How to cut flags for a garland. DIY textile garland of flags

Preparing for the New Year at home, at work, in kindergarten or school, many people run to shops, stalls and exhibitions in order to buy decorations for the Christmas tree and the premises. But you can stop running and stay at home, with the children, spend the evening in a cozy, family environment, and even usefully. We offer you to make beautiful holiday garlands with your own hands for the New Year from paper. The process will bring you pleasure, and the result will certainly please all guests and household members.

There are many options and ways to prepare your home for the upcoming New Year. A garland is one of the decorative elements that is most often used to decorate a home and other premises. The easiest way to make it is from paper. But this does not mean that the paper garland will look rustic and artisanal. You can create such masterpieces that many stylists and designers will envy. We offer several options for a garland for the New Year, which you can make yourself from paper with a photo and a step-by-step description of the process.

What is New Year without a Christmas tree! She is the main character of the holiday and the very first beauty at New Year's matinees and parties. But her image can also be used to create festive room decorations. Let's look at several options for a DIY New Year's garland made from paper with a Christmas tree image.

The first option involves cutting out several Christmas trees from thick green paper according to a template and attaching them to one ribbon. Such Christmas trees can be decorated with glued beads, buttons, rhinestones or sequins. You can also alternate them on the tape with other cut-out elements: stars, snowmen, snowflakes, and so on.

Second option:

  1. Cut out triangles from colored paper.
  2. Fold each triangle in half lengthwise. The top remains up.
  3. We make cuts along the entire height, not reaching the fold.
  4. Expand the triangle.
  5. At the top we attach the Christmas tree with a string to the garland ribbon.

These funny Christmas trees can be combined with any other elements, in general, you can get creative and create your own decorations.

Confetti and a scattering of stars

A very simple and incredibly beautiful garland is made from cut out colored circles or stars. Let's look at the process of making this garland with your own hands for the New Year from paper.

What we will need for work:

  1. Colored paper. You can use many different shades or stop at two or three, which we will alternate. You can also take gold and silver paper or cardboard.
  2. Sewing machine with dense and strong threads.
  3. Scissors.

Let's start the creation process:

  1. Cut out circles of different diameters from paper. You can cut out all of one or all completely different ones. If you decide to make a garland of stars, then cut out the stars. You can do both.
  2. Now we start the sewing machine and simply sew all the elements one by one.

So, we can get in a short time a very long garland of circles and stars, and more than one.

Traditional chains

Maybe someone will say that this is already a hackneyed and hackneyed option, but this decoration from childhood, dear, familiar, which is associated with kindergarten or school and brings back pleasant memories, creates a New Year's, magical atmosphere. This is a very simple DIY garland for the New Year made from strips of paper linked into a chain. Be sure to make it with your children, they will love it, and the making process will be simple and fun.

First, let's prepare everything you need:

  1. Colored paper. The more flowers there are, the better. You can use wrapping paper; it can be with a New Year's design or simply with an interesting ornament. And now many options for synthetic dense tape are sold in rolls. It can be openwork or with any ornament, a smooth ribbon.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

Let's get started:

  1. We need to cut colored paper or ribbons into equal strips.
  2. We close the ends of the first strip into a circle and glue them together.
  3. We thread the second strip and all subsequent ones into the previous ring, close it and glue it together.

We repeat this whole process until the strips run out or the garland reaches the desired length.

Garland of accordions

A very impressive and completely easy-to-make garland of small accordions or fans made of colored paper. Let's take a closer look at how to do it.

What we need:

  1. Colored paper of different shades. Here you can choose two or three colors and alternate them or make a garland of as many different shades as possible.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Scissors.

Let's start production:

  1. Cut the paper into equal rectangles.
  2. We fold each rectangle lengthwise like an accordion.
  3. Now we fold each accordion in half across, we get a fan.
  4. We fasten the fans to each other with PVA glue, alternating one with the wide part up, the other with the fold up (as shown in the photo).

Attached to the description are photos of how to make this garland with your own hands for the New Year from paper step by step.

We have proposed one of the options for attaching fans, but you can not limit yourself to this, but figure out how to connect the elements in a garland differently and get completely different and amazing decorations. Moreover, from these elements you can make Christmas tree decorations to go with the garland by connecting several fans in a circle and attaching a loop of braid to them.

DIY twisted snakes from crumpled paper or tinsel

An interesting and simple, yet very effective version of a garland is twisted fluffy snakes made of crinkled corrugated paper. An excellent option for both home, office or school. How to make such a garland? Very simple. All you need is:

  1. Corrugated paper in two shades.
  2. Scissors.

We cut corrugated paper into strips of any width and fold them in half. We cut each strip on one side into thin strips, not reaching the fold. Let's expand. We do the same with stripes of a different color.

