Beautiful hand knitted children's hat. Hat for newborn boy and girl

Beautiful knitted items on small children evoke affection. Tiny blouses, caps, and pants cannot help but delight. But for kids, knitted clothes not only serve an aesthetic function. It is of particular value, since newborns have not yet established independent heat exchange - they really need additional thermal insulation and protection.

Clothes for legs

First of all, the child needs to insulate his legs. Knitted socks and booties do a great job with this. Socks for babies differ from adult models only in size, but booties are the first shoes, they are presented both in the form of shoes, boots, and are a kind of sandals. Booties and booties usually have ties to keep them firmly on the foot; It is not recommended to use Velcro, otherwise it will scratch the skin. Sandals can be worn in the summer, but they act only as decoration and will not protect you from dust and drafts. In summer, socks are safer. Standard sizes of socks and booties range from 8 cm to 13 cm. The size is equal to the length of the baby’s foot. Every 3 months, the leg adds 1 cm, so when calculating, you can also base your calculations on the baby’s age. Foot length is measured from the heel to the tip of the big toe.

Knitted hat - beautiful protection

A child under one year of age has a soft area called the “fontanelle,” and until it heals, it is mandatory to wear a hat, which will protect and insulate the head. Such hats should be seamless and have a minimum of different fasteners - knitted ones are suitable for this role. In our catalog you will find knitting patterns to create beautiful hats of different types:

  • classic hats;
  • caps;
  • hats-helmets.

And perhaps knit something individual for your boy or girl. The size of the cap is determined by the circumference of the head. A small baby’s girth is approximately 35 cm, then every 3 months it increases by an average of 4 cm and by the first year of life it reaches 47 cm. The hat should be knitted so that it can stretch slightly and at the same time not slide down onto the child’s forehead.

Knitted overalls for newborns

Overalls are a practical item in a child's wardrobe; they are easy to put on. There are two main types: overalls-bag and overalls with pants. The first type is convenient for home use, since the lower part can be unfastened and the diaper can be quickly changed, while the second type is mainly relevant for walks.

The size of overalls for newborn girls and boys is calculated based on the circumference of the chest, waist, hips, and height. It should be taken into account that babies grow quickly, and by the time the knitted item is ready, it may be small.

Accessories and decorations for babies

A one-year-old child does not need separate decorations, since knitted clothes are beautiful in themselves. Small details can be dangerous - children at this age love to taste everything. The only thing is that you can safely knit a scarf for your baby in addition to the hat and mittens. There is no need to make the scarf long; it is enough to knit it long enough to last one and a half turns.

If you still need to decorate your clothes, you can improvise with piping, tying things with picots or scallops, or adding lace. Such decorations are not suitable for things for boys up to the first year; in this case, it is better to rely on color and texture. For example, on hats for boys, patterns with braids and arans, alternating stripes of garter and purl stitch, will look great.

Choose the right yarn

The yarn must match the season for which the item is being created. Acrylic is suitable for winter clothes - it is warm, does not prick, and can withstand multiple washes. Despite its synthetic origin, it is hypoallergenic. Cashmere and angora are also suitable. Many manufacturers produce lines specifically for newborns - you can safely buy such yarn. Wool and mohair are not suitable for baby's delicate skin; they cause unbearable itching. Summer clothes are knitted from cotton yarn and bamboo. You should not use threads with the addition of lurex, sequins, etc. The yarn must match the number of knitting needles.

The simpler the clothes, the more comfortable and safe the baby

Avoid buttons - a child may tear them off and swallow them. The same goes for bells, tassels and other elements. There is no need to make applications - a child under one year of age spends most of his time in a lying position, the bulges can get in the way. In addition, overly decorated items are difficult to wash.

Pay attention to the density of the knit and the pattern

Choose simple patterns to knit an item faster. Do not knit the garment too tightly, otherwise it will pinch. Also, if you knit tightly, you risk getting a smaller size.

Knit items according to the current sizes of the baby

Tying for growth doesn’t always mean doing better. You cannot knit hats of a larger size - they will slip off and not protect the head. A child can drown in overalls, and babies react sharply to inconvenience. If the item still turns out bigger, put it aside until the baby grows up and knit something else.

With the birth of a baby, joy and pleasant worries about the health and mood of the little one enter the house. In the first months of life, a necessary paraphernalia for a newborn will be knitted hats, the descriptions and diagrams of which all handicraft mothers are happy to read.

To start knitting a hat for your beloved child, you need to decide on the choice of yarn. If a headdress is knitted for spring or summer, then it is better to take a thin cotton thread, if for autumn or winter - half-woolen or woolen thread.

It must be remembered that the knitting material must be hypoallergenic, wool with acrylic, pure acrylic are best suited for this requirement, and for light hats - soft cotton yarn.

Knitting needles are used with stocking needles No. 2-4, as well as straight No. 2.5-4 and circular. The density of the knitting depends on the thickness of the knitting needles and yarn, and sometimes the pattern: the thinner the knitting needles and the thicker the thread, the denser the fabric of the product.

What should be the material for decoration?

A knitted hat according to descriptions and diagrams is half the battle; decorations and decorative details will add charm to the product. For small children, for reasons of safety and the risk of injury, pom-poms, ears, braids made of yarn or soft materials (for example, felt, leatherette), and sometimes large rounded buttons are suitable.

Sizes of hats for newborns by month: table

On average, a baby's head increases in size by 1-1.3 cm per month up to one year of age, therefore, knowing the parameters of your child, it is easy to calculate the size of the cap, since both of these values ​​​​are the same. And if you need to prepare a gift for the baby of someone you know, then the table will serve as a guide.

Child's age

(in months)

Head circumference (cm)



Permissible deviations

0 34-38 32-38 50-54
1 36-37 34-40 52-56
2 37-38 35-40 54-59
3 39-40 36-41 56-62
5 41-42 38-44 58-64
6 43-44 40-46 62-66
7 44-45 41-47 64-68
8 45 42-48 66-70
9 45-46 43-49 68-74
10 46-47 44-50 70-76
11 47 45-50 72-78
1 year 47-48 46-51 74-80

The number of stitches in knitting patterns varies depending on the size of the child's head. If the baby’s size differs greatly from the data in the table, then it makes sense to consult a pediatrician.

Classic model with ties: diagrams with step-by-step descriptions

Of the many varieties of caps and other headwear for babies, the most practical are those that fit tightly on the child's head, are seamless and are tied under the chin.

A classic knitted hat for a newborn with descriptions and diagrams is a fairly frequent guest in publications for handicraft mothers. To make such a product with ties, 50 grams of yarn consisting of wool and fluff should be enough. You will also need knitting needles number 3 for the main knitting and half a size smaller for forming the elastic.

The number of loops is calculated by trial knitting approximately 8-10 cm in 3, 4 rows (10 cm - about 28 loops). Based on the girth of the head, the resulting length and density of the flap, it will become clear how many loops you need to cast on.


  • The work begins with the formation of the elastic band. We knit along the entire length, alternating sides with purl and knit stitches of 4 cm.
  • Then we continue knitting, alternating purl and knit stitches in rows for about another 6 cm.
  • Mentally divide the resulting flap into 6 parts. Each row cast on with knit stitches is reduced by 6 loops - 1 in each part.
  • We leave 3 loops on each side to form ties of the required length, but first we tie the remaining approximately 6 loops.

Openwork cap for girls

A cap with openwork inclusions will add charm and touching to a tiny baby.

At first glance, the little thing looks difficult to perform, but step-by-step instructions will help you overcome everything:

  • For the cap, yarn for children's products is suitable, a 100-gram skein of 260 m. You will need size 3 circular knitting needles and a suitable size hook (recommended No. 2.5) to make the ties.
  • 78 stitches are made, 2 of which will be edge stitches.
  • 6 lines are knitted with an elastic band according to the principle of k1/p1. a loop. 7th line - knit, 8th - purl.
  • Let's start with the pattern. The loop that forms the edge is removed, then everything is knitted according to the pattern: knit 1, then knit 2 loops together. 3 times, yarn over, 1 knit, in total you need to make 6 of them. After the last yarn over, the next loops are made knit (each loop combines the other 2 3 times), then 1 knit. These manipulations are repeated 4 more times until the end of the row.
  • Purl stitches are used to knit the purl rows.
  • We make 10 rows and proceed to the back of the cap. Divide the number of loops by 3, you should get 26 pieces.
  • There is work to be done on the central part. We throw it over without knitting the edge loop. We knit the last loop together with the outermost side part.
  • We close the remaining loops of the central zone when all the side loops are knitted.
  • The final touch is the laces for the cap. To do this, 50 air loops are formed with a crochet hook, and the resulting tie is attached to the corner of the cap with a single crochet. The bottom edge of the product is tied in the same way, then 51 air loops are again cast on the other corner of the cap. Finally, the product is knitted with a single crochet along its entire length in the opposite direction. The thread at the end of the tie breaks and is neatly hidden.

Rectangular hat for boy

Rectangular hats are one of the easiest to make. Depending on the color of the yarn and decorative elements, the product is suitable for both baby and toddler.

With descriptions and knitting patterns for a rectangular hat for a 3-5 month old newborn, this little thing can be made in a few hours. To get started, you will need 3.5 mm knitting needles, a gypsy needle for wool thread, a skein of acrylic or mixed (wool and acrylic) yarn.


  • 43 loops are cast on, a fabric 17-18 cm high is knitted in stockinette stitch - this is one half of the cap.
  • We repeat exactly the same steps for the other half.

