What to give a guy for the New Year is unusual. Handmade gifts

New Year is a time of pleasant surprises, gifts and magic. Classic gifts to men in the form of socks and perfume today cause more surprise than sincere joy. Therefore, a woman has to be more selective when choosing a gift, especially if it is intended for a loved one. How to combine beauty, benefit and originality in one thing? What can you give a guy (ideas)? A homemade gift, be it a purse made of leather or a craft made from photographs, will be a sincere, valuable surprise for any representative of the stronger half of humanity! There are actually a lot of ideas. So, let's choose

Donate clothes

If you knit well, then the original one with your own hands will pleasantly surprise your chosen one. If your skill is not enough for complex patterns, your partner is too picky in choosing clothes, or you don’t know his size, you can opt for a warm, soft scarf or mittens with a simple pattern. Also an original New Year's gift for a guy with his own hands - warm hand-knitted woolen socks with an interesting pattern that will warm you up on cold winter evenings.

Use photos

You probably have a lot of pictures of them together on your phone or computer. Create a collage from them in a large frame or a handmade album with dates and your comments. There is always a place for such a gift, and it will also be a wonderful reminder of the time spent together.

If there are not many photos, but there is one that you both like, you can immortalize it on a mug, pillow or T-shirt for your loved one (provided that he will wear it).

If you are just starting a relationship and have not yet acquired a joint album, what should you give your guy for the New Year? You can give your favorite guy a hand-made certificate for professional photography or ask your friends to take your photo.

Handmade accessories and leather crafts

Any man uses a wallet, purse, business card holder, phone or tablet case, or some other accessories. Replace them with ones you made from fabric, leather or other material with your loved one's initials or a small message embroidered on them. from an apartment or a car in the form of a woven house, a car, a toy, a heart or any other shape of your choice - an original handmade gift for a guy. Plus, it will always be at hand.

If a man wears a watch on a strap or bracelets, you can make something similar from leather. Such a gift will look expensive, stylish and solid.


Universal? Yes, any man will need a mug. Faceless? Perhaps yes. To avoid this, make it addressable. Now there are many companies that offer to apply images to any surface, including glass and ceramics. Print your shared photo on the cup or, even better, sign it with permanent ceramic markers, draw your portrait, even if it turns out to be a caricature, something on a New Year’s theme, write a couple of warm words to your loved one or a funny wish! If you don't have artistic talent, you can even draw a funny mustache. This, on the one hand, simple, on the other hand, original handmade gift for a guy will be an unusual alternative to a holiday card and will certainly make you smile.

Food as a gift

As the well-known wisdom says, a man wins love through his stomach. So why not feed your loved one delicious food? Wake him up with a fragrant cup of coffee and breakfast or organize a romantic New Year's Eve. Decorate the dishes with hearts made of vegetables and fruits. Show off your talent as a hostess.

If your loved one has a sweet tooth, then why not give your boyfriend homemade gingerbread men and New Year-themed cookies? Or a beautiful birthday cake?

Unusual baskets

If it so happens that you don’t have time to make a New Year’s gift for your boyfriend with your own hands, or you’re not confident in your abilities, don’t despair. Think about what your lover loves most. Collect a basket of things dear to his heart. For example, if he is a football fan, then put a couple of bottles of beer, crackers and a scarf of his favorite football team as a gift, it will be pleasant and unexpected. In addition, this way you can show a man that you know his interests, passions and support them.

Children's motives

If you are a married couple with children, then it's time to involve the children in making a creative New Year's gift for dad. This could be a drawing of your family, framed in a stylish frame, painted mugs, handprints and foot prints on various surfaces from paper to fabric on a T-shirt. The main thing is to choose the right paint.

Handmade cards and gift wrapping

Presenting a beautiful gift to a guy with your own hands is half the success. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the thing that your chosen one will like, but also to design its packaging in an original way, then even the simplest gift will look more impressive. For a man's gift, packaging in the form of a shirt and tie, suspenders and other drawn or glued details is ideal. And an origami paper card with such a design will perfectly complement a DIY New Year’s gift for a guy.

Handmade gift additions

Some couples agree in advance on what they will give each other. This is practical, but at the same time eliminates the magic of surprise and suspense. Therefore, you can always complement the main gift with a cute handmade trinket. For example, a guy is interested in photography, give him a camera and a handmade case for it. Or he asked to buy him covers for his car, and you add them with a cute homemade keychain. If it is one of the mobile gadgets (phone or tablet), sew an original case with your lover’s initials, etc. This way you will show that you spent time and effort to create the gift, which means you made it with soul.

Of course, you can come up with even more ideas on what to give your boyfriend for the New Year. You can present your beloved guy with handmade toys, DIY crafts, hand-sewn pillows and much more. The main thing is to remember that any gift, even the simplest one, will be original if it is targeted. If these are socks, then let them be knitted by you, with a funny pattern, even if your knitting skills are far from professional. If it's a mug, have it painted and signed by you personally with warm congratulations for your loved one. With a little imagination and a sense of humor, you can get the perfect New Year's gift for your boyfriend with your own hands, which will last for many years.

New Year is the main holiday of the year for many people. Perhaps the whole point is that this event is used to be associated with the beginning of a new life and future changes. People seem to leave failures, adversity and all the bad things in the past year, hoping for a new life with better turns. Everyone dreams of entering the New Year with new plans, goals, thoughts and dreams.

For some, this holiday is most important because, as children, we were all looking forward to it. Remember with what joy we decorated the Christmas tree, learned a poem for Santa Claus and waited for New Year's gifts!

It is likely that these childhood feelings have not disappeared in us even now. And no matter how much time passes, we still look under the tree with bated breath, expecting a pleasant surprise.

