Makeup for brown eyes at home. Festive option: ideas

Just a few strokes help make your eyes more expressive and brighter, more mysterious and deeper. But the nature of the created image depends on how skillfully these strokes are applied. Proper makeup for brown eyes should highlight the rich color and shade of the iris, but not look vulgar.

It seems to many that there is nothing outstanding in applying cosmetics, but one has only to compare the results of the work of a professional makeup artist and home makeup, and it becomes clear that there are many nuances in the use of decorative products. And one of them is the right start to working on your face.

Where to start with makeup

Before you start applying decorative products, you should determine the color scheme of your makeup, because different tones and shadows are used for different occasions. The image and brightness of the face depend on the palette, and at different times of the day, rich colors look different. In addition, the color scheme is determined by the intended outfit and the upcoming event: whether it is a trip to work, to a university, or to a gala reception.

Brown eyes are unique in terms of combinations with eye shadow colors, but we must not forget about the type of face, since the palette is chosen taking this parameter into account. In general, experts do not recommend choosing too bright colors for brown eyes, even for festive evening makeup, since such a shade of the iris is attractive in itself, and in no case should you shift the emphasis to eyelid color.

Having decided what type of makeup will be worn for brown-eyed beauties - be it evening, everyday, daytime, everyday discreet or intense festive, you can begin to transform your face with the help of cosmetics. And it starts with the most important thing - evening out skin color.

Tip: Don't ignore this step, as even the slightest imperfections on your face will ruin even the most skillful eye makeup.

Choosing the shade of eye shadow and eyeliner

An additional factor in choosing the color of eye shadow is the shade of the iris, since brown eyes can be very different.

  • It is better to paint light eyes using golden, malachite and chocolate shadows. It is absolutely impossible to choose bright colors for such an iris. It is better to highlight such eyes with brown eyeliner.
  • More saturated eye shades harmonize with bronze, lilac and cream shadows, and it is better to choose dark brown eyeliner, but not black.
  • Even darker brown eyes will also be decorated with emerald, purple, and bronze shades. Both chocolate and black eyeliner are applicable.

Tip: When choosing shadows, you should not forget about the shade of the curls. Blonde-haired owners of brown eyes should choose not very saturated tones - sand, light pink, pastel green. But brunettes are advised to pay attention to bright shadows: golden, purple.

Makeup artists insist that brown-eyed girls give up orange shades of eyeshadow once and for all; they will make their eyes teary. In addition, warm tones are not recommended for the fair sex with a cold complexion. Paradoxically, dark, brown-eyed beauties can also be “winter.” Then the choice falls not on golden shades, but on silver ones.

Obviously, the choice of shadows is a very individual matter and not always simple, so the best option would be at least one consultation with a specialist who will determine the acceptable palette for your skin type and eye color.

Features of choosing mascara and its application

The choice of mascara for brown-eyed girls is a question that causes a lot of controversy, they say, the eyelashes are already dark, there is no need to tint them. But this opinion has no significant justification, since eyelashes without mascara will lose their rich color against the background of painted eyelids, especially if they are not thick or long. This is why makeup artists still recommend painting your eyelashes, but only with black mascara, since any other colors will not give any effect.

By nature, those with brown eyes have thicker eyelashes than light-eyed girls, so you can avoid bulky mascara and opt for lengthening products. It is important to apply it so that the eyelashes are separated from one another.

A few basic rules for applying cosmetics

Regardless of what kind of makeup you are going to do, you need to take into account several traditional makeup rules:

  • Light shadows, which usually act as a background for darker paint, are applied to the inside of the eyelid or only to the stationary part of it.
  • Dark ones, accordingly, are applied to the outside, carefully shading the edges.
  • Narrower arrows are recommended for those who have round eyes, and a thicker line along the eyelash growth is recommended for those with a narrow shape.

Several makeup options for brown-eyed beauties

1. Everyday option

Daily makeup used for routine leaving the house - to study or work - is just a neatly even complexion, slightly emphasized eyes, but not bright shadows. Eyelashes also shouldn’t look like fans, unless, of course, nature gave them to you. For everyday use, this is a discreet but very precise option for highlighting the natural attractiveness of the face.

So, any makeup begins by applying tone to the face. Only after this do they begin to look at the eyes:

  • First you need to apply a sand-colored eyeshadow - it can be a little lighter than your skin tone or, conversely, a little darker, which is used to make the eyes more expressive. But you should choose bronze shadows carefully, as they can make your face tear-stained.
  • Lighter spots should be left in the inner corner of the eye and in the middle of the upper eyelid.
  • And then darker, usually brown, shadows are carefully placed along the hair line. They can replace the arrow if the eyes are light enough. You can highlight the shade of the dark iris using a more saturated shade of eyeliner.
  • Now apply lengthening mascara to the eyelashes.

2. Delicate daytime makeup

An unobtrusive and very gentle makeup look using white shadows looks interesting.

  1. After applying the main tone, the entire movable eyelid is covered with white shadows. It is advisable to choose matte tones, since shine will create unnecessary brightness, acceptable for an evening look, but not for a business everyday look.
  2. Using a brown pencil, you should then draw an arrow along the hairline. This is usually done on both the upper and lower eyelids. This technique makes the eyes almond-shaped.
  3. You can emphasize the shape with just a light stroke of darker eyeliner along the outer edge of the upper eyelid.
  4. If you wish, you can leave this makeup without mascara, but usually it is supplemented with a lengthening agent.

3. Classic smoky-eyes (smoky makeup) for brown eyes

This is the most effective makeup for creating a very expressive, deep look. Today it is also used as a daytime look, although previously this look was considered too bright for daily use.

To apply smoky makeup you will need a standard set of cosmetics and tools:

  • black pencil;
  • shadows of 1-2 selected shades plus some pearlescent ones if you want to do bright evening makeup;
  • mascara;
  • three brushes: beveled, sponge and flat.

Sometimes creating a smoky look starts with a thick liner on the upper eyelid, but you can do it differently:

1. Apply white or fairly light shadows to the upper eyelid. You can use a matte foundation that will lighten your skin.

2. Now you should take a dark tone (usually grey, graphite or dark brown) and apply it to the outer side of the upper eyelid. This is done so as to cover half of the entire area above the eye. It is important to properly shade the junctions of shades.

3. On top of the shadows you need to draw a thick arrow with a black pencil. Remember that eyeliner is not used here, as there should not be too clear lines.