Now we simply twist two strips of different colors, squeezing the ends tightly. That's it, the garland is ready. It can be attached to the wall or hung on a Christmas tree.

Decorating a group in kindergarten

Any of the above-described garland options will not be suitable for a child’s kindergarten. But there are special options that are simply created to decorate the room where the baby lives. These are garlands with characters: from many Santa Clauses, clowns, bunnies and bears, and even ballerinas.

Let's make these wonderful garlands with our own hands for the New Year from paper for children or even together with them. The boys also love to make things with their mother. Here is a detailed description.

Garland with paper ballerinas – 2 options

The first way to make a magical snowstorm from ballerinas is snowflakes. For it you need to cut out figures of ballerinas according to the template given below. We cut them out of thick white paper. Then we cut out snowflakes from thin white paper according to the pattern, which are given below.

Then we simply put the skirt on the ballerina, pull the thread to the desired place in the room and tie the ballerina to it. They immediately begin to dance at the slightest movement of air. It's very beautiful and very New Year's.

The second method is a little more complicated. For this you need to prepare:

  1. Thin wire for the base of the ballerina.
  2. Napkins.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Scissors.

Let's get started:

  1. You need to twist a base for a ballerina from a thin wire. To do this, take 2 pieces of wire. We bend one in half, leave a loop at the bend - the head, then twist the body and ends - these are the legs. We cut the second piece in half and wrap it in place of the handles, leaving the ends in different directions.
  2. Now we cut the napkin into strips and wrap the base; the strips can be lightly blotted with glue.
  3. The ballerina's body is ready, all that remains is to dress it up. We make packs of napkins and fasten them to the waist.
  4. On top you can make a colored skirt (from a colored napkin), and put a cut out snowflake on top. Get a whole outfit with openwork.

After several ballerinas are ready, we tie them to a thin thread and attach them to the main thread or braid. Such dancers can be alternated with threads with beads or snowflakes.

Paper garlands with figures

An indispensable option for a DIY New Year's garland made from paper for kindergarten are various figures, which you can make like this:

  1. You need paper as wide as the height of the selected figure and as long as possible. You can glue several strips together in advance.
  2. We fold this paper like an accordion. The width of one fold is equal to the width of the selected figure.
  3. Draw the outline of the figure on the first fold. We do it so that those parts that are in contact with the folds on the sides are not cut out.
  4. We cut out the rest of the outline and lay out the accordion.

Here are some templates for such a garland.

Pattern drawings

After the parts are cut out and unfolded, you can draw each person’s face and any other details by coloring them.

Holiday Paper Garland Ideas

There are a lot of opportunities to make a paper garland, here are a few more ideas with a short description:

  1. Garland of snow-white paper napkins. For it, cut out any paper napkins you like and string them onto a ribbon or rope. Such garlands can also be hung vertically. Snowflakes can be alternated with cotton wool snowballs.
  2. Flags. Cut out several flags from any paper. We make double flags, both in one direction and the other. We will hang them on a rope, simply folding them in half. Already hung on a rope, you can glue the 2 halves so that the flag does not come off.
  3. You can whip up a garland like this from strips of corrugated paper. Cut crepe paper into strips of different colors. We take several strips and twist them in the middle with a thread. We do this for any number of beams. Then we attach the bundles with thread to a rope and hang such a fluffy and colorful garland on the Christmas tree or on the wall. Thus it is possible.

We decorate lanterns

You can use paper decor to decorate an existing boring, ordinary garland with lanterns. Let's see how this can be done:

We will need:

  1. An ordinary garland with small lanterns.
  2. Crumpled paper of different colors.
  3. Scissors.

How to do it:

  1. From corrugated paper we cut out flowers of different sizes and shapes, with different numbers of petals.
  2. We make a hole in the center of each of them.
  3. We put 3 different flowers on each light bulb. Lightly press at the base.

This is how you can transform an ordinary boring garland.

If you don’t have a garland of lanterns, you can draw them. Here's how to make paper lanterns:

  1. Let's prepare a regular twisted rope, it will imitate a wire.
  2. From thick colored paper or colored cardboard, cut out ovals in the shape of light bulbs.
  3. Draw a spiral in the middle of each oval.
  4. Cut out rectangles from gray cardboard. They will play the role of a socket for each light bulb and we will use them to attach the light bulbs to a rope - a cord.
  5. We fold the gray rectangles in half, bending them around the rope, put a paper light bulb inside and glue it.