And not for nothing, because receiving gifts is so nice! But many people find it even more pleasant to be like Santa Claus, who brings gifts.

We have all been in the role of gift giver and recipient. Our topic today is directly related to what to give a guy for the New Year. This is a serious and responsible question!

Therefore, I think we should consider it carefully. To make it convenient to choose a suitable gift, read our article.

Probably every person has faced such a problem when he had to figure out what to give for a particular holiday. But that’s not all, because over time you encounter this problem more and more often!

And oddly enough, the closer a person is to you, the more difficult it is to choose a gift, because you are constantly afraid of not pleasing. Sometimes it can be so difficult to decide that you have to rack your brains over such a question for more than a day or two, because you really want the gift to be both useful and liked.

But today we will talk about how to choose the original A special gift for your beloved boyfriend, who is incredibly dear to you. Many will agree that this is very responsible, and for good reason.

  • Firstly, your gift will express your attitude towards him.
  • Secondly, this way you can show how much you know each other and understand each other’s dreams and desires.
  • And thirdly, this way you will show a sign of attention, which in general will show how attentive and close you were to each other.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a gift for your boyfriend for the New Year. For this reason, try not to put this matter off, and think in advance, before the New Year, “what would be the best gift for a guy for the New Year?”

In order not to make a mistake, be attentive to the words and, possibly, hints of your loved one. As the muse of his heart, you must know what he likes and what he doesn’t; occupation, his hobbies (i.e. hobbies), what he has long dreamed of.

Before the holiday, you should go shopping together and pay attention to what products will interest him. Have a casual conversation, ask why you like this or that thing. If something is not clear, ask, and by chance you can ask whether he would like this thing or not.

Due to the fact that the “survey” will take place long before the main holiday of the year, the young man will not connect this conversation with the upcoming holiday. So you can find out what to give your boyfriend for the New Year.

If you are really attentive, it will not be difficult for you to choose the best gift, and in addition, such a gift will be appreciated.

Original and budget gifts for a guy for the New Year

You know, after conducting a survey among young people and older men, I was pleasantly surprised by how diverse the men’s outlook and wide range of interests are. The men openly said what they wanted, and it was at that moment that their eyes lit up, because it was about their dream!

But what surprised me most was that the gifts were, let’s say, budget. 80% of respondents had different desires, but the amount of the gift that each of them wanted ranged from 500 to 2000 rubles.

Agree, it’s not that expensive, and every girl, even in a few months, will be able to save that amount of money for a gift to her loved one! This is not such a big amount.

But the truth is, depending on what kind of gift we are talking about - if the conversation turns to a new smartphone, then the price should clearly not be up to two thousand.

For this reason, we will only share ideas for gifts for a guy for the New Year, as well as the average price, but if you want to buy something more expensive, then, of course, there is such an opportunity.

To make it more convenient to choose a gift, let's look at them by category, or preference. The first point I would like to consider is sports gifts.

Many young guys now enjoy playing sports - some are crazy about tourism, some are crazy about rollerblading, and some are fans of bicycles and strength exercises.

Sports gifts

And that's not all sports gift ideas. You can choose what you need when you talk to a consultant in a specialized store. You just need to tell what sport the guy is interested in and say the amount you are willing to spend on the gift.

Ready! Now all that remains is to choose something from what the seller offers.

Don't buy the cheapest things, try to find out all the characteristics. Then you can make the right choice!

If you are choosing a gift for your boyfriend for the New Year in advance, you can look through the assortment in online stores, where goods are slightly cheaper than in regular stores. Find what you need, then place your order and don’t forget to receive your order on time!

You can give sports gifts of an intangible nature, such as:

  • A ticket to a sporting event that a guy will definitely enjoy. This will make him very happy, believe me!
  • Not everyone can afford to buy a video training course, but it would be a wonderful purchase as a gift.
  • A gym membership - a guy will be crazy about such a gift.

Gifts for born hunters and fishermen

Not all girls are aware of this kind of gift until they talk to men. But as a “savvy” lover of giving nice gifts to a man, you should take note of the following gifts:

And that's not all either. In fact, there are many more gift options. You can find out more about other gift options in a specialized store.

Gifts for the “advanced” - lovers of photographic equipment, PCs and smartphones

The above-mentioned gifts can also be chic gifts, but they are expensive, and today we are talking about gifts that are great for those who are on a budget.

You can also search the Internet for interesting and popular gadgets that can now be easily found on sale. If a guy loves technical innovations, then giving him a brand new gadget will be the right decision!

Gifts for car enthusiasts

If the guy is the happy owner of his own car, then you can also please him with a gift.

This is just a short list. You can pick up a lot of other useful and no less pleasant gifts.

For creative people

Every person with a creative streak is a bright individual. Choose gifts using this principle.

Gifts that relate to a guy’s creativity/profession writer, musician, performer, painter. Choose gifts that will match the type of activity.

Gifts for the gold master

Guys who cannot see life without making something, and have the skills of a builder, plumber, etc., can be given a huge number of interesting things.

There are many other gifts. The main thing is to talk to the guy first and determine what is most needed.

Clothes and accessories

These things will never be superfluous for a man, especially if they were chosen with love and taste. You need to know the exact size, preferences, and what the guy needs most.

But many people are interested in the question: “How to choose a good shirt color?” And here there are several selection criteria:

  • A young man's favorite color.
  • What colors of shirts are there in a man’s wardrobe?
  • What color would go with his suit?
  • If there is a dress code at work, choose a color that will fit the requirements.