Embroidery or decoration:

On the half that will be intended for the frontal part, embroidery is done, for example, the face of a cat: the face itself can be embroidered with a loop stitch, and the antennae can be embroidered with a stalk stitch. You can design something of your own from scraps of leatherette, buttons, or lay out a design with a lace of crocheted air loops. How the upper corners of the cap will be played out will depend on the design.


  • The two resulting flaps are folded right sides to each other, stitched on the sides and top.
  • Two identical braids are woven from yarn, which are sewn on the sides of the hat and later serve as ties.
  • The upper corners of the product are turned into two ears using a running stitch if an animalistic pattern is chosen, or they are simply pulled together with thread or lace into a “bun”.

Winter hat with ears

For a hat with ears you will need 2 types of knitting needles - straight and circular No. 2, as well as a skein of yarn 50 g. The work begins not from the main zone, but from the formation of ears using garter stitch. 4 loops are cast on the knitting needles.

16 rows are made in the following sequence:

  • 2nd and 4th – add 1 loop from each side;
  • 6th – add 2 more loops in the same way;
  • 8th – already 3 loops;
  • 15th and 16th – 1 each.

Transfer the resulting 22 loops to circular knitting needles and add 11 loops. We form the second eye, connect it to the 11th loop of the first part, knit it and add 25 loops. We connect the 25th loop with the wide part of the previous eyelet. Now the product is knitted in a circular stitch, approximately 30 rows.

The crown is formed by decreasing stitches in even-numbered rows.

From each such row, 8-10 loops are evenly removed. Knitting is carried out up to 15-18 remaining stitches. Tighten the thread through them from the wrong side and attach the ties. To decorate the hat, you can sew on a fur trim and a pom-pom made of the same material.

Hat with patterns

Any hat with patterns is a great addition to a baby’s wardrobe. A headdress with diamonds can be easy to make and elegant to perceive. To make this item, yarn made from soft cotton or a mixture of it with acrylic (50 g, 160 m), as well as knitting needles No. 3, are suitable. The knitting pattern depends on the size.

Lapel formation

You need to cast on 57 stitches on the knitting needles and start knitting the bouclé pattern:

  • 1st row – knit 1, then purl 1;
  • 2nd – according to the created drawing;
  • 3rd – persons. knit as purl, purl. – facial;
  • The 4th and further all even rows are knitted according to the principle of the 2nd row.

From the 5th row - repeat all previous actions. According to this pattern, 12 rows are knitted.

The number of loops when knitting diamonds should be divisible by 6 and have 2 edge loops.

According to the pattern, approximately 8-8.5 cm is knitted:

  • Row 1 – purl 4. p. (IP), then 1 persons. p. (Lp) and 1 purl. - and so on until the end of the row;
  • 2nd and 5th – 1 IP, 2 Lp, 3 IP;
  • 3rd and 4th – 2 IP, 3 Lp, 1 IP;
  • 6th – 4 IP, 1 Lp, 1 IP.

The canvas is divided equally into 2 side and one central parts. The decrease in loops begins: the central part retains its previous pattern, but picks up 1 loop from each line of the side parts. Ultimately, the canvas will be reduced to the width of the central part.

To give the product the desired shape, the remaining amount is knitted according to the pattern: first - 1 edge, then 2 stitches are knitted 1 knit, then 2 stitches - 1 purl. The steps are repeated until 8-10 loops remain.

Forming ties

The previously knitted lapel is folded onto the wrong side of the product and a set of 55 loops is made, 15 from the 10th half of the fabric made with diamonds, 10 along the bottom of the product, 15 from the 2nd half of the fabric, 55 for the second tie.


  • The resulting amount is knitted with facial stitches.
  • The next 2 rows are the initial bouclé pattern.
  • All loops are closed, the hat with patterns is ready.

Hat with a pattern

Hats with drawings arouse keen interest among children, so a little thing with a penguin should definitely please the little one. To complete this work in size 44, you will need 100 grams of wool blend yarn in a basic light color and a small amount of red, black and blue thread, as well as knitting needles No. 4. The hat uses 2x2 elastic and stockinette knitting.

114 loops are cast on from the main color yarn, which are knitted with an elastic band of approximately 4-5 cm. Then 16 cm in stockinette stitch. The height of the product is sufficient, so the loops are sealed. A penguin is embroidered or knitted in the center front.

The seam connecting the sides should be at the back. The upper part of the hat is folded crosswise to form 4 corners and sewn together.

To make the hat fun, you can hang tassels on its corners.

To do this, a small rectangle is cut out of cardboard, onto which yarn is wound. On one edge of the cardboard, the wound yarn is tied tightly with a thread with a long tip, on the second edge the yarn is cut. A little above the tightened area, the yarn is gathered into a bundle and secured with thread. The brush is ready.

The second one is done the same way. All that remains is to attach these parts with air loops to the headdress itself.

Hat "Basket"

The cute “Basket” headdress is knitted for autumn and spring weather, so the best option for it would be acrylic + wool yarn, as well as number 3 knitting needles. Knitting begins from a base equal to the girth of the head with a gradual decrease in loops as it approaches the parietal part.

Knitting such a hat for a newborn with knitting needles is not difficult.

With the descriptions and diagrams given below, any mother will complete the job in a few hours. The calculation is made for a circumference of 41 cm. The work requires the presence of 5 knitting needles. Cast on 80 stitches, which are knitted 10 rows in the round with a 1x1 rib. When the number of loops is a multiple of 12, knitting of the “basket” pattern begins. To begin, add 4 more stitches evenly to the current row.


The crown begins to form by decreasing the loops:

  • 1st row - from one and the other edge 4 - faces. p., step 2 loops are connected with the front one - 2 times, then 8 front ones. The pattern is repeated throughout the row;
  • 2nd - 2 stitches connect 1st knit, step 6 purl, 2 knit 2 times - to the end, knit the last 2 loops with one knit;
  • 3 and 4th - the 1st and last loop of the row is knitted, then alternating 6 purls until the end. and 2 persons;
  • 5th - the first and last loops are knitted with knit stitches, pattern 2 loops in one knit and 2 knit - to the end of the row;
  • 6, 8th - repeat the action: one knit stitch combines 2 loops;
  • 7, 9th - all knitted.

Tighten the remaining loops on the knitting needle from the inside with thread and secure. The basket is ready. If desired, you can add ties to the item.

"Helmet" with pigtails

A hat in the shape of a helmet, decorated with pigtails, is a nice variety in the collection. To complete the work for a 4-6 month old baby with a head size of 35-37, you will need a 50 g skein of yarn, buttons, as well as circular and straight knitting needles (optimally No. 3.5). Fabric density: 10x10 cm = 28 rows of 22 satin stitches.

Knitting is carried out in the round: the stitching of the front loops alternates with the stitching of the purl stitches.

Formation of ears:

  • 4 rows of 5 stitches are knitted using the garter method.
  • 5th - forming a hole in order to fasten a button: knit 2, then yarn over, connect 2 knits with the 1st loop, then knit 1. The rest of the rows are knitted.
  • After obtaining 12 cm of length at the edges, pick up 1 loop, then, in every 2nd line, repeat a similar set 1 time, and in every 4th line - 2 times.
  • If the ear width is 5 cm, knitting is temporarily postponed.
  • The second eyelet is knitted according to the previous pattern, but without a button loop.

Knitting the visor:

  • Cast on 31 stitches on circular needles.
  • The next line is knitted like this: knit 1, then knit 2 are combined into one. The pattern is repeated until there are 3 loops left on the knitting needle; they are knitted in the reverse order.
  • Garter stitch continues until the fabric is 6 cm long.

This part is being put aside for now.

Formation of the main zone:

Now 11 stitches are cast on, knit 13 stitches are knitted on the 1st eye, then it’s the turn of the visor – knit 1. p., then 2 persons. are combined into one, 23 loops, again 2 loops are combined into one and then knit 1 is made. p. The other ear is tied. After this, another 11 loops are cast on. Circular knitting - 4 cm.

The next row is evenly replenished so that there are 95 loops. In order to start knitting braids, you need to increase the size of the knitting needles (No. 4).

Knitting braids:

  • 1st row– step in 4 persons. and 3 purl. - to end;
  • 2nd– persons Knit knit, purl. - purl;
  • 3rd– 2 loops are transferred below the main knitting needle to the additional knitting needle, 2 knit stitches are knitted from the main knitting needle, loops located on the additional knitting needle are made in the same way, and then purl 3 are made. n. - a similar pattern is repeated;
  • 1-8, 10-12 rows– order of row No. 2;
  • 9th- 2 loops are transferred to an additional knitting needle above the main one, 2 loops are knitted, the same goes for loops from the additional knitting needle, then 3 purl stitches - the pattern is repeated until the end of the line.

The first 12 rows must be repeated as many times as necessary. When the height of the product is 11 cm, you can begin to close the loops. 2 purl. loops of the formed purl strip into one. The next row is to take 2 knit stitches in a knit strip and knit them into one. The work continues by knitting 3 knit stitches and 1 purl stitch.

The loops of the facial stripes must be closed in each even row a couple more times. The next 2 rows are the combination of 2 knit stitches into one. The remaining loops are secured with thread.

Assembly of parts:

The visor is folded up and secured with suitable buttons. Another button is sewn onto one of the ears so that the hat can be fastened.


A “Marshmallow” hat for a newborn with knitting needles with a description and diagrams is very simple and quick to make.