We use available materials

There are often rolls left over from toilet paper or paper towels that can be used for creativity. Let's make a garland out of them!

  1. We cut the sleeve into round pieces. We flatten each round on both sides, forming an oblong petal.
  2. They can be painted with spray paint or a brush, or they can be left as is.
  3. We assemble a flower from 5 round pieces, gluing them at the middle.
  4. We thread a string through one of the petals.
  5. We string all the resulting flowers onto a rope.

And finally, another wonderful DIY garland for the New Year made of paper with a detailed description of the process of its making in the video.

Whatever option you choose for making a paper garland, do it with imagination and a good mood, combine options, allow yourself to be a little naughty and indulge, perhaps you will end up with a unique and very interesting thing that will delight you and all your guests at holiday

Every year, preparations for the main winter holiday begin earlier and earlier. The city, shop windows, and all institutions are being transformed. And, of course, you immediately want to take a piece of the holiday home. If it’s too early to put up a Christmas tree, then making paper garlands with your own hands is the time. Involve children and other family members, you are guaranteed a fun time, and as a result - interesting New Year's decor. Also unique. So read how to make New Year's garlands from paper, use your imagination and bring it to life.

  • Materials for work;
  • Fringe or tassels;
  • Asterisks;
  • Bunnies and Christmas trees;
  • Flashlights;
  • Garlands of circles;
  • New Year's stretch marks.

Materials for work

Most ideas can be realized by collecting scrap materials around the house. Here is a basic list of what you will need:

  • Colored paper of different weights. If you are interested in decoupage, then decoupage sheets are also a great help; you can use wrapping paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Glue or glue gun;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Stapler;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope, ribbons, twine;
  • Ruler or tape measure;
  • Simple pencil;
  • A printer.

Advice! If it is not possible to print the template, you can always display it on the computer screen in the desired size and redraw it by pressing good old tracing paper to the monitor screen. This trick often works with a regular sheet of printing paper.

Be sure to prepare a good mood and a little patience!

Garlands with fringe and tassels


Fringe looks very advantageous, especially if you make several pendants with your own hands from materials of different colors.

For example, you can take a white and brown disposable tablecloth (or any medium-weight colored paper). Choose the color scheme at your discretion - red and white, red and green, etc. You can combine three colors. Or take two subtle colors and complement them with shiny paper.

Fold the sheet of the desired length in half, cut 2/3 of the way. Then unfold, spread glue in the middle, insert twine or ribbon, press, and then fold. The garland is ready!


Tassels will be an excellent decoration not only for the New Year 2020, but also for any other home holiday.

The initial stage is the same as in fringe. Fold the selected paper in half, cut the vertical strips 2/3 of the way.

Advice! Unlike fringe, it is better to make strips for tassels thinner.

We unfold our cut sheet. Now we have fringe at the top and bottom. Roll the sheet into a tube and roll it into a rope so that you get a loop on top and a tassel on the bottom. We make several of these tassels and string them on a rope.

To prevent the tassels from bunching up, it is better to coat the loop with glue and glue them to the rope on which they will then hang. The main thing is to first make the number of tassels, distribute them along the rope, and only then glue them.

Once you master the principle of fringe, you can easily make many original paper garlands with your own hands.

Garlands of stars

Stars are an integral part of New Year's decor, which means they should be used in decorating the apartment.

Convex stars

For this decoration you will need cardboard or thick colored paper. Next, you need to cut out the required number of stars and draw a fold line in the middle of each beam (see template below). The main thing is to just mark the line, but not to damage or cut the star.

Advice! If you don’t have a special tool, you can use a manicure spatula or an orange stick.

Then fold along the fold lines, use a hole punch to make 2 holes in one of the beams and pass the rope through. The decoration is ready. It looks advantageous both in a single color and in several colors.

If you don’t have time to tinker with the bulge, then you can simply use a cutting template and make flat stars, string them on a string and enjoy the result.

Vertical star pendants

New Year's decorations will look unusual if you don't just glue the stars, but stitch them on a typewriter. To do this, you prepare a lot of stars from colored cardboard, and then stitch them with a matching thread, it also serves as a connecting link, so we just leave a thread between the stars. Be sure to leave long enough ends on both sides.

Garlands can be placed vertically on a window or in a doorway, but they can also be hung horizontally on a wall.

Volumetric New Year's garlands

Decorations made from voluminous paper figures will look airy and snowy.