And in the last few years, it has become fashionable to choose a shirt according to the color of the Zodiac Sign of the animal in whose year the gift will be given. These are many shades of pink, purple, burgundy and red. Yellow, green shades and classic white are also suitable.

Entertaining and original gifts for a guy for the New Year

As a rule, we find such gifts completely by accident. It happens when you are walking around a store and accidentally see some interesting thing!

And then you realize how much you liked it as a gift! Original gifts are often spontaneous.

For example:

  • Folding knife. Believe me, no one has ever refused such a gift. Price from 110 rubles. But don’t forget to take at least some coin from the guy in return - when giving piercing and cutting objects, you must definitely carry out a “gift - coin” exchange.
  • Multitool tool set. Your boyfriend will be in 7th heaven. The price is moderate - from 600 and above.
  • Mini weather station. The little thing is not exactly necessary, but for the soul. The price is also 650 rubles.
  • Spyglass– from 700 rubles.
  • Punching bag. Such a thing will help you let off steam in time without harming others and, on occasion, to practice so as not to lose your grip. From 1600 rubles.

And yes, don’t forget about intangible gifts:

  • Ride in a hot air balloon.
  • Skydiving.
  • Paintball subscription.
  • Walking with horses.

Such gifts will become memorable in the New Year. This day will become one of the most joyful in his life.

Romantic gift for your loved one

First of all, miracles and something incredible but beautiful are expected from the New Year. For this reason, New Year is such a holiday when you can openly say how you feel. Thanks to this, you can give a romantic dinner with candles.

There is a whole article about how to create such a magical evening, and choosing something suitable will not be difficult. But pay the main attention to what you will be doing. If you are going to give such a gift, then the initiative should also come from you.


I have loved the New Year since childhood, looking forward to this magical night almost from the beginning of autumn. As we grow up, we all no longer believe in Santa Claus, and we ourselves begin to give joy to our relatives with our gifts, because it’s so cool!

Do you know who is the first to start thinking about gifts, no matter what the occasion? Of course we girls. How to please your loved one? What to prepare and? And there is more. How difficult it is for us.

Unfortunately, choosing the right gift is a special art. Indeed, what to give a guy for the New Year so as to please him, show his love, but not make him feel obligated? Let's look at the most interesting ideas!

There is still time before the New Year and you can calmly and slowly find out what your boyfriend wants, what he likes, what he is interested in. If you have been together for a long time and already know him inside and out (as you think), then perhaps it will be easier for you. If not, then pay attention and keep track of all the little things.

  1. Go shopping with him, stop at the windows and unobtrusively ask him what he liked. You will definitely see the guy's reaction to the thing that attracted his attention.
  2. Now there are wish lists - take a look there
  3. If there is no such list, then sit down and write down his interests, hobbies, hobbies, what he likes to do in his free time with friends
  4. Decide on a budget and time frame. If you have enough time, order a gift in the online store. For this article, I looked for gifts on Aliexpress, online stores Mister Geek and Valley of Gifts. Take a stroll through their pages and you will find a lot of interesting things.

A good friend of mine has selected gifts for the guys for the New Year - all that remains is to choose.

Put yourself in his place - whatever you absolutely would not like to receive as a gift from a guy. Most likely, this list will include: shower sets, towels, kitchen utensils (well, of course, if you are not a fan - a cook who lives for it) or household little things that are constantly needed, but absolutely not included in the list of gifts.

So what is it not recommended to give to men:

  • Socks, panties
  • Shaving accessories (he can easily buy them himself)
  • Figurines, vases, souvenirs, piggy banks
  • Soft toys (not all girls love them, and boys don’t even need them)
  • Candles, New Year's symbols of the year
  • Money (Imagine that you were given a cash gift. Did you imagine it? Well, how does it feel?)
  • And don't give too expensive a gift. You might embarrass your boyfriend.

Romantic gifts

Sometimes you don't need to spend a lot of money to show your feelings. This is especially true at a young age, because where can schoolchildren in love get funds to purchase expensive equipment or jewelry? But this doesn’t mean that it’s inexpensive – it just means that sometimes small, but lovingly chosen gifts become a guy’s favorite things.

So, you can give:

  • a mug with the name of a loved one, a zodiac sign, a joint photo, fortunately, now there is a stamp on objects in every city;
  • stylish phone case, you can decorate it with your own image;
  • a dinner prepared with your own hands or just a cake, pizza, a plate of goodies, the main thing is made with love and in the guy’s taste;
  • a board game for an interesting way to spend evenings together;
  • a bottle of a good drink that you can drink together or in the company of friends;
  • chocolate set with photos
  • paired T-shirts
  • favorite perfume, only if you know for sure that this gift will make him happy
  • kamasheet - is a playing field on which seven poses from the well-known Kama Sutra are recreated. Try it - you'll laugh and do some gymnastics, a romantic date in an unusual place or a night in a hotel for newlyweds
  • custom made puzzles. As a basis, you can take a joint photo or a thematic picture of your holiday or New Year
  • evening of role-playing games (you are a flight attendant in the appropriate outfit or a nurse)
  • write poems or congratulations. You can order (there are many offers on the Internet)
  • if you love active holidays in Russia or abroad, make your travel map
  • table for breakfast in bed - don’t be lazy to prepare coffee and cookies and present it to your sweetheart
  • couple portrait from photo– to order, send a photo, and receive a painting framed on canvas, payment after receiving the order
  • clock food love and sleep - the difference between this clock and that is that it shows what needs to be done at exactly this time. All you have to do is choose what you will do

You can see even more gifts. I wandered onto this site and got stuck for a long time. There is a huge catalog of gifts for everyone, which allows you to save time and order for everyone at once.