With descriptions and diagrams, a marshmallow hat for a newborn is knitted quickly and easily. To get started, you need wool or acrylic yarn (cream, pink and white), as well as circular knitting needles. Approximate finished product size 40.

76 loops and 1 loop for joining are cast on the knitting needles from cream yarn. Next, the row is connected - from the left knitting needle we transfer the 1st loop to another knitting needle, and from it the 1st loop is passed through the removed one and remains where it was. Now knitting goes in a circle with facial loops for 9 rows.


  • A row of knit stitches is formed from pink yarn. When knitting the second pink row, 1 loop is removed, then the front loops go again.
  • We return to the cream thread and knit 2 more rows according to the previous pattern.
  • Again the yarns are swapped. The row is knitted with pink knits, the next row is knitted with purls and the first loop is no longer skipped. Until the 15th row, everything is knitted.
  • The knitted part is bent in half, the cream thread moves to the right, the pink thread to the left. A knit stitch is knitted through the first cream row. The connecting row is knitted with pink yarn in a circle.
  • Next, the pink thread is changed to a cream thread and the knitting continues further with facial loops.
  • Next are 5 purl rows. Everywhere the initial loop is transferred to another unknitted needle.
  • The yarn is swapped again and a row of knit stitches is created using pink thread. The first loop is simply thrown over, 5 rows are knitted.
  • It's time to introduce the white thread, tying it to the pink one. A row of knit stitches is knitted. The first stitch of the next row is removed and purl knitting continues. There should be 5 white lines in total.
  • Switch to pink yarn and create 4 rows.
  • All 4 color stripes are knitted as described earlier.
  • After the last strip, 2 front rows are knitted with pink thread.
  • The decrease of loops begins: 2 loops are knitted, then the next 2 are connected with one. This pattern is repeated until the end of the line. The knitting of this color should end with the next row of knit stitches without decreasing.

A similar pattern is repeated, but with a cream-colored purl. A knit row is knitted with pink thread, then a decreasing row, then a knit stitch. Rows 4 and 5 – half the stitches should be shortened. A thread is pulled through the remaining loops, and the product is pulled together at the top of the head. The hat is ready.

Elf Beanie

“Elf” is knitted with a 2x2 rib; a strap-like fastener is attached along the bottom. Based on 3-7 months, you need wool yarn of medium thickness 155 g, a button and knitting needles No. 3.25. The approximate density of the fabric is 36 loops and 36 rows (about 10 cm).

The hat can easily be changed in size; to do this, just remove or add a number of loops that is a multiple of 4. Knit as described, up to 2 loops in the middle of the hat.

Formation of the main fabric

You need to cast on 98 loops, knit 4 rows with a 2x2 elastic band.

Next, the formation of the cap itself begins:

  • 1st, 3 rows - 6 loops from opposite edges - knit stitches, middle elastic band similar to the previous one.
  • 2nd, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 rows – knit rows go like knit rows, purl rows go like purl rows.
  • 4th, 6 rows - 8 loops from opposite edges - knit stitches, the middle is knitted with an elastic band.
  • 7th, 9 rows - 10 loops from different edges - knit stitches, the rest is elastic.
  • 10th, 12 - 12 loops from different edges - knit, the rest is elastic.
  • 13, 15 rows - 14 loops from different edges - knit stitches, the rest is elastic.
  • 16th, 18th row - the first and last 16 loops are knit, the rest is elastic.

The fabric pattern looks like cross stripes of 3 rows of knit stitch alternating with 3 purl rows at the ends and an elastic band in the middle. Rows 19-64 - continue knitting until the remainder of 2 loops with an elastic band in the middle of the cap, adding 2 loops to the beginning and end of each row, but decreasing the number of them in the elastic band.

Move the first 49 stitches onto an additional needle. Starting from the middle, sew the loops together.

Neck strap

10 loops are cast on, which are knitted with a 1x1 elastic band until they reach 30.5 cm. A place for a button loop is formed: after 2 knits. yarn over, then knit 2. p. together and 1 persons. When the product reaches 40 cm, the loops are closed.

Assembly: The side of the neck strap is sewn to the bottom edge of the cap. The button is attached in such a way that the strap fits tightly to the neck, but does not choke.

Children's hat with pompoms

In order to make a pompom, you need 2 cardboard circles with no middle. The size of the “fluffiness” depends on the diameters of the circles and the distance between their outer and inner parts.

The circles are wrapped with a sufficient amount of yarn through the middle, then the threads are carefully trimmed from the outer edge with a blade or sharp scissors, and the circles are carefully moved apart a little. A thread is inserted into the resulting gap, which is used to firmly tighten and tie the cut yarn.

Hat knitted and crocheted at the same time

A bonnet made by combining knitting and crochet stitches can be described in two words: warm and stylish. First, you need to decide what time of year such a thing is knitted for, and this is where you will need to base your selection of yarn. The threads should be of two bright colors. To work you will need knitting needles No. 2 and a crochet hook.

To determine the size of the hood, the dimensions of the oval of the face and the depth of the product from the forehead to the crown are taken.

Forming the main fabric with knitting needles:

  • Along the oval, the main color is knitted with a 3 cm elastic band.
  • Next, 6 rows are knitted in garter stitch with a thread of an additional color.
  • Let's return to the main color. The fabric is knitted in knit stitches until the piece becomes slightly longer than the depth of the cap. It is recommended to make the last 6 lines in garter stitch using a thread of an additional color, since ruffles will then form in this place.
  • Now the loops need to be decreased using the principle of knitting the heel in the sock.
  • The fabric is divided into 3 parts; the outer parts should have an equal number of loops. The right side is knitted first, then the center, the last loop of which is knitted behind the back wall along with the next front one.
  • The canvas turns over. The first loop is not knitted, the remaining ones are made inside out. In the center, the last loop and the next one are knitted purlwise. P.
  • The reduction continues to 2-3 loops on each side; they are simply knitted.
  • We close the central part at the bottom of the hood, restoring the number of loops that were lost when forming the crown.
  • An elastic band is knitted along the bottom of the product. The ties are attached.
  • Where the purl stitches were made in an additional color, you need to make ruffles using a crochet hook.

Forming ruffles with crochet: In each loop, a simple double crochet is knitted and 5 more double crochets are knitted. In the next loop a connecting stitch is made, then one loop is skipped and again double crochets. The pattern is repeated until the end of the row. Ruffles are formed in a similar way on another strip of additional color. The hat is ready.

Using the descriptions and diagrams, you can knit a variety of hats for a newborn: for any season, with or without decorations. Each of these children's things will eventually turn into a family heirloom, preserving the memory of mother's hands, first steps, small but successes.

Video: knitting a hat for a newborn with a description and diagrams

Find out how to knit an “Elf” hat in the video:

Knit a cap for a newborn, watch the video:

Knitted hats for girls. Types, features, diagrams and descriptions.

The period of motherhood is a responsible and amazing time when a young mother discovers or returns to forgotten hobbies and hobbies. One of them is knitting for your children.

With the cold weather approaching, I especially want to create a warm and cute hat for my daughter with my own hands.

And how can you not drown in all the variety of models and patterns for the future headdress for your princess? Let's take a closer look at the nuances in continuation of the topic about

How to knit a hat with ears for a girl for beginners?

ready-made knitted winter hat with ears for girls with snowflakes

Beginning needlewomen are nervous about the first step and are afraid of complex descriptions of knitted hats. Since you have decided to pick up knitting needles and have already bought beautiful yarn, feel free to start working.

First pay attention to the preparatory stage:

  • knit a sample of the fabric with the pattern you chose. Cast on 30 stitches and perform 20-25 rows,
  • try not to over-tighten the loops,
  • using a ruler, measure the density and height of knitting, that is, the number of loops/rows in 10 cm of fabric
  • Before measuring, stretch the bound work slightly,
  • determine the volume of your daughter’s head in centimeters by replacing it with a soft meter or thread, which you then attach to a ruler,
  • Write down on a piece of paper the required number of loops for the future hat, one piece for the ears and back of the head and two for the forehead. If you end up with an odd number of stitches, round them up. For example, instead of 17 loops, cast on 20,
  • choose knitting needles that are equal in thickness to the threads of yarn.

Let's look at the procedure for knitting a double hat with ears. This method will be the most understandable for beginning craftswomen. It consists of knitting two hats that differ in size. That is, the inner one fits well on the girl’s head, and the outer one is 2-3 more loops.

Operating procedure:

  • cast on 7 loops on two knitting needles and knit in garter stitch, adding two loops on both sides in each front row. Continue until you reach the desired number of loops equal to 1 part that you counted on a piece of paper, and cut the thread,
  • Repeat similar steps with the other eye, but do not reverse the thread, but cast on air loops in the amount of 1 part and connect to the finished eye. You have the back of the head and sides of the future hat,
  • continue to knit everything together for another 8-10 rows, depending on the size of the girl’s head. Continue adding stitches on both sides in knit rows for rounding,
  • select the required number of loops for the frontal part of the hat, taking into account the loops added for rounding,
  • knit the entire fabric at least 10 cm upward on circular knitting needles,
  • divide all the loops into 7 wedges and at the beginning of each wedge, surprise with one loop in each row,
  • Pull the final 7 loops together with yarn.

Repeat all the steps for knitting the outer hat, only increase the number of loops in each piece.

Sew both hats together, with the inner one facing down, crocheting along all the edges.

Either crochet the hole on top of the headdress or attach a pompom.

