How does a child behave before birth: why is the child quiet or active (moving). The calm before the storm: how the baby behaves before birth The baby moves a lot before birth

Pregnancy is an important and happy moment in a woman’s life. When the time approaches the cherished day of the baby’s release from the mother’s womb, you want everything to go without complications. Many parents have a question: is the child active or quiet before birth?

How does the baby behave as labor approaches?

There is no reason to worry, since there are children who, as birth approaches, calm down and stop being active. This is typical behavior. The fetus does not undertake energy-consuming movements. A person needs energy, because leaving the mother’s belly is not such an easy process.

However, if the fetus does not move at all, this is an additional reason to once again consult a doctor. In order to avoid unnecessary worries, which are in no way useful for the expectant mother, it is worth understanding how the child behaves before childbirth.

Two weeks before delivery, the woman’s stomach drops as the fetus takes a preparatory position. This is a kind of low start before the upcoming breakthrough. The advantage is that the pressure on the ribs disappears. The baby is held by the thigh bones. As intrauterine fluids decrease, the fetus feels tight. At this time, growth stops.

The little man gathers strength within himself. If during the previous 37 weeks strong movement was noticeable, now, after finding the required position, it stops. For those who do not know whether the baby is quiet or active before birth, such a change may be alarming, but there is no reason to worry.

The movements are carried out rarely, but have greater strength than before. Because of this, a woman’s bladder periodically hurts, and she often wants to relieve herself. In the last two weeks, when babies are preparing to be born, they move less.

Increased activity

If, while examining how the child behaves before childbirth - calms down or actively moves, the expectant mother discovers that her heir does not even think about calming down, there is no point in raising a panic about this either. This is not at all a symptom of impending complications.

There are children who express their readiness to be born in this way. They literally can't wait to see the world around them. The positive aspect of this situation is that the woman constantly feels the baby, does not worry, being in the dark. A subconscious connection is established between mothers and children, making it possible to understand what the fetus desires.

If, while observing how your baby behaves before birth, you notice excessive activity, this interaction will only strengthen. Behavior of this kind is completely normal, and the child’s quieting down is not a generally accepted rule, but only one of the possible scenarios for the development of events.

When should you worry?

Understanding whether the baby is active or quiet before birth, you should only worry when extremes occur. It also happens that children calm down completely. An abrupt cessation of tremors is already an alarming sign.

At least six shocks must be carried out per day. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Observing how the baby behaves before giving birth, it is worth knowing that his movement is more of a good sign than a negative one.

Quite the opposite, with a complete lack of activity. It may indicate the child’s weakness and lack of substances necessary for normal life. Without the strength to fight for a place in the sun, he is unlikely to be able to get out of his mother’s womb on his own.

The baby's behavior makes it clear when he is ready to be born. In this way, the mother can prepare in advance for this important event.

Counting shocks

It is not so important whether the baby is active or quiet before birth. A far more pressing task is to count the tremors. This calculation provides information about the time the baby needs before being born. In the case when at least six movements are carried out per day, there is no point in worrying. In the last week, babies move 48 times a day.

Thus, when answering the question whether a child is active or quiet before birth, it would be a mistake to say that he behaves much calmer than usual. The frequency simply changes and the pressure increases.

Hyperactivity is also not a healthy sign. 60 movements, as well as too few of them, are a sign of a lack of life-sustaining substances. It’s just that some children, as they say, fold their hands and do nothing, while others actively express their needs. Observing how a child behaves before birth and noticing excessive activity, we can talk about oxygen starvation.

Why count kicks?

The number of movements performed by the fetus is counted in order to understand when the child is about to be born. It becomes clear how the little man feels and whether certain factors will complicate the birth. It becomes possible to control its condition.

It is worth noting that only extreme situations are critical, when children move less than 6 or more than 60 times a day. The normal number of shocks is about 45-50. They must be periodic. Mothers count their number every hour.