DIY gifts for boyfriend

Who said that modern girls don't know how to do needlework? It’s not true, and there are a lot of master classes on the Internet where they will tell you about the features of this technique in a simple and accessible way, and certainly no one will have such a gift! So, you can:

  • knit a scarf, sweater, vest for your loved one
  • make a photo collage of photos together over the past year
  • create a film or slide show from photographs and short videos with the participation of a couple in a special program
  • insulated knitted cup cover
  • hand-decorated T-shirt or cup
  • homemade frame with the best photo of the couple
  • a greeting poster in which you can use sweets in packages, you can even make up a whole story from them - there are examples on the Internet
  • learn and perform an erotic dance in skimpy underwear - he will not forget such an unusual congratulation for a long time
  • bake a pie or cake with original decoration. You can order a print of your photo on the waffle and decorate the cake with it
  • make your own wish checkbook. The young man takes one page out of the book, reads out a wish, and you fulfill it.

Luxury gifts

If funds allow, and the relationship is long and close enough, then you can give your loved one a truly valuable gift:


Sometimes such an original congratulation is remembered for many years, unlike faceless cosmetic sets and underwear sets. True, here you need to take into account the character, characteristics and health of your loved one. For example, if he has a weak heart, then you should not drag him onto the ride from the bridge on an elastic band, otherwise he will have to spend the holidays in the hospital. Or a man who is too active and full of life is unlikely to appreciate engaging in traditionally feminine hobbies, for example, needlework. Otherwise, you can donate:

  • flight in an air tube
  • extreme driving lesson
  • horseback riding
  • acting courses
  • cooking course
  • joint procedure in the spa
  • paintball game
  • karting
  • quest room tour
  • dancing, wrestling, fencing, vocal lessons
  • skating rink tickets
  • master - archery class
  • visit to the water park
  • night tour of the rooftops for two
  • Digger's tour of the city's dungeons - you will walk under the houses, see secret signs inscribed on the vaults of caves (for extreme sports enthusiasts)
  • going to a strip bar and definitely together - keep in mind that after such a party your boyfriend will be heated and will definitely demand more
  • certificate for learning to play the guitar
  • climbing wall certificate
  • tickets for private cinema screenings
  • shooting club certificate
  • cartoons for your love story to order.

What to give your boyfriend for New Year? Gifts based on hobbies

Of course, the gift should correspond to the tastes and hobbies of the man; it is unlikely that a calm, shy guy will be happy with a document for a parachute jump or extreme dancing, and an entertainment lover will not be happy with a classic book. Take a closer look at your lover and think about what he lacks in life.

If your boyfriend is an athlete

If your boyfriend is an athlete, then this category has a huge selection in different price ranges. Take a closer look at what kind of sport he gravitates towards.

  • maybe he is a football fan - then buy him a ticket to the game of his favorite team, for one, and go with him - you will see what fills his life, and you can share his passion. Believe me, he will definitely appreciate it
  • beer football helmet ideal for fans
  • An original gift for your loved one will be an accessory with autographs of famous athletes or the emblem of a sports club. Such gifts can be “caught” in online communities
  • personalized hockey puck. At your request, the guy’s name will be placed on the product - he will be pleased to know that you approached the choice of a gift individually
  • if he is busy with work and studies at home, then give him the desired course of video training
  • For home training, a horizontal bar and a table punching bag are suitable. Using a pear you can relieve accumulated dissatisfaction. Any person has unfavorable days - sometimes he doesn't get along at work, sometimes the car breaks down, sometimes he spills coffee on his shirt. To avoid losing your temper with loved ones, a pear is perfect. It will also add physical fitness
  • A dance mat is an excellent option to lose a few kilograms while listening to lively music. Connects to TV and computer
  • purchase a large punching bag, gloves and sports equipment or buy a gift certificate to a store at Sportmaster
  • Funny Book gift set with flask and shot glasses inside. Remember that a book is the best gift
  • T-shirt Russia. Bright and stylish. You can choose with any inscriptions
  • Smart watches are now a trend for young people who take care of themselves. Tracks steps and calories. There is an alarm clock and many more features
  • from the same series fitness bracelet with the function of tracking sleep phases and waking up with it is easier. Counts steps, measures blood pressure, connects the app to your phone
  • baseball bat— a flashlight is ideal for outdoor recreation.

Hobbies of hunting, fishing or outdoor activities

Among my friends there are fans of both hunting and fishing. Fishing enthusiasts will love:

  • a set of tackle, a thermos, camping dishes, a chair for sitting on the shore, and perhaps even a fishing rod
  • personalized multitool. When ordering, just write the name that will appear on the multifunctional device. This device can replace an entire arsenal of tools. It is convenient to take it with you on vacation. My husband, for example, always carries a multitool in his bag, so he can fix anything at any time
  • digital compass
  • GPS navigator
  • flashlight
  • gas spray for self-defense
  • fishing box
  • lighter with engraving
  • original alarm clock with target. Getting up in the morning is a problem for many people. The highlight of this alarm clock is that when the signal is triggered, a target pops up, and to turn it off you need to hit it. And this is not easy if you haven’t woken up yet. Can also be used to play with friends
  • personalized flask for the best fisherman
  • funny book “Notes of a Hunter”
  • portrait from photo while hunting
  • travel survival gear. This includes a knife, carabiners, slingshot and much more that will help you survive in harsh conditions
  • waterproof monocular
  • thermal bag for a picnic.