4. The arrow is also shaded a little using a soft brush and dark shadows.

4. Casual soft smoky look

This option can really be called everyday, because it does not use overly bright accents, black tones or thick application of dark shadows. But such makeup is suitable only for fair-skinned girls, perhaps even fair-skinned with a light shade of curls.

  • Let's start this makeup with arrows. Use a dark brown pencil to draw them. For darker eyes and hair, we can use black, but the image will then be slightly different. Draw two arrows, top and bottom, without significant extension, just to highlight the shape of the eyes.
  • Then you need to cover the upper eyelid with pale shades of pink or natural flesh color.
  • Using an angled brush, apply dark shadows (usually choose brown, but not chocolate) shadowing the outer edge of the eyeliner. This is how the haze is created.
  • Then again draw an arrow in the outer corner of the eye.
  • Blend the shadows a little more so that there is no definite boundary between the shades.
  • Apply mascara if desired.

Makeup for holidays and evenings

Evening types of makeup differ from daytime ones in that they use brighter shadows, clear black eyeliner, bold solutions - everything that during the day will look, if not vulgar, then not very elegant. Therefore, rich and shiny shadows can only be obtained before an important event, an evening walk, going to a nightclub or a date. Here are just a few options for bold and simply bright makeup for brown eyes:

1. Purple mysterious look

This makeup is akin to the vamp style, as the eyes turn out to be overly bright.

  • Apply tone and lighten the upper eyelid.
  • Draw a thick black arrow, preferably using eyeliner.

Important: no need to lengthen the eye shape!

  • On the moving eyelid, apply dark chocolate shadows in a thick arc - along the line of the arrow. Using the same shadows, draw an arrow along the lower eyelid.
  • Blend your eyeliner and dark shadows.
  • Repeat the same with purple tones. Make sure that the edge of the shadow does not extend beyond the contour of the upper eyelid. This is checked in a fairly simple way - imagine a straight line from the outer corner of the eye to the similar edge of the eyebrow.
  • Now you need to add mother of pearl. You can use purple again or take transparent pearlescent shadows. They should also be applied to the lower eyelid.
  • Carefully blend the transitions.

2. Elegant evening makeup

More delicate, but no less bright evening makeup involves the use of fewer dark shadows.

  1. Lighten your eyelids with white or pale pink eyeshadow.
  2. Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the upper lash line.
  3. Take dark colors (gray or brown) and draw an outline of the eye shape along the border of the moving eyelid. They do this so that when the eye is open, these shadows seem to fall like an arrow. This line should follow the line of the arrow. When the eye is closed, they will be a mirror image of each other.
  4. Using gentle movements, draw a narrow arrow along the lower eyelid with shadows. Blend it out.
  5. On top of the dark top arrow, draw a line with pearlescent - pink, golden, lilac - shadows. Blend the color transitions.


When choosing everyday cosmetics for brown eyes, you should remember about a sense of proportion, because this color is quite attractive and bright. But in the evening you can allow yourself to show your individuality and appear in a completely new image. Here you can already experiment with the same smoky look, using bright blue or green matte shadows, rich shiny bronze or gold - depending on your mood.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes in 7 minutes

Dark eyes will help make makeup for brown eyes more impressive; a step-by-step photo will allow you to consider the implementation of this procedure in stages. Properly done makeup will make your look more expressive and beautiful.

To present your eyes favorably, you need to know what colors to use. In this case, the color palette of the chosen outfit and the shade of the hair are important.

Features of makeup for brown eyes

If your eyes are naturally brown, then you should not overuse too much bright makeup in an effort to highlight them even more. It is important to feel normal.
Little tricks and makeup tips will allow you to bring interesting ideas to life.

To paint your eyes beautifully, you should consider the following rules:

  • Silver-gray eyeshadow looks great with any eye shade.

Advice! You need to paint your eyes according to your type of appearance. There is a division into cold and warm. If platinum and silver are more suitable, then you are a cold type of woman. If gold jewelry goes better, then you are a warm type.

How to choose shadows?

The choice of eyeshadow color palette depends on the shade of dark eyes. For light brown eyes, you should use golden, brownish and emerald colors. Don't use too bright colors.

  • Dark brown eyes should choose green, bronze, brown or purple shades, but in a more saturated tone.

Also, when choosing shadows, you should pay attention to hair color. For fair-haired women, calmer colors are suitable: sand, pink or greenish tones.

Advice!When applying shadows, you should use a simple rule: a darker shade is applied to the upper eyelid, and a lighter tone to the lower.

Choosing eyeliner and mascara

A line is applied with eyeliner at a close distance from the eyelashes. In this case, the line on the lower eyelid should be very thin.

The chosen eyeliner color depends on the color of the eyeshadow. You can use not only standard brown and black tones, but also purple or lilac options.

Just because your eyelashes are naturally dark doesn't mean you don't need to use mascara. With its help you can add additional volume and length. To create fuller eyelashes, you should powder them a little before applying mascara.

Advice! In order to paint your eyes in an oriental style, you need to make the line wider closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Choosing a color palette

When choosing makeup colors, there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account:

  • Blondes should opt for beige, light green and sand shades.
  • Silver, chocolate and black colors are suitable for brunettes.

Girls with dark skin and large eyes can try Arabic makeup for brown eyes. In this case, arrows are used, and the eyebrows should be well drawn. Shadows of rich pearlescent shades are also selected.

The following tones can be wonderfully combined: blue with blue, brown with red or green with yellow. The contour of the eye is drawn with black eyeliner, and black shadows are shaded on top. Only then are the remaining colors used.

Advice! Brown eyes are not suitable for different terracotta color options. A spectacular make-up will be obtained by using opal, white and creamy shades.

How to do makeup: step by step

Standard eye coloring consists of the following steps:

  • The eye contour is emphasized with a pencil or eyeliner.
  • Shadows are applied. It is not recommended to use more than two colors. The lighter shade is distributed closer to the inner corner of the eye, and the darker shade is distributed closer to the outer corner. The transition between colors should be smooth. In this case, shading is used.
  • Mascara is applied. If two layers are used, then the second pass is performed after the first layer has completely dried.

Advice!To make your eyes larger, you need to draw a line with a white pencil along the inside of the lower eyelid.