Knitted cat hat with ears for girls

cute cat hat with ears on a girl

Depending on the skill and individual preferences of the needlewomen, a girl’s cat hat can be knitted in several ways:

  • hat with ears plus cat ears sewn onto it
  • fabric sewn along one or two seams or knitted in a circle with the eyes highlighted/pulled with bobbin threads
  • cap with cat ears sewn on top

Let's consider the first option. The basic work of knitting a hat is similar to that discussed in the previous section.

The only difference is to form not 7, but 6 wedges for reduction at the top of the head. Then it will be easier for you to mark the places to sew on the cat ears.

Link the cat attribute like this:

  • cast on 17 loops and knit 4 rows with knit and purl rows alternately
  • decrease on both sides one loop per row
  • Shape the sharpness of your ears to your taste. If you like protruding corners, reduce the loops until there is only one left, if softer lines - up to 5-7

Sew the ears onto the top of the hat using a hook and trim their edges over the entire surface.

How to knit a fashionable, beautiful hat for a girl: new models, patterns

beautiful knitted hat with a flower on a girl

Classic models of knitted hats will always be in fashion for girls:

  • berets
  • hats with and without ears
  • earflaps

However, the following have also proven their attractiveness and practicality:

  • hoods
  • helmets
  • hoods

They all have common features:

  • plain fabric or with an embroidered/knitted pattern
  • decorations in the form of beads, beads, ribbons, patterns
  • additions in the form of mittens, scarves, snoods

Below we insert several examples of descriptions and diagrams of new models of knitted hats for girls.

fashionable knitted hat for girls, example 1

fashionable knitted hat for girls, example 2 fashionable knitted hat for girls, example 3

fashionable knitted hat for girls, example 4 fashionable knitted hat for girls, example 5

Warm winter knitted children's hats for girls: patterns and descriptions

warm yellow knitted hat on a girl

In winter, it is important for you to provide warmth to your child, so choose the model of knitting hat carefully.

Please note a number of points that affect heat retention inside the headdress:

  • yarn - natural threads protect the head from the penetration of cold
  • thickness of the thread - the thicker it is, the warmer the head
  • lining, or inner layer - can be fleece or a second hat sewn on
  • extensions in the form of ears, cuffs on the neck
  • pattern - for example, multiple weaves of braids always remain in the trend of winter hats

Below are several drawings describing how to knit winter hats for girls.

warm knitted hat for girls, description 1

warm knitted hat for girls, description 2 warm knitted hat for girls, description 3

warm knitted hat for girls, description 4

warm knitted hat for girls, description 5

warm knitted hat for girls, description 6 warm knitted hat for girls, description 7

Beautiful fashionable hat for girls, knitted for autumn and spring: diagram and description

pink knitted hat with a flower on a little girl

For cool, but not frosty weather, the girl should wear a thinner hat. Knit it from a thread in one fold and without lining.

Choose any of the patterns except openwork. For example, a simple 2x2 or 3x3 elastic band with a cute decor of crocheted flowers and leaves will be beautifully tied around a girl’s head.

To knit it, prepare:

  • knitting needles and yarn of the same thickness
  • hook
  • flexible meter
  • scissors

Operating procedure:

  • Having measured the head circumference and knitted a control sample of the fabric with an elastic band, cast on the required number of loops,
  • tie the first row with knit stitches, then with an elastic band,
  • at a height of 10 cm, depending on the size of the head, begin to decrease the loops at the beginning of the wedges,
  • Determine the number of wedges yourself. It is convenient if there are 5 or 7 of them,
  • Pull the last loops equal to 5 or 7 with thread. The hat is ready.
  • Next, cast on 30 chain stitches. The second row is single crochet, the next is double crochet, the last is double crochet.
  • Roll the finished openwork cord into a spiral and lay it out in the shape of a flower.
  • Attach it with a hook or a needle and thread.
  • Repeat the steps of crocheting openwork laces and forming flowers/leaves.

For an alternative version of a knitted spring/autumn headdress for girls, see the picture below.

diagram and description of a knitted spring hat for a girl

Knitting beautiful fashionable hats for teenage girls

fashionable knitted hat for teenage girl

Teenage girls are especially demanding when it comes to hats. They like original and beautiful things, while mothers worry about warmth and comfort. Knit a headdress for your daughter that she will wear with pleasure.

Hats are in fashion among teenagers:

  • with ears and long ties with pom-poms attached at the ends
  • fur
  • from thick threads
  • openwork berets and with a lot of braids
  • hoods
  • helmets
  • hoods
  • in the form of a cap, for example, like Little Red Riding Hood
  • sock with open top for hair
  • with slanted brim, the wide part of which is decorated with a large original button
  • cap-shaped
  • with visors
  • with a simple pattern of thick threads and fur pompoms on the top

We will consider the knitting features of almost all of them below.

Knitted beanie hat for girls

The girl is wearing a gray fashionable beanie hat, knitted with knitting needles.

Beanie has won the love of girls for its convenience and the ability to wear it with almost any outfit.

If you have good knitting skills, then creating it yourself will not be difficult. Beginning needlewomen should carefully read the job description a couple of times and carefully follow each point.

Features of knitting a beanie hat:

  • it's longer than usual
  • consists of wedges that are knitted alternately without breaking the thread
  • the first two rows are performed on an additional thread, which is unraveled upon completion of the work

Operating procedure:

  • cast on loops with auxiliary thread along the length of the hat, for example, 50 pieces
  • knit 2 rows in garter stitch and cut the thread
  • go to the main thread and also perform 2 rows of knit/purl stitches
  • Knit the next row according to the pattern, but leave the outer 6 stitches on the left knitting needle
  • pass the thread through the sixth loop and turn the work to continue knitting
  • go to the end of the row, tighten the edge
  • turn the work and leave 5 loops unknitted
  • repeat until you have threaded the last stitch
  • knit a row. You will get a wedge with a narrowed side. She will be the top

We continue to knit a new wedge from the front side according to the pattern described above. In total you need to form 12 wedges.

Unravel the auxiliary thread and connect the edges of the product using the loop-to-loop method. If you prefer to sew with a crochet hook or needle and see the seam, bind off all the loops before joining the hat panels.

If desired, decorate with a pompom, large button or brooch.

How to knit a hat and helmet for a girl with knitting needles?

ready-made original hat-helmet, knitted

We suggest using the “heel” technique to knit a hat-helmet for a girl.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • cast on stitches equal to a fourth of the volume of the girl’s head and knit in knit rows and purl in purl rows,
  • at the level of the crown on both sides along the finished fabric, raise the edge loops and switch to three knitting needles,
  • continue knitting the same patterns up to chin level,
  • On the fourth knitting needle, cast on the same number of stitches as you did when knitting the hat at the beginning,
  • continue working in a circle with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band to the height of the neck,
  • for the shirt front, expand the fabric by adding a loop to each purl stitch,
  • further 4-6 rows knit in the round,
  • close all loops.

To decorate the helmet use:

  • beads
  • brooches
  • threads with lurex
  • bead embroidery
  • pompom made of knitted fabric 7 cm high, gathered into a rosette on the top of the head
  • a braided braid made of yarn in a contrasting color or to match the girl’s hair color

For an alternative version of a knitted hat-helmet, see the picture below.

knitted hat-helmet for girls, description

Beautiful hat and snood for a girl, knitted: diagram

smiling girl in a hat and snood knitted with knitting needles

Snoods are more comfortable to wear than a classic scarf because of their ability to stay in place and cover the neck. This is extremely important to provide for girls.

Knit a beautiful set of hat and snood for your daughter using the same technique and patterns as suggested in the pictures below.

pattern diagram for knitting a hat and snood for a girl

description of knitting hats and snoods for girls

Warm double knitted hat for girls

beautiful white double knitted hat for girls

After completing the preparatory steps listed in the first section and choosing the yarn for the future hat, get to work.

We suggest knitting a double warm hat with a braid pattern with a cross on its front part. If the strand of yarn is thin, fold it in two before creating the headdress.

To calculate the number of loops, knit a sample of the elastic band and pattern. For this:

  • cast on 20 stitches on auxiliary thread
  • 1 row - 1 knit, 1 yarn over - repeat until the end of the row, but do not knit a yarn over before the edge,
  • 2nd row - remove the edge and back without tying, 1 front, remove the back - repeat until the end of the row
  • 3-12 row - repeat 2 rows
  • Row 13 - remove the edge, two together, two together, purl, knit - repeat until the end of the row
  • 15 row - edge, 7 purl each, between which 12 knit
  • Row 16 and all further even rows - according to the drawing
  • Rows 17-21 - according to the picture
  • Row 23 - on the front loops, perform 2 crossings in different directions
  • Rows 25-31 - according to the drawing. Next, knit repeats of the pattern
  • unravel the auxiliary thread from the sample and determine the knitting density of the hat on the elastic band and pattern

The procedure for knitting the outer layer of a hat on 2 knitting needles:

  • perform casting and knitting double elastic as in the sample
  • remove the auxiliary thread and proceed to the drawing
  • for a 5 year old girl you will get 5 rapports
  • at a height equal to 4 crossings and 3 rows, begin to decrease the fabric, closing a loop on both sides of each braid
  • repeat decreasing stitches after 4 rows, continuing to follow the pattern
  • continue this way for 2 more crossing braids
  • reduce the number of loops after the edge 2 knit, 2 together, 4 knit, 2 together, 2 knit and then repeat until the end of the row
  • make decreases in every second row until the front inserts are rounded
  • last row - three loops together
  • tighten the loops with thread

Do the inner lining as follows:

  • lift the loops from the top row of the elastic
  • first row - purl, then alternately knit and purl
  • knit a straight fabric, applying it to the main
  • repeat decreasing stitches on the inner lining in a mirror image
  • Pull the final loops with thread
  • connect both parts of the hat

The decorative elements of a warm hat will be the ears, connected by the raised loops of the top row of elastic on the inside. For this:

  • Knit 14 loops 12 rows with straight fabric
  • decrease in every second row on both sides by loop
  • on the final 2 loops, crochet laces, 15 cm long

Attach a ready-made or made pom-pom to the top of your head.

