again as soon as possible.

The most important thing in the world is love. I realized this when I fell in love with you. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. And when you leave, even for a short time, it’s a disaster for me. I look forward to our meeting, I count the days spent without you, and I miss you very much. I just don't like this feeling of separation. Come quickly, my beloved, I feel so calm and comfortable when we are together. I really want us to never be apart. I love you tenderly, sincerely, and I hope that it is mutual.

With you you can be free, being yours. You can be uninhibited while being captivated.

Darling, I miss you, even when we are apart for a moment. Every day without you is darker than a dark night for me, and everyone around me is gloomy and uninteresting people. I look forward to meeting you, just as the Earth waits for spring - patiently and surely.

I miss you so much, why are you so far away? This SMS is flying to convey my warmth to you.

My beloved and dear, I miss you madly, I really want to see you and hug you tightly, kiss you sweetly and not let you go anywhere. May the moment of separation end as soon as possible, may our meeting come closer with every second and make my heart happy. Darling, without you it’s very difficult and not at all easy for me.

I would really like to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you tightly!

You know, beloved, when you are not around, I feel so bad without you, so lonely and uneasy. My heart is so attached to you that I don’t even want to think about what will happen to it. My heart probably won't be able to handle it if you're not around. That's why I always miss you. Sometimes, even when we are together, but just in different rooms! I want our little happiness called love to last forever. And we didn’t dare to destroy anything there. Have you heard the expression “soul mates”? So it seems to me that our souls, even before you and I were born, found each other. And they decided to be together forever. I miss.

I need your hands, lips, eyes. I need your affection and your tenderness. I want to be with you night and day. I want to find a place in your heart!

SMS I miss you and love you in your own words, short

My sunshine, you are the most dear person to me. I love you very much and want to spend my whole life next to you. I kiss you on your sweet lips!

I miss our meetings! And it doesn't matter how long they last. It’s just that time flies by too quickly next to you, and without you it goes by too slowly. And always, when you are not around, I miss you unbearably, my love.

Love works wonders with us, it makes us kinder, more sincere, it simply inspires us. I am grateful to you, my love, that you gave me such a wonderful feeling. Only with you I feel the happiest. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are close, minutes fly by at the speed of sound. You left for a short time, and I already miss you, my dear, I feel such emptiness. Solve all your affairs as soon as possible and come back to me, my joy. May you be lucky in everything, may luck be a reliable companion, and may my love be a talisman.

Without you, I feel like a flower to which the rain does not come, because only in you do I draw strength, and from the hot sun of love, I only miss you more.

They say: love grows stronger at a distance. I don’t know, it’s very hard for me without you, I miss you very much. I can’t imagine my life without you!

My beloved, I miss you madly, I miss your tender hands and sweet lips, your sensitive heart and native voice. I look forward to our meeting, strong hugs and an incredible feeling of love.

Born in the secluded corners of my soul and hidden from prying eyes, my love blossomed like a wondrous “Scarlet Flower”.

I miss! I think about anything. For example, about you. Or about you. Or about you in general.

I know that I will miss you more tomorrow...than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

I love you and miss you in my own words

Remember sometimes, if you want - always. But I know: it’s not always possible. Leave a corner in your heart for me, if possible...

Let all my love for you be concentrated in this SMS and protect you from all misfortunes, give you joy and a smile. I dream of meeting, I miss you, my beloved.

And now you are no longer with me again... The house is empty, and sitting within the four walls, I feel an indescribable longing for you, my love. I miss you very much, and that’s why I’m writing you this message to touch your soul through space. Just know: I love you very much, and I look forward to our meeting again.

Today I’m not in a mood at all, even the sun hid behind a cloud, because you’re not around, my beloved. I understand that this is your job, but I can’t help it. I count every minute until we meet. You gave me wings of happiness, but it’s such a pity that I can’t fly to you, my beloved. I miss your beautiful smile, your passionate kisses, the tender and warm words that you always say to me. May all your wishes come true, may you be lucky in everything.

I miss you, my beloved, as if I am cut off from the world and joys, because in you is my happiness and love! I’m waiting for you, just as I’m waiting for spring in my soul after a long winter!

