God Ganesha tattoo meaning. Ganesh tattoo - what can it mean? The tattoo is suitable for you if you

Dozens of new styles and trends in tattoos emerge every day. Each person tries to make an impression with a unique, inimitable tattoo, so that the image has a deep meaning and emphasizes the individuality and originality of its owner. One of these that meets all these criteria is the Ganesh tattoo.

History of origin

This image came to our culture from a distant place for us, but no less attractive - Hinduism. Ganesha in Indian religion is a deity who embodies wisdom, luck and fulfillment of desires. According to the ancient, sacred book of all Hindus, the Rig Veda, Ganesha is one of the deities who was the son of great deities - Shiva and his wife, Parvati, which in turn makes him an unusually powerful celestial.

His image, citing data from researchers of Indian culture, arose about three and a half thousand years ago. As is known, in addition to immortality, he has many qualities that clearly distinguish him from the rest of the pantheon of god-like beings of Indian culture.

Ganesha, according to legends, is the leader of the heavenly army, which, unlike his brother, is controlled by the mind, and not by force and fear. The appearance of Ganesha, unlike most Hindu gods, is very strange. Most often he is depicted as a large man, with the head of an elephant and many arms. In this image, every detail is specific and has a hidden meaning, be it the number of hands, symbolizing the level of enlightenment, or a large belly, a symbol of wealth and generosity.

Symbolism in the image

At the moment, everyone who is interested in Eastern culture, namely India, knows what a deity is. The photo of Ganesha shows the following symbols, the interpretation of which is presented below:

  • Instead of a human head, an elephant's head is used as an image of chastity and fidelity.
  • More ears that will allow him to hear the inner prayers of people addressed to him.
  • The presence of one tusk, as a denial of ambiguity in everything.
  • High intelligence is emphasized by the presence of a trunk.
  • The generosity and prosperity that Ganesha sends to the whole world is hidden in his big belly.

Ganesha tattoo

A tattoo with the image of Ganesha is very beautiful, large-scale, most often made in bright, mesmerizing colors in the Indian style. Although more and more you can find this tattoo made using one color of paint, which does not affect its attractiveness in any way, but rather gives an atmosphere of seriousness and inspires respect for its owner. Many tattoos depict Ganesh in full body, and there are also options where he sits on a rat, dances, or just Ganesh’s face, without a torso. When drawing the number of hands of a deity, each person is guided by his own vision and meaning, because there can be from two to thirty-two pieces. The customer also chooses what Ganesha will hold in these hands, be it a rosary symbolizing knowledge, an ax to break barriers on the path of life, or simply sweets as a sign of a carefree life.

A tattoo with the image of Ganesha, in its meaning, brings enlightenment and good luck to its owner, but has not gained sufficient popularity in our society. This can be explained by a lack of knowledge of the traditions and culture of the East, as well as the deep meaning hidden in the origin of the deity. A tattoo with the face of a god looks quite extraordinary, according to many ordinary people unfamiliar with Hinduism and the culture of the East. Many people are openly afraid of being considered too adventurous by getting a tattoo with an image that, to put it mildly, looks unusual.

Meaning of Ganesha Tattoo

You can start with the fact that Ganesha is a Hindu celestial, and accordingly his appearance has a more religious connotation. At the moment, a fascination with oriental motifs has become increasingly trendy in society, as well as the mass nature of Indian culture, penetrating deeper into the consciousness of many people. Most people want to show their knowledge of a particular culture, and in this case Indian, through tattooing.

The meaning of a Ganesh tattoo can be interpreted as protection during travel, mastery in oratory, or good luck in trading. For individuals interested in Hinduism, a tattoo is interpreted as a request for help and protection, as well as for guidance on the path of enlightenment and achievement of nirvana. For most people who do not delve deeply into the intricacies of origin and hidden meanings, a Ganesh tattoo will be an excellent way to emphasize their uniqueness and extravagance.

Photos and designs of Ganesha tattoo

If you just look at the photo, the first thing that catches your eye is the size, since the tattoo is really large-scale. For this reason, it is advisable to choose a large place for it - for women, the back, chest are suitable, if the customer is a man - the forearm. A person who decides to apply an image of Ganesh must choose a specialist who would correspond to the order, since there are a huge number of small details in a tattoo, and the skill of the person performing the order must correspond to the complexity of the tattoo. To begin with, it is advisable to ask the artist to prepare a sketch of the tattoo, try to immediately discuss all the details, and then start applying it to the body.