Knitted hat for girls 2 - 3 years old, two-color

two-color knitted hats for girls 2-3 years old

Universal and feminine colors for a hat for the cold season are white and pink. The little princess will especially like a headdress with ears with ties, on the front of which you can embroider a snowflake, for example.

In this case, knit the ears that you knit first on 11 loops. Make them with white and pink stripes in 2 rows.

Leave the rest of the hat white and the snowflake pink. Instead of a design, make a pom-pom from both colors so that they occupy half of its circumference.

See the picture below for the snowflake pattern.

snowflake pattern for knitting on a baby hat for a girl

The knitting process was presented in detail in the first section of the article.

Let us dwell only on the estimated number of loops for reference.

  • start knitting ears on 11 loops, reaching 21,
  • proceed to the main knitting - cast on 17 loops, add one eye, cast on 44 loops, add a second eye, cast on 17 loops again and close the edges into a circle. Total 120 loops.

Make the ties from 3 threads a little more than half a meter long, threaded through the middle of each eyelet at the bottom. Fold the threads in half and braid the entire length.

Knitted earflap hat for a girl

cute knitted earflaps on a little girl

According to the knitting technique, a hat with earflaps is similar to a hat with ears. The difference is in several points:

  • ears - initially knit them wider and add loops to expand in 3-4 front rows. Above, knit a straight fabric of the desired height,
  • the back of the head is higher, so after collecting the ears and lifting the loops between them for the back of the head, perform at least 10 rows,
  • insulation is a mandatory attribute. And not only inside the hat, but often also on the outside of the forehead. Fleece and faux fur have warming properties,
  • ties - they are thinner and longer.

Examples of knitted earflaps for girls are below.

description of knitting a hat with earflaps for a girl, example 1
honeycomb pattern description

If you like no seams, knit the hat with garter needles. If the presence of identifying details in the form of a seam is important to you, then use two.

Please note that the pattern attracts attention with its originality, so do not decorate the hat with it.

Knitted bonnet hat for girls

knitted bonnet with ears on a girl

The procedure for knitting a hood is as follows:

  • First, make the strip framing the face. Usually this is a garter stitch on 11-17 loops with a length of 120-150 rows,
  • knit the main part on a number of loops equal to the length from one earlobe to the other. In the area of ​​the crown, divide the fabric into 3 parts and knit only the central one, alternately picking up one loop in each row of the other two. The technique is similar to heel knitting,
  • form a strip on the neck from the loops of the main and first parts of the hat. Some craftswomen extend this strip by 15 cm on each side. These will be the ties on the hood.

Knit a hood for the cold season with the following patterns:

  • corn
  • braids with garter stitch inserts

Decorate the seam of the main hat above the face and on the crown with knitted ruffles. To do this, raise the loops in the designated places, knitting two from one. Work 9 rows in stockinette stitch and bind off all the stitches, pulling them tightly so that the ruffles hold their shape.

We knit a hoodie hat for a girl with knitting needles

bright hood-hat for girls

Features of this type of hats:

  • their width at the bottom of the neck is half as wide as at the top of the head,
  • the area of ​​the cap on the neck can be solid or separate, connected with buttons or a brooch,
  • space that is suitable for voluminous hairstyles,
  • comfort when the hat falls on the shoulders.

Interesting hood models:

  • two-tone, when a lighter tone is present at the end around the face,
  • with interlacing braids, zigzags, rhombuses, cones,
  • made with three-dimensional patterns, for example, pearl.

Start knitting a hooded hat from the narrow part, gradually adding loops according to the previously selected pattern.

  • In the peak position, continue knitting and decrease the number of loops in a mirror sequence.
  • Sew the hat along the back of the head.
  • Either knit the neck part of the hood separately from the main fabric, and then sew it on. Or think of loops along its entire length and knit on circular knitting needles.
  • Let us add that this attribute is appropriate to add for any model. The ties act as both a fastener on the head and a decorative element. In the second case, their ends are decorated with pom-poms made of yarn or natural/faux fur.

    For clarity, see the order and pattern of knitting a hat with ties below.

    knitting pattern for a hat with ties for a girl

    So, we looked at the features of knitting various models of warm hats for girls. It's getting colder outside, which means it's time to do some handicrafts.

    Inspiration to you and original hats for your daughters!

    Video: knitted warm double hat for girls

A hat for a boy can be knitted, or you can buy it in a store. We have compiled a small selection of interesting, in our opinion, models of knitted hats for boys. Knitting a hat for your boy is not only interesting, but it will allow you to choose good materials and a favorite style. And the boy will be proud that his mother knitted his hat. In addition, you will be able to fulfill any whim of your son/grandson. Sew his favorite hero onto a hat or embroider the name of a famous football player. For small children, you can knit a cozy helmet or hat with ears.

It seems that there are not so many ideas for knitting hats for boys. But in fact, take a look at our selection and you will see that this is not the case. The imagination of our craftswomen is inexhaustible. They knit hats with arans, with braids, with jacquard, hats in the shape of animals, caps, earflaps and many more interesting shapes can be found on the Internet. Knit to your heart's content!

Knitted hat for a boy - interesting models from the Internet

Gray hat for a boy with patterns

Cap size: for 6 years
Materials: yarn “Olga” -100 g gray, (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 392m/100g), circular knitting needles No. 2.5. Knit with thread in two folds.
Elastic band 2*2: alternate knitting of 2 persons. p. and 2 p. P.
Hat knitting density: 20 sts x 28 rows = 10 x 10cm.
Cast on 96 stitches and knit 6 cm in the round with 2*2 rib. Next, knit 35 rows in a relief pattern, as shown in the diagram. Decrease in every 2nd row by knitting 2 stitches together. before and after stripes of faces. loops
When 12 stitches remain on the knitting needles, pull them together with a working thread and secure the thread.

interesting selection for the site 36 exclusively girls' hats

Knitted spring hat for a boy

This model of hat is closer to the classics, in style and design it is more similar to an adult, a small fragment helps to distinguish it from the many standard models.

Boy's hat with two-color rice pattern

Cap size: OG 52 cm.

For knitting you will need: Alize baby wool nits (40% wool, 40% acrylic, 20% bamboo. 50 gr. / 175 m) in two threads, stocking needles No. 4.5 and No. 5.5.

Hat for a boy in the shape of a fish

Knitted hat for a boy - MK from Ekaterina Zhukovskaya

You can knit this hat for both girls and boys. It all depends on the chosen yarn color and pattern.

Size: on OG=50cm. Yarn Gazzal Baby Wool in two threads, knitting needles No. 3. Knitting density 2.6p=1cm.

Set for a boy: knitted hat and track snood

Yarn BBB Premiere. Composition: 100% merino wool. Skein weight 50 g, thread length 125 m, knitted in 2 threads, knitting needles No. 3, No. 4. Consumption per cap is 85 grams, the height of the cap is about 21 cm. About 100 grams were spent on the snood. Snood height is about 16 cm.

Knitting a hat for a little boy with knitting needles

A hat for a baby from 1 to 18 months and from 2 to 4 years from Norwegian designers DROPS is knitted from Alpaca yarn from Garnstudio with knitting needles No. 2.5. You can use any yarn of suitable thickness based on the density of 26 p*34 rows=10*10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch.
You will need: straight knitting needles No. 2.5, yarn - 50 g, markers.
Cap size: for exhaust gas 40/42-42/44-44/46 (48/50-50/52).
Basic knitting: stockinette stitch.

Traditional shaped boy's hat

Cap size: for 0-9 months (it all depends on the thickness of the yarn).
You will need: 25 g 100% virgin wool ( 50g/216m); straight knitting needles No. 2.

Knitted green hat for a boy

This comfortable model is suitable for real athletes - a hat for a boy with a visor and ears.

Knitted car hat for a boy

The hat is knitted using stockinette stitch from yarn of three colors. Its highlight is thermal stickers in the shape of cars. The stripes on the cap imitate the road, and the cars complement the automotive theme.

Interesting knitted hat for a boy

The calculation and description of the cap are given for an adult. But if you reduce the number of stitches cast on, then such a hat can be knitted for a growing boy.

Blue cap - knitted helmet for a boy

Cupcake hat knitted with knitting needles

If you choose a different color for this model, then it can be knitted for a boy.

Description of a knitted hat for a boy:

Knitted hat - budenovka for a boy

We knit a baby hat with ears, which is very important for a little person. This cap fits well on the head, does not move and the ears are closed. Any novice craftswoman can handle the hat. After all, women often start knitting only with the birth of their firstborns and do it with great pleasure and love.