I miss you very much and look forward to meeting you. It's a real challenge not to see each other for so long. Even a few days seem like an eternity now. I love you and hug you.

I miss you so much. Without you, my whole soul and body froze. Come and warm me. I want everything from our meeting to boil inside me!

I miss you, my sweetie. My love for you will overcome any distance and withstand any test. When you are near, my heart does not know sadness, but when you are far away, this light is not dear to me. I want to hug you soon and not know more minutes of separation.

My beloved, I miss you madly, I am very sad and want to cry, without you the world is not dear to me and nothing is interesting to me. I look forward to our meeting and the bright moment of a strong hug, to gently cuddle with you and not let go.

How to consider the beauty of the human soul. How to understand her thoughts? Find the eyes and look into them. And in your eyes there is such depth that you can drown.

How I want to hug you, press you tighter to my chest, kiss you quietly and never let you go...

Love works wonders. This is the strongest feeling that makes us change for the better. Having met you, I experienced it myself, I don’t recognize myself. You are the most tender, sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world. For your sake, I am ready to do the most incredible things. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I just can’t imagine how I could live and breathe without you before. Today you left, and I already miss you. I know our separation is not long, but I’m still sad without you, come back soon.

The world seems rainbow and colorful when you are next to me. You gave me happiness, you gave me love. You are the most tender, the most beautiful, the most wonderful girl in the world. When you are near, everything around is fragrant, but when you are not there, everything seems empty and dull. I understand that you have such a job, but I still can’t get used to it when you leave. I miss you every minute, I'm sad every second. Without you, nothing makes me happy, come back soon, my sunshine, I love you so much.

Fate gave me the most beautiful girl in the world. I am incredibly happy that you are next to me, my baby. When we are together, time flies by in seconds, and when we are apart, it drags on slowly, like a caravan of camels in the desert. Now you and I are in different cities, it’s been a week since we’ve seen each other. I miss you very much, my love, and I can’t wait for you to come. Even good, sunny weather does not make me happy, everything is in shades of gray when you are not with me. Come soon, my joy, I’m so sad without you.

I am the happiest person in the world, because next to me you are my angel. Every minute spent with you is a huge reward for me. You are the girl of my dreams, my soulmate, my destiny. I adore you, love you, breathe you. You are the best on the entire planet. I always want to be only with you, and I try to do everything possible for this. But I’ve been on a business trip for several days now, and I miss you like crazy. All my thoughts are only about you, my love. I'm looking forward to our meeting.

My sweetest, most beautiful, kindest girl in the world. I love you more than life. Every minute spent with you is a great joy for me. You are my brightest star that lights my path, my sun that gives me warmth. How good it is to be with you, kiss your sweet lips, listen to your cheerful ringing laughter. But today I’m not in the mood at all, because you’re not around, my beloved. I miss you like a nightingale misses summer, like dry land misses rain. I look forward to our meeting and being together again.

The world seems most beautiful and bright to me when an angel like you, my joy, is next to me. I breathe and live by you, my beloved. I feel so calm and comfortable when you are next to me. Today we parted with you, albeit not for long, but I already miss you, my joy. I'm so lonely without you, I'm not in the mood at all. Come back soon, I'm looking forward to seeing you. May luck accompany you in everything, may your dream certainly come true. I love you, and I want to be only with you, my dear, and most tender.

When you are in love, you want to fly out of happiness. It’s such a wonderful feeling how love makes us kinder and better. When you are nearby, my love, the days fly by with lightning speed, and when you are not there, everything around seems so empty and gray. I miss you very much, come, my dear, I’m looking forward to seeing you. These three days seem like an eternity to me. I'm sad without you, and I always remember our meeting. I love you and look forward to our date. May you be lucky in everything, my precious. Good luck and good mood.

You are nearby, and everything is wonderful, and I am so grateful to fate that it gave me you, my love. Every day spent with you is a reward for me. You inspire me, you make me kinder. I want you and I to never part, but circumstances are such that you often go on business trips. And then I consider myself the most unlucky person. And now there is emptiness in my soul, because you left. I miss you and look forward to our meeting. Come quickly, my sunshine.