To make one volumetric star, you need to cut four blanks according to the template. Next, using glue or double-sided tape, stick one star in the center of the other and slightly bend the edges of the inner star. Make two such blanks. Then glue the flat parts of the stars together, first passing a thread for hanging. You can place 3-5 stars on one thread.

Clouds are made in the same way. And then you place all the threads with the figures on one rope and look for a worthy place in the room.

Bunnies and Christmas trees

Since childhood, on New Year's Eve we sing a song about a Christmas tree. And if there is a Christmas tree, then where would we be without bunnies? They can also be used as New Year's decor.


Use a cutting template and make blanks. Glue cotton wool tails to the bunnies, or you can make real pom-pom tails from threads. Secure with a satin ribbon or rope.

Even the smallest ones can glue ponytails, even if the ponytail ends up somewhere around the ear.

Christmas tree garlands

Perhaps the Christmas tree is the most “promoted” New Year’s symbol, so there are a huge number of options that you can make with your own hands.

The easiest way is to take three squares of the same size, fold them in half, and then connect the resulting triangles together. If you sew Christmas trees on a machine, you will get a nice pendant.

The original Christmas tree will come out if you fold the triangle in half and make cuts, as shown in the diagrams.

Another great option is to cut it out, make a hole in the top and string it on a cord. Depending on the color and texture, the Christmas tree pendant will look different.

If you have a figured hole punch, then making Christmas trees will be easier and faster.

Instead of Christmas trees, you can attach paper figurines of deer, gingerbread men or mistletoe leaves.


Paper lanterns look bright and festive.


A variety of openwork lanterns of different colors will instantly create a joyful mood.

The secret is to glue two strips of paper at the top and bottom, leaving the middle free, and then cut according to the diagram.

Almost real

If electric garlands look dangerous, create a safe one yourself.


A stapler and a few strips of colored paper are all you need to make another version of the New Year's lantern. Place one strip in the middle, and attach the rest to the sides. The drawing will help you.


It turns out that simple mugs, if there are a lot of them, look like snow and light bulbs of electric garlands at the same time - it’s hard to come up with something more New Year’s, right?

Volumetric hearts made of shiny paper will help.

Iced cookies are the last to migrate from the West to us, so we are adopting them too. Glue a pink blot with a hole inside onto a simple white circle and decorate it with drops of glue with sparkles or beads - the donut cookie is ready. We string the livers onto a ribbon and decorate the room with a sweet paper garland with our own hands.

New Year's banners

We must not forget about this type of New Year's decor as streamers.

A few shiny paper rectangles or triangles strung on a string - and the stretch is ready. You can add the inscription “Happy New Year!” or HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Garlands look beautiful all year round, but are especially good for the holidays - New Year, Easter, Birthday or Halloween. You can decorate the walls, ceiling or windows of any room with a garland - from the kitchen to the children's room, as well as a Christmas tree or mantelpiece. In this material we will tell you 10 ideas with step-by-step master classes on how to make a garland with your own hands from scrap, natural and even waste materials.

New Year's garland of voluminous snowflakes

We present the first idea for making a garland for the New Year with your own hands - from snowflakes. We probably all remember how to cut a flat snowflake from a square sheet of paper. This method will help you out if you need to make a garland in the shortest possible time. However, if you want to make a more elegant decoration, we suggest assembling it from voluminous snowflakes. They take a little longer and are more complicated to make, but the resulting garland will survive more than one holiday.


Prepare paper, such as regular office paper, a pencil, scissors, a stapler, glue or double-sided tape, and thread.

  1. Divide a sheet of A4 paper into two equal strips.
  2. Now assemble each strip into an accordion. This can be done in the following way: fold the strip in half, then fold the half in half again, then also fold the quarter in half and continue until the entire strip has folds. Next, focusing on the fold lines, assemble the accordion.

  1. Cut one small strip from your accordion, cut it in half, and then draw a template on it that you will use to cut out the snowflake patterns. The template is drawn arbitrarily, but so that the edges of the assembled accordion remain uncut in two or three places. An example of the template can be seen in the top right photo.
  2. Bend the accordion in half and fasten it in the middle with a stapler.
  3. Use a pencil to trace the outline of the template on one of the halves of your workpiece, and then use scissors to cut off the corresponding parts of the design.
  4. Repeat Step #5 with the other half of the piece, using the same template.
  5. Fan out each half of your piece and glue their ends together.
  6. Hang snowflake medallions on a beautiful thread, such as silver.

Brushes made of thread or paper in silence

And now we present the idea of ​​​​making a garland with your own hands, which is the most fashionable attribute of birthday celebrations or weddings - a garland with tassels. In our master class you will learn how to make a large version of the decoration, but using the same principle you can easily make mini tassels (for example, for decorating a Christmas tree) using smaller paper.


Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Sheets of paper 50×50 cm or 50×60 cm (to make 2 tassels you need 1 sheet);
  • Scissors;
  • Ribbon.
  1. Fold a piece of tissue paper in half, then in half again, but in the other direction, to make a quarter.
  2. To create a fringe, start cutting your workpiece into strips (no more than 1 cm wide) not reaching the fold line of about 2.5-3 cm.
  3. Now cut the fringed quarter into two halves along the fold line. You will get two blanks as in the photo below.

  1. Unfold one piece and start rolling it tightly, as shown in the next photo.

  1. Once you have completely rolled the piece (see photo above), fold it in half and then twist the two halves together to create a loop for hanging from the ribbon. Secure the loop with transparent glue (eg PVA) or thread.

  1. Make a few more tassels in different colors and hang them on the ribbon.

In this video you can see a detailed master class on how to make a garland of tassels with your own hands.

The following selection of photos provides other ideas for garlands made of tassels.

Garland idea for a child's birthday

Garland of cones in the “snow”

A garland of pine cones is a natural and durable decoration, especially relevant in autumn, winter and, of course, on New Year’s Day. You can simply take dry and clean buds and tie them to, say, jute rope. But in order for the garland to take on a truly festive look, try decorating the scales of the cones with “snow” from any white paint. Now is the time to pull out that old white enamel from your stash!


  1. Pour a small amount of paint onto a paper plate and dip the pine cone scales into it.
  2. Turn the pine cone so that each end is covered with paint. Set the pine cone aside to dry and repeat with the remaining ones.

  1. When all the cones are dry, start hanging them on a thread. To do this, wrap the end of the thread around the bottom of the first pine cone and tie a knot. Then tie the second, third and all other cones around their lower parts, and tie a knot on the last “link” of the garland.

  1. Additionally, secure the position of the cones with a hot glue gun.

Garland of balls

Paper balls can be used to create either a DIY New Year's garland or any other. It all depends on the colors you choose. To make a garland of balloons with your own hands you will need: glue or double-sided tape, beautiful paper (for example, colored or scrapbooking paper), scissors or a special hole punch for cutting out circles.


  1. To make 1 ball, you need to cut out 6 circles of the same diameter from paper. However, you can cut from 3 to 16 circles for one ball. The more circles you use, the more voluminous it will be.
  2. Fold each circle in half so that the front side of the paper is on the inside.
  3. Now you can start forming the ball. To do this, glue the resulting halves of the circles with the wrong sides facing each other.

  1. Before gluing the last parts of the ball together, run some tape through the center of the ball.
  2. According to the described scheme, make a lot of balls and secure them all to the tape.

  • If you have a sewing machine, you can speed up the process in the following way. Cut out circles from medium-weight colored paper (no more than 6 pieces per ball) and arrange them in piles. Keep in mind that the paper must be colored on both sides. Next, sew the stacks one by one on a machine, and when the garland is completely “sewn”, simply straighten each semicircle of the ball. As a result, you should end up with a decoration that looks something like this.

By the way, using the same principle, but using parts cut in a different shape, you can create a garland of any theme.

Yarn pompoms

Depending on what color yarn you use, you can create a garland for any occasion. So, for example, for New Year you can take white, red and green colors, for Halloween – orange and black, and if you take skeins that match the color scheme of the interior, you will get a fashionable decorative item.

Christmas garland made from homemade pompoms

There are many ways to make pom poms with your own hands, but the best way to make a garland is one that allows you to quickly make several balls at once.


  1. Wrap the yarn around the legs of the upside down chair as shown in the first top photo.

  1. Remove the resulting skein from the legs and tie it along its entire length with the remaining thread, maintaining an interval of approximately 5 cm.
  2. Then simply cut the skein into equal balls so that each ball has a tied center.
  3. Trim the fibers and straighten the balls, turning them into balls. If there are not enough balls, repeat the steps with another skein.
  4. Secure the balls to the tape.

LED garland with flowers from an egg carton

Now let's find out how to transform an ordinary LED garland with flowers from... the cells of an egg carton. The decoration will be not only beautiful, but also consistent with the idea of ​​recycling waste. Moreover, the box can be not only cardboard, but also plastic.


Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Egg packaging (6-12 pcs.);
  • LED garland;
  • Acrylic paint (in spray or can);
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife.
  1. Cut off the lid of the box and set it aside.
  2. Using a knife, cut out the cells (for tulips) and/or the areas between the cells (for small or narrow elongated buds) of the box.