The Ganesh tattoo has a kind, positive attitude and hidden meaning; a person who decides to apply it will never regret his choice. After all, in the end he will receive a large, bright tattoo with an indescribable Indian style and the spirit of Eastern culture. The main thing in this matter is to find a good master who is able to convey all the moments of the image, while maintaining its uniqueness.

Ganesha, or as he is sometimes called Ganesh, is a multi-armed humanoid creature with the head of an elephant.

Is a Hindu deity. Patronizes merchants, writers and travelers. Ganesh, a symbol of goodness and wisdom, is revered by millions of followers of Hinduism.

According to one legend, he emerged from the divine radiance of his great father Shiva, and once upset his parent so much that he tore off his head in anger. Parvati, Ganesha's mother, cried heavily with grief, so Rudra-Shiva had mercy and placed the head of an elephant calf on the lifeless body of her son.

Who is it suitable for?
Typically, such tattoos are made by people interested in the customs and traditions of India.
Of course, the meaning of a particular tattoo depends on its owner, but the Ganesh symbol is still religious.
Ganesh tattoos are done by both men and women.
The Indian deity is suitable for a patient and wise person. Or a person who wants to acquire these qualities.

Places and style of tattoo.
Ganesha is hardly an extremely popular symbol for tattoos. Perhaps because he is religious.
Although, many people find this image very exotic and get such a tattoo simply “for beauty.”
If you decide to apply the image of this Hindu deity to your own body, it is better to do it on a large area of ​​the body: chest, back or stomach.
The original image of the deity contains many small details that cannot be conveyed on a small tattoo.

Symbol meaning

Such a tattoo may indicate a person’s involvement in Hinduism.

By the way, it is no coincidence that Ganesha is portrayed as so “well-fed”. According to Indian beliefs, in the stomach Ganesh holds an energy clot with the past, present and future.

Ganesh symbolizes:

  • fortitude
  • patience
  • prosperity
  • well-being

Hindus believe that such a symbol, especially if depicted on the body, will help get rid of obstacles on the path. It is also believed that Ganesh will help you find the true path.
The second name of this deity is Vignesh, which translates as “lord of obstacles.” The wisdom of Ganesha lies in the fact that, possessing colossal energy, he spends it only if the most optimal moment for this has come. It turns out that his wisdom lies in the ability to wait in the wings, in patience. If Ganesh is depicted with snake that wraps around the neck, waist or ankles - the symbol receives meaning energy conversion.
Ganesh is a many-armed creature. The number of hands he has in different images ranges from 4 to 32 hands. In them, he can hold a variety of items:

  • rosary - a symbol of the desire for knowledge,
  • ax - to remove obstacles,
  • loop - to catch difficulties along the way,
  • sweets are a delight for the soul.

In general, such a tattoo is done by people striving to achieve success. It is believed that Ganesh helps remove obstacles, both spiritual and material. But Ganesh is willful and will not help greedy and evil people.


Video about how to get a tattoo with the image of Ganesh:


Elephant-headed god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, patron of trade and travelers.

Genealogy. In the epic and puranas son of Shiva and Parvati, brother of Skanda. Wives Buddhi (“mind”) and Siddhi (“success”). According to the Varaha Purana, he arose from the radiance of Shiva.


Ganapati "lord of Ghana" (previously the title Ganapati belonged to Shiva or Rudra); Ghatodara "Thick-bellied"; Vighnesha “Lord of Obstacles”; Ekadanta “One tooth”.

A deity who forms the retinue of Shiva. He appears in the Hindu pantheon relatively late, in the early Middle Ages, but immediately occupies an honorable position in it and is one of the most popular and revered Indian gods. He is called upon to help when undertaking an important task.

Images and temples are especially common in the south.

Versions of the birth of Ganesha.

* Varaha Purana. The gods turned to Shiva with a request to create a god who would prevent the commission of evil deeds, and Ganesha emerged from the radiance of Shiva's greatness.
** “Brihaddharma Purana” (II book). After the birth of Skanda, Shiva refused to “indulge in lovemaking” for the sake of offspring, but Parvati passionately desired a son. The angry Shiva rolled up the goddess's robe and handed it into her hands: “Here is your son, Parvati.” “How can this piece of cloth replace my son?” she objected. But as she spoke, she accidentally pressed the bundle to her chest. As soon as the bundle touched the goddess’s chest, it came to life and Parvati ordered the priests to perform the rituals required for the birth of a son.