Even the rainiest, worst weather seems beautiful if you are nearby, my beloved. And the sunny, warm weather does not make me happy today, because you are not with me, my princess. I miss you every minute, and only memories of you light a spark of warmth in my soul. Come back soon, my joy, and fill this world with joy and light. Always be by my side, because we feel so good together. I count every minute until we meet. Let my love be a talisman for you on your journey.

You study in another city and come home only on weekends. This is a huge test for our love. I'm looking forward to the weekend to meet you. After all, there is no girl in the world more beautiful and kinder than you, my beloved. I believe that very soon you and I will be together, and then there will be no reason for sadness. For me, you are the most important person on earth, I love you, and I will endure all separations just to be with you. May the separation not be long, and may our happiness be great and beautiful.

It's great to know that you have a girlfriend you can trust with your secrets. Darling, I adore you, and I want to always be by your side. I understand that this is your job, and I will patiently wait for our meeting. I am so sad without you, without your smile, without your ringing laughter. I'm waiting for you and counting every minute until our date. Always be with me, my joy. May good luck accompany you, and may a good angel protect you from all troubles. I'm waiting for you, and I want to see you the happiest.

Fate gave me just a royal gift by giving you, my sunshine. You are the dearest and most beloved person. I feel so good and comfortable with you. But today, the sun is not shining so brightly, and the birds are not chirping so cheerfully, because you are not nearby, my beloved. You left, and all I can do is be sad and wait impatiently for you. I miss you, my sunshine, and I don’t want to be apart from you even for a single minute. Come back soon, my joy, and give me your beautiful love.

I really don’t want to part with you, my love, but life is life. There are different situations that dictate the rules to us. You left, and I’m sad for you again, remembering the warmth and affection that you gave me. I look forward to our meeting, and count the days and minutes that bring me closer to a date with you, my one and only. May a lucky star illuminate your path, may luck follow you like a shadow, may all your wishes certainly come true. I miss you, my precious, and I wait, wait, wait.

You are beautiful, no doubt about it. I really want us to always be next to you. For me, you are the most important person on the entire planet. When you're around, everything is in the brightest colors, and when you're not there, everything becomes cold and gray. I really want to never part with you, but life is life. You've been gone for a few days, and there's already emptiness in my soul. I miss you so much, my baby. Come quickly, I'm looking forward to seeing you. May only good luck accompany you, and may my love protect you from everything bad.

My sunshine, my favorite girl in the world, you are my joy and joy. I just adore you and want to be with you every day. But, unfortunately, I have such a job that I have to leave for a while. If only you knew how much I suffer without you all these days. To bear parting with you is simply unbearable. I miss you, my love, and I can’t wait to see you. I remember our kisses and I just can't wait to see you again, my angel. I'm sad without you because I simply can't live without you.

Every day spent with you is a reward for me, and every minute without you is sheer torment. Our partings leave a painful scar on my heart. You go away to study, and I again have to look forward to the weekend. For me, you are a ray of happiness, you are my light in the window, my favorite girl in the world. I so want you to be happy, and I will do everything for this. I count every minute, every second until we meet you. I am sad without you, my kindest, most gentle, most desirable.

Honey, how lucky I am in life with you, my most beautiful girl in the world. Only with you, I feel like the happiest person. Only you give me affection and tenderness. Your lips, like honey, beckon again and again. When you and I are together, the days fly by like a fast bird. And when we part, time seems to stop. I love you very much, and that’s why I miss you every minute. I feel sad when you are not with me. So, let's, if possible, never part, my love.

Darling, all my life I will thank fate for having you, my sunshine. I really want to take your hand and walk next to you all my life. But life has its own laws, and sometimes we still have to part, albeit for a short time, but this is also separation. When you leave, I feel sad that same day. I just can't find a place for myself. I really don’t like such tests of love, it’s just painful. Come soon, my sunshine, I miss you and am looking forward to it.