Computer genius or photographer

If a guy often sits at the computer, then this will come in handy for him:

  • good wireless mouse
  • gaming keyboard
  • joystick
  • flash drive
  • rug and other small items
  • headphones - earbuds
  • or wireless folding headphones
  • stylus pen for mobile phone/tablet
  • universal external battery
  • thermo - mug coasters that retain the heat of the drink
  • computer chair
  • LED flash
  • selfie stick
  • flash card or memory card for computer
  • microphone for computer

For a photographer, the following items will be indispensable:

  • reflector
  • adjustable tripod
  • flash
  • selfie remote. The pictures will turn out better and your hands will disappear from the frame, which sometimes happens when shooting
  • Personalized stylish gift set Chancellor, which includes a diary, pen and charger. Everything is done in the same style
  • chameleon mug - the indicator will show whether your drink is hot and how much is left
  • charger for phones and tablets
  • case for phone
  • gaming headphones
  • bag for hard drive, headphones, cables
  • wireless speaker.

Gifts for motorists

Your boyfriend has a car, which means he will like accessories for his favorite horse. The car enthusiast will appreciate:

  • DVR
  • navigator
  • mobile cup warmer
  • a certificate for washing, dry cleaning or technical inspection, and even just a beautiful fragrance for the interior
  • radar detector
  • heated car massage cap
  • soft seat covers
  • certificate for a radio for a car shop
  • travel car tool kit
  • personalized thermo glass
  • car thermal mug
  • folding auto shovel
  • personalized cover for documents
  • frame for the issue “King of the Roads”
  • T-shirt with the inscription: this is what the best driver in the world looks like
  • car panel toy
  • bag - organizer for storing in the car on the seat.

If your boyfriend is a jack of all trades out of boredom

If a guy has golden hands, he will definitely need any tools:

  • various tool sets
  • toolbox
  • blowtorch
  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • electronic roulette
  • ultrasonic range finder
  • electric screwdriver
  • portable multifunctional pliers.

According to Patron of the Year

The patron saint of the approaching year is the Yellow Pig, which has a whole set of qualities - practicality, exactingness, wisdom, ardor, determination. Therefore, for 2019 it is worth giving appropriate gifts:

  • useful (equipment, devices, household items);
  • for the development of the mind (board games, books, certificates for teaching music, various hobbies);
  • for beauty and strength (sports equipment, cosmetics, because a man should also be beautiful);
  • for style (beautiful clothes, accessories, fashionable gadgets);
  • universal – gold;
  • emotional (certificate for ice skating, paintball, skydiving, horseback riding, traveling).

Inexpensive, unusual and interesting gifts

If you don’t have a lot of money, but you want to surprise and please a guy, then it doesn’t matter - you can choose gifts within 1000 rubles. For example:

  • I personally bought the book - a safe - at the Castorama hardware store. Price from 690 rubles depending on size
  • darts table game worth 990 rubles
  • assortment of the store Old Soldier or Expedition
  • chameleon mug 490 RUR
  • fortune cookies for the New Year. Only 590 rubles
  • gas canister
  • slingshot - they are still such children.

And toys are more serious and more expensive:

  • air gun
  • radio controlled helicopter
    My husband bought himself a car - an exact copy of his and, of course, with radio control. Plays by himself, doesn’t even let his grandchildren
  • Flip flop portraits are portraits for which drawing skills are not required. Interested? Type in the search and find out more details
  • a bottle of wine from the vintage of his birth
  • Nowadays there is a fashion for a well-groomed beard and mustache - there are special men's hairdressing salons - barbeshops. Buy a certificate for a royal shave.
  • drink dispenser.

Original and funny gifts for a guy with a sense of humor

If you are lucky and your boyfriend has a sense of humor, then check out a joke store.

  • cool apron Santa Claus
  • game for adults
  • beer helmet boss
  • flash drive with an original shape in the form of a bullet, can be used as a keychain
  • order for your loved one congratulations from Santa Claus to your home, or at least video with congratulations from Santa in the Snow
  • toilet golf.

Classic gifts

Gifts in a classic style are suitable for a serious guy. If he is an office worker, choose:

  • diary with genuine leather cover
  • branded stationery set
  • solid leather briefcase
  • business card holder
  • quality belt
  • lighter with engraving
  • lunch box for storing homemade snacks
  • money clip
  • quality tobacco packaging, smoking pipe
  • personalized clutch purse
  • Men's Watch
  • men's youth shoulder bag
  • travel bag for men's accessories

What can you give as clothes and accessories?

If you have been dating for a long time, then you can give one of the things. Just keep in mind that things must be of high quality. For example:

  • home clothing set – trousers + T-shirt
  • shirt
  • T-shirt, maybe with an inscription
  • belt
  • man purse
  • men's robe with personalized embroidery

How to pack beautifully and unusually

It is important not only to choose a gift, but also to decorate it beautifully. Or you can play up the gift with an unusual game so that it will be remembered for a long time. I will give examples:

  1. You choose a gift, for example, a multitool. You pack it in a gift box, tie it with an inconspicuous ribbon and hide it. You make another box, bright and shiny, and put a multitool cut out of cardboard there. You can wrap it in shiny paper. Write on the box - demo - version of the multitool. To get it, you need to follow the instructions. The instructions contain several sheets of tasks. Come up with the tasks yourself, but I’ll give you a hint - kiss me, say kind words, hug me, etc. After completing the tasks, give the Demo version of the gift. And then the real one
  2. In this case, a certificate or a small gift will be suitable as a gift. Take a box, put small gifts or just candies wrapped in wrapping paper into it. You put the real gift at the bottom so that it is difficult to get there. The certificate can be rolled up and wrapped in paper
  3. You can prepare several gifts of different denominations, even some kind of wish. For example, I undertake to buy tickets to the skating rink. Take boxes from under shoe covers or kinders, write pieces of paper describing the gift and put them in the boxes. Stick a number on each one in order, so that the main gift is at the very bottom. The guy pulls out such a candy with filling, opens it, reads it and receives a gift
  4. Instead of wrapping paper, you can use a collage of your photos
  5. I once decorated a box in decoupage style for my husband’s friend’s anniversary, using photographs of the birthday boy. They were very surprised by the gift and looked more at the packaging than the gift itself
  6. Gift boxes can be decorated with New Year's paraphernalia - tinsel, snow, figurines, confetti
  7. You can take several boxes of different sizes and put them inside one another like a nesting doll.
  8. And the easiest way is to buy gift wrapping