It is useful to keep a chart of observations of fetal movements. This is a tool for visually demonstrating changes in the child's condition. Calmness is not always a sign of imminent birth. The fruit should turn.

By moving we mean any noticeable movement or push within a couple of seconds. In order to activate your firstborn, you can eat something from fast carbohydrates, such as chocolate. This way he will receive new energy and vitality. After a snack, it is better to lie on your left side.

Babies should not become quiet until two weeks before birth. If the calculated dates have not yet arrived, and activity has decreased, you should consult a doctor. Observing the movements of the child relieves mothers from the torment of ignorance, helps them keep the situation under control, be confident in the safe condition of the baby, relying not only on subconscious sensations, but also on their own analysis and calculations.

The activity of a child before birth is an important sign of his life. The frequency and nature of movements throughout pregnancy changes, from subtle movements to very noticeable tremors. Every expectant mother listens to the baby's movements, trying to understand if everything is okay. We’ll talk about how the baby will behave before giving birth in our article.

Changes in baby's behavior before birth

At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby is most active - after all, he still has enough room for acrobatic tricks, but before the end of gestation, the movements of the fetus are increasingly constrained by amniotic fluid. However, the baby continues to actively grow and develop.

In such conditions, the baby no longer moves so actively, but his kicks are strong and confident. Sometimes the baby can even demonstrate his dissatisfaction with the reduction of free space. The expectant mother can feel every movement of the child, because there is almost no room left for turns and turns.

Fetal position

The next important stage for the fetus is its movement towards the cervix. The child's movements become

translational-rotational. So, the fetus makes its way to the cervix, it is ready to take the starting position. Usually, the baby lies head down.

The next important stage for the fetus is its movement towards the cervix

Many mothers notice that the fetus has descended into the pelvis; during this period, it becomes easier for women to breathe because the baby does not put pressure on the diaphragm, but it becomes more difficult to walk.

Before giving birth, many mothers notice that the fetus has sunk into the pelvis

The number of movements is an important sign

After the 37th week of pregnancy, many pregnant women notice that there are fewer movements and the fetus seems to calm down. Sometimes there are periods of excessive activity followed by periods of calm.

Of course, each pregnancy is different for each woman, but on average, at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should feel 10 movements of the baby within 6 hours, which turns out to be 1 - 2 movements per hour.

It's okay if your baby is not that active, because he needs to gain strength, he can sleep, so he won't move even once in an hour. When he wakes up, he will definitely remind his mother of himself with a slight push. Some babies, on the contrary, are extremely active. This is usually due to the mother’s strong anxiety, which is passed on to the child. That is why try to remain calm, because stress is not necessary for you or your baby.

If the baby does not move for 12-16 hours, or, on the contrary, is very active, contact your doctor, because this activity may be a consequence of hypoxia.

If in the last weeks of pregnancy the child began to behave calmly and became quiet, this means that it is time for you to get ready for the maternity hospital. Do not go far from home unaccompanied; you should forget about long trips.

In this video you can see how the baby behaves in the last weeks of pregnancy. Experienced doctors will tell you how to distinguish false contractions from real ones, and advise how to behave when labor has begun. In addition, you will see how the birth process goes.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that each body is individual, so you should not worry too much if your baby behaves somehow differently than the baby of your pregnant friend. However, continue to monitor your baby's movements and if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Even experienced mothers do not always remember that childbirth is a gradual process. And preparation for it begins long before contractions. Below are 10 signs that you are about to give birth. But it’s not a fact that it’s tomorrow, which means there’s time to prepare.

1. The stomach has become lower
In experienced mothers, this sign is usually absent until the last day. But those who are expecting their first child one day notice that sitting and walking have become more difficult, and breathing has become easier. This means that the baby’s head has dropped slightly down and “inserted” into the small pelvis. For some, this happens almost a month before giving birth, more often - 1 week before it.