Today I’m not in the mood at all, because I left, and I’m suffering our separation with excruciating pain. I’m so used to it that from the time we met, we were always side by side. And today, it feels like half of me is left. I miss you very much, my joy. You are the most precious thing I have. I love you, and I want to always be only with you. Come quickly, my joy, I feel so lonely without you. Why does love send us such trials? I'm counting down the days until we can be together again.

Thank you to fate that she introduced me to you. When I'm next to you, I just fly with happiness. You are the most gentle, kindest, sweetest girl in the world. Your eyes, your smile simply enchant me. I am so lucky to have you, sometimes I even envy myself. I feel so sad when you are not with me. Our partings may be very short, but still, I’m sad without you. I miss your ringing laughter and your sweet lips so much at these moments. Come back soon, because you know that I always miss and worry about you.

All my life I will be grateful to fate for giving me you. You are my favorite girl, you are my light in the window, my most gentle ray of warmth. Only with you will I be happy. I am enchanted by your gentle voice, your ringing laughter, your beautiful eyes. I always look forward to our meeting, and I miss you. For me, separation is simply unbearable, I cannot find a place for myself while you are not with me. I am ready to fulfill your deepest desire, just to never be separated again.

The main thing in life is love, and I was convinced of this when I met you, my charm. You are the girl of my dreams, my angel, my ideal. Only with you, I feel like the happiest person on earth, only you give me energy and self-confidence. When we part, even for the shortest time, I miss you very much. You are half of my heart, and a heart can’t beat halfway. I love you, my joy, and I want to be with you every minute, my best and most beloved girl.

How glad I am that I have you, my kindest, nicest, most gentle and best girl on the whole planet. You make my life colorful and bright. I don’t need anything else in life, just to have you next to me, my joy. And those minutes when we are apart from you seem like a cold, gray eternity to me. You are just an angel in the flesh, you inspire me with your love. I love you, I breathe and live only for you, my sunshine. I will do everything to make you the happiest, my one and only.

Darling, you give me love and happiness, you surround me with tenderness, affection and love. I'm just in seventh heaven when I'm next to you. And when we are apart, even the sunniest weather seems cloudy and cold to me. I miss you every minute. I love you and want to be only with you all my life. You are my soulmate, my destiny. I am very lucky to have you in my life, my joy. Sometimes I even envy myself, and all my life I will thank fate for such a priceless gift.

All I have in life is you, my sunshine, you are the joy of my every day, you are half of my heart. Next to you, I feel like the happiest guy. You, like a fairy-tale princess, shine with beauty. I am ready to listen to your gentle voice and ringing laughter for days. And if we part, even for a short time, I miss you very much, the whole world is not nice to me. I love you, and I want to always be only with you, to fulfill all your whims, my princess. Always be so gentle, affectionate and sweet.

My sweet, kind, gentle and most beloved girl in the world, I can’t even believe that a chance meeting grew into such strong feelings as love. I can’t even imagine life without you, and when we are separated for a short time, I miss you, my joy. Always be so beautiful and unique. Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming and having the sweetest dream, and that's why I'm afraid to wake up. But, thank God, this is all in reality, and I am incredibly happy. My most cherished dream is for you to always be by my side, my sunshine.

You are my soulmate, you are the girl of my dreams, my ideal. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I always want to be only with you, my only one. A sea of ​​compliments, I am ready to give you every day, just be with me, I simply cannot stand separation, although they say that separation makes love stronger and stronger, but this is not about me. I always look forward to our meeting. You are my light in the window, my warm ray of happiness, my heartbeat. I love you with the purest and brightest love, my angel.

My beloved, dear, gentle, and unique, I miss you madly. Time drags on without you like rubber, there is no joy and mood without your presence. My sunshine, I love you very much and look forward to the happy hour of our meeting.

My innermost, beloved, charming girl, at first sight you were able to conquer my soul, taking away forever a part of it and my peace with it. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I miss you. I miss you so much that sometimes I think I forget how to breathe. It’s strange, I lived calmly for so many years, not knowing what love was, until you appeared on my life’s path. And now I am completely given to you, so beautiful and unearthly. My little one, my joy, I miss you very much. Without you, I am uninteresting, sad and sad. Help me overcome all this - make me happy with your presence.