  1. Using scissors, form petals from the cell walls. Don't be afraid to experiment and cut out petals of different shapes and sizes.
  2. Once all the flowers are cut out, start painting them. You can dry flowers on wooden skewers stuck into the lid of the box.
  3. When the flowers are dry, cut a small cross at the bottom of each bud.

  1. Place a bud on each light bulb of the LED garland.
  2. Now you can hang your flower garland anywhere you want.

Quiet paper flags

Bright colored flags on a ribbon are a classic decoration, appropriate for any holiday or just for interior decoration. Today we propose to make an updated version of it, namely from tissue paper or tissue paper and with fringe.


To make your own flag garland you will need: tissue paper/tissue paper of different colors, scissors, pencil, plate (any round object that can be traced), ruler, ribbon that can be folded in half and a glue stick.

  1. Fold the paper into a stack and draw a circle on the top sheet using a plate.
  2. Without disassembling the stack, cut out circles. Then cut the stack of circles into halves.

  1. Start creating fringe on the blanks. To do this, simply cut the semicircle into narrow strips, not reaching 1-1.5 cm from the top edge and maintaining approximately the same interval.
  2. Now simply glue the top edge of each half circle onto the tape.
  3. Using the same principle, make a garland of flags and pennants, but use paper of a different color.

Pasta garland

Figured pasta is almost ready-made garland parts that only need to be decorated a little and strung/attached to a thread. So, for example, you can use butterflies (bows).


Prepare one or two packs of butterflies, paint, PVA glue, glitter and a cute thread.

  1. Paint the butterflies and leave them to dry.
  2. When the pasta is dry, coat it with PVA glue using a brush, then sprinkle it liberally with glitter. Shake off any excess and let the butterflies dry.
  3. Tie each noodle to a string.

If you wish, you can replace the bows with any other shaped pasta, for example, shells, tubes. You can make a garland not only from bows; any shaped pasta and tubes, as in the photo below, will do.

Garland with glowing balls

Small spheres that glow in the dark and seem to hang in the air look very impressive. To make such a garland, you will need to buy a large number of ping-pong balls, prepare a stationery knife (or better yet, a breadboard knife) and, of course, the electric garland itself.


  1. Using a knife, cut a cross on each ball.

  1. Place a ball on each light bulb. Hooray! The garland is ready!

The easiest way to decorate your house for the New Year is with a garland. It’s easy to make a garland with your own hands from paper, light bulbs, threads or balls. We have collected in one article several step-by-step instructions for different types of DIY garlands. Let's make it cool together.

DIY tassel garland

A tassel garland (from the English tassel - tassel) is made from tissue paper - quiet. The paper is first folded in half, and then cut into tassel shapes and strung on twine. Paper can easily be replaced with thread.

Let's figure out how to make such a garland with your own hands step by step.

Materials for the garland: 1 - tissue paper, 2 - glue gun, 3 - scissors

We will need:

  1. tissue paper (or tissue paper) or thread;
  2. scissors;
  3. twine (or thick rope);
  4. tape or glue gun.

Choose the color of the paper depending on the theme of the holiday or the color scheme of the interior. Colors can be combined, or you can make the garland monochromatic.

IDEA! For a New Year's garland, you can use gold, silver or mother-of-pearl paper.

Unfold the sheet and fold it from top to bottom so that the fold is on top.

Fold the paper in half and make a cut to the middle of the sheet, leaving 4-5 cm on top
  1. Make a cut in the middle, but not all the way. Leave 4-5 cm on top.
  2. Repeat the same steps: fold the sheet in half again at the cut site, and then cut in the middle, taking into account 4-5 cm from the top.
  3. Fold the paper in half again.
  4. Cut thin strips 1-1.5 cm wide (do not cut to the end of 4-5 cm).
  5. Unfold the fringe carefully so that it does not tear.

IMPORTANT! Tichyu is a very delicate and thin paper. Wash and dry your hands well before starting work.

How to twist pompoms?

Twist the pompom as shown in the photo

The next stage is twisting:

  1. Straighten the strips and place them on a flat surface.
  2. Grasp the paper by the edges on the left and right. Fold in half. Repeat the same steps.
  3. Turn the brush over so that the stripes are on the left and right.
  4. Twist the tassel, holding the strips on the sides.

IDEA! After 2-4 turns, straighten the strips so that they do not get tangled.

The final stage is the loop:

Secure the brush with an additional strip of paper and glue
  1. Straighten the fringe. Now twist the middle into a loop.
  2. To prevent the loop from unwinding, secure it with glue or tape.