2. Constipation said goodbye
Pressure on the bladder and rectum increases towards the end of pregnancy. In addition, hormones begin to affect the intestines, relaxing the cervix (and along the way, other smooth muscles, which also make up the gastrointestinal tract). As a result, the stool becomes much thinner. Many women even confuse the onset of labor with “being poisoned by something.” Such symptoms may appear 2-7 days before birth.

3. No appetite!
You don’t want to eat, and this is very strange: after all, during pregnancy you could not be pulled away from the refrigerator. Even your favorite strawberries and chocolate do not evoke a storm of emotions in you. Moreover, you lose weight! Yesterday, for example, the scales showed that your weight has decreased by almost 2 kilograms! And the swelling has also disappeared somewhere - now you can sleep without putting a pillow under your feet.
In fact, the body gets rid of everything unnecessary: ​​very soon it will need strength that it cannot now expend on digesting food. Weight loss occurs due to fluid removed from the body. In general, there are at most a couple of weeks left before the birth, so get ready.

4. The baby is quiet
Before giving birth, most women note that the baby's movements have changed. The baby is not so tiny now, and he is simply cramped in the uterus. Therefore, he may not make himself known with kicks and pushes for a long time. You run to a CTG in a panic, but the machine shows that the child’s heartbeat and activity are normal. By the way, it is better to do CTG in the last month before childbirth, if not every day, then at least 2 times a week.

5. And laughter, and tears, and love
Even very seasoned expectant mothers may notice that their mood towards the end of pregnancy changes like the weather in May. Either a sunny smile, or raining tears. Sometimes a woman is overcome by fatigue and apathy, and then suddenly she begins to remind herself of an electric broom whose “Off” button has broken. And then, without five minutes, the woman in labor scrubs the apartment, washes tiny things for the tenth time, starts rearranging the furniture, and goes on a grand shopping spree. In a word, he loads himself up to the fullest, and then collapses from fatigue.

6. I want peace
The nesting instinct is not so much the arrangement of a family nest in anticipation of a speedy replenishment, but rather the desire to retire from everyone and withdraw into oneself. If you cannot see your loved ones, if you want to hide in the farthest corner, curl up and ask not to be touched under any circumstances, then the birth is very close - the clock is ticking. And the body feels this: it requires a break for the expectant mother so that she can psychologically tune in to the birth of a child.

7. Back hurts
The most elusive sign, especially in cases where the expectant mother suffered from back problems throughout pregnancy. However, in this case, the pain is caused by the child moving down and stretching the sacroiliac connective tissue, and the main “blow” falls on the lower back and tailbone. A pregnant woman may also be bothered by strange sensations in her legs - as if an electric current is running through them from time to time. This baby moves lower and pinches the nerve endings.

8. Training contractions
They can also be easily confused with Braxton Hicks contractions, which can appear as early as the 30th week of pregnancy. “Training” contractions are a little stronger, a little more noticeable, but also painless and, most importantly, irregular. They do not mean the onset of labor unless the intervals between them are reduced. But they say that the birth is already close.

9. What kind of slime is this?
What is impossible not to identify is the mucus plug. But her departure is not an indicator that you will give birth tomorrow. Cervical mucus can come out 2 weeks before birth, or a couple of days, or maybe only during childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, the plug reliably closes the cervical canal and protects the uterine cavity from infections. If you notice thick, clear, yellowish mucus on your underwear, sometimes mixed with blood, call your doctor for advice on what to do next. And this must be done if the mucus comes out earlier than two weeks before the expected due date!

10. Soft neck
This sign of imminent labor can only be noticed by a doctor during an examination in the chair. Before childbirth, the cervix must “ripen”: this is greatly facilitated by an increase in the level of estrogens and prostaglandins in the woman’s body. Throughout pregnancy, the cervix should be more than 2 cm long, tight and completely closed along its entire length. But by the 40th week, the cervix gradually shortens (its length is 0.5-1 cm), becomes softer, and the cervical canal can open up to “one finger”.