Darling, I miss you terribly, I miss your touch, your breath, your tenderness, your smile. Sometimes it seems to me that I will not survive this time, but I find strength in myself and continue to count every second until we meet!

Darling, I miss you madly. Without you, my sun, life is not the same, the days are gray and gloomy, the environment is tedious and boring, things are unnecessary and uninteresting. Without your smile, without your voice and without your warm hugs, I go crazy and find no place for myself. I miss you and really want to hug you tightly, my dear.

Darling, I miss you terribly, I miss you so much, it’s like I’m at the bottom of the ocean without scuba gear, it’s like I’m in space, but without a spacesuit. You are not around, there is no joy, no inspiration, no beauty for me. You can’t even imagine how much I want to hug and kiss you.

My beloved, I miss you so much that I can’t think about anything or do anything. I miss you so much, without you I give up, the morning doesn’t start with a smile, the day outside seems gray and boring. I look forward to our meeting and mentally hug you tightly.

Darling, without you my morning is dull, even if the sun is shining through the window, my day is uninteresting, even if cheerful music is playing, my evening is boring, even if there is something to do, my night is cold, because you are not nearby. I miss you very much and count every second until we meet. In the meantime, I mentally hug and kiss you deeply, my joy.

Darling, I'm going crazy, I miss you terribly. I realized and now firmly know that I don’t need this world without you, I don’t value the sun’s light without your presence. My joy, I am waiting for our meeting, just as Pushkin was waiting for his meeting with Goncharova. I love you and mentally hug you.

Darling, I miss you very much, it’s as if I fell into a coma, because without you all life and this whole world are just gray everyday life. My dear, dear, dear, I look forward to the time when we meet again and I will not let you go anywhere else for a moment. In the meantime, I hug you tightly and mentally kiss you, honey.

I miss you madly, my love. Without you, the sweet taste of life turned bitter, the blue sky turned gray, and my inspired heart was filled with sadness. Only next to you I feel great, only with you I want to sing, strive for high goals and win. I mentally hug you, kiss you sweetly and remind you that you are my sunshine, which warms me and fills me with strength.

SMS to your beloved girl is beautiful, touching, affectionate words that will bring you to tears. While reading these lines, pick up your mobile phone right now and write to your beloved girl about how much you love her, how beautiful, wonderful, good she is. This will help you pull her out of her daily routine and make her think about you. After such a message, any girl will not be able to be indifferent to your personality.

I want to smell your body, hear the silence of your thoughts. Honey, I'm sad without you.

I want to inhale the smell of your hair, look into your shining eyes, touch your tender lips.

I don’t demand anything supernatural...I just want you to be close... Always..

I kiss you... I love you... I miss you... your silence is painful for me... You are my most precious pearl, which is at the bottom of the sea and is inaccessible to me...

No obstacles will stop me on the way to your heart. I love you and am happy at the thought that one day you will become mine forever!

I need you like air and water, without you there is no life, but emptiness...

You are more beautiful than a rose, generous and kind, only you own me.

You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I live and breathe. I love you and will love you forever!

You are perfect for me in everything and always! I've dreamed of this all my life!

You are the “miracle” created by the universe. My heart skips a beat with admiration.

Your incredibly beautiful green eyes, I can’t forget, they pierce my heart like fire.

No one will ever compare to you, you are the only one! The most, most beautiful, tender, affectionate and desired by me!

You are my perfection, endlessly desirable and always chic, I love you madly! It's a pity that I realized this too late...

Dear, you are so far away! She disappeared as soon as she appeared. Only longing remains in my heart... I love you, my dear.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your smile and the sparkle of your eyes! I want to be with you right now!

Our marriage has officially tied us together into a knot that we cannot and do not want to untie.

My love for you is like the sound of a falling waterfall. Just as loud, noisy, clean and endless.

My beloved baby, kitten, sunshine, bunny. You are far away and I feel sad, please come back to me soon.

My ideal of unearthly beauty, I am forever fascinated by you!

I miss your hands, I miss your eyes, I miss your body. I miss you, my love!

I feel uneasy without you again, I fall asleep thinking about you...