Finished loop. Now the tassels can be strung on a rope

When all the tassels are ready, thread twine or thick rope/ribbon through the loops. The number of tassels depends on the length and thickness of the garland.

The photo below shows instructions for the same thread garland.

Option 1. Floss hats

Materials for “hats”: 1 - floss threads, 2 - scissors

Option 2. Hats made of knitting threads

Materials: 1 - acrylic knitting threads, 2 - scissors

Option 3. Decoration made from fabric strips

Materials: 1 - old T-shirt, 2 - scissors

Name garland for birthday

Option 1. Flat garland of letters using an available template

Making a personalized garland is very simple:

  1. Download and print the letter templates. Using the available templates, even a small child can make such a decoration.
  2. The letters need to be carefully cut out and made double-sided. You can either pass the same sheet of paper through the printer on the reverse side, or print the template on two sheets and then glue it together.
  3. On each letter, use a hole punch to make 2 holes in the upper corners.
  4. Thread the rope through the holes.
  5. It is better to fold a thin rope in half.

You can make a decoration from colored cardboard according to your own template, from photographs or flags. The assembly diagram will be the same.

Option 2. Volumetric cardboard garland

Ready-made festive garland for a birthday

Option 3. Fabric garland

Paper garland

The simplest craft from hearts

Paper parts can be in the form of:

  • circles;
  • hearts;
  • leaves;
  • colors;
  • flags.

Garland of circles (rings)

Circle decoration

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to do it?

  1. Cut many identical strips of paper 21 cm long and 3.5 cm wide.
  2. Glue the strips by threading one into the other.

Below in the photo there are two more instructions on how to make a garland of circles.

Option 1. Fastening with metal rings

Fix the rings well, otherwise the weight of the plastic may tear the jewelry

Option 2. Double corrugated paper rings on a rope

We fix each circle with glue so that the craft does not warp later

Garland of flags

Here and below in the gallery we have collected the most interesting decoration ideas for the New Year 2018.

Option 1. Garland of felt flags

Step 2. Pull the rope through the middle of the flags, as shown in the photo. Lubricate the inside with glue and iron it again

Option 2. A garland of flags can be made using stencils, as in the photo

Option 3. Flags can be solid

Stenciled flags can be cut out of any material - burlap, felt, thin plastic

Garland of hearts

The materials are the same as for the previous garland + stapler.

  1. Cut out identical strips of paper.
  2. Cut each into 2 parts.
  3. Use a stapler to secure 2 strips together.
  4. We press the fastened end inward to make a heart.
  5. Fold the next 2 strips on the sides of the finished heart (previous). Secure at the bottom with a stapler. Make all subsequent links of the garland according to the same pattern to the desired length.

IDEA! From hearts, leaves or flowers you can make a voluminous garland according to the principle of a personalized one. Only for her it is better to take thicker paper. Punch holes on the sides.

Look at the alternative instructions:

Origami garland “water bomb”

You will need:

  • origami paper;
  • electric garland.

Where to begin?

Keep the origami “water bomb” diagram before your eyes.

  1. Take a square sheet, bend it along two diagonals and two straight lines.
  2. Unbend the sheet each time.
  3. Turn the sheet over to the reverse side.
  4. Fold it again along the folds. You should get a triangle.
  5. Fold the top layer of the side corners towards the center. It should turn out to be a rhombus.
  6. Fold the side corners and the top corner of the diamond towards the center.
  7. Tuck the corners into the side pockets.
  8. Turn the figure over and fold the side corners towards the center. You will get a rhombus again.
  9. Fold the side corners of the diamond back toward the center.
  10. Fold the top layer down and fold it into the side corner pockets.

There should be a hole at the bottom that you need to blow into to make the figure three-dimensional.

The figurine can be fixed with glue.

Count how many light bulbs there are on an electric garland. Make a box for each one. Secure the bases of the boxes with glue. Beautiful New Year's origami garland is ready

Garland of bunnies

Step 1. Cut out hares using the template
Step 2. Make holes for the rope on the ears. Make a ponytail out of cotton wool
Step 3. Pull the rope through the holes
Step 4. Finished garland of bunnies

Garlands of light bulbs

How to make a garland of light bulbs?

Materials: wire, 10 incandescent lamps, 10 cartridges, fork, wire cutters, centimeter, screwdriver, scissors, electrical tape

You will need:

  • wire (6 m);
  • 10 lamps and 10 cartridges;
  • fork;
  • wire cutters;
  • centimeter;
  • screwdriver;
  • heat-shrinkable tube;
  • lighter;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

Divide the wire into 9 parts. Each is 50 cm, and leave one 150 cm long.