Versions of the "appearance" of the elephant's head.

* They forgot to invite the god Shani to the celebration in honor of the birth of Ganesha, and out of revenge, he incinerated the baby’s head with his gaze. Brahma advised Parvati to give him the head of the first creature she came across. It turned out to be an elephant.

** According to one legend, Shiva himself cut off his son’s head, angry that Ganesha did not let him into Parvati’s chambers. Then, to console his wife, he placed the head of an elephant nearby to his body.
*** "Varaha Purana". Ganesha lost his head due to the curse of Parvati, who was dissatisfied with his birth.
**** “Brihaddharma Purana” (II book). After the birth of Ganesha, all the gods were invited to a festival where everyone could look at the baby. Only Shani did not honor Parvati and her son, because... he was cursed by his wife for neglecting her, and from his gaze everything that the gaze of God fell on perished. Parvati ignored Shani's warning and asked him to look at her son. As soon as Shani looked at Ganesha, the baby's head separated from the body and fell to the ground. Even Shiva failed to resurrect the baby. Then a voice came from heaven, ordering to “put” the head of the one who “sleeps facing north” on Ganesha’s shoulders. Shiva’s servant Nandin was sent to search for the head, and after long wanderings he came to the capital of the heavenly kingdom of Amaravati. At the gate of the city he saw Airavata, Indra's elephant, lying with his head to the north. Having won the battle with Indra, Nandin cut off the elephant's head and returned to Shiva. The young god came to life and, at the behest of Shiva, became the head of the ganas (hosts of Shiva’s servants), having received from Brahma The name is Ganesha, "Lord of Hosts." Indra came to Shiva with repentance and, as a sign of forgiveness, Shiva ordered the body of the headless elephant to be thrown into the ocean so that it would gain a new head, after which the resurrected Airavata returned to Indra.

Ganesha, or as he is sometimes called Ganesh, is a multi-armed humanoid creature with the head of an elephant.

Is a Hindu deity. Patronizes merchants, writers and travelers. Ganesh, a symbol of goodness and wisdom, is revered by millions of followers of Hinduism.

According to one legend, he emerged from the divine radiance of his great father Shiva, and once upset his parent so much that he tore off his head in anger. Parvati, Ganesha's mother, cried heavily with grief, so Rudra-Shiva had mercy and placed the head of an elephant calf on the lifeless body of her son.

Who is it suitable for?
Typically, such tattoos are made by people interested in the customs and traditions of India.
Of course, the meaning of a particular tattoo depends on its owner, but the Ganesh symbol is still religious.
Ganesh tattoos are done by both men and women.
The Indian deity is suitable for a patient and wise person. Or a person who wants to acquire these qualities.

Places and style of tattoo.
Ganesha is hardly an extremely popular symbol for tattoos. Perhaps because he is religious.
Although, many people find this image very exotic and get such a tattoo simply “for beauty.”
If you decide to apply the image of this Hindu deity to your own body, it is better to do it on a large area of ​​the body: chest, back or stomach.
The original image of the deity contains many small details that cannot be conveyed on a small tattoo.

Symbol meaning

Such a tattoo may indicate a person’s involvement in Hinduism.

By the way, it is no coincidence that Ganesha is portrayed as so “well-fed”. According to Indian beliefs, in the stomach Ganesh holds an energy clot with the past, present and future.

Ganesh symbolizes:

  • fortitude
  • patience
  • prosperity
  • well-being

Hindus believe that such a symbol, especially if depicted on the body, will help get rid of obstacles on the path. It is also believed that Ganesh will help you find the true path.
The second name of this deity is Vignesh, which translates as “lord of obstacles.” The wisdom of Ganesha lies in the fact that, possessing colossal energy, he spends it only if the most optimal moment for this has come. It turns out that his wisdom lies in the ability to wait in the wings, in patience. If Ganesh is depicted with snake that wraps around the neck, waist or ankles - the symbol receives meaning energy conversion.
Ganesh is a many-armed creature. The number of hands he has in different images ranges from 4 to 32 hands. In them, he can hold a variety of items:

  • rosary - a symbol of the desire for knowledge,
  • ax - to remove obstacles,
  • loop - to catch difficulties along the way,
  • sweets are a delight for the soul.

In general, such a tattoo is done by people striving to achieve success. It is believed that Ganesh helps remove obstacles, both spiritual and material. But Ganesh is willful and will not help greedy and evil people.