Sweet, chic, intelligent. You have so much charm and unpredictability. I'm just going crazy about you.

Beloved, you are a bright ray of sunshine in my soul. We will overcome all bad weather together.

When I am away from you, the whole world is a desert in which I am alone and abandoned! You are the only essence of my whole life! (So ​​Napoleon wrote to his Josephine)

How nice, dear, to be in love with you, and to walk around dreamy and spiritual!

How hard it is to wait for a long time, I want to hug you and never let you go!

You lit a fire in my heart, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me... I fell in love with you like a boy, I only want to be with you!

My girl, I have an incredibly great and wonderful feeling for you.

Together with you, love, happiness, and meaning came into my life. You are the most important thing in my life.

“Until I knew you, I didn’t know what happiness was...”

You combine intelligence, dignity and beauty so harmoniously.

Even rose petals cannot compare with the tenderness of your lips.

I live by you, my dear, I need you, I want to hug you as soon as possible!

Winter in the heart, pain in the soul. I miss you so much!

Like a star you illuminate my path; for me you have always been and will be the most beautiful woman.

I came to the understanding that my past, present and future converge on one person - you. I love and will love forever only you.

I’m lying in my crib and I miss you, I want you so much, dear. I want to hug, kiss, I want to hold you close.

I love you the way you are. My kisses and hugs to you in this sms.

The world is so big, but I need only you, from such a big land.

I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile! Even if a wolf howls, how I want to hug you and kiss you for a long, long time!

My day without you is empty, it has no meaning. I can’t imagine my life without you.

My little angel. I feel bad without you. The world around is not happy, the mood is falling...

My love for you will last forever...

My baby, I miss you! I can't sleep this night. Darling, I don’t forget you! I'm looking forward to it and I miss it!

Nature is not pleasant, the weather outside the window is not pleasant... depression sets in and the heart languishes...

We recently broke up and I’m already sad. I really want to hear my beloved voice, well, at least send me a text message, my dear.

A night without you is not a night, a day without you is not a day. Come back to me soon, I live without you like a shadow.

With you, everything is colorful and bright, you filled my life, my heart belongs only to you.

I can no longer imagine my life without you. I will make you the happiest in this world!

You are not here and I am offended, there is sadness and longing in my soul, my beloved... I love you madly and miss you very much!

You are in my destiny, in thoughts and words.

You are far away, the only one. But I remember the tenderness of your skin, which is like velvet, I want to love you, touch your lips with my lips, I miss you very much.

You make my world change and me smile.

You are Miss Charm, I am captivated by your smile, “Queen of my dreams”

You are my sunshine - with your warmth you melted the ice in my heart.

You are simply a Goddess! Insanely beautiful! And very gentle!

You're like an angel incarnate. Go crazy with beauty!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night. We found each other among a million. I don't want to lose you, I want to take care of you, I just want us to be together.

I look forward to our next meeting to tell you how much I Love you!

I want to always be near you, protect you, and love you.

This article contains SMS messages to your beloved girl with beautiful, tender words, statements that will move you to tears. You can also write an SMS to your girlfriend in your own words. SMS messages are short, romantic, tender, loving, will diversify your relationship and will definitely bring a smile to her heart.

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Let's say you've met the girl of your dreams, but you rarely get to spend time together. It’s quite natural if you start to worry that that spark will disappear between you, because you don’t have the opportunity to see each other every day. Don't worry! There are many ways to make a girl miss you even when you're not together. You just need to show your concern and make sure that your girl is also eager to meet you, and most importantly, maintain a balance in this! So, in this article we will tell you how to make a girl miss you.


Part 1

Be unavailable

    Limit phone conversations. If you really want to make a girl miss you, you shouldn't spend all your free time talking on the phone with her, otherwise she won't feel your absence at all. If a girl knows perfectly well that she can chat with you at any time of the day or night, she will soon begin to take you for granted, which means that she will be much less bored than if you only had the opportunity to talk to her over 20 minutes a day (or so) because you're too busy.