Features of the evening option

Evening makeup for brown eyes can be more extravagant and bright than daytime makeup. This will help you take a step-by-step photo.

In this case, a bright color palette is used, as well as combinations of 3-4 shades.

The following recommendations will help you create an original image:

  • It is worth choosing one main shade, which is applied to the moving part of the eyelid.
  • Then take a color that is darker than the main one and apply it along the crease of the upper eyelid.
  • Then the remaining colors are applied and thoroughly shaded.
  • Use contrasting shades to add a pop of color.
  • You can use black eyeliner.

Advice!You can do makeup in the style of cat eyes. For this, pearl and beige shadows, as well as black eyeliner, are used. For lips, it is recommended to use brick-colored lipstick.

A nude style option is considered an interesting everyday makeup look. This is a makeup without color, that is, colors are used that are as close as possible to the natural shades of the skin and lips.

Such a simple option is not so easy to do. The foundation needs to be chosen so that it is not noticeable even in bright light.

All defects should be masked with concealer. Shadows are used in natural shades. They should perfectly match your skin tone. Additionally, the skin around the eyes is evened out.

Light glosses and matte lipsticks are used for lips. Mascara can be chosen in brown color.

Secrets of daytime makeup

Makeup is performed as follows:

  • The shadow base is distributed over the upper eyelid. A white line is drawn under the eyebrows with a white pencil, which will emphasize their clarity. The line needs to be shaded with a brush.
  • Use a brown pencil to make strokes at the outer corner, which are then shaded.
  • Then, starting from the inner corner, apply light, mustard and brown eyeshadow.
  • The borders of the transition are shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted, blush is applied, and clear gloss is applied to the lips.

Advice! For girls with dark hair, it is recommended to use gold or lilac color for daytime wear. It is better not to use blue and green. For blondes, any pastel shades are recommended for this type of makeup.

Makeup for every day

Everyday makeup for dark or green-brown eyes is simple. It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows.

The base covers the moving eyelid. Then the same part is painted over with light shadows. Brown shadows are added to the outer corner. The boundaries should be smooth. For this, shading is used. The outer corner should be shaded with black shadows.

It will require a base for shadows, mascara and light, black and brown shadows

Advice! To create an expressive look, you can use false eyelashes. Painting with ink must be very thorough.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes

For blondes with brown eyes, a more delicate color scheme is used.

Applying makeup has some features:

  • If the eyebrows are light, then they need to be tinted.
  • Shadows of light and pastel colors are recommended.
  • You can draw a thin line along the upper eyelid, which needs to be made thicker closer to the outer eyelid.
  • Blondes should not use a black pencil, as this will make their eyes look inflamed.
  • The eyeliner line of the lower eyelids is well shaded.
  • Shadows are applied. In this case, it is better to use combinations of shades of the same color.

Makeup for brown-eyed blondes. Step 1-4

Advice! If you paint your upper eyelids a light color, they will look tired. If you overdo it with pearlescent shades, you can create the effect of puffy eyelids. Eyebrows are shaded with a brown pencil.

The nuances of makeup for brunettes

It is not recommended to make your eyes and mouth bright at the same time.

The range of colors used can be quite wide. You can experiment with rich tones. In this case, catchy berry shades and purple colors are used.

Advice! Olive brown can be used by women with light brown eyes. An interesting solution would be a rich blue color. If the skin is light, then you should give preference to sea green, fuchsia or light blue.

This type of makeup has the following features:

  • Mother of pearl is applied above the eyebrow.
  • For drooping eyelids, you should not use clear lines. All contours and eyeliners are carefully shaded.
  • It is worth using loose shadows.
  • Smoky brown shadows are applied to the crease and blended well.
  • Thin arrows will add originality.

There is special makeup for narrow brown eyes. There are some secrets that will make small eyes appear larger.

  • The eyebrow line should be beautiful.
  • It is necessary to disguise dark circles.
  • When using dark shadows, they should only be applied to the middle of the pupil.
  • The shadows need to be shaded over the eye crease.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of paint, so as not to end up with a tasteless and vulgar image. When choosing makeup, you need to take into account your appearance and the chosen outfit. All elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

When using contrasting shades, you need to ensure that they suit your face type.

Advice! Do not apply concealer with reflective properties to swollen eyelids. This will make them appear even larger. And to give a cat-like look, a black pencil is drawn on the area of ​​the lower mucosa.

Using helpful tips and step-by-step photos, you can create any type of makeup for brown eyes. To create natural makeup, a minimum of decorative cosmetics is used.

Women in our modern world use daytime makeup every day. It is able to highlight natural external beauty. Brown eyes in themselves are already considered expressive. Therefore, they do not require a wide variety of colors. In this regard, there are no special difficulties in creating it.

Basic Rules

Let's reveal the rules that should not be broken when doing daily makeup. First of all, you need to hide absolutely all skin imperfections, since they are noticeable during the day. Especially oily shine or redness. You can remove these shortcomings using:

  1. Silicone based primer, which will enter the pores and absorb the secreted sebum.
  2. foundation – she is able to even out the tone of the face. It is worth noting that in the area where the boundaries between the cosmetic product and your skin color transition, you need to rub well so that there is no contrast in this area.

Let's move on to the eyebrows. They need to be constantly looked after and corrected, as well as to create a contour for them. Every woman with brown eyes should be able to do simple daytime makeup. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the minimum set of shades that are combined with this color. These are shades of bronze, plum, the whole brown palette, purple, gray and dark blue. Each range of colors offered is suitable exclusively for a specific case. Colors that were not mentioned are not prohibited, but you should be careful with them.

Of all the varieties of mascara, It is better to give preference to brown and black. It is dangerous to use the remaining paints, although very young girls can experiment with blue. Those with fair skin types should choose cool tones. For example: gray and blue. You can also try soft blue shadows, aqua shades and cool greens. You are allowed to safely use rich lipstick: scarlet, burgundy, cherry.

If brown eyes are combined with a tanned or dark complexion, then you can use shining particles in your makeup, namely a product such as highlighter, which is used in and. Moreover, such shimmer will not prevent the image from remaining delicate. Shadows with shiny pigments, lip gloss are also perfect here, and blush can be replaced with shimmer. The resulting appearance will look fresh and well-rested.

To highlight light brown eyes in daytime makeup, you need to use brown and olive colors. A more beautiful combination will be if the skin is tanned. For dark brown eyes, you should choose cream, brown, lavender and pink colors.