Signs that labor has begun are:
Regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions. Real labor contractions repeat every 15-20 minutes, they are regular, and the period between them gradually decreases. You can recognize them by drinking no-shpa or inserting a suppository with papaverine: if these contractions are false, they will stop, if labor, their intensity will not change.
Discharge of water. In this case, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital: the water-free period should not be more than 12 hours. If the water is stained with blood or green meconium, be sure to notify your doctor.

Overshoot or undershoot?
On average, a normal pregnancy lasts 280-282 days. But from 10 to 25% of pregnancies end in birth before the 37th week, approximately 8% of pregnancies are “long-lasting” and last up to 42 weeks (294 days).
A pregnancy is considered post-term if its duration exceeds 42 weeks. The birth is called late, and the baby is born with signs of overmaturity.
A prolonged, or physiologically extended, pregnancy also lasts more than 40 weeks, but the child is born without signs of postmaturity, functionally mature, and healthy. There is also no pronounced “aging” of the placenta.
Premature birth is defined as birth between the 28th and 37th full weeks. At this time, with each “extra” week the baby spends in his mother’s tummy, his chances for successful and rapid rehabilitation after premature birth increase significantly. Every day the baby gains weight, improves its vital systems and becomes better prepared for life outside the womb. That is why, when this pathology threatens, doctors try to do everything to keep the baby inside for at least a few days.

It is clear that childbirth, especially the first one, is a very exciting event. But try to calm down, do not fuss or panic, even if you notice several of the above signs and even if it happened earlier than expected. After all, success in childbirth largely depends on the calmness and concentration of the expectant mother. And from her confidence that everything will be fine in the end.

From approximately the 28th week of pregnancy, the list of important diagnostic indicators of the condition of the unborn child and his mother is also added. From this moment on, the doctor will recommend that she monitor movements, because their nature, intensity, and frequency can tell a lot about the baby’s intrauterine life.

The frequency and intensity of fetal movements will change throughout the entire period. Thus, the peak of his vigorous intrauterine activity will fall at the beginning of the third trimester: there is still a lot of room in the tummy for skillful somersaults, and the limbs of the little gymnast are already strong enough for the mother to “enjoy” her child’s dancing. But towards the end of pregnancy, the space limited by the amniotic sac will increasingly restrict the baby’s movements. Meanwhile, he himself will actively grow and gain weight, especially in the last week or two before birth: the baby will need a lot of strength to pass through the birth canal!

How does a child behave before birth?

It is quite natural that in such conditions it is not possible to move much intensively, and it probably does not give much pleasure. Before birth, fetal movements change their character: the baby does not move so often, but his kicks are already distinguished by firmness and confidence. Moreover: right now a little picky person can show his character, demonstrating dissatisfaction with the cramped space.

Mom feels almost every movement: there is absolutely no room left for turns and turns. The next most important movement of the baby will be directed downwards: into the pelvic area towards the cervix. On the eve of childbirth, he directs his head into the pelvis, taking the starting position. You will feel that walking has become not very comfortable, but breathing is much easier than before: your rather large belly no longer props up your chest and does not cause shortness of breath.

An important harbinger of childbirth

Fetal movements before birth not only change, but are also important and quite reliable. Obstetricians say that at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy a woman feels the greatest activity of the fetus, but then it noticeably declines. This period is very conditional, since, as you know, not all babies are born at the 40th week. But most of them change their behavioral tactics 1-2 weeks before giving birth. The mother notices that the baby is no longer moving so often and actively, although peaks still occur: periods of complete calm can be replaced by periods of excessive activity.

If the baby suddenly calms down before giving birth, then the mother can get ready for the maternity hospital. Another week or two may pass before the contractions begin, but things should already be ready, and you should not go far from home unaccompanied, much less go on long trips.