    • Therefore, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you have a clear schedule and to-do list so that you are not tempted to chat and text with your girl whenever she wants. But don’t go too far, sometimes long, heartfelt conversations are ideal for strengthening relationships.
  1. Limit your time together. If you want a girl to start missing you, you know that you shouldn't hang around her all the time, right? Being apart for a while really makes the heart beat faster. Understand that you don’t need to spend all your time with a girl, otherwise she simply won’t have the opportunity to dream about being next to you again. Of course, you shouldn’t limit your communication time so much that the girl gets completely upset and forgets about you, just try to maintain a balance: spend time together (and spend it well and have fun), but behave in such a way that the girl understands that you won’t always be in its access area.

    • It's all part of the inaccessibility. If you come to the girl on her first call at any time of the day or night, she will know that she can get you whenever she wants.
    • In addition, this also means that you should not always agree to "hang out" and other forms of pastime when your girlfriend is in the mood. You need to plan everything in advance because you are very busy, remember?
  2. Don't put your own life on hold. If you want a girl to miss you, the first thing you need to do is make her respect you as a person. She should know that you have your own life, your own affairs, your own friends, hobbies (anything from basketball to playing the guitar). But if a girl knows that nothing interesting is happening in your life, she will think that she can date you whenever she wants, because you still don’t have any important things to do or plans. So you can drop everything and do as she wants.

    • Try to always be a busy and active person - this will make you attractive to any self-sufficient girl. Of course, don’t go too far and don’t overload yourself with things so much that you don’t have time for a girl. Maintain balance so that you do not have unnecessary stress and feelings of dissatisfaction with your life. If this does happen, apologize for the circumstances.
  3. Be mysterious. Don’t tell your girl absolutely everything that you do and think about every day, otherwise she will feel that that very “spark” - the mystery - has disappeared in your relationship. It is clear that you do not need to disappear for several days or lie to her for this, otherwise bad thoughts will enter her head, but you also should not tell her everything about yourself and your plans in detail. You need to make sure that the girl gradually discovers your entire multifaceted personality, learning something new each time. Being like an open book is not sexy at all. It's much sexier to make a girl try to get to know you better.

    • The more time you spend together, the better you will be able to perform. But this takes time. If a girl feels like she knows you like the back of her hand after the first date, why should she come for a second?
  4. Don't be too available. After all, you have your own life, remember? So you simply can't pick up the phone every time she calls you and answer her messages within 10 seconds. Of course, in most cases it is worth answering phone calls or messages (especially if they are important). But in general, you should wait a while before returning calls or responding to messages. For example, you can call or write back in an hour or two, or only in half a day if you are really very busy. The main thing is not to get into the habit of constantly ignoring her calls and messages, otherwise the girl will start to get irritated, she will become bored, and she will definitely suspect that you are dating someone else.

    • If a girl realizes that you always and immediately answer all her calls and messages, she will immediately decide that she is now hooked on you.
  5. Don't try to make her jealous. Maybe you think that disappearing for a few days, talking about other girls and hiding your feelings is a great way to make a girl miss you even more, because she will be jealous and suspect that you might have a crush on someone else, because why a girl will want to see you more often. And you will be right, but only up to a certain point. So, of course, you shouldn't put everything on the line, move away and date other girls just to get the girl you like. Such a strategy will definitely fail sooner or later, and your girlfriend will be very upset or completely lose interest in you.

    • She will quickly see through your tricks and will miss you much less.

    Part 2

    How to make a girl think about you
    1. Try to make sure that before going to bed the girl always thinks about you. If you want a girl to miss you, you need to be the person she thinks about before she closes her eyes and falls asleep. Subconsciously, this will make her miss you and think about you a lot more. So make it a habit to call or text her good night before she goes to bed. If it seems to you that the girl is not enthusiastic about this, do not put pressure on her, otherwise you will look too desperate. But if your voice is the last thing she hears before going to bed, she will definitely start missing you a lot more.

    2. Make her wonder if you miss her. After a fantastic date, call her and chat for a minute just to check in on her, but don't start a long conversation or talk about how much you liked her. Say you had a great time and then take a break for a day or so. Make her wonder if you think about her as much as she thinks about you. As soon as you manage to do this, you can assume that the affection and sympathy of this girl is already in your pocket. If something happens the next day that really makes you think a lot and often about this girl, you can tell her about it. But, of course, this should not become a habit.