Orange and silver paints are prohibited. With the last color, make-up will look unnatural in sunlight. If you want to use metallic shades, then you should choose from bronze and copper as in. Particular care must be taken when approaching those colors that exactly match the color of the iris. A pink palette can also have a negative impact, because it can make your eyes look tired and inflamed.

A fresh look is achieved through coffee, peach and coffee shadows. Especially if you are the owner of a fair complexion. For light daytime makeup, winged eyeliner, which goes so well with brown eyes, will be an excellent addition.

Make-up, which is performed for the day, It’s better to use the banana technique. It implies two shades: light and dark. Moreover, the first should be located on the movable membrane of the eyelids, and the second only on the outer corner and on the hollow, in the fold. It is better to choose natural colors in lipstick. After all, in a daytime look, the eyes should stand out.

Selection of cosmetics

To get the perfect daytime makeup for brown eyes, you need to know the lessons of choosing the right cosmetics. This is the only way to highlight your beauty.

First let's talk about shadows, a little about them has already been said in the chapter above. Usually several colors are used for makeup, and to make them shade well, you can add a third neutral paint.

Women whose pupils have a honey tone should give preference to purple and champagne shades. Light shadows or pencil highlight the expressiveness of the look. We must not forget that a dark palette would be inappropriate here - it could create a contrast.

You can highlight dark brown eyes using bronze, green or purple makeup. In this case, you can safely use black eyeliner. You need to apply it as close to the eyelashes as possible, and draw a thin line. To make it smooth and even, all movements must be performed carefully and slowly. This technique allows you to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes.

When creating an oriental style, it is allowed to make eyeliner a little wider than usual.
If we talk about the eyeliner palette, then it should be combined with the overall makeup look, but be a little darker. For example, there are the following beneficial combinations: pink and purple, brown and lilac.

Daytime makeup for brown eyes, so for others it is considered unfinished if there is no mascara in it. Girls with naturally long eyelashes do not need to give it up completely. You can use the one that will add volume. But if your eyelashes are short, then you should use lengthening mascara. In both cases, you need to give preference to a black tone. If you need to do both volume and lengthening, then you should turn to a special loose powder or a two-phase product. Then apply mascara over them.

Choosing a shade to match your hair

When creating a makeup look, you need to take into account all the nuances, which may influence the final result. An important factor is the color of the hair.

First let's talk about red-haired women, with brown eyes. Such people radiate light and sunshine, even if they do not use other bright accents. And if you choose the right color palette for creating daytime makeup, you can enhance the shine of your eyes and turn into an unearthly fairy-tale beauty. First of all, you need to consider a warm and gentle palette, in sand, green and pink tones. An unsuccessful solution would be shades that perfectly match the tone of the iris or curls. You also need to forget about cold colors: blue and turquoise.

Owners of white hair and brown eyes are extremely rare. Because this is a very unusual combination. If you are the one, then your make-up in a work style should be unnoticeable and invisible. Of the shadows, only beige and chocolate are recommended. Eyeliner will be your must-have attribute - with its help you can give your eyes the desired shape. The final step will be mascara.

Representatives of the fair sex with brown eyes and dark hair already from birth have a fairly bright and expressive appearance. Therefore, it will be much easier for them to achieve beautiful daytime makeup. It must be said that brunettes are a winter type of face. In this regard, they have a very wide range of palettes at their disposal.

To create a bright and expressive image, you need to stock up on brown, silver, lilac and golden shadows. In such a make-up, you cannot use more than three colors, otherwise the result will be unexpected. Moreover, all boundaries between shades must be carefully shaded. As always, you need to start with the lightest and end with the darkest. For daytime going out, plum and dark purple tones are considered universal. Since they look good on both white and dark skin.

Makeup technique

A detailed, step-by-step method of applying makeup for a daytime walk or going to work, taking into account eye color, in our case with a brown tint.

  • Pre-clean your facial skin and apply a nourishing mask on it. After moistening and tapping movements, place the primer on the entire surface. Now you can rub the foundation into a thin layer and sprinkle a little powder on top. The last step must be done on the upper eyelid.
  • Draw a narrow line around the eye. Draw along the upper line of the eyebrows with a pencil and shade.
  • Now apply light shadows to the entire upper eyelid. Moreover, there will be three types in total from the same spectrum of shades.
  • Then, one by one, moving away from the inner corner, apply the remaining colors. We shade them all thoroughly. It turns out that they flow from each other. To avoid sharp edges, experts advise dipping a wide brush into powder. Then brush as much as possible and start smoothing.
  • Next, in daytime makeup for brown eyes, we create arrows with eyeliner.
  • We finish our look with mascara with the desired effect. Finally, you need to separate each eyelash hair. A special brush will help with this.

The proposed option is perfect for day and evening.

You can do any kind of make-up only if you have cosmetics that will highlight your advantages and disguise your flaws. Usually the last ones to appear are pimples, uneven skin, and blue circles under the eyes. In addition, correctly executed makeup can give your appearance freshness and youth.

To do competent makeup for brown eyes, you don’t need to have a wide variety of special products. It is enough to acquire cosmetics for a specific type of appearance.

Makeup for brown eyes: colored

Makeup for brown eyes can be done using shadows of different color palettes.

Black makeup for brown eyes

Currently, makeup using black shadows is very popular. Previously, it was rarely used, often to create an image, but today it is an everyday decision. Black color is a classic option. In this way, you can emphasize a neat image that complies with the strict canons of the dress code.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Applying tone to the face. This is either foundation or foundation. The same products will come in handy for treating eyelids. You can draw your eyebrows dimly.
  2. White or flesh shadows. This step is optional.
  3. Dry black pencil the upper part of the eyes is lined. The stroke is drawn thinner at the inner corner of the eye, thicker at the outer corner. There is no need to draw precisely and clearly. Eyeliner won't work here.
  4. Drawn the line is shaded using a brush. The result is a kind of foundation.
  5. Matte black eyeshadow are applied to a pencil. They also tint the lower eyelid, and the outer corner of the eye is made as saturated as possible.
  6. A transition is made to the upper eyelid from black to light shadows. Gray shadows are used at the border of colors. Then the transition is smooth. Since gray is not the main color in this case, it should not stand out. Its role is to facilitate shading.
  7. Mascara is applied on the eyelashes.