Video about how to get a tattoo with the image of Ganesh:

Buddhist symbols carry a deep hidden meaning, which is why they have become very popular in tattoo art as a motif for boys and girls. This article presents Buddhist tattoos and symbols that, when applied to the body, can give you happiness, protection and enlightenment.

Buddhist tattoos and designs for women and men

Buddhist tattoos have become synonymous with divinity and spirituality. Therefore, tattoo lovers around the world choose this design to symbolize their faith. Today, there are a large number of options available for application to the body, which we will discuss below.

Buddha tattoo

The image of Buddha is a wonderful option for a tattoo: it represents absolute calm and serenity. A Buddha tattoo may include additional elements to make the design more meaningful and attractive, such as trees, flowers and birds.

This Buddhist tattoo will look most successful on the forearm, on the back or on the chest.

Yantra Tattoo

The Sri Yantra tattoo refers to sacred geometry and is a diagram of the Indian goddess of happiness, beauty and love Lakshmi, also called Sri.

Yantra tattoo has a special meaning: it is intended to balance the energy in the world.

The Buddhist tattoo consists of 9 large intertwined triangles that form 43 small triangular shapes representing the universe and creation. The triangles are surrounded by two lotus flowers with 8 or 16 petals. Also, the tattoo may contain a square, symbolizing a four-door temple.

Sak Yant

Sak means tattoo, Yant means Yantra. Buddhist characters have magical powers, which is why they have been used by monks for centuries. This sacred form of tattooing is especially common in Southeast Asia, which is why many people get it while traveling to Thailand. There are different variations of Buddhist Sak Yant tattoos, which are characterized by very different geometric shapes.

Among the most famous Sak Yant motifs are Hah Tew, Gao Yord and Paed Tidt.

Angelina Jolie wears Buddhist Hah Tew patterns on her left shoulder blade. The five lines represent magical spells that protect the wearer from evil and bring him good luck, health and success.

Chakra tattoo

The chakra system originated many centuries ago in India. Each chakra is an energy center that rotates like a wheel.

Buddhist chakra tattoos provide a balanced and happy life.

If the speed is high, this chakra is too open. If the wheel rotates slowly or does not rotate at all, this means that the chakra is closed. For good health, all chakras must work smoothly and be in harmony.

Hand of Hamsa (Fatima)

This symbol is very popular in many cultures and religions. In Islam it is known as the "hand of Fatima", named after the daughter of Muhammad.

In Buddhism and Hinduism, a hand with five fingers represents five of the seven chakras. The Hamsa Charm protects against any misfortune or danger, however, for optimal protection and good luck, the fingers should point downwards.

Lotus flower

A lotus flower grows in muddy water, but it does not have a detrimental effect on its petals: they float on the surface of the water and amaze with their extraordinary beauty.

The lotus is one of the oldest symbols and has many meanings.

The lotus flower in Buddhism symbolizes purity of heart and enlightenment. The symbol also denotes rebirth, new beginnings and the path to Nirvana: these are the most common Buddhist tattoos.

Ganesha tattoo

Ganesha is the Hindu god of luck. He is also known as the "Overcomer of Obstacles" and the "Destroyer of Evil."

Its large elephant head signifies intelligence, and its curved body signifies strength and feelings. As a rule, a person gets a Buddhist Ganesha tattoo when he needs good luck and success in his endeavors.

Shiva tattoo

God Shiva is the father of Ganesha and one of the three main gods in Hinduism. Shiva is pure consciousness from which his energy (Shakti) emanates.

However, Shiva has both a positive and destructive aspect. In other words, something must end in order for something new to appear: this dissolves old habits and thereby creates space for a new beginning. This is why he is the God of transformation and change.


The Unalome tattoo is a Hindu symbol that represents the path to enlightenment. Often this sign is combined with a lotus flower and the Om sign.

Unalome is ideal as a small tattoo on the back, neck or wrist.

Buddhist sign Om

The sacred symbol Aum in Buddhism means the vibrations of the universe and all states of human consciousness. It is often chanted at the beginning and end of a yoga class and used during meditation. The idea behind Om is that everything in the universe began with vibration, it became sound, and that sound is Om.

The Buddhist symbol tattoo looks like the number 30 and allows for many associations: the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the three levels of heaven, earth and the underworld, etc. This is a kind of classic tattoo that symbolizes Buddhism.