      • If the girl herself told you that she often thinks about you, you shouldn’t be too shy. Answer that you thought about her too. Just try not to initiate these types of conversations too much.
    3. Leave her something that will remind her of you. If you want a girl to really start missing you, you need to give her something that will remind her of you. For example, it could be a cute little teddy bear you bought her at an event, a sweater spritzed with your perfume, or a framed photo from your first date when you went to a concert together. If a girl always has something in front of her eyes that reminds her of you, she will definitely start missing you much more. Giving a girl some cute little thing or simply leaving her something of yours is a guaranteed way to stay in her thoughts for a long time.

      • Give her a cute ring or bracelet. If a girl wears it, the jewelry will always be before her eyes.
      • Get her a cute poster that she can hang in her room so she can always see it.
    4. Try to surprise and charm her, even when you are not together. When you are not together, when talking to a girl, you need to try to interest her so that she wants to see you again. Even if you have the opportunity to talk to her for 20 minutes a day, you need to make her count down the minutes until the next time she talks to you. Make her laugh, tell her funny stories about something incredible that happened to you that day, ask how she's doing, show her that you think she's special. The girl should feel that talking to you is worth her time. These conversations and your words should make her miss you even more.

      • Of course, not every one of us likes long telephone conversations. If telephone conversations are not your thing, don’t get carried away with them, just do everything possible to impress the girl if the telephone conversation does take place.
      • If you are worried and don't know what to say to her, think about it a little and collect your thoughts before talking. Think of three topics or situations to talk about and go for it!
    5. Write a letter to the girl. If you want a girl to miss you because you don't live together, one of the sweetest and most unexpected things you can do is write her a letter. Nowadays, almost no one writes regular paper letters to each other, so she will definitely appreciate this gesture and find it incredibly romantic that you made some effort and wrote her a letter. She will treasure this letter, reading it over and over again and thinking about you constantly. This letter does not have to be long or serious. Just write how you spend your days, that you think about her a lot.

      • You don't need to be Shakespeare to write a beautiful and sweet letter to a girl. She will be more impressed by the idea itself and your efforts, rather than by the style of writing.
    6. When you spend time together, treat her like a queen. Of course, being a little unavailable and busy while you're not together will make her miss you a little more, but when you do spend time together, give her your full attention. Make her feel special by telling her how beautiful she is often. Try to make each of your dates special and memorable so that the girl has something to remember during separation. Discuss topics that interest her, give her compliments, and take time to listen to her.

      • Don't be shy to tell her how much you miss her. Remember that this is not a sign of weakness at all, it is an indicator of how dear she is to you!
    • Try not to be intrusive. Have fun and have fun, but know how to stop in time.
    • Be yourself. If she likes you, that's great, but if there is no reciprocation, try to put this girl out of your head and move on.
    • Remember that you will need time. Bonding doesn't happen overnight or in a week. Be patient. And don't despair. In the end, it will be worth the wait.
    • Remember that not all girls behave and react the same way. These are just general outlines of the strategy that should be followed. It will work with most girls.
    • If this girl already has a boyfriend, you should not follow the recommendations from our article. It will just be ugly and cruel.
    • Don't disrespect a girl by, for example, asking other girls' phone numbers.
    • Girls are attracted to guys who are always themselves.
    • Be respectful of the girl's feelings.
    • Don't become the "bad guy." Just be yourself.
    • If you obsess over this girl and your behavior strategies, it will definitely be noticeable and will definitely turn her off. Be yourself, don't be afraid, even if you're not like most guys. If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world, try again with another girl.


    • As mentioned above, don't get hung up on a girl or you'll just lose her. It is much more effective to be patient and act slowly and gradually, rather than to act desperately and recklessly.
    • If a girl doesn't like you, back off. In this situation, there is nothing worse than making the girl you like angry with you. Eventually, she will be interested in you. And if sympathy does not arise, it is better to find someone else.