The most important rule to always remember: when the eyes are bright, the lips should be pale, and vice versa. If the eyes are lightly painted, the emphasis can be placed on the lips.

Blue (light blue) makeup for brown eyes

Makeup artists say that blue is so versatile that it suits almost everyone. This trend has been relevant for a long time. Blue fits best in makeup for brown eyes. Cool shades make the look very expressive and shiny.

Basic rules:

  • Blue colors are complex. And you need to choose them carefully, taking into account the color type of appearance. They are not suitable for “warm” people, but they will be just right for “cold” people.
  • Since the blue color attracts attention, the skin should be in order, the eyelids well-groomed, and the eyes rested.

Blue is a very problematic color. Whether the chosen shade is suitable or not depends also on the method of applying the shadows.

Brown makeup for brown eyes

Brown is a noble color. It suits many. Looks good both in everyday life and as an evening option. A diverse palette makes it possible to choose suitable shades for any color type of appearance.

These colors allow you to make makeup for brown eyes natural, emphasize natural colors. Brown is universal and goes with any shade or clothing style.

Application stages:

  • The shortcomings of cleansed and moisturized skin should be masked with corrective products.
  • Then the face is corrected, darkening certain areas.
  • Apply the base to the face.
  • Use cream and powder to even out the color.
  • Eyebrows are corrected and tinted.
  • Brown makeup for brown eyes involves using at least 3 colors from golden to dark brown.
  • Correct the eyelids with thin black lines.
  • Tint eyelashes.

In this option, beige shades of blush are used, and lipstick in natural shades is used for the lips.

Green makeup for brown eyes

If your eyes are green-brown, then they can be emphasized with green eye shadow. They will instantly transform your look into a radiant and brilliant one. But business style involves the use of khaki, swamp, or dark green, and for the evening version we recommend lemon, herbal, rich greens.

Despite the fact that green is rich in shades, in order for it to highlight the eyes favorably, you need to choose your own color.

Warm greens are very suitable for a warm color type of appearance: fresh greens, olive, lettuce, marsh. Cold type of appearance should use cool green colors: mint, jade, malachite, emerald, turquoise, sea green.

Purple makeup for brown eyes

Purple shadows are suitable for yellow-brown eyes, and are ideal for any color type. By adjusting the intensity of the shade, you can create both daytime and evening make-up.

Makeup for brown eyes in purple colors is complemented by noble gray or metallic. You must always remember that the daytime, everyday option initially involves a minimum amount of purple shadows.

Pink makeup for brown eyes

Brown eyes are combined not only with dark, but also with pale pink shades. You can experiment with a variety of combinations. The main thing is that daytime makeup is soft and light.

The simplest option is pale shadows and tinted eyelashes. In this case, the emphasis will have to shift to lips painted with rich lipstick.

How to choose the right makeup for brown eyes

When doing makeup on their own, people are guided by their own desires, which is not always correct. And professionals know very well which colors should be used and which ones should not be used.

Bright makeup for brown eyes with red lipstick - photo

Makeup for brown eyes with arrows - photo

Oriental makeup for brown eyes – photo

Wedding makeup for a bride with brown eyes – photo

Makeup for dark brown eyes

Dark brown, almost black eyes will be decorated with rich, dark colors make-up. This approach will be correct and will not spoil the natural beauty.

Here even a black pencil will be most suitable. You can safely use any colors, from brown to green.

Makeup for light brown eyes

Both brown and gold colors suit light brown eyes, and even emerald. It’s better to forget about very bright shadows. They will look unfavorable, diverting attention to themselves from the beauty of the eyes.

Brown-eyed people must adhere to one main rule: dark colors are applied on top, and light colors are applied below.

Makeup for green-brown eyes

Proper makeup can properly highlight all the splendor of green-brown eyes. Almost any color scheme is applicable.

Basic Rules:

  • Contrast comes into play. Pink and golden shadows complement greenish-brown eyes. And gray and green colors will enhance the effect and make the eyes even more expressive.
  • If the greenish tint of the eyes dominates the brown, it is not recommended to use blue colors, which will stand out and the natural beauty of the eyes will be lost.
  • For the office version, make-up is done in light colors. Mother of pearl and metallic shine would be appropriate.
  • The evening option allows you to use bright colors: chocolate, rich gray, deep purple, etc.

Makeup for gray brown eyes

For gray-brown eyes, you need to choose shades of warm colors: olive, green, gray, beige, brown and purple. This palette will be very suitable for such an unusual eye color.

For dark skin, evening makeup suggests golden shades; for light skin, silver shades.

Brown eye makeup for brunettes

A dark-eyed brunette can conduct the most daring experiments with bright shades that catch the eye: gold, rich pink or lilac.

As for brown shades, they are created for brown-eyed ladies, however, it is better to avoid terracotta and brick.

Brown eye makeup for blondes

Women do not always prefer their natural hair color, so they dye it. And sometimes nature brings surprises.

One way or another, there are brown-eyed blondes. They should stick to calm, delicate shades in their makeup. Colors such as pink, green, beige, peach can be used.

Brown eye makeup for brown-haired women (brown hair)

Brown-eyed, brown-haired women do not need to strongly emphasize their beauty. It will look pretentious. Nature has already generously gifted them. It is enough to slightly emphasize the advantages.

Almost all colors of the cosmetic palette suit brown-haired women: both cold and warm colors. Usually a minimum of cosmetics is enough for them; it is acceptable to avoid eye shadow altogether. Using a pencil and mascara is quite enough.

Makeup for redheads with brown eyes

Redheads always stand out everywhere. And not only because of the hair color, but also because of the skin. If a red-haired girl is endowed with brown eyes, then this is already a virtue that must certainly be emphasized. The rules that apply here are those that do not apply to other color types of appearance.

Red hair and brown eyes ─ this combination initially targets makeup on fair skin.

This is the main point in choosing cosmetics. Dark brown eyes suggest a black eyeliner pencil. Light ─ brown. To shift the emphasis to the eyes, a brown tint is often used.

Makeup for dark skin and brown eyes

Dark-skinned and brown-eyed people should listen to several pieces of advice:

  • Do not use bright color on your eyes and lips at the same time. The exception is makeup for a party, which by definition should be bright.
  • When choosing light shades, you need to highlight your eyebrows with a pencil, apply blush and highlight your eyes.
  • Everyday makeup involves pastel colors on the lips. Bright colors are suitable for festive events.
  • It must be remembered that lilac, pearlescent, gray, and golden looks stand out favorably.