Of course, there are no universal tips for choosing gifts, and the decision of what to give a guy for the New Year needs to be decided individually, taking into account the character and hobbies of your loved one. After all, who, if not a girl, knows about the dreams of the person she loves most! I hope these tips will help you organize an unforgettable holiday and pleasantly surprise your boyfriend with your gift.

I sincerely wish you a merry and happy New Year, see you soon, do not forget to subscribe to our block - there are still many interesting topics ahead!

New Year, even the most respectable man, at least for a moment, wants to feel like a little boy who is overcome with delight at the sight of multi-colored packages lying under the Christmas tree. A loving wife will definitely want to please her husband with gifts, however, she may face difficulties in choosing.

Indeed, deciding what to give your husband for New Year can be difficult. Especially if the spouses have been living together for several years and all the “obligatory” gifts, in the form of ties, razors and watches, have already been made.

Basic selection rules

When planning to give your husband the best gift for the New Year, you need to remember the basic rules of choice:

  • Don't forget who gets the gift. Even if you really like that cute blanket with chrysanthemums or that beautiful table lamp with dangles, you shouldn’t buy these things. First, think about whether the gift recipient will like them, because you are choosing not just an item for the house, but a gift for a specific person. Therefore, take into account your husband’s taste when choosing, even if it does not coincide with yours.

  • We use reconnaissance tactics. To truly choose the best gift, you need to try to find out what exactly your husband wants to receive. You can ask directly, in some families it is customary to directly order gifts for each other, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if you want to make a surprise, you will have to “play scout” for a while. Listen to your husband's conversations, maybe he will casually mention that he would like to have this or that thing, but now is not the time to buy it. Take a closer look at which departments in the store your husband stops at and what things he pays attention to. But be careful, it may happen that your husband will get ahead of you and buy the thing he needs on his own, even before the holiday. And then your pleasant surprise can be considered unsuccessful.
  • A friend can help. It happens that no matter how hard you try, you cannot “find out” information about the desired gifts for your husband. In this case, you can turn to a close friend of your spouse for help. If they communicate closely enough and, moreover, have a common hobby, then the friend will definitely give useful advice. And if the wife doesn’t know much about her husband’s hobby, then his friend can help and choose a gift. For example, if the spouse is not interested in fishing, then she is unlikely to be able to choose a good spinning rod, so she will need the help of a knowledgeable person.

  • Decide on a gift budget. Some wives believe that an expensive gift is always better. In fact, this is not always the case. Of course, if the family does not experience any financial problems, then the spouse can buy whatever comes to her mind. If the financial situation is unstable, or the family is trying to save up funds for a large purchase (an apartment, a car, etc.), then the spouse may not only not be happy, but also angry that a large amount was spent “on nonsense,” even if this “nonsense” "bought for him as a gift. Especially if the wife does not work and the main income of the family consists of the husband’s earnings. In this case, it is better to choose an inexpensive but pleasant gift, or even make a surprise with your own hands.
  • We take into account the character of the spouse. When choosing a gift, you must take into account the character of your spouse. Wives, as a rule, know their husbands well, so they can immediately tell what type of gift he will like. There are men who are practical by nature. They need to be given only useful gifts, even if it is not very original, but the donated item can be used for its intended purpose. Some representatives of the stronger sex remain romantics at heart. In this case, it is worth choosing an unusual gift for your husband for the New Year, even if the purchased item will not bring practical benefit to your spouse.

Gifts related to hobbies

The ability to choose gifts is not always an innate quality, but it can be learned. One of the most advantageous options are things that are related to your spouse’s hobby. If a person is truly passionate about something, then he will always be glad to receive something from this area.

If your husband prefers to spend his free time in nature, then you can pick him up as a gift at a store selling outdoor products. You can choose a new high-quality sleeping bag or convenient folding chair, buy a good one metal thermos or unbreakable cookware set. If your husband is interested in winter hunting or fishing, then he will be glad to receive thermal underwear or a warm coat as a gift. comfortable suit– overalls and jacket for outdoor recreation. If the spouse already has all this “on the household”, then you can choose a good one fur blanket, this thing will warm the traveler even in severe frost.

If your husband loves music, then he should choose a gift from this area. Maybe he needs a new one player or headphones? Or maybe he will be pleased with new recordings of his favorite artists or a ticket to a concert of a group whose work he likes. If you decide to make an original gift for your husband for the New Year, then you can buy him bathroom radio non-standard design, for example, in the shape of a starfish or submarine.

If your husband plays music himself, then you need to pick up a gift for him in a musical instrument store. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to pick up the instrument itself (here, like when buying shoes and clothes, you need to “try on” the instrument for yourself), but you can purchase accessories that any musician needs as a gift.

If the husband is an avid motorist, then there should be no problems with choosing gifts. Any major auto store offers a huge selection of gifts for car enthusiasts. Of course, there is no point in buying a spare part for a car, but you can buy:

  • compressor powered by cigarette lighter;
  • a set of tools in a convenient suitcase;
  • a special organizer that allows you to maintain perfect order in the trunk;
  • new covers, or massage or fur seat covers;
  • car coffee maker connected to the cigarette lighter;
  • navigator or video recorder;
  • cute cushions for the interior;
  • “antisleep” device - my husband will like this gift if he spends a lot of time on the road;
  • new modern car radio.