Description of the knitted hat

Knitting pattern for a hat

Excellent model of a knitted hat for a baby

Cap sizes: 1/3, (6/9), 12/18 months. You will need: 50 g of Qual Merino Extra Fine yarn (105 m/50 g) and knitting needles No. 4.
Persons smooth surface: faces. rows - persons. loops, purl rows - purl. loops.
Garter stitch: knit. rows, purl rows - persons. loops.
Density of knitting hat, faces. stitch: 21 loops and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitted hat, job description

Cast on 97 (105) 109 stitches and knit 4 rows in garter stitch. Then mark the following 7 loops with a thread: 1st, 18th, 35th, 49th, 63rd, 80th and last (1st, 20th, 39th, 53rd, 67 -th, 86th and last) 1st, 21st, 41st, 55th, 69th, 89th and last loop. For next additions to persons. Rows perform 1 yarn over and purl. rows knit it purl. cross, for decreases on both sides, perform 1 double pull (= remove the marked loop together with the previous loop as a knit, 1 knit loop and pull it through the removed loops).

Next knit faces. stitch and perform increases and decreases. in this way: in every 2nd row after the 1st mark, add 1 loop, on both sides of the 2nd mark, decrease 1 loop, before the 3rd and after the 5th mark, add 1 loop, on both sides of 6 1st mark, decrease 1 loop and before the last mark, add 1 loop at the same time in every 4th row after the 3rd and before the 5th mark, add 1 loop, as well as on both sides of the 4th mark (= middle) Decrease 3 (4) 5 x 1 stitches in every 4th row, then in every 2nd row. After 13 (15) 16 cm from the cast-on edge (measure along the outer teeth) in the next face. row, knit every 2nd and 3rd stitches together. and at the same time close the loops.

Occipital part: Sew the closed edge, then sew the side edges of the piece. The cast-on edge forms the front side of the hat.
Ties: cast on 4 loops respectively and knit next. way: * 1 persons. loop, thread before work, remove 1 loop as purl. thread at work, from * repeat 1 time, turn, from * repeat. After 20 (22) 24 cm close the loops. Sew the ties to the bottom edge of the hat.
The hat is ready!

Knitted elf hat

In this version, the cap is knitted in one piece, folded in half and sewn at the back. A strip is sewn to the hat along the bottom edge, tightly securing the hat to the baby's head. For the hat, choose a soft blended yarn so that the hat is not scratchy.

Description of the knitted hat

Knitted hat for a boy - models from our website

Knitted blue hat for a boy

Knitted hat for boy

In order to determine the knitting density, you need to knit a sample of approximately 15x15 cm and count how many loops and rows are in 10 cm. First wet and dry the sample. Stretch slightly when measuring. Knitting density: 1 cm – 2 loops; 1 cm – 2.5 rows.

Knitted winter hat for a boy

Knitted hat with earflaps for a boy

Knitted cap for a boy

Most often, on knitting sites there are a lot of knitted hats for girls, but finding an interesting model of a knitted hat for a boy is more difficult. This khaki braided cap is certainly interesting and fashionable.

Feminine flared jackets, elegant men's coats, children's raincoats and cardigans have come into fashion. Cute hats will help complete the look with patterns, pompoms or “ears”.

Clothing stores offer many models of hats - men's, women's, children's. However, it is worth spending time and money to find an accessory that matches your overall look. Needlewomen can save money and at the same time knit suitable stylish hats for the whole family. The main thing is to understand all the intricacies of the circuit and understand the general principle of operation. How to knit a hat with knitting needles. You will find knitting patterns for women's, men's, and children's hats with descriptions in this article.

We knit a hat for women and men

Before knitting, you need to choose the right yarn and knitting needles. Yarn depends on the season and model. Winter hats are knitted from yarn with a high wool content, spring hats are knitted with acrylic. Bulky yarn is suitable for models with large patterns and coarse knitting. Thinner yarns are well suited for tight knitting with small patterns.

Hats are usually knitted on circular needles - this way the product will be smooth, no seams. The elastic band is knitted on thin needles for density. When moving on to knitting the base, you need to change the knitting needles to thicker ones and add loops.

In addition, you will need markers to mark the beginning of the row and the loops needed when working, as well as a needle, hook and an additional curved knitting needle for braided patterns.

Before you choose and start knitting a suitable model, you need to understand a few general rules that will be needed when knitting any hat.

How to add stitches on a hat with knitting needles

Usually the increase is made in the next row after the elastic band, so that the product is held more freely (especially when knitting berets). Increases are made in 1-2 rows depending on the model.

You can add loops in the middle of the row in different ways. The most convenient methods of increasing are from the previous row and using a yarn over.

You can make a loop from the previous row from a broach, that is, a thread between two loops, or from a loop from the previous row. The broach is thrown onto the left knitting needle and knitted - an additional loop is obtained.

How to knit a hat with knitting needles. Knitting patterns for women's, men's, and children's hats with descriptions are not difficult to find. The main thing is to understand all the intricacies of the circuit and understand the general principle of operation.

If you pick up, pull out and knit a loop from the previous row with your left knitting needle, you will also get a new loop. This will happen most unnoticeably - it will be difficult to find places for increase in the overall mating.

Using a yarn over, a loop is made on the front side: pick up the thread with the right knitting needle and continue knitting. In the next row, knit the added loop behind the back wall of the purl. Otherwise, the addition will stand out as a small hole between the threads.

Hat in stockinette stitch (garter stitch) with knitting needles

Beginners knit simple hats using stockinette stitch or garter stitch. These are the simplest ways to work.

Knit stitch involves alternating rows of knit and purl stitches. The canvas will have a smooth vertical pattern on one side (front side), and a pattern in the form of transverse waves on the reverse side (wrong side).

Garter stitch is done exclusively with knit stitches, regardless of the side. The result is a simple relief pattern.

Note! The stockinette surface tends to curl up at the edges. To prevent this from happening, first knit an elastic band. You can also “secure” the edges by crocheting them.

How to finish a hat with knitting needles

After the hat is knitted to the desired length, you need to start narrowing the crown. To do this, you need to decrease a few loops in the following rows.
Decrease - knitting two loops together. As a rule, when knitting a hat, rows with decreases alternate with rows knitted according to the pattern. This reduces the number of loops through which decreases are made.

For example, first every 10 loops, then every 9, then every 8 and 7 loops. When there are no more than 20 loops left, pull the thread through them and pull off. This completes the knitting of the hat.

Knitting patterns for hats: diagrams and descriptions

There are a lot of knitting patterns. A variety of braids, braids, diamonds, “bumps,” and “leaves” look good on hats. Also, the main fabric of the hat can be knitted not only with satin stitch, but also with a certain pattern, for example, “rice” or “honeycomb”.

“Rice” is a simple pattern that makes the product airy and embossed. “Rice” is used to knit not only hats, but also snoods. The pattern is well suited for both bulky and thin yarns.

The knitting principle is very simple: the front stitch alternates with the purl stitch. In the next row, the knitting changes: knit is knitted purl, purl is knitted.

“Honeycombs” are knitted with a thread thrown over. To do this, you need to cast on an even number of loops. Knit a knit stitch in the 1st row, then put the thread on the right knitting needle and remove the loop from the opposite knitting needle, repeat the rapport to the edge.

The second row is created like this: purl, throw the yarn over onto the right knitting needle, knit 2 loops, transfer, knit 2, etc. Row 3: yarn over, remove the loop, knit together with the yarn over, repeat the rapport to the end. 4th row: knit 2, yarn over, repeat again until the edge. Row 5: knit a yarn over and a loop, slip a double crochet, repeat. 6 knit like 2. From the 7th row, the repetition of rapport begins - rows 3-6.

“Braid” is the most common pattern for hats and the simplest, especially for beginners. For this you need to prepare an additional short knitting needle.

As an example, cast on 14 stitches in the usual way and knit rapport:

  • remove the edge;
  • purl 2 stitches;
  • knit 8;
  • knit the remaining loops purl;
  • repeat steps 1-4 3-4 times (the length of the braid depends on the quantity);
  • repeat step 1-2;
  • throw 4 loops onto a short knitting needle and leave before knitting;
  • knit 4 knit stitches of the row;
  • return the loops from the knitting needle to the left one and knit them with knit stitches (if convenient, you can knit them immediately with an additional one);
  • finish the row by knitting the purl loops;
  • repeat rapport (points 1-9).

Note! The number of loops must be even so that the loops can be equally divided into two parts.

Braids can be knitted in different lengths and widths, as well as tightly to each other or through purl loops, depending on the model and yarn. Denser and thinner braids are knitted in 3-6 rows on 4-8 loops. Wide braids are best knitted every 10-15 rows on 10-14 loops.

There are many other warp knitting patterns. When choosing a pattern, you need to pay attention to its density: the denser the pattern, the better the heat will be retained, which is important for winter hats. Summer and spring hats allow mesh or openwork patterns (“ladder”, “shells”, “peacock tail”, “leaves”, etc.).

How to knit a winter hat for women (with description)

Winter hats are denser, softer and more voluminous than spring ones. To knit them, you need yarn containing at least 50% wool (alpaca, merino, camel, sheep). To add volume to knitting, you can fold thin threads 2-4 times.

Takori hat made of mohair knitted (knitting pattern)

A takori-style hat can be considered a universal model, since it can be worn in different variations: as a stocking cap, with one or more cuffs. Takori is a very soft and voluminous hat. This pattern is knitted quite simply with English rib and will appeal to beginning knitters.

To create a takori hat you will need Angora yarn (100 g/500 m), 4.5 mm circular knitting needles (can be knitted on two knitting needles), markers, and a large knitting needle.

The thread is folded in half(the beginning and end of the ball are connected) and 70 loops are cast on (head circumference 56-58 cm).

Knit rapport: yarn over, remove loop, knit, repeat. All even rows - yarn over and the loop behind it, purl, yarn over, remove the loop, etc.