Makeup for fair skin and brown eyes

Light skin is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Wrong makeup can ruin your appearance.

Close attention is always paid to the eyes. Makeup for brown eyes can be provocative and catchy, but without harsh lines. It is recommended to use brown and green shadows. Mascara should be brown or gray. Eyeliner gives expressiveness to the eyes. Sometimes you can do without it. Muted, gentle and calm colors are used for lips.

Everyday makeup should not be too bright. But experiments are allowed. The main thing is to choose colors that will highlight the advantages.

What makeup is suitable for brown eyes

Proper makeup is not an easy task. For brown eyes, the technique is important, which is selected based on the size and shape of the eyes.

For big eyes

Big brown eyes are a dream. But you need to apply makeup on them very carefully.

Main rules:

  • Dark color should be present on the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Preference is given to warm colors.
  • The lines are drawn smoothly, and the eyebrows should be clearly defined.
  • Shadows of dark, rich colors will add expressiveness to the eyes.

Round brown eyes allow you to use any shadow. It all depends on the mood, clothes, fashion trends. In this case, you won't need a lot of shadows. Big eyes are already irresistible.

For small eyes

If your eyes are small, you can do makeup that will visually enlarge them.


  1. Apply light shadows to the inside of the eye, as well as under the eyebrow. This technique is actively used for deep-set eyes.
  2. Dark shadows are applied from the middle of the eyelid to the outer edge, going beyond the eyelid line, which visually enlarges the eyes.
  3. A thin line is drawn with eyeliner along the upper part of the eye, along the very line of eyelash growth. It thickens towards the outer part of the eye. The lower eyelid can be left unemphasized, or a thin line can be drawn.
  4. Lengthening mascara is used to complete the look.

For narrow eyes

Makeup for brown eyes, done correctly, makes it possible to make narrow eyes expressive and wide-open. The main mistake when applying cosmetics is lengthening mascara and dark eyeliner, which are not necessary.

The right approach:

  1. The contour of the eye is drawn not at the base of the eyelashes, but above. Using this technique, the desired size is set.
  2. It is better to abandon closed lines. You don't have to connect the contours to each other.
  3. Complete rejection of black. It is better to highlight brown narrow eyes with a gray, green or brown shade. The same applies to shadows.
  4. Mother of pearl is a winning option, it will allow even narrow eyes to open wide visually.

For deep-set eyes

For deep-set eyes, you will have to use no more than 3 colors: saturated, medium intensity and pale. Marsh and purple colors, bronze, peach, creamy colors are suitable. But so that they look great and so as not to overload the image, only three are chosen. The base for daytime makeup can be a peach tone.


  • At the very beginning, draw a thin line with eyeliner along the upper eyelid. You can use any brown shade or deep gray color.
  • Apply base shadows with a brush, starting from the inside of the eye, gradually moving to the upper part. The eyeliner will no longer stand out, and the look will soften.
  • Using mascara, you should make your eyelashes expressive, voluminous and fluffy. The lower eyelashes should not be painted.

For drooping eyes

It is quite difficult to apply makeup correctly to eyes with drooping eyelids. I want to simultaneously hide a flaw and make my eyes expressive. To do this, use three tones of eye shadow. Light is used under the eyebrow and on the upper eyelid.

In this case, professionals advise using a proven technique: the eyebrows are sparse, raised in shape, and it is advisable to highlight their base with a highlight. The same trick can be done on the outer edge of the eyebrow.

A rich color is applied from the middle of the eye to the outer corner. To avoid contrasts, the transitions are shaded with a brush. The darkest color is located under the eyebrows, the application area expands towards the outer edge of the eye. The same color is applied to the lower part of the eye.

Having reached the inner corner, the line is completed. After shading, arrows are drawn. They should be facing up. The upper eyelashes are colored intensely, the lower ones - lightly. With this type of eyes, it is worth focusing on the lips, using bright colors.

Beautiful festive makeup for brown eyes

On holidays and special days, makeup plays a significant role in the image. A festive make-up for brown eyes should be beautiful, bright, but not provocative. Many factors are important here: skin and hair, age and even clothing.

The peculiarity of makeup in this case is that not matte, but shiny, shimmering shadows are used. Their task is to emphasize the depth and brilliance of brown eyes.

Well-defined eyebrows will add a sophisticated look to your look. They can be used to draw the desired shape and, if necessary, lengthen it.

Using eyeliner to brighten your eyes, correct their shape, add effectiveness. This is achieved by raising the outer corner of the eye.

The shadows are applied with an applicator and then blended with a brush. No clear transitions are allowed.

As for eyelashes, they should be fluffy and expressive. Mascara is used for this.

Rule #1. In makeup for brown eyes, the emphasis is on either the eyes or the lips. The holiday option is also no exception. If the eyes are bright, then the lipstick must be pale. Lip gloss is ideal.


Naturally, evening makeup will be radically different from daytime makeup.

2 possible options:

  1. Apply natural colors to emphasize what is given by nature. You will need 2 colors of eyeshadow: light and dark brown. In addition, a brown eyeliner or eyeliner (whatever you like), as well as black mascara, would be in place.
  2. Smokey eyes many people like it. For dark-skinned girls, a brown-olive range of shades is more suitable, and for girls with fair skin it is better to use blue-blue and purple colors. The main thing is that the transition from light to more saturated shades should not be very sharp or strictly defined. Due to the fact that brown eyes attract increased attention, negligence is unacceptable.

Back to school on September 1st

Schoolgirls with brown eyes are already envied because of the expressiveness of their image. Youth and freshness do not require complex makeup. And dark eyes attract close attention.

Therefore, it is enough to do school makeup, which will be quite light, slightly emphasizing the beauty given by nature. Brown eyes won't let you get lost in the crowd.

To graduation party

But bright colors can be used for prom. The main thing is not to overdo it with cosmetics. The beauty is that young people do not need to spend a lot on cosmetics and spend hours in front of the mirror. For teenagers, 10 minutes will be enough to highlight their youthful beauty. A brown-eyed people can choose any eye shadow and lipstick.

For prom, you can tint your eyes brighter than usual, using tones that are in harmony with the outfit, rich shades on the edges of the eyelids, in the corners of the eyes. The brighter the eyes, the calmer the shade the lips should be, and vice versa. A balance of emphasis should be maintained.