Most men will be happy to receive necessary or simply pleasant things for the New Year computer accessories. If possible, you can please your beloved spouse with new products - buy a more powerful laptop or a more modern smartphone.

If your budget for buying gifts is modest, you can choose an inexpensive but “cool” gift for your husband for the New Year. For example, special backlight lamp for tablet funny shape, mini fridge for storing Coca-Cola cans, connected to a computer via a USB connector. There are many different cool and at the same time useful accessories; just look in the specialized department of the store to find something suitable.

It used to be that the best gift was a book. If a man loves to read, then this gift will still be very relevant today. You can give an electronic book by pre-loading the works of your spouse’s favorite authors into it. But if your husband is a conservative, then you can buy a series of regular books in his favorite genre.


New Year is a fun holiday, so it’s quite possible to buy some funny souvenir as a gift for your spouse. You can give a gift “with a hint”.

For example, if your spouse is a sleepyhead and getting out of bed on time is a problem for him, you can give him flying or running away alarm clock. To turn off the alarm, you will have to run after it, and, having already gotten out of bed, your husband is unlikely to go back to bed.

If your spouse is a little lazy, give him a teapot a cup that mixes the sugar itself. By the way, having such a cup will eliminate the need to collect teaspoons throughout the house.

You can give a gift to a spouse who spends all day and night at work nice pillow, which in appearance resembles a regular paper folder. The presence of such a pillow in the office will allow the spouse to spend time in comfort during moments of relaxation.

Another gift option from this series is funny slippers. You can purchase them or knit (sew) yourself. You can choose slippers in the form of a symbol of the coming year. And if the husband likes to spend time playing “tanks,” then the slippers can be made in the form of combat vehicles.

You can purchase a T-shirt and have an image or message of your choice printed on it. For example, you can write “This is what the best husband looks like” on a T-shirt, or decorate the clothes with a photo of you together.

Let's add a little romance

There are a lot of worries in everyday life, so many spouses rarely say words of love to each other, although they value each other very much. But on holidays, you can forget about the everyday hustle and bustle and prepare a romantic gift for your husband for the New Year.

The simplest option is romantic dinner for two at home. The main condition of this event is that you must be left alone with your spouse, so the children need to be put to bed early or sent to their grandmothers.

Think over the dinner menu; it is better to include your husband’s favorite dishes, even if he prefers prosaic food like potatoes with meat, seafood and other gourmet food that women’s magazines recommend preparing for a romantic evening. A hungry husband is unlikely to be in the mood for romance, so you shouldn't experiment with food. But it is also important not to overfeed your spouse, otherwise after dinner he will begin to doze off, and the rest of the evening’s program will be ruined.

In addition to dinner, you need to prepare the creative part of the evening. For example, you can take a strip-plasty course in advance and prepare an erotic dance for your spouse. If you are not comfortable with choreography, just tell your husband how much you love him. Most likely, such a gift will touch your spouse to the core.

If staying at home alone is unrealistic, but there is a chance to entrust the care of the children to grandmothers (or the children are old enough to take care of themselves), then it’s worth organize an offsite event. If possible, it is better to go to a holiday home for a few days. If this is not possible, you can arrange a romantic evening in a restaurant.

Pleasant emotions

In principle, the purpose of any gift is to evoke pleasant emotions in the recipient. But you can give not just something that will please, but interesting entertainment or adventure.

For example, you can “cooperate” with the wives of your husband’s friends and make a common gift - a certificate for the game paintball, for a visit bowling club or for any other entertainment that the gift recipients will like.

Can be given as a gift pool pass or a gym, with these gifts the spouse will emphasize that she cares about her husband’s health. If your spouse wants to learn some new skills, then as a gift you can pay for training in courses that are interesting to him. Maybe he wants to master extreme driving? Or have you long wanted to learn horse riding?

You can buy tickets for any entertainment events - sporting events, concerts, performances etc. The main thing is that this event arouses interest in the husband.

Inexpensive gifts

If you can’t make a substantial gift, then don’t be upset. You can give your husband an inexpensive, but useful thing for him. Even simple woolen socks knitted with love by the wife are a wonderful gift, in which a piece of the giver’s soul is embedded.

You should also choose inexpensive gifts for your ex-husband for the New Year if you have maintained a good relationship after the divorce. Small souvenir, wall or desk calendar These are perfectly acceptable gifts for your ex-spouse. If you give something expensive or personal, such a gift may be perceived as an offer to renew a relationship and cause a negative reaction from your current wife or girlfriend.

The choice of gifts is quite wide, you just need to think about which ones will really please your husband.

As the New Year approaches, the “hot time” for searching for gifts comes. This is not an easy task, especially if you want to choose something stunning to amaze and please your loved one. One of the most difficult problems is to decide what to give your beloved guy for New Year 2019. Our tips and tricks on choosing the best gift will help you decide.

Romantic gifts for a guy for New Year 2019

Romance is an integral part of a happy relationship. That’s why it’s so important to remind yourself of your feelings and not be afraid to express them publicly. Romantic gifts are one of the ways to once again demonstrate your feelings and please your loved one. Plus, cute, romantic items are often inexpensive and won't put a big dent in your wallet. The best ideas for such gifts:

Paired T-shirts. The inscriptions or pictures on them should complement each other. Then you will show the whole world that you are a couple and happy together.
Funny cups for two, for example, with painted lips and mustaches.
Photo frame in the shape of a heart or two. A good option is a frame in the shape of a levitating heart. It looks romantic and will appeal to lovers of technical innovations.
Mittens for two. This is a warm and cozy gift just in time for the New Year.
Salt lamp in the shape of a heart. Many people talk about the benefits of such lamps, but they have not been proven. But the aesthetic side of the present is definitely up to par.
A game for lovers. It will help you never get bored, even if you have nothing to do.