Alternating rows, knit to the desired length (approximately 32 cm), and then change to a 1x1 elastic band: knit a loop with a purl crochet, 1 knit and then in the circle. Subsequent rows (about 3 cm) are knitted according to the pattern.

Work through a decrease row, knitting every 2 stitches together.

Cut the thread about 10 cm from the needle and thread it through the needle. Pull the loops and secure the thread.

Knitted hat with a lapel

A classic hat with a lapel is knitted with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 (knit and purl). After knitting 5-7 cm with an elastic band, you need to change the knitting in a checkerboard pattern: knit the front loops with purls, and the purls with the front ones. In this way, a line of inflection of the lapel will be outlined, along which the edge can be folded. Continue knitting with an elastic band for another 5-7 cm.

Important to remember! An elastic band made from soft yarn stretches well, so it is important to make it the size of your head or a little narrower.

When the elastic is completed, you can move on to the main part of the hat and knit it with the desired pattern.

Double knitted hat

This is a warm two-layer hat. There are quite a lot of options. The easiest way is to knit in satin stitch on stockinette and circular needles, starting from the crown. In essence, you should end up with a stocking closed on both sides.

Roll the thread into a ring and, inserting the knitting needles through it, cast on 12 loops, 3 loops on each knitting needle. You can also type it in the usual way, but then you will get a small hole in the middle. Knit a row with knit stitches.

Increase 8 stitches per row 12 times: Row 1 - knit, increase, knit, increase, knit (so on each knitting needle). Subsequent even rows are knit rows. Row 3 – knit, increase, knit 3, increase, knit, etc. (inc on each needle after the first and before the last stitch). The result should be 4 wedges.

Once 24 rows are knitted, change the knitting needles to circular ones and start knitting in satin stitch 122 rows, marking the wedges and the edge of the row with markers.

Decrease (guide by markers) 12 times: row 1 - knit, slip, knit, throw the previously removed loop over it, knit to 3 outer loops (to the marker), 2 together, knit, etc. There are 24 rows in total.

Tighten the last 12 loops with working thread.

Knitted thick yarn hat

Simple hats with a simple pattern are knitted from thick yarn quite quickly. Thick yarn is considered to be skeins weighing 100 g and no more than 140 m long. Accordingly, you will need large knitting needles from 8-10 mm, depending on the thickness of the thread.

Typically, 30-40 loops of thick yarn are cast on knitting needles and knitted in the round using garter stitch, ribbed stitch or satin stitch. There is no need to make any additions; the classic subtractions are made.

Knit a hat for spring with knitting needles for a woman - new models

In spring, you can get creative and knit not only warm, but also beautiful hat models.

Knitted turban hat

A simple turban is knitted with English elastic 1x1 in a single piece of approximately 12x90 cm (you should get a narrow scarf). Having knitted the scarf to the desired length, close the loops in the usual way. Then the finished fabric is collected into a turban and stitched.

Try the scarf on your head, wrapping it like a turban. The middle of the scarf is the back of the head, the two ends cross each other on the forehead and bend back. To understand which sections need to be sewn, it is recommended to mark them with pins.

The edges are sewn through the side loops at the back and on the sides on the wrong side.

Important to remember! To correctly calculate the size of the hat, you need to knit a sample of 10 loops for 10 rows, wash, dry and measure.

Women's hat knitted with description and diagrams

Knitting a beret from a hat is distinguished by the obligatory increases in 1-2 rows after the elastic band. This will help expand the knitting to the desired diameter.

The elastic band of the beret should fit snugly on your head.. As a rule, it is knitted 1x1 or 2x2 and has a length of 2-7 cm. After 5-6 rows from the elastic, uniform decreases are made.

Hat with English rib (2x2) knitted

This is a fairly simple model, similar in design to a takori hat.

You will need a relatively thin thread containing acrylic, for example, Alize Lanagold yarn (100 g/240 m), as well as 3.5 mm circular knitting needles and a needle.

How to knit:

  1. Cast on a multiple of 4 stitches on the knitting needles.
  2. Knit according to the principle of a classic English rib, but knit 2 loops each: 2 knit stitches, 2 slipped double crochet stitches, next row - according to pattern, etc.
  3. Having knitted to the desired length, switch to 1x1 elastic: knit knit, 2 together with knit yarn over, purl and then in the round.
  4. Knit the next rows according to the pattern(5-6 cm).
  5. Make decreases as when knitting a takori hat.
  6. Thread the cut thread through the needle and pull it through all the loops.

Knitted hat with braids (diagram)

There are many options for this model. In a simple, classic hat, braids of 4-6 loops are separated by 2-4 purl loops.

Cast on a multiple of 2 stitches on the knitting needles and start knitting 2 knits, 2 purls (2x2 rib) in the round. After 5-7 cm of knitting, change the knitting needles to thicker ones, switch to satin stitch and add loops every 3 loops.

To knit repeat for braid: knit 6 knit stitches, 3 purl stitches, 6 knit stitches, etc. After knitting 4 rows, knit the braid on the front loops, and then repeat the rapport from the beginning.

Having knitted to the desired length, make decreases: knit every two loops together, then knit 2 rows according to the pattern, then decrease again, knit a row according to the pattern, 2 rows - decreases. Pull the last loops together.

If you alternate through an equal number of rows of braids with a knitting needle behind and before knitting, you will get a “braid”. For example, one row - 120 loops, one braid consists of 12 loops, respectively, around the hat you will get 10 wide braids.

10 rows are knitted in satin stitch, then a row with braids is made: remove 6 loops on the third knitting needle and put away for work, knit 6 loops of the row, and then loops from a short knitting needle. This is how the whole row is knitted. After the next 10 rows of satin stitch, the order changes: 6 loops on the auxiliary needle remain before work, and so on.

It is important to know! Braids slightly compress the diameter of the hat, so it is necessary to add a large number of loops in 1-2 rows (there can be 15-40 increments in total) so that the braid does not interfere with putting on and taking off the product. After knitting a row “obliquely”, you need to try on the future hat: the pattern should not compress the head.

Knitting pattern for a Kubanka hat for women (with description)

The Kubanka hat is a rather original model, distinguished by its rectangular shape.. The complexity of this model is that when moving from the crown to the bottom of the cap, it is necessary to tie a roller.

For size 57, cast on 4 mm needles for 130 stitches. Knit approximately 4-5 rows with a 1x1 elastic band, and then, without adding loops, proceed to knitting the main part of the hat up to the crown (you can make a suitable pattern).

Make a roll by knitting 8 rows with a 1x1 elastic band. It is necessary to connect the 1st and 8th row: pick up the loops from the first row of the elastic band and purl each loop of the 8th row.

Divide the number of loops into 7 parts, set markers - guidelines for decreases. Continue knitting in satin stitch, decreasing 7 stitches in each front row (knitting without decreasing on the purl side). The result should be 7 wedges. Tighten the last loops with thread.

How to knit a fashionable hat for a girl with knitting needles

As a rule, all hats are knitted according to the same principle. However each model has its own characteristics, which can cause difficulties when knitting.

Knitted hat with ears

A cute simple hat with ears is knitted in garter stitch in the round or like a takori: English or classic elastic, but is not covered with decreases. Having knitted the hat above the crown, you need to close the loops in the usual way. The result is a pipe open on both sides.

Ears are made from the upper edge of the “pipe”. To do this, you need to sew the top of the hat, starting from the center, from the wrong side (connect the wrong loops together). To make the ears stand out more clearly, you can sew the corners diagonally, separating the ears from the main part of the hat.

Beanie hat (stocking) knitted: knitting pattern

This is a simple pattern that even beginner needlewomen can handle knitting. Usually the “stocking” is knitted in garter stitch without patterns. This model differs from all others in its rounded top and rather long length (the top of the hat should fall off the head).

To knit this model you will need thick yarn, for example, “Nako Jersey” (100 g/74 m) or Trinity yarn “Melody” (100 g/100 m), 6-7 mm knitting needles, and a needle.

The stocking cap is knitted in vertical and short rows. To do this, you need to cast on 45 loops on one knitting needle (along the length of the hat) and knit 40 loops. The remaining 5 loops are not knitted and remain on the right needle.

Unfold the work and knit in the opposite direction in garter stitch. In the 3rd row, knit 41 loops, leaving 4. In the 5th row, 42 loops are knitted, in the 7th - 43 loops, in the 9th - 44, in the 11th - 45. From the 13th to the 22nd row, knit stitches are knitted. The 23rd row is knitted as 1 and further (rows 1 to 22 are repeated). The result should be a wedge.

Note! The upper part of the beanie should be slightly narrower than the lower part due to the wedges.

Repeat knitting until the desired width is achieved (5-7 wedges). After the last row, the working thread should be at the top (if this is not the case, knit another row). Close the loops with purls, cut the thread, leaving 15 cm. Pull the thread through the needle and sew the hat lengthwise (bottom to top). At the top, thread the needle through the purl loops in a circle and pull off.

Knitted pumpkin hat

The model has a pointed top. You can wear this hat with or without a lapel.

How to knit:

  1. Cast on loops to size.
  2. Knit in an elastic pattern of 2 knits and 3 purls.
  3. Having knitted to the top of the head, make decreases in the circle on the purl loops: 1 purl, 2 together, etc. (you will get a regular 2x2 elastic band, knit according to this pattern for about 7 cm).
  4. Make decreases on purl stitches (1st row).
  5. Knit a row according to the pattern (knit 2, purl 1).
  6. Pull the yarn through the last stitches and pull off.