Makeup technique with eye shadow for brown eyes

Beautiful makeup can only be achieved if you apply eye shadow and mascara correctly.


  • Using an applicator, apply light shadows, highlighting the corners of the eyes. This is done to give the look openness.
  • The outer part of the eyelid is shaded in a dark color. Gently blend the shadows with a brush.
  • The lower eyelid can also be emphasized with dark, rich shadows.

Typically, several colors are used that smoothly transition from one to another. The most important thing here is the right combination of shades. There should not be any clear boundaries. First of all, apply the main color.

Very often, when putting on makeup, brown-eyed girls think about whether they should use mascara. The option here is acceptable both without mascara and with it.

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes - step-by-step description with photos

Smoky eyes step by step:

  1. Prepare 3-4 shades from the selected range.
  2. You will need a silver eyeliner pencil.
  3. You should have black mascara on hand.
  4. Shadows are applied in descending order of intensity. You should start from the outer corner.
  5. The inner corner is shaded with a silver pencil.
  6. Eyelashes are painted over with several layers of mascara.
  7. Lipstick is chosen in a neutral color.

Makeup for dark brown eyes - step-by-step description with photos

Dark brown eyes are very expressive and rich. It is important to emphasize the shade of the pupil.

Makeup will not be successful without following the basic rules:

  • It is necessary to combine colors correctly. Using the experimental method, you need to determine the most advantageous range of colors.
  • First of all, accuracy. Since the eyes attract too much attention, there is no need to overdo it with cosmetics.
  • Facial skin should be well-groomed. Before you start applying makeup to your brown eyes, you need to prepare your skin with a mattifying foundation. If necessary, you can use a corrector.

Step 1. Selecting shadows and applying them.

Step 2. Accurate drawing of arrows.

Step 3. Apply mascara to eyelashes (brown or black).

It should be noted that experts strongly recommend using black mascara, which, in their opinion, gives an open look. It must be applied as carefully as possible so that the eyelashes do not stick together and look sloppy.

Everyday (daytime) light makeup for brown eyes

Makeup for brown eyes for every day involves the use of any brown shades.

It should be noted that beige eye shadow and mascara are enough for a daytime look.

The main rule of daytime makeup is restraint and accuracy.

How to properly do natural, nude makeup for brown eyes - step-by-step description with photos

The word "nude" means naked. Based on the meaning, it becomes clear that nude makeup should be discreet, maximally emphasizing the natural beauty of brown eyes. Cosmetics should be used to a minimum.

Application rules:

  • Cosmetics should not be noticeable to others. To do this, shades are selected and applied thinly and evenly. This makeup is more like a daytime look. Shadows are also selected under the skin of the eyelids.
  • No sharp lines, no color accents.
  • The foundation is applied in one thin layer.
  • Eyelashes are emphasized with mascara lightly.
  • To enlarge the eyes, you can draw a white pencil along the lower eyelid from the inside.

How to do beautiful homemade makeup for brown eyes yourself - step-by-step description with photos

Makeup for brown eyes is done independently as follows:

  • Eyeliner is used at the very beginning. Use both liquid and pencil. A line is drawn on the upper eyelid, and a thin strip is made on the lower eyelid. To achieve a feline or oriental look, use black eyeliner. A slight bend allows you to visually lift the outer corner of the eye.
  • Working with Shadows, it is important to understand that shadows are created for the eyes, and not vice versa. Here it is enough just to emphasize the eyes. Don’t get carried away and paint your eyelids different colors. Correctly applied shades will add shine, mystery, and depth to brown eyes.
  • At the very end, gently apply to the eyelashes mascara is applied.

Thanks to the special expressiveness of brown eyes, it is enough to make a couple of strokes in the morning to be ready to go out. It is better to experiment with colors in evening makeup.

Evening makeup for brown eyes - how to do it: video

Technique for evening makeup Smokey eyes, watch in the video:

How to do bright evening makeup? Find out in the video:

Make-up for the holiday should be special. In the evening, the image of a brown-eyed girl is created much brighter than for daytime. All paints applied must be durable, because it is quite possible that an evening event can last all night, and no one needs such troubles as, for example, running mascara.

Professional makeup artists love to work with brown eyes, explaining that this color is favorable for experimenting with any color range in makeup. The only condition in such experiments is not to get carried away with the brightness of colors, which is absolutely not required by the already naturally expressive look of brown-eyed ladies.

Nuances and rules for creating make-up

Brown color can have different shades and depending on this you should select the tone of the shadows:

  • for light brown eyes – plum and pink tones;
  • for brown-green – khaki and emerald;
  • to yellowish-brown – lilac and violet shades;
  • dark brown goes with beige, purple, pink and blue tones.

First of all, you need to properly prepare your face. It all starts with cleansing it and applying a matte cream - thus removing the effect of shiny (glossy) skin. The skin around the eyes should also be treated in a certain way.

Any flaw can be hidden through the use of a corrector. In this way, you can disguise wrinkles, even out the relief, and hide circles under the eyes. Make-up will last longer if a foundation, such as a matte foundation, is applied to the eyelids.

When the skin on your face is smooth and clean, it’s time to apply eye shadow. It is clear that what color of shadows for brown eyes you choose is an important matter, and the entire final look of the evening will largely depend on this. make-up. Choosing the right shadows in this case is not so easy, because a lot must be taken into account - what shade are the brown eyes, what color is the girl’s hair, what is her skin color type:

  • if a girl has brown eyes and light-colored curls, makeup artists recommend giving preference to beige, dark pink, green and sand tones;
  • brown-eyed dark-skinned girl It is best to use brown-olive paints;
  • fair-skinned, brown-eyed ladies you should use greenish and blue tones;
  • brown-eyed girl with dark hair as shadows it is best to use black, brown, soft pink, chocolate and silver tones, although fuchsia is also suitable in color;
  • dark eyes always decorate with purple, beige and blue shadows;
  • yellowish-brown color purple and lilac tones are emphasized;
  • light brown look good with pink and plum shades;
  • for green-brown Emerald shadows and khaki colors will be harmonious;
  • look of brown eyes will become more expressive with brown, gold and silver colors, and with lilac and blue colors it will become more attractive and vibrant.