Monitoring fetal movements before birth

However, even now movement control must be further carried out. A too sharp decrease in their number may be a worrying sign. Tell your doctor if your baby makes itself known no more than 3 times a day.

You should not worry if you notice an increase in the activity of the fetus before childbirth: it is also preparing for upcoming events, and, by the way, its movements are now taking on a rotational-translational nature, doctors say. But here you should also listen to the signals from within and be able to interpret them correctly: is the baby playing or warning about danger? Sometimes it happens that a child experiences pain before giving birth. One of the signs of hypoxia may be excessive activity of the fetus before birth.

If you resort to numbers, then approximately you should feel at least 10 fetal movements in a 6-hour period or at least 24 in a 12-hour period. In one hour, the baby normally moves twice or twice, but doctors do not recommend an hour-long observation as an indicator, since the baby may be sleeping.

Any movement or episode of tremors that you feel should be considered movements. If it seems to you that your baby has been quiet for a long time, try eating candy or drinking a glass of milk and lying on your left side. This position is considered uncomfortable for the fetus - and he should let you know about it. Also remember that all babies are different, so both high and low fetal activity before birth may be normal.

But if something bothers you, you should consult a doctor. If during the examination the gynecologist told you that everything is fine with the baby, then there is no reason to worry about frequent or weak movements.

There is no need for unnecessary worries now. Rest assured: the baby is almost ready to meet you. Even if there was a need to induce labor a little earlier, this would not have a negative impact on his health. On the contrary: sometimes such a decision is the most correct, because it is made in the interests of the baby. So there is no need to worry at all: the stress hormone before childbirth is absolutely of no use to the little one or to you.

Especially for Elena Kichak

Before giving birth, women experience a whole range of indescribable feelings: among them insomnia, fear, impatience. They also feel some physiological changes, such as prolapse of the abdomen, removal of the mucous plug and slight weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what happens to the expectant mother in the last weeks, what she needs to be prepared for, and give some recommendations.

How to get rid of anxiety and sleep well

Fear of childbirth occurs in all women in labor, even those who are not going through this process for the first time. The fear of pain, that something will happen to you or the child, poisons the pleasant anticipation of the birth of the baby. What can you recommend? Rather switch to something else, interesting. Have you been wanting to watch a series for a long time? Right now! Stock up on DVDs and immerse yourself in the experiences of the characters, so you will take your mind off your own. Don't want to watch TV? Then buy books. And don't forget about walks. You shouldn't spend the whole day at home. Baby, and you yourself need an influx of fresh air saturated with oxygen. For the mother, this is also a plus because fresh air and light physical activity provide restful, deep sleep before childbirth.

By the way, about a night's rest. Insomnia often worries expectant mothers in recent weeks. Too frequent and strong movements of the child, plus a huge belly, with which it is not easy to take a comfortable position, force you to think about sleeping pills. But expectant mothers should not drink them. And valerian, which doctors so often prescribe, provides more of a placebo effect. But if you believe in the effectiveness of this herb, then you can safely drink it, it is not harmful.

But it would be much better to take care of your sleep differently. Before birth, the baby becomes quiet because there is too little space in the uterus, which means that you will be able to fall asleep much easier and sleep longer. You need to find a comfortable position. Doctors recommend sleeping on a medium-hard mattress on your left side. You can place pillows between your legs and on your right side. It is very important to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room where you sleep. Don't forget to ventilate the room regularly, and always before going to bed. Don’t drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise you’ll have to get up to go to the toilet several times during the night; Expectant mothers already urinate quite frequently during long periods of pregnancy.

Before going to bed, do not watch TV so as not to gain impressions for the night. This is especially true for heavy films - dramas, horrors, thrillers, etc. Gynecologists recommend watching only comedies that evoke positive emotions before giving birth.