Gradient knitted hat

Gradient hats look unusual due to the smooth transition from one color to another. The secret of this knitting is that a second color is gradually added to a thread of one color.

In order for the transition to be smooth and not contrasting, it is necessary to prepare a thin thread and fold it 3-10 times depending on the thickness. Having knitted the bottom of the hat, begin to gradually replace the threads with a different color: first change 1 thread, then 2, 3 and so on until all the threads “change” color.

You need to mentally calculate when to change the color. For example, if the working thread consists of 3 threads, then you need to mentally divide the hat into 4 parts: part is knitted in one color, part with 1 thread of a different color, part with 2 threads, part with a different color.

Knitted hat with pompom

The pompom beautifully complements the hat and can hide minor imperfections on the top of the head. The simplest pompom can be made using cardboard “donuts” or a special circle.

Cut out 2 circles from cardboard with round holes in the middle - “donuts”. Cut the threads about 50 cm long and start wrapping them around the cardboard in a circle through the middle. For convenience, when the central hole is tightly wrapped with thread, you can use a needle.

The tightly wound threads are cut in a circle (the cut is made along the edge) to the cardboard. Move the cardboard rings slightly apart so that you can conveniently pull and tie a skein of thread in the middle. After this, the rings are removed or cut, and the pompom is formed into a ball. Protruding threads and irregularities can be trimmed with scissors.

Knitted men's hat (diagram with description)

There are models of hats that are more suitable for men than for women, for example, a hat with earflaps or a hat-helmet.

Ushanka hat knitted

Hats with earflaps, depending on the thickness of the yarn and lining, can be either winter or demi-season. The main difficulty in performing this model is knitting the “ears”. This is where knitting begins, so that the hat turns out smooth, without seams.

Interesting fact! The prototype of the usual hat with earflaps is the army cap of the White Army. Initially, it was exclusively a men's headdress.

A simple one-sided hat with “ears” is knitted in garter stitch (can be knitted in satin stitch). To work, you will need yarn of medium thickness (for example, 100 g/120 m), circular and regular knitting needles 4-6 mm, and a needle.

First, cast on 12 loops on the knitting needles and knit 8 rows, adding 1 loop at the beginning of each row in the usual way. Knit 14 rows without increases. Cast on 8 stitches at the beginning of the row and knit 20 rows. Knit the second eye in the same way.

Cast on 22 loops and knit the visor 4 rows, adding 2 loops at the beginning (there should be 30 loops on the knitting needle). Next, knit 24 rows without increases.

Connect the knitted parts using circular knitting needles, knitting the loops of one “ear”, then the loops of the visor and the loops of the second “ear”, close the knitting into a ring. Knit in the round for approximately 36 rows.

Decrease evenly across rows of 7 stitches. When 20 loops remain, decrease in each loop (10 loops remain). Pull the thread through and tighten.

Knitted helmet hat

This pattern is quite difficult to knit, as it ties the head from the crown to the shoulders.

Usually, the helmet is knitted from top to bottom. First, stitches are cast on 4 double needles (8-12 stitches) and rows are knitted in the round with increases at the beginning and end of each needle. When the circle is large enough in diameter (around the head), you can switch to circular knitting needles and knit further in the circle without increasing to the forehead line.

Transfer the loops across the width of the face to a large pin and leave them, do not knit. Knit back and sides. When the length reaches the neck, cast on additional loops, close the circle and knit the neck. For the shirt front, cast on additional raglan stitches at the top and knit to the required width.

Tie the front part with an elastic band and close the loops.

Knitted sock hat

The men's sock hat is knitted like a women's beanie hat., that is, you can start from the side and knit in short rows.

There is another option: knit in the round with a thick 1x1 rib, and then divide the stitches in the row into 3-5 wedges, place markers and start decreasing through the row, focusing on the markers. Tighten the remaining loops with thread.

Hat made of thick yarn with knitting needles (knitting pattern)

From thick yarn for men, you can knit models similar to women's ones. The only thing difference - drawing and pattern. For men, a more strict, geometrically correct pattern will suit a coat or jacket.

Most men's large knit hats are knitted with elastic bands, garter stitch, satin stitch, and vertical braids.

It is important to know! Woolen items must be washed only by hand at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees, including when rinsing. Wool clothing should not be twisted and can only be dried in a horizontal position. This will help avoid deformation of the product.

Children's hat knitted

Baby hats often resemble bonnets, meaning they cover the entire back of the head and are tied under the chin. This is the main feature of such models. Otherwise, hats for children are knitted according to the same principle as for men and women.

Knitted hat for a newborn

A simple cap for a newborn of any gender is knitted using satin stitch from acrylic or wool blend fine or medium yarn, approximately 100 g/150 m.

The cap is knitted on two needles as follows::

  • cast on 42 loops;
  • knit 2x2 rib for about 8 rows;
  • switch to satin stitch and knit 22-25 rows;
  • close the loops in the usual way.
  • As a result, fold the resulting rectangle of fabric in half and sew the upper edges together through the edge loops. Sew a lace or rope of yarn to the bottom edges.

Knitted hats for boys (with description)

For boys, you can knit earflap hats with ties, helmets or regular stocking hats. The hat can be decorated not only with three-dimensional patterns, but also with a jacquard pattern.

Knitted hat for girls

A simple hat for a girl is knitted in various patterns, both large and small knitting. The finished hat can be decorated with knitted flowers, beads or decorative buttons.

The easiest way to knit a hat is with an elastic band and garter stitch.. To do this you will need fairly thick yarn (100 g/100 m) and 7 mm knitting needles.

Cast on 72 stitches on circular needles and form a ring. Knit 2x2 rib for about 15 rows. Next, switch to a pattern of alternating 2 front and 2 back rows. Knit up to row 29.

From the 30th row, make decreases: in the 1st row - every 12 loops, in the 3rd row - after 11 loops, in the 5th - after 10 loops, etc. until 18 stitches remain. Pass the thread through the loops and pull off.

Owl hat for spring for a girl, knitted: diagram with description

A beautiful “Owl” hat with an ornament and “ears” is knitted on 4 mm circular needles with 100 g/130 m yarn.

First, cast on 64 stitches and knit 4 rows in satin stitch. Next, knit 2 rows according to the pattern: 26 with the wrong side, 12 with the front side, 26 with the wrong side. Starting from the 7th row from the beginning, start knitting the pattern on 12 central loops (the remaining loops are knitted purl). Knit even (purl) rows according to the pattern.

In the first row, alternate knit 3 and yarn over in the middle. In the 3rd row, knit 3 loops, then yarn over, knit 9 with “rice”, yarn over, knit 3. Rows 5 and 7 are knitted like 3, but in the middle knit 11 and 13 stitches, respectively, with “rice”. In rows 9-15, knit 3, knit 13, knit 1.

Rows 17 and 19 – knit 3, decrease, 7 “rice” (in 19 – 5), decrease, knit 3.

In the 21st row, make a braid on 6 knitting needles, leaving the extra one for work. Knit the front and again the braid on 6 loops.

In rows 23, 25 and 27, 13 stitches are knitted in stockinette stitch, row 29 is knitted like 21.

31 (33) row – 3 (2) knit, 7 (9) purl, 3 (2) knit. Row 35 – knit 1, purl 11, knit 1.

From the 37th row, knit the next 9 rows with purl stitch, and then bind off the loops and decorate the protruding ears.

Note! For children's clothing, it is necessary to select hypoallergenic yarn specifically designed for children. Typically, such yarn contains acrylic, merino wool or fiber. These materials do not cause irritation, clothes do not rub and lie softly on the body.

How to knit a beautiful, simple women's hat with knitting needles for beginners: a step-by-step guide

So, knitting any hat pattern can be divided into 5 main stages: elastic, increase, warp, decrease, close. Depending on the features of the models, some steps may be missing. For example, if you start knitting a hat with a 1x1 elastic band, and then switch to English or patent elastic, then you don’t need to make any increases - the knitting will turn out fluffy.

You can also skip the first stage, that is, start knitting immediately from the main pattern. If you immediately knit with satin stitch, the edge will most likely curl into a small roll - you will get an original lapel.

The general knitting pattern includes the following steps:

  1. Cast on the number of stitches on stocking or circular knitting needles based on the size of your head based on the preliminary sample.
  2. Knit an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 5-7 cm (sometimes you need more or less).
  3. Switch to larger knitting needles (1-2 mm larger) and increase in the next row after the elastic (5-40 increases).
  4. Knit in the round with the main pattern.
  5. At the top of the head, begin to close the knitting, evenly decreasing several loops in a row, alternating rows with decreases with regular rows according to the pattern.
  6. Using a needle, pull the thread through the remaining 6-20 loops, pull and secure the thread at the top of the head.
  7. Wash the finished product and dry it.
  8. If desired, decorate the hat with a pompom (ready-made or homemade).

How to crochet a hat

A simple hat is crocheted from the crown using single crochets and gradually adding stitches. When the diameter of the head is reached, it is necessary to knit the hat to the end without any increases.

Knitting hats: patterns and patterns for free

In the educational video below you can see how to knit a hat.

Knitting patterns for women's, men's, and children's hats with descriptions are shown in detail in the following video clip. Look.

The presented models are a few of the many possible options for hats. Each needlewoman can come up with her own original model, draw a diagram, or combine two models into one. The main thing is to start knitting, and then the Internet, patience and acquired skill will tell you.