Step 2. Leave the last part 150 cm long

Remove the insulation from the ends of the wire. Burn the ends and clamp them with heat-shrinkable tubing.

Step 3. Cut a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing

Insert the ends of the bare wires into the clamps. Tighten the plug again. Assembling the fork. Unscrew the fasteners. Step 9. This is what the fixed wires look like in the plug Step 18. Secure the cartridge Step 1. Pierce the plastic ball with a needle and thread Step 1. Take a hollow plastic ball. Make cuts as shown in the photo

For a birthday made of paper and cardboard - it’s as easy as shelling pears. A maximum of an hour of work - and the elegant decoration for the holiday is ready. In our master class you will learn how to make such flags with minimal time and materials.

To make your own birthday flags, you will need:

A4 colored cardboard;

printed letters for the inscription (can be drawn by hand);

any bright stickers - in our case - these are stars made of foamiran on an adhesive base;

soutache or any ribbon of suitable length for hanging flags (we have twice 3 m of soutache);

glue stick;


How to make birthday flags: job description

Calculation of the amount of cardboard

To start, I cut out some letter circles to determine what size flags I would need. The diameter of the circle is 6.5 cm. Accordingly, such a circle fits into a triangular flag (an isosceles triangle with a base of 10 cm). The height of the flag is half the long part of the A4 sheet.

I double-checked the theory on a piece of A5 cardboard and at the same time found out that such a sheet would fit three flags.

Therefore, there will be as many as 6 of them on the A4 sheet.

I made the flags one-sided so that I could hang a garland on the wall. If you want to hang flags from the ceiling, then the flags must be double-sided. There are two options: either use double-sided colored cardboard, or glue the flags in pairs.

So, let's calculate how many flags we need in order to place the intended inscription. We count spaces between words.

So I have:

KATYUSHA = 6 flags;

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! = 16 flags.

Those. in total you need 22 flags plus a few additional ones - as many as you can - to hang them around the inscriptions. So, let's count. There are 6 flags on one sheet. 22 is not divisible by 6, but 24 is divisible (rounded to the nearest larger number that is divisible by 6). Total: 24:6=4. We will need 4 sheets of A4 cardboard.

I took 4 different colors: yellow, blue, green and pink. They are quite bright and festive - and go well with each other.

How to draw a sheet of cardboard for birthday flags

We place a sheet of A4 cardboard vertically in front of us. We make two marks on the top: at a distance of 10 and 20 cm from the upper left corner. From the lower left corner we also set aside 10 times twice and put marks.

We connect our marks as shown in the next photo.

We connect the marks in pairs in the other direction.

We connect the places where the lines cross.

We also connect the upper and lower marks 20 cm from the left corner, i.e. the line will run parallel to the long part of the sheet.

In this way, we draw out all the prepared sheets, and then cut the cardboard along the drawn lines.

Pay attention to the "clippings".

If you add them two at a time, you get several more multi-colored flags.

Connect the halves of the flags on the back side with a piece of tape.

The flags are ready. Let's put them in the order they are supposed to be used. I kept it in order, laid out the colors strictly in order: yellow, blue, green, pink. So I took them in order to stick on the letters of the inscriptions.

We cut out circles with letters, coat each one on the inside with glue stick, liberally and evenly, without lumps, and glue it onto the flag.

We press.

Use a hole punch to make two holes.

The flag is almost ready.

We do the rest of the checkboxes in the same way, not forgetting to leave a checkbox for spaces between words.

We lay out the inscriptions in front of us and decorate.

If you have ready-made stickers, then decorating will take just a few minutes.

Assembling a garland of flags for a birthday with your own hands

To distribute the flags evenly throughout the garland, leaving the tails of equal length for fastening, it is best to fold the pendant in half, and also divide the inscription “in half”, defining the middle.

We move the first flag from the middle of the inscription to the center of the ribbon or soutache and string the entire half of the inscription. We do the same with the second part of the garland.

Don’t forget to use our “half” flags.

Before the holiday, it is convenient to store the garlands folded, like this.

An elegant garland of birthday flags made with your own hands is ready!

What else can you do?

  • letters from circles can be carefully cut out with a stationery knife, leaving the circle itself intact, and in this form it can be glued to the base of the flag; the letters will be colored;
  • letters can be cut directly from the flag, then the wall will shine through it;
  • Such garlands are appropriate even for an 18th birthday: instead of letters, you can paste photographs of the birthday person by year.

Eva Casio specially for the site