Shortly before the onset of labor, and sometimes even a few hours before contractions, the expectant mother makes her way to spring cleaning, and the “nesting instinct” is triggered. Just don’t overexert yourself, don’t lift weights, otherwise placental abruption may begin, or amniotic fluid may break.

Physiological changes

Changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother 1-3 weeks before birth. Preparations for the birth of a child are in full swing. So, what can the expectant mother feel and notice?

1. Contractions before childbirth, the so-called preparatory ones. They do not dilate the cervix, last only a few seconds, are not regular and are painless. There is no need to be afraid of them and just go to the doctor or call an ambulance. It’s a completely different matter if these contractions are accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge or discharge of amniotic fluid - then immediately consult a doctor.

Before childbirth, the stomach and lower back hurt, contractions are regular, their strength is increasing. Painful sensations cannot be relieved without medication. Here's what you need to know about the start of labor.

2. The cervix also begins to prepare in advance to release the baby from the uterus. This is especially noticeable in multiparous women, in whom dilatation of 1-2 fingers can occur 2 weeks before the hour of X. Usually, simultaneously with this slight dilatation, the plug comes off before childbirth. This is a rather noticeable, voluminous lump of mucus with bloody streaks. These veins appear due to the fact that small vessels burst in the cervix as a result of its opening. It should be noted that the plug may come off during contractions. Some expectant mothers don’t even notice it, especially if they have to lie under an IV during contractions.

3. And another common phenomenon is weight loss before childbirth. Typically, expectant mothers lose up to 1 kilogram. This physiological weight loss is associated with ridding the body of excess fluid. You may notice that the swelling becomes smaller or disappears. The elastic bands of the socks no longer leave marks after prolonged wear, and the wedding ring can be easily removed from the finger at the end of the day.

4. The stomach drops. Over the course of 9 months, your uterus has been growing upward and has already begun to prop up your ribs quite strongly, making it impossible to sit straight for more than a few minutes or breathe calmly. Heartburn often occurs. But shortly before birth, the presenting part of the fetus (most often the head) moves deeper into the pelvis, and accordingly the uterus descends slightly. Those close to the expectant mother will easily notice these changes in the shape of her abdomen, and the woman herself will feel that it has become easier to breathe. Life is getting better! The gynecologist determines that the child has descended deeper into the pelvis by palpating the presenting part. In the case of the head, it practically loses its mobility.

Prenatal medical procedures

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely to be possible without them. But perceive them as a necessity that will make the process of bringing your child into the world more pleasant and civilized, so to speak. What are these procedures?

1. Shaving before childbirth - you should get rid of hair in the pubic and perineal area. Of course, it is better to do this yourself, although this is not always convenient due to the large size of the abdomen. In extreme cases, this cosmetic procedure can be performed by honey. sister upon your admission to the maternity hospital. If you are shy, take care of shaving in advance. By the way, it doesn’t have to be shaving. Many women get rid of hair in the bikini area with wax - the procedure is performed in a salon quickly and inexpensively. The main thing is to ensure sterility. But if you've never tried waxing before, it's not your choice. Since the painful sensations for the first time, until the skin gets used to this procedure, are quite pronounced.

2. Another not very pleasant, but not painful procedure is an enema before childbirth. Although they say that nowhere else abroad do they “bully” women like this, believe me, it’s not just honey that is needed. to the staff, but also to you. During the second stage of labor, when pushing begins, and during the process of the baby passing through the birth canal, the entire contents of your intestines will come out... An enema before childbirth can be done at home, or you can entrust this very simple procedure to a medical professional. sister in the maternity hospital. Some women who have already gone through childbirth recommend that their pregnant friends use glycerin-containing preparations instead of a “classic” enema. The most famous of them are Microlax microenemas and glycerin suppositories. But at present, unfortunately, they are not on sale in Russia and it is not known when they will be. And you can’t cleanse the intestines well with glycerin alone.

Here are the main things you need to know before giving birth. Good luck!

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