What tone the mascara will be is also very important. The classic option is when the choice falls on black mascara - it is ideal for brunettes, but a fair-haired girl with brown eyes will look better with brown mascara. If a brown-eyed woman uses blue mascara for makeup, her look will become especially bright. In any case, you should not forget that your mascara for the evening must be moisture-resistant, otherwise you will have to touch up your makeup every now and then.

Don't forget about eyebrow shaping. A brown-eyed girl will look much more interesting and well-groomed if they are slightly corrected. For evening makeup, make them in darker colors than you do in everyday life. For this, dark shadows are useful, which are applied to the hairs, and they can be strengthened with a fixative.

It is best to take a sharpened pencil and draw strokes in the direction of hair growth. You should start from the center of the eyebrow and move towards its outer edge. Finally, the strokes should be shaded. You can also use shadows. A natural shade can be achieved by mixing different tones.

There is no brown eye makeup without seductive eyeliner. Feline winged eyeliner and alluring, intriguing oriental makeup seem to be created specifically for brown-eyed beauties.

Armed with all this knowledge, you can move directly to makeup. Here are just some ideas with step-by-step instructions that brown-eyed girls can use to create their evening make-up:

Arabic motifs

This type of makeup is always rich colors and brightness. First, the tone of the face is evened out using a foundation that matches the color type. Then blush is applied to the cheekbones, reminiscent of a fresh summer tan in tone. The peculiarity of this makeup is also long eyebrows, not as usual. You should use pearlescent shadows, although you can experiment with matte ones. A composition of two or three bright shades will look great.

About contrasting shadows in make-up

Girls are fond of makeup with shadows of contrasting colors, no matter what color their eyes are. For brown-eyed people, the best choice will be shades of blue and lilac in the shadows, because they can emphasize their attractiveness, focusing on the expressiveness of brown eyes. If a girl does not like to boldly experiment, she can opt for slightly muted colors - light blue or purple. But for evening makeup, the best choice would be rich indigo and purple.

Evening make-up, based on turquoise, green and blue colors, is also able to decorate girls with brown eyes, and this is easily explained, because everyone understands that the clear blue sky, delicate turquoise of the sea and spring greenery cannot but be combined with the brown tones of the earth cover. Such shades are harmonious in nature, which means they will come in handy for harmonious makeup for a party.

"Metal" shades

Make-up with bronze, gold, steel tone, pink and silver are also suitable for evening makeup for a girl with brown eyes. The warmest in this case will be golden shades.

Pointing arrows

When working on brown eye makeup, makeup artists have great opportunities to think creatively and implement their ideas. This is the case when arrows will come in very handy - they will make a girl’s look clearer and emphasize the shape of her eyes. The arrows are aimed with a pencil or liquid liner. For an evening out, a successful combination would be a make-up with plum eyeliner and pink-violet eyeshadow.

Creating a smoky makeup look

This makeup also harmonizes very well with brown eye color. Feature of this make-up- in the absence of any clear lines. The most optimal basis for it would be light colors on the upper eyelid. Drawing lines along the roots of the eyelashes will emphasize the shape of the eyelids below and above, but the borders should be shaded with black paints using a brush. The edges of the shadows themselves should not be visible - they also need to be shaded.

It is best to use gray or dark violet shadows for this. The main idea is to make the transition from shade to shade as smooth as possible. Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow - this gives the effect of a raised eyebrow and a more open look. Such make-up requires highlighting of eyelashes, so mascara should be applied to them in two or three layers.

Smoky Eyes step by step

This smoky makeup look will decorate a girl of any age. To perform it, you can use a step-by-step scheme for creating makeup with black and purple tones that will decorate any brown-eyed girl:

  1. The face is cleansed and foundation is applied.
  2. Apply thick black shadows to the upper eyelid (movable), the structure of which should be creamy. This structure is easy to shade, and therefore can be done make-up it won't be difficult. In addition, the use of such shadows eliminates the need to use a pencil, because the contour will already be emphasized by the shadows themselves. The line should thicken closer to the outer edge of the eyelid.
  3. Next, take a soft brush and blend the shadows over the entire eyelid. so that the color gradually “fades out”.
  4. We use the same color to line the lower eyelid. Here you will need a thin brush. Here the line tapers slightly towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. Apply a layer of plum-violet eyeshadow on top of the shaded black eyeshadow., they should be shaded over the crease throughout the entire eyelid.
  6. We use a bleached lilac color under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye. This will give your look freshness and your eyes will become more open.
  7. IN Take a clean, soft brush and blend out the shadows.
  8. Using black mascara, carefully paint over your eyelashes. Apply one layer first, then a second (on both the lower and upper lashes).
  9. The final stage of this makeup is applying blush to the cheekbones and choosing lipstick. It should be a calm shade, since the emphasis in this makeup is aimed at the expressiveness of the eyes.

To perform such makeup, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the salon to a professional makeup artist; everything can be done at home yourself. The highlight here is the correct selection of shadow colors. They should match the tone of the hair, the iris of the eyes and the girl’s outfit.

So, a blue dress for a brown-eyed girl would be best suited with smoky eyes using golden tones.

Correcting drooping eyelids

This problem usually appears with age, when the skin begins to lose its elasticity. Although it also happens that a young girl has the same problem. This is possible with frequent lack of sleep, rare walks in the fresh air, overwork and an overly busy work schedule.

The impending eyelid makes her whole face look tired and the girl seems much older than she actually is. But in this case, you can help, and for this, makeup artists have their own secrets:

  1. For makeup in this case, you need to use shadows exclusively in matte shades., in this way you can avoid the fact that others will pay attention to the drooping eyelid.
  2. There is no need to give up a slight shimmer under the eyebrow - it will be quite appropriate. It is also important to apply light-colored eyeshadow to the corner inside the eye.
  3. For a make-up in the “smoky eyes” style, the colors should not be too heavy or oversaturated.
  4. When coloring the crease of the eyelid, continue the line beyond the contour so that it appears visually raised.
  5. A brown-eyed girl with drooping eyelids should be careful with eyeliner makeup for evening makeup. It’s better to use a pencil, not eyeliner, and be sure to lift the end of the arrow up.
  6. If it looks harmonious, a woman with drooping eyelids can use a gray or brown pencil instead of a black one - in some cases, this technique is refreshing and youthful.
  7. If you need to divert attention from the impending eyelid, focus on eyelashes, carefully painting them along their entire length, paying special attention to the outer corner.