What to give a guy for the New Year 2019 gift list

Clothes and accessories will never be out of place in any young man's wardrobe. Moreover, if they are chosen with taste, love and knowledge of what he prefers to wear. You need to know the size, preferences in color, style of products.

A men's shirt is a very popular gift. A friend of mine works in a store, in the men's department, and says that before the holiday they always have a queue of people wanting to buy a shirt as a gift. Those who do not know the size bring from home the shirt that the man is already wearing. Or simply dimensions are measured using a centimeter. As a last resort, you can check the size at the collar; the height of the product is also indicated there. The approximate price of a decent shirt is 1000 rubles and above.

What color shirt to choose interests everyone! And here they choose using the following criteria:

  • loves to wear this color the most
  • all the colors are already there, but he doesn’t have this color
  • this one will match his suit color
  • at work he has a dress code, and therefore only needs a certain color

And recently, very often they have begun to choose a shirt according to the color of the Zodiac Sign of the animal whose year we will be celebrating. And these are all shades of pink, red, burgundy and purple. Yellow colors, all pure shades of green, champagne and natural white are also welcome.

  • T-shirt, needed always and everywhere. You can purchase a T-shirt in advance and put some memorable inscription or design on it. T-shirt price from 500 rubles
  • tie, bow tie. There are just a huge number of ties on sale now, some of them are very original. And bow ties are becoming an increasingly fashionable accessory every year, and young people wear them with pleasure. Price from 400 rubles to 1000. And note, there are never too many ties and bow ties in any man’s wardrobe.
  • cufflinks or tie clip, the price, of course, varies, but you can keep it under 500 rubles
    A belt is another necessary item in your wardrobe. If you buy a good quality leather belt for your boyfriend, he will wear it for a long time with gratitude. Please note that belts can be denim or trouser. Pay attention to this when purchasing. Price from 400 rubles.
  • An umbrella - automatic or semi-automatic, is always needed by everyone. Price from 800 rubles
    scarf or muffler. Now you can find very interesting ones that your boyfriend will certainly like. Price from 400 rubles
  • gloves are definitely a necessary accessory, especially considering the fact that gloves tend to get lost all the time! Price for leather gloves from 700 rubles
  • a winter cap or baseball cap will not leave any guy indifferent, even if he already has something similar. Price from 400 rubles.
  • A watch is a chic sign of attention that can be bought from 500 rubles to plus infinity
  • sunglasses - although it is winter now, but with good and correct wishes, it will be well received! The price of more or less decent glasses in a case starts from 1000 rubles
  • a small backpack, briefcase or shoulder bag - anyone will be happy with such a necessary thing. Moreover, now there is such a variety of models, well, just for every taste! Approximate price from 1500 rubles.
  • a wallet, purse or key holder - another necessary thing for everyone, average price from 500 rubles

What to give a guy for New Year 2019 original

A list of original ideas on what you can give a guy for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar). The article reveals the nuances of girls making New Year's gifts to their beloved young people and just good guys - friends, presents the types of various gifts, including from the heart, romantic and practical. New Year 2019 - the year of the yellow earthen pig, a symbol of calm and generosity, is already rushing by leaps and bounds. As a result, a significant number of girls are wondering about choosing a surprise for their boyfriend. An expensive present may not always be available, and it is not always appropriate to present such a gift to someone you don’t know very well. Instead of joy, the gifted guy may, on the contrary, be overcome by awkwardness and a sense of responsibility, which will inevitably ruin the holiday, or even the relationship in general.
In almost any case, to choose a gift, you should know the interests, hobbies, and type of activity of the recipient. Modern youth are no exception.

Therefore, the most successful inexpensive New Year's gifts for today's young man will be a variety of accessories for:

  • smartphone and tablet;
  • laptop and personal computer;
  • car;
  • active rest;
  • playing sports.

In general, all guys love useful and practical things, so they will definitely be happy with the first option:

  • creative gadget case;
  • stylish and high-quality speakers and headphones;
  • original wireless mouse;

What to give a guy for the New Year 2019 with your own hands

As the well-known wisdom says, a man wins love through his stomach. So why not feed your loved one delicious food? Wake him up with a fragrant cup of coffee and breakfast or organize a romantic New Year's dinner by candlelight. Decorate your dishes with hearts of vegetables and fruits. Show off your talent as a hostess. If your loved one has a sweet tooth, then why not give your boyfriend homemade gingerbread men and New Year-themed cookies for the New Year? Or a beautiful birthday cake?

If it so happens that you don’t have time to make a New Year’s gift for your boyfriend with your own hands, or you’re not confident in your abilities, don’t despair. Think about what your lover loves most. Collect a basket of things dear to his heart. For example, if he is a football fan, then put a couple of bottles of beer, crackers and a scarf of his favorite football team as a gift, it will be pleasant and unexpected. In addition, this way you can show a man that you know his interests, passions and support them.

Presenting a beautiful gift to a guy for the New Year with your own hands is half the success. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the thing that your chosen one will like, but also to design its packaging in an original way, then even the simplest gift will look more impressive. For a man's gift, packaging in the form of a shirt and tie, suspenders and other drawn or glued details is ideal. And an origami paper card with such a design will perfectly complement a DIY New Year’s gift for a guy.